
Unit IV: Westward Expansion & The New Republic Study online at quizlet.com/_4ha60o

1. Alien and Sedition Acts: 1798 laws designed to suppress 17. Mexican-American War: (1846-1848) The war between the political resistance. Made it a crime to criticize the and Mexico in which the United States acquired government. one half of the Mexican territory. It was cause by border

2. : 7th President of the United States. Democrat. disputes in with Mexico. Populist President who appealed to the common man. 18. : 1848. U.S. acquired it as part of the Treaty of Dissolved the 2nd Bank of the United States and forcibly Guadalupe-Hidalgo after the Mexican American War. U.S. paid removed Natives from Georgia to Oklahoma. $15 million for 525,000 square miles.

3. annex: To take land and make it a part of your nation 19. : 1821, The agreement reached to admit

4. California Gold Rush: 1848. The discovery of this precious metal Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state keeping the in a California lumber mill led to the boom in population in balance between slave and free states in Congress equal. this territory. 20. Monroe Doctrine: Policy declaration by President Monroe

5. cede: Giving up land to another nation which told European powers to stay out of North and South America. Stated that the USA would be the most powerful 6. Democratic-Republican Party: Political party that existed from nation in the Western Hemisphere. 1792-1825. Wanted a smaller, weaker federal government. was the first President from this party. It 21. : 1848, Area of land that was acquired from a eventually split into the Democrats and Whigs. treaty with Great Britain. It helped form the border between Canada and the U.S. and led to continued westward expansion 7. Federalist Party: Political party that existed from 1791-1824. on the Oregon Trail Wanted a larger, more powerful federal government. Became unpopular after the War of 1812. 22. populism: A political campaign style focusing on the concerns of "common" people instead of the rich or elite 8. Florida: 1819, this territory was bought from Spain under the Adams-Onis Treaty. U.S. also agreed not to make any claims 23. Reservations: Areas of federal land set aside for American for Texas. Indians. Many Indians were forced off their lands and sent to these places in Oklahoma. 9. : Agreement w/ Mexico that gave the US parts of present-day & Arizona in exchange for 24. tariff: A tax placed on imported goods to protect goods made $10 million; all but completed the continental expansion in America envisioned by those who believed in . 25. territory: Area of land controlled by a nation that has not yet

10. George Washington: 1st President of the United States. No become a state. political party. Established the first cabinet and set precedents 26. Texas Annexation: 1845, U.S. agrees to add Texas as a territory for all the Presidents who followed him. and then as the 28th state. This would anger Mexico and result

11. : 4th President of the United States. Democratic- in the Mexican-American War. Republican. Declared war on England in 1812, trying to annex 27. Thomas Jefferson: 3rd President of the United States. Canada, but failed. Democratic-Republican. Purchased the Louisiana Territory and

12. James Monroe: 5th President of the United States. Democratic- cut federal spending and power. Republican. Admitted Missouri and Maine under the Missouri 28. Trail of Tears: The route along which the federal government Compromise. Authored the Monroe Doctrine declared the forced several tribes of Native peoples to move to power of the USA in the Western Hemisphere. reservations in Oklahoma.

13. John Adams: 2nd President of the United States. Federalist. 29. War of 1812: War between USA and Britain in 1812 caused when Became unpopular after scandals and lost re-election to his the US became angry with by British impressment of American Vice-President. sailors. USA tried, but failed, to annex Canada.

14. : 6th President of the United States. 30. Whig Party: Political party that existed from 1834-1854. Formed Democratic-Republican. Supported industry and economic to oppose Andrew Jackson's policy. Favored limited activities. Approved building the Erie Canal. Supported the Presidential power and economic growth. Eventually becomes Bank of the United States and the "" the Republican Party.

15. : 1803, Area of land bought by the U.S. from France under President Thomas Jefferson for $15 million. It doubled the size of the U.S.

16. Manifest Destiny: 1800s belief that Americans had the God- given right to spread across the continent from coast to coast