historijsko-geografske abstract i geopolitičke U radu se razmatra doprinos Braudelova djela Sredoze- mlje i sredozemni svijet u doba Filipa II. razumijevanju konstante jadrana i i tumačenju temeljnih obilježja jadranske geopolitike ti- jekom povijesti. Težište je pritom stavljeno na historij- jadranskog prostora u sko-geografsku i geostratešku valorizaciju povijesne ulo- ge ključnih nadzornih točki u kontroli i zaštiti glavnih kontekstu braudelove longitudinalnih i transverzalnih jadranskih pomorskih koridora, kao i na geostratešku analizu odnosa Jadrana vizije sredozemlja spram ostatka Sredozemlja te napose spram njegovih bli- žih i daljih kontinentalnih zaleđa. historical- Ključne riječi: F. Braudel, povijest dugog trajanja, prirodno-geografska osnova, Sredozemlje, Jadran, geographical and kontinentalno zaleđe, historijska geografija, geopolitika geopolitical constants of the adriatic and abstract adriatic region This work deals with the contribution of the Braudel’s work The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the context of in the age of Philip II to understanding and interpretati- on of the basic characteristics of the Adriatic geopoliti- braudel’s vision of the cs through history. The focus is on the historical - geo- graphical and geostrategical valorization of the historical mediterranean role of crucial vantage points in control and protection of main longitudinal and transversal Adriatic maritime corridors as well as on the geostrategical analysis of re- lations of the Adriatic with the rest of the Mediterranean and particularly with its closer and more distant conti- nental hinterlands. Key words: F. Braudel, longue durée, natural-geograph- Petar Elez ical basis, Mediterranean, Adriatic, continental hinter- land, historical geography, geopolitics Državni arhiv u Vukovaru / State Archive Vukovar Županijska 5 HR - 32000 Vukovar
[email protected] UDK / UDC: 930.2(497.5)(210.5)”15” 911.3:94(497.5)(210.5)”15” 911.3:32(497.5)(210.5)”15” Pregledni rad / Review article Primljeno / Received: 18.