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www.rsc.org/polymers Page 1 of 4 Polymer Chemistry

Copper(II) gluconate (a non-toxic food supplement/dietary aid) as a precursor catalyst for effective photo-induced living radical polymerisation of acrylates

Vasiliki Nikolaou a, Athina Anastasaki a,b , Fehaid Alsubaie a, Alexandre Simula a, David J. Fox a and a 5 David M. Haddleton *.

Received (in XXX, XXX) Xth XXXXXXXXX 20XX, Accepted Xth XXXXXXXXX 20XX DOI: 10.1039/b000000x

Copper gluconate, is employed as a precursor catalyst for involved in various biological processes (hemoglobin formation, 10 the photo-induced living radical polymerisation of acrylates. carbohydrate metabolism, the crosslinking of collagen, hair Optimised reaction conditions for efficient ligand transfer keratin, and the antioxidant defence mechanism etc .) while being leads to well-defined polymers within 2 h with near 55 incorporated into a number of metalloenzymes. Copper quantitative conversions (> 95%), low dispersities ( Ð ~ 1.16) deficiency in humans, although relatively rare, is a known cause and high end-group fidelity, as demonstrated by MALDI- of hypochromic anaemia, leukopenia and various neurological 36 15 ToF-MS. Additionally, in the presence of ppm concentrations manifestations. Interestingly, the World Health Organization of NaBr, similar degree of control could also be attained by recommends a daily requirement of 0.6 mg per day with an 37, 38 Manuscript facilitating ligand exchange, furnishing narrow dispersed 60 estimated lethal dose in human adults of 1020 g. Copper polymers (Ð < 1.12). gluconate, the copper(II) salt of Dgluconic acid, is a widely used, commercially available , that can be Controlled living radical polymerisation (CRP) techniques, exploited to metabolize copper and treat copper deficiency. 1, 2 20 including atom transfer radical polymerisation (ATRP), single Herein, we exploit this commercially available food supplement 3, 4 electron transfer living radical polymerisation (SETLRP), 65 (Cu(II) gluconate) as a precursor catalyst for the photoinduced reversible addition–fragmentation chain transfer polymerisation polymerisation of acrylates which is allowed to exchange with 5 6 (RAFT) and nitroxide mediated radical polymerisation (NMP) Me 6Tren to form the active catalyst. This ligand was chosen as it have received widespread interest due to the ability to regulate has been shown to be very effective in this photomediated 25 molecular weight, molecular weight distributions, gain reaction. It is noted that depending on the application and levels Accepted sequence/architecture control and high endgroup fidelity. 70 of impurities it is often desirable to remove inorganic and organic Conventional transition metal polymerisation techniques, in impurities from products prior to use. In this polymerisation particular ATRP and SETLRP, exploit the reversible catalytic chemistry it is very often the monomer or the organic ligand that activation of alkyl halides initiators by Cu(I)Br or Cu(0) (in the form the most toxic impurities in the products as opposed to the 30 form of copper wire or powder) respectively to allow propagation copper. In this work we seek to address this misconception about while the deactivating CuBr 2 species shift the reaction 75 relative toxicity. We have recently demonstrated the use of a equilibrium towards the dormant species gaining control over the photoprocess with copper(II) salts acting via a photoreduction propagating radical concentration and limiting the amount of and mechanistic details are given in our previous publications. 13, termination events. 31

35 One of the main perceived drawbacks of the aforementioned Initially, the solubility of copper gluconate in dimethyl Chemistry techniques, is considered to be copper contamination of the 80 sulfoxide (DMSO) was investigated. The commercially available 7 products. The presence of trace metal, is often heralded as a tablet was ground into a fine powder and the reaction vessel was weakness, due to potential toxicity of “ heavy metals ”, whilst we subsequently charged with methyl acrylate (MA), (DMSO), ethyl would argue organic ligands and residual monomers should be of bromo isobutyrate (EBiB), 2% copper gluconate (approximately

40 more concern. It is noted that this concern is not restricted to 200 mg tablet containing 1.1 mg copper(II)) and 12% Me 6 13 polymerisation and the use of “ copper-free click ” reactions are 85 Tren. A blurry solution immediately formed, suggesting that the 8 also prevalent as a way of carrying out less toxic reactions. A copper gluconate and/or additives (stated bulking agents include wide range of different protocols have been established with phosphate, cellulose and stearate) had primary focus to minimize the catalyst loadings and to remove

limited solubility in this particular solvent. We are also keen to Polymer 911 12 45 residual metals. A diverse array of external stimuli, including demonstrate polymerisation in the presence of multiple functional 1320 21 22 photochemical, pressure and electrochemical, have been 90 groups and thus the presence and effect of the formulating agents developed, with photochemical control exhibiting excellent was of interest. 39 Despite these solubility issues, the results when combined with coppermediated polymerisation. 2331 polymerisation was allowed to proceed under UV irradiation (λ = 360 nm, Fig. S1, ESI) for 2 h yielding an uncontrolled polymer Although some heavy metals are indeed very toxic and 1 (96%, Mn = 5500 g mol , Ð = 2.30) (Table 1, entry 1, Fig. S2, 50 poisonous, they are often essential for human life ( e.g. Fe 95 ESI). To further investigate this result, commercial copper 3235 (haemoglobin), Co ( B 12 ), Cu etc. ). Copper, is gluconate was employed, giving rise to an equally broad Polymer Chemistry Page 2 of 4

1 dispersed polymer (98%, Mn = 5400 g mol , Ð = 1.80 after 2 h), NMR and MALDIToF unveiling a single mass distribution while remaining partly insoluble (Table 1, entry 2, Fig. S3, ESI). 45 corresponding to bromoterminated polymer chains (Fig. 1). There is a requirement for ligand exchange between the Odonor gluconate to Ndonor ligands and a slow rate of the ligand

5 exchange between the gluconate and Me 6Tren could be responsible for the inefficient deactivation of the polymer chains.

Upon stirring Me 6Tren and copper gluconate for ~ 12 h, at ambient temperature, followed by the addition of both monomer and initiator and UV exposure for a further 2 h, 98% conversion 1 10 was obtained with Mn = 5000 g mol and an encouragingly slight reduction in the observed dispersity ( Ð = 1.50) (Table 1, entry 3, Fig. S4, ESI). Interestingly, when the premixing took place for 2

weeks prior to polymerisation, a welldefined polymer (96%, Mn = 5500 g mol 1, Ð = 1.19, Fig. S5, ESI) was obtained (Table 1,

15 entry 4), implying that when Me 6Tren replaces the gluconate entirely, an efficient deactivation can be mediated. UVVis spectroscopy measurements were also performed. Upon addition

of Me 6Tren on the copper gluconate solution, an instantaneous change in UV was observed, resulting in identical absorbance

20 characteristic peaks when compared with Me 6Tren/CuBr 2

complex. No further change was monitored by UV within 2 Manuscript weeks, despite the observed reduction in dispersity (Fig. S5c, ESI). Nevertheless, reduction in premixing time scale to 1 week

resulted in broad molecular weight distributions (97%, Mn = 5400 1 25 g mol , Ð = 1.38, Fig. S6, ESI) suggesting that the substitution needed significant time in order to reach the desired equilibrium.

Table 1: Photoinduced polymerisation of MA utilising copper gluconate as the catalyst precursor.



a b Entry [M]:[I]:[Cu]:[L] Time Conv . Mn,th Mn,sec Đ (h) (%) (g mol -1) (g mol -1) Fig. 1 MALDIToFMS analysis of PMA obtained from the experiment (II) 1 [50]:[1]:[0.02]:[0.12] 2 96 4300 5500 2.30 [MA]:[EBiB]:[Cu ]:[Me 6Tren] = [50]:[1]:[0.02]:[0.12] in DMSO (50% 2c [50]:[1]:[0.02]:[0.12] 2 98 4400 5400 1.80 v/v ). The premixed Cu/L solution was left under UV irradiation for 2 h 3d [50]:[1]:[0.02]:[0.12] 2 98 4400 5000 1.50 50 prior to polymerisation. 4e [50]:[1]:[0.02]:[0.12] 2 96 4300 5500 1.19 Chemistry In our previous work it has already been demonstrated that the a 1 b c Measured by H NMR; CHCl 3 eluent, PMMA standards, utilis ing temperature throughout the reaction fluctuates between 55 and 60 pure copper gluconate, d, e premixing for 12 h and 2 weeks respectively, o C. 13 Consequently, we repeated polymerisations under UV prior to polymerisation irradiation utilising a cooling plate to maintain lower o 55 temperatures (~ 15 C). After identical reaction times (2 h) 70% 1 (Mn = 3900 g mol , Ð = 1.33, Fig. S9, ESI)) and 75% ( Mn = 4200 In order to accelerate the ligand exchange rate, a solution of g mol 1, Ð = 1.40, Fig. S10, ESI) conversions were obtained for the pure gluconate (1 eq.) with Me 6Tren (6 eq.) in DMSO was pure gluconate and the food supplement respectively (Table 2), 35 left under UV irradiation for ~ 2 h. Monomer and initiator were suggesting that light also mediates ligand exchange, however, not Polymer subsequently added in the polymerisation mixture yielding, 60 as effectively as when combined with heat. Conversely, under o within 2 h, a welldefined PMA (Table 2, 97%, Mn = 4900 g mol purely thermal conditions, (60 C, no UV irradiation) welldefined 1, Ð = 1.15, Fig. S7, ESI). Similar results were obtained when the 1 polymers were attained in both cases ( Mn = 4300 g mol , Ð = food supplement was employed (98%, M = 5600 g mol 1, Ð = 1 n 1.18 for pure gluconate and Mn = 5200 g mol , Ð = 1.19 for the 40 1.16, Fig. S8, ESI), highlighting the potential of this protocol to dietary supplement, Fig. S1112, ESI) demonstrating that operate in the presence of various chemical 65 increased temperatures allows effective ligand exchange (Table environments/impurities (Table 2). The high end group fidelity 2). obtained during the polymerisation was confirmed by both 1H Page 3 of 4 Polymer Chemistry

Table 2: Optimised reaction conditions for the photoinduced narrow dispersity were attained within 2 h (95%, Mn = 20000 g polymerisation of methyl acrylate. Both formulated tablet and pure mol 1, Ð = 1.09) (Fig. 2, Fig. S15, ESI). To further demonstrate copper(II) gluconate used as a precursor to Me 6Tren exchange. 35 the high endgroup fidelity, in situ block copolymerisation of Conv. a M M b PMA ( DP n = 50, 96% in 2 h, Mn= 4400, Ð = 1.13) with PEGA Conditions n,th n,SEC Đ (%) (g.mol -1) (g.mol -1) was attempted. Upon addition of a second aliquot of PEGA, a complete shift to higher molecular weight was evident by SEC, UVVis 98 4400 5600 1.16 while the dispersity remained as narrow as 1.10 (DP = 15, 98% Tablet n Cooling 75 3400 4200 1.40 40 in 10 h, Mn= 11000) (Fig. 3, Fig. S16, ESI). plate Heat 97 4400 5200 1.19 PMA - b - PEGA 60 oC 1.0 50 15

NaBr 99 4500 5400 1.15 0.8 UVVis 97 4400 4900 1.15 Pure gluconate Cooling 70 3100 3900 1.33 plate 0.6 Heat 95 4300 4300 1.18 wlogM 60 oC 0.4 NaBr 98 4400 5100 1.12


5 For applications where elevated temperatures are Manuscript undesirable, an alternative synthetic route was explored. The 0.0 addition of ppm concentrations of NaBr in the reaction 1000 10000 100000 40 mixture, gave rise to welldefined polymers without the need MW (g.mol -1 ) for elevated temperatures and /or premixing protocols (Table 2). Fig. 3 In situ block copolymerisation from a PMA macroinitiator with 10 Near identical results were obtained for both the tablet (99%, M II n 45 PEGA. Initial conditions: [MA]:[EBiB]:[Cu (supplement)]:[Me 6 1 = 5400 g mol , Ð = 1.15, Fig. S13, ESI) and the pure copper Tren]:[NaBr] = [50]:[1]:[0.02]:[0.12]:[0.04] in DMSO (50% v/v ). 1 gluconate (98%, Mn = 5100 g mol , Ð = 1.12, Fig. S14, ESI) with good correlation between the theoretical/experimental molecular In summary, the photoinduced polymerisation of acrylates weights and narrow molecular weight distributions. The excess utilising copper(II) gluconate as a precursor catalyst has been 15 bromide anion is able to promote ligand exchange presumably by investigated. Upon optimised conditions, narrow molecular Accepted coordinating to copper causing dissociation of a gluconate ligand. 50 weight distributions and near quantitative conversions were attained within 2 h, while the highend group fidelity was DP = 50 DP = 200 1.0 exemplified by MALDIToFMS and in situ block copolymerisation. The need for product purification and removal of inorganic and organic catalysts as well as residual monomer 0.8 55 must be taken on a case by case basis. Although some

applications may preclude the use of copper or other metallic 0.6 catalysts these catalysts should not be ruled out in favour of non 20

wlogM metallic catalysts just on the basis of being “ metal-free ”. . 0.4

Chemistry We appreciate financial support from the University of 60 Warwick. Equipment used in this research was supported by the 0.2 Innovative Uses for Advanced Materials in the Modern World (AM2), with support from Advantage West Midlands (AWM), 0.0 and partially funded by the European Regional Development 1000 10000 100000 Fund (ERDF). D.M.H. is a Royal Society/Wolfson Fellow. MW (g.mol -1 ) 25 65 Notes and references

a Department of Chemistry, University of Warwick,CV4 7AL Gibbet Hill, Polymer UK. E-mail: [email protected] †Electronic Supplementary Information (ESI) available. Synthesis details, Fig. 2 SEC analysis of PMA with DP = 50, 200 prepared by photo n NMR spectra, SEC chromatograms, MALDI spectra and crystallographic induced polymerisation utilising copper gluconate (supplement). 70 details. CCDC 1038878.

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