"•"Society Don to Sir Archibald Auldjo Beginning by BETTY BEALE Jamieson
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THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. B-7 Mrs. Austin Wed MONDAY. ArFIL IS. IBM In London • ••AAA . EXCLUSIVELY Mrs. Margretta Stroup Aus- tin, formerly of Georgetown, IgP YOURS was married Thursday in Lon- "•"Society don to Sir Archibald Auldjo beginning By BETTY BEALE Jamieson. M.C., K.B.E. Sunday, April 22 Lady Jamieson is. Informa- tion and Cultural Affairs Of- Visiting Canadian Navy Gen. Gruenther Tempted ; ficer in the American Embassy in London She is the daugh- on the occasion of our We will Open Olir doors ter of Mrs. Ner Wallace Starts Wave of Parties Press /or Truman Wedding Stroup of Bethesda and the 11,h Anniversary The story of Gen. Alfred women in journalism will stage sister of Dr. Russell Cartwright Canada's newest antisub- ship are sipping cocktails and for Sunday Dinners Gruenther’s resignation from a big to-do that evening at Stroup, pastor of ,the George- marine destroyer nestled into sampling hors d'oeuvres as guests of and Mrs. supreme command of NATO the Muehlebach Hotel which town Presbyterian Church. a Maine avenue pier this Ambassador • forces and also from the will draw Blevins Davis, Perle Heeney, the crew will be oc- . ,/ from 2 until 10 p.m. | , Sir Archibald Is a director morning, leading quite . nat- cupied with shaking the kinks Army begins with the Presi- Mesta, et al. Blevins will j of Robert Fleming. Invest- / urally in this Nation’s Capital their a /// dent’s heart attack last fall. give a reception Sunday after- ment Bankers, and was, until out of legs at USO Since so many of you hove asked heavy in the YWCA. Generals and admirals noon for the Trumans and 1948, chairman of Vickers- to a round of social and dance ,'/// so often thot we remain open every day who've held high commands their houseguests. Armstrong, Ltd. His official functions for the offi- If they meet some attractive schools of the week . how could we refuse? consistently sought ** * * are Winchester lassies, the boys will have more yS are for top and New Col- cers and crew. It was our idea to initiate our first jobs in private business. And WASHINGTON'S BIG WED- lege, Oxford, and he is a time on Wednesday to invite Commanding officer of the girls Sunday dinners at the same time for a supreme DING began shape up yes- member of Brooks Club in the along on an all-day we commander to ' destroyer, H.M.C.S. St. Lau- - like Alfred Gruenther who's terday afternoon. Marjorie London. sightseeing tour of Washing- y celebrated the Anniversary of our 1 Ith Comdr. Robert Tim- the lucky noted for tact, for a mind like Post asked some friends to Sir Archibald and Lady rent, is ton. But tomorrow, 11 year of delicious dinners a steel trap, for administra- drop by for a cup of tea and j Jamieson will live in London. brell of Vancouver, British men who won't be on duty will y •./ superbly served agoinst a congenial tive ability par excellence, the see the presents her grand- Columbia, who oversees a team line up in a block of seats cosmopolitan background. opening V offers have been frequent and daughter Marjorie Durant of about 225. at the Nats baseball tempting. and finance Mrs. Knox Weds the visit game. Ronald Waller The social side of WEEKDAYS \ have . way Guests at tonight’s recep- He didn’t really listen to received. Mrs. Post got under this morning, /y them has taken a separate apart- Mr. Robinson when Comdr. Timbrell went tion in the Canadian Embassy before the President had will include the ship’s offi- A* Cocktails 4-6 p.m. Dinner 6 p.m.-l a.m. a heart attack, but after that ment at the Shoreham just for Mrs. Gertrude Hunt Knox calling on Canadian Ambassa- cers, ' he figured the whole picture the presents. and Mr. Philip Kyle Robin- dor Heeney at the Embassy. United States Naval of- I Plenty of room for parkin/ in the rear groom's Heeney ficers, British and NATO of- would be changing, so he lent The mother, an Satur- Mr. reversed the son were married here ficers. an ear. In fact, he gave so attractive brunette South- day by the Rev. Philip Gordon procedure at noon by attend- much encouragement erner. Mrs. Jean Bowles Mc- Scott. ing a small luncheon aboard Tomorrow comdr. Timbrell to an Quaig, Comdr, extremely lucrative offer to was there, having Mrs. Robinson is the daugh- the destroyer, when will again entertain at a become president of big firm checked in from her home in of the late Judge William Timbrell also was host to Dis- small luncheon aboard ship a . ter Tallahassee, . Commissioner Robert E. that when Ike decided to run Fla. Deenie Henry Hunt of the United trict for the Canadian Minister, Mr. again, and Stan Rumbough dropped McLaughlin, Navy Secretary George P. de T. Glazebrook, ty'yy' it was pretty hard for j States Court of Appeals and by Thomas, Chief of the Bureau " him to pull back. So he to see the engaged pair, former Governor of Puerto the Chief of the Bureau of RESTAURANT A COCKTAIL who will stand the altar 1 of Ordnance, Rear Admiral Ships. Rear Admiral A. G. LOUNGI accepted. * before Rico. of F. S. Withington, USN; the Mumma, • 3324 WISCONSIN AVS. NW 0 {Marion 3-7035 It’s the same old story It’s St. Thomas’ Episcopal Mr. Robinson is executive* USN and Director of Thursday, of the Atomic Energy Missiles, the story of a man who has Church on the same vice president of the North- Director Guided Rear Admiral day Grace Commission, Admiral C. B. Clark, devoted a lifetime of and Rainier say “I Life Rear J. USN and others. aoaoaaoooooaaaoaaoeoaaa service will.” western Mutual Associa- Shands and others. to his country, who is The bride-elect’s grand- tion and a member of Wednesday night Comdr. en- father, the Tonight, while officers of the trusted to direct the spending Edward B. Close, once Board of Regents of the Na- Timbrell will be host at a of billions of dollars and the was a warden at St. Thomas’. tional Red Cross. reception aboard ship for Midst the defense of the Free World, but gifts were some Mr. and Mrs. Robinson will College of the Holy top United States Navy offi- Years Exclusive Apparel gold Dunbarton finds he is only making what beautiful and silver coffee live in Milwaukee, Wis. Cross at 2 p.m. Sunday in the cers and their wives, foreign B(irg(lillS an administrative assistant to spoons from Secretary of college auditorium. attaches and their wives from Commerce and a Senator gets, a mere $14,000. Mrs. Weeks, a will be Great Britain, Australia, New * big Party to Feature The fashion show Generals, said a man who silver shell dish from held following a ceremony in Zealand. India, Denmark, The \y (I Secretary Unlimited! knows plenty of them, are no of Defense and Mrs. Fashion Show which the Very Rev. J. C. Netherlands, Belgium, Turkey, Wilson, a different from other men when magnificent pair of A “Tots to Teens” fashion Kearney, O. P„ professor of Greece and Finland: and others it pink alabaster the from the Canadian Embassy comes to feeling respon- vases from philosophy at Dunbarton Col- . Foleys, show will be a feature of the sibility toward their families. Ed a handsome pair of lege, will bless the children and and Canadian Joint Staff. topaz annyal baby party to be given iVpUwUj, A general’s widow, if the gen- and white cut crystal their parents. Mrs. Marghe- "Sally,” her officers and decanters eral had no disability, gets no from George Wil- by the Washington Chapter of rlta Hunt Mazur Is chairman crew, will pull out early Thurs- liams, . pension at all if she has an and so forth. The the Alumnae Association of of the party. day morning. THIRTEENTH Between E and F income of $1,200 a year. confetti is really flying these Otherwise she gets less than days. ** a SIOO a month—it varies * * from something like $45 to IMPORTANT PAINTINGS around SBO. Since of the colonial era have come none of to light, all them could subsist on such an because some Alex- income, they frequently have andrians had the initiative to go get together the art to to work at an age when exhibit. * no one wants to Our Town: 1749-1865, that : muc sue hire them. il opened at Gadsby’s A1 Gruenther is 57 years old, Tavern Prior to remodeling our second and 'third floors we are Thursday night. has had 40 years in the Army, Most of the “finds” are portraits has a wife, two sons and eight be- offering unsurpassed values in fine, famous-label apparel grandchildren. cause this was the era when He figures the portraiture time is ripe. flourished before of all kinds, for now and for all seasons of the camera. the year! * * ** In answer to the request to MARGARET TRUMAN’S all dig wedding Alexandrians to into will be covered via their belongings for paintings Hundreds Fabulous Fashions press arrangements of that are in this period, Mr. and Mrs. reminiscent of press coverage Elias E. Gray IV took couple for th| atom bomb a and Ike’s of portraits to the Corcoran Drastically Reduced! illness.' In short, lots will be Art Gallery for appraisal and drawn to see who gets into the restoration before lending church and who gets into the them to the exhibit.