GLPA Newsletter Fall 2010 Issue Published by the Great Lakes Chapter of the United States Coast Guard Academy Parents’ Association in August, January, and May.

2010-11 Chapter Officers From the President Second, we discover that our parent group is smart, energetic, Greetings to our CGA Great enthusiastic, and fun. I always President Lakes Parents Association Mem- wish we could determine a better Ann Corwell (Andrew ‘11) bers! [email protected] way to see and get to know more It’s been a while since our of our parents in person. But, the last newsletter. Part of our joy of families we have gotten to know at Vice Presidents covering a seven state area is get- the picnics are the greatest. We Bruce & Peg Talbot (Erin ‘13) ting to know families from Amer- appreciate all of you. [email protected] ica’s Midwest — truly the heart- Third, we enjoy the culinary [email protected] land of our country. Part of our skills of the attendees. We have challenge in covering a seven state some good cooks in our Chapter as Secretary area is maintaining effective com- evidenced by the luscious pot luck Donna O’Brien (Kevin ‘12) munication. We hope that with delights at the picnic. Special [email protected] more e-newsletters this year, a thanks this year to the O’Briens stronger website, and a stronger for serving as grill masters, a key presence at Parents Weekend, Treasurer element to success. Deb Tatara (Mark ‘11) we’ll have the opportunity to get [email protected] to know more of you even better. Be sure to check out the pic- That’s our goal and our hope. tures from the picnic on pg. 4 & 5. Web Master Welcome Class of 2014! Leadership 44 Support Mike Nolan ( ‘) We are delighted that the You’ll see information on the [email protected] GLPA welcomed nearly 40 next page about the Leadership 44

SWABS (now 4th class cadets) to Campaign launched by the Acad- Newsletter Editor the CGA. A number of these fami- emy this year to raise funds for Jeff Dooley (LTJG James ‘08) lies joined us in June for our upgraded, updated training sailing [email protected] SWAB Family Picnic (see below). vessels for our cadets. This year’s The future of our Academy and annual donation from the GLPA to Fundraising the caliber of our cadets is strong, the CGA Parents Association was Terry Anderson bright, enthusiastic and dedicated earmarked to support this pro- [email protected] to the mission of the Academy and gram. I’ve pledged a portion of my the Coast Guard. We’re so proud own contributions to the Academy Ways and Means of each one of our new cadets. We to be designated to this effort. You are ready to support every family. may want to consider that as well. Please call on us at any time, day Membership and Donations or night-to talk, ask questions, or seek advice or encouragement. For those of you who have We’re here for you. been members of the GLPA for a while, you know that each year we Summer Picnics have requested membership dues. Our June picnic was a joy, as Starting with the class of 2014, the usual. We always discover a num- CGA Parents Association has in- Something you’d like to see in ber of things at our picnics. First, stituted a new procedure which we the GLPA Newsletter? Send it we experience the professionalism support and, we believe, works well for us. The CGA Parents As- in to [email protected]! Sub- of our Michigan City, IN CG Sta- sociation will solicit annual mem- missions are always desired. I tion personnel. They prepare for our visit. They are cordial and bership dues that cover member- am the editor, but YOU are helpful. They’re cheerful and en- (Continued on page 3) the reporters! thusiastic. We appreciate them.

1 GENERALIZED SCHEDULE OF PARENTS WEEKEND (based on previous schedules)


0700-1900 Drydock Snack Bar Open in Leamy Hall.

0730-1700 Coast Guard Academy Bookstore Open – Chase Hall.

0800-1250 Parents Association Executive Council Meeting – Officer’s Club

0800-1540 Parents invited to attend classes with permission of the instructor.

0800-1700 Parents Association booths – Alumni Center; Booths sell souvenir items to raise money for cadet activities.

0800-1700 Parents Weekend Information booth – Leamy Hall; maps and schedules available as well as information on events and tickets.

0800-1700 Coast Guard Exchange Open – Johnson Hall.

0900-1100 Link in the Chain: Parents and Cadets invited to meet with members of the Class from 50 years nd prior – Alumni Center 2 floor meeting room

0900-1630 Coast Guard Museum Open – Waesche Hall.

1200-1500 Ship Simulator Open House – Yeaton Hall ground floor.

1230-1430 Coast Guard video presentations – Leamy Auditorium.

1200-1245 Lunch with parents hosted by NE Chapter of Parents Association – Leamy Ballroom (sign-up and payment required for parents/guests; cadets must be on excusal)

1400- 1600 Chase Hall Open for visitors Company Officers and Chiefs available in company wing areas.

1400-1600 Admissions Partners Meeting & Information Session – Waesche Hall Admissions Office

1600-1700 Musical Presentation by the Glee Club & Nightcaps– Leamy Auditorium

1700-1715 Drill Team Presentation – Leamy Auditorium

1715-1815 Fourth Class Cadet Drill Down Competition – Leamy Auditorium

1800-1930 Dinner (sign-up required) – Leamy Ballroom

1800-1900 Officers’ Christian Fellowship (OCF) Pizza Dinner – Smith Hall

1915-2100 OCF Friday Night Fellowship and refreshments – Dimick Hall

1700-1900 Genesis Council gathering – Jacob’s Rock

1830- 2000 Jewish Club gathering Alumni Center 2nd floor meeting room

Enclosure (1)


0700-0815 Continental Breakfast provided by the Parents Association – Leamy Ballroom

0700-1900 Drydock Snack Bar Open – Leamy Hall – lower lounge

0730-1700 Coast Guard Academy Bookstore Open – Chase Hall.

0800-1700 Coast Guard Exchange Open – Johnson Hall.

0800-1200 Parents Weekend Information booths – Leamy Hall; maps and schedules available as well as information on events and tickets.

0800-1200 Parents Association booths open – Alumni Center Booths will sell souvenir items to raise money for cadet activities.

0815 Liberty expires for Corps of Cadets

0815-0845 Parents Association General Membership Meeting- Leamy Auditorium

0845-0915 Question and answer session – Leamy Hall Auditorium with the Superintendent, Commandant of Cadets, Dean of Academics, Director of Admissions, Director of Athletics & Regimental Commander.

0900-1300 Ship Simulator Open House – Yeaton Hall

0945-1045 Review of the Corps of Cadets & Award Ceremony – Washington Parade Field foul weather location for Awards Ceremony is Leamy Auditorium

1000-1630 Coast Guard Museum Open – Waesche Hall

1100-1245 Chase Hall Open for visitors Company Officers and Chiefs available in company wing areas

1100- 1200 1st Class Commencement Information - Leamy Auditorium

1100-1730 Volleyball Invitational – Roland Hall third deck

1130-1330 Men’s Soccer vs. XXX - Lower Field

1100-1245 Class of2nd, 3rd, & 4th Cadet/ Parent Luncheon (sign-up required) - Chase Hall Wardroom

1200- 1245 1st Class Cadet/ Parent Luncheon (sign-up required) – Leamy Hall Ballroom

1300 March-On for Football Game – Cadet Memorial Field. Liberty granted for Corps of Cadets following March-On

1330-1600 Varsity Football vs. XXX – Cadet Memorial Field (Ticket Required).

1700 Catholic Mass – Chapel


0900 Catholic Mass – Leamy Auditorium. Coffee/donuts available.

1030 Protestant Service – Chapel. Coffee/donuts available.

0900-1700 Coast Guard Exchange Open – Johnson Hall.

1100-1300 Women’s Rugby vs. XXX. Cadet Memorial Field

1200-1630 Coast Guard Museum Open – Waesche Hall.

1400 Coast Guard Band Chamber Players

Cadet Liberty Policy

Overnight liberty will be granted to all cadets not in the duty section or administratively restricted over Parents Weekend. Liberty, for unrestricted cadets, will commence upon completion of the last military obligation on Friday, 19 September and will expire at 0815 on Saturday

Overnight liberty will be granted on Saturday at the completion of cadet march-on (with the exception of administratively restricted cadets) to expire on Sunda in accordance with the regular Sunday liberty policy. Restricted cadets may route a special request to their Company Officer for overnight liberty. All requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, but barring extraordinary circumstances will not be approved.

Administratively Restricted cadets may entertain guests in the Chase Hall Parents’ Room and in Leamy Hall per cadet guest schedule in the Cadet Regulations.

Parking/Shuttle Guidance

Parking for guests and parents will be at the College south lot on Friday and Saturday. Shuttle service will provide transportation to and from the parking lot to Leamy Hall throughout the day on Friday and Saturday. The Connecticut College south lot is also within walking distance to the USCGA campus through the North pedestrian gate.

Saturday morning all staff, cadets, parents, and guests will be returning to USCGA around the same time. To alleviate traffic congestion around USCGA and Connecticut College, cadets and parents are reminded that the North pedestrian gate will open at 0700 and that cadets can also ride the shuttle from Connecticut College, starting at 0700.

Those parents and guests with a valid handicap parking permit will be allowed to park at Leamy Hall throughout the weekend. 1st Class cadets and parents will be authorized on base parking on Saturday only.

On Sunday the USCGA campus will be open to all parents and guest for athletic and religious events.

Getting Around USCGA and Weather

The terrain of the USCGA campus contains numerous hills. Parents and guests are encouraged to wear comfortable walking shoes for events throughout the weekend. Golf carts will be available to provide transportation to those needing assistance throughout the campus on Friday and Saturday.

The average temperatures for September in New London are highs in the 70s and lows in the 50s. GLPA Fall 2010 Newsletter CGA LEADERSHIP 44 CAPITAL CAMPAIGN The Mission “The Leadership 44 project is one of the most important and exciting projects ever under- taken at the Academy. Beyond that, one of the most important aspects of the program is that it creates a fundamental building block for cadet leadership training, which will be util- ized by every single cadet – 100% – for the next two decades.” Bob Hallock ’72 Chair, Procurement Committee

Putting cadets under sail is the best way to teach our future maritime officers the ways of the sea and for them to acquire a love for its lore. Under sail, the future officer gains a greater appreciation and respect for the wind, waves, and tides.

Sailing craft also provide cadets with a valuable leader- ship experience – often their first experience at com- mand and control at sea. A ship under sail tests the true character and mettle of a young officer and pro- vides invaluable lessons on the importance of team- work.

The Coast Guard Academy’s fleet of coastal sail train- ing craft, “the Luders,” are long past their prime and, if they are not soon replaced, the Academy will lose one of its most important platforms for leadership and character development.

The Leadership 44 Campaign seeks to raise the funds needed to replace the aging Luders fleet, which has been used for the Coastal Sail Training Program (CSTP) for more than 40 years. The Leadership 44 coastal sail training vessels • are the Superintendent’s top priority • are designed to be a floating leadership platform, providing Cadets a maritime experience that is difficult to recreate with large cutters • will be the primary platform for the 2/c Coastal Sail Training Program, which is considered by most cadets to be their seminal leadership experience while at the Academy • will provide all cadets with small craft command and control, navigation, and seamanship experiences • will be used as an extension of the cadet barracks, with each cadet Company having access to, and responsibility for, its own boat • will extend the waterfront season, providing Cadets more time underway • will allow for standardization of the off-shore sailing program • will showcase the Coast Guard Academy as one of the premier waterfront facilities in the country


U.S. Coast Guard Academy Alumni Association

Coast Guard Foundation

CGA Parents Association

Above information from (©2010 2 GLPA Fall 2010 Newsletter President’s Letter (cont.) Volunteers Needed The GLPA depends on our The GLPA Motto: ship in the national organization. families and friends to maintain , With this membership, each fam- and strengthen our programs, in- ily designates a chapter affiliation, Always Flexible cluding several alumnae families e.g. Great Lakes Chapter. We then who continue to attend our meet- receive $75 from the CGA Parents ings and support our programs. Association. This helps our chap- We’re also fortunate to have a ter in several ways: it relieves us strong and loyal core group of of collecting annual dues; it helps families representing all graduat- us reach out to a greater number of ing classes who have stepped for- prospective members; and it gives ward to volunteer. More help can us up-to-date records of our new always be used to strengthen or parents. expand our programs. If your ca- Our chapter continues to det is in 2012, 2013 or 2014 solicit donations from our mem- classes, we welcome your partici- bers, which are used for the happi- pation now and throughout your ness and well being of our cadets. Academy experience. It will truly The major use of our funds is to benefit our chapter and make your provide “Cadet Cakes” to each of time with us richer. our 4th class cadets each fall. The cakes are ordered from another As happened in 2009, CGA chapter that bakes, personal- Special Thanks to our Leader- our August picnic was can- izes (with name and message on ship Team celed suddenly. Sometimes the community surrounding the cake and on a note card), and At our June picnic, we were hand delivers each cake to our the Michigan City CG sta- delighted to elect a strong team of tion schedules events that cadets. It’s a wonderful surprise. dedicated parents who are experi- Our cadets are delighted. And, prohibit our using the sta- enced volunteers and strong sup- tion. Despite being told sev- because the cakes are shared with porters of the Academy. Please other cadets, the gift spreads eral times the weekend was note their names on page 1 and, if clear, we discovered at the many-fold. While parents are in you have the opportunity, thank continual contact, this surprise last minute there was indeed them for their time, efforts, enthu- a major event that weekend. delivery shows the care and appre- siasm, and for a job well done. ciation from the GLPA. I appreciate Donna O’Brien for working diligently to con- The second major use of our Wishing You A Great Start to firm this event, then alerting funds is to give US flags to our of non-availability when it graduating cadets. This recognizes Your Year for 2011, 2012, was discovered; Bruce Tal- them for their four years of dedica- 2013, and 2014 bot for trying valiantly to tion, commitment, and hard work A new Academy year. A new find an alternate location; to make it to graduation and into beginning. An adventure. An ex- and Peg Talbot for sending continued service to their county. perience of a lifetime. We wish all out the last minute cancella- Last year, thanks to Bruce Talbot, of our wonderful cadets the very tion notice. While disap- the flags had flown over our be- best for the 2010-2011 year. We pointed, we discovered the loved ship, Eagle. We plan to con- support you. We stand alongside power and commitment of tinue this special gift as a symbol you. We are so proud of all of you. our wonderful team to get of the cadets’ memories from early into immediate action and in their Academy experiences. handle this situation with If you wish to donate to the ! speed and grace. Our plan is GLPA to help us continue — per- Ann Corwell to seek an alternate location haps even add to — our special GLPA President for August 2011 to avoid a recognition of our Great Lakes repeat. If you have any ideas, area cadets, please contact Deb let us know! It’s an experi- Tatara, GLPA Treasurer. It’s these ence like this that brings to extra contributions that allow us light our Chapter motto: make a special difference in the Semper Gumby (Always lives of our cadets. Flexible!)! Ann

3 GLPA Fall 2010 Newsletter Photos from the June Swab Family Picnic

4 GLPA Fall 2010 Newsletter More Photos from the June Swab Family Picnic

5 GLPA Fall 2010 Newsletter From the Treasurer Great Lakes Swabs Report In USCGA Great Lakes Parents’ Association Reporting In Day (R-Day) was Monday, June 28 Chapter Financial Summary and one for the record books. It was 87° with 87% hu- midity and only a little more than a 4 knot wind, mak- In 2009, the GLPA Income was $2,623 which ing R-Day 2010 one of the hottest on record. The class included monies from fundraising, chapter dues and of 2014 as a group was also hot on the trail for making donations. Our 2009 expenses were $2,939 which in- the record books. Of the 290 Swabs that reported in, cluded a $1,500 donation to the CGA Parents’ Asso- 24% were from minority groups, the second highest in ciation, fundraising expenses, flags for the 2009, 2010 the academy's history (only 1 point away from the re- and future graduates, Cadet cakes for the Swabs and cord), and 31% were female, also a near record. our June 2009 picnic. The GLPA was at R-day to provide information In 2010, we have already made a $1,000 dona- and support for the incoming swabs and their families. tion to the CGA Parents’ Association. Starting with (Check out the photos on p. 7) Traffic at the GLPA the class of 2014, the CGA Parents’ Association will table was brisk at the Sunday evening reception and collect the chapter dues as part of joining the National throughout the day on Monday. While familiar faces Parents’ Association and parents will select the local from the June Swab Picnic were seen, there were even chapter to join. Therefore, we will only collect chapter more new faces who had been unable to attend. The dues from previous classes. We will receive $75 for GLPA was able to share the same information that had each cadet’s family that joins our chapter from the been provided during the picnic, and, more importantly, CGA Parents’ Association. provide a supportive shoulder for the new swabs’ fami- Deb Tatara lies. The GLPA was there to throw them a lifesaver, and GLPA Treasurer show them that there is a strong support system in place both for the swabs and for their families. Upcoming Events Information released by the academy shows 290 October 8-10 Parents Weekend (generic sched- Swabs reported in for R-Day of which 201 were males ule at the end of this newsletter) and 89 were females (one additional female dropped out and one male was medically disqualified) from 39 Because our chapter is so geographically broad, states, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands The minority we continually seek opportunities to reach out to fami- breakdown of the class of 2014 includes 36 Hispanic, lies that we don’t see regularly. Parents Weekend of- 15 black, 13 Asian, 5 Pacific Islander and one Native fers our best opportunity to see those families. As American. Six international cadets are attending the usual, we’ll have our Great Lakes Chapter booth on academy this year representing Ecuador, Lithuania, Friday of Parents Weekend. We hope you’ll stop by, Tunisia and Singapore. say hello, or buy a sun catcher! I plan to be there in the early morning. I’d love to meet you. Bruce Talbot, Jeff Dooley, & Anne Dooley We’re also trying something new! On Friday, Oct. 8, from about 5:30-8pm, I’ll be at the Radisson New London lounge with my 1/C cadet, Andrew. We’ll have dinner there about 6pm. During that time, we’d love to have you stop by to say hello, to have beverages or to join us for dinner. (All beverages and meals are at your expense!) We know how busy fami- lies are during this weekend, but the Radisson is just a few minutes from the Academy, so if you have even a brief moment to stop in, I would be honored and pleased to see those whom I already know and meet others. Please join us if you can.

December 2010 All Academy Balls Michigan: 36th Annual Michigan All Academy Over 30 of the new swabs were from the Great Lakes Holiday Ball, Sunday, December 26, 2010, at area, including Kendra Smith of Lisle, IL and Judy Petruzzello's, Troy, Michigan. Dinner, Cocktails, Mu- Hooymans of Batavia, IL. Both Kendra and Judy at- sic & Dancing. Sponsors Needed and Items Needed tended the Illinois Math & Science Academy in For Silent Auction. Contact Karen Rotondo at Aurora, Illinois which is a residential 3-year publicly [email protected]. Friends & Family Wel- funded high school. Both the girls should do well at come! USCGA as in addition to their math skills, both are accomplished athletes – Kendra in swimming and Judy in track and field. 6 GLPA Fall 2010 Newsletter Photos from Reporting In Day

At the Sunday evening reception, the new Swabs gathered on the patio outside Leamy Hall. Signs on the wall allowed them to get together with other new Swabs in their Company.

At the Sunday evening reception, the GLPA was one On R-Day (Monday) all the Parents’ Association Chap- of only a few Parents’ Association Chapters to have ters had their tables open. Many of the chapters had a their tables open. Many new Swabs and their families lot of interesting items for sale, but the emphasis at the came by for information and support. GLPA table was support for the new CGA families.

At the Monday luncheon, the New England Chapter set up the cooking and food lines on the patio outside Leamy Hall, where the families gathered their food then returned to the air conditioning to enjoy it. On the wall in the background are some of the Class Crests.

7 GLPA Fall 2010 Newsletter Cadet & Alumni News and Photos

1/c Andrew Corwell (‘11) was assigned to 1/c Jesse Karr (‘11) was on the Eagle from May USCGC Resolute this summer, deployed in re- to July. They joined the South American Sail re- sponse to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. While gatta. These photos were taken when the regatta in the Gulf of Mexico he assisted with Resolute’s was in Veracruz Mexico. More info on the regatta responsibilities as on-scene commander (pushing can be found at http:// out tasking to other CG surface assets), media platform (hosting a series of media agencies cov- ering the spill/pushing out information), and as a search and rescue platform (responded to a vessel taking on water during his final week aboard). Additionally he qualified as the ship’s Helicopter Control Officer (HCO), passing necessary infor- mation to the command and air assets for success- ful flight ops, launches and recoveries aboard Resolute.

————————————————————— LTJG James Dooley (‘08) completed his Ko- diak tour and is now assigned to Sector Juneau. He and his wife LTJG Crystal Hudak (‘07) have bought a house in Juneau and love Alaska. James is reluctant to eat salmon when he comes to the ————————————————————— lower 48, because it wasn’t from his own hook.

8 GLPA Fall 2010 Newsletter 2/c Spencer McFarland (‘12) graduated from Mackinaw City High School. He is Majoring in Marine and Environmental Sciences. He is in Golf Company and is on the Bears Hockey team. This summer he was Water Front Cadre and spent a week at the Elizabeth City Air Station for his Aviation training, qualified at the weapons range. He also tested on the boating rules and learned to properly moor a vessel while at the Academy. He has taken up golf and has been camping when on a long.

————————————————————— 3/c Erin Talbot (‘13) was recognized at the Spring Board of Trustees meeting as one of the 2010 cadets who excelled in all three areas: aca- demics, military orientation, and athletics. The

cadets received an academy coffee mug personal- ized with their name and cadet rank, were intro- duced to the board members at a reception held at the alumni center, and received a long. Five 4/c made the list; Erin was the only female 4/c. Erin is second from the left in the group photo below. The other photo is of Erin being congratulated by Academy Superintendent RADM J. Scott Burhoe.

————————————————————— 2/c Matt Stroebel (’12) had a great summer sailing and teaching sailing as part of the water- front cadre. Summer began with selection to the off-shore sailing summer team as a crew member of Ricochet, the CGA’s 40 footer, where he was the bow man. Races to Block Island, the ECSA Spring Regatta, NBYC Early Bird Regatta and New York Annual Regatta were tune-ups for the big race from Newport to Bermuda. Unfortu- nately a last minute injury to his thumb prevented Matt from participating, although he was lucky enough to gain a spot on a press boat and photo- graph the start of the race while cheering on Glory and Ricochet. Healing his thumb meant no more sailing for a few weeks, although he spent the time helping out at Jacobs Rock as the cadets prepared for the swabs of 2014 and 2010 AIM- sters, before beginning his time as cadre. Ken Stroebel joined him for week 1 of AIM, and fa- ther and son had a great time sailing and just gen- erally hanging out.

9 GLPA Fall 2010 Newsletter 1/C Mark Tatara (‘11) had a very full summer aboard the 87’ CGC Heron out of Sabine Pass, TX. The first 5 weeks was spent between Sabine Pass and Galveston, out for about 5 days at a time. The Heron’s normal duties include board- ings of commercial and recreational vessels, law enforcement and enforcement of fishing laws. The first month’s highlight was chasing a shrim- per fishing illegally after the close of the season through a thunderstorm for 2½ hours in the mid- dle of the night! In mid June, the Heron was sent to the oil spill for 2 weeks, which turned into a month with port stops and refueling in Pasca- goula, MS, Mobile, AL, and Pensacola & Panama City Beach, FL. Their main mission was to spot oil from the spill and call vessels of opportunity to clean up the oil. The Heron was only the sec- ond 87’ in the Gulf to have this duty; they estab- lished and wrote the procedures for the oil spot- ting mission. The port stops were very welcome since an 87’ does not have laundry facilities or much food storage. The mission was hampered by the remains of Hurricane Alex; Mark experi- enced 8-10’ swells for days before and after. With 1½ weeks left in Mark’s summer duty, they returned to Sabine Pass for a few days off and cleaning/maintenance. Mark never imagined he would get so much experience in the Gulf of Mexico, getting a lot of navigation and driving ————————————————————— experience (around all those oil rigs). Back at the Academy, Mark is Echo Company Commander LT Steve Welch (‘06) was recently selected for this fall and captain of the Water Polo club team. the Coast Guard Strategic Intelligence Post Gradu- ate Program. He will be attending school the Fall of 2011 at either Naval Post Graduate School in Monterey CA or National Defense Intelligence College in Washington DC. He is currently the Commanding Officer of the USCGC Tiger Shark ported in Newport RI. On August 7, 2010 Steve mar- ried Lindsay Kozikowski in Fairfax VA. They took a hon- eymoon trip to Aruba and cur- rently live in RI.

10 GLPA Fall 2010 Newsletter Useful Links

Coast Guard News & Newsletter Links ♦ Coast Guard Visual Imagery Database, your link to Coast Guard video, photos, art, graphics, and audio: ♦ Proceedings: ♦ Coast Guard Magazine: ♦ The Reservist: ♦ Seapower Magazine: ♦ Coast Guard News Channel: ♦ Navy Times: ♦ Office of Auxiliary and Boating Safety: ♦ CG Auxiliary's official e-magazine "SITREP": ♦ Maritime Safety:

Basic Military Information ♦ Military Ranks – Military ranks & insignia: officers.html ♦ Military Pay Scales: ♦ USO Web Site – A key resource for all military personnel: ♦ Cutters & Aircraft of the Coast Guard: ♦ Coast Guard awards and medals: ♦ The Service Academies: ♦ Washington Post military index: military.htm ♦ Military School: ♦ Military schools throughout the U.S.:

Official (mostly) Coast Guard Links ♦ US Coast Guard Academy – "THE" home page: ♦ US Coast Guard Academy Alumni Association: ♦ Academy Coast Guard Exchange System – Shopping!: (There are also LOTS of CG items on E-bay — check it out!) ♦ Critical Academy Dates: ♦ USCG Auxiliary – National home page for the Auxiliary: ♦ DOD Installations: ♦ "Semper Paratus", the official Coast Guard song: ♦ History of Coast Guard Day: ♦ U.S. Coast Guard – Home page of the "World's Premier Maritime Service": ♦ CG Work-Life Program: ♦ Coast Guard Wives: ♦ Coast Guard units: ♦ Chief Warrant Officer Association: ♦ Chief Petty Officer Association: ♦ The Foundation for Coast Guard History:

Unofficial (but good) Coast Guard Links ♦ – Support for CG Spouses: ♦ USCGA Girlfriend and Boyfriend Support Group: USCGAGIRLSANDBOYS/ ♦ Fred's Place – Dedicated to U.S. Coast Guard Active Duty, Retired, Reserve, Auxiliary, "All Those Who Served", Coast Guard SPARs, and past or present civilian co-workers: http:// ♦ : ♦ Title 14, : ♦ Federal Agencies – a pretty complete listing: ♦ Naval and Maritime Links: (Continued on page 12)

11 GLPA Fall 2010 Newsletter Useful Links (continued)

Other Military Academy Parent Associations ♦ USNA Parents Network: ♦ West Point Parents Net: ♦ USAFA Parents Clubs: ♦ USMMA Parents Association: ♦ NAPS Parents Page:

Fun Coast Guard Links ♦ Ken Laesser's Coast Guard History Page: ♦ Kids Corner – Coloring books, fun, games & links to kid's sites: mail.htm ♦ Trivia quiz: 173127.html

Mission Statement of the Great Lakes A Site to Remember… Chapter of the U.S. Coast Guard The Great Lakes Parents’ Association web- Academy Parents’ Association site is located at (If you use The Association is a non-profit organization ".com" you will go to someone else's site.) which exists for the sole purpose of support- The purpose of the site is to provide a re- ing the U.S. Coast Guard Academy and its source of information on meetings, newslet- Corps of Cadets. It seeks: ters, meeting minutes, directions to meet- ings, links for Coast Guard and Coast Guard • to expand public understanding and ap- Academy information and a place to see our preciation of the Academy cadets and the quality of their achievements. • to encourage well-qualified young men The web site is of particular interest to par- and women to apply for appointments as ents of Swabs and 4th Class cadets and po- cadets tential cadets, but all cadets and their fami- lies have found the site to be interesting re- • to promote communication between par- gardless of their level of progress through ents, cadets, and the Academy admini- the Academy. If you have a cadet, or recent stration graduate, who has out of date information • and to make known to its membership the posted on the site or who you would like to opportunities for participating in Academy have included, please send the information and support projects offered by the U.S. to the web master, Mike Nolan at Coast Guard Academy Alumni Association [email protected]. If you send your ca- and the Coast Guard Auxiliary. det’s photo we can add it to our cadet page on the website.

Want to feed your cadet? Just go to, click on “Members” and scroll down to Cadet Cakes or Ensign Edibles for more information. As you can see, there’s a lot of great information available on this site.

The USCG Auxiliary is the volunteer unit of the USCG. It performs the same missions as the regular Coast Guard (except law enforcement and combat). Our duties include surface patrols (safety, search & rescue, pollution, re- gatta); air patrols; vessel safety checks on boats; teaching safe boating classes; speaking to children about safe swimming & safe boating; visiting marine dealers & others to spread information about boating regulations; pollution; Homeland Security; recruiting students for the AIM program and the Coast Guard Academy; radio watch standing at USCG stations; cooking for the crew at USCG stations; and supporting the USCG in any way we can. Since 9-11 the USCG and the Auxiliary have come under the Department of Homeland Security and we have been asked to perform more duties and get the word out to the general public so that they can assist us by becoming extra eyes and ears. Go to for more info.