May 30, 1967 H. W. GRANTAND 3,322,340 INSTRUMENT FOR COMPUTING UNKNOWN MEASUREMENTS Filed July 27, 1966 OF TRIANGULATIONS 3 Sheets-Sheet l 2 2 Z INVENTOR Henry V. Grant land ATTORNEY May 30, 1967 H. v. GRANTLAND 3,322,340 INSTRUMENT FOR cóMPUN UNKNOWN MEASUREMENTS OF TRIANGULATIONS Filed July 27, 1966 3 Sheets-Sheet a READS 30 FROM Vert CA READS 250 Fig. IO INVENTOR Henry V. Grontlond C = C, x C ose can C C - 250 x 2. OOO ... a = 5oo' au BY (2-4-6%2-2 Fig. ATTORNEY May 30, 1967 H. V. GRANTLAND 3,322,340 . INSTRUMENT FOR COMPUT ING UNKNOWN MEASUREMENTS OF TRIANGULATIONS Filed July 27, 1966 5. Sheets-Sheet : 3 READS 6O FROM VERTCA b = c x Cot angent C b = 250 x 1.732O b = 433' As 58-24S& 66 Fig. 16 5759-22 2S 2222 INVENTOR Henry V. Grant and Fig.19 BY (2-4%. ATTORNEY 3,322,340 United States Patent Office Patented May 30, 1967 1. 2 3,322,340 line 2-2 of FIGURE 1, illustrating the movable asso INSTRUMENT FOR COMPUTING UNKNOWN ciation between the upper micrometer and the protractor MEASUREMENTS OF TRANGULATIONS plate. Henry V. Grantland, Rte. 3, Box 105, FIGURE 3 is a fragmentary elevational illustration of Arlington, Tex. 76010 the lower micrometer barrel and the vernier dial mount Filed July 27, 1966, Ser. No. 568,250 ing attached thereto. 4 Claims. (C. 235-61) FIGURE 4 is a side elevational view of the invention. This invention relates to calculating devices, and it has FIGURE 5 is a fragmentary sectional view showing the particular reference to an instrument for computing un pivotal and slidable connection between the lower mi known measurements of either side of a triangle where O crometer and the angle scale, and between these elements the measurements and angulation of an acute angle and and the protractor plate.
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