Students Suffer Flooded Rooms
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North and South ;.,:~· ~ ';· .·' . ~~. _., ' • '. • •• y ··-·~· • . ', .• \ ... ~ 'c·L···D·~· .. ~: . ... ... ' .• '\ , ' ... LIJ"".. ' .. ' .,. :: " ~ ~. : : .: . : . L. • L • ' . ... , ' ' . -· '-- ........ , < " ~· • ' THuRsDAY, NOVEMBER 14,1996 ,, ;., ' (• s··c·. ·.vtite-s"•. ' ' . ' ·'.' .. _:· Students suffer . ', to oppose flooded rooms Bv DAJ"IIELLE DEAVER "It's a situation where if the bolts are NEWS EDITOR not torqued correctly and tested and rush .. plan retorqued problems can occur." Students in two· south campus resi The steam from the water set off the dence halls have been left to bail out hall's fire alarni, causing the evacuation Bv KATE CosGROVE their rooms this week. Johnson Resi ofthe residence hall and the summoning dence Hall had flooding problems Mon of two fire trucks. day, and Bostwick Residence Hall was Facilities Management crews in After prolonged debate, the Student Govern- ; waterlogged Wednesday. spected the electrical systems ofthe build l·. meilt ·legislature passed a bill Tuesday recom The two floods seem unrelated, al ing to ensure they h~d not been dam mending that the Student Life Committee reject though they occured within two days of aged. The water to the B wing of the the proposal to end freshman Greek Rush. each other and both consisted of three to residence hall was shut off until mid According to junior Will Ashworth, SG four inches of hot water streaming into afternoon. Speaker of the House, the cabinet felt that the residence halls and rooms. The problems thatoccured in Bostwick administration's efforts to regulate rush were Freshman Neil Jenkins, a resident on Wednesday were of larger magnitude, arbitrary and a violation of students' rights to the third floor of Johnson, was in. his spreading through the l:lasement, first associate with campus organizations. In the re room when water hagan: leaking from and second floors and into several rooms. cent door-to-door survey, SG polled the student the ceiling in a bathroom Monday ·morn ·~It was like a waterfall in our room," body to learn how students regarded the issue. Of ing. ''The water was going down into the said freshman Jenny Blackford, a resi- . the students polled, 71 percent offreshmen, 69.7 light and down to the.floor. It was mak dentofthefrrstfloorofBostwick. Water P.ercent of sophomores, 77.5 percent of juniors ing a big puddle when we first saw it," he came through the ceiling in the room and lind 64.6 pe~ent of seniors were opposed to said. "We noticed it was hot water. The in the closet. The clothes in half of the deferring Rush until the sophomore year. · ceiling started to melt. closet had to be spread out in the hallway Controversy arose, however, when senior Matt "We were the last room that got because water coming throught the closet Coleman said legislators need not vote exactly flooded before they turned the water off. ceiling had wet them. · the way their. constituents want. "Mimicking The carpet was just soaked," he said. Freshman Kara Petracek, who lives what your· constituents say is not necessary," he·· Damage to carpets and items left on on the second floor of Bostwick, bad a said. "Our constituents entrust us to vote as we the floors was the worst of the damage similar experience. "Our carpet's ruined. feel we should." that occurred in Johnson, according to We just bought it. My calculator's ru- But Tina Schippers, the SG president, dis Bill Sides, thedirectorofFacilities Man ined," she said. · agreed. "Our job is to voice what students want," agement. The second'-fleor hall was also strewn she said. "We receive our strength and credibility According to Sides, three to four inches with wet clothes and other items that had from this." · of water flooded about 30 feet of the been on the floor, in a closet or near a The legislature voted to pass the bill, with only Johnson corridor and about six rooms. wall. one member in opposition. · The'water came down through the ceil Petracek said that hot water came un According to SLC member sophomore.Tina. ing after a connection between two wa der the door of her room from the hall Carlucci, the administration ipitiillly s~ggested a· ter pipes failed. Sides believes that a bolt way, until there were three to four inches deferred rush because it felt that pledging Pro~ holding a gasket between two pipes on the floor. vided a strain on acaderirics,~J*.i~!Yf,()~ fresh~· worked loose, allowing water to leak Sides was unable to comment at press men. The Student Life Committee wilhnake the through the gasket. time, but the university news bureau said ultilnate d.ecision about defeiri~g\Ruslrnext,se-;~'-· . dJ:()nl?t:,;f«lll · ·"It's a: condition when we had a ·cop that the leak was related to mechanical:-· mester. · · · .. : · · .. , . ·.. · ·: '. · .~- · . , . .. , ., . ... · . · · · · · . · · .'·per \vater line c<mnected to a steel line. problems with one of the bathrooms. A Schippers also announced that SG was silc~· Two workers''e'.copper roof of the bell.tower of Wait Chapel, which Sometimes crazy things can happen be mechanical contractor who did some I, cessfut in reforming the bH.~ke,!ball:;;~~!;k~t: .. ~ . ': '•needed: repairs: becads~~ oh~The'tepairs' shottffi':bef~nlshed :this. week .. cause of the dissimilarity in materials," work over the summer was on site to try 'SeeSG,PageA5 · ' . , . ~ .. .· . < :':.~'~'~i·;-~·:· ;. .'·; '(: >':·····.-<·: ·;,::: .. Sides said. · · to solve the problem. Basketball ticket distrl.bution policy to be modified ... ~ Bv MARK RABVANO season. cess that will be in effect for the next refers to the process where students based system so those who live and organization up and to list the nu~ber GOIITRIB\JTINO REPoRTER However, the new prqcess elicited three pick-ups. · · . get the best seats according to their breathe Wake Forest basketball can of tickets they want, up to 20 tickets agitation and frustration from many She said, "We caine up with a new placement in line. This is similar to get the best seats if they want." per representative. On the day of the On Nov. 3, the new ticket distribu parties, and this has caused a change process tpat is still a lottery system; the proce!;S 'last year where people The new system will allow official lottery, the representative gets a lot tion process was tried out on hun in future ticket allocations. because of all the restrictions we camped out overnight for the bigger campus organizations, i.e. Greek or tery ticket like everyone else but gets dreds of students anXious to find oti't Because of the problems with the couldn't have a merit-based process games to get the best seats. She said ganizations, Intervarsity or Volun up to 20 tickets when their lottery where 'they will be seated during the first pick-up, Student Governement as there is no place on campus we · that she is trying to devise a system teer Service Corps to come to the SG number is pulled. first few games of the Demon Dea president senior Tina Schippers and could hold it." . thatis merit-based for future years. office a week before the pick-up. They Individual students not affiliated cons' much-anticipated basketball the Ticket Office created a new pro- By amerit-based process, Schippers Schipf)ers said, "I wanted a merit- can send a representative to sign the See Tickets, Page AS SBAC hears group appeals, makes fmal funding decisions . ' ~ BY NICOLE IACAVONE then had given displeased organizations the. occurredathislevel,however. "Not everyone· development reports through which each or have done, and now with a year under our CoNTRJBU11NO REI'oRnR opportunity to appeal their allotted funds. By got 100 percent, but we have a ceiling, and ganization is given the opportunity to discuss belts with the progress and development re Tuesday the SBAC had heard all the appeals ~ tliat is the harsh reality of the·SBAC; it is our their achievements thus far and their plans for ports, which will be committed to file, we can · The Student Budget Advisory Committee and decided the final budget. , · . business. The best thing we can do is be as fair the future. The system gives both the commit continue to use them." Cathcart said. ''They passed its finhl recommendations for the 1997- Chris Cathcart, the chairman-ofthe·SBAC ··and objective as we can, and lthink: we have tee and each organization a means for evalu really helped in discussing the groups and 98 budget, leaving some groups dissatisfied and the treasurer of Student Government, done that," he said. ating the use of the allocated funds. The attributed to the overall fairness of the distri with the amount of funding they received. said he was pleased with this year's outcome, Cathcart said he believes that he and the SBAC plans to continue using the system in bution." The committee had released its preliminary although he recognizes that some groups were committee to achieve that fairness . the future. Despite the system of reporting and recommendations over a week ago and since not. He does not believe any dissatisfaction and objectivity partly by hearing progress and "We are going to try to keep doing what we See SBAC, Page A3 \·Student affairs' role examined Kuh ·suggests need for increased communication with facUlty Bv MEREDITH BoREL the faculty and focus on participate in a new Ow GoLD AND BALCK REPoRTER the academic mission of mentoring program for the institution," the Kuh freshmen. In his recent report on the intellec Report says. Kuh cited the Lilly tual climate at the university, George "By the nature of the Report and the Pro D. Kuh suggested that student affairs work that we do, the stu gram Planning Com take another look at their role.