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Hiq WINS FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT with the CITY of GOTHENBURG 22.10.2014 HiQ WINS FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF GOTHENBURG HiQ wins framework agreement with the City of Gothenburg in five out of six possible categories in the city’s procurement of consultant services. The won categories are Business development, Systems Development & Administration, Management & Governance, Infrastructure & Communication, as well as Geographic Information Systems. The framework agreement is signed for two years with an option to extend and also includes surrounding counties *. HiQ has vast experience from all of the assigned areas and is a proficient partner in extensive and challenging IT projects. Within the public sector, HiQ has helped many authorities to streamline and modernise their IT operations. ”We are very proud and happy about this agreement. It’s an honour to be a part of developing the future’s modern and hi-tech City of Gothenburg and its surroundings,” says Jerker Lindstén at HiQ. HiQ’s know-how from other industries and organisations will be of great value in the future development of Gothenburg, in which transfer of competence is an important part of modernisation, as well as a success factor for HiQ in extensive IT projects. ”Our motivation is to make people’s everyday life a bit easier and better. We have been doing it for many years and look forward to continue to simplify in this exciting segment and for all the people who live and work in Gothenburg,” says Lars Stugemo, President and CEO of HiQ. *The Gothenburg region’s municipal union and ISGR & Meritea. The Emergency Service Ale municipality, Härryda municipality, Härryda Energy and Härryda electricity trading. Kungälv municipality, Lerum municipality including municipal companies. Lilla Edet municipality. The city of Mölndal and Mölndal Energy. Partille municipality. Stenungsund municipality. Tjörn municipality, Tjörn Real Estate, Tjörn Environment, harbours etc. Öckerö municipality including municipal companies. For more information, please contact: Lars Stugemo, President and CEO of HiQ. Tel. +46 8 588 90 000 Jerker Lindstén, Managing Director, HiQ Gothenburg. Tel. +46 76 880 06 00 Peter Lindecrantz, Head of Corporate Communications. Tel. +46 704 200 103 HiQ simplifies and improves people’s lives by using hi-tech solutions in communications and software development. The company is a leader in these areas and has the Nordic region as its home market. HiQ employs around 1,400 staff and has offices both in the Nordic countries and in Russia. HiQ is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm Mid Cap List. For more information, please visit www.hiq.se. .

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