NAME: ______

Date I Commenced Training: ______

Date I Passed YELLOW Belt: ______

Date I Passed ORANGE Belt: ______

Date I Passed GREEN Belt: ______

Date I Passed BLUE Belt: ______

Date I Passed BROWN Belt: ______

Date I Passed BLACK Belt 1st Degree: ______

Date I Passed BLACK Belt 2nd Degree: ______

KRAV MAGA Curriculum


The following timelines are only approximates and are based upon students training an average of two times per week. Again, please be mindful that students often progress through the system at different paces.

YELLOW BELT: 4-6 Months


GREEN BELT: 9 Months

BLUE BELT: 9 Months

BROWN BELT: 12 Months

BLACK BELT I: Invitation Only (12 Months Minimum)

BLACK BELT II: Invitation Only (2 Year Minimum)


KM Level 1: Yellow Belt Curriculum

KM Level 2: Orange Belt Curriculum

KM Level 3: Green Belt Curriculum

KM Level 4: Blue Belt Curriculum

KM Level 5: Brown and Black Belt Curriculum


KM Level 1: Yellow Belt Curriculum

KM Level 2/3: Orange & Green Belt Curriculum

KM Expert: Blue-Black Belt Curriculum

Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ): Four 7 Jiu-Jitsu Curriculum

Fighting 2 Fitness: Hybrid of CrossFit & Fighting Style Fitness


I. Stance  A. Passive Stance  B. Fighting Stance  C. Self Defense Stance (modified fighting)

II. Movement  A. Forward, Back, Left, Right  B. Quick Step Roll Out  C. Out  D. Shadow

III. Punches  A. Straight  B. Straight Punch – left/right combination  C. Palm Heel  D. Eye Strike/Throat Strike - Concepts  E. Straight Punch with Advance  F. Straight Punch with Retreat  G. Straight Punch Low  H. Hammerfist Strikes (all directions)  I. Elbows (1-7)  J. Punch

IV.  A. Groin  B. Front Kick  C. Round Kick  D. Side Kick  E. Back Kick  F. Defensive Front Kick in Place  G. Defensive Front Kick vs. Attacker Approaching (timing)

V. Knees  A. All Knees without Grab  B. Knees with Grab at Shoulder and Arm – Side Clinch  C. with Grab around Neck – Thai Clinch

VI. Punch/Kick Combinations  A. Front Kick to Groin and Hammerfist Punch Down  B. Front Kick to Groin and Straight Punch  C. Combos 1-4  D. combos (combos 1-4 finishing w/ kicks)

VII. Punch/Kick Defenses  A. 360º Outside Defenses – positions  B. 360º Outside Defenses – moving attacks  C. Inside Defenses against Straight Punches  D. Inside Defenses against Low Straight Punches  E. Inside and 360º Defenses against Punches  F. Outside Cover Block  G. Front Cover Block (Single/Double)  H. Front Kick Defense

VIII. Choke Defenses  A. Choke from the Front (1 hand pluck)  B. Choke from the Front (2 hand pluck)  C. Choke from Behind  D. Choke from the Side  E. Choke from the Front with a Push  F. Choke from Behind with a Push

IX. Headlock Defenses  A. Headlock from the Side

X. Soft Techniques – General Comments  A. Wrist Release - Same Side Hand ( to elbow)  B. Wrist Release - Opposite Hand (hitch-hike out)  C. Wrist Release - 2 Hands Held High  D. Wrist Release - 2 Hands Held Down  E. Wrist Release - Being held with 2 hands

XI. Ground Fighting

Back Position ❑ A. Movement ❑ B. Front Kick ❑ C. Round Kick

Sitting Up ❑ A. Movement ❑ B. Kick with Bottom Leg ❑ C. Getting Up

Mount Defense ❑ A. Mounted, Defense vs. Punches (buck hips) ❑ B. Mounted, Trap and Roll ❑ C. Elbow Escape while Mounted ❑ D. Elbow Escape – If opponent is sitting back ❑ E. Elbow Escape Cheats – under ankle, foot pick ❑ F. Recover from High Mount

Guard – Top Position ❑ A. Striking ❑ B. Stand up to Escape

Guard – Bottom Position ❑ A. Striking ❑ B. Stand up to Escape – Technical Stand Up


I. Movement  A. and Weaving  B. Punches  C. Shadow Boxing (punches, elbows, kicks, knees)

II. Punches  A. Overhand Punch  B. Punch  C. Focus Mitt Combinations (using straight, hooks, , and elbows)

III. Kicks *ALL advancing kicks from fighting and neutral stance.  A. Groin Kick with Advance  B. Front Kick with Advance  C. Side Kick with Advance  D. Back Kick with Advance to Side  E. Back Kick with Advance to Back  F. Round Kick with Advance (back and front leg)  G. Advancing Defensive Front Kick  H. Kick Combinations (using front, round, side, and back kicks)

IV. Punch/Kick Combinations  A. Side Kick with Hammerfist Punch  B. Back Kick with Hammerfist Punch

V. Head-butt  A. Head-butt Forward  B. Head-butt Upward  C. Head-butt to the Side (bearhug context)  D. Head-butt to the Back (bearhug context)

VI. Punch Defenses  A. Inside Defense with Counter vs. Left Punch  B. Inside Defense with Counter vs. Left Punch Using Left Hand  C. Inside Defense with Counter vs. Right Punch (2 counters)  D. Inside Defense with Counter vs. Right Punch (1 counter)  E. Defense vs. Hook Punch (extended)  F. Defense vs. Uppercut Punch  G. 360º Defenses with Counterattacks

VII. Kick Defenses  A. Reflexive Defense vs. Groin or Front Kick  B. Outside Stabbing Defense vs. Groin or Front Kick  C. Plucking Defense vs. Low/Medium Front Kick  D. Defense vs. Front Kick (redirect)  E. Inside Defense vs. High Front Kick  F. Defense vs. Low Round Kick (using shin)  G. Defense vs. Low Round Kick (absorbing)

VIII. Fall breaks  A. Fall break - back  B. Fall break – side  C. Fall Break - front

IX. Choke Defenses  A. Choke From the Front Against the Wall  B. Choke From Behind Against the Wall  C. Standing Guillotine Defense

X. Bearhugs  A. Bearhug from the Front with Arms Free  B. Bearhug from the Front with Arms Caught  C. Bearhug from Behind with Arms Free  D. Bearhug from Behind with Arms Caught  E. Bearhug from Behind (leverage on finger)  F. Bearhug from Behind (lifting)  G. Bearhug from the Front (lifting)

XI. Wrist Releases  A. 2 attackers – each pulling defender’s arms to side  B. 3 attackers – 2 pulling defender’s arms to side and 2 approaching

XII. Ground Fighting

Clearing / Stripping Foot ❑ A. In Place ❑ B. Spinning Outward (Round Kick) ❑ C. Spinning Inward (Heel Kick)

Mount – Bottom Position ❑ A. Hip Push Escape ❑ B. Choke while Mounted ❑ C. Headlock or Close Choke while Mounted

Mount – Top Position ❑ A. Maintaining the Mount ❑ B. Striking ❑ C. Pop Up & Out- Pinning opponents arms to chest

Side Mount - Bottom Position ❑ A. Underhook Escape ​ ❑ B. Over/Under Escape ​

Side Mount -Top Position ❑ A. Control (underhook & head control) ​ ❑ B. Mount – Knee Across ​ ❑ C. Mount – Sit Towards Feet ​ ❑ D. Hip Block (hand & leg/knee) ​

Guard – Bottom Position ❑ A. Kick Off From the Guard ​ ❑ B. Sit Up ​ ❑ C.Guillotine ​ ❑ D. Standing Guillotine ​ ❑ E. Technical Stand Up ​

Guard – Top Position ❑ A. Guard Escape (stacking) ❑ B. Breaking Closed Guard to Combat Guard ❑ C. Knee Through Pass – Side ❑ D. Guillotine Defense


I. Punches  A. Flying  B. Flying cross  C. Flying elbow (forward & downward variations)  D. Spinning Elbow  E. Spinning Backfist/Hammerfist

II. Kicks  A. Back Kick with a Spin  B. Offensive Back Kick (short to long)  C. Offensive Back Kick with a Spin  D. Side Kick with a Spin  E. Heel Kick  F. Heel Kick with a spin  G. Inside Slap Kick  H. Outside Slap Kick  I. Outside Slap Kick with a Spin

III. Punch Defenses  A. Inside Defense vs. Left/Right  B. Inside Defense vs. Left/Right (lean back & trap)  C. 1 Hand Inside Defense vs. Left/Right (using forward & back hand)  D. Overhead Punch in Defense vs. Right Cross  E. Outside Defenses (1-5)  1. Palm to Self / Thumb Out  2. Thumb to Self  3. Ducking Under Punch / Roll Punch Over Head  4. Stabbing  5. Attack from side – Palm toward attacker/pinky out

IV. Kick Defenses  A. Defense vs. High Round Kick (reflexive)  B. Defense vs. High Round Kick (fighting stance - 2 contact points)  C. Defense vs. High Round Kick (fighting stance - 3 contact points)  D. Defense vs. Round Kick to Ribs (covering options)  E. Defense vs. Groin Kick (redirect)  F. Defense vs. Groin Kick – Check Block

V. Fall Breaks / Rolls  A. Back Roll  B. Forward Roll (regular)  C. Forward Roll/Back Fall Break

VI. Headlocks/Chokes  A. Rear Naked Choke – Early Detection  B. Rear Naked Choke – Late Detection  C. Choke From Behind with a Pull  D. Choke from the Side on Ground - Kick to Face  E. Choke from the Side on Ground - Take Down

VII. Hairgrabs  A. Hairgrab from the Front in Place  B. Hairgrab from the Front with Impending Knee  C. Hairgrab from the Side with Impending Knee  D. Hairgrab from Behind or Opposite Side

VIII. Ground Fighting

Mount – Bottom Position ❑ A. Attacker Straddling - Pinning Wrists - Slide Arms ❑ B. Attacker Straddling - Pinning Wrists - Wrist Lock ❑ C. Americana Defense

Mount – Top Position ❑ A. Grapevine Control ❑ B. Defending Hip Push & Elbow Escape ❑ C. Americana

Side Mount - Bottom Position ❑ A. Elbow escape Re-Guard ​ ❑ B. Elbow escape to Knees (single leg ) ​ ❑ C. Roll Away Escape (prevent back take) ​ ❑ D. Americana Defense ​

Side Mount -Top Position ❑ A. Strikes ​ ❑ B. Americana ​ ❑ C. Clearing Hip Check ​

Guard – Bottom Position ❑ A. Arm Lock ❑ B. Scissor Sweep ❑ C. Defending Punches (opponent control, off balance)

Guard – Top Position ❑ A. Double Under Pass ❑ B. Double Over Pass ❑ C. Arm Lock Defense

Headlock from the Side Bottom Position (scarf hold) ❑ A. Headlock from the Side (weight forward, leg wrap) ❑ B. Headlock from the Side (weight forward, with space) ❑ C. Headlock from the Side (weight back)


I. Punches  A. Chops - Inside and Outside  B. Ridge Hand  C. Swingout Hammerfist - Element of Surprise  D. Mouth of Hand Punch

II. Kicks/Knees  A. Axe Kick  B. Burst in front kick  C. Long Knee  D. Side Knee  E. Switch Knees  F. Flying Knee  G. Inward Angle Knee  H. Diagonal Downward Round Kick  I. Side Step Groin Kick  J. Switch Step Groin Kick

III. Takedowns, Throws and Holds  ​ ​  A. Sweep with forward Kick  B. Sweep with Heel Kick  C. Sweep - Leg Sweep with Round Kick  D. Double Leg Takedown

IV. Kick Defenses  A. General Defense vs. Medium to High Attacks (round kick, heel kick, etc.)  B. Sliding Defense vs. High Round Kick  C. Defense vs. High Side Kick (redirect)  D. Defense vs. Low to Medium Side Kick (plucking)  E. Defense vs. Side Kick (sideways to attacker)  F. Sliding Defense vs. Spinning Heel Kick  G. Kick Defense vs. Spinning Kicks

V. Fall Breaks / Rolls  A Forward Roll/Backward Roll

VI. Stick Defenses  A. Overhead Swing  B. Overhead Swing – off angle/dead side (1 step)  C. Overhead Swing – off angle/dead side (2 steps)  D. Baseball Bat Swing

VII. Knife Defenses  A. Kick Defense vs. Knife Attack from a Distance  B. Kick Defense vs. Straight Stab (bail out)  C. Hand Defenses (general 360º & inside defenses)  C. Improvised Defensive Tools & Force Multipliers

VIII. Handgun Defenses  A. Gun from the Front – Left & Right Side Defenses  B. Gun from the Side of the Head – Left & Right Side Defenses  C. Gun from the Side - In Front of the Arm (touching)  D. Gun from the Front - Pushing into Stomach  E. Gun from the Side - Behind the Arm  F. Gun from Behind – Live Side (touching)

IX. Cavaliers  A. Cavalier #1-4

X. Ground Fighting

Mount – Bottom Position ❑ A. Head and Arm Choke Defense

Mount – Top Position ❑ A. S Mount Arm Lock ❑ B. Head and Arm Choke

Side Mount - Bottom Position ❑ A. 2 Hands Past Short Underhook Escape ​ ❑ B. Arm Lock Defense ​ ❑ C. Head and Arm Choke Defense ​

Side Mount -Top Position ❑ A. Head and arm choke – Same & Cross Side ​ ❑ B. Arm Lock – Same & Cross Side ​

Guard – Bottom Position ❑ A. Head and Arm Choke

Guard – Top Position ❑ A. Head and Arm Choke Defense

Back Defense ❑ A. Defending Punches ❑ B. Sliding Low Defense ❑ C. Ankle Lock When Opponent Crosses Feet ❑ D. Bridge Towards Non-Choking Side ❑ E. Shoulder/Hip to Mat Escape ❑ F. Baseball Bat – 2 on 1 Defense

Back Mount ❑ A. Hand Fighting ❑ B. Face Down Control – Grapevine ❑ C. Face Up Control – 1 or 2 Hooks ❑ D. Switch to Mount ❑ E. Switch to Arm Lock ❑ F. Switch to Head/Arm (shoulder) Choke ❑ G. Striking from Face Up/Down Control ❑ H. Rear Naked Choke (quick & carotid)


I. Punches  A. Left Jab – Overhand Right Combination

II. Kicks  A. Front Kick/Round Kick w/ a Switch  B. Two Front Kicks w/ a Switch  C. Outside Slap Kick and Front w/ a Switch  D. Two Straight Knees w/ a Switch  E. Two Back Kicks w/ a Switch

III. Kick Defenses vs. Back Kicks  A. Redirecting w/ the Shin  B. Redirecting w/ the Forearm (defense against high front kick)  C. Outside Stabbing Defense  D. Plucking Defense (side kick defense)  E. Defense vs. Side Kick (sideways to attacker)

IV. Takedowns, Throws and Holds ​  A Machine Gun Takedown  B. One Arm Shoulder  C. One Arm Shoulder Throw (roll variation)  D. Hip Throw  E. Single Leg Takedown

V. Self Defense  A Defense v. Headlock from the Side: Being Spun Inward  B. Defense v. Headlock from the Side: Neck Break  C. Defense v. Full Nelson: Leverage on the Fingers  D. Defense v. Full Nelson: Forward Throw  E. Defense v. Full Nelson: Sweep

VI. Stick Defenses  A. Overhead Swing  B. Overhead Swing – off angle/dead side (1 step)  C. Overhead Swing – off angle/dead side (2 steps)  D. Baseball Bat Swing

VII. Knife Defenses  A. Knife Defense vs. Downward Stab (Ice Pick)  B. Knife Defense vs. Upward Stab  C. Knife Defense vs. Straight Stab  D. Knife Defense vs. Straight Stab (live side)  E. Knife Defense vs. Slash  F. Knife Defense vs. Backhand Slash

VIII. Defense Against Threat w/ a Shotgun/Assault Rifle/SMG  A. Gun from the Front: Live Side  B. Gun from the Front: Dead Side Disarming under the Gunmans’s Arm  C. Gun from the Front: Dead Side Disarming Over the Gunmans’s Arm  D. Rifle from the Side, Behind the Arm  E. Rifle from Behind (touching)

IX. Defense Against Threat w/ a Handgun  A. Gun from Behind - Off Body  B. Gun from Behind – Dead Side (touching)

Ground Fighting

Mount – Top Position ❑ A. Kimura

Mount – Bottom Position ❑ A. Kimura Defense

Side Mount - Bottom Position ❑ A. Kimura Defense ​ ❑ B. Defence vs. Knee on Belly ​

Side Mount -Top Position ❑ A. Disengage Knee to Belly ​ ❑ B. Kimura ​

Guard – Bottom Position ❑ A. Kimora ​

Guard – Top Position ❑ A. Standing Pass ​ ❑ B. Kimora Defense ​

Half Guard – Bottom Position ❑ A. Push/Pull w/ Legs to Hook ❑ B. Leg Triangle Sweeps – Inside/Outside ❑ C. Arm Escape Tight Head/Arm Control ❑ D. Control Opponents Head & Arm to Prevent Strikes

Half Guard – Top Position ❑ A. Knee Push to Mount ​ ❑ B. Knee Push to Cross Knee Slide ​ ❑ C. Head & Leg Control to Prevent Re-Guard ​

North South - Bottom Position ❑ A. Escape to Knees (prevent choke) ​ ❑ B. Bridge to Side ​ ❑ C. Defense vs. North/South Choke ​

North South - Top Position ❑ A. Transition from Side Mount ​ ❑ B. North South Choke (Monson) ​


I. Punches  A. ALL Strikes from Opposite Stance  B. Switch Step Jab  C. Switch Step Cross  D. Step Through (straight, overhand, mouth of hand)

II. Kicks  A. Front Kick to Knee  B. Inverted Stomp to Knee  C. Shuffle Front Kick  D. Shuffle Round Kick  E. Shuffle Knee  F. Flying Side Kick  G. Switch Step Kicks (Front, Round, etc.)

III. Kick Defenses  A. General Defenses – Jamming  B. Hollowing Defense vs. Any Kick (mid and low)

IV. Takedowns, Throws and Holds ​  A. Face to Face or Sacrifice Throw  B. Headlock From Behind  C. T-Position Trip  D. Punches to Takedown  E. Single & Double Leg Takedown Off Wall

V. Self Defense  A. Choke from Behind w/ Rope/Chain  B. Side Headlock Take Down

VI. Stick Defenses  A. Baseball Bat Swing from Behind – Late Notice

VII. Knife Defenses  A. Axe Overhead Swing  B. Axe Horizontal Swing  B. Machete Overhead Swing  B. Machete Horizontal Swing  B. ALL Knife Defenses Extreme Close Range

VIII. Defense Against Threat w/ a Shotgun/Assault Rifle/SMG  A. Rifle from Behind at a Distance  B. Defense v. Bayonet Stab Dead Side  C. Defense v. Bayonet Stab Dead Side (variation)  D. Defense v. Bayonet Stab Live Side

IX. Defense Against Threat w/ a Handgun  A. Gun from Behind Hostage  B. Gun from Front w/ from Defender on Knees  C. Gun from Behind Touching While Being Moved

X. Ground Fighting

Guard – Bottom Position ❑ A. Overhook Elevator Sweep ​ ❑ B. Double Underhook Elevator Sweep ​ ❑ C.Triangle Choke ​

Guard – Top Position ❑ A. Knee Through Pass – Same Side ​ ❑ B. Arm Bar Defense with Pass ​ ❑ C. Triangle Choke Defense ​

Front Headlock – Bottom Position ❑ A. 2 on 1 Hand Fight ​ ❑ B. Sit Out ​ ❑ C. Sucker Drag to Side Ride ​ ❑ C. Guillotine Defense ​ ❑ C. Darce Choke Defense ​

Front Headlock - Top Position ❑ A. Clearing Arm ​ ❑ B. Spiral Ride ​ ❑ C. Searbelt Grip ​ ❑ D. Taking Back – Hooks in Top Position ​ ❑ E. Taking Back – Hooks in Roll to Side ​ ❑ F. Guillotine ​ ❑ G. Arm In Guillotine ​ ❑ H. Darce Choke ​

Advanced Black Belt Curriculum Handguns Gun from the Front Gun from the Front w/ Shirt Grab (centerline) Gun from the Front w/ Shirt Grab (short side to the left) Gun w/ Hand at Chest (space for redirection) Gun w/ Hand at Chest (no space for redirection/machine gun takedown) Gun w/ Push (short side to left) Gun w/ Active Pushing (short side to right/centerline, hands down variation) Gun w/ Active Pushing (short side to right/centerline, hands up variation) Gun Under Chin/Neck (w/ hair grab, centerline) Gun Under Chin/Neck (w/ hair grab, short side to left) Gun from Front w/ Wall Pin (thumb down cupping variation) Gun w/ Defender on back and Assailant Mounted Gun w/ Defender on back and Assailant Standing to Side Gun from Front w/ Obstacle (desk)

Gun from Behind Gun w/ Defender Face-Down and Assailant Mounted Gun at Shoulder w/ Wrist Grab (assailant more to side) Gun from Behind w/ Hand on Shoulder (left hand on right shoulder, space for redirection) Gun from Behind Extremely Close Quarters Gun from Behind w/ Defender on Knees

Carjacking Assailant Outside, Defender in Driver’s Seat: Approach from Slightly behind Defender (redirect behind, handcuff technique) Approach from the Side of Defender Approach from the Front of Defender Assailant Inside Vehicle: Assailant in Front Passenger Seat Assailant in Rear Seat Directly behind Driver (hostage from behind) Assailant in Rear Seat Directly behind Passenger

Handguns Vs. Third Parties Handgun Threats to the Front of the Third Party: Gun to the Front of Third Party, Defender behind Assailant Gun to the Front of Third Party, Defender behind Third Party

Handgun Threats from Behind the Third Party: Gun to Back of Third Party, Defender to Side (defense from dead side) Gun to Back of Third Party, Defender to Side (defense from live side) Gun to Head of Third Party, Defender to Side (hostage)

Edged Weapons Edged Weapon Threats from the Front: Edged Weapon Touching or at a Short Distance off the Body Edged Weapon at Longer Distance off the Body Edged Weapon against Right Side of Neck (movement to dead side) Edged Weapon against Right Side of Neck (movement to live side)

Edged Weapon Threats from Behind: Edged Weapon at Back, Touching Edged Weapon at Throat from Behind (hostage situation)

Blunt Objects vs. Edged Weapons General Response to Any Frontal Attack That is Recognized Early Straight Stab (defending to live side) Straight Stab (defending to dead side) Ice Pick Stab (defending to live side) Ice Pick Stab (defending to dead side) Upward Stab (defending to live side) Upward Stab (defending to dead side) Slashing Attach (defending to live side) Slashing Attach (defending to dead side)

Blunt Objects vs. Blunt Objects Defending Using One Hand on the Defensive Weapon: Overhead Swing Three-Quarters Downward Swing Three-Quarters Upward Swing Baseball Swing Straight Up Swing Backhand Three-Quarters Downward Swing Backhand Three-Quarters Upward Swing Backhand Baseball Swing

Defending Using Two Hands on the Defensive Weapon: Upper Body Swing Overhead Swing Lower Body Swing Straight Up Swing Lower Body Backhand Swing

Edged Weapons vs. Edged Weapons Mixing Personal Weapons/Defenses with Defensive Weapon Ice Pick Stab with Early Recognition (throat strike) Ice Pick Stab (defend to inside of wrist) Straight Stab (defend to inside of wrist) Upward Stab Slashing Attach, Regular Slashing Attach, Backhand Off Angle Variations

Hand Grenades Defending Against a Threat by an Assailant with a Hand Grenade Defender Coming from Behind Defender Coming from Behind, Pulling Assailant Backwards Defender Coming from the Front