Ethics out of Economics John Broome Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 0521644917 - Ethics out of Economics John Broome Index More information Index additivity, 12–14 cardinal and ordinal, 23, 25, 164, 203 age, 112, 122, 208, 215 chain, 124, 147–8 aggregation, Chang, Ruth, 251 of preferences, 186 changing one’s mind, 157 of wellbeing, 12, 46, 51, 65, 201, 219–20 claims, 115–21 over time, 189 collapsing principle, 129–32, 134–6, 140 see also weighing commensurabilism, 151–4, 159 Allais, Maurice, 247 comparative thinking, 9–11, 163–4 Allen, R. G. D., 243 comparatives, indeterminate, 123–44 Arrow, Kenneth, 39, 243, 244 compensation test, 177, 182 Arthur, W. B., 254 constituency principle, defined, 229 Atkinson, Anthony, 250 cost–benefit analysis, 44–67, 177–82, 183–95 atomless set, 97 and market prices, 48–52, 57–60 distributional problems, 50–2 Bailey, Martin, 246 cost-effectiveness analysis, 190 Barro, R. J., 249 Cowen, Tyler, 54, 245 Bayesianism, 157–60 creating a person, value of, 16, 167–8, 195, Bayes’s Rule, 6 208–10, 217, 222–6, 228–42 Bentham, Jeremy, 19, 27, 75, 243 see also population, value of Bernoulli, Daniel, 24, 25–6, 202 Culyer, A. J., 206 Bernoulli’s hypothesis, 202–3 betterness, Dasgupta, Partha, 238–42, 245, 254 conditional, 234–8 Davidson, Donald, 247 formal representation of, 25, 28, 110, 206 death, harm done by, 10–11, 12, 170–3, general, 9 235–7 indeterminate, 124, 138–44 see also life, goodness or value of individual, 9 Deaton, Angus, 243, 253 neutral, 143 Debreu, Gerard, 244 relation, 9, 162, 229 decision theory, 8, 15, 21–6, 68, 76, 163, relative, 238–42 202–3 transitivity of, 162, 209, 223–4, 230–4 as a theory of value, 104–6 vagueness of, 142–3 axioms, 8–9, 23, 68, 70, 72, 80, 92, 97–8, see also good 158, 162–3, 246 Blackorby, Charles, 220, 225, 250, 254 Bolker–Jeffrey, 91–110 Boadway, R., 252 causal, 92, 103–4 Bolker, Ethan, 15, 91–110 evidential, 103–6 Boolean algebra, 97–8 decisions, Border, K.
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