(Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-11-13
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I J! 'I'T , ME T , b •• k f •• r ,t<I lUI ..... 1'1 lit•• ,11 I I ,ood lbrou,b Oc(. 31j . ' 1 tbr•• ,b KJ I.eel ,,,,•• • 11 Colder "'n. 10; Ll Ibr•• ,b Ql ,.01 l!uea,b 0.... II; al Ibrn,b Vi'.... 1Iu•• ,b J ••• I L IlliGA&, II ••" I ••• aDd llaJJlD as J.M f., II". p ..... II.... ' .. 0.•• IL IBOIS, IOWA: Fair mueh eolder book tbre-e alrplaDe ..... P. I, I, • a.4 ..... a•• .,l. today. allol 1' l'HE DAILY IOWAN Iowa City's Morning Newspaper • • Denies oan to or rms British Take Half 01 Soerabaja MacArthur Approves U. S. MARINES PROTECT JAPANESE IN CHINA Progres~ Reported (hinese Reds I Deactivation of Sixth In AtomiC Bomb Plans (I I M From Well-Armed IndoneSians Army in January . ------------------ Truman Favors, Attlee aim oney BATAV1 A, Java (AP)-British ing from house-to-house, hHd oc Eighth Army Receives Opposes Outlawing troops, supported by fire from cupied approximately the northern Of Atomic Energy For Munllll·ons' warships and by RAF planes, last half of the big Dutc,," naval base Occupation Duty night wrested control of half of after a fiel'ce three-day battle. On Honshu Island W ASHlNGTON (AP) - Presi- Soerabaja from an estimated 120,- Hougland said British destroy- dent Truman, Prime Minister At 000 well-armed IndoneSian Nation Communists Charge ers shelled Indonesians positions, TOKYO (AP)-General Mac- Uee of Britain and Prillle Mlnlster alists as the Nationalists pled for silencing 75 mm. guns which had Russia n intervention. been firing on the British-con- Arthur yesterday approved the Mackenzie Kin, 01 Canada are Nationalist Troops Associated Press corresponden t lrolled Soerabaja airport. He said deactivation of the si;dh army, making good progress toward a Open Attaclc on City Ve r n Haugland reported from RAF planes bombed and strafed which ls policing southern Honshu joint atomiC bomb pOlicy, British Soerabaja that the British, fight- IndoneSian headquarters in the and Kyushu islands, and the Iofficials indicated last night. CHUNGKING (AP)-A lipokes Hotel Paringan. man for the United States em The telephone building and post- transfer of the entire occupation This is true despite disclosure to the Eighth army. by these authorities of what may bassy yesterday denied as com office were reported captured by The change is expected to be United Mine Workers be a basic difference in objective pletely untounded a report pub the British, but the Dutch news effected In January. lished in the Communist New agency Aneta quoted the Natlon- Headquarlers said the develop between Mr. Truman and Mr. At Rumored Back in AFL alisl governor of Soerabaja, Dr. ment probably would not mean tlee. Mr. Truman had talked re China Dally News here Saturday Soerio, as saying the Indonesians any whole ale movement of Sixth that America has agreed to lend oently of outlawing the atomic China $64,000,000 for purchase of Merger Would Hold were "advancing" toward the post- army troops, but merely the dls bomb. office in a counterattack. banding of headquarters and the American arms and ammuniUon. The denial came as a Commu Advantage Over CIO An .Aneta dispatch s~id the In- reassignment of Sixth army per Mr. Attlee, It is said of his as- 3ociates, has taken the line that nist spokesman charged that Na At labor Conference don~sJan-:ontrolled rad.1O ~~ Soer- sonnel to Lt. Gen. Robert L. tionalist troops were assaulting aba)a, which had been mClting the Eichelberger's Eight.h army com it cannot be outlawed effectively Nationalists to a "holy war" ail mand the [ol·tress city of Shanhaikwan, and that the way t9 handle it is at the southern threshold of Man WASHINGTON (AP)-A report day, began f<lding Sunday night K; uel'ers Future Unknown that John L. Lewis had taken his I to put it under control of th~ churia. rna and lat.e in the n~ght its broadcasts There was no information about Mlmary Aid to China United Mine Workers back into were barely audible. a possible new command for Gen. United Nations Security council. bowls Ule AFL was circulated by a CIO Whether the president and Meantime, Lt. Gen. Albert C. home_ DUring the day, the radio called Walter P. Krueger, Sixth army Wedemeyer, commander of Amer leader yesterday but denied by upon the United States, China and I commander, who spearheaded the prime ministers relard these as to Lewis' associates and by William con!lJctin, approaches to thll ican torces in China, told corre- Russia to intervene in the Nether- MacArthur campaigns through the pondents that conversations on gift~, Green, AFL president. lands East Indies, and immediately southwest Pacific. Some at head problem has not been disclosed. It in and Is stated, however, that expert the possibility of increasing mili She'll Rich ard T. Frankensteen, vice afterward demanded that religious quarters believe he wishes to re UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS TROOPS mount guam un a street car on the alert to ward off Chi tary aid to China were on a much president of the CIO United Aulo leaders in Java assist in poisoning tire. advisers of the three are already off on nese civilians and prevent them beaUng Jap civilians who shortly after were marched dow n thorough at work drafting a communique higher level than his. Therefore, mobile Workers, to I d reporters the water SUpply of the Allied Divisions now in the Sixth army he stated, he could not say she en- fares to safety. Previous to this all-out protection, some of the Japs were mobbed and badly beaten by for the three conferees to go over, ihat the CIO understood "on very forces, Aneta said. are the 32nd, 41st, 98th, 33rd, 24th, irate Chinese civilians during Jap evacuation of Tien tsin, China. whether the UnHed States would ,oad information" that the UMW Yesterday Foreign Minister Soe- 25th and the Second and Filth and that this may be issued Thurs increase military aid, or how and AFL had amalgamated and bardjo of the "Indonesian repub- marine, the 13th armored group --------------------~----------~ day or Friday. much or how little help would be that this would give the combina lie" sent a radio appeal to Soviet and the Sixth ranger battalion. There were indications that if granted. lion a one-vote advantage over the Foreign Commissar V. M. Molotov Headquarters is at Kyoto, on Marshal lito's Party · 1Forreslal Gels U. SI Must Accept '. the United States, Britain and Wedemeyer's a t ten t ion was CIO In the national labor-manage asking for Russian intervention. Kyushu island. Canada dedde to offer Russia in called to a statement by Lo Lung ment conference whose executive "It is apparent now," he de- On the Japanese side of the oc- formatJon about atomic energy, I Chi, member of the Liberal Demo committee reassembles today. elared, ·'that Britain is paving the cupation, a Communist. party Wins Despite Appeal • Responsibility to'Keep the price to the Russians will be cratic league, who Quoted Chou Lewis and Green stood together way for the reimposition of Dutch leader labeled Emperor Hirohlto a drastic concessions on their policy en-Lai, No. 2 Communist in of normal secrecy. in opposing a resolution by Philip rule in Indonesia." "war criminal" who should be For Balloting Boyeo" Of II cia IReply Peace Says Halsey China, liS saylnf the United States Murray, CIO president, to inject. Aneta said tank-supported Brit- exiled to China under Allied This possibility, which some Al planned to equip 70 Chinese divi ish Indian troops ranged through guard. lied omelals regard almost as a sions. said Chou had conlided the question of wages into the in BELGRADE (AP) - Virtually WASHINGTON (AP)-The sec- CH1CAGO (AP) - Admiral Lo dustrial relations talks. The exec the newly-won area of Soerabaja runlsh Emporer certainty, grows out of AttIee's this at Sunday's three-party( Na complete returns showed last night retary war told the protesting William F. Halsey declared last plan for creating a United Nations utive committee passed over the to enforce a 10 p. m. curfew or Myoshio Shiga, whose small but at tionalist, Communist and Demo pool of baSic information On resolution last week. Murray said dered during the day by British blatant party has been clamoring that Marshal Tito's national front secretary of the navy last nlght night that iJ the United States cratic Jeaaue) confet"ence after atomic energy and other SCientific authvrltlll.'>. Hug fires. w ra. re tor an (I the timeless institu won a SWeepU)g endorsement In that whlle the army-navy merger forsake the responsibilities that having con s u II e d Wedemeyor that he would not press for actlOn developments. RUssia like any but that the commi.ttee could take ported burning, showering the city tion of the emperor, declared in Sunday's general elections, despite debate should avoid personal digs, come with power "then we shall earlier in the day. with a hes. an Intet'view that Hirohito must other country would share in the Wedemeyer said he did not dis up the resolution when it desired. an appeal by opposition leaders for Lt. Gen. James H. Doolittle had have lost the war we thought pool only by contributln, to It. Lewis, who won a seat on the share the blame tor the Pearl cuss that subject with Chou, a boycott of the balloting. a right to express himself with we won." One purpose of the British plan, whom he had entertained at executive committee last week, at Harbor aUack.