

J! 'I'T , ME T , b •• k f •• r ,t

• • Denies oan to or rms British Take Half 01 Soerabaja MacArthur Approves U. S. MARINES PROTECT JAPANESE IN CHINA Progres~ Reported (hinese Reds I Deactivation of Sixth In AtomiC Bomb Plans (I I M From Well-Armed IndoneSians Army in January . ------Truman Favors, Attlee aim oney BATAV1 A, Java (AP)-British ing from house-to-house, hHd oc­ Eighth Army Receives Opposes Outlawing troops, supported by fire from cupied approximately the northern Of Atomic Energy For Munllll·ons' warships and by RAF planes, last half of the big Dutc,," naval base Occupation Duty night wrested control of half of after a fiel'ce three-day battle. On Honshu Island W ASHlNGTON (AP) - Presi- Soerabaja from an estimated 120,- Hougland said British destroy- dent Truman, Prime Minister At­ 000 well-armed IndoneSian Nation­ Communists Charge ers shelled Indonesians positions, TOKYO (AP)-General Mac- Uee of Britain and Prillle Mlnlster alists as the Nationalists pled for silencing 75 mm. guns which had Russia n intervention. been firing on the British-con- Arthur yesterday approved the Mackenzie Kin, 01 Canada are Nationalist Troops Associated Press corresponden t lrolled Soerabaja airport. He said deactivation of the si;dh army, making good progress toward a Open Attaclc on City Ve r n Haugland reported from RAF planes bombed and strafed which ls policing southern Honshu joint atomiC bomb pOlicy, British Soerabaja that the British, fight- IndoneSian headquarters in the and Kyushu islands, and the Iofficials indicated last night. CHUNGKING (AP)-A lipokes­ Hotel Paringan. man for the em­ The telephone building and post- transfer of the entire occupation This is true despite disclosure to the Eighth army. by these authorities of what may bassy yesterday denied as com­ office were reported captured by The change is expected to be United Mine Workers be a basic difference in objective pletely untounded a report pub­ the British, but the Dutch news effected In January. lished in the Communist New agency Aneta quoted the Natlon- Headquarlers said the develop­ between Mr. Truman and Mr. At­ Rumored Back in AFL alisl governor of Soerabaja, Dr. ment probably would not mean tlee. Mr. Truman had talked re­ China Dally News here Saturday Soerio, as saying the Indonesians any whole ale movement of Sixth that America has agreed to lend oently of outlawing the atomic China $64,000,000 for purchase of Merger Would Hold were "advancing" toward the post- army troops, but merely the dls­ bomb. office in a counterattack. banding of headquarters and the American arms and ammuniUon. The denial came as a Commu­ Advantage Over CIO An .Aneta dispatch s~id the In- reassignment of Sixth army per­ Mr. Attlee, It is said of his as- 3ociates, has taken the line that nist spokesman charged that Na­ At labor Conference don~sJan-:ontrolled rad.1O ~~ Soer- sonnel to Lt. Gen. Robert L. tionalist troops were assaulting aba)a, which had been mClting the Eichelberger's Eight.h army com­ it cannot be outlawed effectively Nationalists to a "holy war" ail mand the [ol·tress city of Shanhaikwan, and that the way t9 handle it is at the southern threshold of Man­ WASHINGTON (AP)-A report day, began f. Hug fires. w ra. re­ tor an (I the timeless institu­ won a SWeepU)g endorsement In that whlle the army-navy merger forsake the responsibilities that having con s u II e d Wedemeyor that he would not press for actlOn developments. RUssia like any but that the commi.ttee could take ported burning, showering the city tion of the emperor, declared in Sunday's general elections, despite debate should avoid personal digs, come with power "then we shall earlier in the day. with a hes. an Intet'view that Hirohito must other country would share in the Wedemeyer said he did not dis­ up the resolution when it desired. an appeal by opposition leaders for Lt. Gen. James H. Doolittle had have lost the war we thought pool only by contributln, to It. Lewis, who won a seat on the share the blame tor the Pearl cuss that subject with Chou, a boycott of the balloting. a right to express himself with we won." One purpose of the British plan, whom he had entertained at executive committee last week, at­ Harbor aUack. For that reason, Shiga said, the National tront candidates :tor "force and vigor." In an address prepared for de­ according to persons lamlliar with lunch. tacked M u rr a y's resoltttion as it, Is to reduce Russian suspicions Cordell Hull Awarded emperor had been put at the top the constituent assembly runnlng Furthermore, Secretary of War livery before the Chicago associa­ Equip 39 Dlvl Ions "nam.by-pamby." of the west.ern Allies and try to Under a war-time lend lease The Jabor-management commit­ of the Japanese Communists' own . . . ' 1 Patterson disagreed with the view tion of commerce, the third tleet "war criminals" list, and the party WIthout oposlbon, polled the heav- of Secretory of the Navy Forrestal Induce Russia in turn to take agreement, the United States had tee on representation and juris­ Nobel Peace Prize iest vote ever recorded in Yugo- that "Injurious acrimony" might be commander asserted: political actions which will cut allreed to equip 39 Chinese divi­ dictional disputes, trying to work would launch an investigation of all suspects Dec. 8, anniversary slavla, partly because women were avoided by "elevating this whole "Let us not disappoint those down western suspicions of her. sions to fight the Japanese. (This out a formula for reducing inter­ OSLO (AP)-Cordell Hull, for­ was the first mention of any 70- union squabbles which 1 e a d to of the Pearl Harbor attack voting for the first time. deliberation" to the "level of a people In this tense, waiting world mer United States secretary of (Tokyo Time.) special inquIry by a presidential division alreemen!..) Twenty had work stoppages, stayed on the job state, was awarded the 1945 Nobel Incomplete relurns showed that. commlssion." Patterson wrote For- who look to us now for leader­ been equipped at war's end. Wed­ over the weekend. On that list, Shiga promised, Peace prize yesterday for the part would be found all government more ihan 90 percent of the na- restal that he knew of "no higher" ship-and for protection. General Eisenhower emeyer said he told a recent press Chairman Harry Woodhead re­ he played in founding the United leaders since the Manchurian In­ tions 8,020,67) ellglblc voters had forum for matters of this nature" "We are a great power in the conference that the United States ported "progress" and said a re­ Nations organization. cident in 1931. cast. ballots. It was evident from than a congressional committee. world today. Whether we like it would complete its contract to port of some sort would be ready Welcomed Home equip the remaining 19 divisions. At the same time the five-man the large vote that very few people Doolittle had told the senate or not, the uneasy business of by Friday. He declined to discuss committee of the Norwegian par­ stayed away from the polls as a re- military committee last week, in Without confirmatJon elsewhere, wearing this crown has become BOSTON (AP)-Back nome in your details of the progress yesterday. liament, which made the award, • suit of the opposition appeal :tor supporting the unification pro­ a Communist spokesman declared Secretary of Labor Schwellen­ announced the 1944 Peace prize Clear, Cold Weather a boycott. posal, that "our B-29 boys are rest­ our destiny. With it comes a grave the land he termed "what a coun­ that more Nationalist troops were bach's proposal to set up a "czar" would go to the international com­ There was one other way in in( uneasily in their graves" as a responsibility, which we must try:' Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower streaming toward the Manchurian I For City Today I was given a roaring welcome yes­ front in an attempt to deal a to handle such jurisdictional mal­ mittee of the Red Cross at Geneva, which the voters could express result of naval commanders' claims meet. I am satisfied enough, In my ters-citing the movie and base­ terday by hundreds of thousands "serious blow" to crack Commu­ saw Switerland, for its work among The sun will be shining this OPPOSition to Tilo's candidates-a about their part in the Pacific vic­ own mind, of my country's motives ball industries' Eric Johnston and prisoners of war. This was the morning, sometime this morning. special ballot box for those who did tory, and he had referred to some of New Englanders in an Armis­ nist troops entrenched there. and its lack ot imperialistic de­ tice day demonstration seldom A. B. "Happy" Chandler as ex­ first time the prize had been But it is going to be chiUy. It will not approve any of the national naval oppOSition to the merger as 'Defensive FlrbtlnC signs to assert flatly that we must seen in this staid old olty. Lt. Gen. Tu Li-Ming, newly­ amples-was not yet brought pe­ awarded since 1938. probably start out this mornlng front candidates. Thla facitity was "hypocrisy." Forrest.al promptly wear this crown as a sacred trust fore their committee, Woodhead While m health forced Hull to Since he landed from Bermuda named Nationalist. commander for below freezing and stay rather provided .under a last - minute protested, in a letter to Patterson -for the benefit of mankind. In a drizzling rain in his own 0-54 sa id. resign as secretary of state belore cold all day. What's wrong with amendment to the election law, so which the navy released to the Manchuria, said Sunday his troops Of proposals lor a unification plane "Sunnower II" shortly be­ would move but said so far they the United Nations charier was that? Would you rather have it that all voters would have an op- press. of the armed services, Halsey said adopted at. San Francisco, he is fore noon he smiled through a had engaged only in "defensive warm and rainy? portunity to vote seoretly, even If Patterson replied in a let.ter last "I profoundly belleve we must whirlwind day that took in a hUlle fjghting" pending the .outcome of often referred to as "father" of the Yesterday the' rain came down they wanted to vote against the night: maintain a separate navy depart­ parade, a spontaneous miniature peace talks here. Wallace Says U. S. Ipeace organization because of his and the mercury went up. That · nalional Iront. "I am in hearty agreement with ment for the procurement, train­ . long eiforts to bring the na lions of one, a luncheon and a dinner in The Communist spokesman re­ stuff in the little glass tube regis- Although Una I returns had nol you that army and navy represen­ Ing, personnel and combat readi­ his honor. the world together in a working ported the iillhling was serious Must Help I rade tered a warm 64 while buckets of been announcd, there was no in- t.atives, in their statements on the ness." By his side at all times was but that Shanbalkwan, at the unit to guard agaisnt future ag­ water were talling on defenseless dication that the opposition vote subject of unity of the armed Experience in the war, he con­ Mrs. Elsenhower, who m he gression. coastal end of China's great wall, Iowa Citians. was extensive. lorces, should confine the discus­ tinued, has "amply demonstrated whisked oU her feet in a warm still was in the hands of Chinese With Loans to Allies ------The voting was for a constituent sian to the principles involved. that we must have joint stnU embrace upon his arrival. Reds. HE'S 'SGT. BUTCH' OF THE MARINES assembly of two houses. The fed- "This does not mean, however, planning at the top level and at Boston's winding streets were , (AP) - Secretary eral assembly will have 345 mem- that o!ficers should nol freely ex­ the overall center of strategiC lined wth yelling thrones as he of Commerce Henry A. Wallace bel'S elected proportionately. The preSs their own persona] con vic­ operations. It also proved that we sat atop an open automobile and asserted yesterday that the United assembly of nations will have 175 tlons with force and vigor." must have a navy with Its own air waved his hat In friendly, tireless University Instructor's States must make substantial loans members, with Serbia, Croatia, "I do not agree that the deJiber­ force." greeting. to England, Russia and other S I 0 v e n i a, Bosnia-Hercegovina ations can be 'elevated' to a higher allies i! world trade barriers are to Montenegro and Macedonla each level than the senate committee , Painting Wins Prize be lowered and a ruinous Anglo­ getting 25 members, and Vojvo- on military affairs. I know of no Jaclcson Asks for Substitute- American-R u s s I a n trade war dina getting 15 and Kosovomotohia higher forum! or matters of this averted. 10. nature than the appropriate com­ In New York Contest The commerce secretary made mittees of congress which have the his proposal for wiping out re­ ultimate responsibility." Seeks 'Live Krupp' NEW YORK (AP)-Mayor F. strictions with dollars in an ad­ The senate committee is to re­ H. La Guardia yesterday presented checks to 20 artists whose paint­ dress to 2,000 businessmen attend­ War Hero Kiefer Dies sume hearings later this week. NUERNBERG, Germany (AP) in Britain is extremely impatient jnfS won prizes in the second an­ ing the 32nd nat ion a 1 foreign General Eisenhower, an advocate -Justice Robert H. Jackson, and would be very annoyed if any trade convention, then heard his In Navy Plane Crash of unifl.cation, arrived in the Uni­ United States prosecutor seeking postponement were granted," FYfe nual "Portrait of America" com­ statements attacke.d and defended. ted States from Germany yester­ "a live Krupp" in the court room, declared. petition. Almon E. Roth, president of the day and is expected to testify for yesterday asked that the son of Paul Burlin of New York City BEACON, N. Y. (AP) -Com- the plan. To the suggestion that designa­ National Federation of Amel'ican lhe nearly dead Gustav Krupp von tion of the son as a substitute de­ won first.. prize of $2,500 for his modore Dixie Kiefer, Pacific war Shipping, Inc. , interpolated into Bohlen und Halbach be substi­ fendant would cause a delay of "Soda Jerter," hi8 address a declaration that: "I hero who once was called the "in tuted as a defendant in the war from 10 days to two weeks in the The 20 prize winning paintings am seriously concerned with the dest.ructable man:' was found Officers Search For crimes tr1als. opening of the trial, Jackson re­ were chosen in competition con­ abilitr 01 the government to im­ dead yesterday amid the twisted Conceding that the granting of plied: ducted jointly by "ArHsts for Vic­ plement the policies so clearly Escaped Slayer, Pal tory" and the Pepsi-Cola company. wreckage of a navy plane near such a request would mean a de­ "Admitting that a delaY, which enunciated by Secretary Wallace. In Hills lay of "a few days" in the open­ canot exceed a lew days, may be Among those who received $500 He said that from what he had the summit of Mount Beacon. ing of the trial scheduled for Nov. occasioned, it is respectfully sug­ prizes were Terence R. Duren, heard and read in Washington "It Five others died with him. KINGWOOD, W. Va. (AP) - 20, Jackson filed a motion with gested that the precise day this Shelby, Neb., and James Lechay, now appears that the United Their names were not disclosed William Turner, condemned to die the international military tribunal trial will start is a less important Iowa City. States may make these loans with­ immediately. on the Wesl Virginia gallows Dec- aking that Alfried Krupp be tried consideration than whether It ls to • • • out fi rst obtaining a firm and de­ The plane plunged into the rain ember 28 for the staying of a in the place of his father. fall of one ot its principal pur­ Lechay, who came to the uni­ finite commitment from Great and fog-shrouded mountain three IS-year-old girl, escaped yester- Alfrled took over active man­ poses. versity of Iowa this tall, is serv­ Britain for the removal ot such miles southeast of here shortly day from the Preston county jail agement of the huge Krupp steel "We think the future, as well as ing as a vis.iting instructor in (trade) restrictions. after noon Sunday. The wrec.k­ in its first jailbreak in 76 years. and munitions empire In 1943, and the contemporary world, cannot water color and oil painting on the 'the National Foreign Trade age was not found until 3 a. m. With the discovery of Sheriff Ho- later purchased control of the fall to be shocked if in a trial in art department- statf. CoUlIcil, Inc., itsell interjected a yesterday. bart Spindler's abandoned car, in stock company. He ls under ar­ which It Is sought to condemn ag­ His still life painting exhibited wtrnlng. In a set of 17 foreign The commodore, 49, was com­ which the 29-year-old Turner and rest by the British. gressive war makinl. the Krupp in Iowa City this summer was one trade prinCiples announced here manding officer of the first naval a cell mate made their escape, ot- An immediate objection to industrial empire is completely of 12 that the university recom­ 1 e It e I' day, it said "eKperience' district air bases and was stationed ficers pressed their search for the Jackson's proposal came from the saved from condemnation." mended purchasing. hu demonstrated that dependence "SGT. BALSON BUT C H," bulldog mascot of the Marine barracks, at the Quonset, R. I., naval air pair last night in the central West British prosecutor, Sir D a v I d The French and the Russians His paintings are represented at upon long term loans and invest­ Philadeiphia Navy yard, sports the new coat with gold insignia his station. Virginia hills. Maxwell FYfe, Who said he was planned to file motions in connec­ the Art Institute exhibition in Chi­ ments as a device to balance buddies fixed up for him to wear at the annual Quaker City dog show, During World War II he par­ The Pratt girl was killed outside Ifiling a motion requesting that the tion with Krupp, but their con­ cago and the Carnegie exhibition dOWII chronic import deficiencies is un­ which opens Nov. 17. "Butch" is to be the guest of honor and wlll re­ ticipated in six major Pacific en­ her parents' beer tavern last July elder Krupp be retained as a de­ tenb were not disclosed pending at , . His wife and :)e8UI1 eronomic, since all too frequently ceive a birthday citation observing the 170th anniversary of the found­ gagements, including the Coral as she stepped ou t to investigate, fendant and tried in absentia. the actual placilll of the doeu­ two children reside at 122 E. Dav­ the capital invested is lost." ing of the U. S. Marine Corps. ---._----- sea and Midway battles. a shot, , _ "My view is that public opinion menta with the tribu~ enport street. PAGE TWO THE DAILY IOWAN• . IOW'A- ClTY.-IOWA TUESDAY. NOVEM1JER 13. 1945 ~ditorials: OffiCIAL DAILY BULLETIN 'Cc From All ..... fa .... t7Jf1TUtft'1 cAL,nAl ...... Iet ...... Behind the Mikes • • • •••t'. 0,...., 0.. ca...... u._ I~ ". a'HIUl. Monett • Veterans Must SOOn Make Decision About U. Y. ~ T ll'I ...... 1M -,.. "It.r .1 ..... ".or I ...... r .., .. , \1 --... 111 '"~ ••• ,.n ••• ' ,., '11.1, ',HIM hi III. effI_ If '" Pri By Helen Huber FIbber McGee and Molly , ' DoUr ...... OIN""" NOTICII •••t •••t Til. Dab, .._ With the election of officers of the univel'­ ociation. He has shouldered the respon ibil­ Around ,,. .:.. , ... III. '1, roe •• t ••, fin' ,.bU.. U •• ; • .u_ ..Ill .or ~ (WHO) t •••, ...... TnlD O. LaOIllLY sity vetel'8llJ! association drawing nearer, it is itiel plaet!d on him and discharged them "ftU...... ,te •• , WIIIIIIIi tncI... ~ __ .., The Doctors Talk It Over • ... alOHID " • _.alllia ...- w~ time that veteran ' hould begin deciding for It 'Would not be a mi take for the veterans ~~" ...... ~WOJf .,., 08__ T I_I &IJC-IUtIIL (1"" (KXEL) Vol. XXII No. (S Tuesday, November II, tlU themselves wbether tlley want an active vets to l'e-elect him as an official of the associa­ 1:45 DE organization at Iowa. Out of the pro and con tion. Perhap there i no one who could do Audience participation will Songs You Like To Hear I ,.rto% arguments which have been advanced in the a better job. (WMT) UNIVERSITY CALENDAR h.iJlhllllht the 7:4$ WSUI Uuiver­ \PIl. last two weeks, tlley hould now be formulat­ • •• sity Radio Forum tonight on the Fibber McGee and Molly i~*Btu~~-Charles C. Lacey, 63, clerk of the Sanday, Nov, 11 Saturday, Nov. 11 pes subject "Shall We Share Now the (WHO) Pottawattamle county district ing definite opinions. _ B.. , if M is re·elec'ed,the rMlk tllla II p. m. Vesper service: address DAD'S DAY It is certain that veterafi will not be forced f116 71te,,,bers of the MsociaJio,. mt&81 cause Secret of the A tomic Bomb With WiUrld Fleisher (KXEL) court and well known In Iowa Re­ 9 a. m. Iowa Press associatltn 10w~ by Frank C. Laubach, M.acbrlde into an organization in which they have no ~im to raVe his sights. AM tlley ",ust do Russia." All students attetKlin, 9:" publican party circles, died yes­ meeting, board room, Old CapiioL of ' The Ford Show (WMT) terday of a heart ailment. auditorium. their interest. And it is equally certain that they Ilil ",.tk aU the 0 ff1ciab they t1lect. are requested to arrive at Studio 2 p. m. Football: Minnesota "I. "'f E, enllineering building before the Bob Hope Show (WHO) Lacey became deputy clerk in won't be interested in an ol'ganization which 'l'INIday. Nov. II Iowa, Iowa . that • • • beginning 0 f the broadcast. Concert Time (KXEL) 1923, was elected clerk in 1926 Monday. Nov. 19 doesn't offel' benefits to themselve and to 6:15 p. m. Triangle club picnic creal And if veterans accept tlle l' pon ibility Spt!akers will be Dorothy Kotte­ 9:15 1and held the post until his death 4 p. m. Meeting for Prospeeti"t supper. • fa l ! the university of which they are now a part. of challenging the capabilities of the men who mann, A3 of Burlington, Robert The Ford Show (WMT) with the exception of two years teachers (gradUQ te stu den ta), Bob Hope Show (WHO) durinll which he served as munici- S p. m. Party bridge, University ~rf • • • are willing to be their officers; then they also Conrad, A4 of Elkadl!r, affirma­ I 221A Schaeffer hall. t}le ( Therefore, each veteran should 'Iuitl) be are Ilccellting the responsibilities of working tive side opposing Ruth Koch, A4 Concert Time (KXEL) pal court clerk. Survivors include club. 8 p. m. Humanities societ)', 1IG­ his widow, two sons and a daugh­ "IJ seetli11g i1~ his own. mind the qlt tion of the with and for those officials. or Rock ]sland, Ill., and Sam 9:10 Wednesday, Nov. 11 ate chamber, Old Capitol. ter. that We have DO doubt that a unified, active vet­ Goldenburll, At of Burlington. J\nU-Saloon League (WMT) 8 p. m. University play: "Kia pos$1.oilitie of what can be accomplished Hildegarde's NIght Club (WHO) 8 p. m. Sigma Xi, 'triangle club tver by U. A. erans organization could do a great amount Gordon Christensen, 1.3 of Iowa and Tell," University theak!r, V. City, will act as moderator. County Fair (KXBL) rooms. Tueaday, Nov. 20 ties, of good for this campus. But the veterans KNOXVILLE (AP)-The home­ \fhi! • • • Peggy Ryan, movie starlet, will ':0 'lba.rsd&y, No., 15 4 p. m. Meeting for prospective them elves mu t decide bethel' they are coming of discharged navy vet­ HE Presumably the veterans who will vote iu be Bob Hope's guest when he Ithapsody In Rhythm (WMT) eran Frank Dainty, 38, was 3-5 p. m. Thanksgiving Tea, teachers (senior students), 221A firmly enough com'meed of the wortllwhile· Hilde,arde's Night Club (WHO) University Club. ronti • the forthcoming election of officers-and we visits the naval air station at Los marred yesterday when a truck­ Schaeffer hall. eyen hope that enough veterans vote to indieate ness of su.,/h au association that they will give Alamitos, Cam., tonight for his County Fair (KXEL.) automobile collision sent him and 4 p. m. Information First, Sen­ 4 p. m. Y. W. C. A. Thanks&iv. it support. 10,00 ate Chamber, Old Capitol; address ing service, senate chamber, Old troIs they are intere ted in an active organization 9 o'clock NBC broadeast. five other members 01 his family waul -will bave decided that the U. V. A. is a Once they are convinced, they should eitller Arlene Francis, the American N&ws, Douglas Grant (WMT) to a hospital. by Jack Shmley: "The War's End." Capitol. Supper Club (WHO) 8 p. m. Iowa Mounutaineers: 7:30 p. m. American AssoclatiQlt conI' good thing. express their confidence in their present of­ network's "Blind Date" hostess, Re Illu8ttate8 l~(ure by Aloha Baker ficers 01' elect officers hi whom they are eon· will really wish she W4!re twins B. R. Gross and the News DUBUQUE (AP)-Injw'ies suf­ of University Professors, Trian&le The veteran will make th first eureise When her new sta;e play, "The (XXEL) on "Explorers of the Purple Sage," club rooms. ave" of their new judgment in the election of fidcnt. fered when the autotnobile in 8IId Prench Touch*" in which she stan! 1ltl& Which he was riding crashed Into Chemistry Auditorium. 8 p. m. University play, Univer. their officers. They will need to make. a • • • PUltOil Lewis Commental1Y Prlby, Nov. 18 sity theater. ard with Brian Aherne, opens liIee. II a stone blue! at the end or the ·We clear-thinking evaluation of the men who Then tkey shOltld sla!lla ready to givfl aid on Broadway. On Fridays, whllll (WMT) DUnois-Wisconsin bridge were '1:45 p. m. Baconian lecture by Wednesday, Nov. !1 want to a ume the responsibilities of leader­ when aid is needtd. Ntiw8, M. L. Nelson (WHO) Professor L. D. Longman, Senate 8 p. m. University play, Univer- , ,eco' she rups wit with service men on fatal Sunday night to Harry Trllk, 01 Ii ship. • • • "BUnd Date," ,Arlene will onlF K. R.. Gl'08Il and the News 57, Dubuque. His companions, Chamber, Old Capitol. sity thea tel'. (ItXEL) will The case of Ed Hickliu, a member or the The potentialities f a v tcrall II ciatiolJ havl! ten minute& to ,et to the Vern Pape, 4~ , and C. J. Gallla:rt, steeriug committee, is a ell in point. Hi re­ become more heartening daily. Though lIcll theatre and don her make· up. 1':81 37, also were injured. Con,l'ft$ Speaks (W MT) cent tat ment bowed some 'hort- iglttean , an organization, of course, would be in )tia­ Music For Millions (WHO) BOSTON (AP)-Staff Sgt. Ro­ but it mn t not be ovedooked that he already tence only a few ),oars, it could aCOl>lJIplisb 'l'ODAY'S PItOGBAM8 Wartburg Cbllege (KDL) M. 8:00 Morning Chapel land Gardner of Waterloo, was GENERAL NOTICES ha done a great Amount of work for the a - much and lay the foundation for much more. 1':43 8: 15 Musical Miniatures amohg seven high-point G.1.'s re­ Treeaury Salute (WM'l' turned to the United States yes­ MuSIC ROOM SCHEDULE AT FAOULTY WOMEN At I 1:1t Newt, Tbe DaII)' low.. 400 Club (WHO) IOWA UNION A table will be reserved at the 8:45 Proiram Calendar terday for discharge follOwing a Letters to th. Editor: Dance Orchestra (KXEL) surprise journey home· with Gen­ Monday through Friday: 11 Union cafeteria for faculty women 8:56 Service Report!! 11:00 who wish to lunch together BH (Editor's ate: Letters to tltc cdito/' 9:00 Elementary lI'rench eral Dwight D. Eisenhower. a. m.-2 p. m.; 3:30-5:30 p. m.; 6:45- must bear thB 1la11lC alld address of the News (WMT) 8:45 p. m. ThW'sday, Nov, 15, at 12 M. Coyering 9:30 Treasury salute MUSiC, News (WHO) RUTH UPDEORAFF wri'ct. The twitu's llcnte will not be 9:45 Keep 'Em Eeatln, OMAHA (AP)-Douglas €ounty Saturday: 11 a. m.-2 p. m.; 3-5 Fe News (KXEL) p.m. nor, prtnted if so r quested, hOllJ6VU.. ) ':50 Ne\fto The DalI)' Jew.a Attorney Kelso Morgan said yE!s­ 11:15 terday that Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sund~y: 1-5 p. m.; 6-8 p. m. PHI SIGMA IOTA R. T. • • • The CaDi'al 10:00 Week In 'nil! Bookllhop So The story Goes (WMT) Phi Sigma lot.., naUonal honor. 10:15 Atter Breakfast C(!tfee F, Johnson, Albia, were being held The Iowa Union music room will nor! TO THE EDl'rOR: ROJ SlUeld and Co, (WHO) in city jail without charges In present a program or planned ary romance languages fraternity, pers< Edilorials and IcUel'S to lhe editol' of thc 10:30 'the Bookshelf Rev. Pietsch's Hour (KXEL) music every Wednesday night Irom will meet Tuesday, Nov . 13; at 4 sund By BUBEN KARL 'l'EDT 10:45 Yesterday's Musical 1'11- connection with a series oC farm past week. on the 'ubj ·t of the university 11:. 0:45 to 8:45. p. m. in room 213, Schaeffer hall, Mrs. ( tfbStit1tti1l{J for Jack ' U.,.nettj vorites bUl'glaries. veterans association have vitally interested Or! The Record (WMT) EARL E. IIA1lPEB AU members ate requested to at· mgto WASHINGTON- When Brien McM.ahon 11:00 Little Known Religious News, ·Gerry Lenhart (WHO) Director tend, Th veterans, student. , the univ l'sity admini­ Groups DES MOINES (AP)-Detectives Rev, Pietsch's Hour (KXEL) JANE SCHMIDT two tration and town alike. Recent expet'ience of WRii ruunlnlt for senator in onnccticut, he 11 :50 Farm Flashes yesterday arrested Robert D. 11:411 IOWA MOUNTAINEERS Vlce-PI'ellideDt chO'I many large midwet!t universiti where vet- was tliscusslng wilh a reporter why his name 12:00 Rhythym Rambles Zacek, 17, Scotland, S. D., who es­ Off The Record (WMT) lUes1 ran feeling lIa. be n similat· to that which was not better known in his native tate, al· 12:80 News. The Daily Iowan caped Nov. 4 Crom the Eldora stale All active mt!mbers of the Iowa MusJc, News (WHO) training school for boys. Mountaineers are asked to attend NOTICE TO ADVANCED nor! has ari!;en here has enued in major repercus­ though he hat! mad aD outstanding recOt'd 12:45 Victory Views Dance Orchestra (KXEL) GRADUATE STUDENTS and 1:00 Musical Chats a special meeting of the corpora­ sion . In the calie of linne ta it brought on as assistant attorney general in Washington, 12:00 SIOUX CITY (AP) - Three­ There are now a large number and' 2:00 Radio Highlights tion at 7:30 p. m., Tuesday, Nov. a fight between the state legisla!ut'e and the "I "'e never been very good at personal CBS Press News (WMT) year-old Richard Cran Blackford 13, in Studio E of the engineering of national fellowships availl\blt man university and end d ill the falling off ot vet­ 2:15 Music For Millions Midnight Rhythym Parade was burned fatally Sunday in a for superior graduate studenla. AL publicity," "McMahon said. "Some peopl 2:30 Radio Child Study Club building to adopt the by-laws of eraJl ent'oUm nt. In the case of Iowa Jet u just have it and some don't; I'm one f tho e (WHO) blaze which destroyed (he bome the corporation. Information about these may be nor, 2:45 Science News Sign Off (KXEL) of bis parents, Mr. and Mrs, obtained in the graduate office, bon hop that this can be a voided. who don't." 3:00 Fiction Parade EUGENE BURMEISTER, At the b ginning- thc unde .. lying C8.we of George Blackford, a mile south of and I shan be glad to confer wilb desSE As ellai !"lUan of the cnale's brand new 3:30 News, The Dally IowaD Chalrman those who are interested. the U. V. A. sqnabble were not casily dis­ ;------: Sioux City. show committee on the control of atomic energy, 3:35 Iowa Union Radio Hour By.laws domnllttee Thi s month is the best 'time to tinguishable. However, it i beeomlng mor~ ol-to the 42-year-old freshman Democratic sena­ 4:00 Greek Literature CEDAR RAPIDS (AP) - A make application for awards cov­ Mrs. and more evident that one of the basic rea­ 4:30 Tea Time Melodies In Days Gone By ering the 1946-47 academic year. tOI' won't need any flair for personal pub­ heart attack follOwing pneumonia CANDIDATES FOR ADVANCED and son fOl' irritation is the ten·iIi· housing prob. licity. He'LI get it in spite or himself, He 5:00 Children's Hour was fatal yesterday to Henry J . CM~.L ~. SV,M!iH()J." Mi lem and the lligh cost of living. 5:30 Musical Moods 28 YIARS AGO DEGREES AT THE FEB­ Dean of the Graduate Collec, Jta already tal·ted. By beillg in the !Senate Hugh A, D'Arcy, aulhor of Hromek, 67, superintendent of the and Stmday's Iowan edilol'ially Bugge ted that 5:45 News, The bally Iowan compdsing room of the Cedar RUARY CONVOCATION Blool less than 11 year and headillg what eVct'yolte 6:00 Dinner Hour Music "l'IIte Upon the Barroom Floor", w , the vets, immediately investigate tllCl agr J one of the most important cOOlmit­ aied of heart disease. Rapids Gazette. He had been em­ Following is a list of require­ HAWKEYE MEETING I the housing now supposedly being vacated by the 6:55 New., The Dall)' Iowan ployed by the newspaper almost ments to be met: There will be a meeting of the Erdn tees ever sct up in the upper chamber, he has 7:00 French Civiliution Armistice Day was celebrated pre-flight pel' onnel. Month a"o, when the 55 years. 1. Check your record at the of­ Hawkeye business staff Wednes­ of M broken a long cberi~hed senate tradition: that 7: 30 solemnly by a program in the fice of the registrar and in your day, Nov, 14, at 4:10 p. m. in Wesl tlniversity wa planning construction of units to t11e sOI\iol's go the plum '. 7:45 University Radio Forum men's gymnasium. It was very to quarter veterans anu their famil ies, "op­ DES MOINES (AP)-In an at­ major department to assure your­ room NI02, East hall. It is very Satu] 8:45 News, The DaUy Iowan much unlike the celebration of tempt to curb automobile acci­ important that all those interested siste] posing interest " of that plan cried that con­ 9'00 Iowa Wesleyan seven years previous. self that you can qualify at the enat I' McMahon was born in Norwalk, dents, the ]owa farm bureau fed­ February convoca tion. in working on the business stalf whet struction 01' such unit!'! WIIS unnecessary, be­ * * * 9:30 Sign OIf Mrs. Robbins Gilman, a P. T. A. Conn., and educated there until he went off eration said yesterday it was attend this meeting. cau e of the d parture of pre-flight, housing speaker, denounced producers for 2. Fill out a formal application ANITA BEAmB to Fordham and Yale to become a lawyer. His launching a statewide winter driv­ for graduation at the office of the would be generally available. However, vet­ 8:" '/Immoral" movies and t11amed ing saiety campaign. The federa­ BuslneJS M&naIer father, a building contractor, was in politics registrar. erans hllve obtained in l' cent weeks lists of Jack Kirkwood (WMT) publishers for "dirty" magazines. tion will distribute 10,000 posters JUI pre.flight p r. onnel dcpal'ting from Iowa IIp to his I .. ish ears and for a. long time "a Melody Parade (WHO) The state appropriated $4,000,- and 50,000 cards within the next 3. Secure from the graduate of­ ORCHESJS known locally as "walch.dog of tlHl city BlJlck's Music For Moderns 000 for the improvemenl of roads. month urging motorists to have ilce the instructions for typing a Senior Orche:sis will mtel City and have contacted these peoplc. In (KXEL) thesis. 3A almost ev ry case no vacancies were forth­ trelltmry. ' , 15 YEARS AGO their cats checked immediately. Wednesday, Oct. 14, at 7:15 p. m, 6:15 4. If you are a candidate for the coming. In the £ir,'t place, naval personnel So young Brien caDle by llis politic ' natul'­ President Hoover paid tribute to in the small gym of the women's ally and early. Even at Fordham, lI e was Jllck Kirkwood (WMT) all war veterans and urged that DAVENPORT (AP) - Bernard 'Ph.D. degree, deliver copy f01: gymnasium. Juniot, Orchesis Will Prl leaving the campus 111'C having their famBie nicknamed " . enator" because lIe had !lld News 01 the Wot'ld (WHO) peace in the world be perpetual. Suh], 15, died yesterday o[ wounds your examination program to the meet Tuesday, Oct. 13, at 4 p. Ill. dram remain hel because of the ]lOusing shortuge H. R. Gross and the News The direct limitation of land suffered Saturday when a 12- graduate office by Dec. 21. in the same place, noun in other area . And econdly, the few qual'· om day he would Uk to b one. However, (KXEL) all his jobs were appointive until h ah'uck lind ail' armaments and the tull gauge shotgun discharged acci­ 5. Submit your thesis to the CAROL WELLl\IAN bel iers which ate becoming available are far be· 6:3' dentally. He wa;;; shot in the leg. Pfuidtld. theat out with botb fist flailing in the 194~ cam· publicity of expenditures and de­ graduate (.'()Ilege for ch.ecking be­ yond the means of most veterans. A typical American Melody Hour (WMT) tails of warfare equipment was fOt'e Jan. 14. If you are a candi­ Th example was a small bungalow, furnished, pttign against isolationist but able and popu­ News, M. L. Nelson (WHO) proposed before the League of F'AIRF'IELD (AP)-Open house date for the doctorate, also submit ETA SIGMA PHI Hust lar Sen. John A. Dallah McMahon con­ Did You Know? (KXEL) which wife and I looked at. It would have I.. Nations by lhe American govern­ will be conducted at Fairfield YOUl' abstract and pay the $25 There will be an ini HaLion Feb. RlY 8:411 been a nice place to Jive, but the rent *8 fidently predicted .be would win by 35,000 ment today honoring Mrs. Sarah Pol­ publication deposit. meeting of Eta Sigma Phi, na­ dent, American Melody Hdur (WMT) lock, who will observe her lOOth $65 a. month, plus utilities (coal, light, ga votes; he beat bis own preuiction by 5,000. Delta Zeta, Chi Omega and Sig­ 6. Arrange with your depart­ tional honorary classical lao· pIny, Jimmy Fidler (WHO) birthday. guages fraternity, Thursday, Nov. 19·2: and water) which would come to about $18 What he had done befor that- and it ma Kappa soroities were contest­ ment for the oral examinations­ badn't won him much personal publicity in Preferred Melodies (KXEL) ing £01' the largest number of Jan. 22-24, inclusive. 15, at 8 p. m. at the homc of l'rof. ard : additional per montll. .Just look at that cost 7:10 Homecoming badge slf\es. DES MOINES (AP)-Miss Jes- Dorrance S. While, 1152 E. Court his home stat -Wall to becom , at 31, the 7. Leave the original and the "K fo .. a moment, The ba ie cost of hou ing, not Big Town (WMT) to YEARs AGO sie Parker, stllte stJpe~jnlendent of street. All members are urged to youngest man ever appointed Ii i.taut first copy of your thesis at the Hugl including other as eunals such!l food, cloth· Johnny Presents (WHO) A genlle landing by the wotld's public instruction, announced yes­ attend. Further plans for the United t3tes attorney general, aud to hang­ graduate office at least 24 hours Rehe ing or insnranee, would bC" $82 a monfb. Lum an' Abner (KXEL) largest balloon on 0 South Dakota terday that the centennial oj present academic ycar will be 1&. belore convocation. Hear Could lIny yeteran afford tlli This is one up an ellviabl recoed in that job. Out ill 7:15 farm ended man's most sensational Iowa's statehood would be ob­ cussed. ];IreSl CARL E. SEASHo.RE of the hOll es which i. to be vacated by a Chicago, he pro ecuted 'ome chulUS or a cer· Big Town (WMT) venture into the stratosphere-- served In Iowa schools throughout l 'HOMAS BOVCHIN navy family, aDd is not an extreme. example tain notorious "Baby Faee" Nelson. Jobnny Presents (WHO) to an unofficially record altitude 1946. Dean of the Graduat.e Collere Presldeli& Inll He went down into "Bloody Harl81l" Rlldie Harris (KXEL) or 14 miles. by any means. 7:JO MUSCATINE (AP)-Polltoe. yes­ WEDNESDAY EVENING MUSHl rt is to the interest of all veterans to back county, , to prosecute coal operators Edward Miller announced that STUDENT COUNCIL and county officials for allegedly depriving Thealer of RomAnce (WMT) terday were investigating the HOUR any reasonable pIau for the 801ution of this the winner in sales for the Hawk­ Members of the Student Coun­ the coal minel"S of their rights. He was A Dllte With Judy (WHO) eye yearbook would get an a11- theft of about $1,000 worth of The music department ",m pre­ problem. If notbing el e, the U. V. 11. could Alan Young Sbow (KXEL) jewelry and approximately ,150 in cil will have a special meeting in sent Betty Smith, violin; Marjorie maligned, fh rellUmed, even tlbot at, aud tIle expense trip to . Iowa Union Tuesday, Nov. 13, at Vii certainly petition the members of the Iowa 7:45 Prot H;. J. Thorntoh gave a cash last night from two adjoining Jacobson, ceHo, and Norma Cr065, legislature to amend th meaning 01 the word ca!i(l wall declared a mistrial, but his tlll"tat to Theatet oC Romance (WMT) Muscatine stOf1!S, The kiss was 7 p. m. piano, ill the "1" Minor Trio, OjlUS tor 11 come back and try it all over again put un talk at Iowa Union and \laid, and I "dormitol'ie " so that the plans may be COll· A Date With Judy (WHO) reported by Orl'ie Glatstein, pro­ MARY OSBORNE 1," by Voikmar Andreae, Wednes­ "Peace is a condition not only to prietor. Mass tinued for the moderately-priccd hOUSing unit end to a bloody labor war. Alan Young Show (KXEL) be desired, but alsp pursued." Secretary day, Nov. 14, at 8 p. m. in studio I:ot E, 1'IIdio building. ratin whicb was originally propo.~d. An organized Inner Sanctum (MT) DES MOINES (AP) - J. C. ADDISON AUrAe. umpi vetel'ans association on this campus would Senatol' McMahon* is* a *pleasant, friendly, NEWMAN CLUB but seriou 'minded person. ge ill a vigorous Amos 'n' Andy (WHO) Henry L. Stimson III Johnson has resianed as head of last, hold weight with the state legislatUl'e, for There will be II l'egular m~ting liberal in interna.tional aUait'S and this, Guy Lombardo and His Royal HUNTINGTON, N. Y. (AP) the vocational rehabilHation and ORAFT CLUB Ca: Iowa is interested in having veterans attend Former Secretary of War Stimson educational division of the veter­ of Newman club Tuesday evening, There will be a regular mee~inI ratillJ coupled with his great capacity for hard Canadians (KXEL) Nov. 13, at 7:30 at the Catholic the university. This Is something wttieh the 1:11 suffered a serious heart attack re­ ans administration lor Iowa, it of the Cralt club Tuesday, Nov. at a wot'kj is what lias carried him so far in 80 U. V. A. could do that is much more impor· Inner Sanctum (WMT) centlY, his wife said last night, but was learned yesterday. student center. The topic for dis­ 13, at 7:30 p. m. in the women's • had I cussion will be "The Moraiity of tant than the suggested beial functions. And short a time in the senate. That, 8nd un· Amos /n' Andy (WHO) is recovering steadily. W. B. Nugent, veterans admin­ gymnasium. At ilou6ledly a litHe privatc respect on the l>ar·t Labor Unions." soh'ing the housing problem wquld be only 11 Guy Lombardo and His Royal Mrs. Henry L. Stimson said her istration manager, said the resi,­ JANE SCIiEERII hock. of his l'blIeagues for aoy m'o- wbo could nation became effectiVe! Qct. 31 . MARY JANE ZECH start. The U. V. A. could back with consid· Canadians (KXEL) husband was still confined to his Preslde.& Nortl knock John Danaher down ill a political race. 1:11 bed at their country home at West Johnson's sU(!cessor, he added, hilS Prelllden~ Univi erable influence many other improvements in not bee n chosen. Meanwhile, RADIO FORUM 2, the veterans' situation here. Let's all pitch in Aside from his professional activities, Sen­ "800 Club" (WMT) Hills, just outside of Huntington. ator Mcftfl£hon does little to attl'aet the" per· Harry W. Gaines Is actin, as head SCHOLARSHIPS University students are urged 10 and get something done about it! of the dIvisIon. All undergraduate students who sonal publicity" some membllrs of COil· attend the Forensics association's Role Evct'ett A. Philips ~hat Johnson, Des Moines resident, wish to make applfcation for a gress go for. He has an attractjye young first Radio Forum tonight at 7:45 ill has been connected with the vet­ partial tuition exemption, Carr p. m, in studio E, englneerinJ TO THE EDITOR: wife and three·year·old daughter. He , at· THE DAILY IOWAN erahs administration SUlce 1920 scholarship, or LaVerne Noyes builaing. "Shall We Share NoW Mr. Pieree's lettel' in The Iowan was very tends about as many of the Washington 110- Entered as Second class mail matter at the post office at Iowa City, and In Des Moines since 11124 scholarship for the second semes­ the Secret of the Atomic BOmb Rol refreshing. My opiniou i that Mr. Pieree is cial functions 118 he should ahd no more. Iowa under the act of congress of March 2. 1879. when he arrived to head up a re­ ter of the present school year may with RUssia?" will be the tdplc on the wrong tl'ack. III the first piaee, Mr. About his only hobby i1J golfj 'Whioh he shoots habilitation pro,ram for World do 80 now. Blanks are available discussed by fout student leaders Board of trustees: WlJtiur Schramh-!, Kltk H. Po!"ter, A. Craig War 1 veterans. In room 9, Old Capitol. arid the IIUdience, Pierce must get his opinion of the students in tb~ eighties. A6dut bis olosest friends 111'6 Baird, Paul R. Olson, Kenneth Smith, Louise Johnston, Jean Newland. from the "campus columns," or else he the two partners of his former aU·lrish law Johnson said his resignation ROBERT L. BALLANTYNE l\lARiLYN NBSPiI doesn't get al'ound enough. Secondly, he firms. Walter E. Gallagher and Richard J . Fred M. Pownall, Publisher was for pt!rsonal reasons, adding Seerelary Dlsca.. on Chalr1llli "I've been on the Job for 211 years doesn' eem to' realize that sharp degrees of Connor. John A. Stichiloth. Editor Committee on Staden~ Aid Forensics Auoela&tel and that's a lon, time." mont opinion aren't broadcast while there '8 investi· Concerning Ius new appointment as chair· Wa1Jy Strin,ham, BUliness Manager Claire DeVine, Circulation Manager It !h, gation going on. 'rhirdly, I didn't like the man of the senate atomic energy oontl'ol COln­ DES MOINES (AP)-Plans for vacant buildings at Camp Dodge Edwin Kurtz to Talk "holier than thou" attitude. dlittt!e, he is deadly aerious. To congratula· ------Subscription rates-By mail $6 pel' year; by carrier. 15 cents weekly. converting barracks at Fort Des also will be made but R. A. Cook, To Kiwanis Todllv It is my contention thlit many more S. U. I. tions, hi. most frequent comment was: ,. It is ,5 per year. Moines "boom town" into dwell- a member of the committee which -, elln students are iously thinldng about poUti. a gl'8"e 1'e8pobBibility. '! 1111 quarters for veterans families inspected them, was dubious about cal, social, economic, etc., problems than The AIsociated Press is exclusively entitled to use for republication were to be presented today at a their value for such a purp06e. Edwin B. Kurtz will be the I\IIIt of ail n&ws dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this speaker at the Kiwanis luncheeo credit was given. One Shouldn't really tl')' to The Univel'llity of Chicago may soon return meetln, here of business. profes­ Bernard Connolly, president of Pal paper and also t.he local news herein. a veterans' student or,anizat!on at meeting today at Hotel Jeffettell. look such opinion in a Sunday gossip to Big Ten football. t's only naf;tlral that the elonal, lovernmental and veteran8 take, ~Qr representa lives. Drake university and chairman of His 5ubjed wlll be "Pioneer\uf column. What is probably needed i. a roy· piaikin mould flouriah in the nation's pork TELEPHONEs local The tneetlng, is Uu! second of a a eommiUee on the "boom town" in Radar Rangln,." Ejection of noun, ing reporter covering bull.sessiona, clBlS dis­ capital. !:dltorial Office ...... ,...... 1•• ••••••• ,,: ...... 41112 Hrtee .Imed at finding a solUtion project, Hid following an Inspec­ new Kiwanis offlcers will be .... CUlIBioD8 and similar meetings. Could be that Society Office _...... _...... , ... ., ...... , . ., ...... _...... 4193 to Ii critical shorialle of houlln, tion of the barracks that .1hEly at the meeting. Thl much of the student opinion is withheld be­ It take8 lOme ieeberp more thad 200 Yeal'll Busi_ Office ...... 1...... 0/ ••• • ••• 4191 for vetenns. could be converted into 10 or 12 Klele enURe of dlld's check. to melt. SC)lllids like just the stuff for a bar. A report on the p09siblllt,y of livin, room and hcdroom apart- The Isle of Man is 30 by U store. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13,1945 lided S. D., Maiden Jr. - f • • 01 housing other veterans families in men~. miles square. '~f'. ~iQ of Il..highball. llreet 13, 194& PAGE THREE THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1945 1 « N gram. The results will be an­ and agricultural experts to teach 'Can't Afford Inflation' Eddy Howard to Play for D:d/s Day Dance- Graduate Regents nounced Ilt a later d3te. America Holds Power the nath'es how to grow food aud New Radio Forum "This is the first time students raise their standards of living. Students to Discuss on this campus have.)lad a place Dr. La u b a c h reported that Price Executive Tells All 600 T,ekets Sold To Attend Potluck where they may articulate their To Save Civilization churches are asking the world lor Bomb Secrecy view on current questions of im­ help to provide missionaries, tech­ portance, nol only to them but til All of the 600 available tiCkets· Laubach niCians Ilnd funds n essary to' Women Voters' Group Supper This Evening the world as a whole," SIlld Mi:.;s -Dr. Frank help the backward peoples of the for the Dad's Day dance from "This is an absolutely new Nesper. world. Declaring that "we do not dare 9 to 12 m. Friday have been sold, OpereHa Thursday I Mrs. Frank Strub and 1rs. Wi!- organ of student opinion," said Students affiliated with the "America can be the answer to "If we had a million dollars, we Ifford inflation," Floyd Whitting­ ac:c:ording to Union desk reports. City High to Present liam Weise will be co-hostesses Marilyn Nesper, G of Toledo, Forensics association and aU pe:-­ the atomic bomb. Octering our could save the world/' the speaker 7 taD, district price executive of the Eddy Howard and his orch­ to the graduate regents of the Ohio, a member of the Forensics sons on campus are urged to a t­ help is the only w8y and our last concluded. "If every Protestant, estra will provide music for the Women of the Moose, this evening tend. Members of the audience J)es Moines OPA, spoke to the 'Sweethearts' association executive committee, chance to save the world," said Dr' Catholic and Jew would give a $25 semi-lormal party, which will be at 6:30 in the assemblY rooms of in outlining the format for the as­ are asked to be in their seats in Fr3nk C. Laubach at university war bond, we would have more JOwa City chapter of the League studio E, engineering building, at 01 Women Voters yesterday at in the main lounge of Iowa Union. The opening performance of the the Iowa-Illinois Oas nod Electric sociation's first Radio Forum over vespers Sunday eVening in Mac­ money than we need. OHering our The bac;kdrop lor the party will City high school operetta "Sweet­ company. A business meeting and WSUI tonight at 7:45. least five minutes betore the bride auditorium. help is the only answer to the their monthly luncheon meeting. broadcast. "There are some who beHeve feature the three components of hearts" will begin at 8 p. m. Thurs­ social hour will folloW the pot­ The question, "Shall We Share "I'm a d perate optimist," Dr. atomic bomb." luck supper. . that rising prices will bring in­ a perfect evening on a background day. Now the Secret of the Atomic Laubach continued. "We can save Prof. M. Willard Lampe, direc­ crtased production, but this is a of black velvet. They include a The story of "Sweethearts" is Bomb With RUSSia?" will first be Hick Hawks Meeting the world. If we in America do our tor or the school 01 religion, pre­ , ,al s e 8ssumpion," the speaker pair of lips, symbolizing romance; one 01 mistaken identity centering Iowa City Library lub discussed by a panel of tour stu­ best, we can S3\'e ci\·ilization. It sided at the vespers and introduced nmed the group, in pointing out a cigarette, typiIying enjoyment around Sylvia, infant princess of "Education for Democratic Liv­ dents, each pre enting his views In To Feature Fiddler won't happen by accident. It wJll the speaker. the dangers or inflation. and a music staff, signifying re- Zilania, who is carried out of the ing" will be the topic of the pro­ a six-minute speech. be the cause and effect method. The next university vesper serv­ "If 140,000,000 people believe laxation. These three symbols will country for safety in the time of gram presented at a meeting of the Defending the a!firmal.ive sIde Rulus Elman, fiddler from World corporations are necessary ice will be Dec. 8 with Guy How­ that they have a right to pay what­ be designed in various shades of war. She is round in a tulip garden Iowa City Library club tonight will be Dorothy Kottemann, A3 of Homestead, will be a guest at the in maintaining peace, but the ard, "Walking Preache.r of the ever they want to for commodi­ red contrasted with white and one morning by Dame Paula, who at 7:30 In conference room 1 qf Burlington, president of the asso­ last open me e Ii n g of the churches of the United States hold Ozarks," as speaker. ties, then can we afford inIlation," grey. Joan and Joyce Womels- conducts the laundry 01 the White Iowa Union. ciation, and Robert Conrad, A4 of Hick Hawks, university square the. answer." Whittington said. dorf, A2 of Freeport, 111., are de- Geese and who is known as Elkader. OpPOSing them will be dancing organization, tonight from ''The man with the hoe is riSing. Catholic Open House He emphasized the need for signing the backdrop. Mother Goose. ~ Paul's Luther:m Ladles' Aid Sam Goldenberg, A4 of Burling­ 7:30 to 8:30. He is no longer resigned to bellr- The Newman club will have a rontlnuing the OPA, for in the The dance programs, featuring Sylvia is taken in by Dame The Ladies' Aid or SI. Paul's Luth­ ton, 3nd Ruth Kocb, A4 of Rock Tonight wUi be the final op- ing in silence the burdens of the Dad's day open house atter the e~ent of its removal, he san:J, con­ "Dad's Day Dance", are black on Paula although the latter has six eran church will meet tonight at 8 Island, Ill. Gordon Christen en, portunlty for students and towns- world upon his bowed shoulders," game Saturday. Coffee and dough­ trols would be removed, prices a white background. daughters of ber own known as o'clock in the home of Mrs. H. H. L3 of [own City, will act as mod­ people to join the organization. I Dr. Laubach remarked. nut will be served at the Catholic would go up and cash would be Guests of honor at the party the While Geese. To the laundry Pundt, 611 E. Market street, lor erator for the discussion. At present there nre 34 members. He proposed _ending t hnici3ns student cent r. converted into goods. will include Dr. and Mrs. Earl comes Mikel Mikelovlz, who, dis­ a business meeting. Arter the speeches there will be Relerring to the dream ot the Harper, Pro!. and Mrs. H. Clay guised as a monk, left Sylvia, when a short period during which th panel members may question each o~erseas soldier of coming home Harshbarger and Dean and Mrs. an infant., in Dame Paula's care. Unive.r Ity Club SEE THE NEW 1946 and maintaining a certain stand­ C. Woody Thompson. Knowing that Sylvia is the crown A clllled meeting of University other. The last 30 minutes of the ard of living, Whittington said, During the intermission, a tea princess of the little kingdom of club members will be tonight at program will be devoted to ques­ -We must hold price level during will be given in the adjoining Zilania, Mikel is conspiring to re­ 7:45 in the clubrooms at Iowa tioning of the panel by the audi­ reconversion so that the standard lounge rooms for the guesls and stor~ her to the throne, which is Union. The meeting is scheduled to ence, under the direction of Dick of living they have dreamed of committee members. about to be offered to Franz, the follow the Triangle club supper, Baxter, G of Mt. Pleasant. will become a reality." Included on the committee' are heir presumptive. and will precede the University Ballots will be presented to Dorothy Kottemann, A3 of Burl- Franz, traveling i~cognito, has clul> evening bridge. members of the audience, and a BUICK r ington; Abbie Morrison, A4 of fallen in love with Sylvia and vote will be taken before the dis­ Onawa, and Charlotte Fuerst, A4 finds a rival in Lieutenant Karl, a Cathollo Dau,hters of America cussion, and again after the pro- M. O'Connor Feted of Clarinda. I military Lothario, betrothed to Plans for the 37th anniversary Slyvia. Mikels' plans are endan­ banquet of the CathOlic Daugh­ lind Mrs. Arline Dolezal will pre­ Woman's Club Group gered by the schemes of Slings by, ters of America in IOW3 City will sent a homemaking demonstration. , ' At Personal Shower, Van Tromp and Canlche, who wish be d~cussed by Mrs. Amelia CHEVROLET i To Hear Russian Book to purchase for their own pur­ Amelon at the November business Ladles' Ald or Conl1'e.raOonal 1 Breakfast Sunday Reviewed at Meeting poses, Prince Franz' estates in Zit­ meeting in the K of C. hall to­ Church ania. morrow night at 8 O'Clock. Com­ Mrs. James Waery, 725 N. Linn Liane, a milliner, has sought mittees will be appointed. Names street, will be hostess to the Con­ Feting Madlyn LaVohne O'Con­ Mrs. C. S. Williams wUJ review At Our Showrooms I "These Are the Russians" by Lau­ temporary employment in the of candidates for admission will greg3tional Ladies' Aid tomorrow nor, bride-elect of this month, Mrs. laundry of the White Geese and be presented, with initiation to H. T. Corcoran and Teresa O'Con- terbach at a meeting of the Liter­ ufternoon 3t 2:30. is mistaken by Migel and Slingsby take place at the banquet. A social 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. I, nor entertained at a breakfast and ature department of the Iowa City Women's club at 2:30 this after­ tor the lost princess. hour wlU follow the meeting. Lonrre.llow P. T. A. personal shower at 10:15 a. m. Sylvia finds that Karl is untrue Sunday in the home of Mr. and noon in the clubrooms at the Com­ The Longfellow Parent-Teacher munity building. to her and is making love to Liane, East Lucas Women's Club association will meet tomorrow Mrs. Leo O'Connor, 232 E. Bloom­ so, to please Dame Paula and to ington street. Following the review, a discus­ The East Lucas Women's club nillht at 8 o'clock in the Long­ 'NALL 'CHEVROLET repay the debt she owes to her, will have a potluck luncheon at The 16 guests were seated at sion will be held on the Russian fellow gymnasium to hear an ad­ people, emphasizing the position SylVia consents to marry Franz, noon tomorrow in the home of dress by Dr. L. R. Borland. Dr. two tables centered with yellow although she feels that she can­ chrysanthemums. Out-of - tow n of Russian women, religious ques­ Mrs. Charles Showers, route 5. Borland will speak on "The Im­ 210-222 East Burlington Street tions, and advance in education not love him as she did her old Each member is asked to bring provement Of Iowa Children's lUests were Mrs. William O'Con­ sweetheart. nor and daughters Patrit:ia, Jeanne and science. Mrs. M. E. Steele a cov red dish and table service. Teeth." will preside at the meeting. In act two nfter Sylvia has been FoWowlng the luncheon a business and Mary Rose ot Cedar Rapids, in a convent for a year, she is pre­ and Vivian Yeggy and Mary Hoot­ meeting will be held 3t 2 o'clock. w. s. c. S. of Meth .odls~ ChUM Trio to Broadcast sented as the fiancee of the prince Guest speaker at a meeting of man of Lisbon. to the court 01 Zilania. Complica­ Also complimenting Miss O'Con­ HomemalUllr Conunlttee, the Women's Soclety of Christian 118-124 South Clinton Street Tomorrow Night tions arise when Mikel, Slingsby, W. O. T. 1\1. Service of the Methodist church nOf, Mrs. Charles Svoboda of Lis­ Phone 9607 Van Tromp and Caniche each dis­ The homemaking' committee of tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 will bon entertained four tables at a A trio composed of Betty Smith, guises himsel! as the monk who STRUB-WAREHAM dessert bridge and miscellaneous A4 of Albia, violinist; Marjorie the Women of the Moose will meet be Police Chief Ollie White, who abducted the princess, but just as with Mrs. Francis W~kefjeld, 1218 will talk on "Juvenile Delin­ Iowa ity's Lorge t D('Ipnl'tm l'nt ,'lore shower Saturday afternoon. OutJ I Jacobson, A4 of Story City, cellist, the crown is to be of1ered to Franz, of-town guests at the party were I and pianist Norma Cross of the Ginter avenue, tomorrow night quency." The group will convene Dame Paula identifies Sylvia In­ at 8 o'clock. Mrs. John LudWig in Fellowship hall. Mrs. R. T. Corcoran of Iowa City music department start, will be stead of Liane as the lost princess. and Rosemary Holum of Tipton. heard on the music hour broad- Sylvia is willing to renounce her Miss O'Connor, daughter of Mr. cast tomorrow night at 8 o'clock claim to the throne but she and and Mrs. Leo O'Connor, 232 E. over WSUI. Franz agl'ee to rul~ jointly. Lia~e Bloomington street, will become The selection chosen for the accepts Karl and aU ends well. the bride of Staff Sgt. Bernard program is "Trio in F Minor, Tickets may be obtained :from Erdman of Ft. J ackson, S. C., son Opus 1" (Volkmar Andrease). all high school music groups and of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Erdman of are on reserve at the high school - Wesley, Nov. 20. She will leave Prof. Morris Kertzer office and Spencer's Harmony hali. Saturday, accompanied by her sister, Teresa, for Columbia, S. C., Honored in New York where she will be married. Prof. Morris N. Kertzer of the Blue Barron 10 Play school of religion was one of 40 shaplains honored at a dinner AI Pre-Flighl Dance ~UIThealerloGive given by the Jewish Theological \ seminary of America in the Wal­ Tbe Navy Pre-Flight school wlll dorf Astoria hotel,..New York City, entertain at the all-station in- \ 'Your nero's home to stay. Dress up \0 his drea.ms 3Addi 'lional Plays last week. form31 dance from 9 to 11:30 to­ "--:'-'" "- The dinner was given in honor morrow evening In the main of you. Here's what he wants to see you In •• , Prof. E. C. Mabie, head of the of seminary graduates and mem­ lounge of IOW3 Union. dramatic arts department, has an­ bers of the Rabbinical Assembly Blue Barron and his orchestra /.• - .- ~ ' TOPS FOR .QUALlrl dresses \na\ are everything \ovely; bright and nounced three additional plays to of America who served in the will provide music for the event. be presented in the university armed forces. Refreshments will be served. sparkling and entirely remote 'hom war. ,.hey are theater thls year_ ======-- a symbol of the beautiful things to came. They include: "The Warrior's Husband," by Julian Thompson, Feb. 19-23; "Father Was Presi­ dent," a prize comedy 1n army playwriting . competition, March 19-23; and "The Rivals," by Rich­ ard Sheridan, April 30 to May 4. j cmi-Pormal "Kiss and Tell," a comedy by Hugh Herbert will open Monday. Dance at Rehearsals have begun for "Hasty .1J ctnOriaZ Heart," by John Patrick, to be Here among our lux­ Tlnion presented Dec. 11-15. uriously styled ~t;iaa1/, Oct. 16th Formals, presenting Instrudor, Student Last Chance.. .c-ddie J[award's a serene loveliness, Orckc t ,'a, Receive National you can choose Umpire Ratings from cobwebby mar­ quisette and net with Virginia Dlx Sterling, instruc­ tor in women's physical education, floating skirts • • • and Peg Malcolm, A4 of Wellesley, others of taffeta Mass., !f:eived nation'll B umpire to sign- for your and chiffon with ratings at the Midwest Hockey umpires conIerence in Chicago reed-slim waistlines last weekend. rising from lux­ Candidates for the National B urious skirts, also I rating, the highest award possible at a first national trial, must have many of moon-sheen had two local B ratings. jersey to glorify At the. conference the university your youth and hockey team was defeated by the Northshore team 8 to 2, and by the beauty at the dance. University of Chicago team, 3 to See them I 2, EYE Roland Smith to Open Shown in dain­ Real Estate Office ty pastels. Roland M. Smith, restaurant including black owner and operator here for 21 • Sign today at Hawkeye office N102 Easl Hall or and white. years, will open a real estate and propertr office in the Paul-Helen call X649 between 3:00 and 5:00 BEFORE Saturday, buUdinC. 19.95-22.95

Smith was discbarged recently I from the army after serving 40 Nov. 17-. $25.-29.95 months. He held the rank of major at the time of bis discharge. • Strub' • , . Fashion floor. od'" Clinton Man Named • Seniors do nol sign. Local A & P Manager e pili cbeIJII Paul Watters of Clinton will . ~fersel" take over the management of the tiJII local A & P store it has been an­ 'on of nounced • ..... , The former manager here', CHff NOW $4.00 Nov.l7 $5.00 f. Kiefer, will report to the Clinton ~. ~ store. Kiefer and bis family re­ .( 8 by 1% aided here at 516 South Gilbert 10'" CIt,', DtputlDut Ito~""L 1I1l Itreet. ,

-GASSIN' Bernie Alibis for Poor Gophers The Dally lo_n MINNEAPOLIS, (AP) - If has been his stock in trade. When a 26-0 lickin~ , the fans began to * * * S P 0 R' T 5 with GUS ;:;;',:e G~~:edner~:Pb:r~, y on~!n~~ ~~i:i, ~~~ar~e:nman:a~/::re.:!k~~~ :~::.~rjU~iI~~~man's pe$SiinJsm I - most feared team in the Western then turned in a workmanlike Then, when rolled up ------•••.- ______""'''''' ...... ______... conIerence have lost their glitter, job by trouncing Northwestern, a 49 to 0 score last Saturday to TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1945 ~AGEFOUH ______ByGUSSCHRADER ______~ let their Coach Bernie Bierman, 30-7, fans and writers figured give lhe Gophers their worst give his answer: Minnesota had another power- thumping in history, Minnesota', I'M SORRY, [ can'l lell you exaotly what's wrong with Iowa's foot­ ''The quad as a wbole Ju.s house. stock dropped to a point where ball team ... I'm a little exhausted from guessing and I don't believe loafed and has not sbown auy Support of their dlabeUet there was question a b out Its Tille-Bound Hoosiers Display anyone's been able to figure It outo-not even the players themselves SPirit. We knew we bad a. came, too, from Coach Lynn ability to win its two remaining . . . That's the first questlon the boys asked each other after taking bad squad at the be&innln&' of Waldorf of Northwestern. He games against Iowa and Wisconsin . lheir sixth slraight smotherin, Saturday from Illinois: "What's wrong the season, although a lot of described the J;opbe~ as "Ute Now, with little left to lose, with us; why can't we go all the time like we did the first quarter?" people were saying we had a nearefii &p-",oach to a pre-war Bierman has promised a shakeup Results of Effective Team &eam" lor' , .. Well, I think they can. , . They weren't playing over their heads I'ood one. We staried with a he had seen. of the squad to find out "who .. , It wns simply a long overdue example of ,ood blocking, clever run­ poor outfit and haven't been When Ohio State pummeled the wants to play football and who ning by Nelson Smith and Art Johnson, savage defensive work when able w ctaaO&'e II." Gophers, 20-7, many people fig- doesn't" as he starts building for CHICAGO (AP)-Indiana's Bi~ .istics released yesterday shOWed the Illini had the ball and generally good teamwork ... Although Bierman contended all ured it was just an of! day for a 1946. And as for that drubbing Ten title-bound Hoosiers are dem­ that despite their 49-0 romp over along that the Gophers were over- Minnesota team that seemed to handed Northwestern, he said: BERNIE BIERMAN onstrating that well-blended team Minnesota 1 as t Saturday, the • • • rated, he wasn't taken too seri- show utter confusion on the field. "the boys played over their play pays off. ously. Year after year pessimism But when Michigan administered heads." He Wasn't JCidding This Time Official western conference sta- Hoosiers have still to produce i BUT SADLY ENOUGH it didn't last quIte 15 minules and the Hawks departmental lea del' althou&h l'everled to a form that has been all too characteristic of their sloppy ...... * * they're moving toward the top play with very few exceptions this season ... If you * * * * had seen Illinois gambol off to tour merry touch­ team in oUensi ve and defemlve downs that second period, you'd have wondered if play. the Hawks had the same team on the field ... In Indiana's most effective ball. fact, they didn't , .• Maybe the loss of one man carrier is lithe Gcor,e Talia­ doesn't make a lot of dillerence, but when big ·Bill Gopher 'Fi"rst' Team Quits Drill ferro. wbo has a nve-game total Kay was lugged off the gridiron with a sllght brain of 43'7 yards In 79 attempts. Yet concussion the team stopped digging holes for their the speedy Negro back, wbo rail ball carriers and the forward wall and secondary ARMY'S 'MR. OUTSIDE' DEMONSTRATES STIFF ARM * * * the Gophers dlny, is far doWII looked like rows of duckpins on de!ense ... Alter the rushin&' standings wltb • aet the game Art Johnson gave Kay plenty of credit: Hawks Rest· Williams, Kulbilski, 4.9 average gain per attempt. "Bill was driving those Illinois linemen around like Taliaferro has three team-males a wild man and when he went out we couldn't do • ' Nine Others Included; wIth beLter averages-Bill Arm· a thing" ... Coach Crowe, too, said Kay's in j u r y contributed to strong (9.0), Bob Miller (7.3), and Iowa's letdown ... Some players even voiced unfounded opInions that Awall Gophers Bierman Can't Explain Mel Groomes (6.3)-but none has the Illini had sent In their roughest tackle opposite Bill to "get him." carried the ball more than 25 limes. • • • MINNEAPOLIS (AP)-Whole- The offensive hero of tQe ""eel!; BUT GETTING back to the present and futUre tense, I'll bet lhat In Home Final sale and unexplained absenteeism is Jack PIerce, slim Illinois fresh­ Iowa will have to click with that same first quarter precision to stay in hit the University of Minnesota man, whose two touchdown ram­ the game with Miinnesola Saturday ... I don't know what lhis mass football team yesterday as only 34 bles of 82 and 57 yards a g aiD, \ Iowa's Hawkeyes, who have a men turned out for the practice exodus of Gopher stars from practice last night means, but it's nd time solid grip on the last ['ung tn the Iowa Salurday, boosted his three­ for the Hawks to toss their helmets in the air ... Our scout's report on prelude to Saturday's contest with game total to 214 and an avera" the Gopher-Indiana debacle says that although Bernie's boys looked Big Ten race, were given a day of Iowa at Iowa City. of 8.6 yards on 25 tries. Pierce had awfully putrid, they weren't quite • r e 6 t yesterday before beginning Virtually the entire first a 178-yard lolal against Iowa, the as bad as Iowa has appeared on intense preparations f a l' Satur­ squad was mlssin&' rrom tbe season's best single game per!orm· several occasions . .. Regardless of (Ield as tbe players iathered ror ance. day's Dad's Day game with the tbe first serimma&,e since theIr whether Will i a m s, Kulbitski, sagging Minnesota Gophers. Hoosier versatility also is ~vi. Ringer, Fitch and the rest of the 49-0 irou»clnr at the hands of The Hawks emerged from their dent in the passing department In absent ones l'cturn in time for . Indiana In the home stadium battle with 11Iinois last Saturday which quarterback Ben Raimondi Saturday'S classic in Iowa stadium S ..turda~. has completed 25 of 51 losses and with little worse t han min 0 r (or is it Nile Kinnick stadium?), None of the absentees would bruises. Iowa's left tackle, Bill Tallaferro has connected s e v en Bierman teams aren't used to get­ comment on the general exodus. times in 11 attempts. The league's ting beat . , . And neither is Ber­ Kay, has Iully recovered from a Coach Bernie Bierman, eadier head Injury sulfered early in the best passer, though, stiLI is Bob be nie. in the day had stated "the squad Moss of Purdue with 28 com­ clash wIth the llLini. Tom Hand as a whole has loafed and has , limped with a bl'ulsed leg muscle pletions in 50 tries for a .560 per, • • not shown any spirit. We knew we centage. GLEN DAVIS, known as "Mr. Outside" for his brilliant end runs and off-tackle aallops, shows how and Art Johnson had a sore shoul­ had a bad squad at the stat't of der. the season , . . and we haven't TaUaierrd's activities against the I TALKED to Georl'e Svend­ to put the starch in a stiLf arm as he sweeps for the first of the three touchdowns be t;cored liS Navy Gophers moved him into second SOD, former J}lInnesota ali-Am­ A definite Improvemeht was been able 10 change it." beaL Notre Dame, 48-0, Saturday. Player at right in "iron mask" is Frank Ruggerio of the Irish. spot among the scorers with 3(J erican of the 1935-1938 era and shown In the Old Gold running The players whose absences latet star center for the Sea­ a t t a c k, displayed Saturday were unexplained, Bierman said, ~oints. hawks when Bierman coached with big Art Johnson, II a w k were Judd Ringer, Bob Fitch, Bob the 1942 Seahawks here, on the Minisi Sparks Navy; fullback:, leadln&, the c h a l' g e. Graiziger, Red Williams, Bob train gain&' from Champai&'D to DU's Meel Phi Gam's Today; Johnson picked up 85 yards in Hanlik, John Westrum, Tom Rein­ Lord Boswell Wins C hic ago Saturday nl&,ht .. , 15 attempts which sent him Into hardt, Dale Rappana, Hudson Pimlico Handicap George Is out of the navy now Leads Team 3Times sec 0 n d p I ace among Iowa Mealey, Vic Kulbitski and Dick and helping Del Ward coach tbe ground gainers. Lawrence. BALTIMORE (AP}-Lord Bos­ Gopher line. , . lJe had just fLn­ for Nelson Smith still continues to GEORGE SVtiNDSEN Gables, Pi KA Bailie Title To Secure Record well, one of the n~gets in the Ished scouting Iowa a&,alnst Illi­ top the Iowa ball toters with 169 "Poor ,U al.el·ial 'l'hi.~ Y WI'" Maine Chance Fal'm equine gold nois and the news of Minne­ yards in 37 attempts fgr an aver­ mine, had to spare yester­ The chance of a lifetime con­ tory secllon, where Gable tan­ WASHINGTON (AP) - Ton y Illinois Mat Squad soCa's 49-0 10 s to Inspired Indiana had reached him . , , "I'm not age of 4.6 yards per try. Walter day as he romped home II three surprlsed they got beat." the blond &'Iant said, " but Ws hard to b - fronts Delta U[)siLon today as they gles with PI Kappa Alpha. Both Mlnlsl may not make the all-An'!­ Thorpe, who has not played the alld a half lengths victor in the Iieve we took It so heavily." tackle Phi Gamma Della in the teams are undefeated, but Gables erica football toam but Navy's last three contests is In third place Aided by 4Veterans, 23rd running of the EnduriUlce final game of seclion 2 in the in­ sure-fire southpaw stands out as with 61 yards and an average of 5 Is heavily favored as ~be relu" 'S h kP t Handicap, one of the major tests • • • • tramural touch football league. The one 01 the year's smartest pinch yards each attempt. X- ea aw e ry for two year olds at the f'irnlico DU'" with a record of four games of a 56 to 0 verdict over the PI E , fall meeting. We asked the c au s e of Minnesota's sudden football poverty players, Iowa's aggregate total yardage won and one lost, need a victory KA's In a. practice seu10n last of 1,220 yards is a little less than "Well, we're in much the same boat that Iowa is as regards to material over their undefeated neighbors to In Navy's last three ,ames CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Special I======this year," he confessed. "Bcrnle tried to tell people up there that we week. half of their opponents total of remain in the race foor the cham­ a,alnst top-flight opponents, Min­ A squad of 40 candidates has re- ~---:.=---:Las-""t-=B:':'I&,-=D"'"a-y--::: .:-.--') didn't have the winning prospects but they're SO used to hearing him In other games around the 2,384 yards. ported to Newt Law, head coach, pionship. lsi: In tbe air the Hawkeyes look cry 'wolf-wolf' every year they WOUldn't Listen ... We won easy ones Such a victory would throw the league, Phi Epsilon Pi is scheduled for the 1946 Illinois wrestling "Maisie Goes to Reno" from Missouri, Nebraska and Ft. Warren and everybody thought we Beat Penn on a brllll.nt catch much better. The Iowa e~even race into a tie, and would mean to meet Sigma Phi EpSilon in a has compiled 661 yards via the team. Workouts are being held "What a Blonde" were off when we licked Northwestern ... I'm rather glad it hap­ of a. forward PaiS In tbe last 25 at West Great hall of memorial lhat the two squads would engage section 1 batLie for second place. alrlanes OD 4. completed tosse!!. pened because now maybe they'll give us some material instead 01 ex­ in a nolher contest, probably later seconds. stadium. Box Office ODen 1:1i-9:45 pecling us to win on records of past years." The Phi Eps have won three while Quarterback. Jerry Niles h a 8 Four J'ettermen head tbe list, al­ in the week. If favored Phi Gam's losina' one, and lhe Sig Eps have Saved the 6-6 struggle wit h coml»leted 47 of tbese passe. W can get by the dark horses, they though one, Lou Agase, will not a 2-2 record. Notre Dame by making a timely accoun~ for four of Iowa's eevcm • • • would move inlo the playoffs of rel?ort until football season has Phi Kappa Psi, sUIl wltb hopes tackle 011 the one· fool line in ihe Wucbdowns. been concluded. Olhers are Bob PASS TilE HASlI the league. Iowa lead their opponents in one ., eudln, up the season In sec­ dyloA' seeonds: Burwell, undefeated at 121 pounds THE HAWKEYES worked out just west oI old SLaes field on the Another championship battlc ond place of sccU\)n 2, play Be&a otber depal'tment-r u n b a c k of University of Chicago campus last Friday before going 10 Champaign &akes place In the smalJ dorm!- last season and Big Ten champion; Thcta PI. Igma. Alpha Epsilon et a match t.o Navy's 1011&'­ puots and ~ickorrs. In this de­ . .. While waiting Cor lhe team to dress, we looked aro'4nd inside the Bob Bohannon, third in the con­ * * * meets Phi Delta Theta in thc dormani altack as Ii came to life partment the Hawks have aar­ ference at 145 last season, and shabby old structure ... The place Is still filled wIth the nostalgia of I tramural Playoffs only other lame. In Saturday's 33-7 victory over a nel'ed 529 yards/as compared to Tom Tomaras, 121-pounder on Alonzo Stagg's wonder leams and the one-man ef[orts of Dubuque's n their opponents 490. Jay Berwanger, but now it's unused except for a few intramural bat-, In Salurday's action, ALp h a good MJchigan eleven. the 1943 team who has just re­ Kappa Kappa sewed up the first Commander 0 s car Hagberg, INDIVIDUAL GAJNS turned from service. Tomaras will ties and high school soccer games, one of which was In pra~tice as we place posItion in the pJ'o!essional Trials Yards Avg. watched ... We learned that some 230 men are out for eight mtramural To Start Thursday Navy's head coach, yesterday gave probably wrestle at 128 this fralernity ection by nosing out a Minisi full credit for being an ex­ Nelson Smith ...... 37 169 4.6 season. teams there, under the dlrectil)n 01 Bel'wanger, who returned from the ballling Phi Rho Sigma learn, 13 At·thur Johnson .. 37 139 3.8 navy recently ... The former site of Chicago now-ec1lpsed gridiron ceptional "pinch player" and a Bolstering the squad at 145 will Intramural director 'fed SWCIl­ to 6. The game was probably thc "naturally heady compelitor." Walter Thorpc .... 12 61 5 be Jack PeLry, Champaign, un­ g lo I' Y Is IrrnduBl1y tumbling down ... The wood bleachel' seats son has announced the pairings lor best played of lhe year for both Munlsl's wlnojng catch a,alnst Paul Golden .. .. 34 48 1.4 defeated last season on lhe Iowa ure roLling away and the !leld itseU l'esembles Iowa's much trampled the playoffs, which arc schedulcd squads, with superb de(ensive play Penn Oil the dead rUII deep luto a Obern Simons ... 21 44 2 Seahawks squad. practice grid ... Despite what many optimists say, the Maroons won'l 10 begin on Thursday evening. All conspicuous. The victory meant an corner of the end :tOil e also was Louis Boda ...... 21 33 1.5 play foolball 011 an inter-collegiale basis again. games wjli bc played on Old Iowa undefealed season for the winning far removed Crom the IIrdinary. It Carl Bowen ... .. 17 14 field, and arc to begin at 4 p. m. St. Mqry's Smash medics, and puts them in the play­ was a fielding masierpl~e of the Clayton Colbert .. 3 8 2.6 • • • Veterans v. I&'ma. Nu oHs for the university champion­ type that Tris Speaker made at the Jim Skophammel' I 1 1 Fresno State, 32·6 SIGN OF THE TIMES: FOl' the first time sincc PCllrl Harbor, an Alpba Kappa KaJ/pa. vs. win­ ship. Herbert Braun ...... I 1 I ner of small dormlWry section. height of bis baseball career, Iowa football team boarded a train on a football trip Friday and found Against Michigan, M inlsl started FRESNO, . Calif. (AP)-Unde­ Section 2 winner drew a bye dinner menus printed especially for them , .• BILL KAY, the football Navy off on its most impres lIIini Hold* Light * *Drill feated St. Mary's Hawallan-linled lackle, says he plans to come out for ba.uetball when he hangs up his The winner of the Vets-Sigma H kl I ( sive offensive work by expertly foolball cleven deIeated the moleskins this Lall ... The 6-Loot, 4 III Inch huskle was slar prep at N~ game will baWe lhe sectio.n:!! aw e age faking a run 10 the leIl, suddenly For Ohio State Tilt; Fresno Slale Bulldogs, 32-6, be­ wmner on Tuesday, and the ftnal Walnut, Iowa ... WHETHER OR NOT this had anything to do with wheeling and throwing a left­ fore a huge holiday crowd yester­ contest will bc held as soon after Plan Few Changes his playing against the IIllni, Iowa's unpredictable Danny Sheehan re- handed pass diagonally into thll day afternoon aftel' an unimpres­ ceived a wirc Salurday morning from Iowa City . .. "Danny Darling: sive start. Coach Jimmy Phelan that date 8S po~iblc . waiting arms of Leon Bramlett for CHAMPAIGN, 1,11. (AP)- Coach Make a touchdown foc us; you're so w~lderful ... Love, Marian" ... Drills Begin, startcd his second stringers and LAS'£ ClaudeU,e Col~r\ the Iirst touchdown. Ray Eliot of the University of Illi­ Hmm, guess Danny forgot when the offlcials invited him art the lield the Gaels led at half-time only DAY I ~~k: ~:::e in the last qual·ter. nois, saUslied with the lIlini at­ I Purdue Cage Slate tack that scored seven louchdowns 6-0. I The first regular practice ses­ against Iowa Saturday, said yes­ I "Guest Wife" Stolz Decisions Joyce -..,.------~ Good Sports One·Club Event Includes 2Iowa Tilts sion for City high's ba~ketball Set American League terday he planned few changes in aspirants was held yesterday h1s lineup as he prepared for Sat­ NEW YORK (AP) - Flashing &x Olflce Open 1:15-10:~ SALT LAKE CITY, CAP) IDAHO FALLS, Idaho, CAP) - the form th!!t made him one of Ihe A feature of the 1945 Idaho state LA FAYETTE, Ind. (AP)-A afternoon with five lettermen from urday's game with Ohio State. When 18-year-old Bruce Goates last year reporting. Bob Freeman AHendance Record The llLini held a light drill yes­ ciassiest lightweights in the busi- I :I ~' r" ,~ 31 women's amatuer goU tournament 20-game 'schedule for the Purdue ness a tew seasons back, curly- • :! _.. ~ ___ _ le(t for naval service, he was the was a one-club event. Helen basketball team, including home and Jim VanDeusen are the only terday, with Stan Slasica and 11th sports writer the Deseret boys returning from last year's CHICAGO (AP) - The Ameri­ Gene Kwasniewski at the half­ haired Allie Stolz punched out a ST~RTS Gourley of Idaho Falls won, using and home encounters with six can league last season played be­ decisive ten-round deci:sion vic- WEDNESDAY News sent to the armed forces. a No.4 iron and touring nine holes Western Conference opponents, [lrst live, backed by Bob Krall, backs, Bill Krall at fullback and He is a son of Sports Editor Les Bill Olson, and Evan Smith, re­ (ore lhe largest paid attendance in Bill Butkovich at quarter. End tory over Willie Joyce, .high-rank- , in 54 strokes. .• was announced yesterday by Ath­ its 45-year history, a total of ing Gary, Ind., Negro, in Madison Goates. letic Director Guy (Red) Mackey. serve monogram winners in 1944- Bill Heiss and Kwasniewski are A BRILLIANT CAST . , 45. 5,580,420 cash cuslomers. nursing slight injuries, but are ex­ Square Garden last night. Stolz in the Broadway sensatioll Ward (Piggy) Lambert, dean of President Will Harridge yester­ Ace Not Enough Western Conference coaches, will Gilbert Wilson, cage mcntor, had pected to play Saturday, Eliot weighed 134, Joyce 137. they said the screen' could SALIBURY, Md., (AP) -When no complete squad list yesterday day released figures which showed said. Just a GqocI QoHerl direct fhe aoilermaker Hardwood the 1945 American league race, never makel TWIN FALLS, Idabo, (AP) the Elks met the Lions on t~e golf squad lor the 29th season. but indicated a large turnout for When Cpl. Chuck Rupert of Hunt­ course, Dentist Mayo B. Matt came the initial drill. With his two reg­ whlch made up in sizzling compe­ Purdue opens its season against tition what it lacked in individual ington, N. Y., won the idaho ama­ through for the EI~ team with a Indiana State here Dec. I and ulars, Freeman and VanDeusen, HELD OVER! teur goU: title this year, he played l75-yard hole-in-one, fired with closes at Indiana Feb. 16. to build around, he has high hopes talent, attracted 146,629 more fans his reliable brassie. (or the campaign. The season than the previous record attend­ t '/1;,3 wIth borrowed clubs and wore The schedule includes: i·' ance of :>,433,791 in 1940. Last Times TOR it. baskelball shoes. But when the scores were to­ Jan. I9-Iowa here. opens with Muscatine in Iowa \TIllEill7 taled the Elks still l05t- 16 to 15. I :E'eb. 9 at Iowa. City on Nov. 23. Now th;u Fridayl CAN'T FIND Shoots at Ducks I But Lands Fish COLD PREPARATIONS • • LIQUID, TABLITS, SALVZ, NOSI ESTEVAN, Sask. (AP) - Two DaOP8 - U81 ONLY A8 DlaJ:CTID LAUNDRY SOAPS? hunters, P. C. Browb and Archie Holley, sighted orne ducks from That's fols. Qt. becous ~ the edge of McDonald lake neal' Karee. Your used fals are here. . needed in making soap •.• Brown fired. The wadding from VIsU as well as nylons and many the shell tell into a hole io the ice. Solid Senders The other items. A big Jack fish jumped for lhe -plus­ "BaDel Wt" wadding, landed on the ice. "C4JI!It Popeye'S Newest Cartoon -Latest News ~rviN .. fOUl.". Mnl Holley's dog retrieVed the fish. World's Latest News NoOk" l'he ducJu; lot away. 'ftn!SDAY. NO'mMBlm 13. 1945 TUE DAlLY IOWAN, IOWA CITY, IOWA .AG£FIVI = • F 1 Dr s The Daily Iowan Ads Get Results HELP WANTED We moved your friend and pleased him. WANTED: FUll or part time wait­ Radio Service FOR SHOES OF MERIT Your Clothes Are You! ress. Call in person. Hiltop Tavern. Allow us to serve yOU. Look your best in clothes AND STYLE' WANTED: Immediately - a lir! Sound System laundered and dry deaned. for general office work. Larew Company. Phone 9681. Rented for Parties Thompson • Visit Strub', Mezzanine Carroll's Radio Service DIAL 2161 2nd Floor 117 N. LInIl sus Transfer & Storage Co. shoWed Dial 4161 Woodburn Af Sollth GllbeR Sweea Air Conditioned romp OVer , t h~ LOST AJID roUND produce, Sound Service WHERE TO lOY IT We Pickup and Deliver. kit. UfSTRUCTlOIf r althoUCh LOST: Brown campus shaving Record Players for Rent Return to Daily lowa.n business Dlmdq Leuonl-ballroom, baA- PLUMBING and heating. Expert the to~ For Better Cleaning Can Radio Repa1rinq oUice. let, tap. Dial '7U8. I4lm1 Youcle Workmanship. Larew Compal17, defensive Public Addre.. for aU LOST: Brown leather billfold In EVERYONE'S Wurlu. 227 E. Washl/lftoD. Phone 8681. Indoor or Outdoor City Park playground. Return Occasions to Daily Iowan. Reward. }of 0 CAN KELLEY'S Dial 3265 Iowa City LOST: Man's brown camel hair IaI.k:iD9 aboul th. quick UUN TO FLY 8 £CUI CoUeqe Streel Ground ."d nl,ht em- lust slart. coat. Phone 41(9. t".. cau today. Dual lnstrucUon Cleaners and Launderers relulta of a Daily Iowan II..... Tralnlnl Plane. (oJ' R~\. LOST: Gold class ring, St. Mary's 124 S. Gilbert want ad. JUiI call 4191 Bhaw AIrcraft Co. TRANSPORTATION 1945 with initials D. M. A. in- DIAL '111 side, and emerald set rold ring in Jo.... I Mun lpal ~I 1't UGHT Hauling, deliverY service. rest room of Varsity Theater. Re- cmd tab advclIlIaCII of Dial 6011. ward. Phone 2806 or come to 33 Ih1a ..trice. Highland drive. FURNITURE MOVING FOR RENTAL-Cars. Dial 4691. y ...... ,..--. LOST: Brown and gold Eversharp WANTED: Transportation to West pen around campus. Reward. MAHER BROS. TRANSFER .... PIlICI! are .... at tile YOUR NEW HOSTS Coa t for holidays desired by ext. 418. r. IWlclent Furniture MaYial . . AU About Our two girl students. References eX-L--O-S-T-: -S-a-ddl-:-e-cl-ea- t-h-er- b-n-If-ol-d- -en-­ Daily Iowan WARDROBE SERVJCB DRUG SHOP changed. Phone ext. 526. graved Onie Katz and S. D. T., Business Office· AT SMITH'S (AFf containing money. Reward. Phone 1-_...... ;:.____ .,.-.:"-- ______, t)1AL - 9696 - DIAL ROOMS FOR RENT 4J97. ==-==-~~~~~~~~~~~:======::: ROOMS J!'OR MEN : Single and LOST: Man's watch at Bob and POP EYE Henry's Gas Station. Reward. are double. ISO'l N. Dubuque. Dial Dial 5265. 35~. ______LOST: Brown leather blllfoid. MIKE' AND SAllY WOLF ROOM: For single man. Rent free; Liberal reward. Notlly Bill l fire furnace. Close to campus. Bremner, a serviceman. Dial S169. Dial 58~4 or 11 0 E. Bloomington. LOST: Silver IdenU{JcaUon brace­ FORMERLY OF THE CELEBRAtE9 let lnsctlbed Phyllis White. Re­ r MICHAEL'S RESTAURANT IN. DES MOINES ELECTRICAL SERVICE ward. Phone exl. 8~5 . LOST: 4 keys on chaIr.. Finder FOR DELICIOUS LUNCHES & DINNERS JACKSON ELECTRIC CO: Elec- please noUCy Btu Bremmer. Dial trica) wiring, appliances and 3169. IT'S SMITH'S - OPEN 11 A. ,.,. TO 8 P. M. radio repairing. 108 S. Dubuque. LOST: Rose gold Bulova woman's Dial 5465. watch wIth • Drown cord sU'ap. CLOSED THURSDAYS Lost on Burlington street. Phone 7452. Reward. ENJOY OUR COMPLETE FOUNTAIN StRVICE JUST IlECEIVED STEEL ANNOUNCEMENtS Letter tiles L·A7'M=B';::D~A---:'CHI ALPH;:':Ar.:..::_--::'W""j=U WANTED TO RENT l?ERSONAL SERVlCE 4 drawers in uuit pledges or actives communicate --- Lettir ot LeC_l size with Bob Riggs. Phone 9376, con­ WANTED TO RENT: Returning AL'1'~RI\TIOJlfS, (onnals, hem­ Il.QS IOWA BOOK STORE cerning Iowa chapter. Now 6 ac­ tives. veleran desires furnished home stitching. Bjal 4289, 813 Rlv~r .======:....==== or apartment, beginning Dec. ), street. or thereafter. Write Mrs. H. W. ------­ It. I. "OICI" BANE'S Wright, 215 6th Ave. E., Cresco, PERSO~AL: Fuller Brush Service. STANDARD STATION ·owa. Phone Euaene Perkins, 6865. HeadQllarters fot LllbrloaUoD Wasb.ln~ Slmonbln. AJaPOIlT INN has a treat in I f'resh bak~ goods all day, Corner of store for you when it comes to every day at the Gilbert .. BloomlD&1oa good lood. Just a mile out S. Call lot' lUverside Drive and open till PURI,TY BAKERY 10 PM. lno E. College ~ LEARN OUICKl Y We fix broken windows . •• AT - Caulkln, - Renol/ IOWA CITY COMMERCIAL Gilpin Paint & Glass COLLEGE 112 S. Linn Dial 9112 --- HENRY PAUL ROBINSOa ELEC. 'TROLUX~ HENRY - IF YOU ARE Time tor winter cbanp-over EATING T~OSE COOKIES .t PLEASE STANO IN THE Vir,U', Slandard Se.rvlce COQNER / . CLEANERS Stokers Curner or Linn a. CoUell!. Phone IlOl4 ----~ "U YOllr Ute', Oat.­ Electrolux Corporation is producing new cleanQra ClAd DOMESTIC Don't CUll, caU ....

delivering on orders placed i,I:l advanc~. CustomW8 who -AL 0 CO~~1ERCIAL placed their orders in June <;ire now getling $e4' c\eqn· ll\1MEDJJ\TE DELlVE&Y "EXCLUSIVE PORT&AlTS" BY 8111. Sign up today. Call Mr. L. H. EOOl- 7658. Repairs if WAIlNER·MEDLIN STUDIOS needed on your present Electrolux. L r 3 S. Dubu\Jllfl Dial '7332 wCO. Speclalblq In tow-ku Porlral'lII'e No appolllUnen\ neceSM~' Fonner Servicemen Mrs. Elsie Z.ithQmel IJ. J. Fisher Final Suffers Br9ken Pelvis I • CARL ANDER80J fill Police Offices In Auto Accident Services Yesterday WANTED . . Mrs. Elsie Ze\lbamel, route No. Former servicemen. scored a 2, is a patient In M~rcy hospital Lilsl rites were observed lor J. USED CARS clean sweep in an electIOn of oW- where she . waf\ taken with a altbe HohemdlUh mortuary. Mr. and ce~ of local 16. of the Iowa State broken :{>elvis following an acci- J . Fisher, 95, yeslerday afternoon 111l.IU,U, Pollce iIIS~hll1on, yesterday at dent early Sunday morning. Fishel' died at Mercy hospital TRUCKS the Iowa , City police station. . Mrs. Ze\than,tel was injured Sunday momlng ailer an Illness CQsh light Nowl Elected president of the organ!- when the cal' ih which she WilS J ZIllion was Patrolman Cletus riding, collided with a YeJla:w cab . of tbree weeks. BraVerman & Worton Stimmel, recently discharged from at 1:45 a. m. Sunday at the corner Mr. Fisher was born in J852 and I the navy. Patrolman Ed Ruppert, of Linn and Fairchjj~ streets. came to Iowa in 1854 with hili 211 E. Butlington also an ex-navy man, is the new The cab was dr~ven by Ange parents in a covered wagon. He vice-president FOlmer arm y Gunner Jackson, 820 brchard fanned with his parents and later . Dial t116 man H. F. Sprinkle is the new street. The injured woman's son farmed for himself in the Well- 1P=Z==::;;======:=.i treasurer, and Patrolman Ben was driving the ZeHhamel Qar. m~ ~1~e.,a9 he married Louisa M. Hauber, also of the army, was Jane Beaslay was another pas- Schorn bert who preceeded him in CLASSIFIED elected secretary. senger. death in 1919. Mr. Fisher moved RATBCAltt to Iowa Clty in 1921 and has re­ by 8T Alf BY sided here since making his home 'Power af God' Topic with his daughtct·, Lloyse, at 325 CASHRATI Eileen Crawford Dies Beldon avenue. lor2~ OH JOHN! -THE CLUB Of Lutheran Vespers 100 per Uae fir ... G1~LS ~ H~~-.STI!'PIIT Mr. FiSher was a charter mem­ • colll8CUUve cla~ uP 'THE PUI\'NAoCE, ~& The Rev. Mr. Siefkef of Water~ After Long Illness ber of the Modern Woodmen of '7c per lIDe per 4a.r HOUSI: IS CHILLY--' GOME 1i!~~T UP ANt> 100 will be guest speaker at the America and was a member of the • COIIIeCUUve German Methodist church. dan- PLAY A FEW HANt>s vesper meeting of the Lutheran Eileen Crawford, J8, died Sun­ k per UDt per dar OF 8li!1~ UNTIL. Student association Sunday. The He is survived by his daughter, I IIIOnth- _TTY COMES OJJ:R!'IIIIW' day morning in a Glenwood hos­ Lloyse, and a brother, William, of -17"~IiIJ:HlUl Kev. Mr. Sie(ke! Is president of 4c per 11De per da1 • HU~~!: pital alter an extended illness. Ft. Wayne, Ind., and several the Iowa dJst~ict of the American II wordI liDe­ Those surviving are her parents, nephews and nieces. -1'iIure to Lutheran church. His topic Sun­ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crawford, and lI1Dbaum ~ l1DeI da1 evening will be "The Power Mr. Fisher was a ]oyal sports fI ve brothers and three sisters, all fan for the University of Iowa of Gocj Through the Church." of Iowa City. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY After the talk, the discussion having attended every football Funeral services will be con­ and basketball lame here since IOc coL IDda will be continued by the group chlcted 1'lIesday at 10 B. m. at the Or 1l1.li0 JIG' aadIa led by Pat Hanson, A3 of De­ 1921 except the last Homecomin, Hohen&chuh mortuary. D. L. L. when he was 1lI. corah, and Herb Jones, DS ' of Dunnington will officiate at the All WaDt 4da CUb III Advance Independence. The association will services. Burial will be in Oak­ ~ It DaU.1 J.owan BUII- meet at the English Lutheran land cemetary. at Trinity Episcopal church at 11_ aWe. cIai11 unW a p.m. church at 5:30 p. m. for a luncheon 7:S0 p. m. and social hour. The devotional Bishop Haines will be making CIIDCeIJaUoDi mUll be caUecI• III service will be at 6:30 p. m. Episcopal Confirmation hIs second oIlicial vlsH to Trinity before a p ... The Rev. Mr. Siefkef will also church, having confirmed a class Reipollllble for ODe IDwi Nd Vlsl& SDeHk at the Zion Lutheran church Set for Thursday of candidates here last March. In­ CMerticm 0IIJ7. Tbe Sunda1 mornln,. cluded in the class will be both The Rt. Rev. Elwood Lindsay children and adults who have re- During 1944, 72 new United Haines, bishop or Iowa, will be celved their inslruc1ion rrom lhe ~~ Stales areas were brought under in Iowa City Thursday, to officiate Rev. Fred W. Putnam, rector of j DIAL 4191 rent control. at a service of Holy Confirmation I Trinity parish. 11b:======THE D AllY lOW A N. lOW A CIT Y. lOW A TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 13. 1945 PAGE SIX ~ ---- football game ogainst Minnesota Iwill not take place. It will be re- are: Dr. Earl E. Harper, chair--. e e t Dads' Day Events SaturdaY aIternoon. sumed in 1946, according to Eric man; ~. C. Baird, Charles & Between halves of the game, the I C. Wilson, .who is on the Dads' Righter, Bruce E. Mahan aDd . 't b d d S ttish IDay committee. Other members Theodore Rehder. Iowa City Celebrates Ar mIS Ice Include Dance, Game unlverSI y an an Co Highlanders will pr ent:l special ------~ program honoring dods. Union Board to Meet a group believing in non-violence Events of the annual Dad's Day National Labor Scene and who will do what they can to celebration this weekend include Because of the shortage of help Weather Fails 10 Stop With Sub-Committees make another war impossible. the dance Friday night, at which and food, the Dads' Day dinner, Eddy Howard will play, and the held each year at Iowa Union, Parade, Ceremonies At 7:30 Tonight Topic of Discussion 'Labor Trollble SerlOllS' e Dl~'S CLEARER For orientation and assignment Prof. Walter C. Dayltin pre­ A'f yoU GET THE to committ.ees, members of union Prof. Walter Daykin, sented a general picture of the Iowa Citians, Students board sub-committees will meet at labor scene in America when he SERVI~£ yOU PREFEr. Line Streets to Watch 7:30 tonight in the River room of Par Danforth Speak said, "The labor problem is serious Iowa Union with the board and University Directory and presents the danger of upset- Peacetime Celebration staff odvisers, Nona Seberg and At Dinner Last Night Dr. Earl E. Harper. ting our economic liCe." The ques- il Iowa City residents and univer­ The Union program for the re­ The problems to be solved in tion America must answer now is ';atueed. connection with the labor scene sity students lined downtown mainder of this year will be dis­ in America and "The Contempor- whether we shall control our streets yesterday morning to cussed. There will be a social hour watch the first peocctime Armis­ and refreshments after the meet- ary Objectives of the Fellowship liberal trends step-up or reducr tice day parade sInce 1941. ing. of ReconCiliation" were discussed labor to a slave. Now on Sale Threatenin g weather with in­ by Professor Waller C. Daykin of The problem is a normal one, In termittent rain caused the cere­ the college of commerce and Par t!~tM ~ Danforth, director of the Institute Professor Daykin's estimation, at monies after the parade to be of International Relations at caused by the phllosophy of liCe presented in the community build­ Hancher, Anderson Get Acquainted ing inst.ead of in front of Old Cap­ Droke university, at a dinner in a democracy. A high standard OASU and CARRY Offer meeting of the Fellowship of Re- of livinj{ brings about the need to Department of Publications itol as originally scheduled. To Talk Tomorrow Plain DRESS conciliation in the Blue room of adjust the order so need receives Plain surr or 59C The parade was led by dis­ W-9 East Hall DRESS charged navy lieutenant (j.g.) the D and L grill last night. fulfillment. SUIT or OOAT William H. Bartley and Ameri­ At Memorial Dinner "In the beginning," said Mr. "Everything a laborer does is COAT Called lor and can Legion officers in a navy Danforth, "the fellowshJp of Re- either to secure his status or raise alld Delivered jeep. A university color guard President Virgil M. Hancher and conciliation was merely an ag- it somewhat. If you take it away and the R. O. T. C. unit marched Dr. Eddie Anderson, football gregatlon of people who came to- he fights." Contrary to general through the business district fol­ coach whose leave of absence from gether Cor each other's companion- opinion Professor Daykin pointed Local Bookstores lowed by representatives of the the university wlll end in 1946, fists and it was a lOO5e organiza- out that "only one tenth of one Roy L. Chopek American Legion will be the principal speakers tion wnich has grown into a mem- percent of the bottlenecking done post and aux.illary and two World at a dinner in Cedar Rapids to­ bership of about 15.000. in the early stages of the war were War II veterans, now students. morrow evening. The meeting is In 1915 a conference was caIled due to strikes." The Moose drum and bugle a tribute to Iowans who have died by various Americans who were Labor's Concern Price 3Sc corps, although scheduled to in World War II. disturbed about their country's Labor is concerned w·th settling march in the parade, appeared The dinner meeting will include situation. They discussed what wages on the basis of need and only in the indoors service be­ an outline of the Nile C. Kmnlck America's position should be in then the question what SUbsistence cause of the Inclement weather. memorial scholarship fund cam­ regard to World War I and have level will be adopted, what quality Commander Johnson Speab paign through which outstanding continued their efforts in various and quantity of goods they should Fred V. Johnson, commander of Iowa high school graduates will fields up to the present time. have and then the problem of the Legion post, served as master be assisted toward nn education Acolnst Racial Prejudices translating it into money arises. of ceremonies o! the program in at the university. The fellowship is now actively The last question discussed was the community building. He gave V. C. Shuttleworth, Iowa foot­ engaged in the war against race that of security wages. Labor is a short address after the invoca­ ball player ot the early 1920's and discrimination, according to Dan- opposed to having the destiny of tion given by Legion Chaplain former president of the univer­ Corth. The members want to help many men in the hands of the John Fielding. sity's alumni association, heads the aVOId race conflict and employ capitalists and have organized After the main address given by arrangements committee. definite techniques for handling their unions to enable them to Capt. Robert Moyer, graduate stu­ 'I'he following members of the the situations that arise in con- give voice to opinions and to make dent, the congregation faced east university athletic department nection with that problem. demands. Those unions are ' be- and stood in silence for two min­ staff will also attend the meeting: Danforth pointed out that seve- coming increasingly powerful and utes and taps were sounded by Prof. Ernest G. Schroeder, Prof. ral men who happened to be mem- important factors in the labor navy Pre-Flight school trumpet­ Glenn Devine, Prof. R. F. Williams bers of the fellowship were re- scene in America today. ers. and Prof. Otto Vogel. sponsible in a large part tor stlm- The next meeting of the Fellow­ In his talk, Moyer, who wearll ulating interest in the peace time ship of Reconciliation will be Nov. more decorations than any other conscription issue. Hundreds of 26. The group wilJ meet in the dentist in army history, urged District Police Invited groups have organized due to the IMethodist student center at 7:30 ihllt the figh t for (l lasting peace worK ot these men who represent p. m. be continued, saying: War No~ Over To Training Program "We have been told that the war is over but I say to you that the Police departments and sheriff's C. O. D. CLEANERS fight goes on and must be con­ offices in the southwestern Iowa J tinued as long as personal liber­ district have been illvited to take 106 South Capitol ties are jeopardized anywhere in part in the first Iowa. City police CleaninCJ Prea.lnq the world and starvation is de­ training program which opens stroying more lives than Mars here Monday. and BlocklnCJ Hata - ever dreamed of doing." William Durbin, FBI traffic ex­ Our Specialty We fought not in a diIferent pert of St. Louis, Mo., will in­ war but in a continuation of the struct on "Hit and Evidence" and war our fathers tought, Moyer Pickup and delivery service "Accident Investigation." said. "The men who know why DIAL DIAL we really fought are not the pool­ THREE DAY SERVICE room politicians nor the "lib radio worrying him-he was being bad­ 4433 4433 commentators, but the men who gered to change his original lesti- • ~ We pa, Ie each tor banrers -

~~~_llieh~rsofw~l~m~o~n~y~:~,======~~~~~~~~~~"What America will be in the = ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ future is dependent on what we, . her youth, are determined she ~. p ' .. ' a";'·"': .,., shall be," he continued. "Oiviliza­ tion can rise no higher than its source. We have thrown 3llide the khaki and the blue but our re­ sponsibilities cannot be aban­ doned. "The fight must be continued," Moyer concluded. "We cannot do more; we dare not do less." Repr,esentative Keefe Says Man 'Badgered' To Change Story

WASHINGTON (AP) - Repre­ sentative Keefe (R., Wis.) said yesterday he had obtained "proof" that a navy intelligence oUlcer was being "badgered" to change his story about the Pearl Harbor attack. K eefe said he would take the floor today to repeat his assertions. A member of the senate-house Pearl Harbor investigatina com­ Meet the new Ford lor 1946l Big, new thriftiness in gasoline and oil horsepower-tne '.III norsepower Six mittee which begins public hear­ ings Thursday, Keefe told report­ beautiful, and with more advance­ ••• And for a lusurious, level ride, ••• Yes, everywhere you look you'll ers that the officer is Capt. Al­ win D. Kramer, now at Bethesda, ments than most pre-war yearly this car has new multi-leaf spring­ find advancements. You're invited Md., naval aospital. models ••• It's new in style-with ing, Always you travel smoothly, to see this new Ford "in person" Keefe has contended that Kra­ mer delivered the "winds mes­ a broader hood and bright, new gently ••• You have two at your dealer's now. wll sagelO-a decoded Japanese mes­ pr sage-on Dec. 4, 1941, to hliher massive grille ••• There'slO added great engines to choose II em authorities anc:l that they iinored horsepower-yet with it you enjoy from I the V -8, now 100 FORD MOTOR COMPANY the import that Japan was attack­ 8 ing. That message now is missing all( from navy files, Keefe said. I. Ita Keefe visited the hospital yes­ Take your pick. Name any plea. m terday. He said he did not call on sure you enjoy in a cigarette. You'll drll Kramer but that from hospital of­ con ficials and others, he pieced to­ MI find them all in Chesterfield's ABC: 10 ge , .!l' this story: a TReles T That Captain Kramer was A-A.LWAYS MILDER, B-BETTER ad­ apo mitted to the hospital Sept. 28 Ib! under orders. ~ TA.STING and C- COOLER SMOKING. He was relieved of his uniIorm vo~ Ii i and was there continuously until The point is: Chesterfield's famous Nov. 7, the day after Keef6 and Ii 1111 Representative G e,a r h art (R. On Display .at Righi Combination •• • World'. Best '1fJ!~.fI 'liI Calif.) charged in the house that Tobaccos gives you ALL the benefits of ·Mr the navy was holding him incom­ 1 • h municado. smoking pleasure. oq On Oct. 30, Kefe continued, a doctor at the hospital wrote a ~\l1 letter to the captain's wife, at co~ Miami, Fla. "He said Captain Kramer was Burkett-Rhinehart Motor. CG ~,' ~ showing some improvemmt but PI they would like to have her come ~~ up," Keefe told reporters. "The .11 • " JUII medical men felt there was some­ Phone 3151 thing preying on his mind and .. ~ they could not interpret it." " \ ~ Mrs. Kramer arrived in Wash­ ~ in~dn last Wednesday. I~wa City, Iowa.·..,. ~b "Since then she has told some 1 East College Street lilt people and they have told me," 1\111 Keefe said, "that the realon Cap­ ,~ tain Kramer wasn't improving ~ taster was-the thin. that was I I t 1' " Itt