From: Gary S Gevisser Subject: "Witch is more important" (sic) Re: Scarce resource - Re: But cero - RE: So there you have it! - Re: Remove f... Date: June 26, 2011 7:54:29 PM PDT 3 Attachments, 597 KB

Prior broadcast - CLICK HERE

Begin forwarded message:

From: Gary S Gevisser Date: June 26, 2011 12:25:57 PM PDT To: Dave Carsel [email protected] Cc: rest; charles ivie , "RN. P. hD. Gwen Anderson" , "Terry Samples - retired US Air Force Fighter Pilot - Chief webmaster for" , Jeffrey Krinsk , dave carsel , "Zena Badash-Ash Gevisser Zulman [May 30 1929 - ] c/o Arnold Pollak" , "Bernie Gevisser - [Oct. 18 1923 - ]. 2nd Lieutenant B. Gevisser along with Captain Syd Cohen were the only Jewish Fighter-Bomber-Pilots of South African Air Force Squadron 11 during WW II and whose Commanding Officer Allied Field Marshall Jan Smuts was second-in-command to Churchill." , "Syd Cohen - South African Commander of Israel Air Force War of Independence." , rancho , Anne Merritt , whitpa2 , "Dr. Louann Brizendine MD - author of The Female Brain." , Laura Family , Laura Malter - former CIA officer , Chairman's Office - De Beers Julie Burgon - Assistant to Jonathan Oppenheimer , "De Beers - Ernest Slotar Inc." , "Oprah. com" , "David Bellavia - US Soldier nominated for the US Congressional Medal of Honor. Now blowing the whistle on Operation Sparkling." , [email protected], Rush Limbaugh feigned opponent of Obama , Roy Essakow - Marc Rich Lieutenant , TheTonightShow , "Devin Standard - eldest son of former President of New York State Bar Kenneth Standard." , "Sidney Abelski - lawyer - only child of two Auschwitz survivors." , John Boehner c/o Eric Cantor c/o Hillary Bill-De Beers-Rhodes Scholar-Marc Rich Clinton , Nitza Lite , [email protected], "Patrick K. Tillman Sr. Esq. - father of American Football athlete Pat Tillman who was killed by friendly fire in Afghanistan." , "Patrick. J. Fitzgerald - US Attorney - prosecuted successfully Presidential Pardoned Marc Rich's attorney Scooter Libby." , "President Shimon Peres c/o Office for the Israeli Subject: "Witch is more important" (sic) Re: Scarce resource - Re: But cero - RE: So there you have it! - Re: Remove f...

Dave, you were just blind copied on a most important communique to Mr. Charles Ivie. Can you imagine the head trips going on now more than ever; forget as Charles becomes more impotent; they obviously don't love one another; actually I don't even think they like each other, which is more important?

How often does the thought occur to you that I am most probably right, that this is all one game, and that it is not possible to avoid contributing, once you have the knowledge and can do something to end this insane murder of the huge numbers of poor throughout the world, who have not only me with my huge knowledge base explaining it all in simple English, but the technology is helping the information reach them that much quicker which has those the most profiting from withholding it, that much more anxious, and which they can never escape from, as there is this digital trail.

The fact that I am not a "household name", and have been able to walk into any coffee shop or restaurant anywhere in the world and converse [with] the hard working "common person" who works very hard for their hard earned monies and have been that much more careful in protecting their bodies than those more careless, is a great positive.

The fact that Mr. Ivie is not alone in his attempts to ridicule me, is not lost on me or anyone else, even if all they have is average intelligence which is all that liars, cheats, and thieves, all one and the same, have, given how they have no one else to blame for the fact that their onetime genius minds experienced short-circuits, that don't make it easier for them to follow my perfect logic, and so they are the first to so resent me.

That is also part of God's punishment; and if you don't believe me, then why dont you think of better reasoning as well as a better explanation than mine of the purpose of the succulent human, who once corrupted increasingly has less to say to someone such as myself who takes this game, while a tremendous amount of fun, most seriously.

BTW were you aware that Joseph Patrick "Joe" Kennedy, Jr. (July 25, 1915 – August 12, 1944), the elder brother of President John F. Kennedy, was killed in his 25th mission during Operation Aphrodite?

Cutting and pasting Wikipedia - Operation Aphrodite:

Operation Aphrodite made use of unmanned, explosive–laden Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress and B-24 Liberator bombers, that were deliberately crashed into their targets under radio control. These aircraft could not take-off safely on their own, so a crew of two would take-off and fly to 2,000 feet (610 m) before activating the remote control system, arming the detonators and parachuting from the aircraft.

After U.S. Army Air Forces Operation missions were drawn up on July 23, 1944, Kennedy and Lieutenant Wilford John Willy were designated as the first Navy flight crew. Willy had pulled rank over Ensign "FNU" Simpson (who was Kennedy's regular co-pilot) to be on the mission. They flew a BQ-8 "robot" aircraft (a converted B-24 Liberator) for the U.S. Navy's first Aphrodite mission. Two Lockheed Ventura mother planes and a navigation plane took off fromRAF Fersfield. Next, the BQ- 8 aircraft loaded with 21,170 lb (9,600 kg) ofTorpex took off. It was to be used against the Fortress of Mimoyecques and itsV-3 cannons, northern France.

Following 300 ft (91 m) behind them in a to film the mission was Colonel , son of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Kennedy and Willy were aboard as the BQ-8 completed its first remote-control turn. Two minutes later and ten minutes before the planned crew bailout, the Torpex detonated prematurely and destroyed the Liberator, vaporizing Kennedy and Willy. Wreckage landed near the village of in Suffolk, England.

Do you recall my mentioning time and again, that my Allied South African Fighter-Bomber-Pilot father, Bernie whose designation, Fighter-Bomber-Pilot put him in a class way above regular fighter pilots who in turn of course snubbed regular bomber pilots like Joseph Kennedy Jr. who thought they were "hot shots", completed not 25, or 55 or 65, but 71 miraculous missions dive-bombing the US-De Beers-Nazi bastards during World War II.

By reading what killed Kennedy who everyone including their Hitler supporting father believed, would beocme of preside of do you finally have a sense of the danger my father faced on each on his missions when they were attacking the defenses of the Nazis in the rugged terrain of northern Italy beginning with in November 1944 when the Nazis were putting up their very best defense given how the goal of those profiting the most from WW II which was all about murdering off the most "dangerous" to the status quo people, namely us questioning Jewish people, was to keep the crematoria of their death factories such as Auschwitz operating at full capacity.

Moreover, to think that I the 4th and last of my amazing parents children would end up iwth for the past most magnificent 17 years of my life with the 4th and most beautiful child of a very beautiful looking 5 sibling French-Canadiani family whose patriach Johnny Dion, who was severely injured was the sole survivor of a bomber crash as he was fortunate enough to be the tail gunner, as the tail of the aircraft after one of their very few bombing runs over Germany, hit the tree line when coming into land back in England and which killed the neophyte crew who had only flown their bomber just 5 times before going to war.

Johnny Dion who passed away in 2002 soon after we all met for the last time when he read for me the book, Smartest Guys In The Room, and of ourse as would expect hugely numnbers-logic bright Johnny most reflected in his youngest daughter, provided me with the most brilliant synopsis, and all in English which was not his mother tongue.

Do you not think that anyone who has served their country whether during war times or peace which are just occasions to prepare for more ongoing wars, should be taken care of the rest of their lives, including their immediate families?

Have you looked to see if you know anyone in the carbon copy section who could have shared your email address with me?

Can you look back, starting with my previous to last broadcast - CLICK HERE - addressed to my next door neighbor from Durban, South Africa, Sam Hackner who is currently head of Private Banking for Investec that as far as the investment banking community of the world is concerned was initially funded by Jonathan Beare who I know just as well, are there any names and/or email addresses that you recognize including Roger W. Robinson who could have shared your email address with me?

Do you find it in the least bit interesting that you wouldn't know of a single more credible person than me who you are willing to name, who has been hit with a most fraudulent defamation lawsuit that resulted in a corrupt Texas Judge, while admitting during a hearing after I had fully responded to the false accusations, that he could find no evidence against me, and moreover, the plaintiff also perjuring himself when giving false testimony against me having defamed him, as this heavy duty CIA agent couldn't produce the evidence that he said he was introducing as an exhibit of my having committed defamation that you know is a very serious charge, because CIA Charles Dazler Knuff didn't have any, and all he had was evidence of him, again a CIA member who is so trusted with protecting the best interests of American citizens against "bad people", having concocted such an outrageous charge to both cover his tracks as well as make money from his malfeasance?

Do you not find it equally interesting that so extraordinarily few people profiting from the corruption of big government all over the world, are so deafeningly silent on my character assassination?

Do you feel that you fit into that category?

How do you feel when we start this 18 million email address bulk mailing calling upon the world to sign my Gold Inventory Petition which will flush out not only each and every corrupt government official either elected or non-elected, but all those including those getting NIH funding, that I include as a hyperlink my primary email that represents a statistically valid sampling of the world's literate population?

[Word count 1453]

On Jun 25, 2011, at 3:56 PM, [email protected] wrote:

Nope, not South African. Nice place I'm sure, but never been on that continent, nor any of my relatives for a very, very, very long time.

In a message dated 6/25/2011 3:50:47 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, [email protected] writes:

i have no idea how you got on as well, other than maybe you are South African and shared your email with someone we know in common?