LETTERS CONTENTS Feminist Cartoonists, Dear Friends: Canadians Receptive to We find the material in your Artists, illustrators, NAC’s Views publications very informative and Secretary of State Hearings certainly are a guide for actions Federal Budget against discriminatory practices Photographers!! Hansard Summary that Canadian women still face. We are pleased to see the emphasis REGIONAL REPORTS on action needed against the nuclear Regional Roundup threat and for world peace, as Feminist Action needs you! Newfoundiand/Labrador that is essential if women are to Quebec achieve equal rights in all spheres Send wus copies of your cartoons. Northern Ontario of life. graphics, photographs, iliustrations Manitoda and possibie cover ideas. Alberta/ Provincial Womens Committee Northwest Territories Association of We are unabie to South—Central! United Ukrainian Canadians submitted. We pay British Columbia Winniper, Manitoba niaterial We use. necotiable. Thank you! COMMITTEE REPORTS Employment Dear Friends: Please send to: Prostitution I wish to continue my member- Maxine Hermoli Health ship in NAC and receive your very Publications Coordinator Committee to Support interesting and inspiring materials. NAC, 344 Bloor St. WV’. #505 Native Women loronto, Ont. MSS JW9 Mary Kardash, Therese Casgrain Winnipeg, Manitoba. Commemorative Prize Events*Hesources*Contacts NATIONAL ACTION COMMIT TEE ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Coming May & - 11, 198/ fave Carleton University Ottawa, Ontario COMING OF AGE: NAC - FROM YESTERUAY (QO [TOMORROW NATIONAL ACTION COMMITTEE ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN Vol. 2, No. 4 1986-87 EXECUTIVE April 1987 PRESIDENT Louige Dulude Ottawa, Unt. Feminist ACTION is published eight YAS PHES TDERN'T' Chaviva Hosexk Toronto, Ont. VICE PRESIDENTS Marjorie Cohen Toronto, Ont.
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