Department of Government and Political Science Submitted for the Degree of Master of Arts 12 December 1968
A STUDY OF THE PORIIATION OF THE BRISBANE T01\rN PLAN David N, Cox, B.A. Department of Government and Political Science Submitted for the degree of Master of Arts 12 December 1968 CHAPTER I TOWN PLANNING IN BRISBANE TO 1953 The first orderly plans for the City of Brisbane were in the form of an 1840 suirvey preceding the sale of allotments to the public. The original surveyor was Robert Dixon, but he was replaced by Henry Wade in 1843• Wade proposed principal streets ihO links (92,4 ft.) in width, allotments of ^ acre to allow for air space and gardens, public squares, and reserves and roads along 2 the river banks. A visit to the proposed village by the New South Wales Colonial Governor, Sir George Gipps, had infelicitous results. To Gipps, "It was utterly absurd, to lay out a design for a great city in a place which in the very 3 nature of things could never be more than a village." 1 Robinson, R.H., For My Country, Brisbane: W, R. Smith and Paterson Pty. Ltd., 1957, pp. 23-28. 2 Mellor, E.D., "The Changing Face of Brisbane", Journal of the Royal Historical Society. Vol. VI., No. 2, 1959- 1960, pp. 35^-355. 3 Adelaide Town Planning Conference and Exliibition, Official Volume of Proceedings, Adelaide: Vardon and Sons, Ltd., I9I8, p. 119. He went further to say that "open spaces shown on the pleua were highly undesirable, since they might prove an inducement to disaffected persons to assemble k tumultuously to the detriment of His Majesty's peace." The Governor thus eliminated the reserves and river 5 front plans and reduced allotments to 5 to the acre.
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