r - MONDAY, DECEMBER 18,1987. \ M anrlrfstrr Eveuittg B m lh WBArHBK - - Foieeaat el II. U. WaatlMe Burma,- ABOUT TOWN SAUERKRAUT Shurfine Baitford SPECIALTIES ___ BmcA TtflM No. 08, Im> HALE’S XMAS WEEK Fata- toolglit sad Wedmoday ; aot b ir^ r et F M l t « i wUl hold ... 22c C o f f e e mneli ehaoga Is tMnperatara, •^1 ^ ; Mgalmr mMtliir tonight io ' M l ' bmn ■tarting at 8 o’clock MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE (H ARM P u t Sacbenu' night will be 10c DEVALUES at this meeting, the Eckhordt Q Q (CteoitBed AdvotHataig < « P ag« 10) being occupied by past M- c lb. MANCHESTER, CO NN„ TUE SD AY, DECEMBER 14.1937 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS'P Frsakfurts, lb. .. O O C 25 I* There will also be a vislta- * Featuring Gifts For The ef the Great Chiefs of Oonnec- Ground fresh at tonlght’o meeting. The re> lOc for your, order. Home From Our Popular at committee is planning to S'lbs. 290. I com and venison at the close State Dept. Sends ■ettng in the clubtooms <» Fresh Green Beans MACDONALD GIVEN Brookfield place. A large attendance Green Peas, Celery, Dbera is ei^ectad. BUTTER . .45c lb. HOUSEWARES SECTION Watercress, Lettuce, Formal Protest To JAPAN MEETS DEMANDS Bhlriey Webb o f 23 Ulac Broccoli, Cauliflower Smoking Stands, all metaL mahogany finish d» w ^ Q who h u been in for several ROAD POWER IN with chrome ash receiver.................. W ^ ^ I la much improved and is able be out a short while each day fiW K IIIIi POODS' Reymond’s New Batter f 1.49 Card Tables, plain black and ^ W Nippon Government ; It will be some time before she gnd Egg Pan Onsters 12c be able to attend echool: SPECIAIS colored t o p ........................................ V a. s s J U Whole Wheat Raisin CORNELL DECISION Lima B ean s............ 23c Washington, Dec. 14.— (A P ) — Ran expression o f "shock and con- OF U S. G0VERNMENT1 Pm Beulah Todd and Mias Ruth S generous seninga. Bread Gift W ares— ^ A table fnl of Christmas t% O s^ The State Department announced corn.” Only te rare Instances does er wni be hostesses for the Try Reymond’s Swedish Gift Suggestions. E ach ......... ...............0\/C today (hat the American government the head of a" state address a mes­ : party of the Professional Sliced Peaches . ____23c had sent a formal note to Japan pro­ sage personally to another ruler In T u te Uke natlreo. Rye Soperior Court Judge Rules n's eldb, tomorrow evening at Serving Trays in wood with glass bottom, chrome trim, DEFER NAMING testing against the bombing of the diplomatic incidents between na­ U. S. Gunboat Sunk by Japanese ' church house. Miss Roberta American gunboat Panay and de­ tions. Eager To Facei hton of Hartford will give a Highway Commissioiier manding adequate reparation. Informed observers said only a de­ .1 atlon of coemetlca. Mem- $1.00,$1.75 The demanda were the same as set sire to Impress the entire Japanese I are reminded to bring tea cent HEAD0FG.0.P. forth yesterday by Prealds^. Roose­ nation as forcibly as possible with 'P-mchu/rst Gi'octrv.9nc. Fine Table Glassware, new shape, new cutting. Q Q Has Jurisdictiou In State; velt in an oral message directed to the gravity of the situation could DIAL 4151 302 MAINMAIN STREETSTREET Music Squarely’ i Goblets, tumblers, sherbets. Etc. E ach ......... C Emperor Hlrohlto. have prompted President Roosevelt m T H OF POST O FFIC E ■ ONE BLOCK FROM STATE ARMORY Case To Be Appealed. POUCTGROUP They were : to adopt such unusual procedure. Kitchen Stools all metal, Formal apologies. Officials did not attempt to dis­ Complete and comprehensive In­ guise their belief that the Incident demnification. presented the most serious strain on Note Declares; HarUord, Dec. 14.— (AJ*)— Exei^itiye Body Torns To Guarantees against future attacks Japaneae-American relations since Glassware with entaglio etching. Bon-bon dishes, com­ Judge John A. Cornell ruled In Su­ by Japanese forces on American the outbreak of the undeclared war partment relish dishes, spoon trays, etc. C O / « shipping. between (Thina and Japan. 5 ^ ^ perior Court today that Highway Winnowing list Of 1,000 The note; which was presented to Eipresses Apologies And^ Commlmloner John A . Macdonald Ambassador Salto was acquaint­ the Japanese minister for foreign ed with the American attitude after ■O T h < CORR and not Public Work* Commlaolon- affairs last night by American Am- H ALC Bridge Lamps, gold and black metal stands ^ ^ A C k er Ttobert A. Hurley boa jurladlctlon he conveyed to Secretary Hull ver­ For Members Of Com­ baasador Joseph C. Grew, protested Regrets, Promises IBCBBT M a m c m e s t ib Co m m » with Parchment shades..................... ^ JL over highways of the state. bally his government’s apologies. In vigorous language against the His words echoed expressloru of Judge Cornell will line judgment bombardment and sinking not only regret made at the American Em­ $1.98 End Tables, ^ w Q to that effect and the long battle mittee Of One Hundred. of the Panay but also of the sinking nhy Aoil Assures U. S| Self Serve and Health Market for control of the highways wUI be and burning of three American cbm- bassy in Tokyo by Foreign Minister walnut finish........................... ..... 1 a ^ J / Koki HIrote and representatives of taken to the Supreme Court In meroial vessels. Measures Haye Ahreadjj COLD January by direct appeal of the S t Louis, Dec. 14— (A P I-F a c in g Previous Oocaslona the Japanese army and navy. TUESDAY SPECIALS Serving Trays, composition fibre in colors, and A t t ^ These expressions were received state. sharp difficulty In selecting a chair­ It called attention to several occa­ in Mexican design.................................... Judge Cornell overruled claims of sions in the past when It said Japa­ at the State Departmergt with obvi­ Been Takeu To RreTentJ MORNINGS Double Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales the state that highways were "real man who would be satisfactory to nese armed forces "have violated the ous gratification. There was appar­ all factions,. the Republican party’s ent a firm determination, neverthe­ If your ear does not start All Day Tuesday Salad Sets, 14” glass sandwich tray with ^ M O O assets" and part of the state’s rights of the United States.” mayonnaise bo w l....................... V A a U U "service eystem.” executive committee was engaged "In the present case," It added, less, to press the Japanese govern­ Recurrence Of GraTe h -! iMily on a cold morning out I Passage of the Public Works Act ment for more complete diplomatic Largo Boleetod Instead today in the teak of choos­ “ acta of Japanese armed forces have ttperts can locata the trou- which gave Commissioner Hurley ing the general membership of a taken place In complete disregard satisfaction In accordance with the ddent In Gunboat Sin idif (U a qnietdy. power over all real assets above a policy-determining “<3ommlttee of of American rights, have taken terms outlined by President Roose­ EGGS D.,. thousand dollars did not repeal by 100.” Although It had planned to American life and have destroyed velt, Our aervice eliminates ro- 50c TOYS implication or otherwise the high­ name the chairman as the first step, American property both public and Further Action Uncertain ing parts unnecessarily. way department statutes which the executive committee put the private. What further action might be Tokyo, Dec. 14.— (A P )—;i (Toyland — Basement) give Commissioner Macdonald "sole problem aside temporarily. It fac­ "In these circumstances, the gov­ taken by the United States tf Its jurisdiction" over the state roads. Japan today met the major NUCOA ed the difficulty of not only finding ernment of the United States re­ terms are not met, however, fur­ NORTON Judge'Cornell bolds. quests and expects of the Japanese mands of President R o ^ v a K a man who would be willing to nished a subject for wide specula­ Judge Cornell’s decision reiterates government a formally recorded ex­ ELECTRICAL Tractor and Trailer Iron Toy ......................... serve but one who would be accept­ tion In the capital. There appeared on the sinking of the United 5 0 c his less formal viewpoint In bis first pression of regret, an undertaking to to be little disposition In any quar­ BUTTER memorandum In the suit of the Con­ able to the friends of Herbert make complete and comprehensive The U. S. S. Panay States gunboat Panay before'^ STRUMENT ('0. 2 7 9c Hoover and A lf M. Landon. ter to believe that a rejection of necticut Rural Roads Improvement Indemnifications; and an assurance they were presented formfilly.' St. Phone 4060 Creation of the committee, which the American demguids would lead Pop Eye Paint Box S e t ......... ...........................5 0 c Asstxfiatlon. that definite and specific steps have to a complete breaking of relations A Japanese note expreaied To Appeal Oase. wlU prepare a new declaration of been taken which will ensure that between the two nations. CRISCO 3 Lb. Can Attorney General Charles J. Mc­ party principles, was authorised by hereafter American nationals, inter­ regret, promised ihdemniflcR*^ Congressional opinion ranged Bingo, 30-card game ..... .............................. Laughlin said be would appeal the the Republican National Clommlttee ests and property In China not tion and stated measures 5 0 c expectation that the case would be last month as a compromise ol be subjected to attack In' Japanese from the statement by Chairman GREAT BRITAIN RECEIVES NANKING BURNS ready had been taken to pre^^ Pittman (D., Nev.), of the Senate SETBACK a r^ e d In the Supreme Court In former President Hoover’s plan for armed forces or finlawYul Interfer­ vent recurrence of the inci­ mOBLAMD PABK FANCY RICE 4 ..
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