From: Gary S Gevisser <
[email protected]> Subject: "Witch is more important" (sic) Re: Scarce resource - Re: But cero - RE: So there you have it! - Re: Remove f... Date: June 26, 2011 7:54:29 PM PDT 3 Attachments, 597 KB Prior broadcast - CLICK HERE Begin forwarded message: From: Gary S Gevisser <
[email protected]> Date: June 26, 2011 12:25:57 PM PDT To: Dave Carsel
[email protected] Cc: rest; charles ivie <
[email protected]>, "RN. P. hD. Gwen Anderson" <
[email protected]>, "Terry Samples - retired US Air Force Fighter Pilot - Chief webmaster for" <
[email protected]>, Jeffrey Krinsk <
[email protected]>, dave carsel <
[email protected]>, "Zena Badash-Ash Gevisser Zulman [May 30 1929 - ] c/o Arnold Pollak" <
[email protected]>, "Bernie Gevisser - [Oct. 18 1923 - ]. 2nd Lieutenant B. Gevisser along with Captain Syd Cohen were the only Jewish Fighter-Bomber-Pilots of South African Air Force Squadron 11 during WW II and whose Commanding Officer Allied Field Marshall Jan Smuts was second-in-command to Churchill." <
[email protected]>, "Syd Cohen - South African Commander of Israel Air Force War of Independence." <
[email protected]>, rancho <
[email protected]>, Anne Merritt <
[email protected]>, whitpa2 <
[email protected]>, "Dr. Louann Brizendine MD - author of The Female Brain." <
[email protected]>, Laura Family <
[email protected]>, Laura Malter - former CIA officer <
[email protected]>, Chairman's Office - De Beers Julie Burgon - Assistant to Jonathan Oppenheimer <
[email protected]>, "De Beers - Ernest Slotar Inc." <
[email protected]>, "Oprah. com" <
[email protected]>, "David Bellavia - US Soldier nominated for the US Congressional Medal of Honor.