SUPER-BINGO Ameiican Legion
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BATURDAT, FEBRUARY 21, 1942 fA C ^ FOUBTEjBN t '4 iPanfltggtfr Cuntiitg Average Daily Circulation For the Month of danuary,' 1942 The Weather Raid Warden Forecast of U. S. Weather Bureau About Town Heads Committee Mail Delivery Heard Along Main Street DINE arid DANCE at 7,088 .Member of the Audit Here Monday And on Some of Mancheater’’$ Side Streeta^ Too School Monday iEuptiittD 'Slightly colder tonight. TlM Mary Cheney Ubrary will Bureau of Ctrculatione . / . _____ <*' be eloeed all Cay Monday. Wm H- DANTE’S RESTAURANT Mancheater— A City of Village Charm Inftoa'a Birthday, alao the West Pensions seemed' to be in the air clerks and triers and unless It Postm^ter Announces gets them »o n there will be a serl- ExporlV to Check Up on 10 East Center Street Odd Fellows Building Side branch. along the street this past week, Th^ Office Hours to Be maybe brought about by the 6*- oi.'.'i dlsruptio I in the Manchester Reports A|a<Ie During ITALIAN AND AMERICAN COOKING VOL. LXL, NO. 123 (Claeeifled Advertieing On Page 12J MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY. FEBRUARY 23. 1942 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Group N a < of the Memorial tempt of some Congressmen to Fci \*lce. Featuring Chicken, Steaks, Spaghetti and Ravioli. Hoapital Woman'B Auxiliary, Mra. Observed on Holiday. pension themselves. Also the fact I Practice DrH| Here. Orders Put Up To Take Out. William knofakie, leader, will meet that a number of Manchester po We’ve been hearing a lot of | lice were on the sick may have pooh-pooh s lately about the new I NOW FEATURING: Monday afternoon at two o’clock / Although Monday is a legal holi There will be two sp^kers at at the Memorial hospital. induced the conversations. Pensions women’s hats the crazy kind' day there will be a city delivery In for members of the local police that you can't tell whether it's a the Air Raid Warden’s recture ART McKAV AND HIS BAND headdress or a signal. The Monday evening accordin g\ to M. Olin Burkjolder of the Hart- the morning from the local were seen as a possibility. office, Postmaster Thomas J. But. it was the consensus of complniiits are coming from the f ’hairman Jay Rand. These speak iM'd Seminary, a returned mlaslon- many that if pensions for one de ery from Korea, will occupy the announced this morning. fellows who get themselves com ers, Mrs. Eleanor Rigby of Ches partment are logical they should be fortably seated in a Uieater seat Destroy and Scatter Jap Invasion Fleet; pulpit of the North Methodist The money order, registered let hire, and Pro/e.ssor James Osborn ter and postal savings windows given to ’all town workers. It is only to find themselves .suddenly ch u i^ tomorrow morning at the understood that the legislation as of Tfale University will check over worship service. His subject will will be clo.sed but the stamp win “ blacked out" by one of these new now formed provides only for the morustrosities. tlie results pf the test alarm be •The Ugni of Life. ” The pas dow and general delivery service police. will be in operation only from 7:30 It seems that the women aren't night. In addition Mrs. Rigby will tor, Rev. Earl H. Furgc.von la con Pen.sions can be a headache un- describe iri detail the Warden’s 01 IT WINTER SPECIAL! fined to his home with an atUck of to" 10:30 a. m ladies any more. They just don't Ics-s they are properly handled. And remove their hats (that's what Duty in an p?mergency. grip. ____ Mails will arrive at 6, 7:.70 and they can be pretty costly for the Profe.ssor Osborn will lecture on ONE DAVONLY! MONDAY, FEB. 23 8:30 a. m . and depart at 8. 9 and they still call them, isn't it?) any employing factor, as anyone who more when they go to the movies. "The Per.sonal Qualifications of a The Manchester Mothers club 11 a. m. knows the CJieney experience can Warden." Chairman Rand stated Sinking of Cog^t Guard Cutter Reported will hold its armual "game night," The lobby will he closed at 11 They just sit back on their wom well say. anly privileges and let somebody's that'the school will start promptly at the Y. M. C. A. Monday eve a. m. The best method of approach at 7:30 and be over by 9:30 or earl Ladies’ presses 7 5 c each ning In charge of Mra Charles There will be no registering of locally seems that the Selectmen wild imagination sit right up in Ernest. A. Boy front of who cares. ier. It is necessary that there Crockett and Mrs. Everett Keith. eriemy aliens on Monday, the either appoint a committee or should be a big atten'dance at this master announced. The card group will occupy the so Ernest A> Roy. one of the spon designate some group to get proper The other night in the State .session so that the mistakes of. the cial room downstairs, and those sors of the K. of C. building fund, informatltm on the subject. Such theater we saw one of these par tost Friday evening could be iron 2 F o r 16 tearetl Doatl in Towboat Crash who prefer tae more active games heads the large honorary commit subjects usually come up when ticular hehind-tlie-black-ball hats. | ed out. 'the meeting will be held at will gather 'n the banquet hall. tee named In connection with the times are gmxl and jobs plentiful., A young fellow near us dodged all the High School auditorium,. 1. This Special does not include iHiite, Corduroy, velvet Alexander Hamilton Some Invasion Units Mrs. Francis Handley and Mrs. Drii" Stores and the taxpayers carele.sji about around the space allotted to him \ dinner and entertainment to be * or dresses with over eiifht pleat^ William Qulsh head the hostess held by Campbell Council K. of C., what they spend But whe’n poorer trying to keep up with ttie plot committee. tomorrow,evening when the for times come those who have to pay being unfoltled on the screen. He 2. - Please give ns a week or more to finish them. mal burning of the mortgage will Change Hours the freight are sorry that they was chewing gum two-forty. Evi- P i •ograiiis Honor The Whlton Memorial Ubrary take place. shouldered the burden. ilently the flavor had left the gum 3. Don’t miss this preat money-saving spefc^l! along about the third murder on i Torpedoed by Sub; on North Main street will be closed Reservations have been made iValion's Fathers Able to Get Ashore; all day Monday. for 100 at the dinner which will To Close at 10 Eacb We heard an interesting discus the screen and he w*ante<l to dD- | NOTICE! start at 6:30 to be followed by an sion the other day about what pose of his chewing piece. It | We Request a Wire Hanger With Each DressL entertainment. Many of the state was difficult for him to know just The Nadge Sewing Club com Nigbt Except Thurs some of these bars, grills, taverns, I: Dancers clad in colonial cos- posed of Mrs. Norma Dickson, and district officers of the order what to do with the gum, when or what have you, would do dur ; tumes fa.shioned b y ^ rls in sewing Mrs. Ethel Hunnlford, Mra. Doro will attend. Edward F. Taylor will days and Saturdays. ing, a blackout practice period. he stiddenly realized that the head thy Fogg, Mrs. Gladys Hansen, bo the toastmEister. I danced the stately minuet Japs Take Denpasar piece which had bobbcd back and _ - Quiet in Philippines Are they supposed to order ail Manchester Dry Cleaners and Mrs. Elln Mason, will meet starting Monday all local drug l,.n, o, Ih. , their customers out before the and at 7:30 next Tuesday evening in stores are to start on a new sched evening was a perfect depository. Lincoln. blackout signal is given? Or Pupils in Barnard and Nathan Plant: . 9.3 Wells Street the hospital foe an emergency S>^So ho took out the gum and with- \ Prayer Day ule on closing. Instea<i of keeping should they allow them to stay 1 Hale schools took part. Branch Store: 19.t Center Street lighting Dies Down on Ship Gipsizes While Be ‘ Important Str^itegical Overrun Part o f Bali open until 11 o’clock each night side? Viut much ado reached up and TELEPHONE 72.'. t Must Cease the drug store owners at a meet The proprietors seem to think dropped the sticky wad into one Those participating in the dance Bataan Peiiin- ing Towed to Port Point' on South (^oast Tokyo Radio A surprise anniversary party ing last ■’ night decided to close they would suffer in either case. I of the many reces.sos in the wom were Mary Ann Pazianas. Doris Ami Seize Airport at was held at the home of Mr. and Fills Church their stores each night at 10 Their customers might get peeved an’s hat. Flavell, Agnes Berzenski, Priscilla iiid in Duel Be- And Has to Be Sunk O f Bali Claimed Cap Mrs. Stanley Bray of 13 Wads Being Driven Hits Speech Denpasiur; Jupunesc o’clock with the exception of if ordered out and the same cus Maybe the woman in question Keating, Dougla.s Straw, Robert tWeen^\Manila Bay worth street last night.