10 2G M Thursday March 1 2018 | the times the times | Thursday March 1 2018 2G M 11 NewsNews NNewsews Pressure mounts on Watson to return Mosley’s £500,000

ERNEST ALLEN//SOLO SYNDICATION; GETTY IMAGES; ANL/REX/SHUTTERSTOCK Henry Zeffman Political Reporter Times understands. When Mr Watson Oliver Wright Policy Editor was deputy chairman of the Labour Racism row Party and Mr Miliband’s elections co- Media companies Tom Watson is under growing pressure ordinator from 2011 to 2013, Mr Watson to return £500,000 to Max Mosley after told Mr Miliband that Mr Mosley was Jeremy Corbyn banned his deputy from upsets voters willing to give £5 million to the party. taking any more money from the press The offer, which was not accepted, may quit regulator reform campaigner. Neil Johnston came when Mr Watson and Mr Mosley It emerged this week that Mr Mosley, were vocal critics of newspapers’ be- a former boss, had his Tom Watson was facing a backlash haviour over phone hacking. Matthew Moore Media Correspondent and the donors who support our work. name listed as publisher of a racist cam- from voters in his constituency Mr Watson quit the post after a row Our code holds our publishers to high paign leaflet linking leprosy, venereal yesterday over his continued over a Labour Party selection in Fal- The state-recognised press regulator standards. Unlike Ipso, we prohibit disease and tuberculosis to “coloured support for Max Mosley. kirk. Last night the Labour deputy de- bankrolled by money from a Mosley racism and all forms of hate speech immigration” and calling for Jamaicans The deputy Labour leader has clined to comment about the prospec- family trust is facing a crisis as members against vulnerable groups.” to be sent home. accepted more than £500,000 in tive donation. Mr Mosley did not re- consider cutting ties over the racist Hacked Off, the press reform cam- The leaflet, published in 1961, was in donations from the former spond to a request for comment. leaflets scandal. paign group that Mr Mosley has sup- support of a candidate for his fascist Formula One boss and many Mr Mosley was at the centre of a Impress relies for day-to-day funding ported, said it was not aware of receiv- father Sir ’s Union constituents in West Bromwich Labour donations row in 1997 when he on an agreement to receive £3 million ing donations from the former Formula Movement in a by-election. East, where he has been the MP was president of Formula One’s gov- from a charity backed by a trust set up One boss. “Any allegations are a matter Mr Mosley had been questioned since 2001, said that they were erning body. decided to ex- in the name of Max Mosley’s son. for Mr Mosley,” a spokesman said. about the leaflet under oath during a unhappy about it. Mr Mosley is empt the sport from Labour’s ban on to- It was granted state recognition in Hacked Off demands that the gov- High Court privacy case against the alleged to have published a racist bacco advertising, but it emerged that 2016 but is responsible for only a few ernment pushes ahead with the second in 2008, telling the campaign pamphlet in the 1960s. his party had accepted £1 million from dozen small publications and websites. part of the , which court that he did not recall putting out About 30 per cent of Mr , the motor racing Most national and local newspapers threatens cost sanctions against news election literature urging voters to send Watson’s constituents are from chief. Mr Mosley had hosted Mr Blair at joined a rival regulator, the Independ- publishers that refuse to join a state- black people home. He also explicitly ethnic minorities and the area has Silverstone when he was opposition ent Press Standards Organisation recognised regulator. denied that any leaflets from the 1961 significant Indian, Bangladeshi leader and met him again at Downing (Ipso), out of principled objection to Ministers are expected to announce campaign accused immigrants of and Pakistani populations. Street to lobby against the tobacco ban. state involvement in press regulation. a decision soon — possibly today. The bringing leprosy, syphilis and TB, say- Daljit Singh, general secretary “The Labour Party has moved away A local publisher regulated by Im- government-established body that ap- ing: “That is absolute nonsense.” at the local Sikh Gurdwara, said from large-scale donations from press announced yesterday that it was proved the state recognition of Impress This week, after the leaflet emerged, that Mr Watson should hand back wealthy individuals,” Mr Corbyn’s reviewing its relationship with the body said that it had not received any new he told Channel 4 News he rejected the the money since it was taken from spokesman said yesterday. “I don’t be- over the allegations against Mr Mosley. complaints about the regulator. “offensive suggestion” that he lied someone who is alleged to have lieve that there will be any more pay- Martin Booth, the editor of Bristol The Press Recognition Panel was under oath, adding: “If it is genuine, it been racist. “This is not good at all, ments from Max Mosley to the Labour 24/7, an entertainment magazine, said: previously called upon to assess whe- doesn’t reflect my views today. This was not for anyone or for any Party or Tom Watson. The last pay- “The discovery of the electoral material ther Impress had breached its recogni- in 1961. I ceased to have any involve- community. Not for Sikhs or any ments were made last year.” from 1961 and Mosley’s subsequent de- tion criteria after Jonathan Heawood, ment in my father’s movement in 1963.” other religion.” The spokesman insisted the decision nial under oath of its existence make the regulator’s chief executive, abused Mr Mosley, 77, who has campaigned On the town’s high street, Sunny not to take more money from Mr Mos- me uncomfortable to belong to the reg- sections of the press online. for press reform since he successfully Kumar, 47, a sales assistant, said: ley was taken before the document ulatory body that he bankrolls. Mos- An internal Impress report found sued the News of the World in 2008, is “It’s wrong, he has to give it back.” came to light, and that all large dona- ley’s involvement with Impress is vague that Mr Heawood had compromised the main financial backer of Mr Wat- tions were being assessed over whether and I am considering whether Bristol the impartiality of the watchdog. The son, Labour’s deputy leader, who also they are “ethical or appropriate”. 24/7 should continue being a member.” panel failed to strip Impress of its status. favours state regulation of the press. son, the MP for West Bromwich East, The Conservative Party called for Mr Other publishers are understood to Impress is funded through a charity After the leaflet emerged, Mr Watson was given more than £40,000 by Mr Watson to return the £500,000 he has be considering their options. The orga- backed by the Alexander Mosley said: “My views on press regulation are Mosley, the largest sum from any donor received since 2016. James Cleverly, the nisation is under pressure to follow the Charitable Trust, set up by Mr Mosley well known and have not changed. The except Unite, the trade union, and 13 per party’s deputy chairman, said that Mr Labour Party and refuse to accept fur- in memory of his son who died of a drug views expressed by Max as a young cent of the total campaign funds. Since Watson “ must avoid the impression of ther funding from the Mosley family. overdose at the age of 39. man are not the views he holds now.” Mr Watson became deputy leader, Mr an unhealthy connection between La- The regulator declined to discuss its High Court judges found last Octo- Yesterday a spokesman for Mr Mosley has given him £500,000: bour’s position on press freedom and a funding plans last night. A spokes- ber that this funding arrangement did Corbyn attacked the views in the £200,000 in June 2016 and wealthy donor who may find himself woman said: “Impress is entirely inde- not give Mr Mosley influence over the leaflet as “utterly repugnant” and £300,000 in February last year, “to embarrassed by reporting on his past Max Mosley, right, and his brother Alex, with supporters of their father, disrupted a Tory rally in Islington in 1958; top, Max, aged 18 with Alex during the 1958 Notting Hill riots; Max with Sir Oswald in 1962 pendent of the publishers we regulate regulator or infringe its independence. vowed that neither Mr Watson support my office as deputy leader actions.” A Downing Street source said nor the Labour Party and shadow secretary of state for that the 1961 leaflet was “vile”. dream of using disaffected young men widely reported details about his sexual arrested after swinging a punch at a would take any more of digital, culture, media and sport”. Asked about Mr Mosley’s funding of to turn Britain to the far right. life. “Jewbaiting” fascist rally in a Jewish Police assess Family trust Mr Mosley’s dona- Mr Mosley was willing to Impress, the state-recognised press Privacy champion’s In the 1930s, Sir Oswald’s uniformed The Daily Mail reported yesterday quarter of but insisted in court tions. give far more to Labour regulator, Theresa May said that the Blackshirt agitators, inspired by the that Mr Mosley published leaflets in a that he could not be described as a During his under Ed Miliband, The freedom of the press “will never Nazis, had been prevented by by-election in 1961 which blamed black fighting person. 1961 leaflet gave to successful cam- change” while she is prime minister. protestors from entering Jewish immigrants for leprosy, venereal However, in a statement in 1963, Sir paign for the dep- Tom Watson was David Aaronovitch, page 29 far-right party kept neighbourhoods of east London in the disease and tuberculosis, and called for Oswald proudly boasted: “My son, uty leadership in given funds “to Leading article, page 33 Battle of Cable Street. In 1940, after war Jamaicans to be repatriated. Max, has been a member of the for perjury and drug centre 2015, Mr Wat- support his office” Deborah Ross, Times2, page 2 broke out with Hitler, Sir Oswald and The evidence implies that the former Territorial Army Parachute Brigade for Lady Mosley were interned under president of Formula One’s governing a long time.” Matthew Moore Henry Zeffman Behind the story dossiers on enemies powers to detain people who had body may have lied to the High Court Mr Mosley left the Bar to become a associations with enemy powers. in a privacy action against the News of minor racing driver but found greater Police were last night assessing a dossi- An Oxford college and a drugs research During the meeting with the Daily the World in 2008 when he was success promoting the sport. He co- er of evidence related to Max Mosley centre have received significant dona- ax Mosley emerged as a player in The state-approved fearing a threat to press one of a number unearthed after Mr Herald reporter, Mr Mosley earnestly questioned under oath about whether founded the team, amid calls for him to be investigated for tions from Max Mosley’s family trust. inherited his business when he co- newspaper regulator freedom, and instead have The values Max Mosley Mosley faced suggestions that he lied in asked the journalist to compile a list of he had produced such leaflets. He whose drivers included . perjury. The fund is primarily made up of fortune from founded March Impress was funded with signed up to the now promotes contrast court by wrongly denying that he extremists in his father’s party: “If they denied the allegation as “absolute The team launched at the 1970 South News Group Newspapers, the former money inherited by Mr Mosley’s father, his father, Sir Engineering as a motor £3.8 million through a Independent Press published election leaflets blaming won’t listen to a warning, they must go. nonsense”. African Grand Prix. owner of the News of the World, said it Sir Oswald Mosley, the leader of the Oswald, the racing team in Bicester, charity backed by the Standards Organisation. sharply with his father’s “coloured immigration” for disease. I would like you to discuss this with Defending himself on Tuesday in a According to the Daily Mail, Mr had instructed lawyers to “consider the British Union of Fascists. In the last fi- M6th Baronet of Ancoats Oxfordshire, in 1969. Alexander Mosley Mr Mosley admitted in Mr Mosley said last night: “Like Dad.” confrontational interview with Cathy Mosley “vociferously supported impact” of the revelations. Mr Mosley nancial year, the Alexander Mosley (Dominic Kennedy In a privacy battle with Charitable Trust. The an interview with Andrew movement, writes many people, my views have changed The reporter wrote: “Were the Newman on Channel 4 News, he said: apartheid”. In 1961 he was fined for won £60,000 privacy damages from the Charitable Trust, set up by Mr Mosley writes). the News of the World over family trust was named Neil that the money used over the last half century. I left the Mosleys really unaware of what was “I’ve never been a racist, never will be a obstructing a policeman while tabloid in 2008 for publishing footage in memory of his son, who died of a The family has been its report on his sado- after Mr Mosley’s son, who to fund the regulator was Dominic Kennedy in 1963. This going on in the rank and file of their racist.” demonstrating against an anti- of his orgy with prostitutes. The judge drug overdose aged 39 in 2009, gave wealthy for half a masochistic orgy, it died of a drug overdose inherited from his father historical investigation into my own movement?” However, during that 1961 by- apartheid protest in London. ruled that it did not involve Nazi role more than £1.1 million to St Peter’s Col- millennium and can trace emerged that he had spent aged 39 in 2009. Most as part of the family’s In 1962 a young Max Mosley put his activities as a very young man, led by His newspaper investigation made a election in Moss Side, Manchester, Mr Mr Mosley has always appeared play, as the paper claimed. lege, Oxford, where Alexander studied. its success back to £75,000 in a year on his national newspapers have long-standing wealth. arm around the shoulder of a new the Daily Mail, is a patent attempt to sinister discovery: a list kept under lock Mosley, who served as election agent, something of a spoilt brat, the During the High Court case, Mr The fund has also donated to the , a sexual interest. declined to join Impress, “The whole of the middle recruit to his father’s fascist party, bully and intimidate me.” and key at party headquarters espoused a blatantly racist reform. The aristocrat’s Oxbridge-educated son Mosley dismissed claims that he dis- centre for neuropsychopharmacology landowner and of Manchester once unaware that the man was an Research by The Times has containing the names of communists, Union Movement, he said, was in playing with the tough boys, but never tributed a by-election leaflet accusing at Imperial College London. The centre international trader in belonged to the family,” he undercover reporter. established: Jews and other antagonists against the favour of immigration control based on more so than when he encountered immigrants of bringing leprosy, syphilis is led by David Nutt, who was sacked as cloth and silks who said, repeatedly pointing The journalist had arranged a 6 Mr Mosley’s party was reported to party. The list, which went back years, colour and would take no action against Gerry Gable, the veteran streetwise and TB into the country. This week the a drugs adviser to the government in became mayor of out that there is a Mosley rendezvous at Sir Oswald Mosley’s have kept secret files on communist was reported to comprise anti-fascists Irish or European workers who wanted anti-fascist campaigner, in the early Daily Mail unearthed a copy of the 1961 2009 for opposing reclassifying canna- Manchester and was Street in the city to this grand apartment and wanted to tell Mr and Jewish opponents, although he who had disrupted meetings and been to work in Britain. 1960s. leaflet, published in Mr Mosley’s name, bis from a Class C to a Class B drug. knighted by Elizabeth I. day. Mosley how disgusted he felt by the now presents himself as a champion of brought through the courts. Party The former student at Christ Church, Mr Gable has admitted throwing a making a specific link between the dis- Impress, the state-recognised press He was high sheriff to Neil suggested: “People antisemitism and racialism he found in data protection. members had taken photographs of Oxford, would have been good at milk crate at a car in which Mr Mosley eases and “coloured immigration”. regulator, has an agreement to receive James I. Sir Oswald could will find it ironic that the former Blackshirt leader’s new 6 He called for a ban on black them. talking to university professors, but was a passenger after it chased him. The crime of perjury — making false more than £3 million over four years have enjoyed a life of idle money being used to party. immigrants despite telling Channel 4 A stalwart of the movement told the what about the punch-ups he “The young police officer who statements under oath — carries a from a charity backed by the trust. luxury but instead became regulate the British press An embarrassed Mr Mosley News that he had never been a racist. reporter: “These files will come in very considered necessary to a movement witnessed the incident appeared to maximum punishment of seven years Mark Damazer, master of St Peter’s committed to political has come from Britain’s explained: “It takes all kinds to make a 6 Although he told a court after handy when the time comes — we such as his? He did indeed become think that the hiding that Max’s boxer in prison. The false statement must be College, said it was “grateful” for the do- causes, being elected a historically best-known political movement. We need these throwing a punch that he “couldn’t be know our enemies.” embroiled in a number of violent minder received from a 5ft 6in middle- made deliberately, not inadvertently or nation. “We review all large donations Labour MP then founding fascist.” Mr Mosley people. In our kind of politics, one described by any stretch of the Mr Mosley, now 77, is trying to use the confrontations between his early 1960s aged friend of mine, and Max’s by mistake. Mr Mosley has strongly de- with the assistance of the university’s the New Party and responded: “It hasn’t. It needs to be as good at a punch-up as at imagination as a fighting person”, he Data Protection Act, which was street movement and anti-fascists but subsequent rush into the officer’s arms, nied perjury, insisting he did not say committee to review donations and will launching the British comes from a family that talking to a university professor.” was a part-time paratrooper. designed to prevent the compilation of he claimed that he was acting in self- did not warrant his intervention,” he anything he knew to be untrue. continue to do so,” he said. Union of Fascists. goes back to the 18th, 17th The story, contained in an article In the 1960s the Union Movement secret files, to force newspapers defence. said. News Group Newspapers is owned Imperial College London declined to Max Mosley first Max Mosley has devoted much of his life to motor racing century.” from the now defunct Daily Herald, is was the vehicle for Sir Oswald’s twisted including The Times to stop publishing According to the Daily Mail, he was [email protected] by News UK, publisher of The Times. comment.