Murray State's Digital Commons The Paducah Daily Sun Newspapers 9-8-1897 The Paducah Daily Sun, September 8, 1897 The Paducah Daily Sun Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/pds Recommended Citation The Paducah Daily Sun, "The Paducah Daily Sun, September 8, 1897" (1897). The Paducah Daily Sun. 212. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/pds/212 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Paducah Daily Sun by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Km the Urge* daily circulation in Paducah. The SUN is the only Re- Advertise in it. publican daily in Kcntudcy The Paducah Daily Sun. west erf Louisville. •OLUMh 1—NUKBKB :I12 PADUCAH, K KENTUCKY, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBtK II, 1897. TEN CENTS A WEEK I tilled among the* good a found prop- Half mile and repeat. running, erty stolen from their reaidence*, aud flVO. ' A CONTEST there is yet conaiderable which hab I SECOND DAY LUOUOT'-llHItUJ CATTU. " JOCKEY KILLED Ij not lieen «la lined. C'iaas 1, tUfltf abortliorM, U. A. ! lireen'a theft* were coo fined prin- Fetter, superintendent. ; to food ami profiniooa, and liumiiifiit Over tlie Kecenl Hest bull, 2 years old and over, ft). Jack liriffiu Fatally Injured ut "Kindly Observe These Figures." ,' 1 or thin reason a large amount of the Lairtr Crowds at the Fair and Best bull, I year old and under 2 iK-mtic I'riiuw). I property he la alleged to have stolen Knees Today. ( age i onaidered ) $6. the Hsie Track. j cannot be found. Heal cow, 2 year* old and over, l*reen came here from Kvanaville liest beiter, 1 year and under 2 , last January, and Annie Curry, a (a(*e considered) $6. 14 quart Granite Dish 1'aus CHAIRMAN LEI6H 6ETS IN. 'colored woman wbo has not yet been ileal herd, (t male aud 4 females) HIS HORSE WAS CUT DOWN. • 7 quart Granite Dish Pans cujtht. u eb.rKed wiu complicity. FLORAL HALL VERY ATTRACTIVE »io. liia home, he claims, is in Gillia- <> quart Cfrainte Buckets I Class J, King, l'oll Angua beet Kn» Mr. I.e«ike llud III'* Proxy ] pi", Ohio, and he denies that he ever J bull. 2 years and over, 110. K quart Granite Buckets stole anything in his life. Beat bull, 1 year and under 2 (age "L*adscer," \ alued at ml,2*H> 6 quart Granite I»rescr\ c- Kcttl and A.loJ KiKllt The Curry woman will not be ar- Many Awards Were Made Today- considered) f*. Wan So injured That Ilo rj quart Granite Preserve Kettl, estod, as it appears from later devel- Best cow, 2 years and over, $«. Tlie D«»g Show tntries. f> quart Granite Baking Pails opments that she had nothing to do Best heifer, 1 year and under Had to t»e Shot. with the theft*. She has giveu the 13 inch Granite Wash Pans ID: COMMITTEE TO ELECT A CHAIRMAN (age con.idered) ft.. police some valuable information rel- Beet herd. ( I male and 4 females) 7 inch Granite Tea Kettles ative to the different places where «10. REMAINS Will BE HELD FOB INSTRUCTIONS 7 inch Granite Coffee Boilers X Creeu dis|jooed of stolen goods. RICES CD THIS AFTERNOON Class K. King, Ilolstein, best bull 3 quart Granite Coffee Pots Chairman Ed O. Leigh, of the 2 yeara and over, 110. 1'optM-rauc county committee, sr-1 "WE'RE GUILTY" Best bull, 1 year and under 2 (age A full line of Granite Ironware, strictly first qual- rived in the city this morning on the | considered) The pleasure of the races yester- ity goods. early train, to a»»i»t in making the ( llest cow, 2 years and over, $'J. day afternoon was sadly marred by a official <Piut. lie was no doubt 'l'he .eioml day of the fair aud is Whitt Thin Wayward raeea ofwned with an atlendaofe eon- Best heifer, 1 year and under * tragedy which resulted in the death surprised to learn that the count bad lliat (age i onsidered) t6. of Jehu, familiarly known as "Jack already been uiade wiihuut his a**is .ideralily larger than that of y eater- (it 0. Hon 8 son Homwore m siove Co. Couple Said. day, and tlie attractions are |>ro- Best herd (1 male and 4 females) Griffin, a jockey, and the loss also of ane^ aud when i SIN reporter a«k«; INCORPORATED. luriionately improved. Neil to the 110. valuable animal, '-Landseer," for a atatemeiit tins moruing. he «>e- Class L. King, Hereford,, best which bad to be killed. clined to make one nt Hie time. racing event* the main inlereai cen- 303 307 Broadway. 109-117 N. Third St. I he Man Seciucri Glad of 111m bull. 2 years and over. $10. It was in the last race. There * It had lieeu Contended by toine ter., a. usual, in ibe Floral llall ex- t.uilt, anJ <».»t *MJ—The hibit. I luring yesterday, notwith- Best bull. I year ami under 2. 16 were six starters, as follows: Dixie that today was the proper tiui* to <»f- j Best cow, 2 years and over (age D., ch m., Anchor stables, St. Louis. WoniMii was l ined $20. standing that all entriea were re- filially canvass the returns, as San- J considered) $>c Mo.; Ned, bra. Dillard Hill, K. day. some claim, *;»•» not to he' iuire.1 lo lie nude by Monday afler- uoou at 5 o'clock, tlie diaplav here Best heifer. 1 Near old aud under Hickman, Kentucky ;Landseer, br g, counted. and the third day would | 2, Hi. W. P. McFadden, Harrisburg. 111. ; coaaeqaenUy have fallen today in- | Alfred Verble, alias llall, and Mr*, wan much improved u|>nn The art department, wiule the el hi hit there i« liest herd (I male and 4 females) Wild Flower, ch m. St. Louis sta- •tea I of yeatarday, and the count Jennie Strottner. resident* of Me- »10 bles ; May Day, b m, W. H. Pitt- could Unlay I* made legally. chanioaburg, aere arraigued on not iarjic. is auipU worth notice.from the excellence ol 'be work aubmilted ( lass M Ring, Jersey : man, Arlington ; Perfidy, b m, A. B. Chairman Hartley, of the Marshall charge of adultery iu Judge Sander*' The \i.itor will lind Ihire »ome very Best bull. 2 \ears old and over Boyd, Union City, Tenn county committee, however» bad re- court today. They were arrested on tine .|>e4-imeu. of oil and water color *10. The horses came into the stretch J turns I boine with the Marvhall coun- a warrant swurn out bv llie woman'a work aud ^leueii sketciie. by home Best bull, 1 year old and under ith the first four well bunched, the ty ballot hooks. aud could not lie husband, who came here from Illinois arliaia, prominent among which is 2. |8. oiher two in the distance. reached. ami found them living together. copy of Rosa lloubcur's famou» Best cow, 2 year, old and over It seems, as well as could be as- lJeuee it wa« further claimed that "Do ' ou know what you're Horse F'air" ''by a Imy 12 year, (age consider d) certained. that Griffin, whose mount if 31 r. Leak a bod no legal authority charged » thl ' asked the court. old," aa the inacriplioa reada. Tile Best heifer. 1 year old and under was one of the best on the track, at- to act in Air. thigh's place yester- Yes si. I* promptly replied Ver- band that wielded the deft brush is 2 (age considered) |6. tempted so get in the lead add pass day, no otfl"i a I result ofSatunUx's For it has never happened before, such bargains as we are offer- ble. that of Mauler F rank Davis, a grand- Best herd (1 male and 4 females) Wild Flower," but wasn't quick primary coti'd be made. ing to the trade FOR CASH. ONE WEEK ONLY, in • Are you guilty?" further inquired >n of Capt. Joe Kowler. It i. the »10. enough. The horse's front feet land- Mr Leigh left UAM afternoou for the court. same picture Ibat many of our re id- Class N Ring, Thoroughhred ed on Laudseer's back and crushed Ladies', Misses' and Children's Strap Sandals and Oxfords. Owousbnro, but tuade u stateiiieui "\eHsdr! We're both guilty!" era saw some lime ago on exhibition horses ; James M. Clements, super- the latter down, throwing the jockey substantially as follows, before lie lie eagerly res{tonded. in the show window of a liroadway intendent : forward. In the vernacular of the left to * >i s re|*>rUT LOOK IN SHOW WINDOW AND SEE GOODS. W ell," observed the court, picture and wall p*|r bouse, but is Best -ullioo, 4 years old aud turf, he was cut down, and did not •'The case is pra<-ti<-uily this. think it's my duly at> a court to hear well worth a second — over, 175. stumble. Perfidy was in the lead, Lasts' Done. Tip Oxfotd, sm»U liia, $150 and $3.00 ihoe at 87c Deeming it poaalbk thai 1 cuuM uot — of The evidenc e iu the caae T im'.ee-l an accompli, limeol Best stallion, 4 years old and un irutin was picked up unconscious, Ladies' Chocolate Oxford, imall si its $2.50 and $3X10 shot at 57c get down and a»«i*t in the count, 1 understand a he is u married woman of which a 12 - \ ear - old der, $o0.
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