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Japan Meets Demands of U S. G0vernment1

Japan Meets Demands of U S. G0vernment1

r - MONDAY, DECEMBER 18,1987. \ M anrlrfstrr Eveuittg B m lh

WBArHBK - - Foieeaat el II. U. WaatlMe Burma,- ABOUT TOWN SAUERKRAUT Shurfine Baitford SPECIALTIES ___ BmcA TtflM No. 08, Im> HALE’S XMAS WEEK Fata- toolglit sad Wedmoday ; aot b ir^ r et F M l t « i wUl hold ... 22c C o f f e e mneli ehaoga Is tMnperatara, •^1 ^ ; Mgalmr mMtliir tonight io ' M l ' bmn ■tarting at 8 o’clock MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE (H ARM P u t Sacbenu' night will be 10c DEVALUES at this meeting, the Eckhordt Q Q (CteoitBed AdvotHataig < « P ag« 10) being occupied by past M- c lb. MANCHESTER, CO NN„ TUE SD AY, DECEMBER 14.1937 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS'P Frsakfurts, lb. .. O O C 25 I* There will also be a vislta- * Featuring Gifts For The ef the Great Chiefs of Oonnec- Ground fresh at tonlght’o meeting. The re> lOc for your, order. Home From Our Popular at committee is planning to S'lbs. 290. I com and venison at the close State Dept. Sends ■ettng in the clubtooms <» Fresh Green Beans MACDONALD GIVEN Brookfield place. A large attendance Green Peas, Celery, Dbera is ei^ectad. BUTTER . .45c lb. HOUSEWARES SECTION Watercress, Lettuce, Formal Protest To JAPAN MEETS DEMANDS Bhlriey Webb o f 23 Ulac Broccoli, Cauliflower Smoking Stands, all metaL mahogany finish d» w ^ Q who h u been in for several ROAD POWER IN with chrome ash receiver...... W ^ ^ I la much improved and is able be out a short while each day fiW K IIIIi POODS' Reymond’s New Batter f 1.49 Card Tables, plain black and ^ W Nippon Government ; It will be some time before she gnd Egg Pan Onsters 12c be able to attend echool: SPECIAIS colored t o p ...... V a. s s J U Whole Wheat Raisin CORNELL DECISION Lima B ean s...... 23c Washington, Dec. 14.— (A P ) — Ran expression o f "shock and con- OF U S. G0VERNMENT1 Pm Beulah Todd and Mias Ruth S generous seninga. Bread Gift W ares— ^ A table fnl of Christmas t% O s^ The State Department announced corn.” Only te rare Instances does er wni be hostesses for the Try Reymond’s Swedish Gift Suggestions. E ach ...... 0\/C today (hat the American government the head of a" state address a mes­ : party of the Professional Sliced Peaches . . . ____23c had sent a formal note to Japan pro­ sage personally to another ruler In T u te Uke natlreo. Rye Soperior Court Judge Rules n's eldb, tomorrow evening at Serving Trays in wood with glass bottom, chrome trim, DEFER NAMING testing against the bombing of the diplomatic incidents between na­ U. S. Gunboat Sunk by Japanese ' church house. Miss Roberta American gunboat Panay and de­ tions. Eager To Facei hton of Hartford will give a Highway Commissioiier manding adequate reparation. Informed observers said only a de­ .1 atlon of coemetlca. Mem- $1.00,$1.75 The demanda were the same as set sire to Impress the entire Japanese I are reminded to bring tea cent HEAD0FG.0.P. forth yesterday by Prealds^. Roose­ nation as forcibly as possible with 'P-mchu/rst Gi'octrv.9nc. Fine Table Glassware, new shape, new cutting. Q Q Has Jurisdictiou In State; velt in an oral message directed to the gravity of the situation could DIAL 4151 302 MAIN MAIN STREET STREET Music Squarely’ i Goblets, tumblers, sherbets. Etc. E ach ...... C Emperor Hlrohlto. have prompted President Roosevelt m T H OF POST O FFIC E ■ ONE BLOCK FROM STATE ARMORY Case To Be Appealed. POUCTGROUP They were : to adopt such unusual procedure. Kitchen Stools all metal, Formal apologies. Officials did not attempt to dis­ Complete and comprehensive In­ guise their belief that the Incident demnification. presented the most serious strain on Note Declares; HarUord, Dec. 14.— (AJ*)— Exei^itiye Body Torns To Guarantees against future attacks Japaneae-American relations since Glassware with entaglio etching. Bon-bon dishes, com­ Judge John A. Cornell ruled In Su­ by Japanese forces on American the outbreak of the undeclared war partment relish dishes, spoon trays, etc. C O / « shipping. between (Thina and Japan. 5 ^ ^ perior Court today that Highway Winnowing list Of 1,000 The note; which was presented to Eipresses Apologies And^ Commlmloner John A . Macdonald Ambassador Salto was acquaint­ the Japanese minister for foreign ed with the American attitude after ■O T h < CORR and not Public Work* Commlaolon- affairs last night by American Am- H ALC Bridge Lamps, gold and black metal stands ^ ^ A C k er Ttobert A. Hurley boa jurladlctlon he conveyed to Secretary Hull ver­ For Members Of Com­ baasador Joseph C. Grew, protested Regrets, Promises IBCBBT M a m c m e s t ib Co m m » with Parchment shades...... ^ JL over highways of the state. bally his government’s apologies. In vigorous language against the His words echoed expressloru of Judge Cornell will line judgment bombardment and sinking not only regret made at the American Em­ $1.98 End Tables, ^ w Q to that effect and the long battle mittee Of One Hundred. of the Panay but also of the sinking nhy Aoil Assures U. S| bassy in Tokyo by Foreign Minister Self Serve and Health Market walnut finish...... 1 a ^ J / for control of the highways wUI be and burning of three American cbm- taken to the Supreme Court In meroial vessels. Koki HIrote and representatives of Measures Haye Ahreadjj COLD January by direct appeal of the S t Louis, Dec. 14— (A P I-F a c in g Previous Oocaslona the Japanese army and navy. TUESDAY SPECIALS Serving Trays, composition fibre in colors, and A t t ^ These expressions were received state. sharp difficulty In selecting a chair­ It called attention to several occa­ in Mexican design...... Judge Cornell overruled claims of sions in the past when It said Japa­ at the State Departmergt with obvi­ Been Takeu To RreTentJ MORNINGS Double Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales the state that highways were "real man who would be satisfactory to nese armed forces "have violated the ous gratification. There was appar­ all factions,. the Republican party’s ent a firm determination, neverthe­ If your ear does not start All Day Tuesday Salad Sets, 14” glass sandwich tray with ^ M O O assets" and part of the state’s rights of the .” mayonnaise bo w l...... V A a U U "service eystem.” executive committee was engaged "In the present case," It added, less, to press the Japanese govern­ Recurrence Of GraTe h -! iMily on a cold morning out I Passage of the Public Works Act ment for more complete diplomatic Largo Boleetod Instead today in the teak of choos­ “ acta of Japanese armed forces have ttperts can locata the trou- which gave Commissioner Hurley ing the general membership of a taken place In complete disregard satisfaction In accordance with the ddent In Gunboat Sin idif (U a qnietdy. power over all real assets above a policy-determining “<3ommlttee of of American rights, have taken terms outlined by President Roose­ EGGS D.,. thousand dollars did not repeal by 100.” Although It had planned to American life and have destroyed velt, Our aervice eliminates ro- 50c TOYS implication or otherwise the high­ name the chairman as the first step, American property both public and Further Action Uncertain ing parts unnecessarily. way department statutes which the executive committee put the private. What further action might be Tokyo, Dec. 14.— (A P )—;i (Toyland — Basement) give Commissioner Macdonald "sole problem aside temporarily. It fac­ "In these circumstances, the gov­ taken by the United States tf Its jurisdiction" over the state roads. Japan today met the major NUCOA ed the difficulty of not only finding ernment of the United States re­ terms are not met, however, fur­ NORTON Judge'Cornell bolds. quests and expects of the Japanese mands of President R o ^ v a K a man who would be willing to nished a subject for wide specula­ Judge Cornell’s decision reiterates government a formally recorded ex­ ELECTRICAL Tractor and Trailer Iron Toy ...... serve but one who would be accept­ tion In the capital. There appeared on the sinking of the United 5 0 c his less formal viewpoint In bis first pression of regret, an undertaking to to be little disposition In any quar­ BUTTER memorandum In the suit of the Con­ able to the friends of Herbert make complete and comprehensive The U. S. S. Panay States gunboat Panay before'^ STRUMENT ('0. 2 7 9c Hoover and A lf M. Landon. ter to believe that a rejection of necticut Rural Roads Improvement Indemnifications; and an assurance they were presented formfilly.' St. Phone 4060 Creation of the committee, which the American demguids would lead Pop Eye Paint Box S e t ...... 5 0 c Asstxfiatlon. that definite and specific steps have to a complete breaking of relations A Japanese note expreaied To Appeal Oase. wlU prepare a new declaration of been taken which will ensure that between the two nations. CRISCO 3 Lb. Can Attorney General Charles J. Mc­ party principles, was authorised by hereafter American nationals, inter­ regret, promised ihdemniflcR*^ Congressional opinion ranged Bingo, 30-card game ...... Laughlin said be would appeal the the Republican National Clommlttee ests and property In China not tion and stated measures 5 0 c expectation that the case would be last month as a compromise ol be subjected to attack In' Japanese from the statement by Chairman GREAT BRITAIN RECEIVES NANKING BURNS ready had been taken to pre^^ Pittman (D., Nev.), of the Senate SETBACK a r^ e d In the Supreme Court In former President Hoover’s plan for armed forces or finlawYul Interfer­ vent recurrence of the inci­ mOBLAMD PABK FANCY RICE 4 ... 25c January. a mid-term party convention. Li ence by any Japanese authorities or Foreign Relations commjttee that Junior Combination Board Game (12 games) O O M M U N iry CR.UB 5 0 c The dodaion was a victor for don, the 1936 Presidential nominee, forces whatsoever.” "accldenta to neutrals are becoming AS JAPS GO ON; dent. Extra Large Con Burt OIney’s Commissioner Macdonald. Under opposed the convention plan. Oral Protest Intolerable” to the assertion of Rep ANOTHER JAP APOLOGY A short time later the gist gey As Pitoe Tomorrow Night a ruling by former Attorney Oon- Maas (R., HInn.), that the UnlM Busy Toeaday Night To Bar "PoUHcians" The oral representations yester­ of President Rooeevelt’e mens- Turn Over Target Shooting Game .. 5 0 c eral Edward J. Daly, Public Works Having considered about half the day were conveyed to Ambassador States "should get out of the A t 8 O’clock c a n Orient." R U M O ^ AVER orandum, demanding full aatifi- CO RN On the Cob 19c Commissioner Hurley assumed con­ names In Its strenuous sorting ot Hirosl Salto by Secretary of State trol of the stats highways, except 1,000 nominees, the executive cora- Hull. In them, Mr. Roosevelt de­ Most Senators were etching de­ Nippon’s Envoy Expresses SAYS EXPORT GROUP fiMtion for .the etUiik. tm No, t'/i Can Burt OIney’s Golden Table Tennis, sanded paddles ...... town aid roads, until the present mittee hoped to complete dlscusgrion manded full Indemnity for the loss velopments before commenting. Panay, was presented to 5 0 c Cognizant of the Senate’s Influence "joint control plan” was sdoptod. of the others today. From behind ol life and property Involved, formal Regrets For Attacks On Shanghai Has No Commnni- peror Hirohito, a high-gov •^Kleetrie Rcfrig:eratora Judge Oom oll pskita out thafr the the ekiaed doors of Ms eoatsrenee apotogles from tba Japanees govatn-- la the formatloo ot foreign policy, PUMPKIN 2 c . n term "real aosats" oa nsod la th* mant, and guarantees against future they said they did not want to com­ CONTROIi FARMING ment official dlscloa^ Scrriced and fteflnishcd 19c Anagrams, the educational letter game . 5 0 c rooms canoe outborltetive word that public works statute la daflnsd M the committee hod tentatively "Indiscriminate bombing" o f Amer- plicate ths situation. Two British Gnnboats On catibn W iA Gapital Bat It was reported the memora*' Large Con Ocxmui Spray Including “oil buildings, structures All Work Guaranteed agreed to bar "poUtlciana" from Icon shipping. , The little bloc of munitions com- and sewage u d other aervloe ayo- dum was received (julfitly. committee memberahip. Xbe President transmitted at the W. W. PHILLIPS Trailer Truck with Safety Blocks ...... 5 0 c tems, permanent and fixed equip­ some time to the Emperor of Japan (ContlDoed on Paga Two) Yangtze River Ob Sooday. Western Professor Qaims Japanese Agency Reports The high 'tfOYdiTiment soute* ment and lend, intersste in and Commenting on the work of the said the prompt delivery of the 63 Walker Street Cranberry Sauce 2 for 2 3 C msetlng, John D. M. Hamilton, land bettermente required for or In demands to the Emperor itself connection with the discharge of chairman of the Republican Nation­ Whipple’s Finest American Brick Building Blocks ...... 5 0 c London, Dec. 14— (A P )—Japanese One Alternative Is To Re* New Government Set Up. any duties Imposed upon the De­ al Committee, said, "this Is drudg- best illustrated the attituiie of partment of Public Works." siy. We are progressing slowly Ambassador Shlgeru Yoahlda today the Japanese government r ^ ‘ A "Servloe Ssrsteni.’* through a tedious job." apologized to Foreign Secretary dace The Productive Plant BOLL FILMS DEVELOPED MINCE MEAT „ 27c Little Sculptor Clay Modeling...... STATE MEDIATION BOARD Shanghai, Dec. 14.— (A P ) —Great garding the attack on the 5 0 c "The contention advanced In the By meeting after midnight, the Anthony Eden for Japanese atteclu demurer Is that the areas used for axscuUve committee was able to fires blazed In fallen Nanking to­ Panay. AND PRINTED on tw,< British gunboats la the state highways are either, as in push post the half-way mark In the C3>ieago, Dec. 14.— (A P )—Theo­ night as the Japanese army, relent­ "It shows the extent of Jap­ Campfire Marshmallows Jumbo Crayon and Picture Book Set...... 5 0 c some cases, owned by the state In consideration of prospective com­ RULES ON TRUCK STRIKE Yangtze river Sunday. SSc. Reprints 2 for 5c. Thle was the second official dore W. Schulte, head of the De­ lessly pursuing Ite punitive mission an’s eagerness to face the mu­ whole or In part or, as in most in­ mittee members. The conferees deep Into C3ilna, rolled on past the 423 Lydall Street stances the state possesses an ease­ apology In two days for the Inci­ partment of Economics and Sociol­ sic squarely,” he said. mode a preliminary canvaas of 600 conquered capital. Japanese filers Alanchester ment In them, and so these are dent. a military attache having ex­ Official and unofficial zentlmant 1 Lb. Pkg. Shooting Star Marble Game ...... 5 0 c names In alphabetical order In a ogy at Iowa State college, said to­ reported flames i aging through 15 c 2 » 2 9 c either ‘land’ or interest In land’ as Long Awaited Decision An* pressed regrets to the British war — the latter including eva personal nlne-bour executive session. day that the "tempo of American what had only a few weeks ago The carefully guarded Uet of per- office yesterday. expressions toward Americans froM Golden Bloom Seedless The ambaosador said his govern­ agriculture Is set by the export been the proud*seat of Generallsri- Mickey Mouse Airplane— will fly ... (Uontlnned on Page Eight) eona suggested for chairmanship of LATE NEWS the Japanese man in tbe street ■ 5 0 c nonneed; Wage Scale In­ ment was not yet In full possession group" of farm products. mo Chlong Kal-shek’s government. seemed to Indicate a reodlnsos te the "Committee ot 100" wae imder- of tbe facts, but actively pressinp Fragm"ntary reports, filtering In Schulte, In an address prepared accept the resilbnalbUlty and W RAISINS Pkg. stood to Include about 33 namee. In­ over disrupted communications. In­ DOUBLE ilrAf GREEN STAMPS GIVEN Inquiries. for delivery it the 19th annual make all possible sknends. cluding thoee of university presi­ creased Bnt Not As Much FLASHES! The gunboats, the Ladybird and dicated actual fighting had ended meeting of the American Farm Bu­ Strange Soeaes ______A L L D AY TOMORROW.______LANDON PRAISES dents, Industrial leaders and other the Bee, were not seriously dam­ within the walls of Nanking and prominent national figuree. reau Federation, said only three al­ This unoffIcIM attitude brougM , As Union Had Demanded. FOL'R PANAY DEATHS aged. ternatives were open to agriculture. the Japanese troops, without slack­ Extra Fancy Fruitcakes Specnlate on 4 Names Despite the apologies, Britain was ening their offensive campaign, strange scenes In Tokyo streets and Outside observers speculated Shanghai, Dec. IS— (W( They were: public places where Americana met JR. REPDBUCANS — (A P )— The known drat were c .frying their operations far­ chiefly upon four names as possible (Uontlaoed on Page Two) Shrinking tbe productive plant to the Japanese pubUc. from the bombing ot the fit domestic needs; shifting from the ther afield. . 1 Lb. 25c 2 1‘ h s . 49c Th€ J W . H A L C COUP. choices for chairman of the steer­ Hartford, Dec. 14.— ( A P I - The Unverified reports of the Japa­ . The Japanese s .'ppwl Amerlcand Stetee gunboat Pana} and three export group such as cotton and ing group: President E. M. Hopkins State Board of Mediation and A r­ nese virtually slaughtering the de­ ill their rounds, removing their hate Lemon, Orange or Citron MANCHESTER COHN* of Dartmouth; Jiunes Trualow Ad­ other American eteamers Increased wheat, to other fields, such os and gravely expressing their sor­ bitration today announced ite long to four today when tbe badly burn­ feated (3ilnese soldierr around Nan­ Says They Should Have More ams, the historian; Senator Freder- dairying; selling products abroad. row for tbe Incident. The fact that awaited declaion oa the bitter three- ed body of an unldenttlled seaman BENNEH REPORTS king circulated here, giving rise to 7ue/ Asserting thst shrinking produc­ moot of the Americans faUed to un­ PEEL was found. tion wss "an absolute necessity" i grave fears for the safety ot Nan­ _____Lb. 27c (UonUniird oa Page Bight) weeka’ truck atrike of laat Septem­ derstand was no deterrent. Than 15 RepresentatiTes ber. • • • few years ago, he said Its desirabll king residents as well. Prlncv* Albert Ity, beyond rhe present need for Farts Unavailable Average Japanese citizens visited too k lqk?, \ TREASURY BALANCE The declaion, which both strik­ SHIP IN DISTRESS ON EXPENDITURES numerous American business offlceih ers and employers requested, pro­ conservation of resources, was "e Actual information os to the sit­ D n Program Committee. , Dec. 14— (A P ) —Cap­ tendering tbdf regHte. Taxi driv­ vides for this wage scale: tremely doubtful", and added: uation within the c'aptiir«l city was ^ ® b a C C O 1 lb. tin In Xmas pkg. C Washington, Dec. 14— (A P )—The tain Nolan of tbe Qraoe finer Cara- O im SEBVICK MAN 7 Over-the-road drivers, 83 cents "It la highly Improbable that unavailable because oi regular com­ ers and even waitresses conveysd position of the Treasury on Decem­ bobo notified tbe line today that the Only Two More Double on hour, on increase of seven cents domestic agriculture can be shrunk munications being out of commis­ similar expresaions. win b o gimd t o e a a m ln e Largr. Fresh ber 11: craft Wae proceeding to Charleston, New York, Dec. 14.— (A P ) — and three cents less than the union Explains Why Estimate Of and kept at a domestic basis." sion and the Japanese having the Foreign Minister Kokl HlroU yowr heating system Former Governor A lf M. Landon of Receipts, 333,118,893.66; expendi­ S. C., for repairs. only contact. sent to United States Ambaasadac tures, 334,633,437.16; balance, 33,- asked. Most Hen Abroad and giro yon a eemful, Kanaas gave positive encourage­ The master said one of the ship’s Japanese army and naval spokes­ Joseph C. Grew the note which: TANGERINES Doz. Green Stamp Days Before Xmas 701373,343.47; customs receipts for Local drivers, 63 cents an hour, Schultz said the "peculiar char­ ment today to Young Republicans engines was working and the boat $140,000 For Bnilding acter of our resources" demanda men here s.ald tonight they had no 1. Expressed apologies and ro- nntdssed opinion u to I the month, 313.369.033.46. an Increase of five c4nte and five who are asking representation on cents less than the union goal. woe making six knots. Captain that 'twe continue to sell a siibstan- Information about the situation In grets; Large, Juicy Florida Shop Tomorrow and Save On Receipts for the fiscal yeu* (since t h e b e s t w s y t o d e c re a se the party’s program committee of Helpers, platform men u d freight Nolan earlier radioed for help, stat­ Has Grown Jo $340,000. Ual amount of farm products Nanking since Its occupation by 2. Promised Indemnification; 100. July 1), 33.630,330.113.39; expendi­ handlers. 33 cents an hour, a five ing tbe ship’s boilers were ont of abroad." Japanese troops. They pleaded lack yoor fuel bills. No obli* | Your Christmas^ Purchases. • commission. 3. Stated measures to prevent • He bad not seen the list of IS tures, 33,360.334350.74, Including cents Increase and five cents less He criticized high tariffs, but of communications. o f e o u rs e . ORANGES Doz. 393S,M3,3M31 o f emergency expen­ • s s recurrence of the Incident already a nominees which a committee of 13 than the union asked. termed the present trade agree- Japnne~e rising sun flags flutter­ had been taken. Fancy Delicious or Baldwin submitted Sunday, but he said: ditures; excess o f ezpendlturea The state board sets up 48 hours ARREST 180 TERRORISTS Hartford, Dec. 14— (A P )—Albert menu "a calm light of reason” by ed at each corner of Nanking’s walla " I am highly in favor of it— 3739384,73333; gross debt, 337,116,- E. Bennett issued a statement to­ Grew received from Washlngtod a week as the normal. Jerusalem, Dee. 14— (A P )— North a statement to present to the Jap> lilOMATlC Htit without reference to the individ­ 861,43633, an increase o f 38,931,- For more than 48 hours a week, Iteleotlno poUee reported tonight day purporting to explain why the (Oentinoed on Pago Two) (Oentinoed on Paga Bight) uals, whose names I do not know. original 3140,000 estimate of costs anese government. Its contend ji APPLES 874.73 above the previous day; gold local driven, helpen and freight t ^ hod srreeted ISO Syrtans on 6 Li». 25c They certainly would be entitled to for the rtate police buildings on were not disclosed but It was saM 1 osaete. 313,7643n,133.43, Including rbargee ot eompUelty In terrorism to be In line with President Rooab* with JUithr»cl*« I Freah Iceberg „ more than IS. 31393,606,086.43 o f InocUve gold. (doattaoed eo Page Two) Washington street, have rircn to "During the last campaign, the which had onnned two deaths and date to 3340.000. velt's memorandum. gs^tarOeta^ Young Republicans and Republican Uijurlea te more than a dozen per Mr. Bennett, who as state super­ The statement from Washlngtca J women were up on their toes and eons In the Holy Load within 34 visor o f construction, wax the Playboy Broker Finery and the foreign office note virtual* LETTUCE 2 > . r 15c honra. ly coincided. fighting even better than the older state’s "expert" on building mat­ Rooaeyelt’s No|e. ‘ sUons.’’ The Syitaaa were sold to have ters. furnished a list of all “ extras’' President Robaevelt’s mensoran* illDce arriving here, l.andon has Neio Army Tank Travels beeo nnnggted aeroso Itie Paleettae not In the original project. The To Be Sold At Auction “certain people,” be said, do­ border. dum had asked that the Japanese d t CoMta Cwifu, / HEALTH MARKET statement was also presented to ng to name any. A civil criminal coort sentenced Gov. Cross, who stepped Into the government consider for preimte- tioD to the government o f Uis "Jort Qniet VIsIL’* At SO Miles An Hour two Arabs to death for murder of Investigation of the costa Friday. New York, Dec. 14.-t-(AP) — Re­ "career as a Wall street messenger United States full exproaslana M "N o." he replied. "It’s just a quiet a Jew. ^ Public Works O>mmlaaioner boy was sentenced origlDally to e e I ceiver’s Attorney David Leaven­ i regret and proffer o f fiul oompensa- j-G. E. Willis & Son, Inc. Hamburg or v is it" Robert A. Hurley meanwhile baa three to ten years. worth is looking for customers who j tJoD and methods guaranteeing So quiet was It that be remained Westfield, N. J.. Dee. 14— (AP)-^480-horsepow er (Curtls-Wright) started an bidependent survey be­ Lumber, Masons* Supplies AMBASSADOR ILL I He served iwo years and three against a repetition of any simttu undiscovered for 34 hours. The J. Walter Christie, 70-year-old In­ aviation motor, It can carry three fore be authorizes any more expen­ might pay 30 cents for an 38 but­ BoItteMre, Deo. 14— (A P )— Rob­ I months, and stepped out of Sing attack. r Paint once familiar, "HI. A lf," then ventor, ran his hand lovingly along or four men and a quick-firing field ditures for completion of the htruc- tonhook or maybe 323 for a 32,300 Sausage Meat 2--b. 35c ert W. Blaghani, Ambaaeodor to ; Sing In a brand new suit and was Another Japanese governm nl Main St TeL5125 greeted him at the ringside at the the steel top of an Arm y tenw to­ piece opented from the safety of Ite ture. Eogland, was operated upon today traveling bag. driven home In a limousine. Re­ statement was Issued tn conneettafi Given With Cash Sales All Day Tuesday Sehmellng-Thomas fight last night day and said: turret. “We are going to secure from tbe He has been commissioned to sell at Johos Hopkins hoepltel In on ef­ arrested In October, he pleaded with the fall ot Nanking. -- Asked whether be had seen Her­ "Here she Is— the fastest land Although undentood to be avaU- on a "What-am-l-offeredT" basis fort tn detennfaie the ezoet rniisr architects complete specifications guilty to a new charge. Elghty- Premier Prince Fumimaro K » bert Hoover, stopped at a nearby weapon anyone bos ever seen. It’a sble to the United Stetee, this tank for the completlbn of all w ork " on Pork Chops , „ 23c,29« In Both These Stores. of We inneaa. tbe sarterio of Harold Russell Ry- three Investors accused him of the noye issued the document which do* hotel, Landon said. " I didn’t know token me five yea n and all my was made under contract for Mor­ the police buildings at Hartford;’’ iler, one-time "Boy Wonder" of Wall theft of 3200,000. he was in town." money to build her. I hope her Dr. Wintom F. Belnhoff. Jr., the dared that "birth of a new CSiint ris Industries, Ltd., the British Commissioner Hurley said. "From street, who In two years spent 37,- His possessions, piled high In will serve to safeguard foreign tab, SPECIAL *T haven’t made any suggestions only uae la for peace." manufacturlag firm headed by Lord Borgeon, said a definite diagnosis that we will make up esUmatea on 600 In one haberdashery and 32,600 Leavenworth’s office, wlU be auc­ either on the chairman or the mqm- Christie had brought the tank out had not been made, and that the tereste in the Far East-" BEEF STEW Nuffield. As an Integral part of which will be baaed our requtet for in another. tioned Saturday. It summarised Japan's oontau' bershlp," he said, of the committee to the Westfield Ain>ort, the most operotton hod been decided upon to an allocation of money.” the British rearmament program, The "Playboy-Wizard”, who "This travelling bag cost 32,500", Uon that she had pursued • pottey ybin erspriiig J W H A L C CORR being named In S t Louis by the open bit of country available, for a the OiriBtle tanks are to be turned old the physician. This request for Money, accom­ stretched a shoestring to 315,000,(XK) said the lawyer, opening a pigskin national committee. e s s of "non-aggravation" and said th4 MANCniSTm COHM- demonstratioa and'officla) teste by out In England at the rate of two a panied by a report, will be made to before 1930, won’t be needing bis case fitted with stiver toiletry con­ Nanking government had been rm RIB ROAST PORK, 21C Neither does be plan to send any tba American Automobile Associa­ day. (3ov. CroM, who then will have both buttonhook or bis hundred suits, tainers. "W e’ll be lucky If we can MARKETS AT A GLANCE dured to a mere local gbvernmenR' jMATTRESS mrseage to the S t Louis confer­ tion, to prova his claim It could tbe Bennett and Hurley reports. which coat from 3163 to 3230 each. ence. be said. . " I could have sold them to some New York, Dee. 14.— (A P )— recover 323 at auetlon." Earlier today the premier nol travel 30 mllea an hour over a field. other countries," said Christie, "and Bennett's Report The state will supply bis ele­ Buttonhooks, shoe borna, nail Reaction to his Washington an- Btorhs Irregnisr; steels advance. the Cabinet council hod heard HlfOi CfHOUSC'^SON. "She’d be awfully bard to atop," maybe made money right off. But “When tbe project concerning the mentary wants—food, clothing and files and other utensils, for which te’s report on'the Panay Inddsal Leon Corned Beef L b . 29c giounoement that be would not be a Bonds Steady; rails lower, Jo- trdcUon of state police buUdlnga shelter — for five to ten years, un- candidate for the RH>uhlican Presi- ■dd the tall, thin man. "Look at I don’t want my tanka ever to be Rydgr paid 38 each, will bring about and the report ot W ar MtaUster <3s m W12.9S INC. was first submitted to W P A and -der sentence Imposed yesterday by 30 cents, be tssUmsted. her, only four feet high. It would used for aggrearion. Tm gettl^ to eral Gen Sugiyamn ea tbs captiM SIKLOEN, CUBE OB TOP ROCND ^ t l a l nomination In 1840 be MIzed; raetala and ntlUtlea approved In the amounts o f 3140,- termed “ very pteoalng." be hard for field artillery to hit her be an old man and I never did tove Judge ChArles <^. Nott, and be also Receipts showed Ryder paid 343 of Nanking. at 300 yarda if obe were standing ■P. 000." Mr. Bennett’s report stetee. must serve seven years on a term for eboea There were 78 palra tw k m plane to lea n here Wad- an awful lot o f uae for money. Just Fbrelga Ezchaaga — Steady| Prenrier^l gtetesstwi. STEAK J>T plane or train to vtelt still— and with her ^>eed and power, ao my wife and I can get akmg, "It was cootemplsted to Include re- from which be was paroUed In 1933. Other Items: The premlet's statement e Lb. 45c well—figure It out." that’s aU I ksk. psirs and alterations to the old Mor­ Pleading guilty In 1930 to lar­ Diamood-set-dgsrette case 3330; pftrt: i i S i ? £• 2 ^ * 4 nowspaper pub- : trade and WaU gan G. BuOceley residenee, to erect The tank he demonstnted weighs "Tm tired worktng now. Tve done ceny ot 393,452 in eonnecUon with 108-plece China set 31.200; three ;Torelgn pawen win ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD-IT PAYSI **«**««■. N. and to otreet buytag. a brick banacks building to provide tbe 33.000,000 collapse of Woody f o m m thare to Chieaco ♦fc*" about six tons. Its steel is 11-16 the very beat I could, and Tm aatis- dozen drinking glasses 3133; auto­ understand Japan’s poeitlon w i trade bnyteg. and Co., In wlilch he was a partner, mobile 38,300; mink coat 31,873; tg.Topaka. iachsB thick I t is powerad with a fiad. This la my la|t tank." (OonUMHd oa Fago Two). tlte dapper broker who began hla coffee table 388JIO.

— 1^:_ M . ^ A-.. ■vf I-


P A G E T W O MANCHCSTER EVENING HERAI.E. MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14,198T ItANOTESTBR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CX)NN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14,1931 PA«E't«iin<^ would only encourage more persona have been obtAlnsd by tbs stata UU' States to take tha leadership Iq the to make a dump out of the street R. A. M. GET-TOGETHER der any other method. SUSTAINS BAD FRACTURE Far EMst, assuring America of Brit­ WADDELL OPPOSES gutters, knowing that provision Total Approprtatlana ish support “in any action which STAMP COLLECTORS BOLTON SELECTMEN NEAR A(XIDENT CAUSES THREE MEN ARE HELD; had been made for taking away Mr. Bennett reports that the total she (the United States) may feel N. Y. Stocks Anti-Japan^e Campaign TALL CEDAR P A R H ^CATCH COLD^ refuse. The spokesman said that at TOMORROW NIGHT state appropriations to data for the IN F A U FROM TRUCK called upon to take." xoLosNAiieor present, many storekeepers do not reject are $164,000. The sum of ■The Timea’ first editorial on the DRUNK DRIVING ARREST BELIEVED STORE THIEVES EASILY? RELIEF PROPOSAL 107,000 was spent up to Nov. 33, ELEQ SLATE AND ON? sufficiently co-operate with the Members Of Delta Chapter ? Sunday incldenta sUnglngly de­ Adam Exp ...... MUST ANSWER.PDUE Praised By Labor Chief leaving $57,000 mors to be spent. Frank Anderson, Bakery Goods nounced Japanese conduct of the Air Reduc ...... 4 FOR KIDS MONDAY street department, and atart at the Aims Gar At Prentice, Mieses; back of their stores, sweep out the To Entertain At Temple; Commlaalbner Hurley, bowsver, who Salesman, Injured Today; war. Alaska J u n ...... ] Mcn*9 Sntta Stolen In State VICKE litter, cle^off the sidewalks In Christmas Tree ProRram has taken over jurisdiction, wUl not Well Known World War Vet. While admitting that the United Allegheny ...... HiOstown Rood Smash Are Found In New Haven i CKS East Liverpool. O., Dee. 14— (A P )xb eled “Made in Japan" and "Made a Va p o R u o ^ Would Not CoDsider Patting front of their establishments, and permit expenditure of any of that States’ material interests In the Allied Cham ...... ib Manning Named President; Wrecks Two Cars, Arrest V *TR0 4 I0 L V Arranged. balance until he seea for himself Ordered To Show Caose Why — Organized potters of the - in • Csechoalovakla"- - - signaled the Tavern. leave the debris to blow in the Frank Anderson, of 65 WaUcer Far East were smaller tlian Bri­ Am Can ; ...... q Made. ceramics district said ChQdren Of^Masoidc Parent­ help* prtvnnf how much more la necessary to tain’s, the newspaper said America’s ■tart of the parade, la w)ilch police help* gad a More Elderly Aid Recipi­ streets. It Is understood that there Plans for the get-together of street, operator of a retail bakery Am Rad St S ...... 1 today they expected their anti- said "easily 3,000” marched. Sev­ la a weekly Main street cleanup complete the structure. The orig­ route for the BIus Ribbon Bakery, destinies— because sbe borders on Am Smelt ...... a Auction Plans Change An­ New Haven, Dec. 14— (A P )— A cofd$ members of Delta chapter. Royal inal state appropriations, Mr. Beo He ShonId Not Continne Choosing the wrong automobile Japanese boycott, spurred by a pa­ eral more thousand realdenta of cold qiffctcer made each Sunday mormng by the Arch Masons, their wives or wom­ sustained a bad fracture of hts leg the Pacific ocean—"ars linked far Am Tel and Tel ...... New Haven tavern keeper and two age Or "Adoption’’ Wel­ nett points out, was $43,000, leav­ more closely to China's than our at which to aim hla machine, W il­ rade of American Federation of La­ this "Crockery City" lined the side­ ents On Jobs In Town. street force. en friends are complete. The party late this forenoon when be fall from Am Tob B ...... e nounced; Cohunbians Fea­ liam Senkbell, 43, of 33 Norman bor workera would spread immedi­ ing an over-expenditure o f $66,00u own." Am Wat Wka ...... 1 To Serve As Constable. walks In 10-above-zero tempera­ Hartford men were ordered held un­ It was pointed out that refuse will be held at the Masonic Temple his delivery truck while at work street early last night nearly drove ately to other labor unions throogb- from the $107,000 spent up to Nov. The liberal News Chroniqla de­ Anaconda ...... 3 tures to see the marching potters, der bond today while detective and come To Attend. cans, placed along the principal tomorrow night and a fine time Is He was taken to the Manchester his car Into a police cruiser oper­ out the country. 33. manded an "Immediate embargo” on Armour. HI ...... baken, salesmen, butebera, truqk state police sought other suspects Contrary to the auggeationa made streets, have not been used to near­ assured all who attend. Refresh­ Mr. Bennett also refers to ad­ Memorial hospital for X-ray and op­ tured Next. ated by Policeman Joseph A. Pren­ James M. Duffy, presldut of the driven and other union memben. ments will be served and there will eration. Anderson is a World War the sale of wax materials to Japan Atchison ...... 3 Judge ICdward J. (Quinlan in Tol­ In what was described as a state­ by aoma local realdenta that r ^ p l ly the advantage that .was hoped for justments Involving $6.9,660.29. H i by both Britain and the United tice. The near collision occurred National Brotherhood of operative One marcher trailed an improvis­ wide ring of store thieves. Nutmeg Forest, Tidl Ced’ars at b. a Cbriatmas tree and entertain veteran, a member of ex-service or­ Aviation Corp ...... on Highland street, and after halt­ them la the cleanliness program .states that he .made no attempt to States. land County Superior court yester­ Potters, declared the demonstra­ ed Jlnriklsba bearing the slogans Judge Joeeph Weiner set bail at Lebanon, will give ita annual Chriat- cnta of town aid abould be placed ment program. Ehich one attending ganizations and the Arm y and Navy Baldwin, C T ...... /,... with a turnout of 85 mamhers, ing Senkbell, Prentice arrested him at work, helping to pick up litter hers. set up a balanced figure. He gives Balt and Ohio ...... 1 day aftemqpn ordered Bolton’s tion made him “feel more confident "We Are Tlrod Making It Soft for $1,000 for F r^ k Parillo, 29, opera­ No Effect Here Is asked to bring a small articis for club. for driving under the Influence of rr.ax parly for the kiddles of Ma­ ’ from the atreeta If'they are phyalc- as bis reason the fact that commis­ BendU ...... 1 tha Stamp Collectors’ Club of .Man­ three Selectmen, Thomas Wilson, than In all my 11 yea n ax head of the Japs—Buy American," and tor of a Temple street tavern, and Commenting on the stand taken a gift collection. liquor. SenkbeU was not In condi­ sonic parentage or adoption next any unable to do heavier labor. sions paid to the architect, Maurice Beth S t e e l...... ji chester laat night held Its first elec­ John Albasi and George Rose, to this Brotherhood that we are get­ "This Is the Mikado’s Last Ride In at $2,500 each for the two Hartford by some nearby towns that, since tion to be presented last night In Monday night at 7:30 at the Tem­ Town Charity Superintendent Golden, who h u already received Beth Steel, ^ d ...... 8 tion of officers at a meeting In the show cause why an injimcUon ting somewhere— that labor win Thl4 Man’s Town." Inside the eliay men, Warren Littlefield, 31, and the due date for the newly adopted court, and hla case was continued ple. A ll children of Masons up to Oeorge H. Waddell aaid today that more than $14,000, and the engin STATE MEDIATION BOARD Borden ...... 1 Hotel Sheridan. A stamp auction, should not be granted to restrala take up the movement all over the was a Worker wearing an Orient^ Anthony Dellecurti, 34, when they state unemployment Insurance bene- eers, the expenses of the Supervisor. Local Stocks under bonds. nation.’’ mask. 10 years of age are welcome at this he h u no intention of foUowing Can Pao during which about $15- worth of the Selectmen from allowing Ches­ were arraisrned In cnty C3ourt on BENNEn REPORTS Arrested on a cbarg;e of violation party. Ehmh one Is asked to bring such a plan. Since the town in Bts becomes In effect January 1 Peter J. Dalton, the demolition of Case (J. I.) ...... 9 stamps changed hands, was arrang­ terfield Plrie to serve the town as a William Green, A-: F. L. praldent Duffy said the competition of technical Idleness charges. The the old Bulkeley homestead, the ad of rules of the road .after a ear be a small gift to be placed with aures all of ita laborers Itaelf, Mr. these towns will drop their "made RULES ON TRUCK STRIKE Cerro De P a a ...... 8 ed In conjunction with the election. constable. who watched the parade and after­ Japanese ceramics had hit espe­ case was.continued until Dec.-21. ditlon of the third story and the Famished by F. B. Shaw, Ino. was driving off Hlllstown road others on the big Christmas tree. Waddell feels that the placing of work” projects for relief cases, Mr. ON EXPENDITURES Cbea and O h io ...... I Named for office for tha coming Writs were served on the Bolton ward addressed a mass meeting of cially bard in his district, where he The trio was arrested last night Waddell said today that Manchester central heating plant, together with 135 Trumbull 8L ■truck an automobile operated by T h r Tall Odara will furnish men, who are admittedly old or (Oontinned from Page One) Chryelar ...... e year were, president, Frederick M. Selectmen yesterday afternoon by 1,400 persons, said be was “deeply eetlmsted the potteries employ 6,000 by Detective Sergt. Raymond J. has no such projects at present, the changes listed were not Included -larttord Emilio Botti of 296 Front street, candles, fruits and Ice cream and phyalcaJly unfit, for general labor Coca Cola ...... 11 M anniu; vice president, Loula Mil­ Deputy Sheriff John Johnson of Hartford, Frank Tomklevich of touched” by the demonstration. He persona. Some of the marchers’ Eagan and State Policemen W il­ and Is not effected by the contro­ (Oontlnaed from Page One) In the original $140,000 estimates. William B. Martin there will be an entertainment pro­ might reiult in some Incident that handlers are to receive time and a Col Carbon ...... 7 ligan; mat vice president, Scott Hebron. A hearing on the order Griswold street, Glastonbury, was pledged the Federation to "make bannen touched on these Imports. liam S. Murphy'and Frank L. Pal­ versy which bss entered Into relief Local Bepresentative Ool Oaa and I Q ...... was set for Tuesday, December 21 real the boycott against Japan for "Meats Taste Better on Ameri­ gram. Members of Manchester would be eoetly to the town. for 26 men and to change the con­ half pay.. For more than 54 hours Simon; secretary, Charles Mitchell; said by police to have been driving mer after, the officers said, a search lodge or affiliated Masonic bodies Due to announcements recently conduct In many towns. These a week, over-the-road drivers will Bid Aaked Coml Inv T r ...... 3 r .slitant secretary, John Wooden; In Windham County Superior court far on the left side of the road. The her barbarous war In China." can Dlatahs,” one read, and another: of Parillo's tavern disclosed a num­ towns are understood to desire the struction of the existing garage. ip Wllllmantic. are v elcome to bring their own circulated from Washington that "A fter the approval o ' this pro­ receive time and a half. Htfd. Nat. Bk. A Tr. 34 36 <3omI Solv ...... treasurer, Nino Osello; assistant crash took place In front of John A bonfire of cardboard boxes la­ "Keep the Ktin Fires’ Bumlng.’’ \ ber o f men’s suits reported stolen State to assume Bnanclal responsi­ STATE DEPT. SENDS Plrie woa notified two weeks ago children or adopt a neighbor's child there are large increases of WPA ject by the WPA, the state felt Dodges Closed Shop. Htfd. Conn. Trust . .. 61 66 <3ona E d iso n ...... s treasurer, Stanley Kasky, and auc­ Sawickl’s place at 595 Hlllstown in this and nearby ciUca. bility for local unemployed Instead Cons O i l ...... by the Bolton Selectmen that ni. for this occasion. . panonncl Impending, local officials that Inasmuch as the government, The decision, msde public today Htfd. Nat. 3k. A Tr. 21 34 tion manager, CHarenea Bldwall. road. Both cars were badly dam­ Eagan said evidence had been ob­ of having the municipalities finance by Morgan Mooney, deputy labor PhoenU St. Bk. A Tr. 270 300 Cent Can ...... i The new officers will be Installed could no longer serve as a town con­ aged. Sergeant John McGIinn In­ Conti and Little, offer a "Little of tained to link the three men with a ; are tneUned to believe that It may through the W PA would pay for all fORMAL PROTEST TO stable since he had not filed a bond TR.YOEDY not be neceasary for the town to de work programs. necessary labor and some materials commissioner and secretary of the Insurance Stocks Com Prod ...... fl the first Monday In January, 1938, vestigated. LOCAL WOMAN DEPITTY this and a little of that.” Also on ring o f "store boosters," or mer­ Definite word on the proposed Del Lack and West ...... with them as required by law. Plrie vtae any "made-work’' program on on this project, It would be to the board, does not touch on the union's X Aetna Casualty ... 80 85 at which- time applications for char­ the bill Is the Rexolc ReYue. Alto­ chandise thieves operating through- . O.—The Ohio nver employment of local aid cases is ex' Douglas Aircraft ...... 3 ter membership will also be doted. had continued his bond In force : which to place Its aid recipients state's advantage to discard that NIPPON GOVERNMENT demand for a closed shop. Aetna Fire ...... 36H 41H gether here Is a program oonelsUng ouf*the state. flood-of last January swept away pec ted after a meeting of the char' It is provided that the wage scale X Aetna Life ...... 22 24 Du Pont ...... i i Ladies and gentlemen over 18, In­ from last year with Town Clerk IN ORDER OF VASA I ' such as was proposed at the last part of the project which called for David Toomey he maintained. SOUTH POLE EXPLORER of the highest type of variety. Edward Crews’ home. Ity committee of the Board of Sc' remodeling the Bulkeley residence shall be retroactive to Sept. 29. X Automobile ...... 34 26 Eastman Kodak ...... 15 terested in stamp collecting, are On the screen the State presents ': ineeUag of the Board of Selectmen (Oontinned from Page One) Elec Auto L i t e ...... 1 He moved hts family Into a ga­ Is thought that there la a possi lectmen, which may be called short' and to erect a modem thri^e-story The union's request that the nin- Conn. General ...... 34 26 eligible for charter membership at Roland Young and John L ^ e r In Gen Elec ...... 4 tbla time. Miss Frideborji E. Thoren To rage and set about building a new j- btUty that all able-bodied men may ly. In the meantime, W P A may limestone administration building, nlng time from Hartford to New Hartford Klre ...... 60VR 62H TO ADDRESS HREMEN "King Solomon's dines," according SEGAR TO INSTALL mlttce members w u ready, how­ Gen Foods ...... 3 A drawing for a pool of 1,000 house. / find employment on W PA projects absorb mors laborers. and also to Increase the facilities in York city be extended from six and Hartford Steam Boiler 65 69/ Install OfTicers In Five to Liberty the beat film of this sort ever. to proteat any adminlatratton Gen Motors ...... 3 stamp varietiea was won last night MASONS TO Um Last Saturday he finished the after the Brat of the year. the barracks building by complete­ one-half to eight hours is denied National Fire ...... 52 64 Lodges Including One Here. since "Trader Horn." There is also step that would tend to break down The six and one-half hours time is Gillette ...... by Philip Waddell. Another dra*-/- Member of Admiral Byrd Ex­ OFnCERS JANUARY S job, started a fire In the furnace to Would Make Strw t a Dump ly finishing the basement area, by American neutrality. The group X Phoenix Fire ...... 72 75 a splendid co-feature. changing the construction on the established for trips both to New Rosala Insurance . . . . 4% t>\ Hecker Prod ...... Ing will be held at the next meeting. pedition To Be Guest Of warm the home for moving In. Ona town official, speaking In re- fought for enactment of the neu­ Hershey ...... 4 OmCERS TONIGHT Miss Frideborg E. Thoren. of 224 SCOUTS TOY CAMPAIGN front elevation to limestone and face York and Boston. Travelers ...... 800 410 A change In auction plans was de­ Hose Co. No. 2, M. F. D. Something went wrong. The new i gard to the suggested town clesnup trality law, and h u criticized the Seniority rights are to be main­ Hudson Motors ...... cided upon at the meeting, and In­ West Center rtreet, newly elected Swedish Benevolent Society home burned to the ground. campaign on which It was proposed b'ick and by changing all neces­ Public Utility ndmlnl.itratlon for .lot Invoking It tained. Int Harv ...... e stead of a general Item auction, district deputy of the Order of Vasa Will Also Observe 39th An­ that older town aid recipients be MAKES GOOD PROGRESS sary flooring to fireproof construc­ In the Far Eastern oonfllcL Conn. Lt. and Pow. . 51 56 John H. Von Der Wall, who was for this section of the state, will GARDEN CLUB MEMBERS tion. The agreement Is to remain In Int Nick ...... 4 from now on, sales will be centered Annual Meeting To Open At ' employed, aaid that such a program Suggests a Probe Conn. Pow...... 41H 43 V4 Int Tel and Tel ...... a member of Admiral Byrd's ex­ conduct Installation of officers for niversary At Ils Next M eet­ Heating Plant force until Aug. 4. 1938. It can Htfd. Elec. L t...... 53 55 on particular Issues or types. At 7:30 In ’The Yemple; Impor­ pedition to the South Pole, has been Senator Reynolds (D., N. C.l, who Johns Manvllle ...... 8 the next meeting, auction will be rs- five lodges of the Order during next ing. "It was decided to erect the new be terminated or amended by eltbet Hartford Gas ...... 27 31 tant Bu8lne!K...,’i o A ttract secured by the committee making IN PARTY LAST NIGHT Scoutmaster Danny Shea and his began the Senate discussion yester­ Kennecott ...... '...... 3 stricted to Columbian lisqes, and month. Including Scandia Lodge of •a*eks garage building and provide a cen party with 30-days’ notice. Twelve So. New Eng. Tel. CJs. 145 150 arrangements for the annual dinner day with a demand for withdrawal large trucking concerns are affect­ Leldgh Val Rd ...... J ...... all stamps, to bo put up for sale, Crowd, this town, of which she Is a past Swedish Benevolent Society Se- staff of assistants Including William tral heating plant which wou 1 Alanufacturlng Stocks and Christmas party of Company CAREY ^^rrow poulards COLDS of American military forcea from ed. Ligg and Myers B ...... 8 must be of that lisue. president. Merry Marionettes Entertain gar will observe Its 39th anniver­ McCarthy, John Quaglia and John serve all three buildings. This nec­ the Orient, said he might propose a Acme Wire ...... 25 27 Loew’s ...... 4 No. 2 of the Manchester fire de­ Scandia will hold Its election of Mediations Board. The annual meeting of Manches­ With Two Puppet Shows; sary on Saturday evening. Janu­ Krinjak report great progreas ^n essarily Involved a much greater Congressional inquiry. Am. Hardware ...... 181G 20% Lorlllard ...... 1 partment, to speak at the dinner officers this Thursday night at 8 'The decision Is signed by Prof GIRL STILL CRITICAL ter lodge of Masons will be held 'n Thursday night. He will relate his ary 8, at Orange hall, and at the • ROOFING FEVKR the repairing and painting of the cost, to both the state and the WPA. Senator Borah (R., Idaho), Inter­ Arrow H and H, com 30% 31% Mont Ward ...... 3 o’clock at Orange hall, and the In­ Annual Gift Exchange. Clyde O. Fisher, John H. Goss and Stafford Springs, Dec. 14.— (A P ) the Masonic Temple tonight. Lodge experiences n "Little Aroerics.” All same time will Install officers elect­ wMi new faces flrvi tfar The W PA approved all of • thes'? rupted debate to comment he was George A. Doyie. Billings and Spencer . 2% 4 Naah-Kelv ...... 1 stallation will take place on Thurs­ toys which they are collecting for changes, as did Commissioner Sun­ Brl.stol Brass ...... 32 86 —Miss Ruth Chamberlain 01 Town­ will open at 7:30 and the business members are urged to attend. ed last Saturday. The ceremony uncertain whether the Panay had It Is explained that, In consider­ Nat Blsc ...... 1 day. January 3, with Miss Thoren Garden club members enjoyed galraw Mm Urwpa nlnaiM dljtribuUoD to the needy children derland. As a result, the cost In­ Collins Co...... 108 110 send, Vt., who has been imconsclous Includes reading of reports 01 o f­ will be In charge of Past Pre.- urged Senators to withhold com­ had lasted three weeks and violence Phil Pete ...... 8 Can Marc ...... DANCE TRIO FEATURED White", and an original play, Time Payments Arranged. ling. Probably the taani*a beat Valoe at of these changes, the state has been do., pfd...... 92 100 STATE Carl A. Anderson, treasurer; Albert The list of needy families Is be­ ments until the facts were more had resulted In the arrest of 16 Pub Serv N J ...... 3; National Guard Cent States El ...... "Betty’s Christmas Doll." Miss provided with modern, flreprooi North and Judd . . . . 23 25 ^ MANCHESTER^" Swanson, chaplain; Emil Anderson, GROCERY ing oomplled for the scouts by Miss clearly known. men, 15 o f whom now are being Radio ...... I O ts S e r v ...... Evelyn Beer, Miss Marion Brook­ InHured W orkmen. buildings, heated economically by a Peck, Stow A Wilcox 6 7V4 AT STATE, HARTFORD master of ceremonies; A lgol John­ 183 Spruce Street Jessie Reynolds. Any one having How much the American bill for tried In Superior Court on charges Reading ...... n TODAY AND TOMORROW — News — Cits Serv., p f d ...... ings. and Mrs. Raymond Wood- n central heating plant and 1 believe Russell Mfg. Co...... 23 26 bridge skilfully manipulated the son, Inner guard; Carl Johnson, any toys to donate to the drive call Indemnification will total h u not of conspiracy and breach of the Rem Rand ...... 1 ; aoiinr El Bond and Share .. that the replacement value of these X Scovlll Mfg. Co. ... 21H 23*4 wires controlling the motions of the outer guard; Arvld Gustafson, trus­ 6780 and they wlU be called for. been decided. This will depend to peace. Repub Steel ...... n By DANNY SHEA Nlag Hud P o w ...... Another outstanding stage show Industrial Insulation i ai l i iZK'II K-ri21ueiid3CU Gold Medal or Pillsbuiy builuings Is far beyond what could Stanley W orks ...... ; 34 36 'M O H liM lIlllf marionettes on the miniature stage, tee for three years; Carl E. TTloren, a great extent on the number of The strike was called Sept. 7 by Rey Tob B ...... 4: Go. K, ISBth Infantry Penn Road ...... dpens at the State Theater, Hart­ Torrington ...... 23 25 as Miss Irene Walter read the text. representative to Hall Association Flour, 24^ lb. q q casualties and the condition of some Local 671 of the A F L International Safeway Stores ...... $ Hlya Buddies; Segal Lock ...... ford, Wedne.sday for four days. An Company, Inc. Union Mfg. Co...... 6 7 The presentations were much en­ Svea for three years; Emil Brandt, of the Standard Oil vessels, not all Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauf­ Schenley D li ...... 21 S U L d U f f l U , May we remind the Howitzer Unit Gas ...... all-headllner show of talented art­ b a g ...... 9 a l C U S Envelope, com .. — 60 joyed. Mrs. Herbert B. House won auditor to the Association. (New Britain Conn.) of which were destroyed. feurs, Stablemen and Helpers. A t Sears Roebuck...... 5' Company that our score ts still 1000 Unit L t and Pow A ... ists Is headed by 'Tip, Tap, Toe," the peak of the strike, the union do., pfd...... 120 130 Shell Union ...... ii u - t i m c M per cent as they stated recently only first prize, a tray In M-uctcan pot­ Plans are being made to serve C£INIHe''S M X Naval officers c.,Umatcd the cost who were featured In "You Can’t 0 Jack Frost Sutrar, g ^ estimated that 1.200 workers had Veeder Root, new ,., 41*4 43*4 tery. for having the most correct supper at this meeting, the commit­ 673 Main Street Manchester of replacing the Panay, Including Socony Vac ...... 11 now It’s one game played: one game GET CHRISTM AS BON"US Have Everything" with the Ritz 10 lb. cloth bag . . O X C X toined In the walkout, which tied up Whitlock Coil Pipe .. — 10 South Pac ...... 2 won, and no games lost. See you to- answers tn an advertising game. tee in charge consisting Of Ernest INC. X nuichiuery and armamenta, would freight movement throughout east­ New York Bank and Ins, Slock South Rwy ...... 1; brothers, and who come to the Carol singing foUowed with Mrs. Kjellson, chairman; Henning A. Phone 6869 0 nlgbL Hartford. Dec. 14— (A P )— For State direct from alx months at the exceed $500,000. ern Connecticut. Bank of New York ., 840 350 Watch the columns of the Herald R. K. Anderson at the ptano. Home Johnson and Carl Thoren. Land O’Lakes A A ^ St Brands ...... 1 the second successive year, em­ Cotton CHub. That funny-faced The Panay was the first Ameri­ A fter numerous attempts at Bankers Trust ...... 46 48 St Gas and El ...... 1 fur the announcement of the arrival made cake and cookies, Ice cream ployes of G. Fox and Company, now comedl.an. Joe Besser, with, Lee Butter, l b ...... f r f r C can naval vessel to ^ sunk in a conciliation had failed, both sides Chase ...... 30 32 St on Cal ...... 21 o f the pay checks. They will be dis­ cups and candy were served by the hostile action since the World War, Chemical ...... 42*4 44 <4 ON THE NAME SHOW numbering about 1,800, will receive Ftoyce, presents the liveliest skit NOVELTY GIFTS FROM CLIFFORD’S suddenly agreed , to' submit the Is­ St Oil N J ...... 4; tributed the night they are received a Christmas bonus of 3 per cent of Christmas party committee, and Farm Style and the first In peacetime since the sues to the state hoard. The union Continental ...... 11 13 Tex Corp ...... 3 James OLEAHON-Zasu PITTS at the armory. in years, guaranteeing many a the annual exchange at gifts took .Maine was sunk In Havana harbor Corn Exchange ...... 49 51 In "40 NAUGHTY GIRLS” their year's wages. It was announc­ laugh a minute; the four Spurgates, Creamery Q A claimed that employers had given Timken Roller Bear ...... 4 The Company held their regular ed today. place. The beautiful growing Genuine Leather In 1898. them a verbal agreement that a Guaranty Trust ,.,..214 224 the "Diamond Aristocrats” give a Butter, lb...... e J a l C Trans America ...... 1 drill last night. The formation was Payments will aggregate some Christmas tree, whicb was llluml- DRESS SETS Navy Department records show closed shop policy would be main­ First National ...... 1765 1815 TO THE LADIES called by First Sergeant Thomas new meaning to sensational, coming nated with colored bulbs during Union Carbide ...... 7 Oolden Poppy Bak-ln-Ware $70,000 or more, It la estimated. ----- [ t c h Million People Bought Philcos, And Like Theml] TOILET SETS that two destroyers, the transport tained. X Irving ...... 10*,4 12H Union Pac ...... g Paganl at aeven-tblrty. A formal from the marvelous new Interna­ the evening, was given as an attend­ Art Benson Says Pure Lard, With Zipper Studs and President Lincoln and the cruiser X Manhattan ...... 21 23 inspection of the Company was then Last year, the etore gave the 1,500 tional (^ I n o In New York. ance prize, and drawn by President Unit Aircraft ...... 2 Starts Jeannette MacDonald permanent employes then on the 1 lb. pkg. . Cuff were the only American Manufact. Trust .... 35*4 37*4 Unit Corp ...... held by the Company commander. Johnny Berkes and June Carr, W. E. Buckley. Mr. Buckley do­ 12c Thurs, In ’THE FIREFLY"* payroll a total of some $60,000 In a warship casualtlcn of the World National City Bank . 25V4 27*4 Unit Gas Imp ...... 1 Numerous corrections were made stars of stage, screen and radio, are nated a quantity o f silver artemisla up Rutton.s GREAT BRITAIN RECEIVES year-end bjnus on about the same Native Eggs, $ 3 . 9 5 War. The destroyer and the trans­ New York TVust . . . . 95 99 U S Rubber ...... 2 and the same faults are not expect­ funnier than ever In "Joe Palooka's and suggested the members ex­ port were sunk by German subma­ Public ...... 28 30 basis. Buddy meets the Beauty;’’ Lewis medium size, doz. U 8 Steel ...... 5 ed to happen again. A seasion of change winter bouquet material. 28c rines. The San Diego went to the ANOTHER JAP APOLOGY Title Guarantee ...... 6 7 West Union ...... 2 close order drill followed as the of­ Boxed BRUSH $ Insurance End TO D AY — RIO Stags Sbow| 1.00 bottom when she hit a mine off New West El and ’ I f g ...... '■....10 ficers’ sabres flashed out and the This Is A RADIO BUYERS’ YEAR! LITTLE JACK UTTLE Home Science T oilet Seta SETS York. American (Newark) . 10 12 Wool worth ...... 3 command “forward march" sound­ (Contlnned from Page One) Bread, loaf ... TIE CH.MNS AND American Reserve ... 1814 20*4 Elec Bond and Share (Curb). 1 ed throughout the armory. Riot 8c $1.95 Up $1.00 American Surety ... 36*4 38*4 Duty under the supervision of Sec­ *The 1938 Philcos Are The COLLAR PINS — 50c. understood to bo preparing to dis­ Excess ...... 4*4 5*r H artford Prices Are The Most Baker’s Cocoa, GETS SERVICE EMBLEM ond Lieutenant Walter Cowles took STATE BUYS 35 ACRES patch a severe note to Tokyo, and Fid. and Deposit . . . . 95 99 the spotlight for the remainder of 1/4 lb. can .... Eden Indicated he would make a 7c Bill Great American ___ 19 21 Waterbury. Conn., Doc. 14— (A P ) the drill period. An Informal busi­ Best We *ve Seen In 10 Years * ‘TY-HOLD’ TIE RACKS new statement to the House of Com. Halifax ...... 21 23 ness meeting was held and the com­ Attractive We*ve Ever Seen*' AT SHERWOOD ISLAND mons later In the day. —Eugene P. Slason. baggagemaster Pea Beans, Folds Accommodates 1,5 ties. Folds Hanover ...... 26*4 28*4 of the Waterbury divtston, proudly pany was dismissed by the First There were growing Indications Home Ins...... 24 26 Sergeant 4 IbSe • • • • • fist so you .see the front of that the British government would showed friends and fellow workers 19c each tie. Home Fire Security . IH 2 \ Major Philip C. Hawley, battalion ? 1 .0 0 Governor Cross Announces Fi- look to President Roosevelt for lead­ .Mass. Bonding ...... 39 42- today a diamond-studded gold em­ POPULAR blem presented to him by the New commander of the Third Battalion, Salted Herrings, Up $ 1.00 nitl Step In Com pleting O f ership In the next move If protests National Liberty .... 6 7 paid bis official visit to the com- full to gain full satisfaction for the .North River ...... 24 26 Haven Railroad In recognition of hia 4 f o r ...... Summer Playground. 50 years of service. I ny last night 25c attacks on British and American Prof. Wash...... 2514 27*4 'W e imderstand that one of our vessels. Pref.-Accident ...... 13 S 1514 Supt. W. H. Broqks presented the Rinso, large Hartford. Conn., Dec. 14— (A P )— medal yesterday to the baggage- privates Is contemplating joining Connecticut took the final major Not To Let It Rest Seaboard Surety . . . . 22 *4 25 *4 the regulars. Good luck. Tommy. package ..., The British nation, aroused by Security Ins...... 27 29 master, who started to work for the 19c step In completing development of railroad In 1887 as a freight brake- Former Lieutenant Nathan one of Its summer playgrounds lust the Oriental situation, apparently Springfield Fire A Ma. 102 106 Gatchell was a visitor at the ar­ MARKET had no Intention of letting the mat­ man. 855 MAIN STREET RUBINOW BUILDING Spry, as the winter sports season Was be­ X Sun Life ...... 440 490 mory last night It seems good to SHOPS ter rest with the dispatch of a U. S. F. and G...... 13 15 , “WHERE THRIFTY SHOPPERS SHOP” 1 lb. can .. ginning. see one o f the.old officers with new 38-7XX Don’t use an old radio,-be­ 19c Gov. Cross announced yesterday routine protest. Westchester ...... 27 29 HAPPY YULETIDE interest We're expecting the 38-4XX the purchase, for $22,5,0()0. of a However, the view was expressed X—Elx-Dlvldend. lieutenant around again soon. Yes, $79.95 Leaa A erial cause you think it isn’t tract of land, about 35 acres In that the United States was "the New Albany, Ind.—To make aure you guessed It, he’s the school $15 F or Y ou r Old Radio $114.50 With Aerial Installed area, to be added to the Sherwood more aggrieved party" because of he would have enough money for teacher. worth much. Trade it in. $25 For Your Old Radio Island state park, fronting the the sinking of the Panay whereas SAYS EXPORT GROUP Christmas, Kenneth A. Miller picked And now I'U leave you until to­ WEDNESDAY SPECIAI/S ^wednMdaV^ MMfNCWMfWMIflISilWtWMIWWwsKKKMsiHKWaCriCKWSkWMIMeWMMMW sound In Westport. the British gunboats Ladybird and strawberries, hunted walnuts, sold night’s game. It’s worth plenty at Ben­ Bea weathered attacks. Therefore. Your Cost "A fte r many years of doubt, Sher­ novelties and "did oud jobs wnen 1 I ’ll be seeln’ ya. Your Cost wood Island park now becomes an In this reasoning, the Initiative was CONTROLS FARMING wasn't busy at the night club where CUT TO ORDER son’s! Just look at these accomplished fact," the Governor Washington’s. I work." London newspapers pave promin­ aaid. ence to the Roosevelt message to (Oontinned from Page One) He has just drawn from nine COMPANY K QUINTET SIRLOIN The tract, known as the George “NO WONDER Lmperor Hlrohlto but carried little banks 50 Christmas savings checks W. Galr property. Includes a large on Britain's own conferences In contrast with a "world that has for $25 each. BEATS HIGHLAND PARK ROUND The Bcautv Nook Special I.s and expensive home. There la no Downing street. Editorials urged a gone mad w th nations) hysteria." shore frontage but the added land solid Anglo-American front to deal .Move for Peace Porterhouse Meeting With Such Approv.-il" will enable the state to build an­ with the matter. Secretary Hull’s efforts in that The Company "K " Guards defeat­ STEAKSA N Y S IZ E — A N Y T H IC K N E S S 27 W other roadway Into the park, In­ Expect Statement field, he said, "hava imdnubtedly ed the Highland Park quintet at the ______Pound PRICES AP.E crease the plcknlcklfig facilities, and Prime Minister Neville Chamber­ represented an Important peace­ armory laat night 33-23. The teams make room for the construction of lain,' It was thought, might make a making force during this turbulent took the floor Immediately following more bath-houses. statement In tha House of Commons period." the Guards drill period. Numerous GREATLY REDUCED The state now owns 128 acres of this afternoon, following up Eden's In speeches at yesterdair’s opening visitors were present os "K " and land at Sherwood Island and about terse announcement )resterday that sessions, Secretary of Agriculture the Highlanders were running neck 1,000 feet of beach. m , On Such Well Known the British ambassador to Tokjro Wallace and President Edward A. and neck up to the half, closing ;)8.12T— R egular $27.50. O’Neal of the Federation expressed . Permanents A i . , . bad "made the strongest protests." uithe final ^rtod with a tie score divers views on pending farm legia- $.5 For Your Old Radio. COAL BIN FIRE STOPPED It was also regarded as posslbls (11-11) Brazowa)(l starred for the that the Commons session might ilatlon. Adlers and Anderson for the H|gh- • ZOTOS • JAMEl. O'Neal openly criticized the sec­ Y O U R COST New Haven, Oonn., Dec. 14— disclose whether Britain was plan­ adera FRESH or SMOKED ^ ning to reinforce her fleet In (jhlneee retary and said tbs Federation The "K ” Guards wiU meet " " )i]i • RILLING • THER.MIQUE (A P )—The smouldering fire In the "cannot and kill not compromise on post office coal bln was finally ex­ waters. owitzer Company on the armory Government leaders were believ­ the fundamental Issue” of crop eon- floorfloe tonight In their first rivalry ■' >vll ■•FREDERICK tinguished today after a twro-week trol. battle. ed to have under discreet review this ^ a r . Both teams are out to • EUGENE • NESTLE Wallace ignored O’Neal’s com­ defeat tbetr fellow Guardsmen and Seven workm>n, equipped with positive stepo which might be taken If Japan does not .-omply with re­ ments In hts address and said there a good game is slated. ' ■ I Hi • GOLD CUP • FRIGIDINE gas masks sines last Saturday when quests for apologies, indemnities were good poinu in both the bill Shoulders l o 38-116XX— 15 Tubes r a S - lX X — 12 Tubes the blaze began sending off coal and guarantees. The cooperation pasted last week by the Hbusa and And Many Others gas, finished the task o f turning and iMCktng of the United States In the one pending In the Senate. He $230 W ith A eria l Installed $194.50 W ith Aerial over the remaining 75 tons of soft TWO NEW CHAIN STORES any "poalUve eteps’’ would be re­ expressed the conviction the "strong $75 F or Y o u r Old Radio $50 For Your Old Radio coal In the bln. ’The blaze was ex­ garded as necessary. points of both will be brought to­ ONE DAY SALE Your old radio covers the g u a r a n t e e d to be as REPRESENTED tinguished as soon as It wroa levellad Snfflclrot Warohlpa gether and a workable bill will re­ PLAN LOCAL OUTLET down payment! ^ That a Why the Beauty Nook Is the Salon for Discriminating Women off and exposed to the air. L. R. Flstcber, a Labor member sult” when they emerge from a Your Cost Your Cost May we suggest you make your ap­ The cause was believed to be Of Commons, said he Intenued to ask joint conference committee of tha spontaneous combustion. two Houses. Two new stores are to’ be opened Armour's Star LARD pointment as early in the day as pos­ whether Chamberlain Is satisfied Easy Budget Terms! DID YOU KNOW that British forces at Hongkong, by two new chains in Mancheatar sible ! the Crown Colony on the south TRINITY STUDENT DIBS about January 1. The store at East That Unwanted Hair Can Be Qulclcly Center and Parker streets la now — Service Policy — T E L E P H O N E 8011 China coast, are sufficient for de­ PORK LIVER Removed A t Little Coat fense o f Hongkong in view of the Hartford. Dec, 14— (A P )—Ed­ bein; remodeled and will be opened A t the Beauty Nook 7 Personal Notices. •oon by the Fireatone Foods storas, Our Success In the Radio Business MARY ELIZABETH’S present attuaUon. ward CTiapman of tha freshman . iPletcher said also he would ask class at Trinity college died today arcording to the annoimcement ap- Is Due To Prompt. Expert, Courteous p<-aring on the windows. The alter­ If the prime minister would consider at 4 a.m., at the Hartford hospital a tio n are being made In the store HAMBURG Servicel Ask Your Neighbor! CARD OF THANKS the deeirabUlty of transferring He Is tha son of Hr. and Mrs. Harry by Wolf Greenberg of Hartford. W . wish te sztend thanks to oar some capital ships to Far Elastem F. Chapman. East Hartford and was nsighbura and frianda for thair klod- Another chain store, with head- BEAUTY NOOK waters. In the view of Fletcher graduated from the East Hartford naaa to ua during tha lllnaaa and at N’-artara In Boston, Is considering J , t**® Ground Floor” tha tlma of tha daath of our daar and his supporters the battleships High school la June 1987. .“Sr®* • vacant store on North PIGS 986Main Street, Cheney Building OpenTues.and’Thurs.Evenings moihoa..Wa aro also gratsful to thoaa Barham, Rj^Iution and Hood, now Cliapman died of Intaraal hemor- PLATE BEEF Furniture and Radio who oSarad tha naa of thair eara and **“ ^ vrlll open It soon In the Madltarranaan. should ba sent rbagea wlilch hospital authorttlaa after the flrat o f tfie year. If tha 705 Main Street : Johnson Block aant baautliul floral trlbulaa to reinforce the China squadron. An Idea! Give her a gift certificate for one of these waves to Tha MeCluskar Famllr. ■aid might hava been tha result of AMAZING-SENSATIONAL-UNBELIEVABLE p r ^ t p la n are carrisd through. FEET CaO 3535 For Expert Radio Serrice! Tha Mc8harrr and Reardon Family, Tha Influential Tlmee of London a aarious operation parfonnsd aev- T^dialn deals in meaU i5 *d SOUP MEAT Tha Martin Family. Intimated It was up to tha United era! years ago^ groceries. -, BENSON MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANLUESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 14,1987 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, C0NN„ TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14,1987 PAGE Ing authorities should have done, menta— T am Um Lord, thy CkxJ; long ago—finding out what was thou ahalt have no other Coda be­ lywood; 12 Trump Davidson orches­ going to let him out of tbe car aa the rent-paying or home-financing fore me,” la a law that doea not run MRS. ROSE TO LECTURE tra. COLD WAVE CAUSES soon aa we got out of town." In N e w Y o r k Kealtli and Diet WABC-<3BS— 7:80 Helen Menken STATE AUTO DEALERS capacity of the people for whom the here, because an American citizen LOST DAILY RADIO PROGRAM The others who tried to escape: WTIC serial; 8 Edward G. Robinson play; government was undertaking to is guaranteed the Constitutional' AT THE X TONIGHT J. V. Bair, alias Jesse Williams, 27, Advice TUESDAY. DECEMBER 14 (GttUnl a«d Bm Im h Stsndsrd Tratslaia BresAeaatlsg Barrlea; 8:80 Zasu Pitta with A l Jolson; 9 $ DEATHS IN ENaAND -Of Sumter: WlUlam B. W o o ^ 24 MEETINGDIHAin supply dwelling unita. right to wrorship whatever gol >*37. NSA W-4c.. he. 56JMW W. 1640 K. U OKS M. co ile■'C7 ^ —» ; T_-10_Benny —--- -F Goodman awaosQ.awing. of Rochester, N. Y.: Herbert Moor­ Pregrama subject ta ehanpe by stations without pravleua netico. F. Me Speaker’s Topic To Be "Inter­ W JZ-NBC—7:80 Glenn Darwin, Snow Drifts 12 Feet Deep. However, the point la that Jua- ■ TtsaHnesIrving O^wtlee*.Berlin’s town man, 41. o f , Mich.; and 350 Delegates In AttendaM#;] must h« solv^ and will be solved, car Is la- t r e a t i n o a s t h m a NBC"WEAF (RED) NETWORK I wkbb wtaq wkbh wceo wsbt u ej wn Baatarn BtaadarO riias national Mart”— In Close baritone; 8 Husbands and Wives; By GEORGE ROSS belled "7B.” CAST OF CHARACTEB8 Block Roads; Trains Run George Wlngard, 22. of (Columbia. not only for social reasons but be­ tlce McReynolda has openly, un­ had labored to remove the rocks BASIC — Eaati weaf vnao wtle MOUNT,—kver kis koh Ini ksve kfbb Touch With World Events. 8:30 Edgar A. Guest; 9 Whittal Sanders, stabbed flve times with Prominent Speakers To *Ad-, Vincent Aator drew down VA- ROBERT B AR R Y — hero, ex­ wtac weak kyw wfbr wro way whan COAST—knx kola kol tfVT kvlksfo key Stradivarlus concert; 9:30 NIgbt Far Behind Schedules. dress The Gathering. cause construction of homes is po­ qualifiedly accused the majority of New York, Dec. 14— No mora 1, 3 and 3. The permanent relief of bronchial plorer. days ago. It was still early morn­ wcae ortam wwj waal wdoi* M^ldwoati T tasisy, Daoemhsr 14 an ice-pick-llke Instrument w-as asthma depends upon: 1 . The de­ ing and the sun was pouring Into kad wmaq who wow wdaf wiro katp; Cent. ■ast. club;; 10:30 Celia Gamba, violin buried at Anderson, bla former tentially the largest business, when the court of having supported theft, temperamental fraternity exia m Jacob Ruppert's car la marked M E L I S S A L A N E — heroine, 4:*S— t ilO "Dssr Tsaehsr" Frsfrtm the cliff castle area with great brlL Mountain: koa kdyl; South: wml^; P. M. Under the auspices of the Man- stylist London, Dec. 14.— (A P )—Bitter home yesterday. all Its ramifications are considered, of having sanctioned fraud and of R3. velopment of a strong diaphragm Barry’s partner. Paciflet kfl kaw komo kh