The Griff C The Magazine of the Police Association

September 2016

Views expressed in The Griff are those of the Editor and individual contributors and do not necessarily represent RAFPA policy. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any person, at any time, by any method, without the express permission of the Editor or originator in writing. September 2016

Farewell to a Battle of Britain Hero

On Thursday 21st July Wiltshire Branch members, Peter Todd, Andy Davies and Eric Harriman represented the RAF Police Association at the funeral service, in Bath, of Squadron Leader Percy Beake DFC, AE, Ld’H, RAFVR who died at the age of 99. Sqn Ldr Beake was a former Battle of Britain Spitfire pilot who went on to command a Typhoon Squadron supporting the D-Day oper- ations. Last year Sqn Ldr Beake was awarded France’s highest military medal, the Legion d’Honneur. His death means that, of The Few who fought so bravely to secure control of the skies from Hitler’s forces, only 17 are still alive today. A Spitfire and a Hurricane from the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight flew over the cemetery in tribute and a trumpeter from the RAF Central Band played the Last Post. During his war time service he shot down two enemy aircraft and was shot down himself while off the French coast and was forced to turn his aircraft upside down in order to parachute into the sea. He was spotted by the Germans but was lucky that the RAF rescue launch got to him before the enemy. On another occasion his plane ran out of fuel and he crash-landed in a field. When the war ended he went to work for Unilever as a mill manager. His wife of 75 years, Evelyn, predeceased him by five weeks. Sqn Ldr Beake’s family described him as a man of deep Christian convictions, high moral fibre and he had a strong sense of doing one’s duty. Submitted by: Brian Flinn

2016 The Griff Page 2 September 2016

who’s who in the RAF Police Association - 2016 Hon. President Hon. Vice President Air Commodore Frank Clifford OBE, RAF Group Captain S R HORNE MA, RAF Force Protection Force Commander, Provost Marshal/Cdr RAFP AO RAF Police

Life Vice Presidents: Steve Cattell E Mail: [email protected] Neil Rusling E Mail: [email protected] David Wardell E Mail: [email protected] John Walton MBE E Mail: [email protected]

Elected Officers/Posts Co-opted Chairman: David J Budd Vice Chairman: Alan Mitchell 2 Page Close, Ashford Park, 2 Ellesmere Court, Newbridge, Chippenham, Wiltshire SN14 0TG Newport, Gwent NP11 5DG Tel: 01249 443949 Tel: 01495 240580 E mail: [email protected] E mail: [email protected]

Treasurer: Mike Thornton Co-opted Secretary: Jeremy Fenton 20, Thomas Mead, Pewsham, E mail: [email protected] Chippenham, Wilts., SN15 3YS Tel: 01249 464787 E mail: [email protected]

Membership Secretary: David Wardell Web Master - Moderator: Mike Thornton 40, South Western Crescent 20, Thomas Mead, Pewsham, Poole, Dorset BH14 8RR Chippenham, Wilts., SN15 3YS Tel/Fax: 01202 747176 Tel: 01249 464787 E Mail: [email protected] E mail: [email protected]

Association Trustees: RAFPA Independent Accountants: Ted Hellewell [email protected] Pearson May John Armfield [email protected] Alan P Shaw BEM [email protected] RAFPA Web-site address: Tony Lake [email protected]

Voluntary Posts RAFPA Archivist: John Curtis Editor The Griff: Mitch O'Neill 28 Tennyson Avenue, Gedling, 11, Florentine Way, Waterlooville, Nottingham, NG4 3HJ Hampshire, PO7 8JY Tel: 01159 612662 Tel: 02392 796703 E Mail: [email protected] E Mail: [email protected]

2016 The Griff Page 3 September 2016

letters to the editor Watching Girls on TV recently, I realised that my life in the RAF was pretty easy. I joined in February 1962, basic training at Bridgenorth. They ran out of gas, so I never had to do the 'Gas Mask' test. The only pack I had to carry was my 'Small Pack', which I carried to SSQ's to report special sick with German Measles. The first question the M.O. asked me 'Have you been with any dirty women lately? My 12 years was served during the 'Cold War', although I never wore an NBC suit, gas mask or steel helmet and I did two tours of Bomber Command. My overseas tours were in Cyprus, Singapore, Borneo and Gan. I often wondered why they had dogs at Gan. During my service I handled 10 dogs in 8 Dog Sections and looking back it was a case of getting paid for taking dogs for walkies! In a recent edition of Provost Parade I read an article about RAF Police going to Malaya and Singapore to boost their morale. I have an idea, take them to any Bomber Command, QRA, bomb dump or revetment area and show them where RAF Police stood hour after boring hour, day after day, year after year underneath Vulcan or Victor bombers. Then an overseas tour in Aden, Libya, Sharjah, Borneo, etc. before repatriation back to the UK to stand and 'count rivets' once again. Not really police work. Question, How many rivets in a Vulcan's wing?, I've no idea, never got the same answer twice. Submitted by: Frank Paxton

Archie Potts looking thro' his collection of old photographs, discovered this one taken at RAF Hucknell c. summer 1953. Two Generals arriving to attend a conference. The escort was provided by Cpls. Alan Duckett and Archie Potts. It's there the memory starts to play tricks!, have forgotten the VIP's names and what the conference was for. Maybe there might be some members out there who can fill in the missing info. Ed Limassol - Cyprus 1962 We were having a discussion about changing names from single to double barrelled. The Chief Tech looked at his wife, who was German born and said 'What will we change ours to?' Later on he mentioned that he had wanted to work at an SSA but was refused. I enquired if that was because his wife, Doris, had lived in East Germany. Apparently that wasn't the reason, her uncle was incarcerated in Spandau Prison. Knowing that only top Nazi officials were kept there I asked who her uncle was and was surprised to learn that it was Grand Admiral Raeder, who had commanded the German Fleet. He was the only Nazi in the family. When top Nazi brass visited the family home the old mother had to be kept out of the way, as her favourite grandson had been killed and she would have expressed her contempt, violently. Raeders younger brother, once a Luftwaffe Colonel was demoted to Corporal for not toeing the Party line. Submitted by: Chuck Agar 2016 The Griff Page 4 September 2016

Important Notice - Please read and action I would be obliged if you could place the following notice to members in the next edition of The Griff. Continued Provision of the Printed Version of the Provost Parade. Members should be aware that the proposal concerning continued provision of the printed version of the Provost Parade being dependent upon the annual payment of £4.00 to the Association Treasurer was carried at the 2016 Annual General Meeting. If you want to continue receiving the printed version of the Provost Parade send your money now! Payment can be by:

Cheque or postal order made payable to the RAF Police Association Bank transfer to the Association current account No 91630878 Sort Code 01-05-02 (please include your Member Number and ‘PP’ in the reference of the payment - e.g. MNo1234PP) PayPal/Credit or Debit Card making payment to RAF Police Association (please include your Member Number and ‘PP’ in the reference of the payment -e.g. MNo1234PP)

The electronic version of the Provost Parade will continue to be freely available to members on the Association website. Submitted by: Mike Thornton - RAFPA National Treasurer

Brent McCarthy Trust – founded by Jodie McCarthy (his sister). The Trust raises money for bereaved military families of service personnel killed in action.

8th July – Graduation Parade – newly graduated RAF Police showing a cheque for £1530.00 – money that they had raised for the Trust Fund. Submitted by: Gill Hellewell

2016 The Griff Page 5 September 2016 more letters to the editor These are the 15 volunteers from the EMB who turned up at the Radcliffe on Trent RBL to set up the goods, to serve the paying public at our annual jumble sale. We opened the doors at 11.00 and closed them at 12.15. During that time took £516.00. All of the clothing Used Postage Stamps stock not sold will go to a reclamation yard on Monday to be weighed and sold. I would like to thank the Wiltshire The other items not sold were collected by Branch for taking the time collecting a charity worker who collects on behalf of Used Postage Stamps for the Charity the Nottinghamshire Police who then which I received today. To date we have store, transport and distribute to a European charity. Well done to all volunteers involved. raised £9585.60 from used postage Submitted by: John Curtiss stamps, which are collected from our offices. The Charity receives £20 per kilo. With your help this has enabled us to issue Grants to date of over £300,000 to injured Service Personnel. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me and again many thanks for your support. Submitted by: Cathy Sklenar, Company Secretary Humour in uniform... An RAF Squadron Leader dies and goes to heaven, he’s met at the pearly gates by St Peter who looking back over the Sqn Ldr’s life acknowledges all his good deeds and tells him he is exactly the kind of material they want in heaven and invites him in. Ah! but the Sqn Ldr hesitates and asks if there are any RAF Policemen in heaven, explaining that if there are he’d rather go to the other place, if there are any RAF Policemen! St Peter, bless him, assures the Sqn Ldr that there are no RAF Policemen in heaven adding that there was no way they would have any RAF Policemen in heaven, telling the Sqn Ldr he could relax and invites him to make his way to the Officer’s mess where he he would be able to enjoy a G&T or two. Reassured the Sqn Ldr enters heaven and is wondering about taking in the sights and sounds when suddenly round a corner comes a big burly bearded soul, dressed in a No1 uniform, black and red arm band and a white hat shouting orders at everyone. In fright the Sqn Ldr rushes back to the pearly gates where he sees St Peter and shouts to him, you lied, you lied, you said there weren’t any RAF Policemen in heaven, a defensive St Peter tries to assure the Sqn Ldr that there are not any RAF Policemen in heaven, then the penny drops and he asks the Sqn Ldr, was he a big chap with a black bushy beard, yes, yes, yes cries the Sqn Ldr that’s him, oh! says St Peter, that’s wasn’t an RAF Policeman, that was God, he just likes to think he’s an RAF Policeman..!

2016 The Griff Page 6 September 2016

News from Newest Branch! If the question was asked “What makes the St. Michael’s Branch so different” the answer would be several fold. For a start we have members in 20 countries straddling time zones from New Zealand to the West Coast of North America all of whom can encounter problems that UK residents don’t experience in the same way, i.e. taxation, pensions, healthcare, visas etc etc, and we can share ideas on how to overcome these local difficulties. At the time of writing the EU Referendum is yet to be held and our EU resident members face the possibility that should ‘Brexit’ prevail they will have an unknown change to their residential status. We are a ‘Virtual’, or if you prefer ‘Electronic’, Branch. We do not physically meet, instead keeping in touch and being administered by e-mail, our own website ( which has a password protected area, a ‘Closed’ Facebook Group and an electronic newsletter “The Wanderer”. We have elected Officers in common with the UK Branches but as we are non-fund holding and have no property we do not have either a Treasurer or Trustees (what a nightmare it would be trying to open & administer a bank account!). Our elections do differ in that they are done by secure on-line voting via the Members Area of our website; the voting takes place over a 7 day period in May, it is a long 7 days though as it starts at 0001hrs New Zealand Standard Time on Day 1 and concludes at 2359hrs Pacific Daylight Time on Day 7. We also have our own Data Protection Policy as, needless to say, the UK Legislation does not apply to us, instead we adopt & adhere to the legal requirements of the Country where the data is held (presently the RSA where I live). Our basic aims are quite simple. To ensure that the interests and differing needs of Overseas members are not overlooked, to afford the members a voice in the decision making process in line with that afforded to U.K. Branch members, and, to keep the members well informed. To this end we utilise the facilities mentioned above and occupy our seat at the ECM (John Armfield, our Chairman, flew in from France for the October 2015 ECM and he and I attended both the April 2016 ECM & AGM). I said that we don’t meet but the opportunity did arise for our 3 Branch Officers (the 3 Stooges) to meet when we all happened to be in France after the 2016 AGM. An ‘interesting’ afternoon passed by at a pavement cafe/bistro in Cahors on 10th May which was helped by Vice-Chairman John Reid’s excellent spoken French. Finally, if any UK members happen to be visiting any of the locales where our Branch members live let us know as there will always be a ‘cold one’ in the fridge and, depending on the time of year, there is every chance that the BBQ/Braai may be lit – not an empty promise as it has already happened.

Submitted by: Neil Rusling - Branch Secretary - [email protected]

2016 The Griff Page 7 September 2016

Graduation Parade – DCPG Southwick Park The graduation parade for Newton Flight Initial Course took place on 27th May, at the Memorial Chapel, DCPG. The parade formally marks the completion of Phase 2 training, and the students’ entry into the RAF Police. Many proud family members and friends attended, and were shown around the RAF Police Museum and various aspects of the students’ training, before assembling in the Memorial Chapel for a short service. Squadron Leader Bright (Officer in Charge ITS) welcomed everyone before handing over to the Deputy Provost Marshal, Wing Commander Jan Knight MA BSc LLB RAF, who gave a short address to the students and guests. Following the service, everyone gathered outside the Chapel for the parade. Fortunately the weather was fine, when 21 students marched to the dais to be presented with their Warrant Cards by the reviewing officer, DPM (RAF) Wing Cdr J. Knight. Three prizes were also presented, the Physical Education Certificate to Cpl Smith, and Best Overall Student to Cpl Hoskinson. John Paice, Chairman of Hants and Dorset IOW Branch, presented the General Police Duties Trophy (donated by the RAF Police Assoc) to Cpl Purnell. Later in the day, in the D-Day Club, Mitch O’Neill (Editor of The Griff) presented the personal prize of the engraved photo-frame, donated by the RAF Police Assn, to Cpl Purnell, who is to be posted to RAF Halton.

Submitted by: Gill Hellewell

(Photos courtesy of Jim Spiers. SD Branch Associate Member.)

2016 The Griff Page 8 September 2016

Graduation Parade – DCPG Southwick Park - 8th July 2016 The graduation parade for Netheravon Flight Royal Air Force Police Initial Course took place on the 8th July in the Memorial Chapel at DCPG. 90 relatives and friends assembled in the Chapel for a short service, preceded by an introduction from Squadron Leader Bright (Officer in charge ITS). He welcomed everyone and thanked the families for all their support for the trainees which had been vital during the last six months. He also thanked his ‘fantastic’ training team. Gp Capt McCleery, the Reviewing Officer, PSyA (RAF), then gave a short talk, which was followed by a church service. The congregation then went outside for the presentation of warrant cards and prizes to the 25 students by the Reviewing Officer. Three prizes were presented – The Physical Education Certificate to Cpl Hopkins. The General Police Duties Trophy – on behalf of the RAF Police Association - to Cpl Simpson. Best Overall Student to Cpl Lowe.

Dave Hilton, presenting the personal prize of an engraved photo-frame, to Cpl Simpson who is being posted to RAF Honington.

Submitted by: Gill Hellewell

2016 The Griff Page 9 September 2016

2016 The Griff Page 10 September 2016

Joint Branch Visit On Thursday 14th July, members and ladies from the South Downs Branch (SDB) visited The Haynes Motor Museum at Sparkford in Somerset. What a treat this visit turned out to be. Most of the cars, motor cycles, scooters etc. which we ogled over as kids, but could never afford, were displayed in their glory in such a professional way. The museum is well worth a visit if you are in the area. Our SDB group; Archie Heath, Dave Hilton, Peter Barr, Doug & Pat Hawkes, John & Bebe Paice and Bill Watts stayed the night in a Travelodge at Podimore, which was very close to this museum and the one scheduled for our next day’s visit. On Friday 15th July, we met Brian & Joy Flinn, Mike & Rita Archer, John & Ruth Crosby, Kim Hassall and Phil Horton from the Wiltshire Branch at the Fleet Air Arm Museum at RNAS Yeovilton. Once again it was well worth a visit and there was much to see. Many aircraft, of all ages were on display, as were many displays relating to the aircraft carriers, which brought back personal memories for me; HMS Eagle, and others, used to visit Brighton during the 1950’s. I especially remember the air speed record being broken by Peter Twist in 1956 while flying in a Fairy Delta 2 aircraft at a speed of over 1000 mph. How could I forget - I was at Roedean School when the aircraft caused a supersonic bang as it reached the new record speed (Please don’t ask!). The joint visit was particularly memorable for me, as I met up with a former Dog Handler, John Crosby, whom I had not seen since we were at RAF Netheravon in 1960/61. A great couple of days was had by all. I will be organising further visits on behalf of the SDB members to similar locations, with the next one being to the RAF Museum at Hendon on 15 Sep 16. Further visits are planned for the Tower of London and the Southampton Aviation Museum. Other RAFPA Branches wishing to make these joint visits are, as with Yeovilton, most welcome to join us. Submitted by: Archie Heath

2016 The Griff Page 11 September 2016

Air Commodore Frank Clifford OBE RAF Force Protection Force Commander Commissioned into the RAF Regiment in 1984 he served in Germany, initially as a Rapier Commander and then as a Harrier Site officer. Seconded at short notice to 4 Wg RAF Regiment he deployed to the Gulf region supporting the Tornado and helicopter forces for Op GRANBY. Following a sabbatical to Zimbabwe he was posted to RAF Catterick as the Corps Signals Officer, this appointment positioned him for an out of branch role with 9 Signals Regiment in Cyprus. Upon return to the UK he deployed with the United Nations as the Chief Operations Officer in Gali sector monitoring the non-existent ceasefire between Abkhazia and Georgia. His first true staff exposure came with a posting to the then Directorate of Joint Warfare in a CBRN equipment and policy related role. His endeavours were rewarded with a detachment to Kosovo as the UK Commander of the Kosovo Protection Corps. A demanding and thought provoking tour saw him in command of some 2000 members of the former KLA. He returned to assume the role of Operations Officer to the UK Chinook Force and used the opportunity to complete a Master’s in Business Leadership with Exeter University. Upon completion of Staff College he assumed command of No 2 Force Protection Wing and immediately deployed UORs through he was promoted to Group Captain and posted to J3 in PJHQ. He was awarded an OBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list in 2012 for his work in PJHQ. His return to Cap GM as Deputy Head UOR saw him attempting to deliver all of the things he asked for when at PJHQ. Appointed as Station Commander RAF High Wycombe and Group Captain United States Visiting Forces he particularly enjoyed having 30 officers who outranked him on his station. Working closely with his United States colleagues he spent much of his time attempting to support Prelim Operations in Afghanistan. After a short period back in the UK he deployed his Wing to Afghanistan and took command of all force protection activities associated with the defence of Kandahar airfield, awarded a QCVS in 2006 Operational Honours list and the US Army Meritorious Service Medal. Nine months later he undertook the same task this time in Basra. Upon relinquishing command he became the Chief of Staff in Cap GM and after a couple of shocking planning rounds and assisting in getting the heavy metal UORs through he was promoted to Group Captain and posted to J3 in PJHQ. He was awarded an OBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list in 2012 for his work in PJHQ. His return to Cap GM as Deputy Head UOR saw him attempting to deliver all of the things he asked for when at PJHQ. Appointed as Station Commander RAF High Wycombe and Group Captain United States Visiting Forces he particularly enjoyed having 30 officers who outranked him on his station. Working closely with his United States colleagues he spent much of his time attempting to reduce the impact of sequestration and the US Bases restructuring programme. Pulled slightly early from command, he deployed to Sierra Leone as the Deputy Brigade Commander and senior UK Military representative in the National Ebola Response Centre. Returning to the MOD Main Building, during the recent SDSR, as Deputy Head Special Projects. He was selected for promotion and has assumed the mantle of Force Protection Force Commander for the RAF from May 2016. Frank is married to Catherine and they have two children, Sophie and Tom. Though his rugby playing days are well and truly over he maintains an active interest in the sport. He enjoys woodwork and cooking; most relaxed when standing next to the Webber with a glass of red wine in his hand.

2016 The Griff Page 12 September 2016

Group Captain S R HORNE MA RAF Provost Marshal (RAF) Group Captain Steve Horne was commissioned into the RAF Provost Branch in 1991 following 3 years’ service in the Metropolitan Police. His early career largely comprised of police and security-related command appointments, culminating in promotion to Squadron Leader in 2000 when he assumed command of Intelligence and Security Squadron with responsibility for security coordination to the Commander Joint Helicopter Force in Northern Ireland. After a staff tour at HQ Personnel & Training Command, he was selected for Advanced Command and Staff Course from which he graduated as a Wing Commander in 2004. After an 8-month study as Head of Project DARWIN, which restructured the RAF Police Provost & Security Services organization and recommended a strategic direction for the RAF Police, he was posted to the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe as Deputy Chief for the Counter Intelligence and Security Branch within J2 Division. He concurrently served as the Allied Command Operations representative to the NATO Security Committee where his work on intelligence sharing protocols led to his award of the Allied Command Chief of Staff’s Commendation for Exceptional Service in June 2007. Deployed to Afghanistan in September 2007 as the ISAF Counter Narcotics Liaison Officer within HQ ISAF in Kabul, he returned to the UK to assume command of No 3 RAF (Tactical) Police Wing in April 2008 and was tasked with standing-up the Wg HQ as an 8th RAF Force Protection Wg with No 27 Sqn RAF Regt. In July 2009, the 8th FP Wg deployed to Kandahar Airfield where he was appointed Deputy Commander KAF (Force Protection), assuming command of the multi-national Force Protection Wing for 6 months. Promoted to Group Captain in May 2010 he took up the post of Principal Security Advisor to the RAF. Responsible for guiding the RAF through the centre-led policing and guarding study, he also generated a security strategy out to 2015 and implemented security risk management. In August 2012 he was appointed as Chief of Staff to the 3* UK Military Representative to the European Union Military Committee, serving in the British Embassy in Brussels. In February 2014 Gp Capt Horne arrived at MoD Main Building where his responsibilities included working to the Permanent Secretary to provide a monthly management information pack for the Defence Board, and to Director General Finance for whom he ran MOD performance reporting, both internally by producing the board-level Defence Performance Reports bi-annually and externally by reporting quarterly to Government on MOD’s performance against the Single Departmental Plan and implementation of the Strategic Defence and Security Review. In May 2016 Gp Capt Horne was appointed Provost Marshal (RAF) and Deputy Commander Force Protection Force (RAF Police). Gp Capt Horne is married to Kathryn and has two children: Amelia and Connor. Still a keen restorer and rider of motorcycles, despite an accident in 2010 forcing retirement from actively following his sporting passion of rugby, running and bobsleighs. Rehabilitation after hip reconstruction led him onto a bicycle and he completed the 100-mile Help for Heroes ride in 2015 and now literally throws himself down red mountain bike routes with his son. Any spare time is spent in France working on renovating an old cow shed into his retirement bolthole.

2016 The Griff Page 13 September 2016

The Wyton Pantomime In 1972 RAF Wyton was a very busy Photo Recconaissance Base, which operated out of a building affectionately known as the Photo Factory and at the time waiting for the AOC's inspection. This was a regular thing and everybody, along with the OC, Sqn Ldr Wally King, were assembled waiting for the inspection to proceed. We saw the RAF Police turn thro' the main gate, blue light flashing, followed by the AOC's glittering black Humber and the assembled gaggle of attending vehicles in line astern.The RAF Police Land Rover accelerated away, positioning itself on the grass bank and parked facing the main door of the Photo Factory. An RAF Police Corporal leapt out of his vehicle, moving quickly to the Humber, where he snapped to attention, opened the VIP's door, saluting the AOC as he emerged. The OC Sqn Ldr Wally King was in deep conversation with the AOC, when a very expensive sounding thud was heard. The RAF Police Land Rover had it's front end buried in the side of the AOC's shiny staff car. Obviously the RAF Police Corporal had forgotten to apply the handbrake, parked on a slope, gravity came into play. The panto had started. To his credit the AOC said nothing, he simply looked balefully at the unfortunate 'Snowdrop', shook his head and entered the Photo Factory. Leaving what was probably an entertaining and expletive-laden verbal exchange, the visit continued. During the tour of the building the AOC had noticed large vats of industrial methylated spirits, when the AOC asked Sqn Ldr King what would happen in a fire situation? 'We'd summon the Fire Service immediately sir ''Well perhaps you would be kind enough to do that now' replied the AOC. The OC instructed a member of staff to do exactly that. The glass was broken on the fire alarm box and button pressed. This action was met with a deafening, doom laden silence. Thinking on his feet the airman sprinted to the Control Office where he requested the duty body to phone the Fire Service. After a very short delay the fire engine screeched to a holt and the fire crew sprung into action. Cast iron stop-cock cover located and opened, the portable fire hydrant erected the canvass hose unrolled in preparation for attaching to the threaded brass nozzle. Responding to the cry 'Ready'? from his mate on the fire hydrant, the guy with the nozzle, who was still struggling to attach it to the hose raised his hand, palm towards his mate, presumably to indicate 'Wait'. However this was misinterpreted by the enthusiastic soul on the hydrant, who cranked the handle, turning water on full pelt. The guy on the nozzle increased his efforts to attach it, to no avail.The water arrived at the business end with maximum force, jetting sideways, saturating the fireman, blasting the nozzle out of his hands, clattering on the ground, propelling itself onwards, soaking anyone or anything in its path, while a dripping fireman attempted to control it. Had the AOC not been there, then uncontrollable laughter would have greeted these frantic efforts. By this time the AOC was chortling and had obviously seen the funny side and called out enough. At this point the visit came to an end, the AOC looked at his car, shook his head and the Humber slowly drove away. The following afternoon, during tea break, without warning the u/s contact in the fire alarm, came good and 'went off'. Submitted by: Jim McIntosh

2016 The Griff Page 14 September 2016

Anzac Day Parade to the Shrine of Remembrance, Melbourne 25th April 2016

A very kind lady I know took these two photos on Anzac Day last month. As my days of marching have come to an end, I, like many other members of RAFA, took part in the Parade the easier way by being driven in a Rolls Royce. Those who did march put on a fine display in the best RAF tradition. We received many complimentary remarks. After the march and serv- ice at the Shrine of Remembrance, many of us attended an excellent lunch at the Elephant & Wheelbarrow, a fine old English style public house in St Kilda, only a tram ride away. The weather was perfect for us which brought out record crowds. Like last year there was a very high police presence. There is no e-mail address there. Hopefully, there will be a RAFP function I can possibly attend during my time in the UK. Last June I had an operation on my neck. I had been losing my balance. Then I had to learn to walk again. I felt like Douglas Bader when he had to learn to walk on his tin legs! Early this year I got very bad pain in the right leg, so I underwent a further operation , this time on the lumber region of my spine. With excellent physiotherapy and hydrotherapy I am coming good again. Now at 81, I am still training people with their dogs all by instruction I cannot take a dog to demonstrate with any more. I’m pleased to say everything is working very well. That’s RAF training for you! It’s most important to have a positive approach to everything.

Submitted by: Michael Tucker ANZAC DAY 2016 The Griff Page 15 September 2016

RAF Police Auxiliary - Enquiry? My name is Syed Nasir Syed Ahmad. I am writing from Singapore. I happened to browse into the RAFPA website looking for any pictures or mention of our late father Syed Ahmad Ibrahim. He was a RAF Police Inspector at Tengah Airbase, Singapore back in the 1960s up to 1970. He passed away in 2004 at the age of 86. I saw a group photo (as attached) of the RAF Police, presumably taken at Tengah Airbase, Singapore. I recognised that the local looking person seated at the front row, at the left hand side facing was our late father. Inspector Syed Ahmad's office was at the Main Gate Guard Room. Our family lived in the RAF local living quarters next to the airbase where there was also a medical clinic. You mentioned in the RAFPA chat that you are in that photo. My question is, which one is you in this photo? Do you know or remember our father.

Brian Burgess kindly supplied the following answer. On the 18th February 1971, the RAF Police Auxiliaries stationed in Singapore and the Far East celebrated the Silver Anniversary of their formation at RAF Changi in 1946. The establishment of the force had grown considerably with some 400 multi-racial officers and other ranks being employed on a wide range of police and security duties at various stations throughout Malaysia and Singapore. One of the very first tasks the force was called upon to carry out in 1946 was the guarding of Japanese POWs. During their brief but very successful history, the force had worked extremely hard from humble beginnings to earn the highest respect from their regular RAF Police counterparts and indeed, the remainder of the RAF serving in t he Far East. They had continually distinguished themselves in all manner of ways and some eight hundred members of the force held the General Service Medal for their valuable campaign service in Malaya and in Borneo. In addition, to their combined contribution to the emergency situation in the region, reports of individual distinguished service had also been rewarded. Two British Empire Medals had been awarded; one to Sub Inspector Mohamed Kassim Bin Mahat in 1956, and the other to Inspector Abu Hassin Bin Haji Ibrahim in 1965. Furthermore, commendations from the Air-Officer-Commanding (AOC), the Air Commander and the Provost Marshal had also been awarded to 10 other members of the force.

2016 The Griff Page 16 September 2016

The jubilee was marked by a splendid parade made up of 4 flights, including 9 dogs and their handlers from the dog section at RAF Changi, which were reviewed by the Air Commander FEAF; Air-Vice Marshal N M Maynard CB, CBE, DFC, AFC, who was accompanied throughout the day by the Command Provost & Security Officer; Group Captain A A Witherington. During the parade, 10 year-old Air Dog Rex 6211, handled by RAF Police Auxiliary Constable H Stewart, took pride of place close to the saluting dais, while the other 8 dogs and their auxiliary handlers marched smartly besides the 4 flights. One of the dogs; a dark German Shepherd bitch called Neta, had blue eyes and was handled by RAF Police Auxiliary Constable Teo Ban Lai. The parade was followed by the Beating of the Retreat performed by the band of the Australian Army, who had kindly offered their services for the occasion. The parade commander was Assistant Superintendent Tajri Bin Haji Ali, assisted by the Parade Adjutant; Sub Inspector Abd Samad Bin Said, and the Parade Warrant Officer; Sergeant Tahir Bin Awang. At the conclusion of the parade the Reviewing Officer was presented with an inscribed outsized truncheon, of the type first issued to the Auxiliaries in 1946, by Sergeant Tahir bin Awak and in turn, the Reviewing Officer presented each member of the force with a copy of their famous cap badge mounted onto a wooden shield. The formal ceremony was followed later by the Ronggeng; the Malay festival of feasting and dancing, to which everyone taking part in the parade together with the spectators and their families were invited. Although the celebration turned out to be a huge success, it did unfortunately herald the start of the intended withdrawal of the RAF from that region of the Far East..!

Thanks very much for this. Infos on the RAF Aux Police role and services in Singapore are not well documented or detailed in Singapore itself (or perhaps I haven't found them yet). Thus this piece of information you gave are invaluable. Yes, I recognised Asst Suprintendent Tajri's name in the book's info. He was a family friend back then too who occasionally comes to our house next to RAF Tengah Airbase. Unfortunately we the children of these former fine RAF officers has lost contact with each other's families. Without anything documented many of the history are slowly or already forgotten. My father too received some medals from the RAF & UK over the years, perhaps also amongst "the 10 other members" who weren't mentioned in the book. Here, I have also found!!, therefore attached a snapshot photo of Asst Supt. Tajri (in the centre, in long trousers), on his immediatell left is my father Insp. Syed Ahmad (in short trousers with dark shades) at RAF Station in Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia.

Please contact Brian if you have any useful information on: [email protected]

2016 The Griff Page 17 September 2016

A chance to pause for a minute in quiet contemplation for Last Post our friends and colleagues who have ‘passed away’.

April 2016 - July 2016 Mr. Peter Farmer - St. Michael’s Mr. Stephen Kirby - HD & IOW Rev. Michael Cole - St. Michael’s Mr. Harold Drain - No Branch Mr. Brian Fletcher - St. Michael’s Mr. Tom Woolhouse - EMB Mr Gerald Pardy - SWAB Mr Thomas Eady - SWAB Always & Forever

Welcome to New members April - July 2016 Serving Members: Ms. Melody Jungleson Mr. Matthew Pattinso Ms. S. Moore Mr. D. Armitage Mr. Kyle Bayliss Mr. Liam Salmon Ms. M. Grant Mr. M. Hoskinson Mr. Liam Murphy Mr. Jamie McGhee, Ms. K. Lord Mr. M. Hartstone Mr. James Hopkins Mr. William Pointon Mr. R. Crudge Ms. K. Smith Ms. Melissa King Mr. Edward Ranson Ms. J. Rich Mr. B. Thomas Ms. Bryony Lane Mr. Aaron Askey Ms. A. Jepson Mr. L. Gale Mr. Alex Dodds Mr. John Murray Mr. B. Smith Mr. S. Brown Mr. A. Purnell Mr. C. Ravenbane Mr. S.Tudor Mr. C. Howells Mr. L. Turner Mr. A. Graham

Annual Members:

NWB EMB Mr Keith Ellis - Notts Mr. Iain Martin - Conway H&D Mr John Chamberlain - Lincs Mr. Adrian Hutchinson - Bournemouth Mr Melvyn Bagshaw - Lincs Mr. Michael (Mick) Welles - Dorset Membership at 31st July 2016 - 1461 welcome 2016 The Griff Page 18 September 2016

Have You any Prohibited Items? Part 4 Arriving at the AMQ Charlie knocked on the door while I stood there holding the green shopping bag by its two handles at arm’s length. The Flight Sergeant opened the door and we explained our situation to him. He looked at both of us and remarked that we looked as if we were none too happy about having this python in our possession. We told him he had got that right! Assuring us that it these snakes were not too much of a problem, he let us into the married quarter. We noticed that the family was in the process of packing the family belongings. His wife and their two daughters who were aged about 10 and 14 years would be shortly leaving for the UK. The married quarter had a large sitting/dining room. The settee and easy chairs were up against the wall on our left as we entered. The wife and daughters were sat on the 3-piece suite. The dining table and four chairs were pushed up against the wall on our right. Along the back wall of the room, facing us were 3 or 4 wooden crates part-packed. In the centre of the room there was a clear space about 30 square feet (6’ x 5’) which was unobstructed by either crates or furniture. NOTE: This note is relevant to what next occurred. The humidity in Singapore is consistently up in the region of 90%, this meant that totally enclosed houses would accumulate mould in fabrics and furniture very quickly. Solid built married quarters, in common with similar houses in Singapore had 4 or 5 inch wide openings along the top of exterior walls to let air flow freely through the house. While this cured the mould problems it also meant that there was no real privacy. If there was a domestic row all the neighbours would hear it. The “snake expert” took the green PVC bag from me and placed it on the settee. He opened it and he removed the cotton drawstring bag which he held up at about chest height. Giving Charlie and me a self-satisfied confident grin, he slammed the cotton bag down to the tiled floor. In an instant the bag jumped about 6” off the floor and started to slide and jump about in all directions. The wife and daughters let out a loud yelp, not yet screaming, and ran across to the dining table and all 3 climbed upon it and clung to each other. I explained to the flight sergeant that this was someone’s pet, he then followed the bag around its haphazard route on the floor, shouting as he did so, “Sorry mate, sorry mate, oh sorry mate”. Meanwhile his daughters were crying and Mum didn’t look too happy either. Eventually he captured the bouncing bag whereupon he untied the drawstring and tipped the python out onto the floor! His family now, not surprisingly, began to give out the most terrifying screams at the sight of this somewhat large and fearsome snake. Submitted by: Brian Whitaker Gripping stuff: Definitely Final Part next issue

2016 The Griff Page 19 September 2016

more letters to the editor RAF Marston Moor, Feb 1948 I was posted to Marston Moor as a Dog Handler, there were 4 on the strength and I was the most junior, AC2 Acting Corporal Unpaid. We were left without dog meat and had to rely on 'leftovers' from the Mess, we were a little upset about the situation as we believed the dogs were just as entitled to their correct rations as Airmen. Repeated visits to the Station Adjutant did not resolve the situation. After one final attempt which produced an angry tirade I was told in no uncertain terms to leave his office. Taking matters into my own hands I travelled to RAF Rufforth, No. 2 RAF Police District. I requested an interview with the APM and the request was granted. I saluted Sqn Ldr Wilson who said, 'Charles, I didn't know you were up here'. I explained the problem and he said he knew the Major in charge of RASC Supplies in and said he would have a word with him. From then on we never had a problem with the dog food! Two days later I was summoned to the Adjutants Office. He wanted to know by what authority did I approach the APM. I informed him that I was not aware I needed permission to visit my own brother-in-law. End of interview! Sqn Ldr Wilson later changed his name to Agar-Wilson. He died in Germany in 1965, aged 46 years. Submitted by: Chuck Agar

RAF Staxton Wold, 1951 I was in the Radar Receiver Block catching up on administrative work when a phone call from the Guardroom (a small Picquet Post) informed me a visiting Wg Cdr wished to see me. I must explain it was a Wednesday, organised games afternoon. There was only myself and the ACH/GD airman on site and everybody lived off site, plus I was the only policeman at the time. When the Wg Cdr saw me he wanted to know why I was not wearing my police accoutrements. I explained I was not officially on duty but had come in to catch up on the Billeting Returns for our Parent Unit. He wished to see the Adjutant and I explained I was the Adjutant. After he stopped laughing he said he would like to speak with the Commanding Officer, to which I informed that I was also the C.O. He decided to quit while still ahead. He informed me that 4 dog teams were being sent to the unit and proceeded to tell me where to locate the kennels. After a short conversation he decided to let me get on with the dog section. At the time the CO was a technical Flight Sergeant, who was on leave. As the only other NCO there automatically assumed command. Big Deal! The Station strength was 10. Submitted by Chuck Agar

Acknowledgments... The Editor sincerely thanks All contributors for their photographic and article inputs, Again many thanks and please keep those contributions coming in.

2016 The Griff Page 20 September 2016

Subscriptions 2016 RAFPA SALES B1 Unbleached White Beret* £12.50 Members Renewal £ 12.50 Please send beret size with order

New Members Joining 2016 B4 RAFPA Lapel Badge £ 4.00 1st January to 30th June B5 Beret Badge (RAFPA Crest) £ 8.50 Joining fee £ 8.50 Subscription £ 12.50 B6 RAFPA Blazer Badge £ 8.50 1st July to 31st December C1 RAFPA Cufflinks £ 7.50 Joining fee £ 8.50 Subscription £ 6.50 C2 RAFPA Adjustable Cummerbund £16.50 C3 Pocket Handkerchief Serving Members Scheme . Black & Red Diagonal Stripes £ 7.00 Membership for entire service - FREE T4 RAF Police Bow Tie (Does not include Provost Parade, Black & Red Diagonal Stripes £ 9.00 The Griff or Members Directory). T5 RAFPA Clip-on Tie Black/Red Diagonal Stripes with RAFPA crest £12.00 NOTE: Joint membership may T6 RAFPA Tie apply to eligible spouses of existing Black & Red Diagonal Stripes members and to those joining as with RAFPA Crest £10.00 Serving Members. T7 RAFPA Tie One normal joining fee plus £ 1.00 Black & Red Diagonal Stripes NO CREST £ 8.00

STOP PRESS P1 RAFPA Wall Shields, screen printed, light coloured wood base, 150 x 175 mm (5" X 7") £32.00 Subscriptions: Treasurer, Mike Thornton, wishes to remind all members that If possible please print this form to submit with your subscriptions were due on the 1st January order. All items include package and posting and are available from: 2016. Please ensure your payments are Please make cheques payable to: made promptly and the correct information is RAFPA (to accompany your order) Mr M. Thornton (Mike) with the Banks if paying by direct debit, etc.. 20 Thomas Mead, Pewsham, Wiltshire, SN15 3YS Thank you in advance. or Pay via PayPal direct to the Association Treasurer Please make cheques payable to: RAFPA Any item from RAFPA Sales will now be actioned (to accompany your order) and write your name & address on the reverse of your order. Depending by Mike Thornton on Telephone: 01249 464787, on stock availability orders will be dispatched within as Tony Lake has decided to vacate his RAFPA 5 working days of receipt of order. Sales position, until a volunteer steps forward. For those wishing to purchase items from the RAF Police School “Provost Parade” Shop a list of merchandise can be found on the main RAFPA web Guide Deadline for the January 2017 site at

Edition of “The Griff” will be end of *It is best not to shrink Berets, because they are not made with the same amount of material as the Service issue beret. It is best to lightly spray with water, November . Ed. (It can change!) fit and shape to head and then let dry on an upturned basin, or similar.

2016 The Griff Page 21 September 2016 Walk Down memory lane

No. 46 Flight - Calcutta 1946 remember

Calcutta 2nd August 1946 Photographs from the Archival records reproduced by kind permission of Steve Davies. remember 2016 The Griff Page 22 September 2016

Wiltshire Branch - Armed Forces Weekend For the second year, Wiltshire Branch members took part in the Armed Forces Weekend event in Trowbridge over the period 25/26 June. Our display boards attracted interest, resulting in a few young men wanting to join the RAF Police, albeit with a few years to go before they could apply! There was also much interest in joining the RAF Police from our site neighbours, the Trowbridge ATC Sqn. Andy Davies brought along his motorcycle, decked out in RAFPA colours and flags, and youngsters were able to have their photographs taken on the bike - for a small donation from their parents. The Wiltshire Branch flew the flag for the Association, raised some money for charity and may have gained a new member from a passing retired RAFP. The weekend ended with a Parade through the town and a Drumhead Service including Association Standards, officiated by the Reverend Eric Littler, Padre to RAFA (Trowbridge & West Wiltshire) Branch. Submitted by: Brian Flinn

Brian Flinn, Mike & Rita Archer, Ivan Carey Wiltshire Branch static display

Akrotiri - Cyprus 1962 The Main Guardroom was staffed by 6 RAFP at night, running the Guardroom, checking on prisoners, carrying out checks on dog handlers, distributing tea and sandwiches to the various guards and looking after the camp in general. On this occasion during the early hours one man was left 'to hold the fort', while the remainder adjourned to a back office for a 'break'. The Guardroom phone rang and when answered a voice informed the listener that it was the Armoury, 'We've caught somebody on top of the fence' . The Guardroom bod said ,'OK, we'll be there in about half an hour'. A few minutes later the rest of the shift returned back to the Guardroom, where it was suggested they stopped making bogus phone calls as one day it could be the real thing. Everybody vigorously denied making any such call, the penny dropped, it was the real thing and they raced to the Armoury. There were always two Duty Armourers, armed with pistols. One of them had caught Flt Lt Stan Grason (Security Team) on top of the fence! Submitted by: Chuck Agar

2016 The Griff Page 23 September 2016


Memorial Parade at NMA The annual service at the RAF Police Memorial took place (as it does every year) on 23 June, at the National Memorial Arboretum (NMA) near Lichfield. The weather was fair and conditions underfoot reasonably firm. The other basic factor to mention is that the buildings in the NMA all appear to be under reconstruction, redevelopment or newly built. This is because the whole of the administrative site is being enlarged to meet the ever rising numbers of people visiting the many memorials. So the “meet and greet” area was even more crowded than usual, as approaching 150 assorted bodies made a lot of mainly happy sounds. All the news was not good, as firstly the new Provost Marshal and our Vice President (Group Captain S R (Steve) Horne MA RAF) was David Budd, Chairman RAFPA. absent on sick leave. He had a serious motor cycle accident several years ago and occasionally he suffers the effects. Secondly, the Parade Warrant Officer (WO Dale Woolman-Dale MBE) was also off sick. Thirdly, the Association National Standard Bearer (Nigel Lacey) was unable to attend. As ever, the Association National Parade Marshal, Bill Veazey MBE sorted us into a real looking flight of almost able bodied men! We were led by Brian Flinn carrying the National Standard (as a result the Standard of the Wiltshire Branch could not be paraded). Four Branch Standards followed and just behind the Standards and in front of our marching contingent, was our new(ish) Association National Chairman, Mr David Budd. In all there were some 30 members marching. In front of the Association contingent, was a small flight of serving RAF Police commanded by Flight Lieutenant James Collo, OC RAF Police at RAF Cosford and RAF Shawbury. The salute was taken by the new Air Officer RAF Police and Association President, Air Commodore Frank Clifford OBE RAF. The PM’s new Warrant Officer WO Frank Green WO, accompanied the AO. The service was conducted by the Reverend Jeremy (Jez) Safford and included the names of those former RAF Police whose names have been carved this year on pavers around the memorial. The official wreaths were laid by the President and Chairman. After the Standards were marched off, members and guests very slowly made their way via other memorials, back to the marquee for afternoon tea. Short speeches were made by the AO and Chairman. This was the ninth anniversary service and (as usual) was in part emotional, part happy and to be remembered by all present. Credit goes to the working Memorial Committee of Bernard Lamb, Brian Whitaker and Philip Fitchett. Submitted by: John Walton The Griff

Views expressed in The Griff are those of the Editor and individual contributors and do not necessarily represent RAFPA policy. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any person, at any time, by any method, without the express permission of the Editor or originator in writing.