Transliteration Booklet

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Transliteration Booklet Transliteration for Renew Our Days: A Prayer-Cycle for Days of Awe Edited and translated by Rabbi Ronald Aigen z’’l Renew Our Days Maḥzor: Copyright © 2016 by The Reconstructionist Synagogue of Montreal (d/b/a Congregation Dorshei Emet). All rights reserved. Transliteration Copyright Ó 2017 by Kehillah Synagogue Chapel Hill, North Carolina About This Transliteration Kehillah Synagogue adopted Renew Our Days as our high-holiday Maḥzor more than a decade ago. It has met the congregation’s needs well for those who read Hebrew. To enable people who don’t read Hebrew to participate, we’ve always provided a transliteration also ז״ל Aigen Rabbi participation. full allow to enough been hasn’t it but Maḥzor, the of portion small a transliterates that booklet recognized this need and added more transliteration to each successive edition of the printed Maḥzor. Before Rabbi Aigen’s untimely passing, Howard Glicksman discussed with him the idea of producing a new edition of the Maḥzor with full transliteration. Rabbi Aigen was enthusiastic and was planning to participate in producing this new edition. With the cooperation of Congregation Dorshei Emet, we have pressed ahead with the project. This transliteration “booklet” is the first step of that effort. The initial transliteration was produced from computer files of the Hebrew text by a computer program written by Lee Nackman. The program attempts to reproduce Rabbi Aigen’s style of transliteration, as described on pages xxii and xxiii of the printed Maḥzor. Since the program is imperfect, the automatically-produced transliteration was proofread and edited by Eric Silberman, a student at Hebrew College Rabbinical School. Eric also identified improvements to the program. Eric’s work was funded by Kehillah Synagogue through a contribution from Howard Glicksman and Lois Bronstein. We hope that this booklet is a useful interim aide to help non-Hebrew readers participate more fully in the Kehillah’s 5778 High Holiday services. We hope that there is enough positive feedback to encourage completing this project by producing a new printed edition of the Maḥzor with full transliteration in the three-column style used in our Siddurim. In this style, each page has three columns: Hebrew, English translation, and English transliteration. We would welcome your feedback on this approach. Howard Glicksman & Lee Nackman August 2017 Tzaddik ka-tamar yifraḥ PSALM 92 Vatik yehemu na raḥamekha YEDID NEFESH ke-erez ba-levanon yisgeh. Mizmor shir le-yom ha-shabbat. ve-ḥusah na `al ben ahuvekha Shetulim be-veit adonai Tov lehodot la-‘donai Ki zeh kammah nikhsof nikhsafti Yedid nefesh av ha-raḥaman be-ḥatzrot eloheinu yafriḥu. u-lezammeir le-shimkha ʻelyon. li-r'ot be-tif’eret `uzzekha meshokh `avdekha el retzonekha ʻOd yenuvun be-seivah Lehaggid ba-bokeir ḥasdekha Eilleh ḥameda libbi Yarutz `avdekha kemo ayyal desheinim ve-raʻanannim yihyu. ve-emunatkha ba-leilot. ve-ḥusah ba ve-al tit`allam yishtaḥaveh el mul hadarekha Lehaggid ki yashar adonai ʻAlei ʻasor va-ʻalei navel Ye`erav lo yedidotekha tzuri ve-lo ʻavlatah bo. ʻalei higgayon be-khinnor. Higgaleih na u-fros ḥavivi `alai Mi-nofet tzuf ve-khol ta`am Ki simmaḥtani adonai be-fo’olekha et sukkat shelomekha be-maʻasei yadekha arannein. Ta’ir eretz mi-kevodekha Hadur na’eh ziv ha-`olam PSALM 93 nagilah ve-nismekha bakh nafshi ḥolat ahavatekha Adonai malakh gei'ut laveish Mah gadelu maʻasekha adonai Maheir ahuv ki va mo`eid Anna el na refa na lah laveish adonai ʻoz hit'azzar me'od ʻamku maḥshevotekha. ve-ḥonneinu ki-mei `olam be-har’ot lah no`am zivakh af tikkon teiveil bal timmot. Ish baʻar lo yeidaʻ Az tit’ḥazzeik ve-titrappei Nakhon kis'akha mei-az u-khesil lo yavin et zot. ve-haytah lah simḥat `olam mei-ʻolam attah. Bi-fro'aḥ reshaʻim kemo ʻesev vayyatzitzu kol poʻalei aven Nas'u neharot adonai le-hishamedam ʻadei ʻad. nas'u neharot kolam yis'u neharot dokhyam. Ve-attah marom le-ʻolam adonai. Mi-kolot mayim rabbim Ki hinneih oyevekha adonai addirim mishberei yam ki hinneih oyevekha yoveidu addir ba-marom adonai. yitparedu kol poʻalei aven. ʻEidotekha ne'emnu me'od Vattarem ki-r'eim karni le-veitekha na'avah kodesh baloti be-shemen raʻanan. adonai le-orekh yamim. Vattabbeit ʻeini be-shurai ba-kamim ʻalai mereiʻim tishmaʻnah oznai. Maḥzor page 15 Maḥzor page 14 Maḥzor page 13 Maḥzor page 12 ATZAPPEH ELEI SHAḤAK HA-MA`ARIV `ARAVIM KAVVANAH LE-ROSH HA-SHANAH Atzappeh elei shaḥak ve-khokhavav Barukh attah adonai Taʻazreinu adonai eloheinu be- ve-abbit be-eretz eloheinu melekh ha-ʻolam raḥamekha ha-rabbim et remaseha, asher bi-dvaro maʻariv ʻaravim she-nizkeh lekabbeil et rosh ha-shanah, ve-avin be-libbi ki yetziratam be-ḥokhmah potei'aḥ sheʻarim mattanah tovah she-natatta lanu yetzirah meḥukkamah be-maʻaseha. u-vi-tvunah meshanneh ʻittim be-ahavah u-ve-simḥah rabbah. Re'u et shemei marom kemo kubbah u-maḥalif et ha-zemannim tefurim be-lula'ot keraseha, u-mesaddeir et ha-kokhavim U-vi-zkhut kedushat rosh ha-shanah ve-sahar ve-khokhavav kemo roʻah be-mishmeroteihem nizkeh le-emunah sheleimah be-emet. teshallaḥ be-tokh aḥu kevaseha, ba-raki'aʻ ki-rtzono. Ve-taʻazreinu ve-toshiʻeinu she- ke-illu levanah bein nesi'ei ʻav yitkabbetzu yaḥad sefinah mehallekhet be-nisseha, Borei yom va-lailah kol nitzotzot ha'emunah ha-kedoshah ve-ʻanan ke-ʻalmah ʻal penei ginnah goleil or mi-penei ḥoshekh she-be-tokheinu, ʻal yedei kibbutz ha- tehalleikh ve-tashkeh et hadasseha, ve-ḥoshekh mi-penei or. kadosh ve-ʻav tal kemo naʻarah tenaʻeir min U-maʻavir yom u-meivi lailah shel ʻammekha yisra’el ha-mitkabbetzim seʻarah ʻalei eretz resiseha. u-mavdil bein yom u-vein lailah be-khol ha-kehillot yaḥad adonai tzeva'ot shemo. be-khol mekomot moshevoteihem Ve-shokhenim kemo ḥayyah asher El ḥai ve-kayyam tamid bi-mei rosh ha-shanah ha-kedoshim natetah yimlokh ʻaleinu le-ʻolam va-ʻed. levareikh et shem kodshekha. le-linah ve-ḥatzrotam avuseha Barukhattah adonai ve-khullam yenusun mei-ḥatat mavet ha-maʻariv ʻaravim. Barekhu et Adonai ha-mevorakh ke-yonah asher ha-neitz yeniseha, ve-sofam lehiddammot le-tzallaḥat Barukh Adonai ha-mevorak le-`olam va- asher shibberu khatit ḥaraseha. `ed Maḥzor page 19 Maḥzor page 18 Maḥzor page 17 Maḥzor page 16 Shema yisra’el AHAVAT `OLAM adonai eloheinu Ahavat ʻolam adonai eḥad. beit yisra’el ʻammekha ahavta. Torah u-mitzvot Barukh shem kevod malkhuto ḥukkim u-mishpatim le-ʻolam va-ʻed. otanu limmadta. ʻAl ken adonai eloheinu Ve’ahavta et adonai elohekha be-shokhveinu u-v-kumeinu be-khol levavekha u-v-khol nafshekha nasi'aḥ be-ḥukkekha u-v-khol me'odekha. ve-nismaḥ be-divrei toratekha Vehayu ha-devarim ha-eilleh u-v-mitzvotekha le-ʻolam va-ʻed. asher anokhi metzavvekha ha-yom ʻal levavekha. Ki hem ḥayyeinu Veshinnantam le-vanekha vedibbarta ve-orekh yameinu bam u-vahem nehgeh be-shivtekha be-veitekha u-v-lekhtekha yomam va-lailah. va-derekh Ve-ahavatekha al tasir u-v-shokhbekha u-v-kumekha. mimmennu le-ʻolamim. Ukshartam le-ot ʻal yadekha Barukh attah adonai vehayu le-totafot bein ʻeinekha. oheiv ʻammo yisra’el. Ukhtavtam ʻal mezuzot beitekha u-vi-shʻarekha. Maḥzor page 23 Maḥzor page 22 Maḥzor page 21 Maḥzor page 20 GA’AL YISRA’EL Vayyomer adonai el moshe leimor. Veḥarah af adonai bakhem Vehayah Emet ve-emunah kol zot Dabbeir el benei yisra’el veʻatzar et ha-shamayim im shamo'aʻ tishmeʻu el mitzvotai ve-kayyam ʻaleinu ve‘amarta aleihem ve-lo yihyeh matar asher anokhi metzavveh etkhem ha-yom ki hu adonai eloheinu veʻasu lahem tzitzit ve-ha-adamah lo tittein et yevulah le-ahavah et adonai eloheikhem ve-ein zulato ʻal kanfei vigdeihem va‘avadtem meheirah u-l-ʻovdo be-khol levavkhem va-anaḥnu yisra’el ʻammo. le-dorotam mei-ʻal ha-aretz ha-tovah u-v-khol nafshekhem. Ha-podeinu mi-yad melakhim venatenu ʻal tzitzit asher adonai notein lakhem. Venatatti metar artzekhem be-ʻitto malkeinu ha-go'aleinu ha-kanaf petil tekheilet. Vesamtem et devarai eilleh yoreh u-malkosh mi-kaf kol he-aritzim. Vehayah lakhem le-tzitzit ʻal levavkhem ve-ʻal nafshekhem ve‘asafta deganekha Ha-ʻoseh gedolot ʻad ein ḥeiker ur'item oto uzkhartem ukshartem otam le-ot ʻal yedkhem ve-tiroshekha ve-yitz’harekha. ve-nifla'ot ʻad ein mispar. et kol mitzvot adonai vehayu le-totafot bein ʻeineikhem. Venatatti ʻeisev be-sadekha Ha-sam nafsheinu ba-ḥayyim vaʻasitem otam ve-lo taturu Velimmadtem otam et beneikhem li-vhemtekha ve-lo natan la-mot ragleinu. aḥarei levavkhem ve-aḥarei ʻeineikhem le-dabbeir bam ve‘akhalta vesavaʻta. asher attem zonim aḥareihem. be-shivtekha be-veitekha u-v-lekhtekha Hishameru lakhem pen yifteh levavkhem Lemaʻan tizkeru va-derekh vesartem vaʻavadtem elohim aḥeirim va-ʻasitem et kol mitzvotai u-v-shokhbekha u-v-kumekha. vehishtaḥavitem lahem. vihyitem kedoshim l-eiloheikhem. Ukhtavtam ʻal mezuzot Ani adonai eloheikhem beitekha u-vi-shʻarekha. asher hotzeiti etkhem mei-eretz mitzrayim Lemaʻan yirbu yemeikhem vi-mei li-hyot lakhem l-eilohim veneikhem ani adonai eloheikhem. ʻal ha-adamah asher nishbaʻ adonai la-avoteikhem la-teit lahem ki-mei ha-shamayim ʻal ha-aretz. Maḥzor page 27 Maḥzor page 26 Maḥzor page 25 Maḥzor page 24 HASHKIVEINU Mi khamokhah Ha-ʻoseh lanu nissim be-mitzrayim Hashkiveinu adonai Ba-eilim adonai otot u-mofetim eloheinu le-shalom Mi kamokhah nedar ba-kodesh be-admat benei ḥam. ve-haʻamideinu malkeinu le-ḥayyim nora tehillot ʻoseih fele. Vayyotzei et ʻammo yisra’el u-fros ʻaleinu sukkat shelomekha le-ḥeirut ʻolam. ve-takkeneinu be-ʻeitzah tovah mi- Malkhutekha ra'u vanekha Ha-maʻavir banav lefanekha bokei'aʻ yam lifnei moshe. bein gizrei yam suf ve-hoshiʻeinu lemaʻan shemekha.
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