Document No: BP10277 Revision No: 4 Last Review Date: 21/04/2021 Next Review Date: 21/04/2022 BP10277 - Development Incentive Policy

Document Owner Manager Infrastructure Planning and Development Document Author Manager Infrastructure Planning and Development Supporting Legislation South-East Water (Distribution and Retail & Documents Restructuring) Act 2009 Corporate Strategic Plan 2019-20 Documents Directly Unitywater Infrastructure Charges Schedule No 1. Related 1. Policy Statement Unitywater will reduce infrastructure charges in designated areas (i.e. development incentives areas) to provide an incentive to developers to deliver developments in areas where Unitywater’s existing networks have the capacity to reliably and safely serve an increased number of connections. 2. Purpose and Objectives This policy will serve the purpose of benefiting Unitywater’s customers by reducing the cost of the average water supply and sewerage bill and complementing similar policies established by the Councils within Unitywater’s service area to achieve broader community benefits such as increasing local employment and improving the liveability of existing urban areas. 3. Scope

3.1. Head of Power Under s99BRCG of the South-East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) Act 2009 (the Act) the Board has the power to “declare that there is no adopted charge for part or all of the distributor-retailer’s geographic area” and/or approve “different adopted charges for providing trunk infrastructure in different parts of the distributor-retailer’s geographic area”.

3.2. Limitation This policy does not apply to monetary infrastructure contributions levied under the terms and conditions of a water infrastructure agreement.

3.3. Eligibility Criterion To be eligible for a reduced infrastructure charge a development must comply with all the following criteria: a. The development must be within the bounds of a development incentives area described in the schedules to this policy; b. The development must create demand on Unitywater’s water supply and sewerage networks which can be served without construction of additional trunk infrastructure. c. The development must require new or upgraded connections to Unitywater’s water supply and sewerage networks;

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d. The development must be connected to Unitywater’s water supply and sewerage networks within the term (time) stated in each schedule to this policy.

3.4. Change to Development Incentives Areas To achieve the purpose and objectives of this policy development incentives areas may be added or removed from this policy by approval of the Unitywater Board. If an incentives area is removed from this policy, all approved applications for reduction of infrastructure charges in the removed incentives area will be honoured by Unitywater.

3.5. Term The terms for each development incentives area are stated in the schedules to this policy. The term can vary between development incentives areas and may be extended or reduced with the approval of the Unitywater Board. In the instance that the term of the policy is reduced in any development incentives area, Unitywater will honour all approved applications for reduced infrastructure charges in that area.

3.6. Financial Incentive In instances when development satisfies the eligibility criterion stated section 3.3, Unitywater will reduce infrastructure charges in each development incentives area in accordance with the relevant schedule. Financial incentives set out in any schedule may be changed, with the approval of the Unitywater Board, to improve the effect of this Unitywater policy. The financial incentives set out in the schedules attached to this policy will apply on a ‘first in first served’ basis with no restriction on the distribution on the cap of total value of reduced infrastructure charges across all development incentives areas except as stated in section 3.7 of this policy.

3.7. Cap on the Total Value of Reduced Infrastructure Charges The total value of reduced infrastructure charges is capped at $20M including money already allocated. This total value will be distributed across two Councils, as detailed in Table A. Table A – Distribution of Value of Reduced Infrastructure Charges Participating Council Amount Regional Council $10.0M Sunshine Coast Regional Council $10.0M The cap on the total value of reduced infrastructure charges may be changed by approval of the Unitywater Board.

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3.8. Timing of Payment of Reduce Infrastructure Charges In accordance with s99BRCL of the South-East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) Act 2009 reduced infrastructure charges are payable when the connection is made from Unitywater’s networks to the development. For practicality the reduced infrastructure charge will be payable by the developer with Unitywater’s fee for connecting the development to Unitywater’s water supply and sewerage networks.

3.9. Calculation of Reduced Infrastructure Charges Infrastructure Charges payable will be calculated by applying the methodology stated in the relevant Participating Council’s Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution. The reduced infrastructure charge will be calculated by multiplying the infrastructure charges payable by the reduction percentage detailed in the relevant schedule attached to this policy.

3.10. Benefits Realisation Success of this policy will be achieved by an increase in the rate of growth or total number of connections in any particular development incentives area exceeding the forecast number of connections against Unitywater’s baseline 2016-17 forecast. 4. Schedules The following schedules are attached to this policy: a. 2017-1, ; b. 2017- 2, c. 2017- 3, Corridor d. 2017- 4, Strathpine e. 2017- 5, Caboolture f. 2018 – 6, Redcliffe Foreshore 5. Roles and Responsibility Table B provides a summary of the roles and responsibilities of developers and Unitywater in implementing and improving this policy. Table B – Roles and Responsibilities Role Entity Responsibility Prepare application for Developer Prepare and submit correspondence to reduced infrastructure Unitywater requesting reduction in charges. infrastructure charges under this policy and including substantiation that the eligibility criterion have been satisfied.

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Table B – Roles and Responsibilities Role Entity Responsibility Assessment of application. Development Assess applications against the eligibility Officer criterion stated in the relevant schedule of this policy and prepare draft decision. Approval or refusal of Development Check draft decision and issue to application. Services developer. Manager Accounting and reporting Development Report to Chief Financial Officer each of reduced infrastructure Services quarter. charges. Manager Review of this policy and Manager Report annually to the Unitywater Board analysis and reporting of Infrastructure on benefits realised by this policy and realised benefits. Planning and make recommendations about any Development necessary change to and/or continuance of the policy. Approval of changes to Unitywater Make determinations on amendments to development incentives Board this policy. areas financial incentives and cap on total value of reduced infrastructure charges.

6. Definitions Term Meaning Infrastructure A monetary charge levied on developers by Unitywater in Charge(s) accordance with the provisions of the South-East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) Act 2009 for contribution to the cost of trunk infrastructure to serve new development. For clarity this term does not include a developer’s monetary contributions to provision of trunk infrastructure that are levied under the terms and conditions of a water infrastructure agreement.

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Schedule: 2017- 1

Local Government Area: Sunshine Coast Regional Council Development Incentives Area: Nambour

1. Development Incentives Area The Unitywater Development Incentives Policy applies in the coloured area shown in Figure 2017-1A below. A larger version of the figure is available on Unitywater’s website.

Figure 2017-1A – Nambour Development Incentives Area

2. Term 1 August 2019 to 30 June 2022 inclusive.

3. Financial Incentive For developments that satisfy the eligibility criterion stated in section 3.3 of the policy Unitywater will reduce infrastructure charges in accordance with Table 2017-1A

Table 2017- 1A – Financial Incentives Nambour Development Incentives Area

Development Demand Reduction in Infrastructure Charge 50% to 80% of the development allowed under the 50% Council’s Planning Schemes for the Development Parcel. Greater than 80% of the development allowed under the 100% Council’s Planning Schemes for the Development Parcel.

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Schedule: 2017- 2

Local Government Area: Sunshine Coast Regional Council Development Incentives Area: Caloundra

1. Development Incentives Area The Unitywater Development Incentives Policy applies in the coloured area shown in Figure 2017- 2A below. A larger version of the figure is available on Unitywater’s website.

Figure 2017- 2A – Caloundra Development Incentives Area

2. Term 1 August 2019 to 30 June 2022 inclusive.

3. Financial Incentive For developments that satisfy the eligibility criterion stated in section 3.3 of the policy Unitywater will reduce infrastructure charges in accordance with Table 2017- 2A

Table 2017- 2A – Financial Incentives Caloundra Development Incentives Area

Development Demand Reduction in Infrastructure Charge 50% to 80% of the development allowed under the 50% Council’s Planning Schemes for the Development Parcel. Greater than 80% of the development allowed under the 100% Council’s Planning Schemes for the Development Parcel.

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Schedule: 2017- 3 Local Government Area: Moreton Bay Regional Council Development Incentives Area: Redcliffe Peninsula Corridor

1. Development Incentives Area The Unitywater Development Incentives Policy applies in the coloured area shown in Figure 2017-3A below. A larger version of the figure is available on Unitywater’s website.

Figure 2017-3A – Redcliffe Peninsula Corridor Development Incentives Area

2. Term 1 August 2019 to 30 June 2022 inclusive.

3. Financial Incentive For developments that satisfy the eligibility criterion stated in section 3.3 of the policy Unitywater will reduce infrastructure charges in accordance with Table 2017- 3A

Table 2017- 3A – Financial Incentives Redcliffe Peninsula Corridor Development Incentives Area Development Demand Reduction in Infrastructure Charge 50% to 80% of the development allowed under the Council’s Planning Schemes for the Development 50% Parcel. Greater than 80% of the development allowed under the Council’s Planning Schemes for the Development 100% Parcel.

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Schedule: 2017- 4 Local Government Area: Moreton Bay Regional Council Development Incentives Area: Strathpine

1. Development Incentives Area The Unitywater Development Incentives Policy applies in the coloured area shown in Figure 2017- 4A below. A larger version of the figure is available on Unitywater’s website.

Figure 2017- 4A – Strathpine Development Incentives Area

2. Term 1 August 2019 to 30 June 2022 inclusive.

3. Financial Incentive For developments that satisfy the eligibility criterion stated in section 3.3 of the policy Unitywater will reduce infrastructure charges in accordance with Table 2017- 4A

Table 2017 - 4A – Financial Incentives Strathpine Development Incentives Area

Development Demand Reduction in Infrastructure Charge 50% to 80% of the development allowed under the Council’s Planning Schemes for the Development 50% Parcel. Greater than 80% of the development allowed under the Council’s Planning Schemes for the Development 100% Parcel.

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Schedule: 2017- 5 Local Government Area: Moreton Bay Regional Council Development Incentives Area: Caboolture

1. Development Incentives Area The Unitywater Development Incentives Policy applies in the coloured area shown in Figure 2017- 5A below. A larger version of the figure is available on Unitywater’s website.

Figure 2017- 5A – Caboolture Development Incentives Area 2. Term 1 August 2019 to 30 June 2022 inclusive.

3. Financial Incentive For developments that satisfy the eligibility criterion stated in section 1 of this schedule Unitywater will reduce infrastructure charges in accordance with Table 2017- 5A

Table 2017- 5A – Financial Incentives Caboolture Development Incentives Area

Development Demand Reduction in Infrastructure Charge 50% to 80% of the development allowed under the 50% Council’s Planning Schemes for the Development Parcel. Greater than 80% of the development allowed under the 100% Council’s Planning Schemes for the Development Parcel.

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Schedule: 2018- 6 Local Government Area: Moreton Bay Regional Council Development Incentives Area: Redcliffe Foreshore

1. Development Incentives Area The Unitywater Development Incentives Policy applies in the coloured area shown in Figure 2018 - 6A below. A larger version of the figure is available on Unitywater’s website.

Figure 2018 - 6A – Redcliffe Foreshore Development Incentives Area 2. Term 1 August 2019 to 30 June 2022.

3. Financial Incentive For developments that satisfy the eligibility criterion stated in section 1 of this schedule Unitywater will reduce infrastructure charges in accordance with Table 2018 - 6A

Table 2018 - 6A – Financial Incentives Caboolture Development Incentives Area

Development Demand Reduction in Infrastructure Charge 50% to 80% of the development allowed under the 50% Council’s Planning Schemes for the Development Parcel. Greater than 80% of the development allowed under the 100% Council’s Planning Schemes for the Development Parcel.

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