1st January Tsarskoye Selo Tuesday Woke up 9 after late night. Breakfast with Mama in her bedroom. Went to the Palace chapel with Mama. Mass. Then had tapestry art with Mama and Nastya in mama’s bedroom. Read to Olga and Marie while they did English Homework. Which was to listen or to read a Belleek poem. Morning tea with Anya at her house. Then went in her sleigh towards the White Tower by the roads. Had a religious outing to Fedorsky with OTMA. Lunched with papa and the suite in papa’s meeting room. Painting lesson with Mama in her sitting room. Then put our paintings in the Green Drawing room. Went out in a sleigh again with Papa and Anya. Afternoon tea with OTMA, in our dinning room. While mama rested. She has a headache. God save her soul. Painted upstairs in OTMA drawing room. Went downstairs to grip some writing paper. From Mama’s study, I went to Mama’s bedroom, so I can get one of her pens. Went upstairs to write to Anya thanking her. Went to church with Olga. Dinner with OTMAA in Papa’s library upstairs from his study. Read to OTMAA in OTMA drawing room. Then painted while Olga read. Evening tea with Papa in Mabel room. Brought mama evening tea. Olga read again. To bed 9:00

2rd January Tsarskoye Selo Woke at normal time. Breakfast with Papa in his study. Then went to Mama she said white blouses with an old kimono. Snowstorm stayed all of us in mama’s boudoir. All day apart from Papa. Went to lunch in papa’s sitting room. Then played billiards with him. Then went back to mama. Stayed there and even had dinner. Anya came at 6:00 To bed 8:00 – 40 degrees.

3rd January Wednesday Tsarskoye Selo Today woke at normal time. Still a snowstorm. Breakfast with OTMAA in children’s dining room, then went to Mass. Went to Mama who suggested the same thing as yesterday. Had a tapestry lesson with mama. Morning tea with mama and OTMAA in Mama’s tearoom. Went and played indoor table tennis outside our classrooms. Piano practice then lunch with papa and the suite. Helped with Little pair’s spelling homework that they were to do over the holidays but did not. Then helped Alexei with his spelling homework which is the same as the Little Pair. Roller blade through the official rooms with OTMA. Afternoon tea and tapestry lesson again with Mama. Table tennis again. Went to the chapel. Then had a painting lesson with mama and Olga. Piano practice with Trina. Dinner in children’s dinning room because papa and the marine guard for dinner while mama had a general and Lili to dinner. Lili came up to OTMA drawing room and played cards. Evening tea with Lili and Anya in OTMA drawing room while mama went and talked to the Marine Guard. Went and embroidered with mama in her sitting room with Anya and Lili. Then dropped Lili off at the station in a sleigh with OTMA and Mama and Anya, then dropped Anya off at her house while she gave us each a ruby brooch, some note paper and some film. Also, before we went back mama let us to get some postcards. So, we could write to the people who gave us presents. I am now writing while Shura is brushing my hair and Nastya got given a play book to write down plays from Trina. She thinks we could make a play about our lives and perform it to Mama. Also, Baby has just come in and said he will play the Balika as well. To bed 10:00 -40 degrees

4th January Thursday Tsarskoye Selo Finally, today was less cold but still not safe to go properly outside so while Nastya was writing down the play, she had to say that she had a cold. But woke at normal time, breakfast in children’s dinning room. Finally, we had our normal hot cholate with Papa then off to mama and she said that she has a person who makes all her winter clothes coming to make some for us. Mrs. lave is very nice, she came at 10:00 was with us for 3 hours. Lunch with Papa and OTMAA in Papa meeting room. Then went in a carriage ride with Trina and papa around the district. Went to the chapel. Afternoon tea on Mama’s balcony. Then went into the Drawing Classroom to paint with Mashka. Played table tennis again. Dinner with Papa in his meeting room then went with Papa to the train station so he can go to Saint Petersburg for Tomorrow. Went to Anya’s for evening tea. Went to Baby’s rooms and saw a movie with him. To bed 10:00. -20 degrees

5th January Friday Tsarskoye Selo Woke at normal time. Went on a carriage ride with OTMA and Trina. Breakfast in dinning room. Went to mama to have hot chocolate and to get clothes. She suggested brown suit. Then went to see the men in the barracks. Morning tea with mama ON THE SUN BALCONY. Then went outside in a sleigh to the White tower. Piano practice with Trina. Lunch with OTMA in children’s dinning room. Then roller blade in the courtyard outside the official rooms. Then had a tatting lesson with Mama. Then went to the chapel. Afternoon tea in OTMA drawing room. Read to the little pair. It was their English Homework. Had a tatting lesson with Mama. Dinner with Mama while other went to Anya house. Evening tea on Mama’s sun balcony. Played cards with Anya. To bed 11:00

6th January Saturday Tsarskoye Selo Woke at normal time. Went on another carriage ride with Trina then went to lessons. There was a snowstorm just about to start when we came out of lessons, so Papa decided that us children were not to go outside. Mama had to speak with Trina about piano lessons, so we all went to the Children’s dinning room to have tea. Also, there was no parade because it had been snowing for the past week where the parade was to be. Then it was back to lessons that we tend not to have because of the army parade. After lunch Mama let me and Nastya come and paint in her Tea room where she was resting. The rest of the day was boring until dinner when AUNT OLGA CAME FROM ST. PETERSBURG!! She stayed with us for a long time then Papa, Olga and I took her back to her train where she is sleeping for the night. She will be taken to place of safety. Evening tea with Papa. Then billiards with him. It was so fun! To be 11:00

Lesson plan Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Start Walk 15 Carriage Moleben Lessons Start Parade until lessons at min before ride with in church at 9:00 lessons 11:00 9:00 lessons Trina 9:00 History Russian Dancing Religious A lesson study reception 10:00 History Russian Geography Religious A study reception 10:30 10 But on Double minutes Tuesday French reading single math lesson about the lesson subject before 10:40 Morning tea with Alexandra on Sun Balcony 11:00- Playing Go to the big 12:00 outside lunch 12:00 Big pair Little pair Big pair art German piano art lesson lesson lesson or lesson in English mama’s lesson boudoir 1:00 Lunch Go to the with the imperial suite train 1:45 Lunch ends 1:45- Outside Weather if Or roller Or 2:30 time bed blading English dancing/art lesson or lesson German lesson 2:30- Reading Or playing Go and have 3:30 time with dolls lunch with Grandmother 3:30 Getting – ready for 4:00 church 4:00- Church 5:00 5:00 Afternoon tea 5:00- Piano Go and see Review Come back 7:00 lessons the men with and go aand and who guard papa see the emn homework the palace 7:00- dinner 7:45 8:00 Reading in Review the Mabel with room papa 10:00 Evening tea 11:00 Bed and night prayers

7th January Sunday Today woke early. Went to church. Had confession. Breakfast with Papa then motored to Aunt Olga’s train to take her back to the palace. In the park we had a driving lesson with Aunt Olga with Mama and Papa permission. It was so fun. Got ready to go to St. Petersburg. Did the normal things like went to Grandmothers for lunch. And then after lunch we went with her to a review of soldiers. Went by motor with grandmother to see girls gruating school. Then finial back to Aunt Olgas. Had such fun. At 7:00 though Iza came to get us, we played halma on the way back. Had dinner in Mama and Papa’s bedroom off of trays. Then went to Anya’s house to tell her about what happened. Back at 11:00 had a bath in mama’s to bed 12:00

8th January Monday Mama’s Orthodox name day Today woke as usual. Went to church, because of Mama’s Orthodox name day. Had breakfast in Mama’s boudoir. And had hot coco in Papa’s office. Had a reception in Main Hall. Had lunch with Papa’s guests. Lessons, went to the barracks with Olga, then on a carriage ride with Anya, OTMAA, Mama and Trina. Then went to Church with Alexei then headed to afternoon tea with OTMAA in the children’s Dinning room. Helped Little pair and Alexei with math’s homework. Dinner with Mama in her boudoir. Then read a peom to her. Evening tea in Mabel Room. Bath. To bed. 9:00

9th January Tuesday Today woke at normal time but none of the teachers showed up because there was a heavy snowstorm last night, poor Olga got sick with Madam Beker and sat for the rest of the day with Mama in her Boudoir. Alexei had a cough, so I stayed with him until lunch. Lunch was in Mama’s Boudoir then brought down Alexei so the rest of the day was spent with Mama. Dinner with Papa in Papa and Mama’s bedroom off of trays. Evening tea in the Mabel Room. To sleep 10:00

10th January Wednesday Woke a bit later, though when we woke up it was already dark. Had breakfast in Mama’s tearoom. Anya came through the dark tunnels she said. Went to Confession in the palace church with Anya. Went in for lunch with Papa in his study. Then worked all afternoon in mama’s sitting room because she had an headache and it was warm. Alexei was brought down for afternoon tea. Dinner was with Papa in his study. To bed 8:00

10th January Thursday Today woke later. Had breakfast with Papa. Fainted, slept then was carried to Mama’s sitting room with Alexei. Read to them, slept then eat some dinner. To bed 6:00

11th January Friday Woke up at usual time, had breakfast with OTMAA in the Children’s Dinning room, then onto Hot Coco with Papa. Made our beds. Went to Mama she said our old kimonos with an old church coat on top. None of the teachers show up. So we went on a carriage ride with Countess Anastasia Hendrikova. Played tennis outside our classrooms. Morning tea with Alexei and Olga who are still unwell, in Mama’s sitting room. Went into Alexei’s downstairs playroom and played on the slide there. Played piano in the sitting room of Mama and Papa. Lunch at 1 with just Papa. Went to see one of the nuns who is not well. Mama did a small confession in her little Church. Played more tennis. Afternoon tea with Mama in her Tearoom. Played more piano in OTMA drawing room. Dinner with Papa in his study while he read to us. Then the lights went out, so we all went upstairs into OTMA drawing room. Then walked to Anya’s rooms. Evening tea with Alexei. To bed in Alexei bedroom.

12th January Saturday Today woke a bit later. Had breakfast with Alexei while others went to Palace church. The weather is still horrible, made the others bed. Got Alexei and Olga’s day beds ready in Mama’s Sitting room as well as in her Boudoir. Had hot coco with Papa. Went to Mama she said wear still old kimonos but with our parade coats as well. Got ready to go out but they said that it was too dangerous and snowy for us. So they put us into the Horse riding courtyard and hall. A good 3 and ½ hours parade. A big lunch with all the main officers. Went to Palace church. Played a bit of tennis. Afternoon tea with Alexei. A bit more tennis with Mashka and Nastya. Dinner with Papa and suite in the Mabel Room. Went to Anya with O and Mama, Mama was in her wheelchair because she cannot walk. Talked with Anya for a while then Evening Tea with Papa in the Mabel Room. Bath. To bed 10:30.

13th January Sunday Woke at normal time. Breakfast in dinning room. Hot coco with Papa then went on a carriage ride with Trina, then went to Mama. She said that the Romanian royal family was coming for a visit. Next week! Poor Olga fainted. Mama said for us to wear blue skirts with black blouses. Then for the first time in forever the teachers came and we did normal lessons. Had morning tea in Mama’s tearoom. Went out in the park with Papa and Anya. Went past Fedorsky Church, took a picture. Had piano lesson with Mama. Lunch with OTMAA in Children’s Dinning room. Played more table tennis against Small pair. It was me and Olga. Then a new set of tea dresses arrived from the city. For OTMA. Afternoon tea in OTMA drawing room. Olga played piano while I helped Little pair finish their English homework before Mr. Gibbs finds out. Then Alexei walked in and played a beautiful duet with Olga. As children we all said that, that night we were all going to learn a play. Helped Mama with her correspondences. Had dinner in Alexei’s new film show area. Did all our plays. Me and Olga – War and Peace Little Pair – Three sisters Alexei played the balalaika to a film show of Papa reviewing the troops. Then we all began to dance while Mama got onto the small piano there and played with Alexei. While we were all dancing we did not see that Alexei wanted to dance but when he got up he tripped and fell into Mama’s little table that is always by her chair.

14th January Monday Last night after Alexei fell. Me, Mama, Papa and Boatswain with Alexei all ran to his room lucky it was very close. I quickly ran the bell for Nutya to run and go and get Dr. botkin from his room. When Botkin came he asked me and Nutya to send a telegram to St. Petersburg for Alexei special doctors. When they came, they said that Alexei had hit his knee very badly. So, at quarter to 11 at night me and Mama sent a search party out to find Our Friend, Father Grigori. He came at dawn. Alexei has now been sleeping for the last couple of hours while me and Mama have been rest inside her Boudoir. Sleep 5:00

15th January Tuesday St. Boula Today woke early as it is the fest of St. Boula who is ’s saint. Went to Romanov Church, for morning prayers, got changed. Went on the Train to Moscow. Had some food. Arrived about 9:00. Went staright on a drive throughout Moscow in Cars. Went to The Cathedral Of Christ The Saviour. The we went to Aunt Ella’s convent for lunch. Then went to a prayer service there as well. Then we all rested on the Train. The all to St. Basil’s Cathedral for a thanksgiving ceremony. Had dinner on the Train. Then Papa saw and received some of the nobility. Went to bed at half 10.

16th January Wednesday Today woke up early because all the crowds were getting very loud. Poor Mama had a headache. Before breakfast dearest, dearest Anya joined us which is good because Mama was happy. After breakfast Papa, Mama and the big pair as well as Anya went to see some churchmen and nobility. All us ladies received flowers. Then went to the . Where Papa made a speech. Then went to the Cathedral of the Assumption, for a prayer service. We then met the head churchmen for tea. Then we went to the Ascension Convent which was very interesting since the nun who toured us spoke English. When then went on a drive again throughout Moscow. We stopped to see a church being built and Papa and Mama laid the cornerstone. It was being to be a bit hot. While Papa and Alexei went to the Church’s museum us ladies with Anya went to the Novodevichy Convent. Then for lunch we headed to the Kremlin, then we went to the Cathedral Of the Dormition where Papa and Mama were crowed. Then we headed to the Cathedral of Annunciation. Then to the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael, also we went to the Church of the Twelve Apostles and met the Metropolitan of Moscow then to the Church of the Deposition of the Robe, where we met the Patriarchs of Moscow for Tea. Also Alexei wanted to go to The Ivan the Great Bell Tower which was amazing. The view was astonishing. Mama stayed on the Ground talking with the Metropolitan. Then we headed back to the Train for dinner with Anya, she asked why we are not in the Kremlin, Mama said it was to much Hassle. Had evening tea and fell asleep.

17th January Thursday Today at 7:00. Papa, OTMA and Anya went to the Red Porch to say goodbye to the Moscow and the Metropolitan and Patriarchs. We also went into the where Mama and Papa walked down when they were crowned. OTMA received a lot of flowers as well as Anya. Then we all went back to the Train to breakfast with Mama and Alexei. Today we are going to Trinity Lavra Of St. Sergius, which is a spiritual center of the Russian Orthodox Church. One of the Patriarchs came with us to tell us about it since Papa had not been. It was founded by one of the most venerated Russian saints, Sergius of Radonezh. The monks in the Siege of 1608-1610 manged to keep the Polish- Lithuanian guards away. It was a 16 month Seige. There is a royal Palace there as well. Also in 1744 one of our ancestors named the Metropolitan of Moscow the Archimandrite of the Lavra. The area near the Trinity is beautiful!. The whole day we toured everything saw everybody. We also saw the Tzar-bell which is huge! We then had Divine Service which we all thought was beautiful. Us woman kept having flowers so about three cars full of flowers was taken back to the train every half an hour. For most of the day we did not have any food so when the Patriarch asked us to come to a banquet in our honour we said yes. Papa said it would be best if we took the Little Pair as well. The banquet was nice. Papa said a speech. Then we all headed back to the Train.

18th January Friday Today we had a part traveling day and part relaxing day. We had breakfast a bit later then Papa went on a walk with his aide and the big pair later Mama had OTMA play dress up for a ball that was happing that night. We had morning tea in Mama’s boudoir. Then went on a walk with Papa, met some local people as. Lunch in Anya’s room. Then went to a local church to have the fanial thanksgiving service as well as the divine service at the end of the feast days. It was wonderful. We quickly went on a small walk with mama in her carriage. Then went back on the Train to again Moscow. Then went to a ball in our honor Mama left just as we did. I know she had been talking to the Forgin minister about the Romanian visit. Left at 1:30.

19th January Saturday Today we arrived in Kiev, for a surprise visit to the Governor, also today was Anya’s birthday. We woke up later. Had a special prayer service on the train for Anya. Went to a Guard de honor. Went to meet the Governor in the Governor house. Then went back to the train station and had a reception there, went back to the Governor house and had morning tea while the servants moved things for our night stay there. Went on a drive though Kiev, the car situation was funny because we 7 had to fit in a 5 person car, while Iza, Anya, Fredericks, the Governor and his wife all had to fit into the other car. We then went to a review with we 7 all in a carriage as well as Anya and Iza. Then we headed to St. Sophia’s Cathedral for Liturgy. Then also to the amazing Pechersk Lavra where we met a lot of monks as well as exploded the astounding cave system. We then headed back the Governor House for Lunch, we took Photos. Then while Mama, Anya and Alexei went back to the train and rest. The rest of us went to The Church of the Saviour, then to the monastery of the Caves. When we got back to the Train we got onto the Cossacks train for Anya’s party. We surpised her with Gifts. We all then headed to the Governor House to get changed for a ballet and a small dance the Governor had to be asked to put on. The Ballet was wonderful as well as the dance. Got back at 12:00.

20th January Sunday After a service at the Church Of Jesus Christ. We went on a drive though Kiev, then to St. Michael’s Golden- Domed Monastery. And met some of the monks. We then headed to Monastyr Rizdva Presvyatoyi Bohorodytsi Upts V Urochyshchi Tserkovshchyna or The Monastery of Ryzdva of the Blessed Virgin Mary of UOC In the Gorge Church. Which was Incredible interesting, the we headed to a hall that was opened in our honor. Papa opened it with gusto. We all then went back to the Train and had lunch, then Papa and Alexei went to a museum, and a art museum while us ladies received noble ladies at the station. We then all headed to the St. Sophia Cathedral for Liturgy. Had tea with the monks then with the Governor. Went to a ballet again then had dinner on aboured the Train. We did not leave Kiev for a long time because there was a promble with the tracks. We passed Vlidimer where Papa saw noble people got flowers and ikons for us and then headed back to the Train. We arrived back to Tsarskoye Selo, at 1:00 A.M. but we slept on the Train.

21th January Monday We woke at 7:00 on the Train. Bath. Dressed in semi official tea gowns with our Romanian medal. Had a drink of coffee and rye tea to keep us awake throughout the day. We had to quickly get off the train so the train carry the Romanian’s could come into the station. Papa had the cars which we were using come right onto the platfrom because Mama could not walk. She had her cane and a parasol. The Romanians arrived at 9:00. We later heard that they came in a typical Navy boat not one designed to carry Royalty. They were hot and sweaty. None of them bowed or curtsied to us. Mama had a fit later about it. Cousin Missy went in 1 small one with Papa, the crown prince going another with Anya, then their son coming with us in another. We then went to Fedorsky Cathedral. Where a Te Deum and a Liturgy. Then we went for a little visit to the Barracks, Mama stayed in the Car. Then we went back to the station where we dropped off the Romanians at their train to get changed. OT got changed into our uniform. Then drove to the Review area. Cousin Missy got a regiment which she got a birth, but the Big Pair showed off with our regiments so Mashka heard the cousin Missy was very unhappy, the Big Pair got changed back into what they were wearing before. The whole review was filmed. And we went to the Catherine Palace. Mama made sure that us the Romanov Children got food. When we got to the Palace we reviwed the Regiments there. Then we got changed. Then we did a small procession down to the private palace chapel. This was filmed. There was a Romanian service which none of us understood apart from the Romanians. We then went back to private apartments to lie down for an hour. Then went to a thanksgiving service cousin Missy looked around the Chapel with horror because she does not like it. The had a drive through Tsarskoye Selo. Down by the river the Romanians looked at the boats there. Had a bit of food. Papa gave the Romanians a Russian Order. Drove to a small Bazaaar on a small ship. Had tea on the ship. Went to a holy sacrament at the ship’s chapel. Then we drove back to the Catherine palace. Bath. Dressed for a Ball. We 7 left at 10:00

22rd January Tuesday Today woke early. Had breakfast. Drove to the massive Cathedral. For a Te Deum and Thanksgiving service. Back to the palace for men to change into Uniform and us ladies to freshen up. Into the cars to the Catherine River for a Navy review for the whole morning. Luncheon on the Alexandria, the Mama and the ladies not children chilled while the rest of us went to be shown around a submarine, Papa and Crown Prince to a review. Then me, Anya, Mama went to help set up High Tea on the Alexandria. Then went to a bazaar on the Alexandova. Went to the ship’s Chapel for a prayer service. Had a snack on the Alexandria, before going back to the Bazaar the dressing for a reception at the palace. Then we had dinner on the Alexandria. The onto a night bazaar. Then there was fireworks off all the ships.

23rd January Wednesday Woke at 5:45 for a 6 A.M regimental service. Then went to the massive cathedral for a goodbye service. Had breakfast in the company of them. Went on a walk with Papa while the Romanians got packing because there was not any servants that they had brought with them. Had morning tea with Anya in her rooms. While Mama rested. Then drove to the train station to see them off. Papa told us to stay there. AND THE IMPERIAL TRAIN ROLLED IN !!! Papa said that because we have traveling a lot we are going to Livadia, to rest. And we did not need to go back to get anything because they had brought everything. When we got on the train Papa said that we will not be going to any of the churches because it is not near Easter. Mama went straight to her Boudior car which Papa had made for Mama. And we also have a Chapel. And we passed the Romanians which was very funny. Slept on the Train. At ¼ to 12 Anya joined our train with a nasty storm going on.

24th January Thursday Imperial Train Today woke at 9. Breakfast in the Upstairs family dinning room. The train was unparible hot as someone had left the heater on. Played halma with Anya, in the family salon, because Mama did not want to see anyone. Talked to Grandmama through the telephone because she kept calling. Just before morning tea Aunt Olga joined our train as well they made the top of Anya’s compartment Aunt Olga’s room. Had morning tea with Alexei in his room. Just after tea the Train stopped and OTMAA with Papa went for a walk. While Alexei went in his toy motor car from the year before with Aunt Olga. Lunch was with Anya, OTMAA, Trina, Countess Anastasia Hendrikova, Papa and Aunt Olga. Played chess with Alexei. Afternoon tea with OTMAA in Alexei room. Mama asked me to sort through her correspondence. Olga had Madam Becker. Went to Confession. Dinner same as lunch. More halma with Little Pair. Played bezique with Anya, Nastyika and Aunt Olga. Had Evening tea with Mama in her boudoir car. Played more Bezique with Mama, Alexei, Olga, Anya and Mashka. Bath. To bed 9:00.

25th January Friday Imperial train We found out that Anya has TWO BIRTHDAYS! BECAUSE OF HER FAMILY Woke at the same as yesterday. Went to the train chapel for Anya’s second birthday. Luckerly Trina had some gifts for her. Had lunch with Anya and Mama in Anya’s rooms. Then got outside for a bit of freash air. Wheeled Baby in Mama’s Hepplewhite wheelchair around the train. It was sunny. Then came back inside because it started to rain and went to the salon carriage to play halma then went to Mama’s boudoir carriage and took tea. Played more halma with Olga then dinner with Mama in her boudoir car. Then in the pouring rain and storm we saw some of the town that we were passing nobility and then saw Aunt Olga’s train and see had to get onto our train because hers broke down. Dinner with Aunt Olga in her rooms. Bath. To bed 8:00

26th January Saturday A rest day because the train was so hot Had breakfast in Little pairs room then went to see Baby then went to the salon carriage. Morning tea then washed our hair, went outside in cloth hats to hide our wet hair. Mama went with us in her Rolling chaise lounge while alexei was in the Hepplewhite wheelchair. Then went with O and Alexei to a nearby church. Lunch in Mama’s boudoir carriage, went on another walk with Papa, Trina, OTMAA. Read to Alexei while he rested. Then afternoon tea in Aunt olga’s rooms. Went with Papa in the church we went before. Dinner with the suite in the dinning room. Worked with Mashka in her room. Walked the dogs with Staplin. Evening tea in the family salon carriage. Bath. To bed 10:00

1st March Sunday Today we got up early and went to Petersburg for a review and service. Boring, then went to see grandmamma while Alexei and mama went to the train. And she got us some necklaces we had tea with her then we went to another service but at her church, her confessor gave her wooden cross, boring. Papa and OTMA then went back home. We then made sure Vanka was ready and the horses. Tea with mama in her room. To bed 7:30

2rd of March Lent Today we finally went to the train and started the long journey to Livadia Palace. We first had to get all the trunks into the train, so we had to by motorcar. Poor mama can hardly walk and had to use her rolling chaise lounge and her cane with her parasol. We wore Grandmamma necklaces that she gave us. Had morning tea at mama mauve room near papa and mama bedroom. Played dominos with Baby and Nastya, then lunch with papa and Count Fredericks and Kern and Taube because papa had asked them to travel with from last year. Then read to the Bible to mama in her bedroom. Then pasted photos from the last few months with N.P. Sablin then tea with mama, quick walk with mama in her Hepplewhite wheelchair. After then played halma with Sablin, after dinner photos with papa.

3rd of March Saturday On the train Quick prayer service at a church that is nearby, then a quick photo time with papa and Baby. Morning tea with mama in her mauve room, then bible reading. Lunch. Dominos and halma with Baby. A walk outside picking cherry blossoms from the trees with papa. Lunch. Bible reading with mama in her room, Halma with Mashka, Nastya and Baby. Afternoon tea walk outside with mama again in her wheelchair like yesterday. Got a present in the post from Aunt Olga, a new prayer book just been brought out in Petersburg Mama still does not like any of the new ones. Dinner. Then more halma with Alexei. The card tricks with Olga and mama and papa. To sleep 9. Terrible storm during the night then at 1:00 am Anya joined us from her train

4rd of March Sunday On the train Big service in the trains chapel, quick note from our Friend. Anya, Mama, Papa and Olga almost slept all day because of the storm. The storm is still going on. Last day of rest until the Standart.

5th of March Monday Saint Romanov day Woke up early, gun sultan at 7:30. Breakfast. Lace dresses and big hats. Big church bells. We are at saint Romanov church. 4 big services. Lunch on the train in Mashka and Nastya room, then back for Moleben then matins then tea with mama in her room. Walk again with mama in her wheelchair. Then saw Aunt Ella for a bit. Wrote to grandmamma. Dinner with mama and papa.

6th of March Tuesday OTMA church day Breakfast with papa in the dinning room on the train, then four services. Lunch then a quick meeting the mother supior at the nearby ministry. Tea with mama in her room. Outside with mama in her wheelchair. Piano practice with Trina and Olga. Dinner with mama and Baby in mama’s room. Read. More piano with Olga then cards to sleep 9:00.

7th of March Wednesday Alexei and Alexandra church day Woke at 8:00 after a lie in. Breakfast with Baby in his rooms. Dressed for church. Four services for Baby. Lunch. Three services for mama. Tea with mother sopier. Walk with mama in her wheelchair. Halma with Nastya. Chess with Baby. Dinner with mama and papa and OTMAA in mama room. Cards with mama. Halma with Nastya all in family salon. Evening tea with papa in his office. Sleep 8:00

8th of March Thursday Nikolas church day Woke again an 8:00 after a lie in. Breakfast with OTMAA in the dinning room. Dressed for church. Two services. Tea with aunt Ella. Three services. Lunch on the train with OTMAA. Another three services. Mama was about to faint. Tea with OTMAA and papa. Walk with mama watching us from her room. Cards with papa, halma with Nastya. Dinner with OTMAA in Baby rooms. Read. Tea with papa in his office.

9th of March Friday On the train Today we packed out most of our things. We also got a present from Aunt Ella it was a tri cross from saint Romanov church. Stayed all day in the family salon because mama had a headache and was exhausted, papa was also resting Baby as well. We had a service. Then lunch with OTMA in mine and Olga room. Read, halma, cards and chess all in family salon, tea with OTMAA in the dining room, walk outside with mama watching from her room. Halma with papa, Olga and Nastya. Sablin came again. Pasted photos. Dinner with mama and OTMAA in her room. Sleep 9:00

10th of March Saturday Sevastopol Woke at 7:00. Service in the Sevastopol church. Changed. Did the bazaar bought two linen parasols and an altar cover. Also, some vintage jewels for the little pair. A blanket for Baby and helped mama with her linen parasol, altar covers, coats, eirdowns, hats and a cane. Then bought some Lily of The Valley for my sitting room on the Standart. Changed. Went into the cars. Went to the garden. Played ball. Tea with mama in the loggia with OTMAA. Got the dogs, and then went on a walk with OTMAA, Anya and mama in her carriage. Baby went on his new bike. We found a cannon and took photos. Tea again then to the Standart

11th of March Sunday The Standart Since we were already on the Standart, we had to dress for church go to the church, then head for Livadia. Us sisters went to our cabins and got all the things that we bought in the bazaar. Trina gave us a new rain parasol and some new yacht dresses. We first had breakfast, outside then we went to the Polar Star so papa could see grandmother. Took photos. Then had lunch. Back we went so we could do deck gliding. Tea with mama in her canvas area, deck gliding, supper inside, watched some fireworks and the flags go down. Then had a dance and mama danced as well. Late night tea with mama and papa to sleep 10:00

12th of March Monday Standart Horrible weather when we woke. Breakfast with OTMA inside the family dinning room, photos. Morning tea. Deck gliding. Flower picking in mama flower garden. Lunch with OTMA and officers outside under the canvas area next to the dinning room. Went swimming with papa. Afternoon tea with mama in her canvas area. A dance in the dancing deck. Dinner in the officer sitting room/ dinning room. Where papa eats with his officers. Above it is the swimming pool. Cards with Anya and Olga. Evening tea with mama in her canvas area. A dance again. Watched fireworks and the flag going down from the flag deck. To sleep 10:00

13th of March Tuesday Standart Got woken up because of fog warnings. Woke at 8:30 after a long lie in. breakfast with Mama in her cabin because she had a headache. Poor Mama. Deck gliding. Morning tea with Anya. Photos with Mama and OTMA. Olga and Mama went to their cabins. Mama because of headache and Olga because of Madam Becker. Flower picking again. Then Witte came and gave Alexei a toy car that he can use in Livadia. Lunch with papa and Witte. More deck gliding. Tea with Anya and Mama in her canvas area. Swimming in the sea with papa, then we went on a 2 two-man boats. Me and papa and the Little pair. Dinner with TMAA in Alexei room. Dance again. Fireworks and going down of the flag. Small dance again. Evening tea with Anya and papa. To sleep 9:00

14th of March Wednesday Standart Woke at normal time. Breakfast with OTMAA inside. Deck gliding. Flower picking. Morning tea with Anya. Mama inside her cabin with another headache. Lord save her soul. Worked with OTMA outside on the hammocks. Lunch again with Anya. Papa went to the Alexandria to look at new recruits. Flower picking, worked again, tried on the yacht dresses Trina gave us. Tea with Mama in her canvas area. Photos. Swimming with papa. Dinner inside. Read while Mashka worked out on deck. Fireworks, going down of the flag, sat with Mashka, Mama and Alexei while there was a dance below. Tea with Anya and papa. To bed 9:30

15th of March Thursday Standart Woke again at normal time, breakfast with OTMAA and papa inside, deck gliding just me and Mashka because Nastya hurt herself yesterday and Olga in bed with Madam Becker, went on a swimming expedition with papa to the nearby island then had morning tea on the beach. Went further inland to where they had haystacks se we lie on those until lunch. With mama and Alexei and Nastya lunch was very good. Some bread with cooked mushrooms, cooked by papa. Then we went back to the yacht to get dressed and then to the island again and went for a long walk with papa and the officers, mama came but needed her wheelchair and Alexei came and on his bike. Then afternoon tea with mama on the dinning bit of the deck. Worked up on upper deck with Mashka. Dinner inside, then cards in the officer dinning room/ sitting room. Evening tea with Mama in her state room. Card again then to bed. 9:00

16th of March Friday Standart Woke again at normal time again, breakfast again just me and Mashka. Deck gliding. Morning tea with papa and Olga outside up in the funnel sitting area. Went on a nearby island again and picked loads of flowers. Then went swimming with Mashka again. Lunch again on the island with mama and papa. Then walk with papa. Afternoon tea at a nearby boat. Then deck gliding, then worked with Mashka and mama. Dinner inside then worked again, no fireworks because we are too near an island. Watched the flag going down with mama and Anya in deck chairs. Evening tea with Anya, cards. To bed 9:40

17th of March Saturday Standart, Livadia Woke again at normal time. Horrible weather. Stayed inside and played piano in Mama’s state room. With Anya. Morning tea with Anya in mama’s state room. The sun came out and we took the photos with the officers. Then the rain came again, and we took lunch inside. Cards and read and worked in mama’s state room. Then we packed up our hand-held things and then went to the stairs to get into the boat. I was very sad. Then got into the cars then got driven to Livadia. It was pouring with rain. Afternoon tea on Mama’s loggia. Unpacked. Made our room very nice. Dinner on the top balcony. There was a very nice film show in the hall. Worked a bit more. Evening tea with Anya on her small balcony next to Mama’s rooms and loggias. Cards with Anya then to bed 11:00

18th of March Livadia Sunday Woke at 7:00 then a church service. Breakfast. Me and Olga made our room and corridor nice with flowers. Went on a ride with Trina. Morning tea, with Anya. Read to mama. Lunch in the grounds with papa. Then went to the yacht and deck gliding. Afternoon tea with mama and Anya out on mama terrace. Worked until dinner for the bazaar. Dinner on the top balcony. Cards with Anya and Nastya. Spent Evening with Anya and worked for the bazaar. Tea with papa. Cards with Anya. To bed 9:30.

19th of March Monday Livadia To we got up at 6:30. And when on an almost all-day ride with OTMA and Trina. We met Papa for lunch on a hillside with mama in her carriage. Alexei was left back at the palace he has his mud bath treatment tomorrow. Then had a lovely walk with mama in her carriage, along flower picking, and olive picking. Then mama and papa went back in the motor. While us 4 with Trina. Arrived back just before afternoon tea. Had that with mama. Then worked for ever then dinner with mama and papa then watched the fireworks for the Standart from papa and mama’s bedroom loggia. Then evening tea with Anya on the same balcony.

20th march Tuesday Livadia Next week is the start of Easter Woke at 8:45, had breakfast with Anya, then lessons, morning tea with Mama and Anya then we 4 with Anya, Iza and Mama in her carriage went for a walk along the horizontal road and picked flowers. Lunch with Iza then back out again for a quick bicycle ride down to Yalta. Went to the Yacht for afternoon tea while Alexei has his Mud Bath Treatment. On the Yacht there was an impromptu dance. Which was very fun then dinner with Mama and Alexei, in his rooms. Then we had a service in the yacht’s chapel then evening tea on Upper deck then to bed 11:00

21th March Wednesday Woke at 10:00 after a lie in. then some morning tea with Mama on her balcony. But when I got up, I fell to the floor and fainted, Mama was not in the room. So, I was put to bed in mama’s room. All the sisters came around as well as Alexei. Tried to eat but no. Bed 6:30

22rd march Thursday Livadia Still Sick but was mama’s balcony the whole day. Read to mama the whole Gods books. Then worked. Tea in the grounds

23rd march Friday Livadia, Standart Still Sick!!! But when I woke up, we were going to the Standart to see the new recruits we then stayed on there until afternoon tea which was in the grounds again.

24th march Saturday Livadia St Lazarus Still a wee bit sick but I stayed on mama’s balcony for the morning then got fitted for our Easter set of Dresses which are the ones made for these two weeks. Then for lunch we headed on a carriage ride. Then afternoon tea again in the grounds but we went to the farm this time. Tonight, we had Matins and Divine Liturgy. Readings Hebrews 12:28-13:8 and John 11:1-45.

25th march Sunday Livadia Easter Palm Sunday Today woke at normal time. Then had a service then went to morning tea with Anya on her Loggia. Then matins. Then a horse ride in the grounds with Trina. Then read 1 of OUA a second set of the Gods books. Sripchess. Went on a walk with Mama in her carriage. On the Horizon trail all the way to OVER Trail. Then back for a service Liturgy. Then small lunch. Then a horse ride with Boatswain. Then Afternoon tea. With Mama and Baby. Read OUA to her on her balcony. Service. Then Mass. Dinner with Papa on the balcony outside Mama and Papa’s rooms. Embroidered with OTMA. Then went to Confession. Evening tea with Mama and Papa in their Room, Mama and Baby in Mama and Papa’s bed. Mashka was writing a letter to Koyla Demenkov her not so secret crush. Nastya Olga and I are now Embroidering. I am now writing in my diary. Mama has said that we must go to bed now because we all must get up early all week. To bed 7:00. Readings Gospel 12:1- 18

26th March Monday Livadia Behold the Bridegroom Cometh in the Midst of the Night Matins. Breakfast. Mass. Read OUA to Mama and to sisters. While morning tea was being eaten Mashka read Gospels. Mass again. Walk outside with Papa and Alexei. Lunch with 7 outside in the grounds. Then Liturgy. Then read to Mama while she tatted. I read Gospels. Then we all went by walking and Mama by carriage to Anya’s villa which is a 15-minute walk and carriage ride from Livadia. We brought some of the Eggs that you make for Easter. We then had Dinner with Anya at her Villa. Then walked to Aunt Marie old Palace where their church is and had a Mass again. Then with Aunt Marie and family for evening tea in their old palace. Then motor back to our palace. Read Aunt Helena stories to the Little pair and Baby while Olga and Mama talked about Easter presents for the Little ones. Then went to Papa library for a bit more of evening tea. With O and Mama and Papa. Papa read Spiritual Readings to us while us Woman painted. To bed 10:00

27th March Tuesday Livadia Woke at 5:00 am. Divine Liturgy. Then Confession. Breakfast. Mass. Read to mama on her balcony. Spiritual Readings. Then before Mass Mama gave me and the Little Pair a piano lesson in her boudoir. Mass. A walk to the OVER TRAIL. Then morning tea on the way there. Mama got us ready for Divine confession. Lunch in Mama’s boudoir. Then motor to Anya villa to make the Easter eggs. There were some officers there as well. Then to Mass at Aunt Marie church. Motor to Our friends House near the Farm. Spent 3 hours with him. Then from our friends house we walked over the mountain path while mama and O and Baby went by carriage to Aunt Marie new palace, for dinner. Then mama had our maids get a dress almost like a wedding dress with us heavenly vailed as well as papa and baby. We all walked into the Church. It was Divine confession. It lasted a full 4 hours. Then we all heard a te dum. We then all went into the Yalta church to receive a holy blessing. All then Motored back to the palace. Evening tea was in papa’s library but was just the Big pair and Papa. Papa read Divine Liturgy Gospel book to us. Had a bath to 11:00.

28th March Wednesday Livadia Woke again at 5:00AM. Divine Liturgy. Breakfast. Had a walk to the Side path all the way down to the sea. Then walked to Aunt Marie’s church. Mass then vespers. Moring tea there as well. It started raining wrote three letters to M. Gillard and to Anya. Then went on our bicycles, down to Yalta. With Mashka and Trina to get a lovely scaf from OTMA together. And, to get some threads to make mama something. Then back to the palace just in time before the rain started. Lunch with OTMAA in mama’ boudoir. Then vespers. Mass. Walked down to the sea again. Went to Yalta with Mashka and Trina again. Got even more wool for Baby and Nastya for their present for Papa. Also got the 2 through to 10th book for the Divine Liturgy Gospel book. Then it started raining heavily. So, we motored back. Then afternoon tea in Mama’s enclosed balcony. Then went to Yalta again with mama and OTMA to get the Easter eggs and painting paper for us and for Anya. Then Motor to Anya villa and made the Easter eggs. We made them while Mama and Anya painted. Then we went to Yalta Church for Holy Mass. Dinner at Anya Villa. Then invited Anya to see us in our Easter dresses. Evening tea with Anya on her Loggia while Mama spoke to Papa and Lord Marshal about Next Monday. Anya went home and the Little ones headed up to bed then had a small evening tea in papa’s library. He read to us. The palms. While we all knitted. To bed 10:00. There was a loud gun salet on Thursday

28th March Thursday

Easter Livadia This morning we had Divine Liturgy. Holy Mass. Breakfast then we all went our spaperate ways to finish up our eggs and presents People Eggs and presents Mama A mauve egg with Flowers coming out the top. A brooch with a small pearl and flowers Papa Our imperial colors egg A large notebook with the double headed eagle Olga A brown egg varnished with mauve A ruby ring and brooch from an old finish jewelry Maria Mauve egg varnished with Roses Her Perfume, note paper, a pearl brooch Nastya Wooden egg inside a bunch of wildflowers Note paper, a photograph holder. A vase

Alexei Red, blue, white egg A smaller egg with one of his lead soldiers A new set of lead soldiers, note paper, Lunch. Walk with Papa. Tea with mama. Mass. Liturgy. Dinner inside because of weather. Mass. Evening tea in mama’s sitting room. Made mama a new bed jacket and shawl. To bed 8;00.

29th March Friday Easter Livadia Woke up. Mass. Divine liturgy. Breakfast. Finished up the eggs. Mass. Went into Yalta with Trina. To pick up the presents. Then went on a horse ride with Mashka with some officers down Livadia’s old pool. Lunch with Papa, Mama, OTMAA and suite by the leve farm then rode and walked the way home. Worked on Baby’s balcony while he gets his mud treatment done. Then went on in Mama’s carriage to the hill vineyard. Then walked back. Mass. Divine liturgy. Dinner on papa’s balcony. Evening tea on the patio outside Mama’s and Papa rooms. Mama showed us some of the big pair when younger. Bath. To bed 10:00

30th March Saturday Easter Livadia Woke up. Mass. Communion. Breakfast. Then went to fetch Anya, Lili, Trina and countess Anastasia. Took them to Mama who was still praying. Went on our bikes on the top of the palace. Poor Mama knees was aching after praying for so long so I went to get her carriage to take in to her rooms. Went with Trina to see the flower lady who comes, and wow does she have a lot. Communion again. Lunch on Baby’s balcony. Went on a quick walk around the small gardens, mass. Afternoon tea on the garden logia. Mass. Dinner with suite in the dinning room then a walk with Anya and Trina around the small gardens. Worked with Nastya, communion. To bed 10:00

31th March Sunday Easter Livadia Today early me Papa, and Mashka at 4am went to church for the start of the celebrations then came back at around 7:30. Went to sleep for an hour. Breakfast. Mass. Then had the three kisses cemonry but Mama stayed inside for a bit then came out. We gave all of them eggs. Then went in for lunch. Then went on a horse ride with some of Papa’s favourite officers. Then went to Anya’s house to give all the lady’s in waiting their gifts and them to give ours. From all the ladies OTMA got a vase and some flowers. Then went to give presents to our personal staff. Then got eggs from family. Then went to the top balcony and chill there. Afternoon tea at Mama’s boudoir balcony. Then went on a horse ride with Staplin met up with Mama, Papa and OMAA to go to the Standart to say hello to the crew dinner abourd. Bath. To bed 9:00 Papa A white china egg A pearl brooch, flowers, photo album and a bit more money so that I can buy a dress for the ball tomorrow night Mama A white china and pink egg 3 pearl bracets and a large white gold pearl ring, loads of flowers, a pin cushion and a necklace of dainty pearls Olga A big egg from all siblings with a couple pf big pearls My perfume, note paper and a gorgeous set of pink roses with a blue silk headband Mashka ‘’ My perfume, a new photo album, some hair clips, and a huge bunch of white roses with some pink ones in the middle Nastya ‘’ My perfume, some film, a new lead for sally, and a pearl collar for orpido and dorki Baby ‘’ A new pillow, a shawl, loads photograph holders, my perfume and a small letter that said that I was the best sister in the world and with a bit of help from Mama and Papa bought me a huge pink pearl ring.

1st April Monday Livadia Today got up late. Bath. Breakfast. Mass. Went on a carriage ride with Trina. Then went in a horse drawen cab to Yalta to get our dresses for tonight fitted. Morning tea on Anya’s balcony with NAOTMAA, then went for a bike ride down to Yalta to get sweets with Alexei’s money. Went back up then lunch in the woodland with Sablin, Kern, Taube, Papa, Anya and Mama then with Mama and Anya in Mama’s carriage we al walked down to the Farm. Which was fun. Came back via motor because the rain had come down. Tried on our dresses then went to Tea in Papa’s study. Hairdressers did our hair as well as the Little pair. Then headed to Mama who gave us her Jewels to wear. I had a dainty pearl necklace. And a small dimana with sapphires. Danced late into the night. Went to sleep at 2:00

2rd April Tuesday Livadia Woke late. Bath. Shower. Breakfast. Molben. Then went to the sea for the entire day. HAPPY!!!!!

3rd April Wednesday Livadia Today is our last day without lessons Woke. Shower. Mass. Breakfast. Molben. Carriage ride with Trina. Went in a cab with Olga and Shura to fix Olga’s teeth. Bought flowers for Mama. Came back, pack up everything and went to the sea again. Alexei Brought Vanka.

4th April Thursday Livadia Woke. Mass. Breakfast. Walk. Molben. Lessons. Morning tea, then carriage ride with Trina. Lessons. Lunch in woodland. Walk with Mama in carriage went along the horosontial route. Then went to the Sea. Afternoon tea there. Rain started. Dinner in Papa study. Evening tea in Mama and Papa’s bedroom.

5th April Friday Livadia Same as yesterday. Except went to yalta on our bikes to fix Olgas teeth again.

6th April Saturday Livadia Woke. Mass. Breakfast. Walk to the vineyard. Lessons. Morning Tea in Mama’s and Papa’s bedroom as Mama was resting. Lunch in Mama’s and Papa’s bedroom. Then went on a long walk up to the vineyard with Mama in her wheelchair and Anya pushing her, then walk back to Ai-todor to see Aunt Xenia and Uncle Sandro. Stayed for tea and games. Then had a quick art lesson with Mashka and Olga. Had Dinner with Anya. Bath. Tea. Bed

7th April Sunday Livadia Woke. Shower. Mass. Moleben. Breakfast. Lessons. Morning tea with OTMA on the Children’s balcony. Went for a Horse ride. Preade. Then went on a horse ride with Mama in her Carriage as well as Alexei to Ai -Todor to have lunch go to their pool, tea and games. Then they came for Mass. Liturgy. Dinner with the cousins. Showered. Tea. Bed

8th April Monday Livadia Woke. Showered. Mass. Breakfast. Moleben. Carriage ride with Anya because it was cold and Rainy. Lessons. Morning tea with Mama in her boudoir. Horse ride to Ai -Todor to ask them to lunch they said no. lessons. Lunch in Mama’s boudoir. Went on a horse ride to Halax to ask them to see if we could go for dinner to them and then go and see a ballet on at the ballet theatre. After that worked with Mama and OTMA in Mama’s boudoir. Tea in there as well. Got dressed for dinner. Went by motor to Halax with Alexei, Mama and me in the first one. OMA, Papa and Trina in the other one. Had a lovley dinner then went to see the ballet perfect. Mama did not leave early only when the ballet had finished. Bath. Bed

9th April Tuesday Livadia Woke. Mass. Breakfast. Moleben. Went on a carriage ride with Iza. Lessons. Morning tea, with Anya in her rooms. Went to pick up Mama’s German Friend from Yalta in a motor. Took her to Mama’s rooms did not see them until dinner. Lessons. Lunch in Anya’s rooms. Went on a motor ride with Iza, OTMAA, Papa, Anya, Kern, Taube and Staplin. Came back in time for Tea with Alexei on his balcony. Papa said we are going again to Halax for dinner. Bath. Dressed. Went to Mama, got her ready. Went in her motor with her friend, Iza, Anya and OTMAA while Papa and the men walked. The dinner was so nice and then Minnie gave us a tour of her glass house filled with Roses. Came back in 3 motors. Tea. Bed.

10th April Wednesday Livadia No lessons because the teachers are ill. We relaished that the White Flower Day is next week, so Mama let us off Lessons until the Bazzaz and White Flower Day. Spent most of the day getting ready for that. Went into Yalta to buy some china. Dinner at home

A parasol that is up to buy its Mamas

17th April Wednesday Livadia Have not written in my diary for a week because we have been so busy, getting ready for White Flower which is Today.

Woke early. Showered. Washed my hair. Mass. And decorated the Livadia chapel and Church ready for White Flower Day. Went to Mama, she got our dresses and outfits ready. Took a picture of what we were wearing. Got ready to go all about and get ready to sell. We selled a lot. Then went with Mama in her Carrige down to Yalta to sell more. Lunch was at the Governer’s mansion. Did more selling. Then came back up to the palace washed and dressed then motor to Halax and went to the Ballet theatre with Them. It was an amazing performance. All went to bed around midnight.

18th April Thursday Livadia Today woke again early to get the servants ready for tonight’s ball. Mass. Breakfast. Moleben. Got ready for the review lasted 3 hours. Lunch the motored to Halax for a bit relaxation by the pool. Stayed the whole day. Came back a bit before dinner to get ready for the ball. Dinner with guests. The ball was very nice. Went to bed around 11:30

19th April Friday Woke very late. Mass in mama’s little chapel because I felt sick. Almost fainted. Was put to bed in Mama’s boudoir. Did the review then went back inside with Trina. Slept the whole, I know we did move to Halax where I stayed inside with Aunt Minnie. Did not go the reception in Yalta, but stayed ith Aunt Minnie who I am growing to love. Do not know what time I went to bed.

20th April Saturday Livadia Today is the opening of the bazaar. Woke again late. Did not go to Mass. Had breakfast washed. Moleben. Motored down to the quay where we are having the bazaar. Did the morning shift with Trina, Iza, countess Anastasia and Alexei. The officers were so nice and kept helping us move things. Then the others took over. Went back to the palace for Lunch. Then went down after Tea for a shift with Anya, Mama, Mashka and other people. Went back to Anya’s for Dinner. Evening tea was there as well. Went to bed late.

21th April Sunday Livadia Woke. Bath. Holy mass. Breakfast. Liturgy. Went on a walk to the old hunting lodge. One of the cars broke down. Mama was doing the bazaar. Went to the bazaar, took over the shift until dinner. Then went to Halax for dinner. Went on a nighttime swim. To bed 10:00

23rd April Monday Livadia Today woke early. Mass. Bath. Breakfast. Had a walk to Livadia old pool. Lessons. Morning with Alexei. Had a carriage ride with Iza and shopie. More lessons. Lunch with Anya. Went down the Yalta to get presents with Iza because its almost Trina’s birthday. Piano lesson. Worked and did some homework. Tea with Anya. Went ouside on a loggia with Mama and Papa. Dinner on Mama’s and Papa’s bedroom balcony. Did more homework. Evening in Papa’s office. Bath. Bed

24th April Tuesday Livadia Woke. Showered. Mass. Breakfast. Moleben. Carriage ride with Anya, Lili mama’s friend and Iza. Lessons. Morning tea with Iza and Mama. Went for a carriage ride again because its so wet outside. Piano time with Olga. Went down to Yalta with Kitty my maid, to get my teeth fixed. Cannot eat anything for a couple of hours. Had afternoon tea with Mama then with her went by Carriage to a small church. Dinner with Papa in his office, then read a book to Olga for homework. Evening tea with Anya and Papa, in Anya’s rooms.

I have finished my Dairy that I got last Christmas I hope that for the rest of the year my family and I will be happy and have a happy life.