And the ALTO SOLO Fi Sseebe Tlfarket Seed Corn Wool
rj-xn MOTICI TO fUMCEiJBi BDBBCKIBEIB PLKA^I H^ICl] j j ] • p' A bloc mark aroaiid thii nollot ibowi that tht Fhis paper will stop it once if paid to date anl ••btcription U doe and should be paid at once. If so ordered by the subscriber. Not forced on any too with the paper stopped, notify the publisher one who quits square. Regular 10-page edition Immediately. Otherwise it will be contfnoed In* $2.00 per year, or 6-page local edition 11.50 per D year, IU advance. Please observe and oblige the definitely. Kindly observe and greatly oblige the % publisher publisher. Rymon Public Library X VOLUME XXXII, NUMBER 52 and THE ALTO SOLO LOWELL, MICHIGAN, MAY 28, 1925 mm MEMORIAL DAY LEWIS LEECE DIES WON SECOND MET DEATH ON R BY HIS OWN HAND P. M. R. R. TRACK SAT^MAY 30 By our Keene Scribe: IN MUSIC TEST Neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis M el v i n Richmond, familiarly Lcec£ of Keene township were known as "Mel," lost his life Friday Don't Forget— LOWELL BAND TO LEAD PARADE shocked Monday morning when they PLAY FESTIVAL WINS RURAL morning while walking on the 1'ere 1 Years From Now TO OAKWOOD. FLAG AND heard of the violent death of the SCHOOLS. BASE BALI. WITH Marquette railroad track, l .* miles STAFF DEDICATION. former, who shot himself, it is be- ZEELAND FRIDAY. north of Lowell, when run over by the morning freight train, (irand lieved, in a fit of temporary aberra- I* H. S. again stoud the test of in- The following Is the nroKram as Itapids hound, his body being badly tion, while alone in a barn some dis- terscholastic competitioii and placed outlined by the committee of the mangled.
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