AGENDA HERITAGE ADVISORY COMMITTEE February 5, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. River Plate Room, Town Hall Meeting No.1 Online Agenda: Anything in blue denotes an attachment/link. By clicking the links on the agenda page, you can jump directly to that section of the agenda. To manoeuver back to the agenda page use the Ctrl + Home keys simultaneously OR use the “Bookmark” icon on the navigation panel to the left of your screen. Alternative formats available upon request by contacting:
[email protected] or 905-619-2529 ext. 3347 1. Call to Order 2. Disclosure of Conflict of Interest 3. Approval of Minutes 3.1 November 6, 2019 .......................................................................................................... Page 3 4. Presentation/Discussion Items 4.1 Workmen’s Circle Panel Installation [M. Sawchuck] (5 minutes) 4.2 DD Palmer Plaque Casting [M. Sawchuck] (5 minutes) 4.3 Westglen Property (1733 Westney Rd N) Updates [M. Sawchuck] (5 minutes) 4.4 456 Kingston Road West Development Concept [M. Sawchuck] (10 minutes) 4.5 Nicholas Austin House (775 Kingston Rd E) CHER [M. Sawchuck] (20 minutes) ........ Page 6 4.6 Update on Ajax Historical Minute Video Project [P. Pryjma] (10 minutes) 5. Correspondence 6. Update from Council 7. Standing Items 7.1 Work Plan ....................................................................................................................... Page 46 7.1.1 2020 Display Case Change 7.1.2 Community Event Participation 7.2 Heritage Permit Updates [M. Sawchuck] 7.2.1 William Hartrick House (22 Linton Ave) Door Replacement (5 minutes) 7.2.2 William St. George’s Anglican Church (77 Randall Dr) Roof Replacement (20 minutes) 7.3 Ajax Archives Update [B.Kriz] 7.3.1 Lambard Crescent Rededication Ceremony 7.3.2 Ajax Archives – Co-op Placement Support 7.3.3 80th anniversary of the Battle of the River Plate Documents Authored by Johnathan Harwood: South America 2019 – Historical Narrative .....................................