Switzerland Maps: Tourist 1:25 000 Crans-Montana / Sierre Montana 273T 

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Switzerland Maps: Tourist 1:25 000 Crans-Montana / Sierre Montana 273T  BisseduTrient BisseduLevron BissedeSaxon BisseVieuxand GrandBissedeVex BisseduMilieu Tourist maps: Tourist 1:25 000 Vallée du Trient 282T Martigny maps: Tourist 1:25 000 Verbier de / Val Bagnes 5027T Grand St-Bernard — Combins — Arolla maps: Tourist 1:25 000 4 Vallées St.272T Maurice, 273T Montana, 282T Martigny, 283T Arolla maps: Tourist 1:25 000 4 Vallées Montana 273T maps: Tourist 1:25 000 Chablais valaisan Montana 273T Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Route Route Route Route Route Col de la Forclaz — Chalet du Glacier — Col de la Forclaz La Chaux — Les Ruinett es — Les Planards — Chute du Bisse — Le Château — La Tzoumaz – L’Ecoteau – Crête du Seu – Les Chablotays – Taillay – Les Pontets – Haute-Nendaz (gondola) — Lavantier — Planchouet — Le Bleusy — Haute-Nendaz (centre) Mayens-de-Sion — Veysonnaz — Planchouet — Lavantier Périn — Verbier Le Rosey – La Dzora – Prarion – Pra da Dzeu – Tsablo Plan – Le Bourlà – Siviez (Nendaz) D i ffi c u l t y Ascent Restaurantsandpublictransport D i ffi c u l t y Ascent Restaurantsandpublictransport D i ffi c u l t y Ascent Restaurantsandpublictransport D i ffi c u l t y Ascent Restaurantsandpublictransport D i ffi c u l t y Ascent Restaurantsandpublictransport 6,6 km 115 m Col de la Forclaz 14,6 km 60 m La Chaux 25 km 580 m La Tzoumaz 11,9 km 270 m Haute-Nendaz (gondola) 12,1 km 260 m Mayens-de-Sion 1:45 h Chalet du Glacier 4 h Les Ruinett es 6:40 h Prarion 3 h Lavantier 3:15 h Veysonnaz round trip Descent Descent Verbier Descent Siviez (Nendaz) Descent Planchouet Descent Planchouet vertigo point + B 115 m 830 m 360 m 320 m Le Bleusy 35 m Lavantier TheBissesofValais BissedeLentineandBisse BissedeSalins GrandBissed’Ayent BissedeClavau GrandBissedeLens deMontd’Orge The canton of Valais has a number of walks that are truly special treats among the vast variety of hiking routes on off er. These follow the course of the “bisses”, water channels dating back many centuries that are also known by their Ger- man name, ‘Suonen’, in Upper Valais. The bisses draw their water from the gla- ciers and carry it into the rain-starved valleys. In their heyday towards the end of the 19th Century, the 1,800 km-long network of these structures supplied the Valais with precious water so that agriculture could fl ourish. Nowadays this historic heritage is maintained by many municipalities, restored where nec- essary and refi lled with water. On this map, we have assembled a selection of walks along the bisses, from fairly short routes to extended full-day tours. In addition, most of them are not very steep and are therefore not particularly diffi cult. This is thanks to their builders, who were careful to ensure that each bisse sloped as litt le as possible between its water catchment area and the place where the water would be used. Some do however require a minimum of eff ort and you may fi nd yourself perspiring as you follow the paths leading to them! Nonetheless it is defi nitely worth it as they lead to the heart of some of the most beautiful places in Valais. visitvalaisch/bisses Tourist maps: Tourist 1:25 000 Sion / Derborence / Sanetch Montana 273T maps: Tourist 1:25 000 4 Vallées Montana 273T maps: Tourist 1:25 000 Anzère Montana 273T maps: Tourist 1:25 000 Anzère Montana 273T maps: Tourist 1:25 000 Crans-Montana / Sierre Montana 273T Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Route Route Route Route Route Drône — La Muraz — Lac du Mont d’Orge — Pont-de-la-Morge Beuson (Nendaz) — La Vernaz — Crête à l’Œil — La Crêta — Bramois Tseuzier (dam) — Le Samarin — Torrent-Croix Chéneaux — Le Partset — Forini — Icogne — Les Combes — Tsampon — Sion Torrent-Croix — Icogne — Chermignon d’en Bas Pertou — Étang-Long (Mayens-d’Arbaz) D i ffi c u l t y Ascent Restaurantsandpublictransport D i ffi c u l t y Ascent Restaurantsandpublictransport D i ffi c u l t y Ascent Restaurantsandpublictransport D i ffi c u l t y Ascent Restaurantsandpublictransport D i ffi c u l t y Ascent Restaurantsandpublictransport 8,3 km 35 m Drône 12,6 km 195 m Beuson (Nendaz) 11,7 km 150 m Tseuzier (dam) 14 km 120 m Icogne 16,4 km 130 m Torrent-Croix 2 h La Muraz 3:30 h La Vernaz 3:15 h Le Samarin 3:30 h Sion 4:15 h Icogne Descent Pont-de-la-Morge Descent Crête à l’Œil vertigo Descent Étang-Long (Mayens-d’Arbaz) Descent vertigo Descent Chermignon d’en Bas point + B point + B 400 m 600 m La Crêta 610 m 665 m 380 m Bramois Key BisseduTsi oret Bisse trail Catering facilities Cable Car The Valais Bisses Museum Train Bus Shop for local products Recommended Season unsuitable possible optimal Copyright: Federal Office Topography of and Canton Valais. of holder. copyright from permission without forbidden Reproduction © Lötschenpass Switzerland maps: Tourist 1:25 000 Crans-Montana / Sierre Montana 273T Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Route Montana — Vermala — Les Marolires — Courtavey — Cave de Colombire — Cave du Scex — Tièche — Cave du Scex — Cave de Colombire — Courtavey — Les Marolires — Vermala — Montana Bürchen D i ffi c u l t y Ascent Restaurantsandpublictransport 17,5 km 650 m Montana Motorway Railway / Funicular / Cable car / 5:15 h Vermala round trip Chairli (operating in summer) Descent Les Marolires Main road 650 m Cave de Colombire Sion Airport Regional main route Cave du Scex visitvalaisch/bisses 2021 BissedeSavannesBellecrête andBissedeVercorin Tourist maps: Tourist 1:25 000 Vallon de Réchy Montana 273T Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec N Route Vercorin — Refuge du Bisse — La Lé — Refuge du Bisse — Vercorin MassstabEchelleScale D i ffi c u l t y Ascent Restaurantsandpublictransport km 11,7 km 430 m Vercorin [email protected] | visitvalais.ch | [email protected] 3:30 h La Lé +41 (0)27 327 35 90 35 327 (0)27 +41 round trip Descent P.O. Box 1469 | CH-1951 Sion CH-1951 | 1469 Box P.O. Rue Pré-Fleuri 6 Pré-Fleuri Rue 430 m VALAIS/WALLISPROMOTION BisseduBenouVarnersuon Ergischsuon ManeraStägäruLüegjeru AlteSuonAlteEischler ChilcheriEggeri NiwärchGorperiUndra Mengis SuonHabersuon Tourist maps: Tourist 1:25 000 Crans-Montana / Sierre Montana 273T maps: Tourist 1:25 000 Visp erhorn5028T Monte Rosa — Matt maps: Tourist 1:25 000 Lötschental Visp 274T maps: Tourist 1:25 000 Visp Visp 274T maps: Tourist 1:25 000 Grächen Visp 274T maps: Tourist 1:25 000 Lötschental Visp 274T Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Route Route Route Route Route Route Venthône — La Proprija — Salgesch Oberems — Ergisch Ausserberg (station) — Riedgarto — Rarnerchumma — Joli-Hängebrücke — Bürchen — Breite Stäg — Breitmatt u — Habere — Eischoll Grächen — Riedbach — Äbnet — Hohtschugge — Grächen Ausserberg (station) — Niwärch — Ze Steinu — Eggen — Ausserberg (station) Hohtenn D i ffi c u l t y Ascent Restaurantsandpublictransport D i ffi c u l t y Ascent Restaurantsandpublictransport D i ffi c u l t y Ascent Restaurantsandpublictransport D i ffi c u l t y Ascent Restaurantsandpublictransport D i ffi c u l t y Ascent Restaurantsandpublictransport D i ffi c u l t y Ascent Restaurantsandpublictransport 13,6 km 250 m Venthône (Rétana) 6,8 km 215 m Oberems 10 km 300 m Ausserberg 11,2 km 270 m Bürchen 13,9 km 490 m Grächen 15,6 km 580 m Ausserberg 3:45 h Salgesch 2:15 h Ergisch 3 h Rarnerchumma 3:15 h Eischoll 4 h Hohtschugge 4:45 h Eggen Descent vertigo Descent vertigo Descent Hohtenn Descent Descent vertigo Descent point + B point + B point + B 580 m 455 m 415 m 635 m 490 m 580 m BodmeriBeitra Heido NessjeriObersta Trusera TheValaisBissesMuseum TheValaisBisses Stigwasser Museum Give a new dimension to your walks along the bisses by gett ing to know them. At the Valais Bisses Museum, you will learn about the history, construction and socio-cultural signifi cance of these old aqueducts; or head for the museum gar- den to try your hand at operating a bisse made of “bazots and tretschbord” – a wooden channel and a special type of wall. You could combine your visit to the museum with a stroll on a magnifi cent marked footpath alongside three bisses where you’ll discover the wooden channels of Torrent-Croix and the Bitailla distributors. museedesbissesch Tourist maps: Tourist 1:25 000 Visp Visp 274T maps: Tourist 1:25 000 Visp Visp 274T maps: Tourist 1:25 000 Aletsch 264T Jungfrau, Visp 274T maps: Tourist 1:25 000 Goms 264T Jungfrau, 265T Nufenenpass maps: Tourist 1:25 000 Anzère Montana 273T Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Route Route Route Route Route Visperterminen — Mutji — Hüeterhüsi — Visperterminen — Chummini — Birch Giw — Gibidumpass — Obers Fulmoos — Bistinepass — Simplonpass Belalp — Nessel — Gredetschtal — Mund Mühlebach — Wasen — Lax Anzère (gondola) — Torrent de Forniri — Le Partset — Torrent-Croix (Chéneaux) — — Visperterminen Le Partset — Forini — Pertou — Étang-Long (Mayens-d’Arbaz) — Lombardon — Saxonne — Botyre (Ayent) D i ffi c u l t y Ascent Restaurantsandpublictransport D i ffi c u l t y Ascent Restaurantsandpublictransport D i ffi c u l t y Ascent Restaurantsandpublictransport D i ffi c u l t y Ascent Restaurantsandpublictransport D i ffi c u l t y Ascent Restaurantsandpublictransport 14,9 km 620 m Visperterminen 18,4 km 825 m Giw 13,6 km 220 m Belalp 8,2 km 395 m Mühlebach 13,9 km 105 m Anzère (gondola) 4:45 h 5:45 h Simplonpass 4 h Mund 3 h Lax 3:30 h Étang-Long (Mayens d’Arbaz) Descent vertigo Descent vertigo Descent vertigo Descent Descent Botyre (Ayent) point + B point + B point + B 635 m 785 m 1130 m 545 m 675 m.
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