Rivulus Tomasi

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Rivulus Tomasi AQUA19(4)-LAYOUT:AQUA 30/10/13 10:50 Pagina 187 aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology Rivulus tomasi (Teleostei: Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae), a new killifish from Tobogán de la Selva, middle Orinoco river drainage in the Amazonas Territory, southwest Venezuela F. B. M. Vermeulen¹, S. Valdesalici² and J. R. Garcia-Gil³ 1) Tanki Leendert 194c, Aruba. Email: [email protected] 2) Via Cà Bertacchi 5, 42030 Viano (RE), Italy. Email: [email protected] 3) Camino De Los Jazmines 320, 33203 Gijón, Asturias, Spain. Email: [email protected] Received: 01 July 2013 – Accepted: 13 September 2013 Abstract Résumé Rivulus tomasi is described from Tobogán da la Selva, a Rivulus tomasi est décrit venant de Tobogán de la Selva, un tributary of the middle Rio Orinoco south of Puerto Ayacu- tributaire du Moyen-Orénoque, au sud de Puerto Ayacucho cho in the Amazonas Territories, southwest Venezuela. It is dans les Territoires d’Amazonas, au sud-ouest du Venezuela. similar to R. amanapira, R. rectocaudatus, R. tecminae and R. Il s’apparente à R. amanapira, R. rectocaudatus, R. tecminae staecki in having a truncate caudal fin, but differs by a et R. staecki par une caudale tronquée, mais se distingue par unique combination of character states: tip of pelvic fin une combinaison unique de caractéristiques: la pointe de la reaching between base of 4th and 5th anal fin ray in males, pelvienne atteignant l’espace entre la base du 4e et du 5e and 39-42 scales in longitudinal series. Rivulus tomasi differs rayon de l’anale pour les mâles et 39-42 écailles en séries lon- from other Rivulus spp. (except R. amanapira and R. uakti) gitudinales. Rivulus tomasi diffère des autres espèces de Rivu- by unique caudal fin coloration. lus (sauf R. amanapira et R. uakti) par une coloration unique de la caudale. Resumo Una nueva specie de “killifish” Rivulus tomasi está descrito Sommario de Tobogán de la Selva, un pequeño afluente al Rio Orinoco Rivulus tomasi è descritto da Tobogán da la Selva, un afflu- al sur de Puerto Ayacucho en el los territorios del Amazonas, ente del medio corso del Rio Orinoco a sud di Puerto al suroeste de Venezuela. Es similar a R. amanapira, R. recto- Ayacucho nell’Amazzonia del sud-ovest del Venezuela. È caudatus R. tecmina y R. staecki en tener una aleta caudal simile a R. amanapira, R. rectocaudatus, R. tecminae e R. truncada pero se diferencia por una combinación única de staecki per avere una pinna caudale tronca, ma si differenzia estados de caracteres: ápice de la aleta pélvica llegando entre per una combinazione unica di carattere: 39-42 scaglie in la base del 4° y 5° rayo de la aleta anal en los machos y 39- serie longitudinale e, nei maschi, la pinna pelvica in grado di 42 escamas de la serias longitudinal. Rivulus tomasi difiere de raggiungere un punto posto tra le basi del 4° e del 5° raggio todas las otras especies del género, excepto para R. amana- della pinna anale. Rivulus tomasi si differenzia da altri Rivu- pira y R. uakti, por la coloración única de la aleta caudal. lus (ad eccezione di R. amanapira e R. uakti) per la colo - razione della pinna caudale. Zusammenfassung Beschrieben wird Rivulus tomasi vom Tobogán de la Selva, einem Nebenarm des mittleren Orinoco südlich von Puerto INTRODUCTION Ayacucho im Amazonasgebiet, Südwest-Venezuela. Ihre Rivulus Poey, 1860 was considered to be the most Vertreter ähneln R. amanapira, R. rectocaudatus, R. tecminae speciose neotropical killifish (‘rivulid’) genus, com- und R. staecki durch die kurzstielige Schwanzflosse, unter- prising more than 145 valid species, distributed in scheiden sich aber durch eine unverkennbare Kombination Middle and South America. Costa’s (2011) major von Merkmalen: die Spitze der Bauchflosse reicht bei den Männchen bis zur Basis des vierten oder fünften After- revision divided the taxon into six genera (including flossenstrahls, die Zahl der Schuppen in Längsreihen beträgt three thereby elevated sub-genera): Anablepsoides, 39 bis 42. Außerdem unterscheidet sich Rivulus tomasi von Atlantirivulus, Cynodonichthys, Laimosemion, Mela - anderen Rivulus spp. (außer R. amanapira and R. uakti) no rivulus and Rivulus. Huber (2012) considered this durch eine deutlich andere Schwanzflossenfarbe. revision to be bold but premature, suggesting that 187 aqua vol. 19 no. 4 - 25 October 2013 AQUA19(4)-LAYOUT:AQUA 30/10/13 10:50 Pagina 188 Rivulus tomasi, a new killifish from Tobogán de la Selva, middle Orinoco river drainage in the Amazonas Territory, southwest Venezuela Costa’s (2011) sampling was less-than-comprehen- cias Naturales de la UNELLEZ (MCNG), Guanare, sive, and the analysis combining anatomical and Estado Portuguesa, Venezuela. Additional material is molecular data was inappropriate. in the Stefano Valdesalici Private Collection CSV, Rivulus tomasi n. sp. is a member of the subgenus Viano (RE) Italy. Laimosemion Huber 1999. Laimosemion occurs asso- ciated with the slopes of the Guiana Shield (except for R. rectocaudatus, from Peru), and comprises 26 Rivulus tomasi, n. sp. species: R. agilae Hoedeman 1954, R. altivelis Huber (Figs 1-2; Table I) 1992, R. amanapira Costa 2004, R. dibaphus Myers 1927, R. breviceps Eigenmann 1909, R. cladophorus Holotype: MCNG 56580, male, 33.5 mm SL; Huber 1991, R. corpulentus Thomerson & Taphorn Tobogán da la Selva, creek forming a waterslide near 1993, R. frenatus Eigenmann 1912, R. geayi Vaillant the village Coromata, about 31 km south starting at 1899, R. gransabanae Lasso, Taphorn & Thomerson the roundabout near the airport of Puerto Ayacu- 1992, R. jauaperi (Costa & Barança 2013), R. ki - cho, Amazonas Territories, Vene zuela. 05°23’16 N – rovskyi Costa 2004, R. lyricauda Thomerson, 067°37’00 W, J. Tomas, O. Helker, S. Perez and F. Berkenkamp & Taphorn 1991, R. mahdiaensis Vermeulen, 24 February 2010. Suijker & Collier 2006, R. nicoi Thomerson & Paratypes: MCNG 56581, 4 males, 26.4-37.3mm Taphorn 1992, R. paryagi Vermeulen, Suijker & SL, 5 females, 25.6-32.0 mm SL, collected with the Collier 2012, R. rectocaudatus Fels & Derham 1981, holotype. R. romeri Costa 2003, R. sape Taphorn, Lasso & Additional paratypes (all from the same locality): Leon-Mata 2006, R. staecki Schindler & Valdesalici MCNG 23662, (1), J. Hoigne and D. Taphorn, 7 2011, R. strigatus Regan 1912, R. tecminae Thomer- August 1989. MCNG 26417, (72), Oscar Leon son, Nico & Taphorn 1992, R. torrenticola Ver- Mata and Simón Falacios, 1 September 1991. meulen & Isbrücker 2000, R. uakti Costa 2004, R. MCNG 27314, (1), Santo Miguel Niño, 20 August uatuman Costa 2004, and R. xiphidius Huber 1979. 1992. MCNG 27314, (10), A. Barbarino and A. The new species, from middle Rio Orinoco, was Perez, 29 August 1994. MCNG 32973, (1), Oscar reported for the first time by J. Hoignei and D. Leon Mata and Simón Falacios, 1 September 1991. Taphorn, 7 August 1989. Surveys in the area were Additional material non-type: Stefano Valdesalici undertaken by the third author in 2006, and the Private Collection CSV 1009, 1 male 52.5 mm SL, first author in 2008-2013. 1 female 46.4 mm SL, 1 male 50.5 mm SL C&S. Same locality as holotype, José Ramón García Gil MATERIALS AND METHODS and Javier Rabanal Pérez, September 2006 . Morphology and meristics: Measurements and Diagnosis: Males with red longitudinal stripes counts follow Huber (1992) except body depth between the rays of the caudal fin, yellow stripe near measured at level of pelvic fins. Measurements were dorsal and ventral fin margin; females with brown made with a digital caliper, under a dissecting spots between caudal fin rays. Pelvic fins in males microscope, and rounded to the nearest 0.1 mm. moderately long, reaching between 4th and 5th anal Measurements are presented as percent of standard fin ray. Dorsal fin rays 8-9. Anal fin rays 13-14. length (SL), except for those related to head mor- Caudal fins rays 30-32. Lateral scale rows 39-42. phology, which are expressed as percent of head Description: See Table I for morphometric data. length (HL). Counts were made using a binocular Largest male and female in type series 37.3 mm SL microscope; fin ray counts were made with trans- (and largest female in type series 32.0 mm SL, respec- mitted light. As counting the number of fin rays is tively). Dorsal profile slightly convex from snout to not without difficulties, it may happen that the very end of dorsal fin base, approximately straight on cau- minute first rays of anal, dorsal and caudal fin were dal peduncle. Ventral profile convex on head, almost overlooked. Values for a potassium hydroxide straight from anterior portion of venter to end of anal cleared and alizarin stained (C&S) specimen are fin base, nearly straight on caudal peduncle. Body indicated by an asterisk after counts. Terminology slender, sub cylindrical anteriorly, slightly deeper than for the arrangement of frontal scales follows Huber wide, to compressed posteriorly. (1992), terminology for the cephalic neuromasts Posterior tip of dorsal and anal fins rounded in series follows Costa (2001). both sexes. Caudal fin truncate in males, rounded in The type series is deposited in the Museo de Cien- females. Pectoral fin rounded. Tip of pelvic fin aqua vol. 19 no. 4 - 25 October 2013 188 AQUA19(4)-LAYOUT:AQUA 30/10/13 10:50 Pagina 189 F. B.M. Vermeulen, S. Valdesalici, J. R. Garcia-Gil reaching between base of 4th and 5th anal fin ray in Color in life: Male: The basic color of the males, and between base of 1st and 2nd anal fin ray body is sky blue, tending greenish brown towards in females. Dorsal fin origin on vertical between base the dorsum. The chin and ventral areas are pale of 9th and 10th anal fin ray.
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