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The Paducah Daily Sun, September 8, 1897

The Paducah Daily Sun

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Recommended Citation The Paducah Daily Sun, "The Paducah Daily Sun, September 8, 1897" (1897). The Paducah Daily Sun. 212. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/pds/212

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I tilled among the* good a found prop- Half mile and repeat. running, erty stolen from their reaidence*, aud flVO. ' A CONTEST there is yet conaiderable which hab I SECOND DAY LUOUOT'-llHItUJ CATTU. " JOCKEY KILLED Ij not lieen «la lined. C'iaas 1, tUfltf abortliorM, U. A. ! lireen'a theft* were coo fined prin- Fetter, superintendent. ; to food ami profiniooa, and liumiiifiit Over tlie Kecenl Hest bull, 2 years old and over, ft). Jack liriffiu Fatally Injured ut "Kindly Observe These Figures." ,' 1 or thin reason a large amount of the Lairtr Crowds at the Fair and Best bull, I year old and under 2 iK-mtic I'riiuw). I property he la alleged to have stolen Knees Today. ( age i onaidered ) $6. the Hsie Track. j cannot be found. Heal cow, 2 year* old and over, l*reen came here from Kvanaville liest beiter, 1 year and under 2 , last January, and Annie Curry, a (a(*e considered) $6. 14 quart Granite Dish 1'aus CHAIRMAN LEI6H 6ETS IN. 'colored woman wbo has not yet been ileal herd, (t male aud 4 females) HIS HORSE WAS CUT DOWN. • 7 quart Granite Dish Pans cujtht. u eb.rKed wiu complicity. FLORAL HALL VERY ATTRACTIVE »io. liia home, he claims, is in Gillia- <> quart Cfrainte Buckets I Class J, King, l'oll Angua beet Kn» Mr. I.e«ike llud III'* Proxy ] pi", , and he denies that he ever J bull. 2 years and over, 110. K quart Granite Buckets stole anything in his life. Beat bull, 1 year and under 2 (age "L*adscer," \ alued at ml,2*H> 6 quart Granite I»rescr\ c- Kcttl and A.loJ KiKllt The Curry woman will not be ar- Many Awards Were Made Today- considered) f*. Wan So injured That Ilo rj quart Granite Preserve Kettl, estod, as it appears from later devel- Best cow, 2 years and over, $«. Tlie D«»g Show tntries. f> quart Granite Baking Pails opments that she had nothing to do Best heifer, 1 year and under Had to t»e Shot. with the theft*. She has giveu the 13 inch Granite Wash Pans ID: COMMITTEE TO ELECT A CHAIRMAN (age con.idered) ft.. police some valuable information rel- Beet herd. ( I male and 4 females) 7 inch Granite Tea Kettles ative to the different places where «10. REMAINS Will BE HELD FOB INSTRUCTIONS 7 inch Granite Coffee Boilers X Creeu dis|jooed of stolen goods. RICES CD THIS AFTERNOON Class K. King, Ilolstein, best bull 3 quart Granite Coffee Pots Chairman Ed O. Leigh, of the 2 yeara and over, 110. 1'optM-rauc county committee, sr-1 "WE'RE GUILTY" Best bull, 1 year and under 2 (age A full line of Granite Ironware, strictly first qual- rived in the city this morning on the | considered) The pleasure of the races yester- ity goods. early train, to a»»i»t in making the ( llest cow, 2 years and over, $'J. day afternoon was sadly marred by a official ro- Best herd (1 male and 4 females) Griffin, a jockey, and the loss also of ane^ aud when i SIN reporter a«k«; INCORPORATED. luriionately improved. Neil to the 110. valuable animal, '-Landseer," for a atatemeiit tins moruing. he «>e- Class L. King, Hereford,, best which bad to be killed. clined to make one nt Hie time. racing event* the main inlereai cen- 303 307 Broadway. 109-117 N. Third St. I he Man Seciucri Glad of 111m bull. 2 years and over. $10. It was in the last race. There * It had lieeu Contended by toine ter., a. usual, in ibe Floral llall ex- t.uilt, anJ <».»t *MJ—The hibit. I luring yesterday, notwith- Best bull. I year ami under 2. 16 were six starters, as follows: Dixie that today was the proper tiui* to <»f- j Best cow, 2 years and over (age D., ch m., Anchor stables, St. Louis. WoniMii was l ined $20. standing that all entriea were re- filially canvass the returns, as San- J considered) $>c Mo.; Ned, bra. Dillard Hill, K. day. some claim, *;»•» not to he' iuire.1 lo lie nude by Monday afler- uoou at 5 o'clock, tlie diaplav here Best heifer. 1 Near old aud under Hickman, Kentucky ;Landseer, br g, counted. and the third day would | 2, Hi. W. P. McFadden, Harrisburg. 111. ; coaaeqaenUy have fallen today in- | Alfred Verble, alias llall, and Mr*, wan much improved u|>nn The art department, wiule the el hi hit there i« liest herd (I male and 4 females) Wild Flower, ch m. St. Louis sta- •tea I of yeatarday, and the count Jennie Strottner. resident* of Me- »10 bles ; May Day, b m, W. H. Pitt- could Unlay I* made legally. chanioaburg, aere arraigued on not iarjic. is auipU worth notice.from the excellence ol 'be work aubmilted ( lass M Ring, Jersey : man, Arlington ; Perfidy, b m, A. B. Chairman Hartley, of the Marshall charge of adultery iu Judge Sander*' The \i.itor will lind Ihire »ome very Best bull. 2 \ears old and over Boyd, Union City, Tenn county committee, however» bad re- court today. They were arrested on tine .|>e4-imeu. of oil and water color *10. The horses came into the stretch J turns I boine with the Marvhall coun- a warrant swurn out bv llie woman'a work aud ^leueii sketciie. by home Best bull, 1 year old and under ith the first four well bunched, the ty ballot hooks. aud could not lie husband, who came here from Illinois arliaia, prominent among which is 2. |8. oiher two in the distance. reached. ami found them living together. copy of Rosa lloubcur's famou» Best cow, 2 year, old and over It seems, as well as could be as- lJeuee it wa« further claimed that "Do ' ou know what you're Horse F'air" ''by a Imy 12 year, (age consider d) certained. that Griffin, whose mount if 31 r. Leak a bod no legal authority charged » thl ' asked the court. old," aa the inacriplioa reada. Tile Best heifer. 1 year old and under was one of the best on the track, at- to act in Air. thigh's place yester- Yes si. I* promptly replied Ver- band that wielded the deft brush is 2 (age considered) |6. tempted so get in the lead add pass day, no otfl"i a I result ofSatunUx's For it has never happened before, such bargains as we are offer- ble. that of Mauler F rank Davis, a grand- Best herd (1 male and 4 females) Wild Flower," but wasn't quick primary coti'd be made. ing to the trade FOR CASH. ONE WEEK ONLY, in • Are you guilty?" further inquired >n of Capt. Joe Kowler. It i. the »10. enough. The horse's front feet land- Mr Leigh left UAM afternoou for the court. same picture Ibat many of our re id- Class N Ring, Thoroughhred ed on Laudseer's back and crushed Ladies', Misses' and Children's Strap Sandals and Oxfords. Owousbnro, but tuade u stateiiieui "\eHsdr! We're both guilty!" era saw some lime ago on exhibition horses ; James M. Clements, super- the latter down, throwing the jockey substantially as follows, before lie lie eagerly res{tonded. in the show window of a liroadway intendent : forward. In the vernacular of the left to * >i s re|*>rUT LOOK IN SHOW WINDOW AND SEE GOODS. W ell," observed the court, picture and wall p*|r bouse, but is Best -ullioo, 4 years old aud turf, he was cut down, and did not •'The case is pra<-ti<-uily this. think it's my duly at> a court to hear well worth a second — over, 175. stumble. Perfidy was in the lead, Lasts' Done. Tip Oxfotd, sm»U liia, $150 and $3.00 ihoe at 87c Deeming it poaalbk thai 1 cuuM uot — of The evidenc e iu the caae T im'.ee-l an accompli, limeol Best stallion, 4 years old and un irutin was picked up unconscious, Ladies' Chocolate Oxford, imall si its $2.50 and $3X10 shot at 57c get down and a»«i*t in the count, 1 understand a he is u married woman of which a 12 - \ ear - old der, $o0. and while there were no external in- Misses' Chocolate Sandals, all sizes, $1.75 shoe at $1J5 aeni Mr C M l^ake my proxy to and you t<»ok ber away from home may well be proud -There "are Best mare, 4 years old and over, uries of any consequence visible, he Misses' Tan Sandals, all sizes, $1.25 and $1.50 shoe at 68c iaaen>- aud tif\ I lie re- count, and knew she had a husband." other.."—too numerou. to mention iu no. was internally injured, suffering from Child's Oxblood Sandals, 8 1-2 to 11, $1.50 at $1.15 Uif?»». »n aciM»rdan< e with the party •Yes. air," ad united the man, laii—many subjects Itearing so Beet m.re under 4 years, $8. concussion of the brain and hemor- Child's Dong. Sandals, 8 1-2 to 11, $1.50 shoe at 98c rules »* adapted by la-«t *t:»'e con- "but 1 didn't take her away." much the .tamp of merit as to make Sir Edwiu Arnold, contrary to ex- rhage of the lungs. Child's Tan Sandals, » 2 to 11, $1 shoe at 57c tention. He and Mr. Hartley were But you kuew she had a himband panaon odious. Neither is Ibis pei tationa, will not be here and will Dr. F. T. Fort was on the grounds Child's Dong. Oxford,* 1-2 to 11, $1 shoe at 43c duly can\a*»»l the returns, when you began living with her," iu-t iepartnieht wauling lu more mechan- not enter Ibe free-for-.ll. It appears and attended the iujured man. He ami cetUtU thereto. terjected the court. ical productions li.at are iieautiful, that the statement he would be en- was carried to bis quarters in the I Come Early Before f lijritfi n-o 1 I a kln#> Taylor, tiie andidaU: for — ^ S'. air, a 'piece of a IIUBI'SUII, riou, and Intereaiing, unique s|ie.'-~ " • t-t no '••> M ' U U . - — stables, and theie die t about 10 Your Size is Gone. Geo. Rock & Son, m^Ty voMHiaiWaltVa attorn**. Informal deprei alingly asserted Verble, with imen. uf work in cloth, -li-o,ue pa|ier IHX. SHOW. o'clock last night. use this mormu^tbs* l»e »"uM likely cutting emphasis on the "piece."' I other suuil.r material-.. The The entries for tlie dog show prov- His remains were taken to Vance's coolest Mr. Ilradahaw « eiivtion, aud •You thought you'd do better for anlii|Ue is |ierha|-. IH-SI repnarf-nteil ed not quite as large as wae ex- uudei taking establishment and em- as 1 caund gel «lowu Mig «MM>u<(b to her. then. I guers. You'd treal her by au old chair of 1 , jrenthje pec ted. balmed, and will be held to await in- hewr the couttst. I have calked right,' sarcastically replied the carving, tlie pro|ierty of ^Ir.. Ileory S. A. Fowler showed six English structions from his two brothers at To help make the Fair a success and to enable our patrons to visit the Fair free of expense meeting of the uommi lee for ue*t j court. Uurtiett. It is, though so ancient, Bull Terriers—sire, dam and four Elizabethtown. III. we have purchased 1,000 Tickets and will give with every cash purchase of $5.00 or over,' Mocdar. lo clert a new claftinua, "\ea, I'm a -white' mau," re- in a perfect slate of priwe.'valion .u.i puppies. The deceased war a well-known •AKo can pre.%Ul<- at the uat. should joined the prisoner, thrusting at the a aifbt of il is a delight u> the Heart I). A. Veiaer, a Great Dane. jockey, and his first race was run for Xir. Tayw»r carry «>ul his in lent km of hiikbaud agalu. of an antiquarian. (. alhoiin Kieke, an Irish Seller. Mc Far land, of Harrisburg, HI., entering one." "Well, I'm only sony that the law Mention was \eaterday made of C. F. Anderson, an Irish Spaniel. owner of Laudseer. It is understood A Ticket to the Fair Absolutely Free! " TIku you think 11T. I-eake -a- won't allow me to fine you more than It. B. Phillips, two line Point- lhat Griftln leaves a wife and one or r tlie fact that tlie Paducah men banta to act for yoa. and that #, >U," concluded the court, "for 1 were not very fully represented. er*. two children at Golconda. 111. He was 84 years of age. ifo t *%unt mat* regular ami legai he Hunk if any l>ody ever deserved the Then- are ne\erlheleas some very Jack Hart, two Irish ami two rti ask h:*:be»l penalty that could be im- pretty displays of good. Kniering American Setters. Landseer' valued at $1,200. • »V®a 1 dunk it »«•»." he replied. poaed, do." Floral Haii you pa-., iir.t the boolh Robert Duvall, one Italian ami one and haU and cosU and the wo- ware business a. could well have First race—Free-for-all trot. $2.)0 him worthless as a racer, and he had 5c man $20 and coats. to be shot. Keveiioe Offirri* h.^royl'iie iieeu gotten into that much room. —Asuiofltl. l>r. s., A. S. Thompson They went to the lockup, ^nd while There uothing in tlie way of spe- Ma\fern. ch. in. Allen 4 Boswell. Humlred» uf people witnessed th« ! in N<"Call"«ay Connty. One Lot Children's Shoes thi-v are incarcerateil in aeparau cial deaign—the display is quite sim- Second race—Two-year-old, half- terrible accideut, and were bonified | cells, they smt>ke tobacco from the ple ; bwt it is very comprehensive, mile daah. —Circus, l>. h., C. W. at its fatal Consequences. It was the Sizes 5 to 12 1-2. and Hi ed' *sck, which accommodating hicb i, jierhap. 11^* nsain i.unt. Matthews Van Mack, C. W. first fatality at the new fair ground.* Regular Prices $1.25 and $1.50, 89c Pair Bobl.rern u»n««l 1< ' passersby carry to and fro for them. Paaaiug t'. L. ISrun»on A Co s Creatch : Ciee Whia, b. g., W. Cum- track. Ml llir Olllrer-. I !•«••• ' «wa|>cd. Tlie woman's real husband is tlie handsome display of potted plants mings , Amorilla. b. m. Undertaker Nance received a tele- very picture of wretchedness and de- and feme the visitor arrives at a Third race—Special paoe, three gram to ship ibe remains to Fliza- spair, aud iu addiium in-ing de- txjotti OCCupied T>, the ^'oHI»n"» heats tn five. $100—Jesse James, b. bethtown, III., and they were sent up GET FREE ADMISSION TO THE FAIR* s 1,1 W. La iVi'U" I formed U-sallow au«l aickly looking. Christian Te«i|.erance i uion. a!.-C sr., Sullivan A; Pitman ; Stuyvesaot, this afternoon. .bu he.^ By Making Your Purchase ol H.K The woman, on the other hand, is mentioned yesterday It » taste- b. g . A. S. TLw;!!}p*on: Uo<.*kefeller, of the CIKCT I R i out r. U>«« "Hi" I). Krr„u» large ami robust, and seemed U) have fully furuisbe.1 as a place where hi. a.. Jack Sheehan ; Little Xfcfe br. I Imu'»- t cltv, ai>' Jobn 1" HiifloM. a supreme contempt for her hus.mnd. those who are .o di.po-.ed uiav sil K., Oce Alexander; John Keadv, b. B. Weille ii» customary on the third tlay s. rn., C. W. hellers; Ned, br. Tbe ..HK-er- Mit» -iiw*ii'ilixi-il Jlek that they were "skylarking." lisplay is quite attractive, aud it* the equity docket was called and sev- of a Kin/ iu laat »!tn much .ppreci.te.1 by .11. Dillard Hill eral judgments rendered in appear- 1 '•Ij ti ne* 1 Judge Sanders said there wasn't s aeciitm.aud nj* ''• ' man to the court room who did not l'he 1'a-lin ah Furniture Munu- Fifth race—Three-quarter mile ant e cases. the raid. 1,1,1 fa. turing Company li A. in the ucxt flash. $100—Dutch Oven. C. W. Henry Bailey <;s .'»elicve Itotu hu4 sworn falsely. The case against l>ee Thompson, Yealerdat 11.«-\ ( I 1,.|. •Ilil.' two '•ace. parlor and library set. of Creatch; Julia Clark, Dillard Hill; barged wilb cow steal.ng, is «»u trial ; 1 *. Will Skeltou was continued. ,i mile 0,uIII,. 1.1 lloll C.H Iruuk au<»* . plesded guilt> partitions so a. to form, *im to. I.s- TODAY * U|i M, The case against Joe Hardin was new quarters 317 Broadw'y . away, aud MU^ ' play last mentioned, the representa- reset for tlie 13th day. and a a, fined ^ Iii the first heal o* tne ftec for all barking Urifii . •• • door and tion of an entire furnished house.was ealertlay flnetl f«.: s similar ..fTense trot, purse 1250, Asmond and May- Kd Harrisou, colored, charged | Are I a load «d - tli. lirecliiHi. baud.incd. Imt thn eflort« of both Where he has opened his Fall line of • • .Now you a«-e you .** 4* K"1 •' ,ttort fern, A«mond won in_2J:24. with setting up a game, was adjudged Tlie v in Hi I n li n t ' oi .it liinea III in. are a success us they stand. not guilty. ... ni-fd. lo pax.'' philosophised J«»«»ge. to frigid* n »"•" The nexl secta-a is occupied by lu the second heat of the free-for- i..nn w .< ' • i lied and I don t get a cent of iF»ither. all trot, Mayfern woo as easily as INJUNCTION SLIT NI.KB (iraen the »JIU 1 Ellis. Rudy and Itiiliipa. I Lis a IMM.I »TTll" HI A itreat many )>eo)ile imagine I g* and operated » ••»> ase »litre one uiav f.iiriy use that Asmoud did the first. >ui i .li ee montba soms" of the costs, but I don't. Atout BIMIU Gents' Furnishings, Xalloway nouidy old quotation. "Lasi. i.utuot least." lo Kiiloln the C.ollcction Oill -er Ker- $ of tlie coats are caller I judge's More man ^imball mstru- an 1 ttbH'b KeM .u Their showing of cftrpet-. rugs etc., lirailnl School lax. o g l-l^ i. .jiiiIm cusU, but I don't know what it's for. meots have been sold in Pa"er. wln.kty I ill FAMOUS GKOItGIAS t r.*r» Kim*s in, i rough boxing, go to the McKinnie The petition a^ks that llie election MEN'S AND BOYS' and higli »iuc, » i"J "b ig I" "everal Tlie Si \ went lo pis-«» tester'I Veneer and Package Ce. tf l»e set aside as lllefral on ihe grounds bu•!> I red g.H.Mi- lound and \t Wort mr. 0|icirf IIIIIIM Sulor. with the re|Hirl of the llrsl beat In lhat it was ordered on lb»«l.ir I Mon- cm|>lie '"JIGLAR judges, Sea l.uht. who came in sec- After u heureh lln.l llerii Maile THE hWL iiiiii.trel.y lin hard. ami rringle'. petiti»i iot a vote on tin- :mded SHOES ond. an. ruled out, hMiiitt run s Minatrd., who will a|>|iear lu tin. for It At Ilia IIOIII.. great pari of tlie distance. Bull-oi- h«»ol question were n<«t _leg nl> eity .iiorllv. have e.ialili.lnd for 1 uccortliu^ty aw.rilnl CuntUhle Amleraon Miller, wbo i la'illed 'rubers. Th' j *'«iiitifI-« (In'. It thein^ieea a regulation II at any th.-W.-tl- That l» Wliii Henry wan here laat Kriila). carried Irti k mcnli'.iied i*i tl , .win. •> ore: II ( , ilieairual manager might envy. For tlie uionrv A SPECIALTY. To II.-. •I,, — Three «|iinrt* r .U-li willi htm a aeari li warrant, alleging Mullliis, U l riimi'cc It U K I li. ms weoly-tlvr yeara lire »iaiu of Kuli- i llr.l . Bow I r.-e, dcvotiil ; thai W. L. Conn hail gi*»l reason to rl . II It. l~i t man. I A UI«,. II 1 aid, and I'riugle i Famoua lieorgia —Clniuce, 1 have opeued up at 317 Broadway with a NEW STOCK oi Men s •I. tliint i Crab Ciller, lielieve IhM a platol of which he hail J. K llullow.v XI. I J1 N'd Aliu.'reia liaa lieen looked up,>n a. a Zcwl Av. III.- --lol.'ili line. I : I','. ni.en (]e[iriTe,l wri* mmiewhere on .lirn ami M. l'luinlee Tin Iv ei. I and Hoys" Fiue Shoes. The latest styles, the prettiest Shoes tfaln event, nlwaya etean. wiH>leao,iie lonrlli I AleKauiler'. |.renn^e.. i re: J. M An Irew» II <; •• 1.1.1 u.i |-ro|i. IU .r-.t. . .«nl tfiwl, Thl. «i'MnD IheHe gentle- Tlitr.1 rs'-e—riire,'-ininute fs.-e— The constable made 9 search, hut the oilier tiii-w- * ' men iiave eoinl>iue«l with Ku»eo \ M»l WilUnl. Ilrnl; |{ n kafeller. -w •>totchdtK*s all tepair work. iliil not flml tlie pistol mi uliVie. gr iSl^t , -IiijoI ami Cotam JNO. P. ADKINS. ll,iliand . ti|>i'ralie Uinilrel, ami one I. Jc»."i' Janice, tliiril. rnue, 2:31. The following ilay lie came »i rim. tax cull, tur The mil wil llenn I'll- .,-ular 111, |M1- ,(|r|v Itamlni in orgam/.- ( 1 Alexanitr talking to n man nnme-i for lilsl l' e nexl term • lie«: haviiav.e1 Iwe'n -eek.n • "'* I'" „ ,.„„,imnv of genuine colored Kourlli rnre—11 nlf-miienn.l rejiefll rnnnina— IVrllili . Hr*l nixie 1> Frank, anil after talking over Ibe t. t„«i-rk« Thefa ' ih,l iw w»a ar- ^l(|lh>1 friM11 Uw ranLa <>» all ir,,, M4'.in«l; Mn> l>»*,thir.l Lamltwer ptatoi .[.air, Alexander sai I lhat BETTER TIMES mled i.n.lrr-'"!" •"•"** ;7'""''the t»»t win.trel |«o|.le on earlli. Ill I i \|.t> till.I ** <- \IC V „^ mi ii. it >ii{ woolens i cxactU suitvd ) cv ery taste. in the tremely colon.l i..>inedlan kaa mailt low« %rr h es I li •» Suits to Order lk ^nil t'sli wbi' h be did. I'eaie and 1 m^.r in III- .!>> l"' '''"""''i more lelangh. and perUa,. re r IM- .. ' 1 l'U"<'HAI|. Koldn^oii'i i ( Hi Tomorrow. Call and examine the gixnl •!!! U now reatored lietweeu $14.00 ,e » oiisnliU ••( -loieu prwerij , lh, „].ry of any «Hiie- 1 U I'lpw O. «['iiil ring, Jaa. M. f.ang, tiia n«igl|l>ois and Ibe case is ouc IPiffalu Bill's lirst advertising ear > 1 ,.„. In- l.a.1 .I'M-'- '"\ dian, white or bla«k. in the world l«- 1 333 Broadway. the like wlvuh the constable says j is due uy from Memphis this aflei- among d.y. general ni|ictiiilrniltD!. ol Kun li'if mile ami rr|>eal. II0U. lie never came ai-roas bafora. ooon. with alxint twenty liill |io-t-' U TAILORING Wau-1. he ''VrtT.','n .l'«e,.veml. i • »*i.ce yo«r order, for rough tarn- 3:40 Uriel anil%ol mUnl, «200. i r. Pants to Order which ha, ,'".:.„"„,'„„ mA Mr , , e, fo, Am U, walk., etc.. wilb the hlee-lnr-.H-U/i r.elif«li Mreot Til < t,.wllr.llwi John K«.I>I»|.|U « • iii.u< carl, sis*-1 J»w»" mm Capt. Johnson at the same election? Minnesota, mads the ableat plea fot wagss. higher prices for farm pro- aAlLKUAD TIMfc THE PADUCAH DAILY SUN. It the "Register" a free atlvor or silver ever made on the floors ot coo* ducts and increased activity ia all Sash villa, ^hattanougi a single gold standard paj«r? greas and be demonstrated beyond brancbaa of trade and industry. Fublialied,. every afternoon, except We Are Ready Kail road. tbe | *rativenture of a doubt, appar- Poader tbe qusalion well. Wh> Sunday, by It Mnu impoeaible that one who Iisstui sap waa pat. — nins you line up with the party of proa- o-iii- a Democratic paper ami "bo ently, that wheat muat follow silver. autrrw annas t-v Hsdaoaa sai.m His speech waa tbe moat effective |«rity and contentment or will you THE SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY. atttxla leadership can afford to ignore llEJS join the ranks ot the open enemies ot For You •laacliua. 1 U uu campaign document the ailver Dem- 1*1 Hist".. these questions. Jtetaua JSt ocrats had and It was scattered good limes. IM |sa Headquarters. I.* Jseksua . — I'HblLfUT l.U HAKAUU With an entirely new stock of ar M.mpku VbCK PBWbUI TUK late ao-ialled Democratic pri- broadcast over the country during • NsaavUte ... 7 UU pu J J SKUt.HI Hall llicss Goods embracing all t'aaltaa.us. s W | U1 II si TUilCUV the campaign. In view of theevenU Ailaata... • a.a • U w. r rur» mary lias not come to an end yet. MAYFIELD SENSATION the newest tlcstgus antl etlec-t.s ••un s Sta It baa gone through its season ut of Ibis summer the reasoning and the SuSTa BOVBU Plaaar 1 K UUt, K w.o>«Mi J.K loreign and domestic styles. \S'e For all the latest designs in Ladies') Lv auaau , „ WUMuwoe J J - electioneering, i*tty frauds and open conclusions of that speech are au- Young Flora Minis Elopes Willi are able to show you hundreds ol I UIUO«S. S ISUI and Gents' fine tootwear. NasB v II !• s asm deceits, llow much money waa used premely ridiculoua. Close observers a Quaker Doctor. stylish patterns and piece goods iu Mifyfiii iikipu THE DAILY SUN to •influence" votera on the aide baa of the results of last year's election, For all colors in Tons and Greens, TsffXlUtfion I » ii«u ISV.LSFTXLUFFULLL | BU ,,IU WHS KIT* special aiwetiKin 10 A1X local h.p are of the opinion that one cauae of Her Mamma t.ets Mad aud Wants Ar Hollow Hoc* Junction !M pm p Alnas ol lnt«-ri»t In Pfcdui ih TUIuUy not liven ascertained. The voting SJH, ' d >t Maternal b^mw.1 Bt-Wft. wau-h will U the Quaker Arrested, but Muscouietas, u fully M apaes wUl u-rtult wtiaoul re- over, the counting came on apace, Rryai'a defeat was the fact that even For all widths and latest toes, Ar P«»lut"»h . 6 06 |ku | TM Doesn't Know Ills Ail tralas dally. aud uow it ap(>ears that the count ii before ihe national election, wheat Covert Cloth, Tfcroujb iralu *ud c*/ MprUc* Ik we#nft»t- Nana. imc*k ud Jacluou, Memi>t illegal, that the wrong uien did the liegan to rise while silver l>egan to f.O TO- UhaiiabtM**. T*nn cUM* ocum^Uod tar A*> THE WEEKLY SUN Granites, I»ut*. U»., J»< kaoariil*. Kl» . \N ^UIUMUJU couuting. It is now pro|>oeeU to (nil, thus disproving the aaaertionaof l«*itlmor*. l>bii«M|*u *Uil N»w Yt-rkTUii la Ui ta« lnw-rr.1. t'f our rouclry I * Widow Mima went to the city b« (M.uifcMMl. aud to Arkuui, T>im »>d imia, .id will at ill Haica t* new.) srnl «. have another count and have the right tbe free silver people. But uow sil- oourt yesterday morning and aaked Meltons, all pulau aouibwtwi For forifew Uiforiaa fr I Till in • wbhe lir^plDJt Its ri-adi-r* Uou call on or felJreaa. on ill political affair* sad topli - while r wl I tn«u do it this tune, but the time for ver has gone d&wn steadily for nearly for a warrant of arrest for one of the oe a lasrkas and Ur»le~ eat. meal ol lb. d.. A.J Welch. D F A.. M«mphl«. Taom W. u trtass and toaoaings of tae National lo-iniDll titling so under the law has passed. s year. Wheat has gone to one .dol- Quaker doctors, says the Msyfleid Broad Cloth, Orn-Umf, H |* J T A NvbTUl*. fnm., em lanj KHTw houi < P »a4 T A . >•* m»r H»«M lar, and may go even higher. A Mirror." She said he took her P*du.«h Ki K. a Murutaiu t Vlc*« The whole thing was "conceived in m«nt Paducab. K r COKHESPONDENCL. daughter Flora Mims off last Thurs- Cards, etc. H. DIEHL & SONS, iniquity aud born in sin." it was bushel of wheat instead of being the A anaclal f«atur« ot tbe W*»klj million day to Nashville and promised to TU icBirtll be iu Corr^ponden. e lvi«»n equivalent of an ounce of unooined ly planned scheme to catch send her a certificate of tbeir mar Artistic cffccts in Parisian novel- , Hi* reductions m all $ILLINOI S CKNTUAL KA1LKOAD m«D! la which it hf<:*» ably l»' rt I*"'1. silver and which waa so fondly as- 310 Broadway. • eery koaOlty within tb« limit. or It. 1'opulisls and tie them behind the riage at once, but be had failed to do ties with Astraclian and Angora tow cut goods to LOtJIBVIIXI ADO Hiarill OITIIOM. MM. serted was tbe historical equivalent, so. She fears they have not married, No HTM lkxrno— No ABl So No &t* Democratic band wagon. It was not borders. Novelties, checks and mate room for fail ' Telephone 310. i.T Ni-w tirl»w» aaupni vCbaiu AOVEKTISING now buys two and a half ouncea, sil- and hence wanted him arrested. She mixtures in newest designs. All l.« Jw kki.il. MIm IS I.-all! I !*» I>m for a moment thought that a Popu- L,\ Hrntpbhi 7 .Slain RaMe of .desnlnlof WUl be Blade bLOWD ot ver being worth only forty cents. Tbe oould not make such an altidavit llie latent colors and weaves iu B 16 I ;u rtT*.icmo° list could lie noiuiualed, and the true would authorise the iaaual of a war- LR J»« KI««M Trim HI I* aru l»w imi plain go*M.ts. L* Cairo, III. feelings of the Democrats were exhib- whole argument for free silver waa Uflca, standard Block. 11* No rib Kourth rent, and none was iaaued. Tbe girl L v Pultou I til I'tu ited, wheu for a time it was thought based on this alleged twinahip. The ia over eighteen years, and be could ar Paducah ! 4A (Mil l.vPaducab IM that Ta\ lor had won. It was then argument waa followed up with the not be arrested on a charge of se Hosiery- Kr l»riti.« i• .ii . Ho , ;a t 4.60 duction under promiae of marriage Ar Kvantvlllr . « » i*u Daily, per annum . openly declared that ray lor niuat be assertion that no prosperity could 2. and he could not be brought hack Ar Hu(iklitavi;if V .VI Daily, Six months •. come without the rise of silver which Bargains. P. F. LALLY Ar Norutuviii* be»ten and a candidate was being Daily, One muotli, 40 from another slate on a warrant of m Oa%ral Oty sought for who could com pass his de- could only be attained by free coin- —IS 1IKA1)Q»AKTKK.S KOK Daily, per week...... 10 cent- lower grade than felony The bargains in hosiery quoted Ar Hor»r Urabch . in a.1- f at. The utter lack of fair dealing age at the heaven born ratio of 16 Ar i >w«'D»t*>t.' S 1« W..ltly, per annum We could not learn what the fel- below will continue while stock on Ar L..U.H » IS pa to I. t uuoe 1.00 that characterizes the free silver low's name was; but it is said he hand lasts. Holiday Groceries, i. Iu> il'TM* • / I Sa Specimen coulee free Democrats was in this instano* moat was the oldest of the three self-styled 150 pairs misses' and children's I SfiTM I*« >u LrCltxiunail 2 Vi j«in But silver has gone down. Kveiy Quaker doctors who have been here hosiery, worth S cents, lor only 5c Fruit Cake Materials, conclusively "given away." I UiUlal^.r ; •• p,'U I til / x succeeding day chronicles the "low the past two weeka fleecing the pec a pair. 250 pairs misses and chil- owualairj WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 8 1897. est point on record." Yielding to pie down under the skin of hsrd- dren's hose, sizes 5 to 9, cheap at Apples and Orauges, vr Padut-ab v: iu i .u I y: am ! Padarmb It ;«i is: «m HUYAN lltAKD FROM, earned dollars. 12 12. only iocts a pair. 300 prs Ivtr MalflfM I I'* i iu S «"»iu tbe inevitable law of supply and de- I »r rulitc Tbe fellow that eloped with the misses aud children's oxblood and Fresh CannedIGoods,&c. 1 i-u. 1 16 >m 'fl.e St. Ixiuia "Poat-Diapatch" mand, the white metal sags lower and Ar i air-1 * <•' pm REPUBLICAN TICKET. girl did not take an active pari iu the tan hose, big value at 15c, will priutetl a l-tter Sunday from Hon HOME-MADE LARD A SPECIALTY. Ar Jatiui ? »> am Wiliiain J. Bryan, his first utterance Telepnone 1 IK. Cor. 9th and Triuit'le St* \r J*. k». i pm f » it all the products that tbe farmer has his age seemed to be the general ad- Other bargains at similar prices. AT NrW tJ alter Ihiet months of travel and ob- to sell, and its rise is in strict con- viser of the company. And it seems Watch our ads. tor prices in the i » l'Hi his sge should protected him against 6 pm aervation during the return of pron- formity to tbe law of aupply and de- iuture. the charms of the woman, as at this perity. Among other things Bryan All ir»io» run oatljr mand, tbe same law Mr. Bryan open- time of life the heydey of the blood is FREE TREE N,.-ajaa »i.u 3 4 , +rrj PuKiiiaa tmtftal*»pia« said: "Wheat has ii ten because the AI» at.ll raMilulBK I hAlr car* bviwrra 1 U ly repudiated although it has been supposed to be lame ; aud so it wight | lur ll New <»rit*Aui. foreign crop has been exceedingly A HANDSOME »1ruu»«.M b> tw«<*l40»rlunati accepted by every writer on political have been, with a less charming gnl ai.J s-.w t ilwiv carrying l'u Itt ao buftn abort. The fact that ailver and wheat economy as tbe very foundation of than Miss Mims. But it seems her E. GUTHRIE & CO. • i^rprr. matchless beauty and nameles^gra. < Tr*m iitrlr. I'adncat LcuwivtU* «l^-prr parted company caused no dismay to tbe whole acience. 815 Hroa l»a\—l'hone 155. . |>» Via t'a<1u<*Ji uui-tn dfuui nip >u has a way of leading all men captive | mmi i"«ur< Hum for »fl i. ut* «•««. those wbu understand that the law of i j.Tik an.i xiuib lie he i Mrt.adwav The issue of today was clearly who are influenced by it. Huwever, Rocking Chair m«l#» ibr i'»,ui«-r »t,a at iiw. union urpi i supply and demand regulate the price VOTED. stated at Benton by tbe Hon. C. K. the unsophisticated guileless Quaker of both. Nothing can better dia- U> be built by Messrs. Hale. L'slier, Wheeler when be said, In apite of the brother appears to be the only one Suae: clo-e tbe weakness of the Republican about here who bad a sufficient sense Shelton ami Sdoituerville, and Dia- high prices of farm prodacta, and in MISSOURI PACIFIC RMLWAY t lert ot the Cowl ot Aj 1 rm.t. JAMES i mukes aud Harris. Z. T. Long aud Tt* t.rvat raroti.s BA11.KY. ol Maaothn Ontiaq. position than the joy manifested by of lbs beautiful to be captivated by spite of the general resumption of II. H. Harris bought Chas. Carney's Ua. rn.a. the Republicans over events for which this doubtless fair damsel. Kepii >ciitativ«\ msnufacturing plants all over tbe vacant lot Friday and will put two 00 EI AIT'S. ^ Mra. Mims msy not have given Jl. LuU S t.MAH. PI r Mill, OaKViV roram M-TRH-T. tbe administration and their policii country, that "we have no pros- them time ; or they may have forgot storerooms on It. Tbe price paid for tail SALT LAKE JtBJVOfOSTON in no wise are responsible. If the rhe lot « » $1,000 This ia something every one tn>oya in momenU of leisure, perity." The question todsy ten to send back the certificate of and il ia a tning of beaut > for the home. Itiualy. Republicans desire to claim tL« credit "Messrs. Hale, L'^bex aud Slielton THr THE If* FAST Mill iw.atr JtxHfr, JOHN'!'. PARLEY, shall we open our eyes, thiow away marriage, so overjoyed were they t Treat • Cler., - 11,L c K1 It for the high price of wheat they muat with tha sweeU of honeymoon. Tbe are ba%-in>j plaus drawn for their Canary o*ra~ ., BOUNCHot Y r. DAVIS. our prejudicea and admit that time* corner block, and tbe building will (AASASAAO NEBRASKA HM'.fEJ. rouity Ai'"i>.) , . HAK DIN FORD assume the responsibility for the remainder of the company continued FREE TO OUR CUSTOMERS Jaltar. JOHK J ' VDORIAN . are improving; shall we do all we here until Saturday night, ami then bet?iu in a abort time. Mr. Harria •or. O.C. DVSOM. famine in India. A general riae in will l>e$in grading hi* lot thi* wee k can to further the move-Dent that ia left. Some say they went to Cor- COM C TO US FOR YOUR Coroaer. NAT KNEPLEK. prices should b« followed by a riae in MaKktratca. apparent on all sides and put our- inth, Miss. and Mr. Suiumerville is hav.ng a IROU MOUNTAIN HOUTE." wages." plan made for bis building. Heside* rl»e Boat direct I'.ne *» Mem| Ins to rim II strict. H HKRBKT selves into tbe frame of mind to take Third District. IV H HtslK these, Mrs. Bolinger's vacant lot on F -unfc District.«' A. TORKENt'E. PROFESSORCRAZY. DRY GOODS, FINE SHOES all puiau in rms Dwrtct, H S. BARNETT Mr. Bryan also said the Joy o»er advantaga ot the revival of buaineas tbe south side of tLe square is for -lata Dl trtc. W A Dt'NAWAY. increase of money from wheat is evt and to push it along. Or shall we AND FURNISHING GOODS. ^KANSAS ANO TEXAS ?t-»-oth liutrlct, 1».. .N MRtl * N. sale, and should it be sold, will likely WEST ANO SOUTH WEST. KICMk District, SHEl JIV UKAHsH AW dence we have too little money; that be calamity howlers, denounce the PriufipAl A. J. (juinn is Taken be built up with business houses. In KiodlT bring vot a rv. KT to ua. CmiitahlSii. . Krae Reclining Chairs OL All Traioa. present period of prosperity as only to tbe Asylum. be meantime, there is not a vacant We will fit them neatly FlI* District. P p. JOHWSflN. it the farmers are benefitted by tbe at smalt cost. T««oroi C'OAtnaa Murni. TO riDSDISUlre JOHN SAYRE toreroom nyr dwelling in towu." Ssmilb I Usui. 1. ANDEUStiN UILI.EK rise iu ou« of their pioducts, how temporary and try by all manner of DALLAS A«I> Koar WoarH May field Profcsaor Adjudged Klfibtn Inatggk, „,,„1. ii^u, jf.tho rfa# was iintr*pial ; deceit and falssr fas—lag to pre Lunatic—Caused by Lafrirpe. For rtApa. rw mix. "« TVTM. Ar (Sly. that the price of wheat will fall when thst the present revival of business if $100 TO ANY MAN. JOHN J. DOR I A N. Mayor, E. MUT. 2»5 BHOADWAY, PAD1CAII. KV. •""A .11 W-WU HtatM. .U.1 uribK Clly Jadsr. E W i'KATT the foreign demand becomes normal but s mockery,Jand that in a abort can .ua )..ai lura. m k-i mil • Ity Marshal. J A. JAMES Prof. A. J Quinn was adjudged a WILL I'at HOO ton Am CAM. ^riji^rrossetJttlia A i tor Dry, HENSLEY t;. aD\ »ud ilfcti An imaha County plat-e. for Ihe BEKSHARD we continue to pin our faitli, as doej Walter Mciiee. The doctor said the -PROPR1KTUB- Thin Ward, WM. UORNKMANN and O. B. first time before the public a M toft tL TkNNESStt CENT^JfML Mr. ltryan Is evidently learning a cause of his Insanity was due to la Mr. Wheeler, to the Chicago plat- THK ATUHNT lor tbe cure of Lo«t Nilali fourth Ward, T P. CARTES snd L. P. few things himself. He now admits grippe and tbe use of narcotics. ANO INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION KOCB. form ; anil whatever tha facts may ty. Nervous and Sexual Weakr.eaa, and rilth Wan). CHRIS I.EIBEL and JACOB that the law of supply antl demand l*rof. Quinn Had been engaged SJ Kentoration ot IJfe Force in old and Paducah - Bottling Co., 21EtM.ES. be, believe, as be affects to, but we principal of tbe south ward public young men. No worn out French ststb Ward. G M. tiEllI-S' Hl.AEOEK acd regulates the price of both ailver and remedy, contains no Pboephoroua or Nashville, Chattanooga J T. Wl'ARLES can have no prosperity "until every school st Mayfield, and taught six wheat, though last year he ridiculed other harmful drugs It ia a WvMihK- AOKNT CKLKHKATKI) Sch. 4>1 'I ruslees. plank in the Chicago platform la days. His health gave way antl be riL Xw.iIMI.HT_ins^i»; ; ita effect* nr« Ward. A E. HANK. the idea in a hundred apeecbea. n and St. Louis Railway Ward. R. * CLEMENTS enacted in(0 law" Did bail not tried to teach any for aome - poaitive tt iu cure All ^eade Third Wsi«. W. A LA WREN E He also says a "general rise in time. About ten days ago he begau who ar>- ati^erim f.ota a aeaknt'H- LOUIS O'BERTS BEER, Of St. Louis. Fourth Ward i: B. DAVIDSON not Mr. Wheeler tell the far tuai bliuhta their lite, tauaing that Don't Forget It: •nth Ward H 11 BALDWIN prices should be followed by a rise to show si^ns of derangeuient of tbe In ktgi autl liottlea. f tBIa (.t»»# Sixth Ward. p. J MEYERS. mere of Marshall county that m> null and tihynical suffering peculiar >••« m-cltrr lh. mind and it waa finally decided best t.. l.oat Manfniod. -hould write to the Alao varioua tem(<-raoce tlrinka Sotla Kip, Jieltacr Water, C>rargs wages." But be does not say they were poor and "could not |»y to send blm to the asylum for treat- SATl MtlilCAf. COMPANY. Sutu Cider, Ginger Ale, et«v TBU will probably be the last lima why wajiea do no', rise in Mexico, tbeir taxes." Does not every free ment. Uis health is in a bad state SsIS Kange Building, t imaha. Net) , and they will aend you absolutely KRKK Telepiione orden &lleo unul II o'clock at ni^Ut durlor » m..| 1 'i o'clock MINIMUM where everything else has gone up, antl it Is feared be can not live leng -t auU I At l Ur that the Populists will be lured into silver psper in tbe country, with a \ aluable paper on theae diaeaaea Hai-.-i'uty nighu. which country is oo a free silver Prof, yulnn ia forty-five or fifty year? and poaitive proofs of their trut} CXCUMSION TICNCTS the Bemocralic camp. They uow few noticeable exceptioosjantl Done »»!«• KI rmluoii fr. t i • l»-lr basis. 1' the late preaidential cauJi old, ami uaa a Wife ami children. Mtcmi TP .-.TlltM. Thousands of Telephone 101, • fcU Hur .-umiH-sM. i„ StaHVii »-\n kiiow t> a certainty that no Populist Kentucky, poblish with great gl u.en t*hu bave'lost all hop* of a cur*, th r turn I'urtDif lkr oailuiuQ^ t i i .» ann Voria (Jregory, ope of the other '0 Intl Maliaon Strtau. l Alit'CAli Jr r»*» llr» may ever exp«et any Democrats, date will read the papers he will set every business failure and attribute are being restored U> t*»- '"UeQIin i ao»l ItllaTlia'lonal I teachers, waa promoted to the priu fact •ii to a |-er H-iar. ii >4-hi I I. i votes. whst tbe Journal, a free it in solemn tones, to tbe "dull 'umnN A"lnuy». Ausuaia. ,e cipalsbip of tbe school aud Miss Sue This MAOK M. VM1» silver pajmr, aec», as published i" " - PAtact \^ A*bnUI> times." Eve:; 'hutting down of Hunt was employed to fill the vat »a- TaEATMKNT may t.e taken at heme under tbeir dtrectiona, • i-CKPiNO uM4 n • > ,, •1• ^ I qIl.sl.l LiiiHirooT was defeated in his race 91 a yesterday, that tbe condition of /*.»ii mil , mill, every strike and every business <7. or they will pay railroad fare .n