United States Patent (19) 11) 4,034,052 Puskas (45 July 5, 1977

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United States Patent (19) 11) 4,034,052 Puskas (45 July 5, 1977 United States Patent (19) 11) 4,034,052 Puskas (45 July 5, 1977 (54)54 ALKENYLATIONO CATALYSTS FOREIGN PATENTS OR APPLICATIONS 75 Inventor Imre Puskas, Glen Ellyn, Ill. 50-25530 3/1975 Japan (73) Assignee: St. Company (Indiana), Primary Examiner-O. R. Vertiz go, III. Assistant Examiner-Wayne A. Langel 22 Filed: Sept. 29, 1975 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Geoffrey M. Novelli; Arthur (21) Appl. No.: 617,368 G. Gilkes; William T. McClain a www a 9 (52) U.S. C. ........................................... 260/671 c ABSTRACT (51) Int. Cl.'........................................... C07C3/00 Unsaturated amines, primary and secondary saturated 58) Field of Search .................... 260/671 A, 671 C amines, N,N',N',N'-tetramethylethylenediamine, N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-1,3-propanediamine, and am 56) References Cited monia cocatalysis with alkali metals for alkenylation of UNITED STATES PATENTS alkylaromatics having benzylic hydrogen with conju 1934,123 1 1/1933 Hofmann et al. 260/671 A gatedcis product diolefins ratio of and4-15 improved carbon atoms. yield areImproved produced trans:- by 2,994,7253,028,441 4/19628/1961 ShawBush etet al.......................al. .................... 260/671260.67 Cc thesehese nitrogenni containing cocatalysts. 3,244,758 4f1966 Eberhardt ...................... 260/671 R 3,766,288 10, 1973 Shima et al.................... 260/671 A 19 Claims, 3 Drawing Figures A B CATALYST POTASSUM POTASSUM-MORPHONE BUTADeNE TO O-XYENE MOAR RATIO O.O22 O.O.9 TRANS TO CS 5-OTP RATO: 1.27 3.3 U.S. Patent July 5, 1977 Sheet 1 of 3 4,034,052 F.G. A B CATALYST POTASSUM POTASSUM-MORPHOLNE BUTADENE TO O-XYLENE MOLAR RATO O. O.22 O,OI9 TRANS TO CS 5-OTP RATO 27 3.3 U.S. Patent July 5, 1977 Sheet 2 of 3 4,034,052 F.G. 2 RUN NO, AMINE COCATALYST O (K-METAL ONLY) s O 2 (K-METAL ONLY) -- 3 MEDA O A 4 TMByDA 85 O 5 DBUTYLAM NE A k 6 MORPHOLINE A -- 7 PPERDINE O. O.2 MOLES OF BUTAD ENE PER MOLE OF O-XYLENE U.S. Patent July 5, 1977 Sheet 3 of 3 4,034,052 90 FIG. 3 -- O O 8 O O - O O O - O O O 7 O O -- O O CONC. OF THE CATALYSTS (WT. of XYLENE) SYMBOL EXP NO K-METAL N, N, N, -TRETHYLENEDIAMINE 6 O -- O.7 NL (BLANK) -- O O.7 O.OO4. O 9 O.7 O.O 3 O O.O.9 O.OO25. O O O.O8 NL (BLANK) 54 O. O.2 O.3 MOLES OF BUTADENE PER MOLE OF XYLENE 4,034,052 1. 2 amines, primary and secondary saturated amines, am ALKENYLATION CATALYSTS monia, N,N,N',N'-tetramethylethylenediamine, and N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-1,3-propanediamine. BACKGROUND Sterically hindered amines such as dicyclohexyla Alkali metal and alkali metal alloy catalysts have 5 mine are indifferent and ineffective in these reactions been used to catalyze these alkenylation reactions as as are most saturated tertiary amines, such as N,N'- taught in Eberhardt, U.S. Pat. No. 3,244,758 (1966), dimethyl piperazine, 1,4-diazabicyclo-2,2,2)-octane, Shima et al. U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,766,288 (1973) and U.S. N,N',N',N'-tetramethyl-1,4-butanediamine and the Pat. 1,934,123 (1928) which are all specifically incor acidic aromatic amines such as carbazole. porated herein by reference. Use of amine co-catalyst 0 Useful unsaturated amines include dimethyl vinyla in these alkenylation reactions according to this inven mine, dimethyl allylamine, methyl ethyl allylamine, tion can alter the isomeric product distribution and methylbutyl vinylamine, 1-dimethylamino-2-propyne, yield better selectivity to the desired product. N.N,N',N'-tetramethyl-2-butyne-1,4-diamine, Certain tertiary amines are known to increase the N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-2-butene-1,4-diamine, reactivity of organolithium and organosodium catalysts 15 tributenylamine, methylethylbutenylamine, N-butenyl according to Polyamine-Chelated Alkali Metal Com morpholine, butenylamine, allyl amine, 3-amino pro pounds. Ed. A. W. Langer. Advances in Chemistry pyne-1, aniline, oleylamine (1-amino-octadecene-9), Series No 130. American Chemical Society, 1974. o-toluidine, laminocyclohexene, m-toluidine, p-tolui However, the amines herein described are ineffective dine, amino pyridine isomers, xylidine isomers, amino as cocatalysts with lithium or sodium alone for these 20 quinoline isomers, N-vinyl piperidine, N-methylamino alkenylation reactions. pyridine isomers, N-vinyl coniine, N-ethylamino pyri dine isomers, N-vinylmorpholine, N-methyl amino SUMMARY quinoline isomers, N,N'-divinylpiperazine, methyl al This invention is a process for using amines or ammo lylamine, methyl benzylamine, ethyl allylamine, ethyl nia to cocatalyze alkenylation of alkylaromatics with 25 benzylamine, methyl propargyl amine, ethyl propar conjugated diolefins. Representative is the amine coca gylamine, methyl cyclohexenylamine, butyl cyclohex talysis of butadiene addition to o-xylene to produce enyl amine, N-methylaniline, N-ethylaniline, N 5-(o-tolyl)-pentene-2 (5-OTP); this product can un propylaniline, N-methyltoluidines (o, m, p-isomers), dergo further reactions of ring closure, dehydrogena N-methylnaphthylamines (alpha and beta isomers). tion and isomerization to yield isomers of dimethyl 30 Useful saturated primary amines include methylam naphthalene (DMN) such as 2,6-DMN which can be ine, ethylamine, propylamine, isopropylamine, n oxidized and esterified to high performance polyesters. butylamine, 2-aminobutane, isobutylamine, n-amyla mine, 2-amino pentane, 3-amino pentane, 1-amino-3- BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING methylbutane, n-hexylamine, dodecylamine, hexadec FIG. 1 is a representative gas chromatographic com 35 ylamine, ethylenediamine, 1,3-diaminopropane, 1,4- parison of the trans:cis product ratio obtained with diaminobutane, 1,5-diaminopentane, 1,6-diaminohex potassium alone and with an amine cocatalyst. ane, cyclohexylamine, 1,2-diaminocyclohexane and FIG. 2 is a plot showing the product yields during 1-adamantylamine. batch alkenylations of o-xylene with butadiene using Useful saturated secondary amines include dimethyl various amine cocatalysts. 40 amine, diethylamine, di-n-propylamine, di-n-butyla FIG. 3 is a plot showing the effect of various levels of mine, di-n-amylamine, di-n-octylamine, di-n-dodecyla initial concentration of an amine cocatalyst. mine, di-isopropylamine, methyl ethylamine, methyl propylamine, methyl n-butylamine, methyl isobutyla DETAILED DESCRIPTION mine, ethyl butylamine, ethyl hexylamine, ethyl Amines can act as cocatalysts in combination with 45 dodecylamine, N,N'-dimethyl diamino ethane, N,N'- potassium, rubidium, cesium, alloys of these metals dimethyl-1,3-diamino propane, N,N'-diethyl-1,3- with each other or with other alkali metals for alkenyla- diaminopropane, N,N,N'-triethyl-1,3-diaminopropane, tion reactions of this type. Conjugated diolefins of from N-methylcyclohexylamine, N-ethylcyclohexylamine, 4 to about 15 carbon atoms can be used to alkenylate N-ethyladamantylamine, pyrrolidine, etc. alkylaromatics having benzylic hydrogen with one or 50 . As Table I indicates, in runs 9-11, too high a concen more rings. Typically butadiene is used to add to the tration of the amine can adversely affect the yield of benzylic carbon of ortho, meta, or para xylene, toluene, the desired alkenylation product during alkenylation. ethylbenzene, or any of the alkylnaphthalenes or alkyl- While generally the amine concentration should be phenanthrenes to yield aromatics having a side chain within 0.0005-1.0, weight percent range based on the containing unsaturation. 55 alkylaromatic reactant, the preferred concentration Useful amines of 1-60 carbon atoms for cocatalysts range is 0.004-0.1%. with the alkali metals and alloys are unsaturated TABLE I THE EFFECT OF AMENES ON POTASSIUM CATALYST COMPARISON OF THE 5-OTP CUMULATIVE YELDS AND TRANS:CIS RATIOS For each successive sample of the batch reaction products, the first sub-column is the Amine and its initial butadiene:0-xylene molar ratio; the second sub-column is the yield in mole % based on Run concentration butadiene introduced; the third sub-column in brackets is the trans:cis 5-OTP ratio. No. (Wt.% of Xylene) Sampling 1 2 3 4 5 nil 0.022 75.4 (1.27) 0.050 80.4 (1.33) 0.10 77.6 (1.36) 0.152 72.9 (1.38) 0.229 69.3 (1.41) 2 nil 0.021 79.5 (1.24) 0.052 80.9 (1.32) 0.095 78.5 (1.35) 0.131 76.8 (1.38) 0.175 69.6 (1.40) 3 0.04.09, TMEDA 0.02 1 0.75 (1.95) 0.052 86.0 (1.98) 0.087 83.1 (1.88) 0.122 80.2 (1.79) 0.166 75.6 (1.78) 4. 0.024% TMByDA 0.018 83.1 (4.37) 0.042 84.3 (2.68) 0.088 81.6 (2.27) 0.13476.2 (2.04) 0.176 74.1 (2.00) 5 0.004%. Dibutylamine 0.019 85.4 (1.38) 0.048 85.6 (1.42) 0.091 80.7 (1.46) 0.138 76.0 (1.49) 0.197 72.0 (1.57) 6 0.010%. Morpholine 0.019 87.5 (3.13) 0.047 85.6 (2.89) 0.089 80.9 (2.63) 0.136 76.4 (2.42). 0.63 74.3 (2.22) 4,034,052 TABLE I-continued THE EFFECT OF AMINEs ON POTASSIUM CATALYST COMPARISON OF THE 5-OTP CUMULATIVE YELDS AND TRANS:CIS RATIOS For each successive sample of the batch reaction products, the first sub-column is the Amine' and its initial butadiene:0-xylene molar ratio; the second sub-column is the yield in mole % based on Run; concentration . butadiene introduced; the third sub-column in brackets is the trans:cis 5-OTP ratio. No. (Wt. % of Xylene) Sampling 1 2 3 4 5 7 0.014% Piperidine 0.020 82.3 (2.69) 0.049 83.
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