EXTENSIONS of REMARKS February 11, 1976 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS FIFTY GOLDEN YEARS Los Angeles Through Their Cultural and in PRAISE of SHEILA YOUNG Social Activities
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3070 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS February 11, 1976 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS FIFTY GOLDEN YEARS Los Angeles through their cultural and IN PRAISE OF SHEILA YOUNG social activities. My wife, Lee, and I would like to join HON. GLENN M. ANDERSON the many friends of Louis and Elsa Kel HON. LUCIEN N. NEDZI OF CALIFORNIA ton on the occasion of their golden an OF MICHIGAN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES niversary. It will be a day for the shar IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, February 11, 1976 ing of joy and celebration that we all Wednesday, February 11, 1976 shall long remember. Mr. ANDERSON of California. Mr. Mr. NEDZI. Mr. Speaker, every night Speaker, February 21, 1976, will be a very a large part of America settles in for special day in the lives of Mr. and Mrs. an evening of watching the Winter Louis Kelton, and those of us who have RE-SIGNING THE DECLARATION OF Olympics on television. It has indeed been privileged enough to know them. On INDEPENDENCE provided us with spectacular scenery that day, the Keltons will celebrate their and many exciting moments. golden anniversary-50 years of life to The highlight of the competition for gether. HON. WILLIAM L. ARMSTRONG many of us has been the remarkable ac Louis Kelton, president of Bollenbach OF COLORADO complishment of Miss Sheila Young, of er & Kelton, Inc., has been a successful IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Detroit. land developer and contractor in south Wednesday, February 11, 1976 Miss Young is the first American to ern California for many years. He has ever win three medals in the Winter also become known as a man active in Mr. ARMSTRONG. Mr. Speaker, in Olympic games. civic affairs .. a patron of the arts, and a this Bicentennial Year, never has the This graduate of Denby High School generous contributor to charity. need been greater for Americans to re in my congressional district has dedi Elsa Kelton has made her mark in her affirm their adherence to the principles cated her-.:elf to excellence not only in own way. She has also been active in upon which this Nation was founded. speedskating but in cycling, where she the Los Angeles area, especially with the The eloquence of the Declaration of In is also of championship caliber. Los Angeles County Museum. dependenoe shines as bright in 1976 as it I am pleased to join thousands of Louis and Elsa first met in 1922, while did in 1776. Michiganders and millions of Americans attending Columbia University in New The people in my State of Colorado in extending my congratulations to Miss York. They were almost literally thrown are observing not only our country's Young and her family. together in an act of fate : assigned the 200th birthday, but also the lOOth birth Under leave to extend my remarks in wrong seats, they sat next to each other day of our great State. In celebration of the RECORD, two stories from the Detroit and became acquainted. these two historical occasions, 56 men News and the Detroit Free Press follow: After that semester, Elsa returned to and women signed the Redeclaration of [From the -Detroit News, Feb. 7, 1976] her home in Baltimore, where she worked Independence in downtown Colorado with the Scripps-Howard newspaper or Springs this week in a gesture of sup A DAD'S DREAM COMES TRUE INNSBRUCK, AUSTRIA.-Clair Young is not ganization, editing a column in the Bal port for the principles that launched unlike many American fathers. From his timore Post. Louis stayed in New York our Nation. child's infancy, he dreamed of the sibling to finish school and receive his law de This gesture, which included the oldest turning into a world class athlete. gree. resident of El Paso County, Mary Jane But the long torturous road to the lonely Following a 3-year romance conducted Fisher, 103, and one of the youngest, 13- peak of athletics is reached by few. Sheila. on a long distance basis, Louis Kelton day-old Julie Marie McGinnis, is in Young has made it-to the pinnacle of the and Elsa Greene were married on Feb tended by the Pikes Peak or Bust '76 Winter Olympic Games-and she and her ruary 21, 1976. They moved to New Centennial-Bicentennial Committee to father Clair are among the few who under York, and in 1929 were blessed with their stand the indescribable exhilaration of tak prove that citizens of this country and ing a dream and turning it to reality. first son, Richard. David, their second Nation still support the ideals on which And now Miss Young, 25, who has worked son, was born in 1935. this Nation was founded. at such odd jobs as being a waitress to fur The Keltons arrived in California in The committee hopes to get more than ther her athletic career, admits she did It 1938, settling in Beverly Hills. Louis Kel 300,000 persons to sign copies of the Dec without socks. ton met Walter Bollenbacher in 1942, laration of Independence. At the same "I like to wiggle my toes. It gives me more and by 1950 they had formed their own time they are soliciting 76 cents from rapport with my skates," she said after win developing firm. ning the Olympic 500-meter speedskating each signer to build a vault and monu race in record time. Today, Bollenbacher & Kelton, Inc. is ment atop Pikes Peak where the final one of California's most successful land The exhilaration of victory was Sheila's scroll will be buried for 100 years. The and it was Clair's, who remembered 23 years developing companies, building homes, scroll is now at Bicentennial headquar ago when he bought his daughter's first pair apartments, shopping centers, and mo ters at 7 North Tejon Street, Colorado of skates. There ha-d been great moments be bile home parks. Richard and David Kel Springs. fore, the kind few experience. ton, both attorneys, are officers in the be Few athletes-women or men-are world firm. Their father Louis holds creden Additional copies of the scroll will 'champions in two sports. Sheila has been tials as both an accountant and a law kept on top of the peak throughout the world champion in cycling as well as speed yer. summer so tourists from across the skating. Louis Kelton is also active as a mem Nation can rededicate themselves to the But there ls little that can match what ber of the board of .directors of the beliefs that founded our Nation. happened in Innsbruck yesterday-an. While the second 56 signers, with Olympic gold medal. Manufacturers' Bank, the Southwest "This is my life," said Clair Young, who Water Co., and many construction firms. names like Lawrence Ochs, Charles Jol liff, James Haney, Gladys Bueler, Nell used to speed-skate himself. "And when she He is a member of the board of trustees, won the gold medal, there were tears in my West Los Angeles Law School. In addi Evans, and Roy Smith, are 200 years re eyes." tion, he is a member of the Los Angeles moved from the likes of John Hancock, Miss young streaked around the glazed Art Museum, the Friar's Club, and a Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Frank stadium track in 42.76 seconds, breaking founder of the Los Angeles Music Cen lin, the spirit of 1776 is still the same. Anne Henning's Olympic record and captur ter. And that makes us proud of the men and ing her second medal in two days. She fin I have known the Keltons for many women of El Paso County who thought ished second to Russia's Galina Stepanskaya. in the 1,500 meters Thursday. years, and feel fortunate to be able to up the idea as a Bicentennial gesture. It For a few tense moments yesterday, it ap consider them good friends. Their suc makes us equally proud of those who will peared Sheila's silver medal in the 1,500 cess in the business world is more than sign it before it is sealed away for the might turn to gold. This Olympic citadel was matched by their many contributions to next century. swept by rumors that the Russian woman February 11, 1976 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 3071 might be disqualified for failure to pa.Ss the nape of her neck. In training, she erupts and 1,500-meter races for the U.S. Olympic dope test. into u. bubbly, likeable persona.lity once the team. The reports were quickly dispelled by tension is over. "Peter and I have known each other since Prince Alexandre de Merode of Belgium, "Speedskating requires concentration," she we were kids," Miss Poulos said. "We were chairman of the International Olympic Com said. "I am always concentrating." just skating pals then. Now we've been en mittee's Medical Commission, who came out Those years of concentration and painful gaged one-two years. Peter is a mirror image of a special meeting to say: "There is no dis practice have now resulted in Olympic gold for me. He knows when I am skating wrong qualification." the athle.te's dream which rarely becomes even when I don't know myself." Miss Henning, of Northbrook, Ill., winner reality. Sheila and Leah have been skating rivals of the Olympic 500 meters in Sapporo, Japan, for 16 years, their efforts-like all American in 1972, was in the large and vocal delega [From the Detroit Free Press, Feb. 8, 1976) speed skaters'-centered on the single Olym tion of Americans who cheered Miss Young SHEILA: "I HAD HOPED To Bow OuT oN HIGH pic track in the United States at West Allis, to her gold medal triumph.