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//■7 1 . I- r i r ACT SIXTEEN FRIDAY, JULY 23, 19B4 ■ Jlanrlic^Bt^r lEuntUtg Ararue Daily Net Praaa Ran T n tks Week BMsa IkaW aBthar Ferdinand D. liswla, 45 Pioneer Ju ly 17, 1954 reeamst s( V. B. WsailM Circle, and Albert C. Ching. 51 Workshop Group About Town Russell St., have recently Joined V o l e . I l Is Yoiti* Power in Your Government the Stewart Highlanders as a'bass RIGHT NOW SPECIAL PRICES ON 10,900 Ihadaht pm ■.Walter Grayb. 59 Woodland St.. drummer and student piper, re Visits Art Gallery Metnber af the Audit HIV lOTWW i ' «ijl be grueet orfaniat Sunday at / eleuijr, ^Blab lu law the 8:30 a. m. acrvice In S t John’a spectively. The Stewart Highland \ YORK and G-E Bureau sf Clreulsttnn Polialif National Catholie Church. ers is a newly formed Pipe' Band Members of the Manchester Art Manchester^-A City of VUlatte Charm 23 Gola-ay. S t Mr. Grryb waa or in Tolland of about a dozen mem Workshop recently visited the COOLING UNITS ganist of this church for four bers. ^ m e r s ^ r t Gallery through the yeara, previous to entering tfie V0L.LXXIII,N0.2S6 (Ctsaalflad Advsrtlaiag au Paga 19) The marriage deremony of Miss courtesy of Samuel McKinley who 1 Ton, 2 and 3 Ton Units MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 24. 1954 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE nV B itervlce. and It will be recalled that opened the galleries for them'. "The he was musician on-4be Battleship Janine Dumais of Blast Hampton HERE’S A CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY! Missouri in World War U. often and Henry Dawnorowitz pf Irving TollBerd County Art Assn, has an referred to as “The Big Mo.” Ha Street, will take place tomorrow interesting exhibit in . the barn at 11 a.m. in St. Bridget’s Church. while a permanent exhibit of the is presently organist of the Bol work of Albertua Jones hangs in WILLIAMS OIL SERVICE Guard, Says ton Oongregationnil Church. Ike Atom Program the main house. 341 BROAD STREET—TEL. MI-9-4548 The Workshop’s first picnic of A daughter, their first fhild, was the season will be held this eve bom in .J^cw Haven Hospital yes Court Cases ning at the Harold Tedford cot John ‘Left’ terday to the Rev. Donald N. and ' tage^ at :jypLke..Chaffec. Membera House Vote, Mrs. Hungerford, and natned Ellen X". V- Doris. Afr. Hungerford is the' 'ivlTr meet at 417 E. Center St. at new curate at St. Mary s Episcopal A 47-year-old East Hartford 5:30 for transportation. Because VoluntarUy Church of this town. widow, who passed out in a cab of the great enthusiasm of the on Purnell Place Wednesday at group which has met weekly now in Senate 10:45 p.m. iand waa. subsequently for six months, meetings will be Berlin, July 24 (JP) ^— A Members of the Anderson Shea continued throughout, the aum- West Berlin custom guard Auxiliary, VFW, who have not arrested by police for intoxication,;^ mer. contacted Mrs; ■ Mary Leduc or had her sentence deferred in Town^ NOTICE Washington, July 24 (/P)—The Eisenhower adminiatra- said today West Germany’s Mrs. Muriel Auden about the July Court this morning because Judge As a basic theme f<m outdoor missing security chief, Dn R ed C h in a sketching, the group Has Concen ^on’s atomic energy bill raced toward victory in the House 27 social meeting are requested to John S. G. Rottner ruled she Was Otto John, told him Tuesday do so by Monday. The rrSeeting intoxicated again. trated on acenes of interest in eairly today. But H remain^ stalled in a etill-talking Senate will be held at the home of M^. Prior to deferring sentence, the Manchester, such as the local KLEWS MARKET gession with no end yet in sight. Uncorking a marathon meet night at the East zone border Florence Streeter of M Stark churches, parks, Main Street store ing of Its own, the House wound^ he was goigg behind the Iron Judge found Mrs. Mary Newton fronts, scenic landscapes on the U1 CENTER STREET Guard Takes Over in Phenix Gly weather St. guilty and had said "I don't know edge of town and landmarks, ■tip 17'A houra of debate—with lots Curtain voluntarily; New Spurt ( what to do in yoiir caae." Rottner such as Depot Square. W votes—at 3:14 a.m. (EHyT) by The guard told police^he had ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Michell Szemplin- told her, however, he would pass atamping tentative but aeemlngly stopped s car with John and a aki, of 158 Eldridge St., and their . Plans for an August exhibition decisive approval on the omnibus Red Pilots Attack Planes sentence Monday and he said, "1 will be announced shortly. , West Berlin fiiend. Dr. Wolfgang son, Henry, will fly Monday for suggest you be sober at this time.” WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY measure which would revamp the Wohlgemuth, for a routine check In Bua “ Bermuda where they will visit Mrs. NeWton; who says she IS nation’s basic Atomic Ekiergy Law. at the Britlah sector border and g : Walter Szempllnski at Kindlay Air briginally. from New Brunswick, Then it adjourned tlU Monday Paid Better had given tHem the customary Force Base. Also going on the two N. J., and has. four grandchildren, MONDAY, JULY 26 after a parliamentary maneuver warning: yVou are now crossing Weeks trip is David Marsh, of Eas by Rep. Murray (D-Tenn.) forced Is In Had Red Stars into the Soviet sector.” ton, who is a classmate of Henry told the court she wished to make WINDOW SHADES delay of the final, formal roll call Ssemplinskl. Manchester her homs- When police FOR REMODELING vote on the bill. Than U. S. ' Both men laughed at his wam-^ picked her up Wednesday night Ing and replied: "That’s where we’ WashinsKon, July 24 (/P)— Hon(f Kong, July 24 </P>—A big Britisli Sk>Tnaster airliner they said she had two pints of LONG WEARING Much TaHt, Few Votes are heading. We are going to the ;^ n m In the Senate, where there has The government forecast to carrying 18 persons was shot down off the Red Chinese Island liquor in her possession, one empty COLUMIIA ARROW Washington, July 24 (^P)— Chaiite Hospital,” the guard aald day that on the basis oT a new and the other partially filled. Two Manchester resideqU who will be voting for the first time this year after only recently meet been plenty of oratory but few Air Force Magazine said to Police aald they believed the of Hainan yesterday and Great Britain today instructed ita ing Voting requirements, ta k e ^ e oath as administered by Selectman Mrs. Robe, t W. Wil.son at the voter- votes in a round-the-clock meet statement of the gugrd, who was jun^ in the already booming In other .cases involving intoxi mfiklng session in the MuniciparBuiidlng Wedne.sday. Mrs. Richard Schubert, of 140 Summit St., Just d M Made to Order ing: that started Wednesday morn day Russian, pilots are far charge d’affaires in Peiping to protest the attack. cation, Richard Eldgai', SO, 251 OlsOU With roar RoUera not identified. They said the man hqmebuilding industry, 1954 ‘"^ e two aircraft which attacked the plane Could not have Spruce St., was fined $20 and giveiv fumed 21, and Ernest Varca, of Eldridge St., recently wos admitted to citizenship. Next voter-mak ing, weary administration sup ahead of U. S. Air Force had been shown 40 different i^oto- production will be the liargest a 30-day suspended Jail sentepde ing .session will be held in the town clerk's office July 30 from noon ui.til 9 p. m. porters were atiU seeking In vain fliers in pay, benefits, privi graphs depicting John, Wohlgev .jnee the 1950 rerorrf vpjir. come from an.vwhere else than from Hainan, according to for an agreement which would muth and several other people. since the 1950 record year. our information from Hong Kong,” a London Foreign Office with‘probation for three month’s. Coopinger. 37, of East Hartford clude: Nidafy D. Cooper, Glaston Hartford, forfeited a $6 bond for E. A. JOHNSON move the disputed measure for leges and comparative- pres The Bureau of Labor Statistics Two East Hartford motorists, tige. quickly picked out the pictures of ssid the number- of home and spokesman said. —---------------------------------— was fined $9 on a radar speeding bury, Margaret Coleman. pa.s.sing a red light and'James A. ward along the lines Utey want. the missing official and his/com- Later, .a qualified diplomatic in n g x "WVT* who were traveling 55 to 66 m.p.l;. charge. Middletown';..$5; and Allan Wein, 17, of 20 Umlcn St., PAINT CO. HALE’S John F. Loosbrook, managing apartment units placed under con -1 OOP leaders s lid they planned panion. He also recalled cpix«ctly on E. Center Street in s ’oO m.p.h. Persons forfeiting bonds for editor of the official publication of struction in June totaled 120,000, formant said descriptions of the! I f e i l / b A m m / 'I ’B’BQ zone at 6:10 p.m. Wedifesday, were stein, Hartfo>d, $5. lytd hi.s .speeding caae contiiiued 699 Mjdn St„ Tel. Mt-9-4501 to keep the lonf -distance session the three last'figures on W license fighter planes given by thoee overtime parking violations in George J. kin^:, 40, of Ea.nt until Atonday.