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(PHONE **oo) Sunday, June 7, PAR T 2. PAGE 8 SUNDAY'TIMES CHERRY 1942 day Times. Artist Russell Patter- son will continue his story about ’Phantom Lover’ the experiences of a modem miss Not Too Late to Get Steel Company Treats and her efforts in the "all out" it’s campaign for Victory. Captions j^roaram in verse by Percy Shaw will de- Front Page Play scribe the action depicted in the War Insignia Miners Like Kings amusing illustrations. rFREE Phantom "Flousy Frill* and the Station* Kilocycle* Megacycle* not on the air, the fault Lover” is the title of the Front War Insignia the station* i*opv of a full eoloi Will TRii W4*D 44 4 lie* with and makes things as pleasant as a Page Drama over 13 radio stations Stamp Such copies Hie exchange- WW.» *Mt WHO 44# not Tti* Detroit Time*. movie house. The three main Also aim Air Conditioning MichigMi Ontario, next A-1 job of Insulated Brick fAnd You May stamps CKLW SYMBOIR offices, in and able tor full color WCA K \ 1130 This program ha* been O—Drama buildings—for hoists and Wednesday" Thursday. Friday and When vou have obtained 10 of WXYX 1270 given Ime Detroit Time* M—Musical combination shops and dry build- Siding completely installed by R—Religion* Saturday, the day of the broadcast Album black and while copies WJLB Him the stations herein Helps Provide ings—are connected with the main Obtain these WEXL 1340 lifted If the present« T—T*lk cast differing on various stations, on 24x30x9 house, $198.00. It ANY 10 will do. as the copies WJ 8K 14 W tlons as scheduled are V—Variety shaft by a tunnel, eliminating un- as indicated Cents DO NOT have io be consecutively Health, Comfort necessary exposure of the work- Detow^ A good roof? See the 180- for Only 15 numbered! you can send to De- men. Insignia Stamps. lb. shingle that is different. troit Times War SUNDAY MORNING rooms are underground WFDF, Flint, 8:45 m. Friday; . . . 6.- p. obtainable FREE but Bon 1918. Detroit. Mich., IRON RIVER. June The Change st.irtinp P. O Michigan iron miner today as and easily accessible to tunnel and WASH-WOOD, Grand Rapids, & *e do not do lav in obtain the first 10 full color is Veterai floofing Sidiig Co. 60 NEW and ano A. M WJBK —Dawn Clasa-R. WCAR— Musical#. tough and hard-working as his shaft. Lockers have been elimi- 10:15 p. m. Friday: WIBM, Jack- collection of the stamps in the series of five sots W JRk—Morning Melodies. t:oa A. M. WXYZ—Jean Cavall-M. TO. 8-7093 12272 Twelfth St. War In* 7 :«*4» C. M. WJLB—Greek Church. father and grandfather—but sci- nated. Work and street clothes are son, 8:45 p. m. Friday; WJIM, color United State* color insignia in ihis WJRK—Morning WJR—News. of 10 lull Melodies. WWJ—New* roundup. 10:50 A. V*. virtually hoisted to the ceiling, thus elimi- Lansing, 8:45 p. Friday; WKBZ, «il!pjgua Stamps offered to Detroit series WEXL—Wayne Go»pel-K. ence is placing a flowered m. thrilling NEW of full color CKLW—San Salute M. WJR Winga Over Jordan. nating accumulation of garments Muskegon, 7:15 p. m. Friday; readers. 7:14 A. M. WCAR-New*. WWJ—Tom Terrla-T. center-piece on his lunchroom United Slates War Insignia WJLB—Organ Reverie*. WXYZ—World new*. WXYZ-Southernalrca-M. doing everything and providing additional floor WCAR. Pontiac, 2:45 p. m. Thurs- j* flying and beloae you 7 ‘III JA .VI table and but Stamp* CKLW—iFaughey W'Jl.B—Flying Cloud* M WJLB-Music salon. announce space. day; WSAM, Saginaw, 10:45 p. m. it too to You the in taber'l*. W'KXl*Rev. Strandbergh. WEXL—Rev. John Young. furnish chimes to his \ MMM Ups awarr will be late follow same process Audrey Friday; City, i WXYZ— l.>nn-M WJBK—Cumberl’d Church. arrival and a valet to scrub his Taking a bath is an enjoyable WTCM, Traverse YOUR collection of heM obtaining the other sets of 10. W J LB—Fountain of Truth 10:45 A. M. Wednesday. hly interesting, thrillmglx 1:44 A. M. • :I5 A. M. WWJ—Vi and Vtlma-M. back. ritual, with olean towels daily 7:30 p. m. and Get Album, Too WXYZ—Morning devotion* W JR—From organ loft CKLW Pontiac Baptist. a drying room adjoining. tlful. educational pHtri- K IN A. M. WWJ —Anne Campbell-M. WJLB—News of week. To the engineers planning new and ONTARIO Sin poster stamps with WJR— Uncle Neal read* WCAR- Musical*. lljMA. M. days, health, Mk NEW mines these the It is highly IMPORTANT that The Tlmr* Sun- WXYZ—On a Bu*-V. WJR— Ne#t Temperature CFCO. Chatham. 5:30 p. m. of various units of Uncle Detroit safety and comfort of Joe Miner Control you enclose a self-addressed enve- day comic*. 5:35 A. M. WWJ- Rhapsody M. Thursday; CKOC, Hamilton. 1:15 s fighting forces, as mosquito you write WWJ—New* WJR—Smilin’ Red A Bova WCAR—Newa. are paramount, for upon his Heating and ventilating systems lope and that legibly —New*. WWJ—-Utils Church. WXYZ—News Ace. p. m. Saturday; CKCR, Kitchener, i, submarines, signal eorps. CRLW a information required on the cou- WCAK—New*. CKLW—N*w* Ace WJLB—Organ. rhorua-M strength depends lot. are controlled by thermostat, with 8 Thursday; CKCO, Ottawa, artillery corps, WJLB —Mt. Zion Church. WEXL—R. O. Congrega l p. m. mcdicai pon which appears each day with WXYZ—New* Take the new Sherwood mine of exhaust fans sucking out moistures Friday: fma WJLB—Caldwell Singer*. WEXL—Rev. H. Weinzierl WJBK—Serbian Hour. 6:15 p. m. CJCS, Stratford, hanbers and other sections. the Inland Steel Company, dust, smoke, and fumes. the black and white War Insignia WEXL—Rumanian Rap at. WJBK—Lithuanian prog. 11:15 A. M. dedi- heat Be- 7:45 p. m. Friday. important thing to bear in vvjbk—lldar # 44 VI. WJR W’hat’i New at Zoo. cated recently, fifth tendancy Stamp copy. ilsaraoa 11. A. here the cause dust has a to The Front Page Drama will be when vihi read the EASY S:I4 A. VI. WJR— Musical. IKS’AR WCAR Kerves-T. producing property in the Lake settle, intake ventilators are When you send for your full WWJ—Organ Rental, CKLW—Salvation Army-M WXYZ—Dr. J. F* Norris. in based on another page of enter- f(ktructK>n«* about how to get A. district, source raw color stamps, you can. if you so CKl.W—Organ Mood*. 10:04 M. 11:50 A. M. Superior of the ceiling and outlets, or ex- taining “Flossy Frills” sketches ttesc FREE poster stamps, is desire, enclose WCAK Salvation Army WJR—Duncan Moore-T. W’JR—R»v, John Zollar-R material for the firm’s huge blast hausts, under change room cents the . . ... 15 for . the white ex- WXYZ—Morning minstrel*. WWJ- Bible Highlight* WWJ—New*. produced in full color in that black and handy JO-page rotogravure War 4.J4 A. M. CKLW—DeI. Bible Class. CKLW—Anglican Church. furnaces at Indiana Harbor, Ind. benches, with poor air going down Weekly with next -Changeabie copies of the full color WJR—Cabin Folks-M. WCAR—News Ace. WJLB—T. L. Thomaa-M- The American l Insignia Stamp Album, having, Fantasy. rather than up and into miners’ amps do NOT have to be con- WWJ —String quartet. WXYZ—Melody --WEXL—Hiway to Heaven. All Dressed Up Sunday’s issue of The Detroit Sun- At spaces to attach each full color CKLW—Pontiac Baptiit. WJLB—Lithuanian prog. M WJBK—Hebrew Chrlstiau faces. you Society The miner goes to work looking ADVERTIBEMENI secutive. If are a “late stamp, and printed information WCA K— Muaicale. WEXL— R. O. Bible 11:46 A. M. If you’re susceptible to common •tarterthis will enable you to WXYZ—Woodahedera M WJBK—Jewish Hour-V. WWJ -Dinning Slater*. like a white-collar office worker, about insignia. The album will WJ I.B—Hungarian Church 10:14 A. M. WJLB—New* colds, you won’t find it dangerous catch up with your collection. WK.XL—Grace Baptist. WJR -Don Artt»te-M. W'KXL—Salvation Army. his face shining like a schoolboy’s. c enable you to keep your to live here. Engineers reduce the stamps He comes home as neat as he was PAINS” No Essays to Write in an orderly manner. It ilonroe WWJ—Ole Foerch-M. 7:15 P. M. W EXL—Nat l Revlval-R. comfort. 1247* GRAND RIVER IT. BO SEND YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS CKLW—Voice ol lomorn CKLW’—Blend Tones-M. TODAY TO • Kr»kln Hawklnn IDear Sir: , 4:46 P. 54. Closely guarded, the new mine HOgarth WCAR—Newt. rm r. m. 3156 FAIN. CASE, BROCKTON, MASS. • Ink Spot* 17 S« r. VI. WCAR--Herman Trlo-M. is in the center of the Iron River MPT. til ant enclosing 1(1 WJR Columbia Worship WEXL—Pilgrim • I* herewith black and white exchange copies WJR—In our opinion. CKLW -This le Ft. Dix Hour-^R. district of the Menominee range. Karl Mine* lot the full color War Insignia Stamps which I have cut from The WWJ—Garden hour WEXL— Melvlndale Gospel 5.00 P. M. It was explored by diamond dril- PIT FC PAVE ACOSTA’S • Ml tireen CKLW-s-Conga rhumba r ILEIO PREPARATIONS Times and a STAMPED. SELF-ADDRESSED ENVELOPE. ; 7:45 r. M. WJR—Family Hour. ling back in 1910 and drifted • ! WCAR—Mennonlte Church WCAR—Musical Interlude. patent Generally Dirk Powell WEXL—Polish Church CKLW—News. underground Registered In nfflee. } Please send me 10 genuine United 3:00 P. M. WCAR—News. in 1933. a few applications ends piles. Free States War Insignia Stamps WJBK— Invisible Church Symphony. different! lithographed m WJR—Columbia WXYZ—Bud Shaver-T. The new Sherwood buildings, Information rheamsttsm. lumbago. Call color. FREE. 1 have marked the 17:45 P. M. CKLW—Elder Morton-R. WJLB—ltalian Serenade. 6141 VINTON IVANHOF. MM ",Ralel " WCAR—Evang. Tabernacle WJBK—Organ - equipment and general facilities c t Aeries desired below. WJR—Musical. melodies, Corner Marcus, four blocks north of WJLB—Phtlharmontca-M. W4sD—New*. are a far cry from those of early- Gratiot car barn WWJ—New*. WEXL—Family a('»l*H,*N I intend to remaining daily Clrcle-R. W4_9l> New*. Week Days: # A M. to 10 P. M. 1:15 p. p. m. fiIf S W KtITM exchange Ihe cutouts obtained from WXYZ—Conga Rhumba-M W4ftP—Viennese day mines. m7^^^*****^l:3o V/SAM’S WEXL—Lutheran Church Concert. Sunday: 6 Aj M. to 3 P. M. WXYZ T 0 D A Y WJBK the Daily and Sunday Detroit Times hereafter in lots of 10 at inter- W4BD—News Items. 5:16 P. 54. Modern air conditioning science NIP :MI of 10 days until I have completed my collection of 50. t P. M. 3:15 P. M. CKLW—America Singing. . WJR—Church of the Air WWJ—Tiger Talk WCAR— Music. iT I WWJ- Rob't Bt. John-T. WXYZ—rV# Got Your No. WXYZ—Ollvlo Santoro-M. CKLW—Hello Children. W4sD—The Far EasWT. WEXLr-Rev. Thibodeau. \/ WCAR—Bright moor taii-cle W4#D—Symphony Ofch. W4sD—Mu*lc. V VV' Y . i WXYZ—Week tn review W4»D—Music. Gospel 5:30 P. M. I WEXL—Parkstde WWJ—Tiger* v*. 6:50 M. WJBK—Polish varieties-M Senator*. r. jpllre** Apt CKLW—VaI Clare-T. WWJ—Americans’ plava. 1:16 P. M. WCAR—Music. CKLW—Honored Music. WWJ—Bob Becker. WXYZ—Tigers v«. Senator* WCAR—Band music. CKLW—Dream House-M. WKXle—Rev. C: c. Kirby. WXYZ—Musical. Pawn «....BUte WXYZ—Voice,of CIO WJBK—Mich. Council CIO. WEXL—Lmmanuel Gospel. WJLB—Ukrainian Hour. W4sD—Muelc. W’JBK—Eva W. Victor-T. • 5:45 r. M. W4sD—D’Artega Present*. R I :M P. M. Ptrkertng-T. W4#D—New* Items. V. Indicate by checkmark series desired. WJR—Mother’s album. CKLW—Jack WW’J— Tiger* v*. Senator*. WJBK—ltalian Church 6:46 P. 54. CKLW Lutheran Hour W43D-AI A Lee Retier-M. W.IR—Wm. L. Shlrer-T. * . WCAR—OId-fa*ht<>n church 4:00 P. M. WCAR—Shall Wa Waltz-M W'XYZ—Tiger* If you with Ml vs. Senators CKLW Beaver Club. WJBK—Polish Jackpot. Stamps Xn*. WK.XL—Bethel Tabernacle. WCAR—Nasarene ENMampw Nos. Stamps Nos. Official Slump Vl- I Church. W49D—Beloved music. hnm »rn| In you. P* 81 to 60 61 to 70 7! to 80 check here ¦ml enrlnoe IS renlk. SUNDAY EVENING

H (111 r. M. WWJ— Bandwagon-M. WJLB—St. Paul’s Church. WJR—Edw. R. Murrow-T. WCAR—Novatime-M. W4sD—Choir Loft-M. CLIP THIS STAMP W’WJ—Catholic Hour. WXYZ—Gre*t Gllderaleeve. 0:45 P. M. .Tire Owners Asked CKLW—Treasure Hour-M. WJLB—Echoea of Erin-V. WEXL—OId Time Religion WCAR—Ave Marla hr.-D. WJBK—Greek hour-V. — 8e renade-M. W4VD—Music. 10:00 P. M. WJXYZ; WJR—Take It or Leave It. W JLB -Jerry Sears-M. Wl9D—Waltzes of W'orld. [By Register WEXL—Anglo Israel R. WWJ—Hour of Charm. Police to 7:45 P. M. CKLW’—Guest of honor. WJBK—Polish quiz. W4sD—Catholic Hour, CKLW—New*. WXYZ—Goodwill hour-T. '. June 6 (INS). I W49D—News. WEXL—Good News B. WJLB—Christian mission. W44D—Music. WJBK—St. Ruth s Temple. rogues’ gallery in rubber will 44:1 ft P. M. W4sD—Newa. L-A W’JR—Bobby Tucker-M 5:00 P. M. police 10:30 P. M. result from registration of WCAR—Musical Interlude. WJR—World new* WJR—They WXYZ—New* AC* WWJ—Charlie McCarthy. live forever. ‘hides in Los WJLB—Our Communlly-D. CKLW- Music. WWJ -Chamber music. WEXL—Family Church WCAR —Newa. CKLW—Your Enemy-D. le plans of W4#D—Salon orcheatra. WJLB—Rainbow hour-V. WXYZ—Tommy Dorsey-M. WJBK—Triumph’nt Church rrall indicate, j a 30 P. VI WJLB—Greek victory hr. to give their WJR—Gene Autry-V. W'EXL—Rev. H. Welnzlerl. 10:45 P. 54. WWJ—Prof. Jaa. Pollock. WJBK—Rev. John Zoller. WWJ—News. 1 stations the I iCKLW’—Nobody’* Children. W4sD—Symphonla-M. 11:00 r. M. ? and size of WXYZ—Pearaon A Allen-T W49D—Newa. WJR—Headline*, bylines. license num- WEXL—Church of God 5:15 P. M. WWJ—Army Hour. WJBK—Negro artlits-M W’CAR— Eventide Echoes. CKLW—National news. i upon which I iW’4sD—The Battlefront-T. W49D—Gilbert A Sullivan. WXYZ—For the future-M. • 4:45 P. M. 5:50 P. M. WJLB—Goodwill Hour-V. WWJ—Newa. W’JR—Crime Doctor-D. 11:18 P. M. WXYZ—Ink Bpota-M. WWJ—I Man’s Famlly-D. W’JR--Shep Flelda-M. S4TH ENGINEERS WJLB—Book* A People-T. CKLW—Vole* of prophecy. CKLW— Britain Spcaka. WEXL—Meadowl’n Chap. WXYZ—Good Old Daya-V. WXYZ—Music You Want. Schofield Barracks, T. H. W4sD—King Cola trlo.M WJLB—Rev. J. W. Gilbert. 11:80 P. M. The 34th Engineers, be- W4sD—Book* A People-T. W 49D—Evening muaicale. WJR- Dance orchestra. riflemen, 7HM* P. M. 6:45 P. M. CKLW— Answering You. sides fighting as also WWJ -To be announced. WCAR- Rev. H. Welnzlerl WJBK—Dance Tim*. construct roads, fortifications, CKLW—DeI. Bibie class. W49D—New* roundup. WCAR—News. 11:45 P. M. bridges, buildings, etc. They W'XYZ— War Journal 0:00 P. M. WXYZ- Buddy Franklln-M are also completely motorized. WJLB—Catholic Echoes WJR—Fred All#n-V. WJBK—Popular Rhythma. W'KXL—Door of Hope fV WWJ—Merry Go Round M. 13 :M MIDNIGHT It was particularly fitting W’JBK—Finnish program. CKLW—OId Faah. Revival. WWJ - News. give WiVD—Music. WXYZ—Walter Wlnchell. fa\ lhat Walt Disney should WJLB—Rev. Robln*on-R. CKLW—Nswi. W49D—Catholic Echoes. WJLB—Alvin Wall M. group Jiminy Cricket as WJBK—Ray of Truth. this 7:15 P. M. WEXL—Moonlit* Serenade lisri Taa? Fart a mascot on the insigne, for W4sD—Opera Excerpta-M. Morn-M Caiaplsts WJR—Gerald L. K. Smith. 0:15 P. M. WJBK—Corn ’til far a cricket s industry fits well WCAR—Rainbow Trlo-M WXT7.—Parker Farally-D. 13:15 A. M. Fratactias at with ihe many-sided activi- WEXL—Free Will Raptlat. W EXL—The Gospel-R. CKI.W- Eddie Howard M. I W’JBK—German hour. 5:10 P. M. WJLB—Heroes of lb* Air. MURRY’S ties of these engineers. In 7 Ml P. M. W’W'T—American Album. 18:30 A. M. the insigne. Jiminy is.shown W’JR—W’e, the People-D. WXYZ Sing for Dough. CKLW—Dawn Patrol-M. • In his own little beep, tools CALL BH strapped on the bark, tearing 1 along at top speed toward a MONDAY MORNING RA. 8847 new building or engineering far Oar project. A .1(1 A. M. WKXL—Family Clrela-R, WXTZ—Kdgar A. Curat. W'lß -Farm Forum-V WJBK—New* Ace. WJLB—Kthrl WlllUta-R. Mtamp l)r«l*n, WJBK—New* anrt mimic. • :Ift A. M. W’KXL—Newacaat. BONDED (HHU r«nh«l ln*l*nla Cnpy- WJR—Jane (M Meeroi I'liMlratlons, Inr, «:«0 A. M. Abbott-T. 1A:IS A. M. rlffM I 7. WWJ—Minute Rarade-M. FUR WWJ— Balulf-V. WJR —Rtorlaa u. 8. Lovm. CKLW—Morning Frollc-V. WWJ—Bachelor’s children. K^lW CKLW'—Morning Frolic-V, WCAR—Family Worahlp. * WCAR-New* WXYZ—Page* of Melody. CKLW—In black whits. W JBK—New* and muaie. WJLB—Church of Christ WCAR—Mualc. w WXTZ—Molly of Marinas. •Ift A. M. KXL—Rev. H. WelnalerL WKXL—Musical program. WCAR—Time n’ tune*. WJBK—Morning Melodlea. 2 Canadian «:.70 A. M. I#:3S A. M. Vets «:io A. M. WJR—Free and Kaay-M WJR—Rtepmothtr-D. W’JR—Tiro Doolittle-M. WCAR—Deep River boya-M WWJ—Help Mata-D. WXYZ—Reveille M WXYZ—Newa Ace. CKLW—Mary Morgan-T. BIG WJLB—Hiae and Shine M. WCAR—Lady SAVINGS of Charm-T mualc. WJLB—Poliah Hour-V. IF YOU ACT NOW! WJBK—New* and W'KXL—On Wing* of Song WXTZ—New* flash**. • :4ft A. M. WJBK—Monitor Vlewa-T. WJLB—Great Waltie*. Lead Divisions WJR Mimical. • :4ft A. M. W’KXL—Variety mualc. TRIPLE THRIFT PLAN WXYZ—Front Page New*. WCAR—Revlyal-R !•:«• A. M. 7:00 A. M. WXYZ—Victor Ltndlahr-T. WJR—Mr*. Page-T. (A WKXL—Mlealon of LlgbL WWJ—Mary Marlin t). •DEMQTHED OTTAWA June fi. Two vet- WJR—New*. WXTZ— I’v# Tour ', WWJ—Yawn Club-M. WJBK—Vocal Varieties. Got No SOS A. M. 11 :»A A. M • ttan officers, risen from the ranks CKLW—Newa Ace. STORED WCAR— New* WFR—Editor* Dau'ter-D. WJR—Clara, Lu A Km. and seasoned hy overseas expe- WXYZ—Top o’ Morning M W W J—Reveille Roundup M WWJ—The Bartona-D. # WJLB—New* CKLW—Newa. CKLW—Rhythm, romance •INSURED rience in two \ears, have been W EX I.—Musical Program W'CAR—Newa Ace. WCAR—New* Ac*. / WJBK—Marlem on rarad* W XYZ—Breakfaat Club V. WXYZ—Second Huaband-D Nothing else need be purchased for a com- . iVp lm $ 100 > promoted to command WKXL—Newacaat. WJLB—Flying Reporter. 7 IS A. M. WJBK—New* Ace. WKXL— Newscast. plete modern living room outfit when you 's newest army • three di- W’JR Muelcal :Ift A. M. II:Ift A. M. May Bought Separately PROTECTION visions. CKLW— Morning Frolte-V. WJR—Linda * Ist Lova. WJR— Dealer In Dreama. own this 10-piece group, except a nice rug. Pieces Be 8-POINT Wi'AR-Tunee n' Tune* WW J- Muaie. WWJ—Vic and ttade-D. • CLEANED £ _ Brig.SiA E. Potts. 51, of Saska- WJLB — l(i*i and Shine M. CKLW—Morning frollc-V. CKLW—Musical Kitchen. You get the following articles: smart Wal- 7:3S A. M. WCAR—Poetry man. WCAR—State Reporter. $66.00 toon who the WKXL—Music 2*Pc. Modsrn VELVET Suits led Canadian WJR—Melody Roundup. program. WXTZ—Honeymoon Htll-D nut finished Coffee and Lamp l+M WXYZ- Newa WJBK—Popular Melodies. WKXL—Dance music. End* Tables* • STORED expedition to Spit/bergen last • :3« A. M. 11:3* A. M. 55.88 WKXL—Newecaet. W’JR—ln Harmony-D W.JR—Bright Horlaon-D. Magazine basket* reflector junior lamp* SMOKER 90c CHAIR summer, ihe sixtn division, WJBK —Newa and Mualc. - H I - • INSURED heads W WJ Journey-D. WWJ—Road of Llte-D Brig. 7:4ft A. M. CKLW—Myrtle Lahbltt-T. CKLW—Soldter’a Wlfe-D. and pottery table lamp, metal smoker* and $2.98 ’• RIFS SEWN UF and I*. K. Lcrlere. 49. of WJR—Happy Him V, END TABLE COFFEE 52.88 p< I |l Montreal, WCAR—WCAR Servea-T. WCAR—Horn* folk* frolic. the Seventh, lH>lh with WWJ—New*. WKXL- Mualc. WXTZ—John * Other Wife a lovely Velvet 2-pc. exceptionally well WXYZ-Top o’ Morning M — the iank of major-general. Gen- WJBK Poltah Varieties. WJLB—Miriam Lane-M. TABLE LAMP .. .$1.55 JUNIOR 85.88 W KXL—Mu*te • a is :4ft A. M W'KXI/Muelc living room suite. This is eral Leclerc ihe first French WJBK—Treaau'd Melodle* W'lß—Harvey A Dell, WJBK* Betty Robert *T. constructed L FUR COATS RESTYLED Canadian to conimand an army * fl« A. M. WWJ Newe Are 11:4ft A. M. grand price of only RACK.... .$1.77 LAMP TABLE.. $2.98 Wjß—Aunt jennv-D. buy at this low $88.00! MA6. •division on active service in the WJR —New* CKLW To be announced. pri • MESTYIFD ¦ K WWJ—New* Roundup. in on A. M. WWJ- David Hamm D. • CLIANU) ¦ j resent or the last war. CKLW- New*. WJR -Valiant T.adv-D CKLW-Melody Time. Tuesday Wednesday El • glazed ¦ The sixth and seventh divisions WCAR- New* WWJ Be** Johnson-D. WXTZ— Just Plain Bill D All 4 Stores Open Evenings Except and i • WXYZ War Journal WCAR Newe. WJLB—Lleten to Llebert. ¦ err itoth siatmned in WJLB ITnlljr Viewpoint R CKLW New* Ac* WJBK—New* roundup. L • insured ¦ Canada and • «ips sewn i r, ¦ ¦ present plans call for iherp to re- [j • BUTTONS - main in this country as pari of its MONDAY " ¦¦¦ afternoon REPLACED Bj defense army, although is ad- it M on noon WJLB—Here comet band. CKLW— Musical* Sk«i Catra Only >1 Ntmdtd mitted that this intention may be WJR—Kate Smith epeaK*. WKXL— Mualc. WCAR—Mountain Red-M. suhiect to revision at any time. WWJ—MuaiC. WJBK—Mualc. WXTZ—When girl marries. CKLW—BBC WJLB—Treasury parade. The Canadian expedition nawa. II:M P. M, which WCAR—Newa WJR—Helen Trent-D. WJBK—Racing new*. landed on the northern Norwegian WXYZ—Newa Are W4sD—Mualc WJLB—Tropical Mood*. WWJ—New*. 1:M r. M. island of Spitzgergen last summer WKXL—Hawaiian Melodtea CKLW —New* Ac*. WJR—Lite Beautiful-D. and destroyed industrial and com- WJBK—Nam# That Song WCAR— Knowledge talk. WWJ—Baekitag* Wite-D. M WXTZ—Boake Carter T CKLW—National Neva. to pre- It:lft r. Sweet praver. munication installations WJR —FI* Slater n WJLB— Hr WCaß—New* vent them from falling into enemy WWJ—Store nawa WJBK—Luncheon melodle* WXTZ—Portia Bacas Lite. hands, a« CKLW—Dane# Rhythm* » 7:4* P. M. WJLB—News tom CMrtol