Park Regulations of the Archipelago National Park

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Park Regulations of the Archipelago National Park Lisätietoja luonnonsuojelusta: Saaristomeren luontokeskus Sinisimpukka Meripuistotie, 25930 Kasnäs Park Regulations puhelin 0205 64 4620 sähköposti of the Archipelago Metsähallitus Vernissakatu 4, PL 94, 01301 Vantaa puhelin 0205 64 100 National Park Cover photo: Teemu Köppä Photos: Teemu Köppä, Seppo Keränen Park Regulations of the Archipelago National Park The Archipelago National Park is located of the islands are rugged and barren, in the outer archipelago, on the South- but there are forests on the largest ones. ern rim of the Archipelago Sea. The The area is typically characterised by actual National Park is surrounded by a vast island groups consisting of small vaster local government collaboration islands and separated by large stretches area containing state-owned land and of water. Due to the effect of lime, the water areas which then, with the excep- soil on some islands is very rich with nu- tion of the area belonging to the Finnish trients, and these islands boast a variety Defence Forces, form the National Park. of rare plants. The terminal moraine of The park constitutes the core part of the the third Salpausselkä runs through the more extensive Archipelago Sea Bio- National Park decorating the sea with sphere Reserve, which was founded by beautiful sand and pebble islands with UNESCO in 1994 to promote the study long reefs. of the interrelationship between man The park includes beautiful wooded and nature and to promote sustainable meadows, boasting an abundance of development within the area. The ob- flowers, that are still cared for using tra- jective of conservation is to protect the ditional methods, as well as pasturage nature and culture of the Archipelago and other traditional landscapes; the Sea, to safeguard the related traditional National Park is e.g. maintaining graz- uses of nature, to maintain an active ing on many of the islands. The Utö and archipelago community, and to promote Bengtskär lighthouses guide seafarers at environmental research. the outer edge of the park. The park encompasses approximately You can explore the National Park by 2000 islands and islets within a vast your own boat, use the archipelago com- area in the outer Archipelago Sea. Most muter ferries, or take a guided boat tour. METSÄHALLITUS Park Regulations. In addition, the Park Decree Regulations include provisions which Scope Metsähallitus is authorised and obli- Park Regulations of the Archipelago gated to issue in a landowner capacity National Park and as the authority in charge of the administration of the National Park. Provisions providing the base for The provisions of the Park Regulations jurisdiction abide by the principles of the framework Nature Conservation Act 1096/1996, plan for management and use approved sections 18 and 20. by the Ministry of the Environment on Target groups 5 July 1999 under the relevant decree Users of the Archipelago National Park (1123/1994). Validity 16 April 2001 – for now The National Park area comprises the state-owned land and water areas, ex- Under sections 18 and 20 of the Nature cluding the areas under the jurisdiction Conservation Act (1096/1996), Metsähal- of the Finnish Defence Forces, that litus has issued the following Park Regu- fall inside the marked line on the map lations for the Archipelago Natural Park annexed to the Act of Establishment located in the municipality of Kimitoön (645/1982). These Park Regulations are and the town of Pargas. also applied to areas added to the Na- tional Park after its establishment. The Archipelago Natural Park was established by the Act adopted on 1 The Archipelago National Park was es- January 1983 (645/1982) (amended by tablished to protect the nature and cul- Act 130/1991), and provisions for its ture of the Archipelago Sea, to safeguard protection, management and care are the related traditional uses of nature, issued by decree (1123/1994). Provi- to maintain an active archipelago com- sions pursuant to the above-mentioned munity, and to promote environmental Acts and decrees, as well as the Nature research and general recreational activ- Conservation Act (1096/1996), the ities in nature. The National Park offers Hunting Act (615/1993) and the Fish- opportunities for boating, education and ing Act (286/1982), are included in the research. Äggesskären Trunsö Gäddgloskär Roggören Halfaskär Djäkenskär Stora Gloskär Söderfjärden Långören Enskär Gråskär Skärgården Birsskären Bredskär Ejskär Marskär Stora Porslan Kistskär Salskär Norrfjärden Harun Höga Sundskär Lilla Porslan 9.0 Delekobbarna Torget Borstö Salskärs fjärden Stora Ljuskobben Bäcklandet Höglandet Bredskär Sikkobben Birsskär Salskärs pattrorna Rudharun Sommarö Stora Salskär Gråharuna Trutkläppen Innerören Källan Sälgskär Sandören Ytterören Gråharu fjärden Ängeskär Lilla Salskär Stenören Svartkobben Salskärs kläpparna Trutkläppen Ytterskär Borgen Norrkläppen Kummelskären Bredharu Rödkläppen Långskär Glasaskär Sumpskär Österkläppen Grisselborgen Sivalskär Storskär Fjärdblekorna Alskär Stora Rödskär Kalkskär Mellan-Rödskär Skitun Garpharu Gråskären Långören Hamnkläppen Bredkläppen Rödskärs bådarna Kobben Korskläppen Gråkläppen Kalskär Stora Stubbskär Långskär Pattakläpp Härbärgskläppen Stenskär Myggskärs fjärden Rosinahällarna Storsör 9. Nauvo, Smedskären Myggskär Trunsö, Sandholm and Borstö Restricted Area Småsörarna Knivlägnarna 1.1–31.12. Gadden Lillharun Storharun Ståtbådarna 0 3 km Mastbåda General information 1. In the National Park it is forbidden to take or damage trees, bushes or other plants or their parts, to extract earth materials or in other ways damage soil or rock or the sea floor, to kill, catch or disturb wild vertebrates or to destroy their nests, and to catch or collect inver- tebrates. Other activities that may have an adverse effect on the local natural Making fire, camping and using conditions, the landscape or the pres- wilderness huts ervation of animal or plant species are also prohibited in the National Park. It 4. Lighting a camp fire or a similar open is also forbidden to leave waste in the fire is only allowed at sites marked for area, to act in a way that disturbs other this purpose. Wood reserved for this people, to have dogs, cats or other pets purpose may be used sparingly to light running at large, and to damage struc- a camp fire. Lighting a fire is, however, tures, information boards, antiquities, forbidden if the forest fire warning is wrecks, fences and ruins located in the in effect in the area. The use of a camp National Park. stove is allowed in the National Park. Limitations on moving 5. Camping is only allowed on areas assigned for this purpose; 2. It is allowed to land on the islands of the National Park and to move by Houtskär: Nölstö boat in the park waters. The islands may Korpo: Aspö Långlandet, Björkö Byvik- be explored on foot or by skiing in the en, Brunskär Stora Hästö, Kalgarholm wintertime. Landing, setting ashore and Konungskär, Jurmo Moringharun, Utö moving in the restricted areas stated in Sundskär, Österskär Små Österskär the annex to these Park Regulations is, during the time periods stated in the an- Nagu: Berghamn Västerby, Gullkrona nex, allowed only with a special permis- Dalskär, Lökholm Kråkskär, Nötö Bodö sion from Metsähallitus. Restricted areas Dragsfjärd: Högsåra Sandviken, Stor- and the valid restrictions are marked in fallan Högland, Vänö Yxskär, Ölmos the terrain. Sandö 3. Scuba diving is allowed in the Nation- 6. The open wilderness huts in al Park waters, apart from the restricted Konungsskär, Notvarpharun and Gärskär areas of Grimsörar in Korpo and Trunsö, may be used for temporary lodging. Sandholm and Borstö in Nagu, where diving is only allowed with a Metsähalli- tus permit. Högharun Långharun Plattskär Äspskär Äspskärs reven Faldaskärret Gävlingsgrunden Hålkärrs potten Rundharun Lillharun Slätmossa bergen Norrgrunden Långsidan Kolaskär Ödesmossen 7. Dragsärd, Lilla Kolaskär Ölmos Restricted Utterbergen Södergrunden Area Kammarmossen 1.4.–31.7. Storsandviken Norrharuna Trollskär Sandskär Brantbergen Kälkklobb Sandskärs hålet Remmarkläppen Tallören Holmen Sandö åsen Rödkläppen Sandön Västerharun 1 Helsingholmen 2 0 Korvholmen Rögloet Södra udden Söderharun 0 3 km Västnorrudden Östnorrudden Picking berries and mushrooms Special provisions concerning lo- 7. Picking berries and edible mushrooms cal residents and primary industry and gathering driftwood is allowed, operators unless restricted by the limitations on 9. The Fishing Act (286/1982) grants moving or by other regulations. local residents unrestricted fishing Fishing rights, and such fishing is allowed in the National Park as laid down in more de- 8. Hook and line fishing, ice fishing and tail in the Fishing Act. Such fishing must, lure fishing with a single rod and lure however, be carried out in accordance are allowed under sections 8 and 88 of with the regulations concerning the re- the amended Fishing Act (1045/1996), stricted areas of the National Park. unless prevented by the limitations on moving. Other forms of fishing are al- 10. Professional fishermen may be lowed only with a written permission granted permits for professional fishing, from Metsähallitus and are subject to and local residents may gain permits for the conditions stated in the permit. fishing for domestic needs in the Na- tional Park waters. 11. Hunting permits may only be grant- 12. With the exceptions of restricted ed to local residents. Spring hunting of area 8 and the Borstö village-side part waterfowl, pursuant to section 29 of the of restricted area 9, the limitations on decree on amending the Hunting Decree moving do not apply to the permanent (869/1998), is allowed in the National residents of said village, professional Park. Permits may also be granted for fishermen or hunters during a hunt. other hunting purposes. The use of a dog in the hunt is allowed. Limitations 13. Metsähallitus may assign pasture on the hunted game species may be lands from the National Park area re- added to the permit if it is necessary for quiring management to persons living in conservation purposes. the local government collaboration area, and for particular reasons to other archi- pelago residents, and provide them with firewood and livestock fodder.
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