MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1942 ?AGB rOURTEES Mmtrliratrr Ennitwa HfraUit Average Daily Circulation The Weather -T^Sr Shea 1* a member of The Herald For the Month of January, 1943 we are- well aware ha* been touch­ The Herald’* cooking . school In-^ Forecaat of C. 8. Weatker Boreau A dress rehearsal of the Red Mr*. James J. Dusk and daugh­ (Couple Celebrates structor before she left town Fri­ staff, and hi* wife 1* the former ed by what Dr.' Iw-slle Weather- Miss Viola Horvath of Terrace Cross entertainment which em­ ter Betty Jane, of 553 East Center Faith Needed head calls "the transforming day afternoon. Last year. Miss .Continued moderately cold thin street, are registered at the Hotel avfenue. East Hartford. 7 ,0 8 8 About To^vn ployees of t ^ Independent and friendship" of Clirist. Bean presented th^m with a set afternoon 'and tonight; tnrreaiiing ,*New York, for a few First Anniversarv Member of the Audit Ellis Cloak coXpanies will present "The gateway through which of silver tea spoons at the time of wind* near roaxt. Bnrean of Circulation* \ in High school V j'- f'ri'lay eve­ days. ' Most of All we enter this expeiicme." said their wedding. Motion pictures were shown in Wllllun RoberUon, of Philadel­ ning. wii; be heldXthis evening at Mr. Ward, "is not by any partic­ A large number of close friends Manchestei ~A City of Village Charm phia, who conducted services at eight o'clock at the studio of Mrs. Miantonomoh Tribe No. 58. Im-| the afterhoon by Gerald Demeusy. BEFORE YOU B^iY ANY proved Order of Red Men. will ■ ular method, not by the ot and relatives gathered yesterday Gospel hall, 115 Center street, last Rolda Martin. 324 C i^ e r street, One of the films included pictures KIND OF fNSlTRANCE hold its regular meeting in Tinker I Rrv. W . Ralph W anl. Jr. | Intellect and will alone, hut bv to celebrates the first wedding an­ week will continue each evening rear, instead of tom orroVnight as taken on the couple's honeymoon CAI.L 66.37 VOL. LXL, NO. 124 (CtaBalSed Adverttalng On Page It ) MANCHESTER, CONN., Tl^ESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1942 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CEN’TS hall tonight at'eight o'clock sharp. ] the humlile acceptnnee of the gift niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Danny IhU week at 7.4S except Saturday. originally soieduled. Tnb, ticket PrearliPH First of Hi« God has given us in Jesus Christ. " m Washington, D. C. Members are asked to make a .spe Shea of ,382 Hartford Road. One BENJAMIN CHENEY With the aid of a chart, entitled conimittee reports a .splenolti ad­ In the evening worship Mr. of the features of the affair was A chicken dinner was served at i lal effort to be on lime. LciitPii Serinoiis. MS Main St. Hale Bldg. “ShadowB of Christ," and'old tes­ vance sale of tickets. The progfnim Ward preached on "Helps to Bet­ a cake which had been presented, noon, and a buffet lunch followed tament events, he will show their US expected to continue from e i ^ an enjoyable afternoon. Danny Group E of Center church worn- j ter Habits of Prayer. " riie Hi- to the couple by Miss Ruth Bean, Importance iu reference to to ten o'clock Friday evening, and Prearhing the first in a scries of ■n of s^hichMr.- Kay Warren is League were led in a discussion The general public will be welcome dancing w'H fcliow to niu.sic by leader will have a pot luck supper I>’nlen sermons on "Vital Reli­ by the pastor on Boy 'and Girl to attend these meetings. Mr. lon y Obrigm's orche.'tra. toiiioriow at ti 30 in tlie | gious Living." Ke\'A . R.alpii Friendships, and the Epwortli Robertson was formerly of Grange­ Kobhitis room of C'ciitor f'liurch Iwagup were leil in a meeting on mouth, on Firth of Forth. Scot­ .\ babv girl. Beverly Grace'e^vas Want: .Jr . pastor of t^ie South the life of George Washington by land. born Saturday at St. Francis h.>s- Methodist ihiirih, said W'sterdav Ni^son Richmond. NATIONAL Destroyer, Stores Ship Pound to Pieces; pital to Mi*, Mrs. Robert F. ..St. - M a i^ f’ t's Cirile. Daughters morning "the most"* impres.sive Hose CX>mpany No. 2 of the Man­ Thayer, formerly of this town but of I.«abella. vidrl have a members' contribution the Chri'islimi chitrch chester Fire department will meet now residing on t'apitol avenue, .s«'K ih1 tom.iri^v , evening at H world IS men this evening at headquarter.s for Hartford Th.-v aUao have a'Ujrce- has to set before the year-old son icichartl Robert. Mr. o'clock in the K hhome There and wonien. young ami old. .Viithorized Dealer apecial session, Fred will be card gained T■fhe degree Sankey stated this morning that Thayer is the son of M r. and Mrs hvi'.s manifOHl a clear and radiant David F. of this town team will meet .Suiid.iy at three ; he wished as many of the members e clink 'for a reliea^ga' in -St | lehgiOMs faith' The distinguish­ as possible attend iliie to the fai t "ORPERS SEW and SAVE .laiiie.s'.s hall. undWe to at- | ing n.iaik of the I'hiistian is not that special anangements will Mrs. B- T. Savory and daughft:, ^ CONNECTICUT Approach Zero-Hour in Battle for Java lend .should notify the iKgerit at his clothing, .some .-pec ml ensignia have to be made for .servu e.s of Marilyn, of '22 Green Road aie the' meeting tomorrow evening. j hut a distiiu't religious personali­ • the department. The meetini; is spending -10 days visiting in fTii- cago. ty " The cenliii y reports scheduled for 7 30 sharp. Mrs; Charles Crockett and Mrs. "Now when they saw the boldness Everett Kci'h « ho aie iii i hargV of Peter ami .lohn. ami perceived bKE Jap Teiilarles Reach for Java oi rard and oihei games for the Week that they were unlearned and ig­ Mothers' •( bib social lhis ^yening norant men. they marvelled, and L. T. WOOD CO. at the ■\' .M C letpiest all, who they took knowledge of them that Fresh Aerial Blows Lower I’rite On 189 Officers, Men iVLABIVOJTpX

can cnnveni.'ntly do .so to bring they had been with Jesus " Toilav 51 Bissell Street their own .lards. we admire no less gpeatly those Phone 4496 T'^MUKDCN. GREEN PEAS 2 qts. 25c persons in our whose life For National Defense Spinach Campbell Couni iT K of C , will- C , Rnntaine present rings to all members 'in Escarolc ^'am s the service and to who later By Japs Reported; Hale's Fabric Department Has Hundreds of Pieces of the Ne\vo.s( Spring: Reported as Lost; IceberR or Sweet Potatoes enter the service There are now 'OK VO Bo.ston Lettuce Cranberries .six members of the roum il ih the and Summer Fabrics! Peppers Turnips j service and two more are due to leave within a day or two At the HALE'S SELF SERVE Buy Defensp CHUNGKING Tomafftes Circen .Beans 1 meeting of the roiincil to be held The OriRinal In New Enjiland! Celery Cauliflower Stamps and Bunds Land Near Koepang tonight the order will be placed Planes Seeking Sub [ for eight rings and others wllj be INDIA ^ ^ ^ W u N M IN G Crisp New ^ . ___ purchased as the nien leave Eai h AND HEALTH MARKET CALCUTTA' BEETS OR CARROTS, 2 bchs. 17c ling will carry the K. of C. em­ Japanese Glaims Oeeii- Defenders .4re Urgetl by | Slirfare \ essels .Also \ 4‘j*sH«* Suffer Disaster blem. Jap Planes Admits Navy pation of Airdrome 10 Governor - General to; Huiil Craft Whieli In Roariii;: («ale Off Slit fOR ALL LAUNDRY Packed in each box of SANOOOI I • TUESDAY SPECIALS Miles Southeast of Fare Foe with ‘Faith .Shelled Oil Refinery Roeky Fast Coast of AND HOUSEHOLD PURPOSES these Granules you will Raid Papua; ■ANOKOK Using Some ' I ------7 , Gapital of Diiteli Porr -And Iron Will' in cqAM* Near Fllwiiod, (^lif.; New foiiii(||aii(l: Cum- find a larKe retfular bar WARNING Doiihle Green Stamps Given ^ illi tioii of Timor; As­ Battle; No New Offi­ Damage Slight aud Cocoa-Butter Soap. Drop Bombs Aged Shells mamler of Destroyer eiTinwit ■rfM; “Iff Cm I R*«". M t e l sert Heavy Damage cial' Word on Siima- No ('asualties Reported lawatkkarilctal. Irak* aiarkakwWilM t**ti| Gash Stiles .\11 DavTiiestlav ft rnixtiin .\iiioiig Dead; * BUY .) (; r \ n h -e s Inflieted on United Some Buildings Dam­ tra and Bali; Raids .-\s 2 .3 Rounds Fired Ordnance Bureau Chief Stores .Ship Skip­ W ITH .5 BARS ,SOAP No. 2 fa n Burt OIney Stales Fleet Units. aged, But No Vital .Aimed at Bandoeng. By Japanese U-Boat. Add.H 'Mere .ige Is ,\o per Reported Safe. FOR .«1.10 Tender Sweet Peas Tok.vo (From Japanese, Points Hit; J\o Esti- Batavia. N.E.I., Feb. 21.— ! \N'a.'ihii)Ktoii, Feh.. 24.—?(/P) C.riteriou of Effective- Wa.-n. Feh, 24.— (/P) ^ BATAVIA NIW-’ . CUINCAk ' Hershey’s Broadcasts), Fel). 21.— aireraft and siir- Washihgton. Feh 24 P Rear been pounded to jiicces off tho .3 bars 2.>c Checkerboard Dutch portion of the East In-' i/T —A mediurp force of Japanese "faith and an iron will.” the i face N eit.sels ha\ e .started a .\dmiial \V H ,P. Blandy, chuf ol roek.v east coast of New­ soap granules No. i Can Burt OIney lh<' Navy s Bureau of Oidnance, A ll W o o l dies Island of Timor, have oc-1 bombers acconipanied by fighters ! Allied defenders of Java near- ! .seareli for the enemy suhma- foundland in a roaring gale, Ros6 Garden Soap .said today that th*- .Navy was Feed Store I'upied an airdrome 10 niiles ^ raided Port Moresby, principal i ed the zero-hour tcnlay in the I rine whieti .shelled the Rank- using some ammunition made more the .Navy announced today, OUNCE O A r 15c. 3 barji 40c 10 Apel Plaro ^lanchenter Golden Bantam Corn of the town. Domei | coastal city in Papua, New Guinea, battle for^ this last bulwark 500 AUSTRALIA ! Une oil relinery near Ell- than a decade ago. but added that with a loss of at least 189 of­ V Triephone 77H MILES Package re;>orted today in a di.spatch I an Air Ministry communique an­ blocking the Japanese from wood, Calif., la.-^t night. The "mere age is no rritenon of it.*5 ef- ficers and men. .\mong the 20. nounced today fectivenes.s ' 6 cons 75c Y'ard from an "iindisclo.sed base.” Au-I the vital United Nation., .supply ilepar Im m lA communiquo .sai-1 ilcail wa.*! Lieut Comilr. Ralph PINEHURST MEAT DERT. Ihorized naval sourcps declared to- j Flying in two wave.., the Japan- lines in the Indian Ocean There- With the exception of the toward tho Burma road which (.lamage frjm thr .shrlUng was He appeared Oeforr the Hou.^ M(ckox, 38, o( Washington, D. C.. day that Japane..e aircraft had j wa.s no new official word on the could be .stretched out all the way into India if succeasf)»l a sum­ slijjht. and no casnaltiea were re­ Naval Committee at an inquiry who commhnded the destroyer, 33c GROUND BEEF— FRESHLY CHOPPED— Burt OIney The ideal faliric for dre'-'.-^es and skirts— iiroken up an attempt to att.vck , ( Continued on Page Ten) j situation in^ .sdfithern .Sumatra mary of operations in the southwest Pacific indicates that ported The .suhmarine, apparent- ordto'ed as a result a radio re- the Tnixturi an old four-.stackcr ALL JUICE RETAINED. SPECI AL: I^und 31c Japaneae mandated islands m the | I and in Bali, where the invaders "all roads lead to Java." The Japs struck through Malaya, howh-d ! ly Japanese, .hied 2.*) rountis of of World war vintage The com­ HEALTH REST light weiiTht :dl wool in ,12 shades: Aqua, 54” W ool Plaids (('4>ntinned on Page Ten) Larfte ' Native F o w l.. .Small Premium Fowl. . .Meaty South Sea.s by inflicting heavy! i have wre.stcd their- foot- over Singapore on the west At the same time they advanceil their five-inch .shells at the refiner\, the mander of the stores ship, the Pot- Peas and Carrots 6 Cans 89c ('open, (ireen, R'lse, Tan, G(>'d, Cirey, damage on United States fleet . Ipld.s directly and ea.'it. of pa.-t the Philippines down along the west coast of Borneo, also department ,'«aid lux wa.s n'lt identified, hut lh« Shank Soup Bones. MATTRESS Beautiful soft tones in units diacovered steaming west­ this i.sland citadel in the face of Guaranteed fpr 5 Years'. Black. Navy, Wine, Brown and Deep Blue'. Hartley Put through MacaAsar strait on Borneo’* east coast, hooking around the No (tround .\rtl\ity Navy reported him safe Atpia, Rose and Tan. ward toward the islands last P'rj- I stubborn opposition from oiitnum- Celebes, attacking Bali, taking Amboina en route to Timor on the genuine Cube Steaks AveraRe...... 12c and 15c each S*. laiwrenee In the Philippine fightinp. the Torn to Wreckage l)uU:kly Will make a smart plaid $1.98 day ! bered defense forces. o f Java - Savs Fiu'murs.. The heavy of life was * '- Forced to Flee Eaat department .said, there wa.^ no » $19.95 skirt. Yard In Command Military ObJ«>rtlv«i Targets ground activity on either .side in tn'iiited to the fact that the tuo WSA Tender Sweet Peas These sources said the Japanese .'hi[is I onstitutinij a [Hirtion of a $1.00 Down and $1.00 Per ;J9 ' Bflding's Hpavy A brief Indies, high command the last 24 hours, hut/’nemy an- aerial attack forced the United communique reported only fresh ( raft dropped a numhet of im en- Denied Ri<;lits convo\. A etc tun to wreckagt ivcen/.mc. Week. Slates ships to turn around and For Burma aerial blows at Java, the heaviest diary bomb?. under the battering of ■ ' 302 MAIN STREET 6 cans 69c 39" Linen Lyke flee to the east. , * DIA L ^ 151 of which wa.« aimed at military Roosevelt Asserts The text of the (ommunique. wind and wave very quickly after m i H Of POST OFFICE O^E BLOCK FROM STATE a rmory KEMP'S, INC. "The United States must be I objectives around Bandoeng. Number 122 of the \snr. ba.aed on (jiveii Others they ran aground Romaine Sheer dumbfounded by the defeat which i The double disaster occurred in Fine Bedding! l.arge 20-Oi. f ’a^ Burt OIney Steady Advanee -of Jap­ Dutch Army headquarters. reports recened here up to 9 30 Spun Rayon Prints followed the Cru.shing leases suffer- . Three low-flying formations of a. m , e w I daylight but .vi.-nbility wa.s ex- The newest dress f.ibiic. ed in the Marshall islands area ' anese , Has Made De­ - enemy bombers, apparently with- '1 loa.St (zillcllc I rg«*s l*a<*sago tienielv low The frothy currents Plain shades in Brown, Deep and elsewhere," these naval Further Reverses Cans . out fighter escort, were greeted set up by the dashing of the rocks Tomato Juice 6 55c sources said. . fen se o f T h o P o sse s­ ‘ An enemy subinanne. appar­ Blue. Copen Blue, Dusty $1.00 ' by a blasting barrage of anti-'air- ently Japanese, fired 2r» rounds of O f I^cgislatioii Hanning and reef.s ma le the coast'ine indis­ Rose. Aqua. Tan, Red, Navy They said thene setbacks should j i craft fire from Dutch guns and five-inch shells at the Bankline tinct and regular aids to naviga­ Burt OIney Sliced prove to the world that the Uni­ sions Single Problem. Sales of .Siirpliises at Yard I new, pritlsh-made cannon which oil refinery, near KHwood. ('alif.. tion were, j'oji ured by low sweep­ and Black. 8 9 c ted States was being pushed back I gave the Japanese an explosive Faeing Amerieans ing scud The point at which the nipht at about 7 20 p m. Prieek Kelow l*arily. Cans to a, position wlhere it will he vir- Bulletin! ] welcome. At least one bomber pwt Slight damage 'Atm done ships went igroiind vvas described Garden Beets liialiy impossible to launch an ef­ a.s near the enliance to Lawrence An unusual s}>ort fabric— bright floral Ixindon, Feb. 24.— 4’— Brlt- ' was shot down and others were and no ja.sualtie.s were reported fective offen.sive against Japan iHh troops have withdrawn to damaged. The submarine appeared on the Wa.«»hingltin. Feh 24 U H.irbor on vhich la located the Not' I l.arge Can 36" Evprfast Fine Quality patterns on all colored KTOunds. .Admonishes People to (On Jan. 31. the' U .s Pacific the west banks of the SIttang But In the face of this inten.sive Pi *aise (iiveii .siirfni e of the (n ean about one- Senator C'lillelte *D-r«iWai. urging town ot Lawrence. Newfoundland. river after inflIrtIng heavy I fire the planes circled the city and Prepare Themselves fiairth mile off Kilwood. which is passage of leci.slalion banning the Nuvv Priilses RriiidentB (Continued on Page Fight) rasiuilllea on the Japanese then, swooping even lower. *ma- twelve mile.s west of Santa Bar­ Rc.sidenta ,il that place were Betty Blue Peors 2 c... 23c I \^oyen Chambray For .More Sethueks on sale of government-held crop sur- Plain Colors To Match troops Invading Burma, the I chine-gunnod various parts of the bara Firing was from'^-two five- praised by Lie .Navy for Ihejr .All India Radio said today I town, causing a few casualties. To Roosevi'lt inrh guns Army and Navy air­ pliLse.s at prices >eldw pat'ity. told heroic efforts in pulling such men W'e Call For and Deliver W^ar Fronts; Can Fx- j 1.3-Or. ( an Thank Y’ou Brand quoting offlelal aerounts. "Our Aneta News Agency ' reported craft and surface vessels have in­ the Senate t«Hlay that farmers hail a.s survived through the icy storm M Your Doctor’s prescriptions. Germans Claim i losses have been heavy but our ; that only lisht bombs were drop- pect Continniiig Sink­ stituted a search for the subma­ been tienied the privileges extend­ to.s.sed seas to safety. W ELD O N DRUG CO. ' troops are now In good posi­ I ped, but that damage was made Upon Speech rine ed to industnalists and workers The certain dead aboard the Prescription Phamtaclsts 5trawberries 7 9 c tions," the offlelal account j to appear more exten.sive because ings hy Sea Raiders. “ 2 Philippine theater in the war program. Truxton wct«- placed at 7 officers 901 5laln Street 8 Ships Sunk I continued. of a thick cloud of smoke from ‘'There was no a(livit\' of (Jillette said he was speaking and 90 men .md theie wa.s s pos- for the one group "that has nf) Green, Tan. Dusty Rose, White, Red, several oil drums which caught Washington. Feb. 24.— (/P) Demoorals, Rppiiblirans ground troops on either side dur­ 19c can 2 for 35c London. Feb 24. (>Pi- Britain fire. ing the 24 hours guarantee of co.*«l. no guaiantee of lUontiiiiiesi on Page Eight) Plain colors and stripes. You will want Copen Blue, Maise, and Navy. Assert Additional Ves-i made her commander in chief in "The only known fatalltv in the — President Roosevelt ad­ In Congress J’oin in ■‘Enemy airoratt dropped a con- wages, no extra pmht for o\Tr. 15-Or. Can Thank Y’ou Brand at one chambray dres.s— it washes monished the Amerjcan peo­ (billing Talk Complete sels Total 63,000 Tons i (Continued on Page Ten) (Contlnued on Page Eight) (C’-onttnued on Page Eight) and irons so easily. 39” Fast C,olor (Continued on Page Eight) ple last night to prepare Given With Cash Sales In Both Summary of Situation. \ • Blackberries Can 14c —5 Claimed Tankers, i themselves for further re­ verses on the war fronts, and Flashes 1 (luitr Bulletins o( the ./Pi Wire) These Stores All Day Tuesday. Printed Batistes Berlin ( From German Broad- j even aa he spoke an enems Washington, Feh. 24 .■Ti - P u re C ider casts). Feb. 24—(.Pi - A special Democratic and Republican mem- (Contents Only) 36” Woven Chambray Churchill Says Japan submarine was raking a spot Lend-Lease Post-War German high command communl- ' bera o f Congress joined to,lay in I Kniplo>e^ Strike Gallon A Jr V que said today that German sub- i on the California coast with Vinegar gunfire. By the roinci- terming President Roosevelt's ad­ St. Feh. »4.— V — Main- marines operating (n the Atlantic ttMmiu'u and rtmstructinn eniploY- and off the American coast had | dence. the bombardment opened dress of night a straightfoi- Rules Air at Present up just before Mr. Roosevelt wanl and complete summary of Settlement Announeed en uho are memherH of the AFL# mink eight more ships totaling 63,- ' liitrriiutioiial I nion of 0|M*rathi)C 29c y<* 000 ton*. reached that portion of his speech the war situation. KnKinei*i;»» uent on a fclt-doYVii The CORE HEALTH MARKET "F ive of the ships were tankers." in which he declared that the na­ Typical comment: JW.HALC ♦ Twenty-two patterns and colorings for Fxerrising Temporary tion also could expect to suffer Repf*>a^tative McCormack of ‘Kiiiuluiiiriilul Fraiiu'- «itriki‘ at three generating plants MANCHESTER CONN* British B«(nher Downed of the 1 iiloii FJet trie ('ompuny «»f Multi-color stripes that will make up into women’s and children s wear. Small and* The German high command said An but there wan no large floral patterns. a British bomber was shot do\vn by Axis underseas raiders in both A t­ .smart sport dresses. inand of Seas' in Area lantic and Pacific "before the turn his many great mc.s.sages. per­ 4it4»p to Ihe generation of rlw trl- Naval artillery when raiding craft hioji 4>f I'radf. No Dis- eit> to %erYe part of three- states. Point Seized of the tid e" fect. practical and realistic. ■\fter 8 Hours mightier $o you will have dimes and dollars "flew singly into Helgoland bay in The strike aKo affeeted the St. We have niushes for all the early morning hour* today." O f Parific Operations. I'rge* ‘Uninterrupted Production' Chairman May (D., K y.l, of the rriiiiiiiatory Praclii'ps. 36” Pre-Shrunk Louis ( ouhtY — an C.f HOUSe^SON. types of power molora in for defense. ( Helgoland bight and other Ger­ To speed the turn of that tide, House Military Committee: The Reds Occupy Dorogo* Mr, Roosevelt called for "uninter- pre.sident'.s .speech was a .straight­ Shipyanl Workers Re­ aniliat*- the utlUt>. INC stuck and can make repairs Printed man maritime areas have b«en London, Feb. 24.— ( ^ — Washington. Ft‘h. 21.—i.-Pi t lent shea, union lo< al pre»ldent, SEW and SAVE with raided repeatedly by British fliers .rupted production" to build up an forward presentation of the situa­ e<»ntirtm'd the eiimpany’t an- without delay. For An Economy Dish, Make a Pleasing Corned Beef seeking to disable the Scharnhorst Pri^e Minister Churchill told buxh, .30 Miles from overwhelming superiority of war tion aa it IS. without pulling any fuse to VI ork Ten — .4n .Anglo-American agree­ nouneemeiit of the strike. None of and Gnel.senau. two Nazi battle­ the' House of Commons today ment (in liruaii iiriiui|)les for Hash With: Smolensk in .Attack. Hours us Deiiiuiideil. the «>peratiiig engineers, uho al»o Pulleys — Belling ships, and the 10,000-ton cruiser (C'ontlnued on Page Ten) (Continued on Page Twelce) Muslins that Japan rules the air and post-\v;u' setlleimmt of Icnd- are ineiiiiKT** ol I.A>eal 148. joined The Valuillile I'lcniiums '1 ou (ict for Your iJ."*//" Green Prince Eugen which fled there re­ is exercising a temporary and leasi' aid extended Great Brit­ cently from Brest.) Bulletin! ^an Pedro, t'alif . Feb 24 4’ Ihe strikers. Stamp> .Make Shopping .M The>e Stores E.xtra^Profit* Rib Corned Beef lb. 15c TALOl^ “waning command of the ain vvas announced todav liv NORTON Re*. U. S. P«. Tekm I«c. Moscow, Feb. 2 —(Jh— In­ The day shift, 3..MM) members of able. 36” Printed sea” in the area of her opera-, I the White House. I’ointing Arrest 5n F.nem> .Aliens ELECTRICAL Italians Report British tensive battle* raged east of Complete Realism Needed the CIO Shipvard Workers Union l)ai'.us, Tex., Fel», 2 4--- U— Local More and More Folks Are I,earning the Flavor and SLIDE FASTENERS tions, but he predicted a final Smolensk today aa Russian of America, walked off the Job of ' out tluit it was loo earl.v in *»fTiuers and FBI agents rounded up INSTRUMENT CO. Tank Units Destroyed victory, which he said might dlspatrhe* reported the Red building $81,000.()()0 worth of de- the struggle to foresee or de- more than .*><1 enein> aliens and Phone 4060 Nourkshment Found ih Using the Less Expensive End Rome^— (From Italian .-Broad­ come unexpectedly, over the Axis, Army surging on from Doro- strovers for the U S Navy after tir.e detailt'd tel ills ot seltlc/ient. nei/ed great qiiantitiee of e4»ntm- Dimities gobuth, only 50 mllen from the To Maintain Adult Morale eight hours yesteriiav. They said Hilliard Street. Manchester Cut Pork Chops, Especially Good 3Vhen Browned and We have the new *tyles espe­ casts)— Feb. 24—(jP)— The Italian The Japanese also are employing the agrceniciit set t utli a ' fiiiida- haiid during alUnight raidn in high command reported today that niiiherically superior land forces key city in the central front. Bethlehem .9teel l.'o) demanded nientul fraiiievvoik" whii h includ­ Dallas 4ount>. INdiee t'hlef J. M. Simmered With Your Favorite Sauce, cially designed for dress and The retreating Germans were that they work 10 hour shifts several British tank units were de­ of about 26 divisions—probably San Francisco, Feb. 24 oP - rests upon women now than in ed exiiansieii ot tiade eliiiiinvtM'M Welch said tixluv. The alieni «e re PUEL OIL Oil irk. Glean Delivery’ stroyed In clashes of advai.ced 300.000 combat troops and 100,000 reported burning everything Whether 1..''>de Ka^tiix. nho >(111 order Fuel Oil from us. Moscow. Feb. 24. — i/Pi Red ported Have You Tried The British motor vehicles also were (American, British, Dutch, Aus­ thi.s war. Sir Gerald Campbell, di­ the American A.s.s»Kiation of tainment ot the ei nneinii ohjei- i*>«»u(^t aarrant^ for the raldx. destroyed in attacks by Axis air­ tralian) area, he added, and their Army troops have occupied Doro- A Bethlehem spoke.sman saiil fives of the .Xtlanlic Charter • • • Phone your order, our truck will In various lengths and colors. rector general of informa­ School Adminustrators. said "thev're still on ihe job" at 3:35 craft, a communii^ne reported, command of the air "makes it gobuzh. on the Dnieper river only More spei itirallv it stated that Two Trainliig 1‘lune. 4 rush ap|>ear on the spot, to fill your schools could help greatl.v toward a. m . but at 4 10 a ni i7:U) a. m . Shoppers Center Cut lb. 37c Launder perfectly. At our Notion while British raids on Bengasi costly and difficult for our air re­ SOenlles from Stnolensk. in a vio­ tion services in America, said in articles uhii-h at the .nil of war Oticrvillr. tint.. Feb. 24.— ,4*— tank with Oil that your burner Every j’ear these two winning the war by emphasizing e w't I di'cliiicd to .s.iy whether the and Tripoli v.'ere acknowledged. lent central front attack launched a me.ssage to the nation's educa­ ca.i lie returned to Ihe t'liitevt Two Koval Canadian ,Vlr Force inforcements to establish them­ courses such as msthematlcs. shift still wa.s at work "I have no will transfomi into <-omfort- Counter. Malta Bane Attacked at dawn yesterday after hours of popular sellers have pret­ selves and secure dominance." tion executives today. physics, chemistr.v and physical information ' was hjs reply to Stales. and whuli this nation training planes liM-ked vvlngs and Luncheon ANOTHER GOOD VALUE Axis aircraft keeping up attacks artillery preparation. Soviet au­ glvlng heat units. May we tier patterns. Neat florals Efforts to reinforce the area are "Adults will see through false education. wants bai k, will In returned crashed here toda.v and two )>odles on Jbe British Mediterranean base thorities said today. every query sene you? further complicated by Britain's optimism and bogus reassur- Forced Into FllnOM I’rogram Union sjaikesmen were not avail­ Full aciouiit 1.- t 1 he taken of were found In one of the ureeked and checks in pastel of Malta repeatedly hit harbor In­ Massed infantrymen, led by Tender, Lean "very heavy" shipping losses since I ances.” he said. "The mor* ex- He said so many volunteers able and the telephone at iinon all reciprocal .aid planes. Intense heat trotn the stallations anJ air fields during the tanks, supported by field guns and shades. For women’s 1930, losses which he admitted , actly and realislicslly they en- were underweight, flat-chested, headquarters was not answered burning fuselage prevented work­ 3 0 c u p latest raids, the Italian high com­ covered by planes, headed in force The agreement, signe yester­ bad -shown a most serious in­ j visage the future, the better their flabby muscled or soft-boned that Uorkem Not Striking er. from approeching the other 20c up, at our Notion Counter and children’s wear. mand said today. toward Smolensk, a key German day by Sumner Welles, acting sec­ Veal Chaps lb. 39c crease In the last two months. ! morale will be when danger and the Navy had been forced to e.s- plane. The plane, were believed to German lighter planeo were base 230 miles west of Moscow', to Earlier, iinfon .spokesmen env retary of state, and Viscount Hali­ Served 11:30 Mi "Our anti-U-boat flotillas and capitalize on conquests a month I hardship actually reach them." tablish a physical fitness program pha.sized that the workers were n t fax. the British ambassador, de- have come from Vjimer Iralalng FUEL m s finally station near here. OttervlUo lo (Oonttaned oa Page Tea) strained to the. utmost limit," he Actual danger, he added, is a They said the men were refusing near Woodslov-k, Ont. IN ANY OUANTITV — ANY TIME! their rear and on correlated pincer "More than any other war In agreed upon "shall be such as not • • • AT asserted. to burden commei e between the 3 W holesale and Retail. Sausage M eat lb. 27c actions. good .stimulant to morale. history." he added, "this is a war to woik a 10 hour schedule inaugu­ Double Green Treasury Balance Thus, as s I'esult of Japan's en­ Repel Five Counter Attacks ( In Britain. Sir Gerald said, of youth. . . .The sailor most rated two weeks ago by the com­ I two countries, but to promote mu- .Market. .\t a (ikince try into the war, Britain must Without Identifying the sectors, there have been “few pep talks, ful today at the controls of a gun pany. Spokesmen said they would i tually advantageous economic re- New York, F'eb. S4.— uT)— SUJC C IT Y Stocks— Steady: steeta, opeetoL Best Northern Stamps Given With Waahlngton, Feb. 24—OF)—The reckon with "an evident prolonga­ the Soviet Information Bureau said no flag-'waggling; patriotic slo­ turret la the one who learned in­ return at their regular times. 7 a. ' lations between them and the bet­ BANTLT on. COMPANY JWHAM poattloa of the Treasury Feb. 21; tion of the war”— perhaps until that one Rueaian unit bad repelled gans have generally been a fail­ stinctively to calculate the speed m. and 7 p. m.. and work eight terment of worldwide economic re­ tle. higher. Bonds— Higher; mlia aad aMH- CENTER STREET PHONE 5293 D n iE R Cash Sales Tuesday. MAMCHBSTIR COHW ReccipU' $32,850,943.05; cx- 1943 or 1944. five fierce counter-attacks and ure. Largely the good morale of of traffic as soon as he could talk, hours. lations." Oysters pint 39c pendltnraa, $111,137,390.33; net But be announced that he sbort- killed more than 500 Germans, Britain was already there." and who spent hi* early boyhood C. S. Brown, Sr., union busmess It was stip.ulsted that the pro-. tieo lead gains. g Serving the Public ftir 23 Years. ‘ A Good Place To Eat! CMtoa— Higher;, trad* Mqrtaff, balaaoa, $3,467434,308.33; cuatoma A much larger share of rcapon- taking part ;and putting together wcalpta,far oioata, |30.061,f»T4S. (O m « M Pnira T m ) (fWMtIn—d Ml Paa* ♦wehwi slbllitv for malntalninr morale the innards 'of a jalopy." (OsatlMMd Ml Tm i) I (OMtlaMd oa Page Tea)' 1 short coveflag. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. TU^:spAY, FEBRUARY 24,1942 Pa g e t h r e e '' t^AGE TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. T U E S D A Y , f EbKLARY 24, 1012

, ly was prepared for action. T"'° White Stripes i hundred ninety volunteers, armed I Local, Guards Gives Reason Nurses Thought Caught hy Japs Five in State Start 'Bomber for Bataan^ Fund with .300 rounds of ammunition Recreation [ew Air Raid Wardens Civilian Fliers Teach Pearl Harbor Losses each, were ready with rifles, shot­ Among Defenders of Philippines Prove Useful guns and pistols to go if'tailed. Need Recruits For Lethargy Die Violeiitlv I Fifty were in the sheriff’s blacked Center Items I Future Army Fliers Put at Lower Figure out office itnd the others at stra-j llass Here Draws 500 0 B.v ( lark Ia*e . I nd other American producers was tegie spots around town and the ) Today; * Angell Blames Attitude Four Persons DroMiied *' With Gcneial Mac.Arthnr on the rnniiing to asl oiv'r.’.ic.Tl fiyures. Kpportrr Drives nearby, oil fields. CdinpanieH G and D Is-' ------\ 6-9 Junior boys gamr room open I Bataan I’eninsnla, Fch. 20 i Dc-. This slogan was adopted "Bct- wounded was 946. Of all the Hospital units were mobilized E S. and \t’ S Vitamins for Victory On Inability to Imag­ And Fifth Iiijureil Fa­ tei' buy one bomher than be buricl Report by Roosevelt In- iVliles ill Hlarkoiil for Ventura was 100 per cent blacked sin* Gall forvMpii to Fi •• Second Session Finds layed) iP' \ "Hoinhei for B.i- combatant ships based on Peat I 6- 7 Small gvni open for bn.xing , Gettinjj Ready rw w on Bataan." ^ Harbor - battleships, heavy crui.'i- out but reail.v for any emergency. E. S. I Also Play Iin|>ortant ine All Involved. tally hy Buzz Saw. tnnti’ 11111(1110' hc( n .-l.iitcd among clieates Fewer Casual­ .Vttaek i\ews. •After I left Camarillo. I cross- ' I'hc V acancies. ® y Many New Students; The (aiiijiaign .'d C.ars' approaelud wiltimit b;tll lehgue K S States with a tidy reserve of'well- the Japanese capture of Gimni. win re they wore stalmiicJ. Left than a thousand airplanes at men who could ' not be called out csperieiu-e ot the lust drill last ter. The.v camie in response to a kitchen and the pronounced super­ omic Council. villc ArUona, the target ship t’lah, the lights little tiiither yon s,.,. a ('.loser ('.oordiiiation. O-.N Small gvni op4>n for liruul- trained civilian fliers. to right, they arc: Leona Jack.son. of Union, Ohio: (’liief .Niiisv Buy U.S. Defense Bonds Now Pearl Harbor is as baseless as the on active dutv for any length of Friday, and are ready to.function call, which was made by Jay E. iority of volunteer United States “May Possess Measure of Truth’* Clings til Shovel Handle destroyers Ca.ssin. Downes and flashliglit and a gny slops von .and ball K. S. Marlon B Olds, of ; and Doris .M i/'ttci . of I’liibob Iplii.i. I Shaw and the minelayer Oglala other weird rumors The .Japa­ time. Thus .vr.s the com- smoothly Rand, chairman'of the local air warplane pilots over their Japa­ Many Instructors "This kind of charge may po.sscs.s .says It's a lilac kout lie s an an T-H Small gvm open for bnxmg In West Iljtveti, Howard H Per- This list \yas reduced by one when nese do not know just how many HaitfcT.I Ki'h 21 T .lohn W panie.s were c ompru'wcl of older other ■organizations, raid warden .schools. Mr. Rand nese antagonists on the Burma air Those fliers today are here in a measure of truth, but insofar as | kin.s. ^6. and hi.s daughter Doro­ raid warden Ymi show your pass K S the Shaw was reclaimed and ■ planes they destroyed that day, i (’.hint general traffic manager ol men who were employed in defense i “iso, have benefited from that last stated that there should be at least front becomes clear only after you Orangeburg, and at dozens of It is justified, it would appear not announeeil V’.'tlenlay that the thy Kranr*'.s. • 15. drowned when and he .Says okay, proceed It hii]i- T-10 Bowling alleys re.'«erviMl foi­ reached the west coast under her w oik. ; raid, and a new and improved set- one repre.sentatlve' from each begin exploring the ingeniously co­ other elementary flight centers, so much to reflect any essential Hoiisi* Ways and (’oinniit- threr-jDi h i< •• r>n Lake Phipps gave ■ and I am not going to tell- them. : pened twice nime in the ne.\t half consididated Motor Lines, has been . st J .mes group I S. To Recommend own power for repairs But I ran say that to date and | lippointed one of a national com-| li Oiil\ ,\ PriH-aution I up 18 planned This is true, espe- building in town, who would know ordinated ayatem of aviation train­ showing dodoes- - as candidates for defect in our sensibilities and in­ ICf* would s‘:irt hea^l^'■^s on Uie way whih’ h«* wa.s teaching her mile 7- 10 Bowling alleys reser\ed for how to function in the event of an ing now in effect throughout the telligence. as our inability vividly new tax pru^ntin next Tm'sday The President did not indlpatc including Pearl Harbor we have mitter of fi\e to develop closer co- nien's senior league W. S Therefore ,i ran be seen that communication | air training are called—what it how to skate A flist« r < i the dead I 1 )nl\’ tile* scaond gir.' s.i\s he air raid. nation'.H southern-tier states. to imagine all that is involved in With Secrela-v of Un* Trea.suiy which two. of the remaining five destroyed cnnsiderald.V more Jap ­ ordination between truck and rail. There will be no swimming the Slate Guard us intcre.4ted onlv ‘’'’iiig changed takes to fly an airplane. TaxIne reuses 'girl, F*Htruia Ann. 12. wa.s saved doesn t call' ahciiit ,\.c..r p.iss j.’i.ll in men who ran leave their jobs ■’O" 'ollu’i organization, Speaker of the evening was A’in- There are .scores of John Nolans the struggle. ” Morg<*nthau . 'j the Iii.*mc niilitarv kncj\vlodi»e \ . .v • ‘ ^ n m r * iiffei ence.“ fore medical aid coiild reach him military fact, my general impros- ; Ranger Okays Pass who, weeks later, go through their .schools is hard. It has to be to peddlers in our midst. p.lan, Jolin It Turney, an assistant prior to his m.’iirtion^info the r H Pt'oi'f. <" U''’ communication cen- Professor James M. Osburn, as- "Heroiam we shall have mai l-' experls\’were icported today to Authontie.s .said the man's chest [ Sion is that the whole truth was Along (ome.s a foiest larger slow rolls with a mathematical "To pass from the realm of ru­ to Joseph B Eastman, director of Sabers Clash at Dawn u[h^- ^.mu l7w I’"'"'- Ih^re will be I si.stant director of the Air Raid produce .superlative pilots. The rested on ail sides. ” said the speak | ggrVed to recommend drastic , ' was c rushed and he had internal j I not given in the Navy report, " who okays voiir pass .sncl . ays you precision which has become sec­ er. "I-et there be devotion to mor and poison to the field of the (iniie of Defense Transporta- o any man w r , drsf^ Avarden schools of the State of standards, thfrugli they have just increases )n lorporation taxes, in­ llofx^ to Be \av> .Maslackcr'' dmoni* oiii’ cliick'-, Weeause •enth was 2,340, and the number An ordei a definite means man power, and John No­ twelve months, remain high. 1 Well-ihformea (.apitol soun cs U’.s no kalding eillte.r. Thai s her "We’re not hiding anything or four miles approaching Cama- we cull oul e\er,\ one lhal doon'l conu’ up to our rinid for I oiiservatioii of roll Buenos Aires. Fch 21 .T' One drill nn-M asking for Volunteers who Will Set i speak on the subject, and Were lan. who used to be nn a.ssistant Cadets are silting in their ; said that the cohfercea virtually name. .An atlrai live wallie.'^.s from from the enemy b.v doing it. be­ iillo There wa.s another a mile Ilif faros and handle other jobs. «r,rmly greeted by the class. specificalion>. W hen > oil lni> t hi( k> here > rr Is Misery i Raul D at the air corps elenicqtary train­ This coastal town blacked out at | sharply-accelerated levies iiiion ASSISTANCE blarkoul lights, too "No blaekout rfTci Mvi' on or about Mav 1 ology. j Native Fresh a rongre ing schcxil In Orangeburg. S. C . 10:40 p. m ip.w.t.i last night. | corporalion.s with lucrtflive gov- lights, no moving " I had to le.we They eat ravenou.sly .At mid- ( .all .V1 61 or in Snif/plirs fnr iho l^ Good Svstem" the sheriff’s office. engmea Hiu. Hinuunwicr.-. " " ‘ wardens will be used In the prac- rolled from the mess hall to the Hus Til-vear-old antogonist. Col Europe. Africa and A.^a. The blackout wa.s without im i- " year .s bill is a pretty gooit S«‘(* .Mr. S(*rcllo Prepared for .\c lion pany M. on M. nday nighU at the be on iiand for this practice raid, ^ flying line .so instructors and stu­ Native Potatoo.s Blackout Test Enrique Kntijer, had a saber stab dent and the Astoria radio station system if >ou the rates •Sheriff llow.ard Diirley i ertain- same place and parents are cautioned to make ^ j, probable that ^ The Army has set for .l.self the dents can have a .snack before AM) — MOOA S FEEDS — In the chest an'l two.other wounds Ifoal of producing not only the remained on the air throughout enough, ” said one of those who has * ri No. 1 Quality, .sure that their children are safe- , lunch. peck ...... Along Shore ;r. his light arm , ly indoors during the time of experienced warden, to get world’s biggest air force, in com­ the period. j discu-ssed the forthcoming mea.s 41c The eolonel. who had drniaii.ied bination with Its Allies in the war After dinner the students study. (Second Interceptor Command ; ure with the expert.s. RANGE OIL ai t;on. some of the benefit of the sham -sa 1 i.sta'tion for an election cam­ It IS hoped that the puHic will . effort, but also- in point of train- they are not too sleepy headquarters at Seattle .said it had The 1941 'll;, designed to Creamery paign remark. demanded \ our Rubbers raid. mg the The extraordinary’ ""’® hBYe a hard lime keeping not ordered a blackout, and an’ S3,500.0(X),000 above the Ihcn-ciir- GALL cooperate, in helping to put this Due to the fact that there will Butter, Ib...... I'.oa.Hl Towns from Now cabers de.sjiite the civfiian f'a- drill over, ami to make it a suc­ superiority of the -American volun- them out, of bed until the light.' .•.lull action ni.iist have been on lo- rent revenue, Imd heavy emphasis Larsen’s Feed Service 40c he a town meeting next Monday cess The only way in whicli they teer pilots in Burnis, where the go out at 9:30." commented Bev- cal initiative.! on coriKirale -nd individuallal leuicleuics. Haven to New York monte Tatiorda's insistence on pis- Next ill Line evening, Mr Rand stated that the 3S DEPOT S(U ARE IMIONE .'tlOG HARRIETT’S tol.s. Rottjer. cl.aiming he was the I an do this, IS to stay inside some Japanese have met with consistent erly Howard, civilian operator of . _ increased the excises fnv..Jbch Carnation Milk, school will be postponed until Wed­ Stall* Line .Yffeeteil. aggrieved party, had the ohoice of building for that hour Also, mo­ reverses in the air. indicates the the school They are that 14 .lapanese Detained thing.s as di.stiiitHj spirits and add- 7426 ...... nesday, March 4th. This will be a 6 .small can.s.. . 29c weapons torists should park heir cars at Army ha.« a running .start on the '• tired” i ------I ed new taxes on telephone bills. 100"^ METERED SERVICE: BEAUTY SALON’ Galoshes, (itlier Fiiot- regular school, and will start at job. But they get u.sed ti.i the rigoi- W’ateibury, Feb 24 Bndgciiort. Fch. '24 The ' ViHil.l.a Tired this time .■I’' Foiii- jewelry and so on. I’re.siflcnt F the usual time of 7:30 p m Mechanical .Aptitude oiis routine. teen J.apanese were G A S O L IN E , 6 Gals. SI.OO Fruit Cocktail— 12B ('niti'r S* roet first opportunity tor the people of Both cnm'.iatunts were \isibly Hear Giirlaileil Beeaiise .All of these ptaitice raids am taken into Roo-sevelt. ir t.i.s budget message 8-ounce can. Bridgeport and other coast towna '‘id as their seconds sutured going to b- a great help to the The nature of the training jys- h'n"*’'’ of habit. " rc- custody last night in raids by the la*'! month, • illc I for another $7 - fiom New H ivtn to the .N’ew York wouhds and led them from Of National Needs. ■,.(1 lolls Ol gaiiizatioiis. in the event tern accounts for part of their j tu®cked William G Catron, the FBI and l-ical police .seeking con- 000,000,000 'ii general revenue, 6 CP ns for .... success. Mechanical aptitude, school’s flight director who used , trahand but authorities said that plii.a S2.000." U.UOO in added social WILLIAMS 65c liocausp of .-Yii Im'n'.d.'f' lii Our riientolfi slate line to experience a blaekout fkc field of honoi on a sec luded that an actual air raid does occur. Single o n . SERVICE, LNC. will take place at 9 o’clock tomght estate but.sidc Buei os Aires Through the effort of all of -the Five Are Held which comes from the almost uni-| ^ *0 inspector for the Civil , there were no arrests and that the security Icvie". ’ Dduble Edg0 r>" (i'.iu! To Ki'ow B.v Paul Gesner and John Deckley volunteers who are devoting their vcrsal driving of automobiles in | Aeronautics Administration in fiersons were merely detained for To .-sliirt Hearings BRO.AD STREET Campbell's ■and lii-st for li.'>s than 30 niiiiutes. The duel, prohibited ly Aigen- .N«"w York. Feb 24— - o'o time to these drills Manchester Uila country, accounts for another California. , questioning. ^ Chairman ' inighUm iD. .N C i IO..(25U’.o(ld<'‘o“ lM*o”i;r r M c ‘/ Beans, G can.®.. rri'e signal will be one long blast tme law. was strn tly secret and '-a'-y on your galoshes .and othi r I ill he well jirepared In Alien Raid 49c WK HA\ E ADDED from la.torv whittle.'-, fire .m l reports of the hghtin;; were heaci- nibbei (o iiw . ri part of it. Finally, American youth ______;______^______has a grim determination to learn i ^ Campbell's ’ AXOTIIKK OI’KRATOK - bridgc -siieni. The all clear will be Iv censored by the h.aiidful of The gocfinmonl has recognized seveial short b.asU. | spec;tatoi .s. The 'men fought two the nece.ssity for .Mr. and Mrs. Lenten Serviees to fly. Call It a divine spark, or Tomato Soup, .All preparations for the test '■ two-minute loiinds beiore the ref- Average Amerhan’s keeping their Seized .\lon" with Guns, what .you wTll. it’s theie. have been c'oinple’led and 3.700 an eree stepped between theni to end fret dry in rainy weather to avoid "If I get busted out of here." 6 cans for . . . . 45c .-Vinniuiiition and Short one of the aviation cadets here at Miss Barbara Dombe raid waiilcn.s in lhi.s area, most of the eiv ountei '•olds and sneezes, but the rubber At Zion ( Jiiireli the Hawthorne School of Aeronau- i Thm miglil.v (vualihcd ami Expei leiired them wealing aim bamJ insighias, I’hyaicians who attended 1 hi­ situation IS tight, and best poliev Wave Radios. tics told me, sucking in his breath , Eagle are ready to function. Sidney A. IS to get as many miles ■■ out of In All Bran: hes of Bi-aiil •• (’ultuie. ll.elists desc ribed che ‘ ondilicm ol lenten .service in Zion Lutheran involuntarily. "Well I don't know Oil Sardine i, Johnson, chief air raid wanlen. an- galoshes and rubbers a.^ is pos­ both as satisfa'tory Oth' i lepoil.s I huri h w ill be held next Wednes­ Quincy. .Afass . Feb 2 4 - /75— what I’d do. ” noi.nce I. sible 6 cans for ... . 46c .ndieated Ihe wo'in-l.s weie .•iiiper- day 1.5 minutes later t’nan u.siial. Five men seized along with guns, Being busted out means Dunk­ Will lamk h or \ iHlble U ghts ■■('rude rubber fnr making wat­ Rptler I’renared Thun I-'.Yei’ ti( ml. ammunition and short wave radios ing the elementary course. He had Libby’s The- wardens will inspect build­ erproof footwear has been decided namelv at 7 4.5 p m. Text of ser- To Servo You. an essential but the amount men Luke -J2. .51-62 Theme The by FBI agents in raids or homes had a bad day. He had messed up Gofried Bee!’. ings and vehicles and all other of enemy aliens in this city, which his spot landings. His training aiea.s for vi.iible lights For the .allowed is only about 35 per cent Apostle .-^mion Peter denying HiS t ‘f that so used in 1911 " C L 'Dir.l .and ■ .siavlor ■ il> • -■The tiriihlc teems with Naval construction, plane landed short of, or beyond, •'? cans for ,. . . test tonight 'ne city will be black- were held today for hearirigs with 78c DIAL Enemy Aliens sin. which he committed i2i His the point on the airport where he eil out with I .■ exception of street I .Meunrh. president of the Hood "reference to poasible internm ent” sincere repent.ance for this great wanted to put it. He had just had Del Monte light.s. trains aiid railroad'signals. Rubber I'o . of \t'alertown, Nfass . The seizures Included a shot 68 2 4 tells this (oliinin Sill. The service v ill be held In the a session with his instructor and Tunafish, All tiafflc will he halted Includ­ Rnsli to Sijjn gun, an automatic pistol,, four had come away scared— scared ing on l> lh the I’ost road and ’ .MckIc'I.s have been limited to Knglish language , short wave radios, a camera and 3 can.s for .. , . I approximately 14 per cent of what (*hrtir rehearsal will be held that he might never become an you 94c .Merritt highway, two (if the heav­ several 'ounds of ammunition. Array pilot. iest Iravelle'l roads In the country. the industry made heretofore ’ he immediately after the service Thirtv agents of the Boston of- White Lima Over 260 llavt* AIrcaily lukls. W’lwks Well .Alone .Vlotor vehicles, including buse.s. I ficc of the Federal Bureau of In- "You see," he explained, "when Beans,-6 can.'. . will come to a halt with the .sig- j -'All colors except bla. k have Bell-Ringer Trouble Cause I vestigatioi and nine Quincy po- 65c RpgislerptI 11 <* r r ; I been eliminated " I am on a solo flight, I feel like a OPEN n;U. pull over to the curb and wait ■ ■ ! liccmen conducted the raids last king, I can do anything with ray •Mueller's for the all F-or the teat only. Dpaillim* Is Saturdav. San Rafael. Calif - "Pi — The ■ mjfht. airplane Then the instructor |iei.sons in th - vehicles will remain Meuncli adds that rubber heels natives thought all you-know-what Five Others Also Held your directory near climbs In and rides along, and I . Nl.scaroni, • 24 H O U RS ■ also have been considered essen­ bad broke loose, wli.vt with the , |.',vc other enemy aliens were In a real blackout pa-ssiengcrs are Wilh the exccjition of liiose who tial. but seem-to freeze up and do every­ 6 pkg.s. for . . . 54c RANGE in IlH) Cialinn Lots to seek the- n-arest available shel­ lial, but since a practical heel can whisGe-blow ing bell-ringing and taken into custody Saturday night .are temporarily confined to their bo made (if recl.aime^d rubber no penersl confusion. It was Engl-| m a series of similar raids in Bes- thing wrong. But they can’t bust AM) FUEL Range Oil, 7'jC gallon. ter. ’ me out. They Just can’t do it."'' Kraft homes. In hospitals, or jails, aliens rude rubber is to be allowed in necr J I.. Brashear. frantically I ton. They also are being held for Fuel on. 7.2c gallon. Theaters Will Operate of enemy nationality will be re­ the manufacture of them I asked his instructor about him The moving picture theaters will . , hlil.sting w ith his locomotive ’ hearings. Spaghetti ar.ti quired to register for their certifi­ \\ hile nianufaclurcn. slocks of t histle trying to dislodge a youth Coincident with the latest raids, "Oh. he’s going to be all right." 1 Che.-.'e. 6 pky.- remain open end operate as usual cate of identification at the Man aald the Inatnictor. "All these your telephone 54c D IA L 8 5 0 0 during the idackout. Members of r, . . ; straddling the boiler .-tnd tugging ■! hundrsds of Italian. German and ...... Chester post office Postm aster tom. theie still are ample supplies the bell rop". .Soon after the aliens applied for certi- young fellows worry at one time ? the theater blackout .Mmmittee -phonias J. Quish said this morn- I m distributors' hands Francfi-.Amenr an , ...... funmnker had escaped and the ficates of identification at the Bos- or another. If they didn’t worry will extingu'dh all outside signs, and get tense and upset about the that either these three | time^to come, m^erchandi.sing cir- ^^aln left (five minutes late) police ton Federal building and U. S. Spaifhotti. 81.5 CENTER marquees and lobbies during th® ' causes would be sufficient reasons I cles here said today, I progress of their training, we •) fan> lor blackout. Patrons will not be al- ' — received a report of a man hanging I Attorney Edmund J. Brandon ae­ 54c AT BROAD ST. , for not registering before the dead- T ho Y’ears’ Supply on a barbed wire fence by jhe seat | serted that those falling to com- wouldn’t have the 'tvorld’s beat MORIARH BROS. lowed to Ica.-e the theaters during : Saturday. February 28. Those ; Best c.stimate i.s that there is pants. They got hlni-the ply with decrees mig’.tf "be placed pilots.” E ASK this question because, every day, 61,000 the test. who are permanently bed-ridden probably two years supply of rub-1bell-ringer “ ir.-*.""behind : oarbed wire fences.’_____ .1 Capt. Colin Kelly, who sank the W arning me* been given that .-onfmed to hospitaks' or insfitu-| bers and galoshes in retail stores Japanese battleship Haruna and W calls are made to our "Information " operators persons in .motor vehicles and on lions or serving life .sentences, i and w-holcsalers’ w at gave up his life in doing It, very the street who are smoking to im­ w'ould not have to register. After i normal rales of consumption. likely worried too, when he was a for numbers which are in the telephone directory. mediately extinguish, their cigars, March 1 the aliens who are tern- tradesmen say. Many stores, in TODAY fledgling pilot. cigarettes or pipes. Persons walk­ porarily incapable of registering fact, still havi fairly large stocks AND The American aystem of mili­ These 61 *000 colls tie up the full time of 57 opera­ WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY SPECIALS AT ing on the s'.treet should seek the apply to the postmaster. iennls shoes. STATE • CIRCLE WED. tary pilot tracing, now geared to nearest shelter. The only vehicles The usual last week rush started If. Mr. and Mrs. Average Ameri- WED.-THrRS.-FRI.-SAT. absorb 20.000 applicants a month tors and much vital central office equipment in which will 'jc permitted to travel yesterday ’and the registration of- ; van takes care of their waterproof DWvt’i ti$ WIN W$st WHDIKI NOTE: Two Complete for the Army alone, grew out of FOR FINE II will be ambulances, fire engines flee was filled today. Upwards of i footwear, keeping nibberi, and Shows Tues.>YVed. Nights a twO-pronged attack on the prob­ ■these critical times when our wires ore carrying and police cars. 260 have received their certifica- galoshes on only when walks are mera fun lem by the Department of Com­ Local hospitals plan to partlci- tions of Identifications. Under ' "’®f snowy, there is a good pos- th a n o il 6:30 and 9:00 FOODS DgOKS^PENOnS^VENWOS merce and the armed aervicea. an extra burden of urgent messages — for the FOSTER'S I' pate in the b.ackout so that offi- Presidential proclamation of Janu- *ibihly that present supplies may their hewL In 1939 Robert H. Hinckley, dais will become acquainted with ary 14. all aliens of enemy nation- I three years, some retailers 81 0.\K1..\NI) ST. FREE d e l iv e r y : 1)1.M. t.’ ing hill in aaslatant secretary of commerce the proper procedure during so ality are required to carry with **y- enel for air, eatablihhed a series of armed forces — for war industries — for defense actual raid. them, after Marih 1. certificates' However, if thousands of Indi- civilian trainingr schools for ele­ If You Want Sugar...All You Have To Do Is Say ------of identification. These little book- '’*duala stormed stores, and start- mentary Instruction in flying. At offciols. -IV Sllffjvr I'ts ‘X- »>' Hmes ,®d layng m wo or three extra the same time the Army began So. It's Yours for the A sking! Ma \ :?U lier produced upon demand of any P®‘”- ‘’Y September rub^r foot- gradually to increase its aviation You want fast, dependable telephone service — VI I 1 authorized person or police offi-I*** available ex- cadet quotas. With the world • Lroni Jobs L « i c k ' dais. Man ckm ers will deliver the P*™'’" ’; "'^o " u 'd P«>ve AN still at peace, the United States and we want to provide it. By keeping your di­ : identification booklets under regis- ®/nployed at ®»»®ntlal characteristically was lagging far SPECIAL LAMB SALE! ------; tered mail and must be handed to and absolute y required rub- behind Its potential Axis enemies Ik-ah Rlh Detroit. Eeb. 24 the person designated . . rectory near your telephone and calling "Informa­ Loin Meaty Shoulder may suffer much less than expect- ______The moral is clear. -Don t start in expanding its military estab­ Lamb Chops ed from lack of jobs during factory a • 1 l''*l stocking up on rubbers, or the lishment. tion". only when you can't fnd the number, you Lamb Chops Lamb Chops conversion to war work, an officii First -\i(l riliiis government will have to step In SJSM Flloto a Year slate report indicated today. and ration available supplies, as Bud lou Aa late as the aprlng of 1940. will help us maintain your service as close to peak The State Unemployment Com­ before the German drive through 33c lb. 43c lb. For No. End Lllil ‘^P‘»"» do m the case of sugar. the low countries and into 33c lb. pensation Commission said that it ABBOII COSTELLO eff ciency as possible.^ had paid 111,533 claims as of Electrical appliances: The na* 6 i France, the objective of the Air week-end when the peak of unem­ i lion is going into the war effort Corps was the processing of Tender Knife or Super Cube Steaks! Special! Two talking reels on "Circula- with heavy supplies of electrical 3,500 candidate for pilot training piojmrniployment hadnaa beenoeen expecieo.expected. Hie ine,,jon .n j pressure Points” in first 1 aDnliancea traiie erDeV^ total anticipated unemployment aid will be show n at St Bridget’s i f PP***'’''®*- tesde px^rts re port so a. year and a ftrat line warplane 39c pou^ has been variously estimated at ^ ^ snown at mi. Briuget b Early check-up reverfla air force of 5,500 machines. 250 WO 3 W ( m esBmatfd at church basement tomorrow ev-e- | at^chs of things like electric Irona, In May Prealdent Rooaevelt ______:______, ® through t^ j vacuum cleaners, fans, small ra- called for an air force of 50,000 Lortib Potties lb. 25c Lanib for Stew 2 lbs. 29c kiqd cooperation of Rev. Jam es P. | dios. etc., are so h e a ^ th at deal- planea an^ basic instruction for ) Timmins, pastor and the State j fps believe govemm^t officials an equal number of pilots In the Department of health. won’t have to think about ration­ next twelve months. Since then Any first alder Interested la HELP YOUR'TEIEPHONE COMPANY Foncy Quolity Cut Up Fowl S'. -Pound .\\ernge each 99c RECORDS ing or other sales restrictive mea­ w alter^b™ ah there have been ne half-way cordially Invited to attend. The sures for at least another six or meaaurea. Both the maijufaetuf- class conducted hy Anthony CTho- eight months. Stocks of electrical lO ^ L E S U E Ing and the cadet training pre- SERVE YOU AND YOUR COUNTRY 5 Lbs. Greening Apples (Reg. 31c) man is also reminded th at the household appliances in both grama ha'Ve been expanded pro- class will start at 7:30 p. m. as wholesalers’ and retailers’ hands GEOgOE T^IAS greasively. (Reg. 23c) -\LL usual and that all equipment is to . sre reported to be between 175 The network of elementary civ­ 1 Doz. Juice Oranges ' be brought to class. and 200 per cent above thia time STANLEY: FOR P L U S ... ilian contract schools run private­ SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE COMPANY ( R eg. 12c) ALL BRANDS! last year. Retail stores themaelvea Dennis O’Keefe In ly under air corps supervision, LARGE STOCK! Kai-shek fo Join Council have six to eight times the volume **Week-Knd For t" ot which the Hawthorne school la of such goooa on their shelves and }ne, ia a product of the scheme lauid O’ laikrs 1 Large I>ocal London, Feb. 24—(>P)—Chinese in their storehouses that they had TODAY: Berfea * McCartby Pries For This Eagagement MILK Only: lavised by Hinckley almost three Potterton’s Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek in February, 1B41. In "V utikli Wb-rNG TTFT»_ALD. 'MAN’rTTKRTT;i!. rON’V. TUESDAY, FEBPUARY 24. 1042 MANCHESTER'EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. TUESD^T, FEBRUARY 24,1942 PAGE FIVE State Defense Council New Supervisor News From Manchester’s Neighbors pj Daily Radio Programs A SHARE IN AMERICA .BUY U. S. DEFENSE RONDS.STAMI^S Runs Big Organization Eastern Staadsrd Tims

'One. of Every 10 Civil- the fact that there was danger— ty Choral club this evening at p. m Co-hostess with Mrs. Glcsecke FLINT- not just talk of danger. It brought R ockville 7:4,1 o'clock in the Rockville High Ellington . ill be Miss Adella Loomis. I iant. Expeeteil to Be in home to them that an effective ■school, room 19. The group is Boy Scouts I Sufford Sprint's Soviet Envoy Litvinoff civilian defense was an absolute planning for another concert to t)nly member.s of the Eagle few days, the rest .swung info ac- ami social .Wednesday. March 1 at ■iiul pacing. The meeting concluded the annual dinner meeting at the ed for sqparatc broadcasts this r . ’ ■ Heavily Fined session of the city court with games. CBS Blue: 12:S5 NBC CBS Blue. ■%'MI ■ been accomplished? What re­ ti ulti­ the .social rooms of-the Congrega­ 10:30 Secretary Knox at Navy Re­ making sure that, locally, those B->vnt' n. R'lprrvisor Plans for the annual spiing con­ londition is leported slightly im- by the war. Leonard Adam, Dis­ The piogram will an hour and • >Iore Clearance Items .Added.... Scores of mately be expected to l>c cn- street. Hartford was fined SUIO cert and dam c to lie given hy the tional church. pi oved. also will ini'liide talks b; General lief dinner arc eflectivcly pursued. cfiuratiorp m ('nnnc(;tirnt now .Mr. and Mrs William Ciinimii gs trict A chairman, will continue his ipmfed In some form of \olun- on the rharge of driving while un­ Acti\e Singcis of the tlesang and Weel'.-end guests of John Tim- prime minister of Po­ B lu e - 8 Cugat Rhumbas: 8:30 Others Get Deeper Cuts... Many Half Price! The Council, (or example, sup­ hc.i'i.s ,n (V'mniittrc/ nnmnl by and son Stewart, of Montclair. .N efforts to organize the drive and tecr work. — the largcsf plies training for air raid der the influence and $.S0 for driv­ Declamation club on Saturday hrell of Clarke Road were his start it on lime. The quota is the land. Dr .\lexat.der London. Neth­ I Meet Vour Navy. 9 Famous .fury (''omnii.H5i<>nrr nf ntinn Altm/o J , are giio.sts of Mr. and Mrr, erlands minister, and Field Mar­ volunteer army ever recruit­ wardens It see.s to‘it that auxil­ G Gra<'c, uhu'h/iR Rtiulying the ing at night without lights in the , eicning. .March 7. at .Maple Crovc, mother. Mrs Esther R Timbrell ol same as in 194 1. $600 with $500 (tiial.s: 9:30 NBC Symphony: ll:i)0 ' Rnrkvillo City Court on M 'h'lay . arc nearly comjdete and it prom­ Theodore A f’almci of East Side shall Sir John Dill of Great Brit­ Boxing. Leili Franklin vs Bob ed In the 300 .ve-ars of iary policeniin get instruction in v\ar*timc prnblon.s of bu.RinefR ilutheiford, .V J., and his brother, fur Stafford and $100 for Willing- • Brand New .Arrivals Given Sale Keduelions! ' with $2.^ of the fine being re- ' ises to he a musical and social sue- : A special town meeting and ad­ ain. Pastor, Connecticut history. state police an.i local schmils. educatj'rii Mp Boynton i*? T^rmfr c'layton C. Timbrell. a senior nt ton With the cooperation of other Davis S. Clarke. Associated mitted He was taxed the cess Hugo Kellner is chairman of journed bu.siness meeung of the Bro-A-n. Right now It IS at work on a head of tiy cd high s« hdols in Bridgeport. Town Hall I-'riday. P'ehniary 27. at March 2. and n "Victory " diniici. sto ry of th e council In a P7vtushek was the driver of the Ciergmsky, of Hartford. nesday evdimg at the home ot Court from the deci.sion of the first si.I, the g.ial is Tile ticw #t:ite .sujiervisor is a 8 p m for the following purimses March 11th. .Nc-.\ York Federal Court, which series of articles desicneringfield and other cities Music will lake in ronncction with an ap diction in the plea for an injunc­ • manifold actl\ltles of this The Coiin. il also has been busy are asked to be present at iillO as herger of Ellington, daughter of tion to .stay the Federal Comiriin- .Morning: 8:00 NBC CBS Blue; g/adunte work at New York l*ni- rc.sidUng ui both cans being badly lor dancing which wi follow "the ' Ellington De amazinff \olunteer orffanlrji- devising unilorm blackout pro- the Easter music will be .selected the laic Mr. and Mrs. George Lim- 8:15 NBC; 8;5o Blue; 9;:>0 CBS, -Versitv and ('nlumbia University damaged and three occupants "f .concert will lie furnished by Ernie's tense ('ouacil • ind practiced. itatieins Commission from onforc- tlon. ceduro and making detailtsl ar- Teachers College B To see what action the To'An berger to Richard Monitor., son of -ng certain rules m network broad- ,10:00 .MBS; 10:15 Blue; 11:00 the .Nowak <-ar being injured | Band, which has become popular Mite boxes for the Lenten Sea.son This is the first of the rangements tor evacuating the ut- ^ - Vocatinnal education , should Mr. and Mrs. Everett Moulton of o'isling. .still leaves tw related MBS. 11:15 .MB.S; 12:00 NBC League In Meet with danceis. in this virinitv. amending the present lifve been distributed among the the Orciittville section The cere­ CBS Blue. series. ban populace to the safer country- provide adeipiate preparation fur Fred Miller, chairman of ,hp. budget as idpoted at the adjouri ' actions "pending in the lower CLE.AR.ANCE Sofas and 2-Piece Suites; .\S NOW The Eehrunry meeting of the mcmhrts of the ivuanyyille Myth mony took place last Thursday Afternoon; 1.00 Blue: 1:41 NBC; Luxurious Streamlined side if raids make such a drastic office and store employment " he House committee of Maple Grove. bii.siness meeting held Octobei 11. courts. Comfort.... By D avid S. ( lark e step neces.sary. As such techniques I'eriion-Ellinglon League of 1941. 'list church. These boxes will be ‘ evening at the home of the bride .s Both are in Chicago One by the 2:00 MBS; 3:15 CBS: 4:45 CBS • t-Piece enameled sunroom suite, 25.1-1.>01...... 8170 $ 8 9 •stated. '"Our re.s.-nt problem in Women Votcr.s will he hebl on IS cooperating with the Active collected on Ea.ster morning hiotlier, Flrnest G. Limberger in Hartford, Feb. 24.-■■T- An are perfected, local councils are ( onnectieut and in the nation is C To consider and take action government charges monopolistic MBS; 1:55 Blue; 6:25 NBC; 6:15 (iootj. big. nenerou^lx-sized pieces, dositincd for Wednesday evening at 7 l.'i o'lloik Singers to make the affair a suc­ Ellington, and was perf-'nneil In- CBS Blue • Solid mahogany Victorian sofa reprfiduction. .').>-.')27...... 8110 $9g promptly ad-.-i.sed and told how to se< lire enu.igh competent relative to the expenditure of ad -practices against NBC, CBS KC/\ army of men and women and In Library Hall At the conclusion cess. The concert will start at 8 Rev. Theodore S. Dnrrah, pastor of I N B C -B lu e-1 11 p m Word.* real lounging com fori. The smart streamlininc of $' they will be i xpected (e, coopeiate ' .sti iiographera, typi.sts. file rlerks, Town Aid funds to In- available li. The other by .NIBS .against NBC • Down seal and back davenport, striped mohair. 16'5-.3629, .5239 $159 youngsters, too—has been mobiliz­ of the business session the study p. m the Ellington Congregational and Music: 1:11 Stella Dallas; 6 (he arms is empha>i/((l with welts. The balloon The task of protecting Connecti­ ' bookkeepers, eashiors, busines.a this Town for the Ineiuiium W ailing for Italv and RC.A «ks damages under the • 2-Piece lounge suite. Government standard mohair...... 818.'» $ 1 1 9 ed In Connecticut to fipht the war period will be held nt 7:t.''i o'clock Red tTosa Benefit Bingo church The coiipio were attended anti-trust »w Neither has vet I" S. Na\y band. CBS—11 a. m. (>pe cushions have a deep-spriiiKcd, sair-proof foun­ cut against enemy attack air mneliine operators and sales peo- The Degree of Pocahontas will ueginning July 1. 1911 under tie on the home front. raids from without and sabotage on which the subject of "Taxation |)iovisions of Section 190 of the hy Miss Helen I.imberger. .si.stei come up for hearing. .\rthur Godfrey and consumers'. dation.. Choice of ratine tapestries or striped ve­ • 2-Piece living room suite, mohair cover. 21-1372. 8210 $149 It’s the biggest vohinteer move­ pl to meet the demands of the in Defense' will bo di.scus.seil Miss hold a Grocery Bingo Monday eve­ O il Safe (loiidiiet. of the bride, and Rufus Moulton , 3:30 p. m. Mu.sical Drama "The i within—IS only one of the many state and federal govern men t.s and ning, .March 2. at Red Men's hall. 1941 supplement to the Coi.necu lours. .\ 8.'<0 .stivine! • 2-Piece suite. Government standard mohair. 101. 100. .8170 $J 19 ment in the state's three centuries jobs Colonel Fisher and his aides Gertrude Fuller, chairman of the • served his broth.'r as man Tallulah Bankhead is expected ' Chaplet." .5:45 Scattergood Baines. of the armed forces.” the new Bank building Play will start at 8 cut General Slattites: and furilui Retjularly $ll!> of history. have on their hamis. ! oiiimittee on government and its I Mrs Moulton will make her home back at the microphone m her Blue -12:30 Farm and Home pro­ i supervisor said o clock The net procceri.s of the the expenditure of all 'J'own .Mil Recruiting began leas thdn ten I operations will he In charge of , Kund.-i to he available to this town London, Feb 24 ,.T- Germany ' for I'’'-’ presenL Mr senes ith Johnny Pres-mts- on gram. 2 Li'pez orehestra. 4 Arthur Col. P'isher says that the coun­ I The committee on war-time prob­ j bingo games wall he donated to CLE.ARANCE Chairs. Occasional Pieces; W.\S NOW months ago when a 74-year-old cil's work "reaches into almost I the meeting. lor the li.seal year oeginnmg I i!y has given safe conduct for a Brit- ! ''oulton is a private in the Cnited NBC Wednesday night after a Tracy. MBS—3:11 Gordon Gar­ retired lawyer, an assistant and lems of education, com- To .Make Favors the Red Crons. ish .ship loaded with wheat destined Elates .\rmy. lew days' of rest in the hospital land on "Removal of every -t human activity." po.sed of educators and representa- 1. 1942. under the provisioii.s qf sec­ i • Grand Rapids ladv".s chair, rayon cover, 313-1280...... 86i $29.75 a secretary moved into an office | ^^nd when vou take a look at Following the business inciting for Greece but the Ita'ian govern-. ------f'i recover fuither from a recent ' from Pacific War Areas:" 4 Dr . tives of industry. Is formulating tions 512C to ,119C incl'usiv . Hushih on "Our Fighting .\Hy.” • Solid mahogany breakfront secretary, 33-107' j ...... S l .'j $125 In the fortress-like State Armory what's being done, it .* not hard to ‘ of Stanley Dobosz. Unit .No. 14, Cumulative supplement to the Ge-i- ment has not yet replied to a re- 1 f I XA'*st*fX attack of influenz.i 7 that lies across the Park river (il.ins for courses in clerical traln- .Vineiican Legion Auxiliary, to he quest for such assurances, a gov-, *‘*‘ '*"^ ***'^ l-T faiflS believe him I . ing and discussing nei es.sary cral .Statutes • I.ounge chair, a flcwr sample, as is. 21-1.52...... 860 $34.50 from tJ*e State Capitol here. held on Wedne.siliiy evening, the Coliinibia Piosohitiors prepared in confo; in- ernmenf spokesman said todav. A p'ew Examples ' | moditicnlions in the present higii • Queen .\nne 30x20 all mahogany table. 383-2032...... 832 $14.95 Today. State Defense Council A mere .sampling <>f the things members will make St. Patrick's ily thcie'Aith to be read to the He indicated that if the control Sell More I^oeks 1360 School hiisines.s education piogram M iss G ladys M. Rice 108(1 officials estimate, there are at now going on turns up .such varied ' Day favors l> be distributed at meeting and explained by the of wheat distribution were satis­ \^ T IC Kilocycles WDRC Kilocycles • Lady’s arm chair, a rare bargain for yop. 6-5S5...... 814.50 $19.95 least 120,000 volunteers In the th‘- Veterans' Hospital and the .n.V12, Wllllmantic Division selectmen .Supplen-.enlal To factory- that is, if it were certain items as | Haitford. Feb 21 V H ard­ • Large modern chair, loop-point mohair, 21-1372...... 879 $59 ranks, and before it .s over there , A salvage committee. n.s part of should pick out only a single Veterans' Home Those attending | take artioM with leferem'e to any that the wheat was not falling into may be 180,000—one out of every branch of service. the meeting tomorrow night are ' m atter im ulciUal to the foregoing .Axes hands - other ships might he ware dealers have been notCing an Tuesday. Feb. '21 ■ Tuesday , Feh. 21 • Lounge chair covered in tapestry. 4L5-1306...... 859 $39.75 a state-wide '.save for victory " I Lieutenant Jasper Woodward, ' increase in the sale of locks, as a "ten persona In the state. .So, it's impo.ssible right now to' asked to bring needle, thread, scis- purposes properly to come befoie sent. .M P 01. campaign, .s seeking to get steel I I result of the tire rationing- pro- • Grand Rapids large lounge chair.,’velour cover. 65-543. . .869 $49.75 The lawyer who tooK up quar­ for battleshins and tanka by pur- determiiie the exact nunihii of in- fors and thimble.' Miss Emma "f Madison Woodward, was sm I meeting or any adjoin iimenis 1 Travelers reaching Tfirkev , 3i»--Acalnst the ,-!to. rr, 00 - Da-'id Haruni dividuiils who have signed up for Batz will be in charge of the pro- ' .graduated last Friday from the thereof. 3.15— Ms P'-rkin.s ,3 M- .\d-Liner - Musical Ovopera- • Hair an^Ldown wing djair. solid mhg., ankora cover. 8110 $79 te r s In the state armory one day I suadlng commiin'tie.s to tear up from Greece thi.s month h*ve re- i ^ To „ protect their tires from the battle on ConniM-tlciit's home gram'. i Advanced Ob.-u-rvation Flving The mljoiirned tiusiness meellng 3 30- Pepper Youngs Famny. t iVC last May was Col. Samuel H'trolly tracks and sell them ^ (Kirted at least .100 persons were thieves car oyvneis are playing • Do-wn cufinion Chippendale chair, gold brocatelle cover 870 $59 front. W in G am e ! school at Brooks Field. Texas. of the A.nnual Town Meeting will 1 3 45- \'ic and Sade ' 3 45 New s Fisher, called from retirement to to the junk man ' dying daily of starvation in that safe by putting Inck.s on their gaj - But, whatever the final , figure The school boys basketball Lieutenant Woodward was for- oe immediately called following the I I 00 —Barkstage Wile 3 5.5 W ar Commentary aerve his, state for the third time . Day nurseries are being run for | A.xis-occujiied co*:niry. The Buda­ ' ago doors, Oyvners of cars of th' 1 when the last one has been coiint- teaA defeated the Warehouse ' merly attached to the 168th Ob- iiljoiirninent of the Speriul n I 15 Stella Dallas t 00 -.•X'l-Linei M usical Coopera- since he settled down in the little children of women holding dbwn \ pest piibhiation Southeast Econ- I older vintage are pii'ting chain and C'LE.AR.VNCE Trutype Reproductions; W.\S NOW I ed. state defense officisls are sure Point school team on Monday aft- : servation Squadron National Meeting for the purpose qf layins a . omisl further reported that hordes , ti’.-e to w n of Litchfleld in the Connect!- I jobs in armaments plants as one ' lock on their tire earriers, kicking 4 30— Lorenzo I of one thing: ernoon 25 to 22 at the East school J Guard- tatiom d at IJartford, but lax upon the Town s Grand List ' of starved and shivering Greeks I 1 15 Mark Hawley. Sews cut Berkshire! to enjoy the fruits , phase of a program carried on hy the modern loel:-on type 4 45— Young Widder Brovn. • Solid mahogany vanity base. no. 3633...... 880 $ 4 4 .5 0 i "It s the biggest volunteer move- gymnasium yvhile...... the TlastEast schixiLschcxil IS now awaiting a.s.Signment to made and pertected to meet roam the streets of Athens, living .5 00- Marv -llarlin o f a distinguished legal career. | the women's of the coim- One car owner, yvhb keeps his .1 00— When a Girl Marries I ment that ever happened In Con- girls defeated the Warehouse I a permanent tactieal unit of the ' the budget adopti-d .at the Adjoiirr - eniirely on weeds and grass i 5.15— Portia Fares Liie 5 ’.5- The (ToMhergs • Full size chair-back bed, solid mahogany, no. 3010 .. 8.i0 $29 .5 0 The colonel—he got his title cll. car in the vard. sai-i he put a chain 5 Ccs^pcra- nectleut " Point girls 17 to 4 Army Air Corps. ed Business Meeting held on Fiies- 30—We. The Abbott.s 30 -when he served on the military , Rationing committees now tell I and lock on each fire .-uid yvhee! ti\ r • Solid mahogany dressing table, no. 3013...... 857 ’ $ 2 8.50 staff of Governor Simeon E, Bald- i you that you can't bu’/ auto tires, Patriotic Program Columbia Grange at its patrl- lay, October 14. 1941. 5 15 M'.i.sical Intel! i-ie The pupils of the Maple street ' every night 5 15 Si ,ilterg''0 Oo - Ne\>..s school gave a program today in having some fine pictures sent out »i Oil News been appointed by Governor Rob-, your family car have, and per- 11 in the sale of locks for gasolir. - 6 . l.‘>—Sti ir Uy .SjlOltf • Solid mahoganv serving table, no. 3033...... 8.':2.50 $14.95 I honor of the birthdays of W ash­ by the Neyv England Flying Cadet 0 05— fieuda Hopper s Hollywood ert A. Hurley as state defense ad- '^ “ut gas for nJCC: > C l l 6 30--?alon Orehestra Committee. They are movies of' i tanks yvhen the sale of gasoline 6 20 Heard and Overheard--Jack • Dropleaf console table, solid mhg.. no. 3111...... 835 $ 1 7.50 ington and Lincoln. B o lto n III S i ii i ’in chairman of the State High- ! Watcli Profiteers 7.00—Fre-1 Waring s Orchestra • Solid mahogany server, no. 3281 ...... si,"; $1 7.50 loyving took part in a play. Clay­ our army: "Wings of Steel", "Here . 6 30 Rhythmelodies ■way Safety commiasion and had! And. consumer a committees are Rijtlit Twice •Mrs. Clyde M arshall 7 15— News of tbe World ton Edwards, Jean Abrahamson, Come the Tanks", and "Army on It) II 3'he World Today • Tambour secretary, solid mahoganv, no. 3027...... 81 10 $98 7 30- George Bums ,inU Gisne /directed Connecticut's tercenten- ^ "Sa'hst profiteering and William Fox. Joan Morin. Audrey Wheels " The program is to be i ifbone 4032 I • Pct.opolis, Brazil, Feb 24 — T: 1 7 00- .\mos 'll' .\ndv ary celebration in 1933. seek to help you meet the higher —Weary of life in exile. Stefan A ll.;n. T i.'> Lanny R >.s,s cost of living. Taft, Robert Welz, Janet Floter. open to the public beginning at Fight Tonight His new job was to translate Grrinan Says J’resitlent daughter o f ® \ y ^ “'--«ld Jewish author OO- Johnny Pre.-onts 7 3 0 - ".‘-ccond Husband ( LEAR.XNCE Maple llcproductions; W.\S NOW But It's the air raid protective •Mauric* Bronson. James Lambert, I S:30 and anyone in crested is cor- Miss Beatrice White, Into action a law- of the 1941 Gen­ ^ __ J , w no fU'd hts native Au.stna wln*n R 30- Mu.siral Trea.siire C'hp.s-t s 0 0 - Are Yon a Mi.-vainc Hen $ job that calls for the biggest part roiip Once in Goni- Elaine Kaya--., Barbara Kent, dially invited to attend. Mrs. Winifred White., formerly Bob Pastor eral Assembly designed to mobi­ Edith I.«ithrop. Eleanor Hocr- The following Rationing Board ol Adolf Hiller’s . troops vros.s»*d the n 00 - Bsttlr ot thr Sexf-.s K 3 0 - Vinh Biirn-s • Maple .Morris chair, high back. 307-188...... 8,37.50 $29.75 of the arn. nt volunteers. Existing Bullion, became the bride of Hamil-j border in 1938. died with his :j3-‘ 0 30 ■Fibber MrGee and M'llly. S:.ST) —Elmer T it VIS .Ncy. 5 lize Connecticut's manpower and ageneies trained to cope with em- incnl on Radio. 11mann, l stlLillCLlL, Monette, OL Betty VVt •: ff>c Columbia aiaaoMas beeh II appointed MlltCCi lx»no»1<-4 . -X • Cushman maple arm chair, choice of covers, 1S-.5— 180. .83.5 $19.75 resources for what was then de­ Burke, Sylvia Robinson, Lois Hud- by First Selectman Clair Robin- ton McKee, Jr . son nf Mr. and Mrs. * "'iicidc 10 0 0 --Bob Hope. MOm W'o. the Pooplo Grand Rapids Quality! crgoncies the .state police and the part here yesterday. Lem Franklin 10 .■;o- Red .Skelton -ir.-i ('oinp'.iny. 30 RepiTi't t n Th‘‘ Nation • Maple 3-pc. suite, has 6-drawcr 47-in. dresser. 451-652 .81 40 $99 fense, but now Is war. tire departments of every city and son. Helen Ray, Elsie Loos and •’’on: Clayton Hunt Philip Isham. ! Hamilton McKee of Spruce street. Berlin I Fr<»m C^erir.jn' B p ’.ad- A servant found them dead in 10 Rounds, Heavyweight Fea­ 11 00 News. u oo illl'nn .Milluj'.'s UffuI^ps!! Fine Chippendale reprodmlions with faithful atten­ The law created the f?tate De­ town, ho.spita .s and utilities, form Sylvia Robinson from Grade VII Miss Harie Field: Alternates, Mrs. -Manchester, at a double ring cere­ • 3-I'iece liedrtMim suite, maple finish. 300-751 ...... 860 $54.50 (a-st.-ti Frb LM V Pif.sidont rendered a duet, and Leonard D« , Lester Hutchins and Horace Llt- each others' arms in the suburban ture Rout. Direct from Cleve­ 11 1.1-- Bril' e Fahne..'-to< k 10.1.) Publu \f[ai r.s tion to period detail.s. .Note the carved elaw-and-hall fense Council, a 17-memher aren- the backbone < 1 the .service. 1-l’iece Suite ♦■It wa.s n tlit twn e .iinl tie. mony performed by the Rev. W. home they rented two month.s ago, land .Arena, Cleveland, Ohio. 11 SH­ -St Loiiia Serenade n :00 Now s • Full size maple bed, a rare bargain for someone...... 8'!9.75 $17.95 cy headed by Governor Hurley, I eln of nid.s they coiildn t do Carli gave the Gettysbur„ address. feet, rope mouldings and panels; the Chippendale Clayton Edwards. ‘ clarinet and The February meeting of (he I Ralph Ward, Jr,- at the South amid jKiattered manuscripts ufsin V2 OO- War .New.') 1 o.*j t^pcirt.s Psountlnji —Im'lmIrH b«iu'e in hi.^ Waslunjjtnn Tri-County League was held Sun- -"^tbfxllst church in Manchester on ' which Zweig had^ been working WMIC fretted brasses; Ihe ijold decorated mirror. .Ml ex­ tlrawor*a. and • Maple bed in single size (3;3"), 70x1 lx ...... 813.75 $8.95 Jncludes representatives of indus­ Kenneth North, trumpet, gave a 12 0.1 - Roy .SlileliFo Orehe.stia 11 .10 Music Al lnlrrlu'i» auxiliary po'i.-e and firemen, emer- speei h last night A News Anulysi.s posed parts are ueniiine walnut. A 811 sale savingl a mirror. • Trutypf solid maple bed, 4 ;6 size, no. 1510 ...... 819 $24.50 try-, labor and agriiiilture ,is well duet, and the pupils in Grade VIII i 12 ,’),i - New.s 11 gency medical sqiiaiLs and other conimentator s-.ui ti uia V. church with George Van Bibber. ; The bride wore a white flannel poi.son. 30 as specialists in military and ix-ilice presented, "Flag of Freedom " ■Sponsored by 1 0 0 - ■Silent. 11 Bunny (lotHlnian o u volunteer service.* have been oi director of Phvsical Education and I-4UR and a white gardenia corsage; Ira. work, medicine. eduiatnVn and Hr was right w lu-n hr said Ger­ Among those taking part in this ToiTKirTovv's I’roiinim ganized to pit. h in and help. many. Italy and Japan .st.ik- ■Athletics a’ the Univirsitv of Con-j her attendant. Mrs. P.iul Benson. Dslatller III With Influenza 12:00 -Linton Wells. Ne'.'-s other phases of ai tivity e,s.scntial were Patty Kaiser, Henry Byaz- 1 M .Vlrplane .S|H>tl«rH ' ed "tlirir uunre of r.irrgy" to zynski, Raymond Berriault. F a y | uecticut as speaker. He is an au .sister of the groofii. wore a blue ADAM HATS 12:30 — Vaughn Monroe s Orehestra to a preparedness- .program i 00--Revrille and Agro iil’.ural Thousands o' olhei.s have en- \iiglo-Amei .1 an sufiply liin-s Goldstraw. Arlene Cushman, Mar-| ihority in the "' field of physical ' •’lanneisuit and a corsage of A iner-' Vichy,Unoccupied Franco. Feh. Sold Eteluslvely hy 12 55 —News firound Work Surye.ys : rolled in another branch of the , un over the globe, he (leclared and hli topic was R'an Beauty roses. Larry Costello ; 24—(/Pi--EdouardDaladler. /me News garet Ensm ann, Barbara Ella- eduoation 00 —.Moniu.g Wat', h. Toniorrm* "s Program The council didn't have to start ' pi-otecli\e service -- the airplane , )]., right when he said .Axi.s worth, Ronajd Helm. Rudolph "Building Health and Character was best man. Joseph White and ' tune premier of France and one .00—.News. .Sleepy .‘film Serenade Two Solutions for Diuiug iu Small Space... Both Sale Values! from scratch A defense organiza­ spotting corps which operates un- production was at its peak, the Hany, Rose Norkon, Betty L. 7:(Vi News tion established by Hurley's pre- der army ordcis and is designed lo (-onimenl;itor continued. " adding A pel. i Part...... of the.. program ,______was______devotedA reception for the Immediate j war guilt trial, was ill'of Influenza 789 Main Street 30 -Radio Bazaar 7.10 Slioppeis Specutl .Mu.sic. dece.ssor. Governor R.aymonl E give I onno' ticiit and her neighbor- that it nircadv total Vacation .Starts to moving pictures of the Univer- i family was held at the home of the ; today and unable to attend the Come In and get your Free .55- WTIC.S Program Para le time Baldwin, already had made a mg .state.s .pmk warning of im- production The pupils of the public schools sity. bride's sister. Mrs. Woodrow .Sac-| trial, which resumed for it.s third Manual of Civilian Defense. number of groun l-.vork s-irveys ! .00— Playhouse. 7 30—Robert Program p* iMing .-m-i-k But- said the commentator of the town of Vernon started Because of the extreme dlffi- cae’eio. in North Bolton, following' day after a week-end recess 1^ and had carried thro.igh one pro­ I- isher s aides say that as yet he \.-as w-rong in assuming .Axis culty of heating the church during the ceremony. | ______:15--Food News 7 40 - Bond Program their annual February vacation 7:5.1—News gram which attrarted. n.T.' --.iI at- they t give precise figures on production would not increase today Due to the fact that the recent weather conditions the M-f and Mrs Hamilton McKee,. 30—Aunt" .Jenny's Life 8 00 Nev*s of the World trillion—the training M workers the number o* workers enrolled in Pleating to .Axis Powers pupiia were permitted to continue Sunday morning service was held Ji . left by train for,New 'York' Stories. S.15-M orning S.-ilute for the thousands of ].ih.o in ('u-.- each'bran.h d the civilian defense "Mr Roosevelt could hardlv' an- work on tobacco in the fall, the in thetown hall. After the service City and will be at home to their ' :45—As the Twig Is Bent necticut industry suddenly i re.ited ariry That n'.st a.*,alt i umpletion ticipate how much he pleased schools did not stop on Monday, a meeting of the church achool of- friends after April 1 at Pearl and .00— Bess Johns'III 8 20 Shoppers Special Music time by defense orders ot in i Icntiliration program now Gcrniaiiy. Italy and Japan when he There will be no school for the fleers and teachers and the Com-i-Spruce streets. Manchester. ihe :15— Bachelor's Children iir. lt r',\a\ '• .stated that nothing has hap[s-m- roa.slal area filled with .'.il referred to the committee at the -Robinson, Charles German, Joseph that no material is available. This ; 12:00—Kate Smith Sjieaks ea. ■■ ir • r. .yi;, ,in-l another and Win. industries that ha-,-' urol. .- tr.e Shower Arraiij'efl City Council meeting two weeks | Szegda. and Sam Topple attended group will resume meetings as i 12:1.1 —Big Sister ' ' o . am.e from the presses. soon as work is received at the : 1.1-- Medley Time. "arsenal of the nat. -r. Number Of \ nliinteers ago. I • meeting which was conducted In I 12.30- Helen Trent \ 1/iric^ Acr>ion of thl** popular 18th They don t look f r e.; F ir s t A id Classes | Gilead Friday afternoon by Dr. Manchester Red Cross Hiadquar- 30 —Medical Talk. ; 12-.45--Our Gal Sundae f>nfur>’ dc«4lBn. (a rsed claAv-and-hall ■''r.*. -.ird.* have all been For Miss Rood ters. :35—Conceit Matinee. • blitz " raids of the tyje t.-iat h": n ’<■ , •-.• ares of the m.a- •The first session of the First i Peterson of the University of Con- I 1:00 —News feet. ( oAer«^ In a eholre of flne pariah land suffered last .ear b Aid classes for afr raid wardens ■ nectlcul. The purpose of the Bedding flalvsge Project :55 New.s. I 1:05 -The Inside Page 18th Geutury Mahogany Early American Maple coAer^. \ «salr VAAfnc- ■ ■■ ■ : ' iv-.lian defense All those Interested in working do think Conne-t ■ t 1 m • XI .- ’ I an supply, arc .Miss Kvelyn A Rood of 184 not assigned to one of the other ; meeting was to explain about the 1:15—Woman in White on the bedding salvage project are Ideal for a dinette a.ou want to fumNh sporadic raids t- flu II.V pi 1--. - School street was the gue.'»t of classes will be held this evening making out of income tax reports 1:30—Vic and Sade The 30x4'I rcfpctor.v tsMc oprns up to 61 ^nvited to attend a meeting to be Nmartlv, or for ronihlned 11a tnK-dininc liirbr- Inna. Ladderback rhalrv hav<> loaded with cai y. . nt Inver-.Irirv A r ' .1; len.-x 2G 00^ honor at a mi.srellane iu.s .shower -at the Polish-Amencan Citizen's by farmers who are required to Otlerson Leaves 1:45—Life Can Be Beautiful bombs. Club on Village street at •;30 fill out a special one ac well as held Wednesday at the home of -2:00- Young Dr. Malone rcMiin. Tabte mjm' hs to v a t h1\. The bmr 849.75 ruKK<’ r.unr.ess establishments. Corporal (Tiarles Brtler. .son of It is expected that examinations Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Sharpe of ■ 2:45- -Kate Hopkins ficient material is available to prtf- William OlLeraon, -who haa been type of raid And his i iuef lus.sis*- ...... * I’rineiiial and Mrs Cecil Butler of will be given for the Advanced Stonycroft entertained their two vide a full day's work. Mrs. connected with.the Pioneer Para­ ant. Deputy Admini.strafor G ;v ■ ’ ';vi;;an ; • ‘i-otters. 24 904 , Plainfield. Conn. First Aid class this evening^ in the daughters and thel families, Mr. T(x>mey will aerve hot coffee at chute Company as a government Ilolt. puts it this way Staff- * (■ M-; ’ -varnini.''.vsrning .len- len- The decor.xtions were in pink Superior Court room. This'll the and Mrs. Jack Heckman and son, Some Slightly Irregular Enlists ill Navv and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brad­ noon. inspector since the company start­ "Connecticut will aunlv he ter.«. 2 4o.''iii course, for 30 hours. Over 40 will Lucioua Robinson and Mias Ed­ were enjoyed. will meet Wednesday at 10 a. m. he was transferred to be an in­ it happens or nTjl. we've g..t to Auxiliary '•nun. .5.IMJO, graduate from this course. na Latham were among a group • .Mahogany and gum bed, single size. 70-110...... Miss .Roo/l who Is the daughter Call Out Firemen of twelve people of the Hebron and at the home of Mrs. J. M. Wolf In spector of planes. $10.95 be firotected against it. Auxil.a’ . n 4.1)00 Retail Salesroom New; Haven. Feb. 24—oPi— The i f Mr,^ and Mrs Alfred H RcKid Is The Fitch truck of the Rock­ Gilead chu.-ches who attended the North Bolton. This group has no Mr. Otterjon came to Manches­ • 7-Drawer vanity with 3-part mirror, walnut and gum Me nit I* "dt an-i I onimit- U. S. Navy announced the enlist­ $39.75 ""'e re the Inaiirance state, and ' .1 at the Manchester ile- ville Fire Department was called wedding of their minister Rev. Red Cross work this week but ter from Philadelphia, having been wv'ive gut to have the insurance 1 lees of Htat* ,d local' co'in' ils ir.orial ho.spital. It is understood ment of 14 Connecticut residents • S anity and mirror, all mahogany, inlaid, 61-605...... $34.50 7,500. . out on Monday afternoon for what George Milne at Rye. N. "Y. on will make aprons. Each member ot employed in government work for including one who joined on his li \ against air raids that a civilian that the ma.riage will take place residents reported as a brush fire Saturday afternoon. the Women's Society for Christian years. He was given several fare­ • Full size bed, mahogany gum. .sample, .362-5.37...... defrnae program gives ! Women s n t'.r corps. 1 too. i-.arly in March and that the coii- 17th birthday, which made him for $29.75 McAser.ifur- off West Road. When Chief Wil­ Mrs. Rowland Cobb and George Service of the Quarryvllle Metho­ well parties ov. employees of the the present at the youngest • 3-Piece bedroom suite, butt walnut and gum. .326-465. 1 That I why the State Defense 2 .500 filc will live in Manchester, N. H , liam Conrady and several fire- $129 Fire wateners, 7,000 Cobb attended s play "Hell Bent dist church has been asked to pro­ local compa-uy during the past member of the service. Council has mobilized the army: of - where Corporal Butler is staioneil ; men reached the Scene they found For Heaven” at the University of vide material for an apron; the w eek. • 1-F*iece bedroom suite. Prima Vera. 4 48-1750...... Emergency n edica! and • .isiial- Manchester The nation's youngest sailor is $119 I'oiunleer workers, is teaching ' that workers of the Connecticut Connecticut on Saturday evening member.s of the sewing group will them to do the many things that ly squads, l’.7ol' Savs fihinese Clnrh Ralph Ttner Smith, son of Mrs. • 3-Piece bedroom suite, mahogany and gum. 362*596. $99 j Light A Power Company were I Miss Mary King left Sunday make the aprons on Wednesday Pearl V’. Smith of 58 Talcott street. Regularly S39.7 i.75 must he done ui case bombs fell Nurses. 'Do • 5-Picce bedroom suite, enamel on mahogany. 61-885.. I 'clearing the company's right of' morning for a month's visit with and theyewili be saved to be sold New Britain. Smith's barother. $198 on Onr.ecUcut. In every one of} A'olunteer reyistrv b-areaus Palo Alto. Calif.—-tJh—Dr. Shau way and had a brush fire to burn relatives Mr. jind Mrs. William Deaths Last Night 1.100 3t the Annual Old Home Day. ' Jesse' C. Smith, is already in the • 1-Piece bedroom suite, modern mahogany, 454-594. .. the state's 169 towns and cities it i Wing Chan says Chinese Is a cinch the small limbs and*. : King of Tampa. Fla. First Spring Recess $198 That adds .[ to about 140.000: N avv. A knerholF desk nith 8 drawers, one ts k a s estabUshed subsidiary coun­ if you really want to learn it. Degree Tonight ! Mr. and Mrs. Roger Isbell of Schls in B olton a n d M an ch es­ Knitting Mills deep enuu(h for letter fUlng. Kmart full but there are duplications An air Eustis, Fla.—John Harris. 70, cils an d these, in turn, supervise : "If a student is willing to study Many visitors are expected this New York and Mr. and Mra. James ter High School closed this after­ raid warden, lor example, might nventor of the acetylene welding .Married On Horseback base effect. .Metal swag haodlea. M'alnnt fetde vaneties of local activitiea. two or three ho u m a d a y ." said evening when Fayette Lodge A. F. Grimm of Bridgeport were week noon for the First Spring Recess Manehester Green and cutting process. - . I or roabogaay veaeer. Save 810. double in as a plane spotter. ; the Stanford University languages A A. M. will exemplify the Mas­ SAMPLE BOXSPRINGS AND MATTRESSES .AT CLOSEOUT REDUC­ Recruiting was slow at first end guests at the home of their and will resume classes on Mon­ St. Louis—Dr. Ross A. Woolsey, Richmond. Ind. — (>Pi — N om »l So might any other type of | professor, "he should be able to ac- ter Mason Degree on a clasa of America was not at war ten parents Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Col­ day, March 2, , 53, chief surgeon of the Frlscc Jane Slifer and John Evans were I defense worker. Some enthuaiasta quire a working knowledge of candidates. The work will be done lins. Open Evenings Until 9 TIONS! .'All one-of-a-kind items listed are subject lo prior sales, .be Early 1 tonths ago; most clUaens couldn't may have tahen on too many jobs. Society to Meet -nllroad. married yesterday—on horseback. llleve w« w ould be. modem Chinese in six months." by. the newly organized Fellow- The Ladies Benevolent Society ot Cambridge,. Mass.—Mrs. Jennie t ■The council ui pruves of othet- de­ This W'ould inclu(de 2,000 or 3,000 Evans, a rodeo performer for sev ­ Graceful Qoeea Anne occaeional chair irlth react Harbor raaUy orgamtad craft team o' the lodge. Kobe, Japan, la one of the the Bolton Congregational church Save Tires! Come in Groups Teele Amee, 82, niece of Ellas fense workers enrolling In the words which offer a goodT- back­ eral years, said he had done many soft pleated or channeled back. -. Inaercoll ^'^aays Governor Hurlev. \ Community Chorus Orient's great shipbuilding cen­ will meet at the home of Mrs. Wal­ .Howe, sewing mschlne inventor, plane spotting corps, but with that ground for the study of Japanese, important things in hif life while seat. Brass naU trim. Tour choice of There will be a meeting Sjfid re- ters, as well as the center of the ter Oiesecke on EsJd Middle Turn­ ind ons Ums aecrsUry to Um 103 Asylum and 150 Trumbull, Hartford, Phono 2-3254 • It bixuight home lo i Im people exception believes every yohinteer the ptofessor added. on hombaek and ha wanted to be several taj^try covers. hsarsal ot the Rockville Conimuni- ^country's Bialcb-miKklng industry. pike on Thursday afternoon st 2 Ate CtpHaa W. BUot. praMcnt married that sray. The mialatar i If H trtvd Unlvenity. Btood between the two eteeda. t ' ' . I MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1942 BIANCHESTER e v e n in g h e r a l d , MANCHESTER, CONN. 'TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1943 PAGE SIX PAGE SEVEN

[ bounlcd on for only three round dicated. the Nazis have actually m Grass Fire ForKotten important egg market factor, re­ had to giye battle along the main HEALTH ANt) DIET • SERIAL STORY Davis Will Be In Rush for Old Tire gardless of where the floor may trips in a year. Price of Eggsr was shown by .purchases m:i(le Sabotage Not Don't lat coughing* 4lanrl{pBtrr winter line in ' wh(ch they hoped ' New England’s Division That la a symbol olf the mapni- Man About Manhattan ADVICE for lend-lcasc export during Inn !• Get your gout to have unmolested rest, yien the i * A grass Are means but little ary. Buying of dried, frozen and tude of our job Transport Aid to the average fireman. He Still UnstaMe Cause of Fire Most of the remauiiler of the Soviet piiah^haa accomplishetj divi* By George Turkcr Furnlahcd by the McCoy shell eggs was equivalent to .'joS.- Try PERTUSSIN ' , lEortiittg Hrrald Health Servtre eo^M ioKr tM*r takes most of ’em In stride and 000,000 dozen eggs in the shell. Presidenf.s s|'eech ran be «um tlcnds of preht importance, which Is Now in Mississippi forgets about ladders, long Eose your ihroot PUBL18HKD HY T ilt New York Thi.^. to Paul Hen- It, Hi.s hatred for .Nar.i.s equals BY HENRY BELLAMANN, NKA auiviea. mo. Total cost was above $n2.d00.0')(i, 1 *f«Tvni« (M|hi » ctMi . HERALD PRINTINO CO.. INC. marized into ronditions for out- will ho rofleclod, in tho .‘iurnm* i .\ddrean roniinunlcations to The To Become Technical lines of hose and traffic dan­ Situation Aggravated by , Prices, however, have been de­ Earlier RejHirts Prove n id. i.s the greatest town in the only his religion of «lomocracv. gers. But yesterday afternoon tS Btts«n Street victory. One of the.oe conditions .^strength the Nazi^arm\- is able to and it pains him lo bo officially Herald, .Attention .MrCuy their division being one of three clining since mid-Jammry, and Manchtster. Conn. world. .And Broadway . i.s more Health Service 43rd Celebrates End Advisor to Head of De­ Hose Company 3 of the South Price Floor with Blaze Starlet! by .\eely-i THOMAS rKRonsns IS succe.*is in our own .special task .muster for new a« th^.n in Rus­ classed as an "emuiiv alien’ and to take part In the two greatest tile housewife is obtaining lier than, a .«treet of eternal daylight, GHQ maneuvers of 1941. Mancheeter Fire Department eggs today at substantially les.'; General Manarcr of production Toward this end. sia under such restrictions as to tlu Of First Year with fense Section., answererl a . still alarm on Tendency to Sag. Iciie Burner Sparks., Fotin^1e«1 October 1, 1881 hut a token of democracy, burning amount of i urront y he can carry, Varicoso Veins T.-,r. ,o»n “ rwS.'" In World War I than a montti ago in apite of lieav;,' the President rcf|uestcd three aift.s All in all. the Soviet Arii^ need­ \ Review; Has Moveil It was nearly 25 years ago, on Brookfield street. There was ahipmenta to Great Britain. SniM PubtlBfted Kvery Kvisni np Kit'-eii! brightly while the eapita|s of th-? even while Looking forward to Hartford, Feb. 24—i^’i—Harold the usual number of young­ Chicago, Feb. 23—//Pi—A high­ I’', n tered «’ from all .•\inenrans the pift that ed ho si>ecial victory iminu^ue.s world Vienna, Pans, Berlin - t March 25. 1917, that the First egg futures are at their lo'.vs icr New 5’orlc. Feb. 21 ef> Tlirec SundAvt and jfotMavi complete citizenship. For Hcn- The term varicose veins1U-. niean.s jpipnd Hnike MeHiiffh tiiikn Ki>v- could talk to Drake about his C. Davis, who helped to free the sters who trailed the firemen ly scrambled egg situation, aggra­ the Pont Office ■* Sfencheefer yesterday. Its victory, the greaV reid went after his hist papers From Camp Blaiuling. Regiment of Connecticut was or­ the season. Trade sources atlri- agencies inVcsUgnting the origin sun Metter "we .shall not stop work for a sm- are Wackeil out. nn unnaturally swollen „f p L ^ " ™ rrv Uoul^ into the woods, nosey and will­ vated by a government price floor Don hle-Purpose Conn., ee Second Cleee only four days aftei he lamled in of the veins and iisiiallv refers to , • dered to mobilize for active serv­ Burma road of Its transportation buted of tho di'cline to in­ plr ilay." no matter what the dis- est surprise sensation in this war Paul Henreid is an ai tor. But Gordon, daughter of town'i lead- about a good many of his every­ ing to be smoke eaters. with a tendency to sag confronted creasing output and qpproa h of I of the fire that swept the former 'subscription RATKS fill} enthusiasm fur demoiracy New York, even before he had a the veins of the legs I' veins day troubles. But at this moment With the 43rd (New England) ice in World War I. The order b^tlenecks ai.d tangles, left here French liner Normandie and left it . . . S6 pute the pift Ih.-it "we shall iu>t tho <'ulv time, in f;o t. that the I Ing physician. Parris thinks often But the unusual part of this wholesale egg dealers and traders the peak production period. One Tear bv .Me!l ...... ian'^ an act. And when he re- job bring the bKmd hack up I*'*-'eBs he longed for someone who spoke Division at^Camp Shelby. Miss., was SO 61, AGO Connecticut and for Washington today to become in futures contracts as they re­ a fallen hulk were ngrcz'il today Per Month hr Mnfl ... ■ . . . s...I demand sptVial pains or fpii'oa of aggression have mot sweetheart Hence; the National Guard of Connecti­ fire was the sight of a 600x16 ...... 1 .01 turned^to Broadway, which gav« and are consequently working the language of another aide ol }-’eb. 24 The 43rd Infantry Divi­ technical advlz»r to Col. C. D. turned lO the mercantile exchange that saboteurs had nothing, to do Sinrte Cot>T ...... plans, at suggestion of overseer cut waa ordered to mobilize for tire burning. LOANS with surprise—.speaks itself Henreid was born at Trieste. Delivered One Teer . . . . »9 privilepes or aiivantapes for anv turn his'^tart in this country, the against gravity. As a means ot rom Carr, to study treatment of his personality. sion marched in full review for the Young, jjlrcctor of Materials and The damage? No one knew today ' attcr the Waahington's with the cause or spread of the well ome Tte ren'ived wasn't an .son of Baron <'ail von Hen- j keeping the bloCKl from flowing He recalled now what Dr. Towei EVderal service at 7:00 a. m. Cargoes (Question I l)la-/.e. 1. TO PAY INCOME "one proup or oVeupation" iluition of tho do- luv«.ver Sketflngton saves him One year ago today, Feb. 24, the all the king's horses and all the pn.ately on just your sig­ All riahtp rerMhltcAttoo oi hair escapes being sticky by a | make a film, and when he .saw , such veins cause the patient con- People thought Drake waa wild. adjacent to Yale Field, where the velt at the request of China. Speech Seen king's men. they said, to discover s[iokesman snnl todiiv the qiie.slion i.-nilinu hales of lify pieatvcrs! nature. i-r on auto or furni- apeclal d'epatf\ee he'-rtn ere mocrai ios. but Russia's is one from jail after bullying by Ful­ men ol the Division entered active 2nd Infantry was camped. On 1 v.eie ( orro:;.,rn'.d by (itv fire of. ‘ reaerved \ A second conditi m f"f our vi. > comfortable margin. He is a gmxl xwhat the Nazis were doing to , siderable distress as he will be As happened so often, Parris' In­ Federal service and toiinus.-i,in. r I' a ! r i e 1< gift for making a brief acquaint- ( but get out. He waa in England ' mg for long periods. with Tom Carr and crazy Lucy. eral, Major General John il Hes­ They are John F'. Maerz of Hart­ Th, confusion arose from these pe’ son's needs wlirther on an Pn blip here RepreientaVu r%. The That will make it doiiVily impoi- anre .seem like an old friendahip. I five years, on the stage and .Afternoon With Drake The formation of the 102nd ford, and D. Sutherland, presi­ events: government " in view of Lnti.'-li ! w.-il ll ; al I hiel Ell,. oM or a new Joh I Ther». are several ilifferenl Chapter XII He wondered if his intuition wat ter, to furnish the setting for a big charges that German Field Mar­ Jtillup Mathewp Special tant not to «aste all our ammu­ ------films, before coming to the United causes of varicose veins but any reliable? Just because people were Regiment was effected .on Augpjst dent of The Middle Atiantic Trans­ On F'eb. 1(1 the Department of I riioma.i I’ Hiojihv ti: ■! irarlic.l A $ldii loan r .sts $20.60 New York. CMcaao. Detro ■ no “This Is War" • • « anniv'ersary celebration. Japanese Say Presiilenl shal Erwin Hommrl is being sii|>- Broadway got acquainted with | States, , mechanical cause which will pro- on dlffereht roads, couldn't they 25, 1917, in accordance with In­ portation Company of New Brit­ Agriculture announced minimum ^ tins coo; Ion Utter qr'itiioing \'.lie:i ie;.i,.| pi-omptly in 12 Bopton nition "-nipinp at eaeh other Molly's jouncing gait had an The dress review of the 43rd plied thijo.iigb Tiini.sia I''-.’ill |■,r.''o:',; who ak. ,i: d llm Sfunetiihrs \^'o think this nation Paul Henreid not long after his [ The speech processes Henreid duce pressure on the veins as they still understand each other? climaxed the ton most eventful structions from the First Corps ain. Frankly z Y i I i n i t s * Stu- prices at which it would buy eggs monthly ir...,t.'ilment,s. MEMBER audit BTflTAr A third ronditum "f vn torv i.-- arrival in New York In August, j (pronounced Just plain Hen-reed I almost hypnotic effect. It was Area. Boston, Consolidating the Mr. Maerz, a member of The in the New 'York and Chicago "The sTlipments in cufstion have ' ?ll(i,riri;i,o(iii ve.--, 1 at ti’.e lin e oj I.aige jr an.s n. ide a.s readily CIRCtTI.ATIONS \ won't really get down t" the busi- come from the legs and w hich will , hard to keep the eye from resting After supper he remembered hi* days in tiie history of the New consi.sted ;j>rin'eipally of sugar, tile fire \iinily amonp thi nations hphtinu 1940 He WHS as a bombastic | has gone through are intoresling. notebooks. He had left them In old First and Second Regiments Williams and Maerz Company, pentloiis Task. markets. The department said it . s ores If vou w,mt interfere with the returii of blood, ' „ „ .some shining buckle or patent- England Division. coal, piteh arid cotton [liei e good: , I 3'he .N.ivy 1 leparln.eiil lias > re- The Herald UnnttnB Comi«ati\ r.e ' "f winmiig thi'' war until th? German consul in "Flight To The 1 After he left Austria he began to Dr. Tower's study the afternoon of the Connecticut National motor carrier consultants, will as­ would purchase fresh graded first to get a loan "on your own", Y\r ftcedom. I.«'i'.t niplil, th must be considered. I regard pro Icatlicr tiimnilng of the harness The Division is being converted but no oil hak bei n included ex­ atril an loqulry I'oard to i-on-ah r Inc., appumee no finan< ial rest»'»ne'* ladio st(»p.s niak-mg a 'heap, glih West,"a stage success. While ' the j "think in F.nglish " and acquired , lapsu.s of the abdominal org.-rns as which he began his unorthodox holiday into a "stream-lined " unit as the Guard. The contributed 35 sist Interstate C?ommerce Com­ Tokyo I From Broad­ eggs at Chicago at 27 1-2 cents a [ihone or eome m today. bllily for trr>oKr.if»hica 1 error.* pp- I’lihuilent proposed this as the rose and fell with her pace. officers arid 1,582 enlisted men. dozen or more during February. cept 20 tons of gasoline for the ' tlie fire and both the .‘Senate and pearlna in advertleemet)t * in the game nj‘ it And if the radio keens play was running, an English- I what we call English accent. ' (he main; however, if the parris He would have to walk into town result of War Department order.s missioner Joha Rogers, who Ls now casts! F'eb. 24 .ifP; President I'l-rsdnal I'iname to. of ' broaifhst and most erpial kiml o| . ..rris began to feel sleepy. After The war'-time glory of the 102nd acting head of the Highway Trans­ Then, Saturday, the Federal United States consular officer.s." Mnii.-e of l;e|.ref I'bta I iv. s have o i- ilancheeter Evenint Herald i-iiade film, "Night Train.' in V\ hen he came to New Aork ne patient patient is is troubled troubled with with severe .severe » j, whi while he began to see behind for them. and toclay's "Square " Division re­ Roosevelt's radio speech last night he said .'Iiiiiclirstrr. '.'>3 .Main St., unity in\yvhirh all the allied i rnin- on muf h l»>iig*-r. uo\o not >urr it regimeri^t therefore becomes the portation Division. Now in Wash­ Surplus Commodities Corporation, 'lend sepii .[e iiu ( si igat eu;. w hich Henreid was a Gestapo I was In speech and dress n*/* exmstipation this will serve .as a half-closed lids something like view was an anniversary salute to It was .state,1 that there i.s "no 'ind I lour, Sliite e Theater u'lli bo a war anybotlV wants to .agent, began making the rounds in Engll.shman. But before the "old" 43rd. herit^e of both these famous ington, Mr. Maerz is as.slsUng in must have proved a "fireside disap­ which does the buying, lowered its Bldg, rtione 3130. Tiie.cday. February 24 I trios ”plav^<^iir several parts, eat h j nc ac- 1 contributing a -luminous thread ...... stretching on i , he ! evidence the enemy hi's been using Pre.sident .John Quin-y .\iams u in this country and added to his rep­ qulred the American version -k Intensive Training regirhents. As in the last war, tpoollng truck service. According pointment " both to Americans at bid on this grade of eggs to 27 1-4 ' of us heinp 'ergually mdi.spen.siih'e When the blood fails to escape ahead of them. It moved 1 cents a dozen 1-4 cent under its I F'rencli tanks in i.,ihva ' ' onre t.-i.ight rh 'tori. at ll-ur-anl. The first thing we would <\n is utation a.s an actor. RKO signed English, his tongue - w hich al.s.> As he was about to step onto The Division has, within the past the two regiments are together to Mr. Maerz there are many home and their Aliie.s abroad. and dependent one on the other' from the legs, the veins till up whined faintly, and little fig- ih this war, the 169th and the trucking concerns in the rountry announced minimum. The corpor­ toll the cornoilians to-kerp hands 1 him to a long-term contract, the could turn out flnid French with a column of hkxal which is ran and danced alopg the the low porch floor, he saw to hls 10 days, conducted a .successful Dome: said today, likening the ad­ For some of the f>yoplc of .-Viueri- played him a trick and flavored troop movement from its formei 402nd a'! part of the 85th Brigade that have spare or little used dress to "a pep talk by an irate ation purchased 4.3.50 dozens at The Road to \ ictory • fruit of which is "Joan of ' stftpnftnt. Til? whUs of th? veins: Aiilv<^r\’ trunsoHront lin? Th?v surprise that it was Ca.ssandra and off. S-imehow. it doesn't tie in base. Camp Blanding, Fla., tj/ of the 43rd, now ready for active trucks. A plan is being developed football coach. " this price. . _ .j .. ..Ki.,.. lo.e ea. this presents th toniept that F’aris.' and it looks like RKO his Kinglish with Austrian accent, j become weakened and are ' ^erc like the people he knew: not Dr. Tower who sat in the Dealer.s. traders and produrfr; The President s main object last * with the loss f>f life that has to ' made a ten-strikc. deep chair under the green-shad­ Camp Shelby, Miss., and has not\- service. for them to Und or lease these The speech waa couched through­ ie* and our ‘ not able to re.sist the strain placed Drake, him.-ielf. Gordon, trucks to co.-npanie^ that need ad­ wondered if the Agricultural De night was to persuade us all to Coyio to have armie cornr.lian, a: - But while Henreid got his start ed light. completed the work of settling The 1917 102nd Regiment sailed out in ge:ieralities and even the friends, without whom 'ave our- th'nf h»^ Has' his tnnciic strAiirht iIheiii The veins are .stretch- cassandf-n, and -over and over for France in September 1917. be­ ditional equipment. partment really set a flooi think in terms of what is the first u , i , n nT., ; a.s a man you love to hate, there'll ' Hello, Cassandra. It's me— down and is continalng (nterlslve presidciil'.s most sympathetic selves should fall. Our allies are the end of his half hour ol sugges­,im„ h/find, ,hs^f Vhe F r ^ nulU tZ '’ ' ’' ' ' 1 -Stretching again tiny images of Renee, like training. tween the 7th and the 25th and Mr, Sutherland recently moved friends could not ignore that he under egg prices . and, if so, where real world war, to show us. spe- be no more Nazis or Gesta|M) pulls the vahe.s apart, allowinj; a lon^ screen of linked paper dolls Parris. Didn't want to scare you.” was i f not. as some seem to think, our |tive nonsense, suddenly ape th.^ agents in his career if he can help ; has left him completely "Why. hello," She arose and Within the past 10 days the War they arrived in France on various the headquarters of The Middle At­ frankly admitted the stupendous rlflcally but sijnply, that the "four the blood to .seep backward. The The figures fell about and pos- Department has commiasfbned the dates, from September 24 to No­ lantic Transportation Company war task confronting the United That government buying is nn enemies. eloan wholesome patnoiie luji" JN THESE corners of the earth." from which eins then become distended with tured and grimaced. They seemed i '^5 43ru's commanding general as a vember 12. from New York to New Britain Slates, the ne-.vs agency declared It was not only in .\mciua that \v.ith tho anmhmcoment that tho blooil The cure consists of the re- not to like him. He wanted to I mi.AtloJ^And not Major General. As a Brigadier where he established a truck termi­ s R/MES, the isolationists would already !Rip IS already slapped It is worsv*. tier of the Israel Putnam .Memori­ nioval of the mechanical causes call out to them, but they seemed question, and not Battle of Selcheprey Jap Ship Shelling Coast the President asked for this fecl- General, General Hester had com­ The outstanding tour of duty nal. He was tormerly president of "A note’vorlhy commentary on have us withdraw our effort, are al Camp Cwmmis.siun 1 voted for I which once nioro allow s the blood verv- far away... . ’ I'"'f.’A. ,, , i ■ » manded Camp Wheeler. Ga , in The Highway Transports A.ssocia- ^ OUAEL'S EXTRA inp of unity and ec|uality amonp if Nanything. when some timorous' the retirement act of 1939 Washington overseas in 1918 was the Battle Roosevelt's address was furnished really the place where American j to circulate as it should "Hey sit up " Drake pushed i j, ^ "'Z 1941 and he came to the 43rd sev­ tion in New York and for several ' / MILDNESS 15 all the peoples fiphtinp this war HrnghVtl. who hasn t the slighte-a Consultantf Pas.s in, Mr. .Smith. 1 The fast is of value a.s the him with his elbow. "Darned if notebooks, I left them here Tuca- of Selcheprey on the 20th of April, by the report that a Japanese war­ 1 Independence, let alone world in­ eral weeks before the Carolina 1919 when 1.500 German Storm years has been an official of The ship was shelling the American intontKuV.of ever finding out what I think Mr. Hyde would be the one step toward securing relief, and you didn't go to sleep" day" Maneuvers. ESPEC/ALLy for freedom. He .speulually and Parris dropped his cap and coat Trnop.s attacked Companies C and American Trucking A.ssoclation.s. mainland at about the same time dependence. must he defended. war IS ai\\ially about, dedieate.s to see you. (Whispered i Confiden­ In War Time I should be followed by a careful "I i guess 1 did. I waa even On the occasion of the 43rd's an­ i Inc.. Washington He will act in an WELCOME boldlv extended the Atlantic Cha - tially. he ought to split with you. on a chair. 'Tve been playing D of the 102nd. The American he was s[ieaking from the White Complex enough on the surface. I , his version "The Caissons (.lo I diet. If prolapsus is present, this dreaming. " k ■" niversary, General Hester issued a ra.siialtlea -in that battle were 71 advisory caoicity in commissioner House. " Dome! .s.aid. Smith: Thought mebhe he'd By Jack Stinnett , must be overcome. of the i "I gues.s you ami me had better | statement in which he trai ed the Rogers' department. the Axis strategy in this war '* | „^]y parts of the world that bor- llolling" ft he-n^an s song to the like to see me. Was wondering If From father? ’ killed. 134 wounded and 122 (A submarine, presumably Japa- Washington While some folks ' abdominal muscles, ami manipula- ] stick together a little bit. Parris, history of the Division during tho, fired l.'i badly aimed shells at really fundamentally simple. It is Atlantic " This, ,n rela men in strme arniy' cainj) past 12 ffionihs, told of its accomp­ ga."seil. a total of 327 casualties ______- »'■*■ ftJdling aroiimi making jokes i treatments over the abdomen | Gmxl gosh, you got to have some- ^ Z r e s t ' exclii.'iive of a few prisoners cap­ ;in nil field on tho California coast •‘to Bcparate the United Slates, It doe.sii't help t^s. have some Washington about pensions. Kinda ^ ^ . , . may be required. By fasting, diet- [body." .... lishments and declared: lion to the news of the day. mean alK)ut tire and automobile ration­ "He's in St. Louis." tured by the Germans. Few Phone ('.alls near Santa Barbara while the Britain, China and Russia, and th !.crude down there, ain't they ing, manipulation, and it "We will: you bet. " "As the year cloaes we find our­ president was speaking ) India, to which Britain and I hew .>Kastcr pause an<>^ urge and Gues.s we could teach those high- ing and the prospective shortage "Sure enough? When did he The 169th Regiment at Camp isolate them one from another, so is possible to give the patient I want to get married and all selves ready for any mission the The agency declared that by Churchill have not yet exteiuleJ wheedle■ u.s into senars ago rhlladelphia, Feb. 24 .J> The viously was frying to "appease the In general, wed take the w\r .^AMr. Hyde used to say when he ' industries are really "view- "Wednesday. Oh. All right." icas, that history will be one of American Rublir which ha.s been MONUMENT If the Axis should succeed in out of the hands of a whole serieic. what could be called a complete time; ' and remained in a prison camp for Municipal Electrical Bureau and ! which may or may not tx- warmly was on the Public Utilities Com- I with alarm Parris felt him.self grow a little which New Englanders will .speak increasingly critical of the admin­ ^ W fiE L S CONTAINS There are. . they say, several ! ‘'“ ''*1,^^'.®'’^ expect so." Parris .slipped with true pride. I wail only for .several months until the Armis­ the police switchboard, through i this effort, if it should cut our | rp.pp,vp,i London. Nonetheless, ! ra'lio creatures who seem to be htisslon for a brief interval in hls is able to use at home. . back into an awkward feeling of ®t under her steady acru- which all emergency and official I istration's efforts." phases of national defense that Feb. 24, 1943, to remind you of and tice. lines of communication to these becoming incrc.asnigly clcai trying lo muscle in with their ten ov>n career of public service, the Hnwever, local treatment ‘given i childish Inexperience again. He i tiny. He really hadn t had a Major Raymond E. Hagedom of informati'in calls in the nation's ' PRICES ratea^aren't high enough. Particu­ the priorities boys seemed to have with ice is a good home treatment didn't know what to say exactly. | Bcxxt look at her for a long time, show you the truth of this con­ The coffee plant is expected to allies, the results would be obvl- j j .econds worth every program, ami overlooked when they knocked fident prophecy." this town is second in command of third largest city must pass, re- j 28% Less Nicotine larly ih view ol the fait that many which often brings partial relief. "Madison Geer and all that “ od he had forgotten how lovelv the Third Battalion of which Lieut. ported that not a single telephone , furnish perfume as well as drink Are Going Up! ous. and they woulil Concern not | peoples fighting ag- w-e'd have the institution of radio original services, such as hla own auto production down to zero and Several times a day. ice is to be j crowd, Alexander and Babe waa. He felt his heart b^at High Traise F'or Soldiers during the world war. It made Urea more precious than Colonel Frederick G. Relncke of call was received last night during i only our allies, but ourselves 11 , grcs.^ion i an there he certain vm- I handle the war with .some ron- in the FOot Guard, or as voting applied to the varicose veins and Fuller and the rest of 'em get a little faster and hls breath come In an anniversary interview. I Hartford Is the commanding President Roosevelt's broadcast ! Place your order now ,h«n Ihc .vcr.«« General Hester paid an iinu.suai China were abandoned, and Japan tory for friw-dom anywhere , dructive puri>use and dignity and |machine conjmissloner, or as hos- diamond. ,, , . this will strengthen the walls as drunk drunk a lot. " '^ . I " ' ! u ^ '• I officer address. i for Memorials to be I pital trustee, were without direct It s only a question of days ] ^ jI never did ; "VN HI. 1 I 11 hurry On. tribute to his New England sol­ List of Local Officers ,„,„,;™'‘2;::ordi..».« in full control of the J>outh\^‘e?>t ' nn( rnlrated talent. T'hat when retreads and recaps will diers. Telephone company officials erected in the Sprint; and In tone, the President s .speech I I compensation. Jump the rates drnr. into fh» r*fi«n Uract. Hold the ice against the a f-' have s*dnnk " [ "Why- Her long eyes Company K officers who left Pacific, Japan would be able 1.* drop into the ration box, and "My personal feeling is.' he said, said private calls dropped to "al­ inSpendent scicuif'C tests o f iU was not striking or as Impas.sion- ran do lhi.‘^. it has demonstrated | p^xt session. tha,t will be the 1 fected veins with a towel and 1 "Well, no use taking one either, | were steady now. They looked Manchester with the two local most nothing" during the same pe­ HELPS PREVENT S.AVE yourself 20* move in two directions. The .first I for the two .Satunlay nights | thing. \ only a question Of months before press the ice directly the ! kid I expect to .staff off drinking i traight at him. He replaced the "that the 43rd Division is qne of units a year ago are: Captain Wil­ riod I THE CIGARETTE ed and moving as some might these shortages are going to be 1 the best divi.sions In the Army and This Offer E\[ilres .Miirrh 1st. smoke il^elf! would be toward India . an«l I with the new program "This Is! Smith: Next timX^weTe going swollen part. Continue for 3 to I Onn't do you any gcx>d." notebooks and looked at her in liam H Naylor, East Hartford, MANY have expecletl a .s[>ee( h in the hammered home with a ven­ some surprise. that the soldiers in ray command through India to the Near War,■■ on all networks. It's been a to pension the whol^ minutes and use the treatment at Parris nodded and tried to look commanding: 1st Lieut. Nathan B. Vice-Chief of Bed .Armv OF COSTLIER TOBACCOS midst of the present great « rus s state geance. What IS going to hap­ "Sit down. No, over here—on are the heist soldiers in the world." Gatchell, Andover; 2nd Lieut. Ter­ to a possible junction with Hitler, least twice, a day. judinou.s. "I ’ m. yes, I expect ip." | Today was designated as 'Or­ b?: He was matter of fact, and ::reat and inspiring program, pen then in some vital defense the eouch. It's comfortable." ry Yanlshewski. Rockville: 2nd Kuibjshev, Russia. Feb. 23 — GOLDS which in turn would help create In severe cases, such methods; Drake chuckled. ou sounded; ganization Day' in the 43rd Divi­ worth every American’s ear It us centers la not pure conjecture, but of treatment a.s the injeetion jiist like a doctor then. You know. i She .sat down and pulled a pil­ Lieut. Walter E. Burr. 2nd Lieut. (Delayed) —oP) -Lieut. Gen. Alex­ from dovoloping BOniNELLI expository. Yet 'there was in his a matter of farts and figufes that low behmd her head. She seemed sion. After tne ,division review, a thc’isolalion of Riis.sia. The seedn t the war as it should be, fm Amer­ meihoil. removal of part of the ^ I expect you'll be a good doctor I James C Bayliss, 2nd Lieut Rob­ ander Petrovich Panfilov, tall and j Put a few drops of Va-tio-nol up MONUMENT CO. harulling of the war situation a on the surface .seem almo.H un­ perfectly at now. program of athletics and recrea­ ert C. Mabrey and 2nd Lieut. would be toward ns In othei icans, on a great public institution Your Federal veins, or the wearing of a rubber W'ouldn'l .surprise me at ail." tional activi'ies was carried out vigorous artillery specialist. is I each nostril at the very first sniffle firmness of grip and a .‘-Irong sure- deniable. 'Well, darn your old skin "I why, do you know, Cassle. George C Beeney .serving as vice-chief of the Red /: / \x-ords. the net result of losing the the radio Why not be content stocking, may be necessary. Dit- during the remainder of the day. or sneeze. Its quick action .A. H. z\imetti. Prop. ness that the cnndition.s of vu torv Income Tax ferent methods must be uSed in expect to be " I haven't seen you to talk to you, Anti-Tank Company officers Army under Marshal Boris .M, aids Nature's defenses rnmmmwm war in' the Southwest I'acifie '.Vith that, and with similar pro- .For example, a prel.m.narv su'lTi nrethmls must be uSed really, in a long, long tim e?" Throughout I be Division parties were: (?aptain Hagedorn, (recently Cor. Harrison and ptarl could and wouM he m«d. and Drake looked very .serious. "You and anniversary dinners were held Shaposhnikov. This was disclosed 1 against colds. Follow w I C R S wonld be to tn\'ile it to our own one national organization i ; ^ i T h 'l Z T T x “ i‘‘’T , ‘ "T a know. Parris, I wouldn't tell this She cut. tn suddenly. "It will promoted tn Major and assigned to by invitations to a military recep- ' Streets Americans, and the free world, giams, anses that- patient. The injection nieth- by various units i ahores. to another soul on earth, 'cause probably be the only time." Executive Officer. 3rd Battalion I tion today in celebration of the Red fiifoidr^VA-TRO-NOL must have felt a slrorig, intolli- and the ten .-second app«*al disa[*- Oeduotlon for Traveling Expenses A e c^ . to one of the larger tank , J"®^ r>ro00 additional wifh a physician and secure people around this old town. I m |' stand that, do you?" Lester H. Wolcott. Ameri'an henu.'ph»Te For .'Should over 1 commanders of corres|>onding Several of the above named offi­ tions of vittory. it us up to us to tions must be ob.served. The tax- i 'porkers will be employed hi.s advicit after he ha.s examined B Hattiesburg. * .since arrival In Florida and have chance of winding up on the west­ nature of business in tvhich en­ round trip dally to get to and subject I suggest that readers ■ make I»uise proud of me. want to .tell me. or don't want to one thing:.only ue. the Ameri­ from work. •see me any more—- General Hester had as his guest. been certified for promotions whert ern coast of Africa, where he gaged, number of days away from .send for Dr. Frank McCov's artl-! 's she in love with you, too? Major General D.m I. Sultan. 38th cans, let America down. Yankee home during the taxable year on At one of the. largest aircraft '' "I said r couldn't see anyone." v«ancles occur. would he a direct threat to our »r, sz __ .|*>e entitled "VARICOSE VEINS." I I mean." commander; Colonel George M. By A. H. O. account of business, total amount He faced her squarely, "Your rommunicalicjns lo South Ameri­ nli^es rninmilte ^hv piitnm h i" d“ -st address your pequest to the don't know. You can t tell Halloran, camp commander, and of expense incidental to meals H ' McCoy Health Service In rare ot anything about Louise," father won't let you?" staff officer* Regimental com­ "I told you you didn't have to “ At our house, ca and to that continent itself. Red .\rm>'s Birthday and lodging, and total amount of and under no circumstances •could ; newsDaoer encl^lne a large "W ell, of course she ts. If she manders in the 43rd entertained $800,000,000 Value Si-ene: Office of Dr. Pension and "other . expense.';" incident to ask questions," This is the Axis strategy, l Mr Hyde. Retirement Experts. Z o * h ? r * m e iZ self-addrewed envelope ^and s « j I ‘‘’‘ fX'ct yo'J'd '‘ " o " ‘ hat regimental commanders of the The 24tti A vet .so ly o; th travel and claimed as a deduction. bynv oinerother meHnsirieans. . , ^ hurry " "Oh. All right." S8th Division. isolate and divule fn*ni ou ( Bst 1 Consultant and a long Among the "other expenses" are This same survey reports that "Don't get your feelings hurt. Of Prmliiets T.ikeii Army pas. ed witho'it that ex­ .calling line Drake blinked at this iinex- Among the prominent guests of allie* tips, provided they are reasonable there are 2.320 cities and towns Let's just talk." traordinary annoiin- emenl of spe- ( onsultant: Name please. Ver>’ Questions and Answers peeled perspicacity. the 43rd's staff was Mayor George in amount. in the country, with 12,500,000 "Say. I guess that's right. 1 "Ail right. What about?" Calhoun of Hattiesburg. we serve Should Wf o\.Twelves laughed—simply and nat­ On Feb. 24. 1941. the 43rd Divi­ Iv adf'pt a polir y uhi^*!. ’aci u.] ' that you want to apply for your transportation and solely depend­ Question: Mr. C. C. A. writes: urally. Some severe constraint of industrial product* removed by some obvious piopaganda error, ble only when the trip is on busi­ "Please .tell me what it means get up there, Molly We don't sion was Inducted Into active serv­ totals approximately $800,000,000, bring aU) i^t the ccjnditinn the pension under the terms of the ent upon pa.ssenger automojtiles want to spend our lives out here disappeared with it. "Oh, any­ the world had linn led to expect state retirement act as interpret­ ness. They are limited to such ex­ when my doctor tvrltes down ice as a National Guard unit an official spokesman declared to­ Axi.v N fighting ao har-1 to • reate ** penses as are reasonable . and for getting about. ■no. sir. I never thought of that! thing. Tell me what you do ail whose ranks were compo.sed of The' rapture of Kharkov or of ed by dernsion of Judge Inglis. ■ptosis' on 'my record. Is this by the time." day.^ ' Shall wp do exactly what the Axis necessary In the conduct of the As for defense plants serviced any chance a-..fancy name for can­ How d'you happen to think about men from Vermont, Maine. Rhode Trie value of foodstuffs removed .Smolen.'k wa.s not claimed. Stalin Have you a record? by buses, one that now Is receiv­ They talked a little feverishly, wants is to do. and isolate our­ business and directly attributable cer?" it? " Island and Connecticut. Since ‘.'might be anvthlng between" the real thing" himself .set forth the redemptlo.i Blotz: .No spik Inglis well. Serve ing 231 regular bus trips and 89 Parri.s wived his hand with a and a little Jerkily. One moment Jo yi to it. Answer: The term ptosis refers that time hundreds of men from $620,000,000 and $920,000,000, he selves'' The answer r,f . uurse cars Wethersfield. special ones at peak hours daily, wise little gesture of deprecation. she seemed to be as he always re­ all sections of the country have if I-eningiad as scmething .still l< Consultant (grimacing): Quali­ TYaveling expenses incurred in to prolap.sua. Thele is no reason said. iH res r.:ndingly no. We \\;!l r.' t connection with a journey to Ls typical. It implied a wide knowledge of membered her, the next she Joined the Division. be 3' compli.shed. There was, in fied F’ to the inner office. Next, for you to fear cancer if you have .seemed striange and different. She The computation was based on let thif.sp *.cho wanted u.s to he ns- 1 another city to accept or seek em­ the ways of women of Which this The Division arrived at Camp :a 'l !,u:»- ..f r>'.vs m the day ex- please. | received a. diagnosis Of prolapsus. seemed then to look at him from the rate of 176 franca to one pound truh tiefnir the war now t.,rn .s ployment are not dediietible. To go into the vast increases in (Subnormal Temperature) was the ,mere8t sample. Blanding, Fla., last March and sterling, the spokesman said. <-IU thi pronouni» nients of .''taiiii ■loshiia' Quill; My qualifications; truck and trailer uses "Parris, you know Preston Hill a distance—exactly the way older has spent its entire year in the .'•f? sir I hate served for, ten years | Suburbanites who commute daily * Question: Roderick J. writes: He added that Information about into the ti.rt'.e O'lr v pro- from their homes tb their places of the big stepup in farm produc- out there west of town?" people sometimes did. South. The men have partici­ hin,sc:i 11. 11’.'ih.stirally proclaim- on the Board of Mosquito Control, ! . . , . . "My brother has been sick a lot securities transferred from France rlainu‘1 hv th* rres;de*’.t a«5t tlon, coal, wood pulp, lumber, etc., | with colds, penumonia. "Yes. or course. W hy?" A flick of lightning threw her pated in three months of field ma­ ei lhat the .Nazis are not yet eight tears on the Connecticut, of business . are.... not permitted... to face into high relief and Intensi­ to Germany waa not Sufficient to night. H.'i'j a.' .S', I - r t •' i r *. e.P!. and because of the increased and indigestion. He .seems to be "I want to buy It." neuvers in Louisiana and Carolina, enable him to give figures. bca'.i-r. he refe r r.-'l. -.vilh pointed .dtate Board of Examiners in .Mid-I of tran.sportatlon, trucking materials. Is merely to "Good gracious, Drake! What fied the lambent green of her eyes. W Arneruan u ho tr ur. ** t o md*- '.vifciy. two of them concurrently.!'^ being a personal expense. mending now, but hls temperature I'-I'a and and with seem- enlarge the picture beyond for’ It's Just a hill." "My goodness, but you are the nal..r*' ot this 'a .i: a ,i t.< ♦ and .seven years on the Commis- Claims for deduction for travel­ is a little below normal. Have pretty, Ca-ssandra!" btcottst now wo •■c di ni..; Ilf till- Red .Star s lecCnl ing expertses must be substan- comprehension. you any advice as to this .symp­ ' "Kings Row has got ,to grow, •‘of i.'irrying the v.«tr t>i the rr. - .sion of Steamship Terminals. Pas.senger car production has hasn't It ? That's the best direc­ She smiled a thin little smile. prais..i i.f the aid alreadv, rc'eived I tiated when required by the Copi- tom ? my in di'-tant lands a:.! ■lis’ ar’.- ( oiiHiilliiiit: It IS a plea.sure, Mi practically ceased; truck produc­ tion for it to gos Wo.uldn't that "Honest you are—you’re prettier > ;ti( S"v;.t, tn till- tail that Quill, to have a prospective appii- missioner of Internal Revenue, Answer: A » a general rule, a than you ever have been, and you dolivor your shirts water.s as far as p<.-^ h'.* 'rf *m , .showing in detail the amount and tion for civilian purposes may atop subnormal temperature is an Indi­ be a good place to biiild houses— National Sew and Save Week 'lerrnaiy ha- allies lighting wi I cant .so well qualified. £)id you In March or April: civilian bus you know, looking down across always were the prettiest girl In >ur o\s r. duor.* grui.r-.d eyer n-i eive a salary ■■ nature of the ex[>ense incurred. cation of lowered vitality, espe­ thLs town." 111.’- .'ll 1.11 i.avi- ii'.l t.ei-ti in production is well below normal cially when it occurs in a patient ' the creek there, and away out ^ We hfli** th. : .11.0. : (fulll: Well, no, unlortunately. | in spite of the huge orders backed over the country?" She leaned forward and gave hla "AlL-UN-BUnOND” pi. .t.'iri ■ .-:iiil lie pledgtsi Does that make a difference? | whose general health is poor. wrist a quick squeeze, "Thank Anuuuun.H \c ho do t*j!v i;nder- up for months; the rubber situa­ Parris was mightily impre.ssed. DRESS LENGTH Riis.sla til a riiiisli l.giil. and tailed ( oiiMiltaiit: A.'i.suredly. Our ad-| However, there are undoubtedly you. Mr. Mitchell." Her hand lin­ stand lh» riHlure of tni.s war ha- Quotations tion Is well known: and the threat many people of average health in "Why, that's wonderful! You'd d'l'ii lii.s peiiplt- fi.r ren.ivi,e-l sacn- vn 1- IS Uial you obtain a slate sal­ of a parts shortage may become a make a lot of money, wouldn’t gered for a moment on his, and been iru leased sir.e e lavt. night. ary for live years and then return ______whom the temperature Is persist­ he leaned over and kissed It. - rtody to put on with a smile li'e and I'lUtage ;i,i the day.s still reality at any moment. ently low; sometimes as low as you. and be rich?" His voice Tin- Pifsidents geography lesson The situation isn't hopeles.s. sounded a little wistful. "Silly!" But her voice trailed lo I urne. V 'A T We have never suffered defeat I 97 degrees. In fact. It has been over the word, ever so slightly. ic as gcHMl and no less necesaarN Next Well, Mr Jones. 1 , ^ Inde- What is worrying government qnd i estimated that in about 10 per "Well, doctors make a pile of *No mors button-bottles! Now you con put on your shirts Tins abs. r.i e r.f speeilii sensa- Again a painful excitement SALE ind ad', usable because there may -eem to reiogmze in v^rni another in 1776, but we are near­ transportation company official.'! | cent of the population, the tem- money. Wouldn't it be the dam d- peoccfully ond quickly, without spoiling fhelr smooth fresh " , • worthy apidicaiil Have you any , clutched at hls throat. Outside a oppeoronce. W e return them with every button unbuttoned— 4 Pause tini s from yesterdav's l-tassiaii is that the public is taking it with j perature U consistently below 98 est thing if we. you and me, could ‘ ST AI 2 collof ha\e Ln*en many Anv*nc«ns wh * few large drops of rain spattered with no hidden pins to stick you It's 0 costlier process lor us rows the m,.lilary experts unusual tate .^rvice? , entire history. such complacency and that the degrees and this Includes those build bouses for ourselves out iuDCOr? Itoyt tn fAxfW" AS eVt Alt ilren ly understood it. .tones: I worked for f'elievably hard F<*ol (iuarJ, perhaps? A member ______persists even though the basal BO close that he felt a little wave for the past several week.- |-.ave portation organizations are now metabolic rate is normal. under him. He rested one arm Jumbo Family Bundle Family Bundle "Never before. ■ said the Presi­ of the .Shell-I. Board of Relief,? ! strategy of Axis short-wave battling to get Joseph B. Elast- along the back of the buggy seat of warmth from her. Without hes- *Silk Prints buy something with the indeed, reflected oniy vague and iUtlon he put hla arms around her Everything is Ironed In These Serslee*. OH. y e s : dent truthfully, "have we been Were you. by any 1 propaganda remains the same—to man. director of defense trans­ and gesticulated In his odd foreign relatively unimportant l'm '..riii . hance, one of the Henry Whitffeld attempt to divide country from and klased her. He felt her lips DRY CLEA.NING, tailed ii|>on for such a prodigious gams. portation. made a member of the fashion with the other. The talk 4 0 Pieces $1.78 20 Pieces 99c quality you can count on. Ho'.ise Trustees? country, race from race, religion war production board, with au­ A Thought ran on into detalla. It seemed to part slowly under hls own as she (Additional plecea (.Additional pleice* . TOO... crushed herself against him. • Canton Crepes Iffort. Never before have we had! The Nazis ar^* Rtill appar.nT: Jones; Nope. I just worked. No from religion. thority to correlate and have a them st that moment that life was 8c each) Ir each) Men's Plain Suit*. There waa another flash of Topcoats, Osercoats You want real thing. Your llllle time in which li do *o hol<1mg the key -points fill a ri .mf jrnis, no shakos, no commis- — Archibald MacLetah, Director of definite aay In highway, railway, For what nation, la there clear and straight ahead of them I Hankie* or S Tea Napkins or S Wash Cloths .-lons. Just worked. the Office pf F^cta and Figures. waterway, airway, pipeline and and pleasant. They would do this, lightning and an Instant roll of equal 1 Piece. 1 Shirt equals 2 Clnres. I adles’ Plain llms*.-, j new.-d I'ffen.sive, ai-.d arc .stii! ao great, who hath God so heavy thunder. She twisted her­ or Coats Consultant: Very sorry. Mr. commuter transportation: In de­ nigh unto them, aa the Lord or that, thus qr so. They won­ • Rayon Failles SHIRTS 3 for 33c guests want tj^ real thing, It IS not only the pnaluction we I from the jjj'ip-. u '' ■I'.vin:; .Jones. We are not interested in I notice with approval that the fense plant housing, staggered dered once or twice why older self free and sat down abruptly. 2 for our God Is In all things that 'Tve wanted you to do that," she kmst have that makea the t«isk i srriors k >mt‘W tiat in ari\ ar kelting your kind of pension, aviation companies, straining all working hours, elimination of people atwBys spoke of the diffi­ Additional Shiris, 10c Ciich. we call 1 upon him for?— said huskily. $1.19 too. Coca-Cola is the real thing Ikfficult. We must, to fight this the [wmts from which thev la.,ncli- pl*ks«- jpesourcea to meet the de­ traffic bottlenecks, in pooling pri­ Deuteronomy 4:1. culties of lift. But. of course, in • Cotton Velvet mands of a single customer, are • • • olden times everything was dif­ "And Tve wanted to." rar m o t advwtugeously for our- i ed thcr nearly »ucces..furdrive on } a^m q u tifl^ '* ''I hav^ vate and public transportataion "It gets lonely—seeing no still advertising. They are far­ for both passengers and freight, Never Idle a moment, but ferent. There really wasn’t much In refreshment. . . with the Dlivea and for the world, fight it Moscow last .Oct 2 ,been on the Fort Griswold and use in paying attention to old one— ’’ Men’s Suits sighted and in allocation of priority ma­ thrifty and thoughtful of others. "Oh, Caaaie!" He wanted to aak It the great distances the Preai- ' Yet position itself din- not tell Groton Monument Commission —Floyd B. Odium, War Produc­ terials for transportation. paople. They didn’t understand • Silk Bock Velvet Longfellow. t her why her father permitted her CUMmS^lAUMDERERS Sponged or Pressed- -,'l9c. quality of genuine goodness. lent listed. And perhaps the most the whole .-toiy W h.-it i.s •quail;,' and on the Commission of Sculp- tion Board. that the world had changed now, wMWita* St. suaONsrta and that things were easier and no friends, why h e . couldn't be jlnkmg fact the ITesidentA liBUhad IVto ; Kli^llttfll.important 18 is IHCthe COSlcost Ifiethe JSaZlSNazis 'AS. ^ * L . About Raindrops Human Ice A bo 56” Woobns - Pasteh and Dark Shades. lu. 1 . I e ^ , five yeara I have been a door- No system can create the re­ simpler. with her often. She shook her PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE You trust Its quality piustrate the difficulty of the task ' have had to pay for the holding j keeper at the State Capitol. • • • head, anicipating hls question. i keeper sources out of which an importing The ordinary raindrop Is made The human body contains' ice Juat six blocks from shopping center. One block from Eaat Center Street kaa hu statement that R takes j of such positions. If, as reported, Consultant: Excellent and rou- nation can keep on buying. Those up of 8.000,000 water particles. All of the next day, aad the "No, Parrla. Bujt I want to be caused by tiie enormous pressure with you whenever I Juat Open 7 A. M. lo 8 P. M. Jsatnrdays 7 A. M. lo 4 P. M. lOTTlED UNDiS AUTHOSITT Of THI CpCA-COlA COMrANY lY ^Hir months for a rx’und trip to - it has inx'olved the use of reserves tine. Pass^ In. Dr. Pension- will be resources must be created by/the The drops vary from one-six­ in the muscle tissue This ice exists next, Parris went about in a may. Cheney Hdll Salesroom to talk. Will you stay and talk / S uithwe^ Pacific theatre of i which the Nazis had hoped to aaw glad to see Next .please. nation Itself. All the system can teenth to one-fifth of an inch In St ordinarj^ temperatures only un> pleaaantly unthinking bass of ______[______CD»vri$M 1901 ^ Tiiwa S«v*« COCA-CO^A nonLIXC COMPANY, E.AST HARTmUD. COSg. Himtb: I a leglalator—ten do Is make them availabre. diameter, according to weather vcaael can bc liresh for aummer; If, as seems in- oer a prettRue of mors than 100,- sessions. 1 have also been a mcm- HubML coodiUonb 000 pouada • svutf* ( :

MANCHESTER EVENHNG HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1942 PAGE NINE .M AACrttoltn tv tAl-NG HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1912 >AG£EIGHf"v t(K>k a sensational surge in Chica­ bqr sihould be given a voice in co­ Disease Germs go during the Century of Progress. I Greed Ts Hit operative efforts to iron out the JVJewcomer.s in the Town Hurley Asserts Time and numbered Texas (Hello Suck- ' difficullies o f the rapidly expand­ -4rmy Agency Engaged to ^ eg-| ■Additional rontributiona to the • W. Harry England 10.00 No One Seriously Hurt Inquiry into Shooting of Charges Allack on Pearl' Our Soldiers Pene* UNITEP ing Up Profliirtioii of Oflfice Opened for In- Runs from Willimaiitic Red Uioss Wa: Fund reported at Mrs. Williams . . 1.00 Vehicle Department In Man­ Y. M. C. A, threat of virulent types holds. thousands of new men have been gest Plane Factory in | headquarters to dale bring the Red and White 1.00 In Acpiclent in Talcott- chester. The office is a t the Soldier Stationed Here Harbor Inilefinilely Irate Tropical Seas.' Malaria might ■ be largely con- ' STATES Dff<‘ii8«‘ .Maferirl. ■hired negligence and inefficient fd/riiiation on StatuM. To Aircraft Factories total to S21.367.54 The. contrlbu- Mrs. Morlarty ... 10.oo •American Legion Home on fined to the south. But there are ■ ^ management is depriving the gov­ The W orld. 1,00 ville; Those Hurt. Leonard street, directly oppo­ To Be Feb. 26. 11 Schedule considerable risks in the north. SAVINGS ernment of the full value of these lions are as tollow: Mrs. Andrews . . . P o s t |i o e <1 Talk By Howard W. Blakrslee rililadelphi 1 . Feb 21 .■)’) — In East Hartford. Manchester Italian Clu' s 11.116.35 Mrs. Wm. B arrett 1.00 I site the State Armory on Main One of the tropical types, falci- i BONDS men's labor. In some cases there is Boston. Feb. 24.—The eatablish- New Orleans, Feb, 24—(4*)- Po- parum. is often fatal. The north- Greed ami inelTiciem y were liehl ------I (Editor's Note: In the fol­ Manchcslei* Lodge No. 15 Mrs. Kimball ...... 2.00 Five persons were injured in a ; street. Coroner Frank E. Hoaly has set Against President. Tomorrow: even evidence that the manage ment of three Army Personnel tential Invasion of the United lern United States has been free AN^SIAMPS I Placement Agencies in New Eng- A^ the result of the tire short- 10.00 .Mrs. F. W. Buslinell '2.00 It will be open until 5 o'clock 9:00-10:00- -Second Shift Recrea­ up by a U. '7 senator ami a ship­ iimcrit is deliberately cm ouragiii^ io'.'ing artii le David J Wilkie A. O. U. vV. two car collision last evening, and Thursday. February 26, for the iii- States by the disease germs of the ' of this type. Mrs. A. Butler ...... 1.00 Saturday afternoon. Febru^' New Haven. Feb. 24. i/Pi—Gov', tion group, gym. builders' uni.ih head a.s the nation’s ^ loafing on the job ami delay in jo io 1 land to receive and evaluate offers a new bus schedule was pui in tells you alxmt the biggest Temple Chapter O. E. .'t., were taken to the Manchester Me- I ^tucst into the shooting and death whole world is causing concern in But falclpanini already has ap­ bridge party ...... 12 60 Mrs. Peterson ...... 1 IK) , 8th, and opens for business'at' 10:00-12:00—Women’s gym and . coniplctlnn of govei niilent/con- jo.' service nr inquiries concerning operation between Wvllimantio bomber plane taclory in the- 1 , morial hospital. The crash occurred | of Private William Owens, soldier Robert A. Hiipley, charging that the medical profession. peared among American soldiera No. 1 industrial .'•uboleiir.s today. Norton Elect’Ac Co. . . . 10.00 Mrs. LaGrace ...... 8:30 In the morning and stays badminton, gym. 1 tracts. Wc lealizc this is a ^rious I possiliilities of service, was an- and the aircraft factory in F.«,-t ^ worl'i and the collateral |.robl- stationed here, which took niace In the attack on I’earl Har- Japanese j^ns at Pearl Harbor in Trinidad, and rases have been From lii.H tlv Dela­ Evening Scluol of Ameri­ -Mrs. Allison ...... ,■> 00 ^ ib Talcottvllle. just outside Of the open for bu-slness until A In the 1 :00— Luncheon, banquet hall. 1 charge ami we would not znake it I muinceii today by Major Gen'eral Hartford this inonimg. A large | lenis of lalxir. housing and 1 Maiiche.'ter line. Hartford two weeks ago. were the signal that literally sent back to U. S. hospitals for ware river it Camden, J . John canization ...... 15.00 Harry Armstrong j afternoon. for "indettnitel.v pnatponed" a talk 2:00-4:00—Baby clinic, banquet ' if we were not [ireparec^o prove I Sherman .Mile.s, Commanding Gcn- number of persons who live in \v il- , mas'- pro'iiiction of aircraft J ij,) Tliose hurl were. .Mrs."Connie Private Owens was shot by (.'oi- opened America's long-guarded treatment. Troops from the north, Green, intern-'tioiial president ot Dilwoitli - . ’orni'll. Aux. ■Mrs. J. Allan Bourn in which a U. S. Senator was to hall. 'it " / I eral of the First Corps Area. The limantic and work in the factory that weigh a.s imi' li a.« tanks > I D,) ! Hightower of Boston, w ho lOccivod poral Lo.s'ey Hadney, a military doors, and already ,the first mi­ in the maneuvers in western Lou­ the .Marine and .‘'liiplniilding Nil. 102. birthday party 2 1 .0 0 E. B. Hutchin.son . . . . 3:30-5:00—Open gym boys. Umler the present,/ system of 1 agencies will receive .all offers of in East Hartford took adinr.tage ■> lavl contusions of the head and chest; policeman, in ii lioijse in Hartfoui. ■’inform his political fellows here crobe enemies have begun infiltra­ isiana and East Texas last fall, ar- ; Workers of An.erica iCIOi wrote ■Maiiche.sler i'lblic Market 5. (JO Mis . Uharlc.s Vosc . . . . 6:30-9:30 -Men and Women government contracts.. Green said ' service either in person or in writ- of the bus and did not ride to- Oiivid J. IMIlde J!,„jjMrs. Caroline Cordner. of Talcott- He was brought to the Manclicslcr in Connecticut that the president tion. qiiired a considerable amount of ' I’re.sident Roo.sevell that produc­ dunset Re jokali l>jdge A. T. .McBride ...... showers. flukes require certain s|iecies of' , "3’lie employers can feel a.ssiired of 1 mg ami if appluanl.s appear to work in private oars. Tlu p* i inis- i sT, t-i-h. 2( 1- Have j ville. cuts and lacerations about Memorial hospital w h e re he died The danger Is subtle.. Man.y of malaria of those regions Resi­ snail.s I tion in his line i.s falling off as No. 39. fiiCKl s a l e ...... 7.3..30 Mrs. I’liter ...... wa.s dragging u.i into war." .said 6:30--Bowling league all alleys. r. imbursemeiit for their labor costs I have poti'iitial v.alue in any capaci­ aion to operate the bu.s " a s grant­ the face, and Mrs. Coiisl.aiu e Royal Weddings I later in the clav. the diseases our soldiers will en­ dents of the same regions are par- ; 3’lie best that can lie said of the much a.s .ID ;,c-r . ent because ot a 'cCn more than 2..’iUO iH"l .^iliion Krei.s'."r...... o 00 Mis. Lileman ...... night that "the time for u.'i 6:30 First Aid Course, banquet without respect to the actual oiil- ty will furnish them with a qiies- ed by the Public Utilities Corn- ’ of Boston, who also received treat­ hall. counter and bring back are well tially ininuine. Umted .States is that no one strong susiiu'ion that "the cmjdoy- .sqiiai et of floor spa' e iindei .Mr.s, Joseph Park ...... 1.00 Mrs. (.'oUa ...... to bosin to light is now. | |)Ut of that labor" I tionnaire from whi' h will be de- mission. ^ .1 ment for cuts and lacerations known here, and not much feared. Most Feared Plagues knows whether we possess any of ers arc not ro miii li interested in 1.00 Ray Oix-cns ...... There is nothing e.ssenlial to | 8:00—Ski Club, banquet hall. j termir.e'I the suit.abihty of. appli- The first bus for East Hartloid roof of .lingle-.stoty buiM'- .Mrs. John .MjiRinn ...... iibout the face and neck, and .McKei“-Whi(e Ja|>aiu‘!8(‘ Laiitl But In the tropical areas these the serious tropical fluke tv|)e ot production a.s they are in aecuniu- Mr.s. .Mary Sargent ...... uoo xlctoc.v which we do not have ex- | 8:00— Mary Bushnell Cheney The most feared plagues arc I . ants for military nr civilian left WillimanUc at fif> J ”'-** ' Clianibcr of Cunimorce . flolw-rt Hoffman of Roxbiiry. Mass. Mis.s Beatrice White, daughter | same diseases include more viru­ snails. In World War 1 Australian | lating profi'.s." H. Carverg ...... 1 00 Auto T ra iic s...... cept time," said the Democratic i Aiixili.ary. 2nd floor-social room, bubonic, or black death, and epi- Politirs ill ('.iv.iliaii statu.s morning and arrived iii ^ If vou coiil'l get enough govern­ Mrs. Cordner was driving one of .Mr.s. W'inifre-1 White, of 161 | lent types. The microbes them- soldiers earned home a serious | Hinder Ib-leiisi' rrognuii -Mr.s. Stephen Smith . . .. 1.00 Auto TVades Col . . . Near Koepaiijj; chief executive in addressing a!; 7.30-Board of Directors mect- .'since the start of the current Hartford in time for I be nvii to AIlss nianehe A. Raltl mental rrc'ienti.ils an-)ve that you had some real busl- riding in the Massachusetts car- ried to Hamilton McKee, Jr , son caii slaves long ago earned an­ .Mr. and Mr.s. Willard Robb , 2.00 tail Lounge Col...... 11 33 or of his party at the Hotel Taft. I \ - ...... Mil l, in a George Washington's I Corps Area ha.s been bejieged with the bus returned to Willimant .•Vnnir.incemrnt is ma'le of the there you might see tins vast John Royal, husband of one ot the j of .Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton(Uontlniied McKee, i (rom l*iige One) fo"nd 'rthc UnUed states. Th ^ , other one to Soutli .Amcnea. but ' going through Manchester about David Huitgren ...... 1.00 Auto Trailes, Klmore "While we were still lying in can flourish here If they get a ' plague is . arr.ed b.v Day speech :,i-l iiigllt. a.s.scrted ' incpiiiics from I'lvilians dealing engagement of -Mi.~s R'.ain he covered area at the F inl Willow injured women was also injured, . of lOO .Spruce .street, yc.sterilay i this fluke disease never got a [ ; I’hiladeli'lua. Feb 21 I' ■Mrs. Elizabeth Twinan .. 1.00 ! Hobenthal ...... 20.00 that drugged slumber induced by foothold other animals. But it that tile Sc.'i.ite Defense Uommit- with gaimiic commis-sions. nnn- 20 minutes later. Arcangela Gatti. daughter of Mr. F.iin bomber plant -biggest fac- but .was released from the hospital morning at 10 o'clock in the i fleet bla.sleil ^ objectives,, , . foothold in North America. | This afternoon the second trip .Mrs. E. Burdick ...... 1.00 Don WlIliB ...... 5.00 the poisoning of the isolationist, Loiicloii Papers Icc of which he is chairman had .Max .Singer, national commander ^ ' ommi.ssioii rating or other status ami Mrs. Frank Gatti of 179 torv of its kinil in the world. after treatment. South Methodist church. | The virulent strains hide behind I fleas. This plague now exists ''f War IS not all destructive in a | Mrs. F. J. C ro w le y ...... 1.00 W. A. Carter ...... 5.00 the pacifist, the Fiftli Columnist, the fact that native peoples are found "'.ss ami iiioffici- 1 of the Veterans of Foreign War.s, I on the linsi.s of specialist education It is In this huge pile of bricks All of the injured are resting W'. Ralph Ward. Jr., performed i among ground .squirrels in the medical .seijse in guarding against | Mrs., Riley ...... 1 00 ! James Gorman ...... and the ignoramus ' saiil the gov­ little affected. But our soldiers eiicy . . . wh-re Uu- piivalc inti r- [says civilian defense grou|is in .or experience These-inquiries now concrete, steel and, and its 5.00 comfortably at the hospicnitai aamaj;« to Jap&ncfp lUbtfillations western United Stales. It has not the potential tropical disease in­ 2 00 i Ladies Aux. C. of C. . Bpital th eccrem o n j. ; and ship.s and los.s of onlv 11 Display Speech and our people have little resis­ ests of tho.s" conc'-i m-d have liin- manv (dies are "infested with , all will he handled by the Placo- installations of production ma- Mrs. Andrews...... 20 OU Rockville police are mvc.sugat- ' ernor, "the enemy liad a very lone spread to the donicslii rats, and vasions, medical advance.s are ex- ' WM ^^h^u'led to leave East Hart- | Can.cart oU Bcllerose street, Staf­ 3.00 The bride was attired in while c ___ tance to these strains. ilered the -lefeil.'-e [irogram ' (loliti s" and i the situation 1 ment Agi-iu n-.s chlncr.v already in operation that Mrs. Eaton ...... 1 Hotel Sheridan. Lobby ing the accident. I U. S. plane.s hca'I-.start. American deaths have been only a pc( ted. such as better Ireatnients. ford at 3:45 on the return trip. An- , ford Springs. 5.00 with a hat and veil to match and Lurking behind these germs arc But, he sa;d in an interview, IS remedied, "the consecpiehces will The ugcncies will he located as the automobile Indu.stry-that-iised- Irving Spen'er ...... 1 Collection ...... 6 48 I The frequently ni.ike "Hundred years' hence, " he de­ few a year from contact with wil^ ia'ttrr controls and possibly re­ other bus will leave Williniantic | ------she wore a corsage of gardenias. the great plagues, which long that he wa.s < oiiti.ient that Prosi- I '’e disa.sti'ous " I follow.s'. to-be Is going to prove It.s theory chainis of victories o’ cr he I'. S. clared. ' it will be told while our Emphasize Declaration rodents. | cognition of carriers not now con- [ a t 10:45 tpnight for East H art­ .Mrs. Alice Bcn.son. sister of the ago were banished from the Am­ dent RisiseveU’.s gigantic war pro­ [ The Boston I'l'Sidenl. here on an I Fust Military .^rea Meadquar- that anything that be blue­ [fleet in appaient fushinc elTorts to president was still conferring with However, the so-called tropical SKlered | ford taking the third shift work­ I This Pattern Maker groom, was matron of honor and Nation Must Fight All erican way of life. Most o/ them duction piogram not only would be ' in.siiection trip, ahso asserted yes- I t< rs, Federal ituilding, Manches­ printed can be put into mas.s pro­ learn wlieie the fleet might be i two treacherous Japanese ani- rat fleas that are the main car­ ■ i ers to the plant and is to return Says Farmers wore a .suit of blue with matching are endemic in the areas where attaimd, lint "may tn- e.\"eeded'' li'rday IM an interview "it is a ter. .\ II duction. Mothers’ Club Not the Wanted Kind Obituary BonilierH ( iiuee OaiiiiiKe liassadors . . . tiiere were still .\romid World. riers have been found on Ameri­ Willing r« With Men { to WilHmantic, leaving East Hart- j hat and a corsage of red roses. Japanese .Army boniber.s d Ameriinns who called our Ainierican troops are now on guard thi.a year, Waiii' .siati.sfic.-i show il I shame' that .s lalty lists can't lie , Se.-ond Military .-tri'a Headquar­ ford at 12:15 tomorrow morning. , The giant bomber plane for! LawTence Costello was best man or in battle. Not one of the great can rats a.s far north as Central : ; pl.blishod "because only by .sur- which this $60,000,000 factory has Hartford, Feb. 24. —i/Pi —He widespread damage in a scrie.s of dont 'war monger.' New- York and Wisconsin ! Fnn Du I^c. Wis .Several j IS lagging St this tune, the sena­ ters. 1304 Post Office Building. ’ No atop is made in Manchester, j Denied Rights for Mr. McKee. London. Feb. 24 -i/Pi— London enemies is missing in the roll call tor went on. that slack i.s being I vcying the terrible toll of Ameri- Boston. Mas.s. been built weighs nearly as m'ich j Enjoys Games said he was a pattern make assnuits agaiiust United States .M.a\ Remember Proposed Meeting Epidemic typhus is lou-'e-born. nicmliicrs of ’h* .32nd Uivi.sion re- , The bus has a seating capacity of .A reception followed the cere- of the zones where Americans I -ill this W’or ,1 War 1 storv about taken up each m"nth I can fighting men ran tije n.ation I Third Military Headqii.arters, as the army's medium tank, the | I and the U. S. Employment Funerals positions in the .Sai.iat mounl.-iins "Yes, and Into that distant time, morning papers gave President American sanitation ■■ may offer 25. nioiiv at the home of the brides may fight. Gen Mouglas .MacArtliur: Then a ' ■ ii’alize how : 'iioii.s I.s if.s plight. " Federal Building. Hartford. Conn (dven Olliers mass production of which the in- I Service here greeted him with of Bataan p'-niii.-'il-i ilunng the there may last .«ome menioiy of Roosevelt's speecn .prominent adequate protection. Tium an wair.i-d in his .'i|,eeeli Mrs. Doris T. Max or "''“•'’r. -Mrs. Vera .i=oceoccio in Called Tropical Diseases Colonel an-1 divis'on i hief ol .st.iff. . diistry already has taken in stride. Large Turnout of Mem­ I open arms. • I last two days Domei reported to­ places in their columns today, cm- Other Oiseases that llieie I an bi- n,i iiioic ' husi- a [ ropo.sed meeting, here in Con­ The germ foes are lumped under .MarArthiir approach'-I .Mi'.ss Making Parts .Already Thousand! of men had been Funeral services for Mrs Dons Qiiairv-xllle After the reception ^day In a ilisp»tch from ,-i Japanese Iiha.sizrng his declaration that the a.s u.sail. .Tb'-i-* tan le- no (Continued from Page One) necticut, at which, according to the name tropical diseases. This Other diseases which can spread .-'cigt. ,3'cil Vogt atiout foo'l. and ZerO'Hour Nears ' Txplcal of the Industry's war bers at the .\nnual I Interviewed for submarine T Maver. wife of William D. Mav- "" a wedthng trip | Philippine base United .States must fight all aroun-1 more pndit.s a.- usual Lal"i wil! report, a eortain United States is a misleading name, since some , easily in the United .dilates are re- V a.- dll'-, tc,l a slu'it di.stance away . production effort is the fact that building work at the Electric | er, of Lakewood Circle, who died ; City, the brides go- The Jap.incsfl new.- ugelicy said the world and his promise that the have to woik longn- ai"l liaidi-r tim e... no a.ssurance whatever Social of the Club. yesterday in the Hartford hospital, 1 away costume being in red the bombers encountered no resist­ Senator wa.s to speak of whom it nre tropical only in the sense that lapsing fever, yellow feier mid where able, so energetic in in the snowy northlands. where would not get far because of s-ani- Singer Sewing Maching Co. fpim their vital efforts." Mi.** Vera McCYacken, county , two o'cliH'k at the George T. Davis day, and declared this indicated j with the men I can eat with of-j Urges I'oire for lailHir I end of the long factory as struc­ much needed, were scarce. putting forth a point of view Lord Bd'U ei brook’s rjxpres.s said they once flourished. j tary precautions. There are also Only Faptalltv Sought .secretary Patricia Kelley : .Memorial Chapel, H LeCouiit Irish-nufranc Gen. Doiigla-s MncAi tliur s ilefcnse the pre.sidpnt 'gave a colJ-'.ilood.-d fi ers «nv dav " Green urging that orgamzeii la- (Continued From Page One) tural steol and masonry work pro­ Hence the welcome to this ni'i t-ssary to bo cxplorO'l to the Military medical men are doing : some blood fl'ike diseases, He attacked what he iliscribo'l of the Haftford County Y. W. (T place. .New Rochelle, .N. Y Burial .Mr. and Mrs. William Dufrane, had been greatly weakcne l. account of how he mean* to use ceed at the other. Outside, hun­ "pattern maker." But after (General Mac.Arlhiir's communi­ limit' oven though that point of a rush job of defense by training | The flukes are parasites that raid was a rat found a bomb ■ ' deliberate ninstnterprctation " dreds of acres of one-time farm -A . ably directed the games for | questioning it developed that will be in the Fcrncliffc cemetery, of 74 Bigelow street, announce the resource.-i if America to hor.i hundreds of doctors in tropical i have tolive in snails for pari of ANNOUNCEMENT Ardslev, N. Y. que ye.stci tay said th> re hail been vi' W has led us almost to the crater,” said Aneta. by editorial critics of the aims of land and wooded areas have tiecn the Manchester Mothers Club's I he made patterns only for la- . (he marriage of their daughter. the Axis In a long-term war. ” medicine. At Tulane University i iheir life cycle Soldiers pick them Etliel Dufrane. to Ernest Irish, of '■practically iti , enemy air op brink of disaster. 'Message of Confldrnc One other bomber was listed j .Senate from ^tiloc. as.-ierliiig leveled off to create an enormous annual game night at the Y. M. C ! dle.s' dresses. ■ "rhat United States Senator School of Medicine. which for up bathing or wading They may as "probably" shot down last night | „n jpij, gvoup S'liight wa.s •A last evening and the program ' 4 North School street. The ccre- ground activitv in the Bataan pen­ landing lieM with nunierous The U. S. Employment staff . .Memorial .Mass insula during the pn.^t 21 hour-' i 1 Hurley’ Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted near Malang, in ca.stcm Java. j equality for the farmer. proved a thoroughly enjoyable one | A sc'-oiul anniversarv ni-ass will iiinny was peifornic'i on Satur­ hangars an'l half a dozen or more went into a swoon. Ulalin t)|ilv Four I>es(rovers Lost Ing abo'. Batavia, the capital, was bomb- | Gillcite's speech was part of an to the large turnout of members. , i>c celebrated m St. Jaines's church day, Janiiaiy 31, In Boii'lsville. runways, the shortest of which is The .Navy has lo.-t only Danahcr ed for the first lime Sunday, It I effort by a group of farm slate The banquet hall was given over Palmer., by Rev. O n in A. FREE COURSE almost a mile long. tomorrow mbrnim: at 7;30 foi' i four destroyers-dince the Pacific p-jlllical leiiuwe Here iii coiiuein- j was permitted to )>e di.sclosed to- ^ .senators to write a iummodity to the active games, which Includ­ Manifold. cal medicine and president of the You can't find out how many of Jacob A. Corcllliiis. war began. Domei reported today. C'.it that the president wa.s drag­ m day, but little damage wa.s done. | ppire clause into the $32,762,737,- Truxtorv, following closely on the I . . Never .-.cri has America faced i American Society of Tropical Med- the huge, high-speed bomber ed relays of various sorts, the ; Four others were s.aiil to have ging us Into war. Two previous raids on the Batavia ppi .Army, lend-lease games and square dances such as .Navy's aiuiouncenienl yesterday : "'c ate r dangers than she does to icine, gives this outline:. planes will be turned out each day that Uie Coast Guard cutter Alex­ been damaged. area had been directed mainly at merchant .ship appropriations. the Virginia reel. ■That meeting was to have been day .Never bus she shown sud in- The four most common of these R-U-AWARE .7 when peak production Is reached I ander Hamilton had been torpe­ ; The nevv.s agency reported that ht‘M r»n thf tenth uf Derembrr, vincible ability to meet them outlying airports, In the Hie .Agriculture Defense Stump Prizes V\iaiies iiijr About Town diseanes arc bacillary dysentery, Dress Making and Home on the mile of assembly line w ith­ I doed and later sunk of Iceland ' other J-apanesi' N.ival los.scs siit- HGii. hut .s imethinp Ihiit happen- Preparing for more serious at­ Conimittee heard testimony that The lower social hall was given While she can produce such sol* | amebiasis, malaria and hookworm, in the factory; you can Ic'am that with a "moderate'' loss of person­ ! fered since tne outbreak of the otl on the seventh of that month dier.s as General MacArthur and 1 The first two are not uncommon tacks on the capiUl, the air i-aid.« the nation was famig the most they will be counted by the doz­ over tb bridge, and here Mrs. Ralph Japanese Sub Compnnv No. 3 of the South war included two submarines sunk eaiisod It to be ilefimtely nel. was made in a communique Manchester Fire department' was post* cun brush aside superhuman diffi- ! m the north, for the earners are Precaution Service established .serious farm labor shortage in its ens; that many will reach the end Lcander and Mrs. Howard Ed'llson which tersely described efforts at and two missing It declared tran­ ponetl. Decoration. Enroll Now! ■squads for dismantling unexplod­ called at 4:30 yesterday afternoon I lUilties . with such great ion-'humans, and contaminated food history. of the line ready to fly and that I supei-vi.scd. Defense stamps were rescue and how difficult they sport losses had been extremely •The char>^e <.f war*mkfleld street Small Weekly Payments anil parts to be shipped elsewhere | package.s of sugar were the prizes Breeches Buoy Rigged been conducted Tlie povemor told at the ‘ .-Vmebiasis is the disease which Retfular Course. Ergee More Naval Forcee mittee. have made aivi arc con­ for hnal as.-emhiy. I for the winners in the other con- bombs behind our lines. I "3. There :s nothing to report ' Domei said the destroyers in­ $2.')-a-plat(' dinner that "if youi H. V. Quispel. wTiling In the tinuing to make heavy Inroads In­ Hiive Had Experience ' tests. Efforts to put lines ashore from L. T. Wood reported this morn- j ‘"iProhiiio Reports NO' ( IIABGK tm OBI.I(..\TION. the Ktrieken vessels failed. A from other areas ' ! cluded one damaged in the niglit job la parasitic, get out of it. Batavia newspaper Java Bode, to the farm labor supply. Y ill can learn, too. that all tl.. ' General arrangements for the ing that all of his ice ha.-- been !■sea battle Fridav in the vicii;- Richard Stone - Optician breeches buoy finally was rigged The fact that the .submarine off ' If ynii are holding others back urged the United Nations to .'on- 1 Couidi'd with a shortage of m a­ U-.>,' | anesr units nnnilulatrrl "Get over the notion that you , ------t h e . possible for a sweeping counter­ they said, this condition is making one K’*' house nou , all of 'the others , AiiH'rn'an and Dutch fieri - can do your share merely by find- 1 Havana. Cuba. Feb 24 A'l - Shoppers offensive against the Japanese to it extremely difficult to meet- the he used to ov-'n. have been torn j (Composed of tu o cruiser.'^ and fi\ n ing fault with the admini.strntion at I The Cuban Navy Depai tment was CHAMOIS relieve pressure on Java. increased demands for food for down destroyers Washington or at Hartford, by investigating today a vague re- ARt M08Y Aa long as Japian dominates the United .Nqlions. ------Still Moppinf I'p crificizlng the Army and Navy, by port that a freight ship loaded lACn CALLS' weatam Pacific waters. Quispel Can't Get Ma«'liliiery All members of the South ^tan* ; Japanese ftiroes are still niop- sneering at our gallant allies, or with sugar for the United Slates Luncheon ^ 'EltTlNCT. said, she irtU be able to extend her A!. Clifford Town.scnd. chief of chester Fire department are | pinR up remnants of the British by hoarding aiigar " ,1ms tieen torpedoed off the south TWt'i'ARE HOTtD FOB THUI? JUMP- , the Division of Agricultural De­ INO SKID.-- ACROSS VvIDt CPtVH, land conquests. quc.stod to report at headcjuartcr."*. , forces on SingaiKtre island. Domej .AaUa People to Have Plan | coast -of Cuba CL5 l)J tfcUGH NOUN-TAIMS ._____) He axpreased the belief that the fense Relations, told the commit­ Spruce nn,0i» miles. Tlicv were \ area, such as Java, but declared 111 thousaiulths It an inch. Bomb- I Patriotic Tabic the air raid precautions drill. hold .sonal fight against Hitler and ear- [ he had received a report that- a noted for Its cllicb'iil. econoiiiical were obtainable and efforts to get declared, to the "tireless, efficient said to be equipped witli two 5.9- Six hundred British tnxip.s were Served 11 i-IO M. th at Allied sea forces in .A.sia er [ilune.s neva-r wcie made like Mr' Fiancis Handley and .Mrs. and in m.any cases heroic action inch guns as against the arnin- ry It through day by day. hour by "lup of about 5.000 terns, said to be Car ScT\ Icing ami high qimlity higher allocations of niotal for The lam daughters who were captured this morning on Tekon would have to be reinforced thus belnre. cliii lly because tliere \\ ill Qiii.sli, chairman and co- of the people of Lawrence. .New­ nient of a single gun, iiruully a hour. I the Cofresi or Cafredi. had been to 8 P. M. (t.\S and o n.S . There*'' 'iiore this puri) weic unavailing born recently to Mi. and .Mrs. I island, norlheasl of Changi in the strongly in the near future to .seize never lielure wa.s any is-casiou for eh.iiiiiiii' of till- large committee foundland. " 3-inrh rifle, cairied by nncsl sub­ "Politics, as that word i.s com- torpedoed about 60 milea off Cien- pU'usiirr per mile in a car that The availability of fertilizer, Henry Ixirch of Glendale. Cal., northeast corner of the island. Naval control from the Japanese . I such tecluuipic. They .were turin il III li' b nn-.'iiged a patriotic marines. The )>ig. new monly understood, can wait" said ] fuegos. AT uses our sn|>er'a(i\e products. much of which •onies f^rom South I "cusloni-buill' bn.sis, vv illi have been named Cynthia Jean and Domei said Th« governor geh^ral, A. W. L. ^ depends largely table in ob. --111111011 of Washing- submarines have six 20-inch I Hie governor early in his sddress | Me .said neither the nationality Drive In for 'lervler. lon'.s birtliday. They secured a Carolyn Ruth. -Mr. and Mrs. Lorch I .At the .same time .some rem- TJirda Van Starkenlyorgh Sta. li- ."’^hipping condilion.s. no two of Uiem exai tly alike. Five Lives Lost torpedo tubes. If we lose the battle of bid-i of the vessel nor the port from uiiiqii' George Washington pitcher have three other children, two : nants at Pciiger.ang were repot I SILK CITY ouwer. also reiterated an appeal | Uogers, head of the Hliieprints are I'repured Carrying a large crew, they lets then vou and I will never j w hich it sailed were known, and Till; IS where the bUie[ii1nls as -the center of attraction also As Tanker Sunk boys and a girl. Mrs. Lurch w as | ed mopped up. for reinforcements, saying B.^-Uon under Townsend, were reported to have a speeil of fight again in the battle of bal- the Navy Department declared la- WARNING an authentic hat of the period and the former Miss Sherif Aitkin, Approximately 1 600 wuundi-d came in. Putting the entire pro­ West Palm Beaeh, Fla.. Feb. 24 about 17 knot.s on the surface, and l-'ts ter It had been unable to obtain DINER broadcast declaiation that ' ‘■’''‘‘'- Upstified that while selective ser- duction Job on bliieimiit.s was the placed it on a wig of white cotton daughter of Mrs. Margaret Aitkin Imperial lioop.s are being tions to our equipment wouhi .still j taken many boy.s off the —oP'—An American-owned tank­ about 9 knots when submerged. "However." hr declared, "let us any confirmation of the report. No initial task of the Ford engineers. with a black velvet bovv. Four Am­ er, the 5,287-ton Kep>ub1c, of Hous­ of 6 McCabe street. cared for by Japancst- mva.smn not forget those [lollticians who, .such ve.ssel is listed in Lloyd’s A Good Place To Eat! Y M P I a STATION be welcome. " , farms, "the big drain " has been They found that there were a few erican flags, cherries, red. white ton. Texa^, was torpedoed by an forces in the Cathay hotel in Sing- 'Hiring the years when the conspi­ Registry. 427 HARTFORD ROAD PHONE 3666 Stachouwer urged the men of I uidustrv with its attractive wages, blueprints, of course, but they had and blue candles created a most ' Mii5S Hellcn Holbrook, executive afKire, Domei reported today. the N E. 1. armed force.s and | m,i|f \v»uld Have Shortage enemy submarine off the Atlantic Submarine Fires racy against us was faking form, many supplemental notations; effective table setting. The deli- coast with an apparent loss of vice-prpsldenl of the 5$anchester Imperial headquatli rs csliniatc-d iisc'l the power of a free Congress civilians, particularly in Java, to i Ho'.vever, Rogers asserted, if all many of the mathematical formu­ cious assorted sandwiches in some 1 five lives. Reply to Roosevelt I Chamber of Commerce, is on a Week that 73.(KX) British stand firm In the "hard fight that | farm youths drafted into Uie and a free speech tn prevent our la had been written on drafting cases were tied with red, white Twenty-eight survivors, two of Santa Barbara. Calif.. Feb. 24. - two weeks’ vacation in Florida. troops, including wounded, were leaders from arming us in time. IS ahead of us. " nrmv were returned to the farms, boards. But they were valuable. an 1 blue ribbon. Red and white ■/T' An enemy submarine fired its .She will return to town on March captured wlun the island fell. "We will tight with all the jaivv- | them sligjitly injured, were When I say we ought to forget the lab'ir shortage still would HO the volume [iroduction-minded mints, tea and coffee were also an- reply to President Roosevelt’s war 9. The news agency also reported exist. He Intimated that it might brought ashore, the .Navy i I politics I do not mean that we RAID DRILL er in u.s." he added j engineers brought the drafting served. Mrs. Maine and Mrs. address in the very middle of his | that a total of 1.282 British civil­ The representative of Queen j be ' ine iieeessary to make more noiinced today. should forget that sort of thing. boards to the Ford laboratories, Arthur Smith of Harvard Road The 392-foot Republic was . chat last night—25 shells badly Members of King David Lodge. ians, including 92 women, remain­ WUhelmina in the Orient, i use of w—nien on farms and m ed in Singapore when the Japan­ "I do not mean that we should riie ,\ir KaiH'-JJrill lield la>l Friday disclosed many weaknesses llial musi he ironed coated them with shellac to pre­ poured. owned by the Petroleum Naviga- aimed toward an oil fieldand re- I. O. O. F. are reque.sted to meet forget the names and activities of “It can’t happen here" has gone out the Mimlow even if five-year term as head man of the 1 indu.-lrv. serve the data and. working from at 7:15 this evening at Odd Fel­ ese forces entered. The .Senate group, which includ­ , tion Company of Houston. The finery nearGoleta, seven miles all those, in and out of the halls of out before the comnmiiiealioiis and orgunization are consitlered to ftinction satisfactorily. East Indies was exten'Ied indefi- j this rough foundation. prepared Navy did not make public the j north of here. ’ lows' hall on East Center street, Fires started in giant oil taiil.a /"you don't realize it. ed .«enat')i .s Thoma.s iD., Okla. i. in the Empire dock area during Congress, who day by day cam­ nitely la.«t Peptembrr becaiuve of | the complete blueprints. Two Naval Ships spot at which she was attacked Witnesses said the shells, pre- where they will assemble in a tiody e regret the necessity of inconvenipneing the public hy holding tliese drills, .but the ,\ir .and Bankhead iD, Ala. I, expressed the siege have been cxtingiii.'>tl'd paigned against American prepar- the Japanese dan.ger, told the 1"--,; Simplification of every collater­ by two torpedoes from the enemy \ sumably of the shrapnel type, ex- and march to Watkins Brother's fear tiiat government-field sur- and the causeway linking Singa­, who would not or could not Raid Prccaiilions Organization is a volunteer organization serving without pa) and solely leagpierod islani'iMS thal thr:e i.s ^ al task is the objective ol the en­ ploded large volumes of dirt from funeral home to pay last respects plu.scs f t .ignculturhl commodities Pound to Pieces raider. pore with the Malayan mainland see the profound implications in on Java a strong army with an gineers in this amazing task. Al­ beaches and pastures, frightened to the late August H. Simonsen, The eohl farts of the matter are that in these iineertain -.vould be released as a means of T h m In Engine Room has been completely restored, Do- the forces developing around us, for the luMiebl o f llie eotuuiuiiit) as a whole. air force and tliat the Dut' h , ready they have reduced from four ; horses into screaming mailly—but who died yesterday morning. hol'luig down farm prices, and pre Three men were believed to ___ ' mel added. who blocked at every turn the fleet fights on C the otTensive prin- i hours to not more than 30 mlnutds ' (Continued from Page One) hit only one well. The pumping building of a strong Navy and times ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN! Ciple " pHre l to offer an arnendment re- ^ readjustment of fixtures on have lost their lives in the engine The weekly setback sitting of . _ ^ room. They were Carter Raj- plant and derrick of that well were Army, and a powerful Air Force, OlM'UHses linp<‘ii(ling .Xttio U stri' 'ing s'wh a move. wluch sections of the plane arc siblllty that three more deaths damaged. However, no fires were the Manchester Fire Department 1 O.yQ N cW (illlZtMlS who hindered our giving aid to our Discussing tl-.' imper.-ling atta- k , ------shaped and put together, ahd in would be confirmed later, the Ebbs, third assistant engineer of will be held tonight at headquar- j Houston, Texas. Ernest R. Bever­ started. No one was killed or in­ ft lends, who aroused suspicion and oq Java, lie .-’aid. lilorks Consideration ! the place of a single fixture sever­ Navy said. Dead aboard the Pollux jured. ters on Mi^in street. The VaJvdllno , i n T z A r l - l V dissension among the people of Never before has there been a time when things of value Between 8:00 P. m. and 9:00 P. M. Wednesday, ly, oiler, of New, Orleans, and "This lime the'Crfn.y hniad- al are being set up. Thus have were 1 officer and 91 men. It was the first attack upon Oil CJompany team has a slight o W OI II 111 1 O IU Y Jose Fernandez, a fireman, whose America. rastine station- .-.peak the truth Of Pension Repeal | they answered the question of how The Truxton was the same type United States soil in this war, al­ lead over Hose Co. 1, 13 points, and address was unknown. 4\ III Be Brought to Book such as bonds, deeds, wills and heirlooms so surely need the the niomei.t appri'aclies when th- a giant center section that has to of old destroyer as the Reuben though Japanese submarines off Is out to keep its edge in the sec- | "At the bar of history the.v will W i.iliington. Fob. 24 - .-Pi—Rep. be- absolutely true could be put The others, Herman Htlker. Hartford. Feb. 21 oT -Jn the . all-o,it attack wiil be ia'jn. h.e'i on | .M J. K''.IiC'iy 'D , N.A'.l, James which was torpedoed and the Pacific coast and German sub- ond round play. he brought to book for the thous­ into mass production. messman of Houston. Texas, and first wartinio naturaliznlion ses­ protection of our our main i.-lari't blink--I ii;.i;.i'll.itc rbn.siilei'Btion in sunk in the North Atlantic off marinea off the Atlantic have sunk ands of lives, for the billions of February 25th, The Town of Manchester .eituat •' 1, A Production Problem Iceland with the liass of 100 offi­ Phil Dancereaux. me.ssman of Mrs. Stephen MaroU of Aspen. sion at the Federal building 2-'>0 ti,i H'. t . biy’ of legislation , to some ships and damaced others. aliens received American citizen­ treasure, for the months of agony I'.'it- ti-.r To Henry Ford, who built big cers and men last fall. New Orleans, were missing snd Colorado, is visiting her parents. tiU'ly 'I I'l'i'i I'l pi -.sii'r..' for ' ongressnien. Once before, in the World War. ship today, and were reminded which the delay they have caused tn-motored transport planes more The normal complement of the believed drowned. Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Nyman of out»*r l‘MttlV,L' H K' r.' • la'cr explained that he a German submarine disguised as that the cilizen's dulx Is to sup­ will cost u s" ’• ':p than a decade ago and not infre­ Pollux, a new 8.085-ton merchant The 28 survivors were warmly ftrom;'y -';perii III,;. (i.i three reasons: One, a freighter, shelled the mainland Woodbrldge street.' port the government "in it.s ef­ Stale Treasurer Frank M. An- J r.M V'lll ho quently mentions the fact that vessel which had lieen taken over received at an unidentified com­ Will Hold An Air Raid Drill: the Dutch ! 'T' ' that '.a wa.s in favor of the pen- in an attack on a tug and a string fort which we know will be siie- astasio. toastmaster and director Safe Deposit Vault some of them still are in use haul­ munity. where residents provided much ivaU’ «h.rt J: s.'i:,' (wo. that Ihi-ie were se.iar- by the Navy only last- year, was The office of the tax collector of the dinner, which had the spon­ ing freight in South America, them with sandwiches, coffee, of Orleans, Mass. Only cesful.” •*\Vf fR’-< t'’*’ i-< •:r.\v ,ii' I'l'ial n.'-is .ii-,- pending and not given. casualty . was a helmsman, who will be open Thursday evening this Judge J. Joseph Smitli added, sorship of the Democratic State mass output of the bombers is Disclosure of tl)o loss o< the whiskey and warm, dry clothing. opcra’j'rf s V, !th * %'*■ a»-,. (liar Hii q .i- 'tion .should )>e ai ted lost part of a hand. week until 9 p. m. for the con­ however, that "that effogt will Central committee. Introduced 1. THE AIR RAID ALARM AND RECALL WILL SOUND. will Ih ' ’ft the just a production problem. "Once venience of taxpayers and on Sat­ Hurlev ns the "present governor ';|- n :;ide[ien'.k-ntly. and third, that we get the first one right, the First SheU at 7:10 only be aucce.ssful if we all give Be smart and get protection now tor your valuables hol'lin;: .t trair^t-uu,:-^- tb" [ roi (-l ire rqiggesled would not Witnesses said the first shell urday until 5 p. m. our support," The jurist address­ nnil the next governor" which rest will come easy." he m ain­ brought applause. j«iliorv. arc < -’rv • I’ti"’’ (.ermit f.ili explanation of a mem­ was fired a t 7:10 p. ra. (10 10 p. ed a group of petitioners made up 2. THERE WILL BE NO BLACKOUT. have ri-mt tn tiavc a tains. Other speakers included Mayor against air raids and the resultant damage that can he ber .s I'lisiruin. Making sure that the first one m., e. w. t.) and that the attack largely of women, in the Unltfd of pnnmo.’'.s. h^th.-rt"'CAn. Hospital Notes John \V Murphy of New Ha\Vn, Tile objertion furct-il administra- would be right has been the re­ continued until 7:35 p. m. twi­ States District Court, declaring: “A ’vill f<*! olTcn.-xivt fjH’rh- Form er Gov. Wilbur L. Cross, and wrought by fire and explosion. ti'iii leaders to_go to the P-ules sponsibility of the score of en­ light. The coast was blacked out "You have sought the chance to 3. THE PUBLIC IS REQyESTED TO CO-OPERATE. .tlonw nuiHt u) us to pi.-ti . N'l one doul-led the repealer PAST BY BUYISKS BONOS. serve the rights we cherish." V? ing and forging that went into AMO ASSISTING THg RED southern California. The all clear Mrs. Caroline Cordner, Tal'cott- that the Japanese hatl '-n rrun would when it came to a vote. Discussing both right-s and Motorists Told the bombers and then brought CROSS AND CIVILIAN ' was given at 12:12 a. m., (3:12 a. vllle: Mrs. Constance Royal, Bos­ (b) REMAIN INDOORS. part of Bah. the ta^t nt Java. H"U.S" members had expected to duties of Americans the jurist bark manufacturing equipment OFFENSE COMMITTEES , ton; Mrs. Corrine Hightower. Bos­ f'Cctipyutp the airport of D'-npa^a’ vote t .dav j .m.. e. w. t.i " pointed out that "we do not. usu­ for reproduction here. 'N EVER’/ WAXf POSSIBLE.' ton;. Robert Hoffman, Roxbury. T o U se C aiitioii (c) RED FLARES WILL BE LIGHTED TO SIMULATE BOMBS. on the Roiithrastrrv p4vt ot the Several flares were sighted just ally. think enough of the duties When the big factorj', destined off the coast during the blackout. Mass.; Harry Flavell. 86 Hamlin iMand only 70 mile.« the to revolutionize the aircraft in- .•.—T h en *V* will that go with citizenship." nearest joint In Java. j REALLY MEAN Police at Ventura, 27 milea south atreet. The oath of allegiance in this Hartford, Feb. 24.—(/Fi- State KEEP AWAY FROM THEM. •dustry attains peak production it Admitted fxiay — Mrs. Mary To the west oi Java ot. Sun i* Fulilic Kecords of here, presumed they were drop- first session in foui months, and police today warned motoriata will employ between 80.000 and VICTORY/ Then, 60 Norman atreet: John Ira. the Dutoh and their Allies are | I ped by U. S. airplanes searching the first since war was declared, driving .on the highways of the KXI OOO persons, perhaps 20,000 of Stetson, Buckland; Arthur Wade. (d) OBEY INSTRUCTIONS OF WARDENS. ALL WARDENS flfhUnj? delaying .actions a^alnat j whom will be women. Already a fsaNto) I for the submarine. However. Army was administered by a deputy atate ro use caution, stating that t B e 120 South Main street. the Japane»e. it wa-* r''porteJ. j Marriage Intentions small class of women trainees is officials gave no information re-: clerk of the court. Mrs. Mary Hec­ last night's short snow flurry had WILL WEAR WHITE ARM BANDS WITH LETTERS C. D. Applif atiuns tor -m am age U- carding the fiarea or whether Birth today—A son to Mr. and tor. loft roads in several areas icy. receiving dally instruction within Mrs. Richard McLagen of 25 cpjisis '.vere 'iieiirt l*ieks Lot’ks tn. maimlei of 1942. exclusive of mili­ supplies for the ultimate grand of­ pelled to yield ground, but we will Program Awaits Only ment and bringing itiissias frien.l regain it We and the other , "tips Before Teeing Off. tary an.l Naval material which India responsible Ualav for opera­ fensives of the United Nation.', to for the Next Class. Coach Praises Sir Stallord frijips, into the I llandeiiiTs and Jumps. Itnited Nations are committed to Nod from Roosevelt; would lie provided for in the .Army tions in Burma. iiKlienting that the The president's voice was .sharii New Yorker cabinet. the destruction of the militarism In the lob IV, members generally and Navy approjiriations. st'eaUy advance of the Japanese as he stressed the two words "uii- ^ Only three more volunteers ar« Nelson to Aeeept Lead­ ' Hartford, Feb 24 -P Kdwaro We are indicated Ih.-v were prepared to He said virtually all of $12.9R,a.- liad made the defense of the two interrupted production"-■ altiiougli . of Japan anil Germany needed to complete the quota of 18 Warmerdam As I Kuzmak, 2!l, tieiiig taken from the ood.dOd previously appiopriatcd strength. When The “Priorities Pinch” Finds You Down To Your Last Ball give Churchill s "new team a great British possessions a single he maile no specitic mention id i daily increasing our nurses'-aides at the Memorial Hos* Not Worried ership in (.ampaign. ■ county jail to the loim tv court !■>- for lend-lease hail been alloealed the .series of work .stoppage.' | Soon, we and not our enemies, will chance. 'military problem pltal. Fifteen have already signed Kxpre.ssinjJ iegret at the loss to (lay foi trial on ihaiyes of theft, ' loi pi oeui einent. j An annouiicerneiit in New- Delhi which, for various rea.sons. lialled i have the offensive: w.e, not they, up for the 80-hour course, and are Willing Pupil WaHhingtoii, Fob 24 -r N'ar the governim-ut of Chill chill's "lol- ni.ide a dram.itic ' tint shortdived said the India coniniandor. Gen. war production m sonic mdiistiicSi w'lll win the final battles; and we, waiting, ready to begin training Over Finish production officialfi have .lecidr.l leagues who it'adily placed their esi ape Sir Alan Fleming Hartley, had as­ yesterday. ' "dt they, will make the final and service as soon as the trio U on a pn'motlon campaign to spe.-d resignations " .n his hands in order Kuzmak, han itjiffed to t'.to Jap Planes sumed direction of the liitteily- Mr. Roose.elt was unaware of peace " •secured. The time for beginning Flint Hanner Refuses other prisouers, 'vas ridmi: m the eontested campaign in which the the CTallfornia coast bombardment , As proof of increasing strength, Colored Fighter Carrie* Aiiiprica’s amis output by making to facilitate the changes of the the course has been extended to past week, the spokesman de- hack .seat .>f an autoniohile la mg Japanese arc approaching Ran- while he delivered his 35-miiuite ; he reported that a careful survey March 3. Much Credit; Gaims workers teols thi'ii* miportiinco driven tiy Deputy Sheiiff William Raid Papua: radio address to the nation and to | of war production .satisfied him Weight Advantage in cl. red giKin and the railw’ay that feeds It may surprise some people to Record Holder Would and responsibiMty in the uar. They had, ..f course, no greater 1 Fianshurv, Depute SheiiT Ad .lph the Burma road. much of the world, but he said i that the nation would attain the know that those who w-ere injured Brawl Tonight; Few It was leainc'i that the pro­ share of r.'SjKinsibility than the Viets was in the front seat witti Drop Bonilis The shift in command was .'aid early in his talk that the batlle'l 1942 goals he set on Jan. 6 when (theoretically) in the last air raid ahead was 'warfare in terms of , he called for 60.000 45,000 Always Keep Trying. gram await.' only th.' noii from | rest of the .•oimini.'traUonnistration min the p'lan.sliuiw. to have been one le.'ult of the visit drill, tould not have been taken Select Blcvcle Rider. disaaters wnirh have fallen on u.. When the . ai halle.l at a Ir.affK to India of China's generalissimo, every continent, every i.sland. cv- tanks; 20,000 anti-aircraft guns, care of at the hospital because of rresidont Kooacyclt ani th..t War (tbntlniied from Page One) ei-y sea every air-lane in tlic ; and 8,000,000 tons of shipping. By Norman Bell in the Far Ka.'l " light Kuzmak ,'nl,', opet,. .1 tlie t.’hiang Kai-Shek. the full census at that institution, By Wd re($*r Production Director Donald -M More Teii«ady Braced tiroup do..r and le.ipe.f out It develo|ied The Jap.anese have thrown fresh \yorld '' Three High Purposes Set and emergency hospitals -would Fresno, Calif., Feb. 24—(/Tj—The Nelson would accept Icadcr.slnp m plane.' drojiped bombs oil vari- C l*'I land, Feb 2.5 — pT' — The -Spokesman said he was .siiie Jati i lliat to pu ke.l ilie I... k troops into a mounting Burma of­ Not I niliily Surprised For all .Americans, the President have had to be u.sed. There are not coach who dug Cornelius Warmer, nii.s p.irts Ot the . ity Soim budd­ the campaign the government "had achieved a of the hand. .IT w.lli a poi e of fensive which has driven the Biit- The c-apifii was not unduly siir- ' ."‘‘I Ihcsr three high purposes in enough registered nurses available Touching off a new skyrocket on As tentatively outlii.-d these ings \ceie ilanuiged but no vital dam out of a California spinach more tenselv ioaced and eontaind wire ish back upon the Sittang river. pnst'U to learn of the Ixinibaicl- clTorl. and the need for these nurses aides the fanciest fi*tie. firework# Cleve­ points were hit. the communique 1 We shall not slop work for patch and boosted him toward un­ are its mam features. admmistlation to mesd the new FUiishui.N rcmameil wph tl.e List natural barrier guarding the n.ent- indeed the likeUhcxrd of IS urgent, especially at emergency land ha* enjuvd in II yeafi. s 1. Special recognition foi mcri- s.t m1 believable pole-vaulting heights dangers and ilifflenities coming I I ther tw.i pii-oiieis, and \'i. Is Rangoaator for government t\\ u'c within le.s.s ttian I Kuzmak the deput\' sheritf o\ci- sumably Japanese forces freed by nese submarines appeared off the outlay for uniforms or ether equip­ tlielr ten-round braw! tonight instead of on "speed-ups" which planes w hu h attempted tu head the war Is won. snumlng wlUlngnesa to listen. a week first in "streamlining" I took the ptis.'mer and ..iptun'.l the fall of Singapore now have I’acifie coast ment. deterring them from signing would re.sult in fatigue and re- them oif Australian airmen ear­ “ 2 We shall not demand special Jeam and try. and try again . . About the *anie lime Promoter the wai I alimet. with the Im hi- joine.l the inva.'pm of Burma. The immed'ate reaction was that up. it may be stated that the Red Bob Briekman predicted a aellout jeeted war materials: ' him, ned out luiollier .ittio k yestirdav gains or special privileges or ad­ Those are the words of John sioh '■! .‘^u .diaffoid Cripps, and I Shows llovr He l*iek*' ^ Kuzmak alh gedlv di in­ 111 the haibor. the R. A F. an- "3. We shall give up conven­ And Hanner mig:ht qualify as an rearguard action, the British now- tal terror, they would have the op­ Mis.s Marion Tinker would like to Max Sehmeiing ancl Voting Strib- to C p r e s e n l Navy award of the j and Sir James Drigg was named ^ ^ llouiued toiliiy. iences and modify the routine of expert on champions In anybody’s war minister hold positions within 25 miles of posite effect of making the people hear as soon as possible from ling held thru- u # iu back in '31, "E" flag for excellence to ahead- ■ wa^ minus ei ^^^^ ^ ^ ^ j p„ g..,, ,h,. i,,ck Sl'mi-offieiiil sourres declared our lives if our country asks us to league The spokesman .said Capt the railway town of Pegu and fighting mad. young women who will volunteer the Chicago hoys blew in with ' > Kuzmak was an esli'.l last De- that the raid, which was pressed do .so We will do it cheerfully, re­ Since he came to Fresno state of-sehedule shipyards; ver I.yttelton n'-w ly-named miii- within 70 iniles of Rangoon itself, A n i a 'ighting mad people, for nurses' aides. She may be large parl( ge.s of ram to back 3. Trips for foremen ami woik- 'irmtier f*n two c ui.ts of hiiakiug home just before dawn in highly membering that the common en­ in the fall of 1925 Hanner has istei of 'tale in rharge of produc­ uiila\or.ible weather, was execut­ which lies to the .southwest aroiiml many thouglit.. would at once reached at the Y.M.C.A. dial 7206. i-""; -yk-'-e-;- Franklin and .sen'1 Uie odflr sky er.s to summer Army maneuvers land entriin.; .ami Iwu inunls "I emy seeks to destroy every homo turned out three champions be­ high tions m the war eahinet. .'cn'ii ed hv one ot till heaiiest .fonua- the head of the Gulf of Martaban to the "prodigous effort" to which sides Warmerdam, the mo.'i as­ to .permit them to see the actual 'theft.He was lucusi.i ..t taking ami every freedom in every part Ii' (ontra.Ht to the ,5 to p pnr» would return finm Cairo to as­ ' tioiis the Aiistralian.s had thus tar I The all-lndia radio broadcast President Roo.sevelt summoned the tonishing of them all. I Operation of the tank5. half­ u ...V,, 1.. .part in a fui- 'oat lolibcrv at of our land" • ! Geriiiaiis (Jaiin sume "a.s has sphere the wtiule ,i , . , . hurled at .lapanese buses in the an R F. communique from United States last night, ’ The three are; Wa.ller Marty, quoted yeuerday. the 2l-y*ar old tracks, guns and truck.s so that ! . . . . I Hiiiwn rhnm.Mm s stur, here, nf a Derides .Axis |»ro|>agandlsts | with Kails getting sc •are, Joe Lucky to get on" of the very And now Joe tee.s off That rope’ .I".'s i". tl’i' I' ((.-isn't ,-i sailor who tt"d This time the pill really Is lost in the rough Cli-vcland k.iyo sperialist wa# h#ld question/ prodiirtion in all its .Uoutliw fst Ihieifie Ftiingoiin reporting attacks by I "Tlie tiusk that we .-American.' who In 1934 high jumped Indoor.' they can vi.sualize field conditions lioblup at tempt at t tu- He'.v.i i d The President \mentioned the j Duffer keejes ills one. ; dummy lie's gft pill all tu-rl up an.I .at­ Th-al's when the -oomes in handy. He ■at 2 to 5 at weighing Ume. and the The Austral.alls lost one plane American volunteer and British ' now fare will test us to the utter­ 8 Ships Sunk 6 feet 8 7-8 Inches and outdoors 6 ind only few caddies left, he burdens him 'Iv knot, 'o iqi >, ii". gfx\s our and shape their work accordingly aspec ts ' Johns, n le.'ta'ii int in W.-theis- ".aplendid counter-offensive " of the i tached .at th" other end to hl.s -Aiii.'t Tlicii, puts through an .SOS to his chums at the 19th forer.ast wfs that h" d be 1 to 4 To Scrap Siippl.x S«'t-t p 111 till- r.iid. lull shot down one. filers against Japanese land an.l most." the 'Ximmander-in-chief de- ' feet 9 1-8 Inches to halter the then club-scarred pill ur.-|.>r 1 ork an'l with ro]->f and portable telephone a'hlete, who i' more worried 4. Reports by commanders at held in De. emtlel. a the^t of .4 1 200 Riis.smns as essentiaK to United no matter where he .'marks it. he . an jii.'t fol­ hole, none of who will res|>ond Moral .Sher­ ur therrahout.s when tlie gun goes .lapamse lighter and [irobably de- air forces Four enemy planes were dared "Never before have we had exusting records; Elroy Robinson, the fighting fronts on exceptional He assertecl that the whole Nations strategy, and clyridetl Axis key when not in us-- which will come in handv. low the line. Hiioiit 'h.- h.-dl than a peii^JIy. man wa.' rlzht. off at 10:30 p. m. fe.w.t i In the from the ip .siepteinbei Stioyid two otlieis. a eoniniuiii- destroyed on the ground, with no (Continued from PAge One) performancOsS of planes, vehicles previous supfily sel-iip. under -so little time in which to do so propagandists who have^-said that a 1937 Fresno star, who still holds .spacious C-veland Arena 194 1. ami Ihi ft of J9d0 from a qlie .said ’ loss to the attackers, the com- ' much." the officially recognlzeel world.' and weapons in actual combat which Lord Beaverhrfcok a.s min­ the are finished OTd that If the song th* ca»h registsrs Howaid .luhn.Hoii I est aurant riie Japanese occupied Rabaul, muniqiic said, credited with shooting down four records In the S8fi-yard. these reports would be relayed, ister of war .production was sub­ Sonilier And Eneuuruging the Russians and Chinese were are singing Is any indication, tha \V.allingf..rd. which IS sit lilted in the Bismarck It appeared probable that north British planes in dog fights over yard and SOO-meter nins, and with public commendations, to the ject to certain limitations, was The presid- nt s had both Two Red Sox Grid Plavers Arena btan'Ia a very goed ebande ari hipelago alsnil .iMlO miles noith- of Pegu, already bombed several about til quit. the island. Charley Caster, member of the Hark — The plants which contributed the nm- being seiapped for a new one a .somber side and an encouraging ^ “The Briti.'h and the Ru.'Msn Big League * of coming apart at the seams be­ .-a.'l of the lip of A'l.stralia, on times by the Japanese tlie Ran- 1980 world's champion shuttle tericl. as an incentive to build He said Churchill shortly would side. people have known the full fuV^- Sports Roundup fore sll of Gus Fan’s relative# i#m Leiid-L<*ase Plan goon-Mandalay-Uashio railway line h'lPdle relay team more and better weapons of the siitimit a .scheme on [lostwar. re­ The Axis he reported, wa-s ex­ of Nazi on.'laught ' he said. \ Desert Patrols Rout Players Not Herald Angle Meet Demands their way in. Not since Schmcllng .Allied Shliipliig .Atla<-ked now might come under direct artil- “Don’t forget," Hanner says •type, and as a standard for com­ construction Chun hill's new erting every ounce of strength. -•There have been times when put Strlbling sway in 16 round# pli nes were rc|ioi ted , li-rv hre From a point 50 miles ^mall Axis Parties “to mention Henry T Anderson." Camp Notes petitors to meet. war eahinet setup, he asserted jVgretMUcnl MatU* ' striving time, in a supreme . the fate of London and Moscow By Hugh Fullerton, Jr. (*/week. Ralph Thornton. 17- TwI Lragim have the local# seen anything Ilk# to have atta ked Allied shipping northeast of Pegu, the railroad fol- Xfairo, Egypt. Feb. 24—(T’l- Anderson, former University ot Yet in Fold New Y'ork. Feb 24 — -P -Base­ ,\pproved by L.abor I.eaders hears “a fairly elose resemhlam e " I effort to do.-i'roy the line.' of com- I wa.s in serious doubt But there year-old Keokuk. Ia , yo ing.'tor This year mirks the ninth suc- For Training it. If Promoter’# fore­ in the .-4eii if ITmor yesterday, but lows the valley of the Sittang and British desert patrols scouting California athlete, coaehed W ar­ ball's f.arm .«y.'t"m is moving into who i.s fighting in the (.hicago cast# come anywhere clo#e to hit­ It was understood the program j to that by which Lloyd George (Coiitlniied from Page One) fur rtl) mile' north to I'vmmana ,■ miiniCations “linking imniK cuethe Unitedv mn-o :| never the slightest question ^ By The .\ssociated Press ers.'ive season for the local ' already has received approval of .aucressfully cUreetecl Britain s Uu- comiminiqiie said the results Axis po.aitions southwest and south merdam at Hanford high school the fight racket. . . Nothing like Gloves tournam.enl, (vants 'o pe a ting the nail on the heaid. th# tun# never runs more than 10 miles west . Nations, so that the Allies would that either the or the Ru.s- , before the latter came to Fresno St Petersburg. Fla., Feb. 24.— League and there are pnssihiliUcs .high labor quarters .This was said | efforts in the la-t war weic imcertain. of Tnihpi ro-jted small enemy par- -Mike Ryha uiid Frankie the Cards' ch.ain gang, of course, major Ivag-ae lirzl ba.'eri'.an and will be somewhat sweet#r tb#n posed Anglo-.Xmcricari post-^^ar of the liver it.self -t-he u - o l a t e d a id t h e n • onqiiered one | ^j^ns would yield. A n d today all' State in 1934. Traveling Secretary Leo Ward of that could I-; developed into mak­ I Strict Hisciplinc on to have been a delicate point be- the last two months there Army .Minister Francis Forde. by one | j^e United Nations .salute the su- j ttr» tod but Tommy Dio, manager of Maxie ha.s been invUod to altend one of th# one Joe Louis sang in thi# vi­ I fconomic imiirovcnuiils were The rail line lo.'t much of its Hanner is a Stanford man, the the St. Louis Cardinals wa* hang­ ing a lot of youne*tors better ball cause T>f labor's suspicion of any- | has pecn a most serious increase meanwhile. announced that a The United Nation.' had been j porb Russian .Army as it ccle- | The ^ BrlY^sh ^ reconnaissance south Pytlak -Apparently Not Berger, keeps about 100 would-be the Dodgers' tryout camp.' Football Field Fits cinity the night he wound up and "open to pal tiripntioii by all other stralegir value when the fiow- of 1922 national intercollegiate and ing around today with hie fountain r-!a\er.«. Fex-, if any semi-pro thing smacking of "speed-up. " but in shipping In.s^cs, he *(l ' .sweeping inquiry had been ordered forced to vie'd ground and might ))rates the 24th anniversary of its j of El Mech i disclo.sed no changa I fighters under his eye by prorid- struck out Eddie Simms yalth one counti'ie.s of like mind" into all asper’ s of the two air raicLs | .supplies to Ciima over this rmiie A.A.U. javelin throwing chan.- Satisfied with Contracts pen filled, ready to do business .(•agiie.s in Connecticut, have had to have won approval because of He said m this diffniilt pe­ have to yield more, he acknowl- a.'.senibly in that area, an Army rommunl- j ing free gym facilities . Ho tells Today'* Guest New Duty in Army pitch half a dozen years b«ck. III di tail those objectives wen- Whu-h the liipi.nese launched last i virtually was suspende 1 last wei-s I pion. He coached a year at Peta- with pitchers Harry Gumbert. Max the long and ss good te.ani.' the emphasis on quality and im­ riod have other things to has been limping Boudreau say.' that for the first r.-ime-l Th- rob!' rol.'t'iii v !,. . r ''"cr.'.' Arena on H-(itf.ird I’.o.)-! ! 'h..n the average graduate,, ' son. who declared this to he the I j ed States t.i l ontiniie .supplying aid At Sydney .al.'o A W Coles, gandist.' claiming’ that Americans Atchi.son a green hand, regardless. He goee i flank the British left, where '"all pilots, whii h are now in .laily eon- . club at 14 feet. 7 7-8 Inches' nrouml with .a sore toe and toi.ay's time in .at least 20 years the Cleve­ ! Future Book . 1 pi'.n.i,-. .1- a I . -I ■I".- V. ir Tills writer ha.' ta.k.-.. 2 Tlirv hive beltei iiHual nation s "crucial year, and of \\ il- Cranboriie, w ho bt-i am. goveni- to Britain, and pi'ovided that the chairman of the War Damage are t(K) .'oft to fight Aviation Corp to ,the poet tonight riding on a , quirt " was refiorted. tact with the enemy in the South- lie didn't have enough speed he's due to greet the rne llcal ex­ land Indians will split their dailv Dwight ■ Dyke■’ 'he I. .'M.' Danna. Mel O'! ■ I'l'c!:- -.'i!. L '■' Vi.svusi I .about tlir’s im- recird.i "f publie rivic and mili­ Uam Batt. head of the Infer-Allied in th« House uf Lord-s British government winild supply romnu.'.'iiin. announced that per- The theme of the propaganda, B.slilwin C't ... winning streak of Un in a raw. I Theie was no eonfii mstion here ; -.vest Pari fir. then. " hanner explain# and adds. aminers for his Buffalo draft workouts during the first week Centralia illl.i High school iias- ,in-j tiivl has been hitting h- -d a:, ‘ ■■.er !)iv;'.s and he h.a.s promi«--.i tary service Supply Council, who .warned that week » lul shak»*up of th* this natior. with .-uch ' re< iiH'K-al .snp.' w |n rsonal property had he said last night, has been that B Sr O ...... Off hit most recent job ot work, of rp(iorts ot Japanese in ; Uiat Warmerdam gradually built board And if he salLsfles them, with cali8lh«nlcs and pepper games ketball star, has s.ored 2.389 I doip) .some snappv s'->;’ ’ira-> tiiat theri -'111 be pieiitof btg 3 The'- put the .'tamp of ap­ America has never fought a war declared that -Hi« Maj* s- aid and intormalion as it is m a been de.stroy.'d or damaged by en­ And thou.--and.' of .-Americans have considerable in- Be nil IX ...... against Gus Lesnevich, the styUah the wide della of the'l) 1 up his speed to make his astound­ he’ll Wind up In Class 1-A. for he In the forenoon and batting drills (ooints with three games to go be­ ■ short-topping aroun.l Ihe'.' I for the outdoor .aca-ac-n In proval on Ihe aport. Ninety.slx per ■which so easily could be. lost as Government welcome the me.s- position to gi\e emy action at Darwin would re­ I troops are today m that area en- | dustrial poever but arc too soft and Beth StI ...... stepper from the East rates no I river, west of Rangoon ing 1941 reco.'d of records 15 did not claim dependents when he after lunch fore he end* four years of high camp and the hoys think h" iii.-iv addition we were t> id that there rent would pla' again. 89 per cent Ihis one. The only way to gain i af Chiang Kai-Shek to the Britain agieed that it would ceive rompph-..atiori under the gov­ I gaged in Ofieratioris not only in the ! deeadent for war. Beth Stl Pf . . . worse than a 6 to 6 shot. feet. 5 3-4 inches filled out his questionalrc "Certainly no one can deny that 'chool C( Indian goverfimenl i not. witlnnil the consent ol the; ernment s damage insurance air but on the ground a.s well " I "From Berlin. Rome and Tokyo Borden ...... This department t/b# Bob ta Warmerdam has al?o gathered The .so.useful Ryba, a family- we ran stand some improvement bod for th '.se college scoring rec­ , rl'K sr. t make it on the nv-und -K'lvi'irs .-It the ,*\rcr.a n!'o t Football helped the majority ..can upon management, capital and "We are glad that there should iiresideiit, give away any defense (dan. Kui-Shek Returns I This was the first official In- I we have been described as a nation Can Pac ...... out-fumble Franklin and gallop to strength, he says, and Is now at man of almost 37 years, appear." in our hitting dejoartment.' com­ ords v.'Jien he g 't ' around to pop­ ; Th" names alw.-iv. get er- 1.: '.) get estahllshcd . ..labor for e^fort.s far above what be the closest uhderstanding lie- ; articles or information Iranslerred tmiation that a .sizeable vanguard j of weaklings playboys who Case 1 J. 1.1 . . \Mi> .Vo( Start Earlier? a ten-round decision. In spite ef the age for his athletic peak In no danger of being drafted. But mented the young chieftain ping at tl-i^em, ,Vnd Jlmmlr , nion.i 1' i-oiuing up .\,th a : t!-. Tc;i per rent were ele.-ted to they migl>t^"normally be pxpeftei) tween the Indian and Chinese .pro- | under the act. to anyone not an oi- From Fisit to India till an A E F was on the seem would hire soldiers, or Rus­ Cerro De F’ . . . Tile Hir.'raf . -'.orker* on the Lammln' Lem's record of 19 that probably has nothing to do Jinx Reis, who lanlv .an eiehtb grader fielding short-'top named Wi-l iMborary societies, which is a high­ to contribtite ple. Cliiang Kai-.Shek urged India fuer. em[iloye or agent ot the Admits Navy Chungking. Feb 24 iT -Chin- I action. sian soldiers, or Chinese soldiers Oics A Oh . I , nii'lnight shut have a real rom.- straight victories, the can of ether with his refusal to come to terms Havana —Freak accidents are at Western training school M."- G'ood, and Wilmir.rt'an 'Del ' hq.' er average than the student Ksily to rallv to the eniise of liberty and Britisli governmi'iit I esc Generalls.simo Chiang Kai-Shek I Turning to the debit side. Mr to do our fighting for us, " he said. Chrysler rlaiht The'- 'l.aim. to a man. that he parks in his right glove and He ha' been hanging around base­ causing some coneem among the comb. Ill , rang up M point.' in an I T. a w hole Three per rent are Dhi so do We. ■ s.aul Lord Cranlsirne. i I’ateiil figtits of .-Amein.ins .sir j has returned from his all-importF Roosevelt discussed the situation “ La-t them repeat that now! . .''cned a Ifi-vpnr-iald ppehor nanv-d I iric.'s th" bouts are .'t.irtcd at the l5-pdger.s First Alex intra-mural league game last i Hope d Beta Kappas, wbieh is twice the (Jiureliill Says ____ . 1 to be fully proteeted. ant visit to India, a government of the Philippines in terms that • la’t them tell that to General ' i- .1.1' llurly mniites earlier .sport:. The local larruper sang ' Col Gas A F.l roal-mining job in Delancey. Pa , K.ampouris, utility Infielder, suf peteinfige of the t"t 'l .aliirr.n' I The agreement cover.' all prop- i spokesman announced today, after left no room for optimism on the MaeArthur and his men. "■■V •(!ll not be able to alt"nd 'ullabiea (.o his last eight rivala ComI Iny Tr . which he never rogrtUed For fered a broken finger when a bat ■ ('! ! ui ri.J.. who btorke.l an.l I erty. servires. facilities and infor­ ,\geet them tell that to the Ma­ Eastman Kod . lieutenant a.s saying that anti-air- Pace by Takiug Three play (or g(K>d pay. he has been gallery and wa* hit in the eye by Paiil Krielicll. in uniform Bolo P.i ncli There has been *ome talk, about Irr.aeit-co'.onei in the .\rmy medi­ war rectinsti uetKin b* "we Brooke, and .M.-.'S Grace W. Wood. | ed today in .m offiiial re[iort. has been emphasized by the clos­ sity-that in even, of a full .seale rines! " : Elec Auto - L Rangers After diiiighti-r of .Mr and .Mrs. Arthur! i raft ammunition aboard his ship broadcasting all these y’ears As a piece of steel warmed up a pitcher on the *!ie Fairfield Griocers wanting a cal re'ei-ve r- rps who waa a mm- lannot hi- 'lire ns in th‘- last -.^ai Kdward R. SteUiniiis, Jr , the ing of Rangoon as the "feeder " ! .atftxQk on the islands hy Ja;ian, Gen E lc c ...... N’, Will- married on Sund.iy/] in the Pacific wa.s made in 1930 Games Last Night. a result, he now- i.s a bit l^llan t The fragment w-aa easily re­ side line »t Huggins Field A f ' nc'- with the p-'lish Ameri- .in.a. ba'ant in l'ai4-0.'' ssvs; "1 have that victfii v m.av r;. t ( onie ijuin lend-lease adniinistralor. sai.l in port for the Burma road. But Gen Foods and was only 30 per rent effcclive. 1 we shb(Hild fii-ht a delaying actinn about asking Tom YawkeyTo pay moved II is believed the sliver the eonclu.sion of practu'e, .an Dclawarr Srrt|)jMT llit>. ' wn ti'.all char.inTn.' Tb'.' '-..f- p" fc-'lonaltv irteres'ed in us iinexpertedlv FebuiaiA -!£(,..ja Putnam, by the le.'limony nude public the .-sen­ the spokesman reiterated attempting to retire slowly into alk Off JoIks Gen Mot . . . New lee Mark l ’.e\- Henry K Rnb-nson..,- Tla- Will «iet Full Information The Legion bowling team took him more for his fun. came from Ihe gun's barrel elderly , fan aerr-stod the old '■ It. • .. .11 he arr.ance-!. w.-' .Id hr -x-t. !!. ge pl.sier.' pi.a:-v ve.ars Fvfn witl'.oiit .'-onsational vn-- ate Appiopn.Ations Committee that China 18 self-sufficient in food, has , Bataan peninsula and t.'orregidoi. Heckcr Prod . From ,\iiy l*o>ilioii: iiiiilile an- lic.iig on P,i[ile\- Hill Blandy said that both he and three games from the Wethersfield Not Knees rateher on the fte!'i. asking; ' i h'-ie rim-on evc. t in loral bo..j. . r.d bsjieve mnst of tlieni were toiles. he .s-iggi-ste.) a .iici-c-.'ful during Ihe Imst 8'-^ months ot the enough clothing to get along, can i knew that the war as a Hudson Mot R, Nav.y .sk'ietaiy Knox were "veiw After 8 Hours team at Farr's Alleys last night Call The Cops Anaheim, Calif.—Connie .Mack ia ■ Mii.tcr.'.s your name'’ , -r- le* Both tcan'.s are readv row I'er.cfltird phv*ira!t\ and 'therwL'e ioiirliisloii of tin- -vai might romf- piiigram. suen aid averaged about manufacture her own light arms, fo„pht and Int Harv ...... Baniit-r (]rtnvtl. Musi .\veragr at L«49t .Mis.s Frances Dhertz. w as ti n- Uhl’v ' ’’ comiiari-isly roncCrned" over the reX and kept pace with the "ague lead, .knee-deep in infield problems for Kriehell told him. V | .ind unless there sd'r.e -infor- ■ f-s-t'-al! " „ , _ for the United Nation- thioiieh th< Sill.DUO,000 monthi ^n d ha?! a quantity, of hfhvv , ^ of attrition j ___ Int Nick ...... d. red a nu.seell.u-.elills Wei at in Dei ember and port and added. "I am not going to era. New Biilam. Ernie Wilkie Cheney. Wash , Feb. 23-Offi- his Athletics Catcher Franku "tvhat do you play” 'the ad­ Koryr'i- pl.a(ei- ag".'S fo-itbai! effe.-t.' of ntt I ition V ith $338 000,000 1 Wiipment waiting to bo shii>ped j^pan itscrf.., \Ve knew (Continued from Page One) ! Int Paper . . .. - c:- hi' b * I the arrar.g.'- • F'oiir (ioala P**r Game U;e h.itui "t .Mis.'. Janet Konai'ki. sto(i until I get full information copped three string honors with rials called 101 fouls in two games Hayes, third baseman Louis Blair dict wanted to know ! Ha.'tori '-eu .’4 - ’'V !!le I'";.. | "■;'«' r-'ich t.nie .vh'rb might •R unutd not ■ Wilmin ,’ton. Del. |!:-.e ertizen .' "-liibs’ Tbe'e frt’..w.' H> The .V."w»cuit€d Prc»g ed m.-'ii- fat.lily in. the' f urtf; or [irnaihing marriage to H.-'mld summer and operated with lend-i to hold open hearings at the re­ Philippines. A. Wilkie . . .. 102 99 90 291 Music For Miislal ' Stop Kidding, Ken "what tnxip I •tu-''e.« 'hail lbe\ wou', ! have hy soon as possible in order to carry “ Eight hours is a day’s work Loiew's in tile’ cight-rouii.l star Doul of a -J. r are t .ld ai •- de -lnring them- Wiih two s-xTing mark# already fifth ye-ai of the' if the Sau.iders of Fast Hartforil Ttie lease, had been extended "so 1 qoe^t of Knox himself Basle Strategy Not Revised E Ballste] ler 116 85 1.25 326 St. Petersburg. Fla.— Ken Sears, .leve'u'.B tiieir entire t‘n-( t'v ctass- easentia.1 but not bulky war mate­ under oiir agreement with Bethle­ Lorillard . . . boxing show \r be stage.! at-Fo.'t .'(’ive* in on anv sene.' talk'. I'rniM ••.stabli.'hed fhit. vear fhe New Allie, h-id m.irihi.i inl.i Koilin in '.viddirf will take (daci in .-Alinl. , that the bombers fifr our fighting | ’The greatest danger of the re­ 'Nothing that has ocenned in F. White ... 110 95 121 326 St. Louis, Feb. 23 Sam Brea- young catcher up from Newark of ■' nr!' rials," he added including medic.- ^^^ths has ca hem and the United SUtes gov­ Mont Ward . . Guard Hall tonight. B ;t there i* Yor'e R.angers set ou* tonight oB the first veai •Mis .Marg.iiet O Costello, port," the rear admiral said, "is u.ioil . F. (i^rvlnl .. 101 135 109 345 don. president o f . the St Louis the International League, swung a.'ked Joe McCartliy, rr,»nagi t of I' 'r ... a■ ha.'be.n charged tiirces, as well as thixse of our .Al­ nalvxal supplies •imrxUs.a in this category. x i x . * . ernment Starting Feb. 23, all men Nash - Kelv . . more th»n th" usual .amount of ( tlrls, \re $ on Bead.) ' r"f nf' >-[.t.- l an on Mor day ".'as a native of .‘south ica." put up by General MaeArthur has Totals .. . .534 529 577 1640 berth from Johnny Hopp "Which one of you is kidding? time. McC.arthy t('.ak a tat ar..l ■ -1 'i(. a >-)rr Pacific. I lower Burm^-no-w'fighting along 9! Any man who fails to comply Nat Dairy . . . • keep hUi s'a'c clean tJus time tenn..- M'It..- n.'t i,.i-.-e them nia , each of their r maiDing gainea and invit.ition to.yiin, '.he I’.im I.'- Wai ( 'ie r .t 1 V and a siste- of Dennis Repeatedly, Blandy emphasized magnificently exceeded the pre­ H’ethentfleld lined t'.vo over sv'.'onil bn.'e. .Vo; 1’ t--.» aa ■ .-'’ll-:•■ cca-hes Ive-nd-leasi- aid to the Free | the Sittang ^ v e r-c a n .look for Vi'ith this order is svibject to dls- Nat Distill . . . III some of .ii.i pieetding battles the I',. games. T..' w ipr out the *• .ason s #corU)g mark Council a -ipo- h i h Hn'- .1 at .1 I'orni iius O Rrii-n of this that all ammunitoin was tested at vious estimates of .'•ndiirance; and ...... 91 S3 81 257 flirc'-tcr*. ,'t.) irim bcaid- French and the Free Belgian.' i on- immediate reinMrcement from the eiplihar!^ action by Local No. 9.” N Y Central . Mad llu*.'ian f an't Hun I'.ir in p' of a .;7’ b .'tr-ighi ri(.n.-( r Gai.-i arc -i nnd 'lirr. 'f 171> k,-'*als /*• hv- the Biiston ale. Thi- Ni-th.'i' F. , ’ In.In- pl.oi regular intervals, and the Navy re­ he and his men are gaining eternal Lydlard . . . . 89 97 105 291 -id' r.' (r I pr- i .rers holfl. tnbiitcs to drotection of the route Chinese. He A^ld that Chinese beeline to Comment NY NH A H Avalon, t'aiif — Kiki Oiylcr. for­ c .riqiiest I’ep n.;iy i Tvi a non J -i.-i n-a,' 'n iir.der tb" s in whv U' Br'j'ns 'hc’.r op^>r.*nt» tonight, New- /,eal,. r, 1 .ml ■ a h..i a • .Mr ar-.d .Mr-’ Albert Wren h;i-.'e ceived no reports of its ineffective­ glory therefor" Hilliard • - 93 .114 92 299 mer Chicago (lutfielder ,ard no'v n « iV(c s* (;!' pt-'vng acro."»s Africa, he .'aid. Base.s in troops still were pouring into Bur­ Company officials declined to Nor Am Co . . Reds Take Big Chance a in g e r o u * - i - i ' t'ln' Wiilie Fo’.d' Infsies not get '- hiri'ir 'Iv ;j'29-t9.’-0 earupalgn aie •. pu-.i nte.i r thi p-.r- ri turned 'o thi.r tiome in Lisbon. Scotland and Northern Ireland. | ness. The president paid tribute not Menter . ... 109 126 84 319 coaeij. has been a.'.al"ncd the t,a.-k '•.-'! •■• ■- p rjc '' ing Center .Maine alt r spending | Any report which is based on age ma, but that none of them had comment. Packard . . .. Ol Dvlawarc Tiie, l.ttie o-anii'er gctbei y.'1'h tbci-n u.n this q .c.-t. '.il ra' u.’ o the W .iile H-.-pe Th. lioMoo te.air. ot that j^eer poses oi r. I oinn-.i : -liri. wai strat­ built with leasc-lend funds, are i only to MacArthui's men. but to Rafferty .. . 106 94 99 299 of teaching Lou Novikoff how to se\.-ral .l.i'.s at Mu iiome ot .Mr.' I of the ammunition! is untrue." reached the southern front so far. The union said Bethlehem sub­ Param Piet . . c,irii*'s con! -'.lied we..ti',.r..« en-a.'e.i . Both the nier's and the ra'.' n.iw.-ver, "(I'.Ie-'ted it* aggregate egy. he .11-1 I,lie.I tl,...' '-if we ran now available for American troops | the fighting forces of the United rub in.stead of waddle. '■■■“"■■tl all never made a I'aiik Wren s si.-i. r and brolher-in-la'.c, he said at one point, after doclar- The Chinese press reported that stituted two 10-hour shifts daily Penn R R . . .. With Untested Player .in le.ither Ihit have 'iedt -nit nng i .(.h '.il.l ['u! . .0 a sho-.\. in 11 game# ;r contreat to Ute 49 look foiwar.l .oto'.s' 'i.i- r'.,i'ial in that part ot the worid, the ad- | Nations in China.- in Burma and Total# ., . . . 488 516 462 146J “ He'throws all his effort* to the ■ ■ en.oineer husines.a exec- .Mr .ind .Mis .Inhn .1 (.'urnmisk ing that the Navy had tested some within the last few days a large for three sifts on which the men Pepsi-Cola Icx'.'es to m.iiiy nn advi r.'ar\ E\erv Day's B est Bet :'ive, dirtor or a rr'l'^e professor g.imcs that corr.prts" the 1941-1943 setback- mihi- .l.-ipai mteied 'h'- miDistralor added i in the Indies. sides when he runs instead of .At a u.eetuig of Hu- Covenliy ammunition in storage since 1920 motorized force of Chinese veter­ worked 8 hours daytime. 7 1-2 Phelps Dodge R':>ach is lonfident he will .ar, i|> In the Human Rare Buy .schedule war v.i'iiin si.- m iv "rally that From March to the end of No- “They are making Japan pay SL Petersburg. Fla., Feb 24—bD ‘ vtlle in the Southern A*#oci-itiou reaching f o P A - . a p l with his leg*," -c;' of a loafer Cit.z.ns .-^il.isii Coinii iltee held in' r.o.u -..a.C l . lo ii.c — " - -’ "-lan d found it "slighllv better than ans had rolled through* Lashio, hours night and 7 hours on the Phil Pet ...... Fb-p's vactory string t' nipl;' He Deferu'e Bunds, The two mark! already set by our position l.a.s t.n n ■ r.' i ir."-.-It Pancho-Poucho in 1938 and went to spring-train­ moaned Kiki of the Mail Rus.'lan's \nd vice-versa t!..- N’'Ul!i C.'n,entry Commiimty vembi-r, lend-lease aid lolalled $1- i •• an increasingly terrible price for overnight, or swing period. All Pub Sve N J . . — It'a not often that a major r-memher.' i night h" fa. (d an­ fh» R-uigcr.' are the #ucc#Mv# improve.1 not only in '.hi- las' tw.i Burma road railhead 450. miles ing with the Dodgers as a first .'tiff-leg.gevelop terrific speed, says Scout Jolin.-Oii Groce;- .Alexander and a then- V . 11- (Okla.) Army Flying School,! * ^ 0 ! „ C . . : a ers and poison peddlers In otir ed at a meeting Sunday to limit Std Gas A E l ...... over the nng. "Dusty ' Brown and WaLson. It .1111, a rookie ptayiag of .staff, he ,*y ni he ha-l no inti-n- , mental defense appropriation. Segura—Pancho to his class­ Charley Grimm, Minneapolis pi­ first haaeman this year." calendar Ira Thoiiio.' of the Phil.".-lt-!,phia ore of other.' j,ri---i'-l 'll I tut.- qiiuriiin Lieut. Elton L. Clark of Manche.s-j / \ r i J l I P midst" for “damnable misstate­ their work to eight hours. Std on Cal ...... Ktnle Calhoun. hi# first major league game. Hub tioii of nia.iinp furte.r major The program wa.s de.signed, to mate# at the’University of Miami lot, told him last, summer “HaS-s Camilli signed and Hso# went Athletics to all youngster., who Boh Feller Thr.m.a.- h(!;eves is iih'-Tt luid ii(.[, ■■',1 -.1 ( r»- in.uli ter. Conn., was assigned to duty ~ ments’’ on American war losse.', Std on N J ...... Macay. who poked in the ISOth rhanges -slni-.- a few :nd"iserie- , by thi ihriiip. i.- tt,»- romrii.l ' "hind together into a united wliole — has blasted his way to the front 1* the o'g league prospect in back to Montreal. In mid-season'h to bc-come wanning major tile l.ast one (ontperable to the 'M ranger goal against CTucago Sun­ I this week as flight instructor. and he called attention to the Tex Ckimpany ...... tarirs may -le shifted, it was indi- ' I all the free people.s of the world Over Auto Sales ranks of the amsteum with a our league. ’ Taking the hint, Mc- he was traded to the Cardinals in ♦cag ie pitchers time greats ( III. .1. L .Srhwevi-r Lieutenant Clark’s duty will promptness with which Axis prop- See Local Pergoiis Timken Roll B ...... day night. rated | Mr ard .Mi.' AAalter D A’an I fighting or not - who are resisting * — — • —- •teaming, two-flsted forehand Kechnle made several trips to the deal that sent Joe Medwick Green to Face Hamilton H 1'eani "If you haven't an.v curve when Thomas is starting his 31st sea- While the .\#w Yorker# carry consist of teaching fledgling pilots seized on such .material Un CSirblde ...... Mlsaiun Not Mentioned .Arsitale att.ndid the marnagi of the Axis aggreixsion, " .Stettinius Hartford. Feb. 24—iJe*—Two au­ drive. American Association citle.s near to Flatbuah. Bv this time, he wa* you gel into the majors, don't .-aon with'the A's Jimmy Dykes, their scoring hopes Into the den to master powerful 450 horse- to encourage defeatism. Union Pac ...... He did not mention Generalis- Mil ir Mill I.i i ri.iid A’. A’an Arsdale | said. tomobile dealers argued In Su­ 111 Newsreel Crowd But grasping t)ie racquet with Cincinnati to sroiit Haas (oerson- a third baseman. But the Card* F. Chainpionts i>|.,vs Here worry We 11 teach you how to Cy Perkin.-*. Ai Elmmoni. and the Boston Brulna tSMgbt. the ; powered Basic Training planes. Mr. Roosevelt said that the con­ Unit Alrc ...... Ainio Chiang a mission to Jndia ■it ,N. .1 A'-.rk . -, .S.iturilay. to ; "Australia. New Zealand. Ihe perior Court today that the Capi­ both handfl caiiiied one difficulty— ally. .already had a good third sacker throw it. for that's the o.islest (Thick Galloway are a few of hi# Brooklyn Americana will be eater- ; Four men out of each class will sequences of the attack on Pearl. Unit Corp ...... The Indian question however .‘'■i.'-.m f \\'. !t.r-i (laughter of .Mr. Dutch Indies. China, India tol Motor Car Company had over­ when Segura made good hla first "He Impressed me very much," in the person of Jimmy Brown, part of the Job, " Thomas added discoveries-- and his baseball tainlng the Detroit Red Wings, was bnpught up immcliately in the I look to him for training in cross- charged them by a total of $125,- Harbor had been “wildly exagger­ A number of Manchester people Unit Gas Imp ...... The Manchester Green basket­ ir-iO .Air' |■r.,.|;l.' F. WoltCrs .1 r , ' and Burma are Americas front service and the return wsa to" his the Reds manager said. “He field­ so Bert wound up with the Co­ I The Citizen's club will play the Young America now i.s con- memory 1* wealthy. currently the toughaiK defanaive debate by baborite James Grif-, I country flying, night flying and 000. on 2,500 new automobiles. ated" In weird rumors of stagger­ who viewed the newsreel shown at US Rubber ...... ball team will face AI Howard's Ilf S-.i art hir.ore. Penn. Mr. Van; line in the Pacific, sustained in forehand he had to get rid of the ed well and hit bard. When I lumbus farm ciub. I Hamilton Propeller B team at the •Slimed with 11 (Ifsire to to*.' One of his most Vivid is of team tn the circuit. flths. who as.'erted the rountry ex­ acrobatics, afld at the end of each ing losses. the SUte Theater Sunday night U S Smelt ...... Ai.'daie iniidoyed at t-hi N. Y. | part by lend-lease aid. I The Hoffman Motor Car 0>m- ball remaining tn his left hand. - saw him, Columbus had lost six Pie Traynor. (firmer Pirate quintet Wednesday evening at Rfic this evening at 8:30 sharp. luTaking hook.s and dipi-'crs. he "Hatpin Herry” O Hagen, the Johnny Mowers. Rad Wing goal perts "the fftling a.'ide of all I nine weeks they will continue to pany. Inc., of Bloomfield, in one Cautioning the people against saw in the large crowd at the golf U S Steel ...... Hartford playing fhe preliminary off:i . r f the Hartford Accident I "In ihe next 10 months the lend- West Union,...... Mercer Beasley, inz^riiictor for straight games and Haas pulled manager, said “Haas will hit .300 Manager Stanley Backu.' i.s anx­ as.scrtcd, and that's why ■ big lli.'t baseman credited v.ith mak­ tender, has regained the foraa be VMted Intereata"’ and a " new ap­ j advanced schools where they will , suit, ijs asking $50,000 in damages, placing stock in unfounded gossip exhibition in Florida *’Spota’’ Zan- game to Savitt Gems and West ar.d Indemnity Company. lease administration hopes to pro­ West El A Mfg ....I... ■omc of the best tn the game, the club out ol its slump with his ot belter in the majors.” Bill ious to have all of hi* team on league pitcher.' qapable of win­ ing the second unassisted triple displayed last season and baa ptr- proach to India " receive their final training and if j *nd the General Auto Sales Corn- of this character, the chief execu­ lungo and Louis Cervlnl, of Oak Haven. The Hartford club re­ vide tremendous impetus to the Woolworth ...... watched the dark-haired Ecua­ good play.■■ Brandt, National League public­ hand tonight as plan* will be an­ ning 25 or more games are at a play In organized baseball. Tbom- mitted but one goal tn the taanfa Conservative Sir .ArihibsUl Twins Ne\rr Sr|iarated production abroad of military successful, will be commissioned pany of West Hartford, in another tive promised, that the country street, who are now in Florida. doran try to cram the extra ball So the Reds purchased Haas ity director, tabbed him as the cently won -the New England premium. For the greatest pros­ a* opposed him in the minofji last three gam#s, two of wUek Among those who saw the picture Elec Bond A Sh (Curb) nounced for a shot at th" town Southbv ref.'lrevl to the e.siape of weapon.' and to the general pre­ as second lieutenants in the Air suit, is asking $75,000. would be kept Informed on the Into the pocket of his well-cut from the Cardinals, who operate outstanding rookie third baseman i(eml-pro championship at Salem, title. pect.' are ruined before they reach "He was original If nothing were shutout#. Sunday night, but did not recog­ the German betUe'hqis tiiicLsen.-iii | Chiiago- 7*i—Ixiuis and Dennis paredness of these Allies. Corps Reserve. The Hoffman and General com­ trend of the war. flannels— sometimes dropping It the Oolumb'js club. Then they scheduled to receive a National j^a**.. .and are expected to give Coming to Mar.che.stcr for fhe the major.'. Their arms won’t take else." Thomas recalls. and Seharnhoral and Ueclareii. “the IwHimt-r. 'ju-yeat-old identical ' ’Trucks, road-building machin­ Lieutenant Clark took his pri­ panies allege that the Capitol “Your government,” he declared nize her husband, was Mrs. Zan- on tbs court. In toumamenta, sold Werber, and McKechnie an­ League tryout . this spring. Bill the Manchester team a real argu­ third time this year the propeller the continued strain. "He concealed a long hatpin in Dovldeff To Fly lungo. Several called her attention U."i«n of Brmt la that we should'twins from Hiu.-*hei, III., enlisted ery, locomotives. tracks, ties and mary training at, Okla., his company and the Auto Owners "has unmistakcable confidence in Curb Stocks I play u halted when a looaa ball ia nounced Hass would be the Reds’ McKechnie said hla with cash, ment. crew are anxious to win at lea.'t /'Kid pitcher# want to learn how­ his fielding mitt and when vxiu *'*f*?’ N a va l^ a ea as impreg- as aviation cadiLs with the hope so forth, will put their transporta­ basic at Brady, Tex., and his ad­ Finance fjbmpany. Inc., overcharg­ your ability to hear the worst, to the fact ao she saw the picture [rciiing about the plaarlng aurfaoa. third oacker in 1943. and (Cincinnati now owna Haaa. All of the local players are re­ one game here before the- .season to throw a 01116.'* even before they least expected It, he jabbed it into New Y’ork. rab. 31 OW »l» again last night at which time she from air attacks as the Ger- they both -oald fly in the Same tion facilities in fighting shape. vanced at kelly Field, Tex. Corn- ed them in “oiscounta, service and without flinching or losing heart. 1 Beaalav noted tha coofurton. Bad trial With Dodgers Thus H a u fibda himaalf prao- quested to report at tha East Side end*. Many of these players are can tod-lle," be w-ent on. In my vxvur #lde or leg. Y'ou'd j'lmp oO DsMdoff, guard, u tb« tMrfi V m recognized both the men. Mr. Zan- El Bond and S h ...... 1*4| mshs made Brest.'* airplane. Th ’y told the recruiting Radios, receiving sets and sending | missioned Feb. 14, he w as trans- freight chargos. retroactive re­ You must, in turn, haste complete land triad to figure out a eolutlOB. Haaa, whom full first nama la UeaUy assured of a regular Job Hec not laU r than 6;49. It ta youngster# who are just gatttng diy •■•e i-oungster* cc«neen»rate-l the beg e* If an electnc shock had York UnlvMvtty kialwtbiB lungo and Mr. Cervlnl are spending Niag Hud I t “.urchill taaa faring Commons officer they ntver have been aepa-' stations. telephones, and wire and i ferrerl immediately to acUve duty bates, accessory charges and other confldence that your government Ha talked it over with PhylUa Barthold, baa baan on tbs vsrga with the Rods without avsr hav* necessary that the Green reach a Uate of umi-pro competition on our fa»t one# “ b . you—and Hktpln Harry would uin of this Job taa the month of February In Florida. Pennroad ••ee*ee«*^eiee»b.& J -Jbr Ihr t'BM since makiar rated. electrical|^uiDment, will bolster | at this station. •tipulated Items.'’ ia kcejtKng nothing from you ex- •ad the remit was "PaB- ot haonintng a major Isaguar (or ing pulled on a Clacthaatt ipii' Hartford In Uma to drcM and be and art fast; clever but lack cage “Tbat’a the reuoiii Jby w bad put the ball OR you— and out you arm#d (drees. Ha Is le w ir H t tm Ha Mt JIT (PC NjMih- form. on th# fioor by 7:80. axperltnce. so many great pltchaik Uke Addle were” Na'val aviation at OpadackiK. View M AN’CH ESTSR E\T:N 1 N G h e r a l d , M ANCHESTER, CONN. TL'ESDAY. FERRl*ARY 2 1 . 1 9 1 3 M.ANCHESTEK EVENING HERALU, MANUliEbl EK, (J(JNN. 'iLESDAY, EEL-RUAR x' 2-1,1942 >AGE TWEL\^ PAGE THIRTEEN


- AN D N.ARtevOLV i S - f c H I S NOVO,. SO------U W h i t e ■ O f t v i V " IT, fOtt Sense and Nojrt^ense E S ( = A P C 6 U L A 1VI IIN 6 S I ZK.' RENT e d f b b u y H U Jimmy Johnson's Uad They Even Brag .Abouf^It Mketalne Oun Practics S A ii JliUii'.y Johnson's daddy is an a w ­ 4Vhen lovely w om an ^-sloops t o H e w as insanely jealous, and som e­ ful lot of fun, • w hat fond of strife; H e ’s a peacherino pitcher and can She w rites the t«i>^s in acts and He swore he'd shoot the rascals, Help Wanted— Female 3 : PlumhinR and Electrical Boarders Wanted 59-A Suburban for Rent 8li hit a real hom e run, . s c e n e s ; .6 that flirted,w ith his wife. Lost and Found 1 Auto Accessorifs—Tires 1 ■ I know m y dal could play as well, Published, it sqtfnds rather Jolly N o w she. w hile at the seaside, had Fixtures ,i2-.\ I FOR RE.NT .5 ROOM .'hnre Iron' but when I ask him to. In the coi> 2§ 8sian m agazines. m ade a host of friends. '( v a n i > t ; o ■ ( .AI’AM I.K w om an f'T F U R R E N T - T 4V O SIN-T.t.E fur UOSf— BLACK PURSE Monday W A.N TK D TO BI Y ii.-i-d Favor Lower Tax Rate li-.ii.s.-k- ' t" I. I H : : i O t o 4VE SELL D IR E fT to you. Buy nished nvim s, with nr wilhniit : m ttagr. (’olum bia Ua):*-, M ai.h He's always awful and got And vvha! you m ight call flirting, Main near c-omer of .and tuhr.a. A n y .■'ir.-, a!,)'' A barii^^r Bill, has m ote than a on Ti'l.i'h i'iiP 471M f o r here and save. 42" sirik and tray board. ,ilso garage. Phnne 4607. I lAt. to .Inly l 5t. runniJi^ v'. ti* r. som ething else to do. oh, well, that just depends. If found pleaae call ahlr tire.a BarlifTt Tiro ronip^rhy dozeivliair tonics basking on tpe "You'll never, never do it," she told Woodland. inti rvirvV, romljinatlon liO.2.') Five foot ! all convcnienre.ts. ensy to bent Tfjophono .*v40(, Jim m .x John.son's daddy knows a lltye' m arble shelf In front of his him w ith a .sob. S928. bathtub .423.4.4 Closet combina­ 1 Telephone 7932 Despite Budget Rises Wanted— Rooms— Board fi2 lot of dandy gam es. It would take m achirte-gun prac­ q i i a l i - W A r . T K I ' (iKNKKAi. iinrsE tion with ««'at $18 9.5. .Siip|ilv (bit-,, LOST—B e d c r o s s heavy can-lNKW TIKKS IF , I A n d he plays 'em w ith us fellers,, He says tiiey're good for dand­ tice to fit you for the job. ■ii 'in tn r'.a. I W i O k - o l . I ; u .,1 .'..ok ret.Tenecs. let, 11.50 Main .street, Martfor.l ' vaa llafr. fastened to a varnished fled f. .r a new . W AN TFP ROOM with private \N anted to Rent a.'id he,don't call Jim m y "Ja iu c ^. ruff. falling hair and otht i ailm ents e i R E N S T H - - SiZf'N. lo\S’ I F i l l A Chen.v T.d .M 29. .Splrrlinoii to Rc*COni“ work in this area where pole, w ith half of pole holder, 80 O a k l a n d f=U> fam ily, bu.sinesR .wertion of I’ll bet m y dad knj% vns things that' and oarl'crs and patrons suffer in Tw o colored gentlem en who had 2-2Y YOt.'.NG C O U P L E w.iuld bke ,3 . u - ! ■ o . - » a t -1 1 ts‘, , ffpU'ng more pay and during air raid test of last P'n- p r i c e . « . Rooms Without Board 5'.i (own. W rite B Rt* Urjiffl at fleeting Borne kids' duds seglh glad to have recommend* anything for grey w hy you s'pose them flies follow Praise (»iveii I'A N TI-'.I' S M A L L FU L.N I.-kll F D 1 G e o r g e H 4\’addell reported that ...... 'AN' WE'RE GONNA GIT W SOMEWHERE' Help Wanterl— .Male 3 t i a chance to plaY w ith boys, h a i r 7 us so close. r PARDON M E IP X GOT w h e r e Dio t h e "DINNER CALLJM .Announcements l-Kil ATF. rA B TY W .A.M'S 11I 3" apartm ent fur Iwo ulult.s, m uir the order had been placed for four A PATENT ON THESE .V SOMEWHERE FOH KKNT in PKIVATK fami­ A 22 null tax will be recom- A n d even wh,efi they’re rcadin’, "OriJji' respect, sir." the old boy M ose— Keep gallopin', nigger. OFF AT THE W RON® «TOP/ rontiay roaeh m .sedan in ;;ooii W A.NI'KI' .MEN FOR .shipping scven-and-one-half horse power MAJOR Find tuib WOULD BE A ( ly, heatcfl rf">m, ne.xt tn hhtl. bus line Tel. 3.517, r i f e i e n i e s they don'(-fnind a little noise. r e p l i e d . Th e m ain't flies. 'Them ’s buckshoLi S TIC K E R S .' WE'‘RE WAITIN’ I BACK IN OUR W O U LD LIKE TO TA K E care of eondilion w ith pood tin.-. To Roosevelt mendi'il by the B oard of Selectm en sirens to bo installed ir different BUT IS TU iS p l a c e a 6 R U A R E - R l G S E D and 'AMrehouse w ork .\pply 44a ' - mnllmK'US hot wat^‘r 172 Mnple f u r n L s h e d 1 II bet m y dad could beat 'em all. NOW FER t h ’ PEOPLE 1 FAMILY THERE'S) S E TTE R n a m e ' children in m y 'own home for .No dealers. W iite Box D, Herald. parts of the tow n to assist In giv­ BOARDING HOUSE OR A kin.s H r IS A l r c c t at the adJoiiiTied annual town if he Idst only knew Joe was shocked the other day Correct this .sentence: "Bill TO COME OUT AN' SELL A W EAK “ M O D EL CALUbKS FOR CLANCY,'' m othera w ho want defense work. ing air raid w a ning and that they V GV/WNASIUNA ? EYER V W A.N'd F P Tfi B rY 'o.sed rar.s A ny Upon Speeeli m eeting next .Mond.ay night. This H ow I miss him when he'.* busy at seeing Junior kick a little play­ hates this society stuff," said the E M OUR IDEA.' PEOPLE SPOT.' . KlM^ELP R i o t C A L L HE EATS MORE ■ For further information call K . M ' r r F R S 4\'\NTF 1> Goi.q pay. FOR HKNT —131 F A S T t%*nter. Wanted^— Real F.,sta(e would be te.Ilvered within n few nuKlel.s, fof ( a.-h. ha ve p.-od IS twii nulls Kss than was voted and got som ething to do. m ate and asked for the reason. wife, "and I w on't have him being T i m e x LOOK UP T EEft CUAMCV f ■***- X GET t h a n 2 - 0007. .ste.ady work. Appiv .Manchester large front heaii “1 T-ooin. on huM d a y s . WON’T STEAL TIRES J , | tire.s. Bat low S.ale.s Tel ■> -O ur sincere appreciation to Junior— I was tired of playing a m artyr for m y sake." a n o t h e r CAUUPLOV'JER AR O UN D INTTO FUNNY Knitlini; .4Iills. Te l 6.3f r t line. continum iK hot w ater, .ic.xt 4V ANTED TO HUY year. This rale is possible M ore Building x O F F A CAR WITH H O L E S G A R G A N T U A (< nntlniied from Pngr One) the unknow n author. and wanted him to go home. EAR.' . Y d O l t o h a t h . rixim .single b.nise ■ ir 111 r o n d i . I'Ven thiiiigh the board also will The Manchester Corporation, THAT IN n g i a i PUACEftjTbO, B U T T A N D K l S Autom obiles for Sale 1 4VANTKP FIR.-^T 'l.AS.k m - Jack— Then why didn't you ask A little boy wa.s saying his go- I pumhes The American people tion. Call 14 53 I i ciiriinien . an additional $l, 5. f K )0 developers of Pine Acres and Pine him to go hom e. 'EM.' Ke v e r e e e m t o TRAINER.' te n o r pfiin'er, foil n a r t t i m e First College President — How to-bed prayers In a very low voice. m ust w ake up tu a full realixation for .«( hnuls and night voted to Acres Terrace, having built ot Is religion progressing in your Junior — W hy, daddy, that M other— I can’t hear you, dear. RUN INTO TH E W E A R E S TILL payinp for llii.-^inyss StT> ices Offered l.'i P h o n e 1.504 Boarders Wanted .if)-A used cars. 1941 Pontia. Super of the .siiuation. M aybe if some lecornmend an additional $ 6,000 having under conslrucflijn in tl)^ s c h o o l 7 w ouldn't have been polite. Junior— I wasn't talking to you. FREAK-TENT l.NCO.MF. TA.X AlX X n'.N TlN i; part Ilf the Atlantic cnasl were ■Sunday, the Snvii-t t-uiiu .s.i'. 1, fur police. latter development 14.5 house.*-, atream liner. 4 door sedan, sni.ill ROOM .ANO ROARl' aincle 'T Second College President -G reat­ 6PECUMEN& Orilm .ti-y rc'lun'.? S 3 -Ml By .ip- shellfil. K.s ua.s the Pacifle. ve w hile Iroiip,. W ill- m .ii-I'l.i!!■ d fm last night preieiited a laybfi't of ly troubled by the H oly Rollers. m l l e a p e . 3.^ other elCah-nsed ears. .\riirles for Sale 1.1 double io..niB. shnwe^ family The rite is m ade pixs.sihle by :-T poinlm ont .(':ill ,3 l ( l s o t .492.1. wiiuld w ake up hele, too. the n e w lu w a ril .'^ir.nli n.-k. a further expansion of Pipe Acres First Gollege President -Holy HOLD EVERYTHING HOOPLE DOES.' Cole M otors 4164. jinvilege.a. Pljone 3.533 . the rolloction of about $. 30,000 I n l-OR SA LK MF..N' .s RF|lt'ILT .speaker R ayburn iD.. Tex i: It T h e .'8c,Viet Info rm atn'in ll'ir-.-a-: baek taxes and by the fact that Terrace. This will alloy for the Rollers! I never heard of their get­ Vvz FOR SALE ToTi CHKVBOLET ami rrlastrd .-hoes Belter than was a very frank and full report .said'sim ply: "O ur tro-ips engaged tl town has shown an increase in erection of about 100 ifiore house.a ting into a university. .Movinj;— iruckinj;— w4* 0, 2 door coach, radio, he.ater O"oA...( 7 etai I eta duplicating, vacuum cleaners etc A Fe.atnre of This Sale: The m eeting of thy .Selectmen ried him three years ago. j lOT CALL ''H' B y DrdAr of th** Rfferer in Repuliiii an Ix-aili r M .artin ot the while Id-sing a doxen of their ow n, | Salvation A rm y Citadel. I ContAcuttTA Davt -.. t eta;n ota overhauled. Braithw aite. 52 P e a r l I l:ist night lasted iin^i nearly m id- D o c t o r ' s 4Vifo— That's strange, i 1 O a y ...... hi etans eta House. II wa.s com forting to hear the Inform ation liurei-.u .s ud. ■Meeting of all Red Cross unil-s s t r e e t . ■THE .NF.4V YORKER Bankruptry I .^hflll 5* » l l « t I niglil as the bonrcL did not tran.s- 3 m positive it's the same suit i GET6 THt USUAL All #rdart for irregulai insertiuna the pre.sident give .aasuranee of Large-scale cm I' a.s lep,e ;- ici any hMsineipf' during the ad- at State Frade school at 7. A M D N O l e a k s e i t h e r •■tw GOING-OVER - w ill be charged at the one tim e rata. 3 A 4\'S SET AND FILED. CORD 3 Room t.bithi ...... $395 puhhr aut lion thp a.velA of prngic.s.s in ou r prisiuction efforts. ed continuing abivil Is niugi .id. of I^sident rfoosevelt, T o m o r r o w Spaclal raten for lonit term evary A ir Raid Drill 8 t o 9 . N o Black­ »**■ i»«i»'■** d*y advarttalng given uDf>r< request. wood saws gum med Ijiwn m ow­ A regular $49.5 4'alue. Save $100 Superiority in arm am ents can be w h ere fixed p.isitii n.s have li-stening to lus talk by radio. A t STORIES IN STAMPS Ada ordered before the nlrd or ers sharpened. Gencial grinding Living Kes'm Outfit eon.sists of the Norton nothing Com flany. H i hievcd by the great indiislrial been under fire of both .\rm v and the ennelusfon of the talk they o u t . Annual meeting, local chapter 0fth day will be charged «.>n(y for 15 years experience. Capitol I^rge Davenport—Lounge Chair m achine of Am erica an 1 w i t h m i - N a v y g u n s . took iipA the call for the special .saaereae# • 1 e v e ■ BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES The Home Front BY EDGAR MARTIN tba actual num ber of Hm et the ad ronatatinc of Aho 4>A and m en> Red Croas, Center ChurcJi Hous'. Grinding Com pany, 531 L y d a l l —Coffee Table-End Table — pi-rinritv'w e will w in the w ar. The 1.4 Stockholm di.-pat.-h li.liy l"wn m eeting to follow the ad- appeared, charging at the rata earn- 4 p . m , ad but ho allowance or refunds can street Phone l.amp Tabl. —Rndge Lamp— iiresidenfs assurance that we m ay from Berlin sai-i (leianan pa.i- jo-irrled m eeting next M nn- S o t CLssttD Trt BOOM /x g a i h ■ 7958 clnthinK - at. the, P 9 ' > H lday. Fob. 27 P o e . ,040 c o Q A t i .\ j l y j l '. vov.'. v js be made on lia time a ROOM- YOO V E K N V l t 1 0 0 » 5' T after the Pfth dav. Independent Suit Com pany bene, 4VA.\I'ED I'O TU N E repair and S120. Be .sure to see it. M ain Stre.’l. M anriio.^trr. on pleasing. His afipeal for unity and tim e in the m ■ tor in '•-lecial to w n r eetine eontains but To K HUSS .MOVE'S a . N t v x i 4T : N O N o “till forbids": display lines not fit entertainm ent for Red Croes regulate your piano or player The Modern Bedroom Consist .S.11 iifi' i will find a w hole-hcai ted an efii.rt to , he k il-.e L ; . , irs T \ ,o seefinns that rel.ate to ROOMER1ER? r M V K t O • o l d . H igh School hall a « o o T \ T - Th e Herald will not oe responsible piano Tel. M anchestci .5952 of Bed Chest Drv.sser or F e b r u a i W ’ 26t h . 1942 a t 3 p m . from the Am erican peo (N o ri\‘fgian siiiirce.s s.ii 1 - f f c n v 11, v. one the addilKm al .$15 000 Saturday, F>b. 28 for m ore than one Incorrect inser* V :in it\ C o d Spring- .Mattrew— pic .\s he well stated, tl.e w ar Germ an.* were , lacing ordeiy'^ in f'lr the SI hoeils am i the other $ 6, - A TWOE flOB of any advertiserntnt ordered 4Vaste Paper Pickup Day Sou'h TWW 4 0 U U Boudoir Chair 4'anity Lamp Set mu.-it go on until w e w in a com plete Norway for 500.UOn pairs i^^-k-.s OOU for polire. The other six .see- for m ore than one tinrif. Help Wanted— Female 3.'» The premises will be open of M iddle rurnpike. The Inadvertent om s»i >n of m - 44'* Radio- All this v i c t o r y . p re p a rin g in adv.tni e f, .r, fin it hei tii.ns ill n-l.'itt- to aecepting new Borreet publication of advertising Splendid Explanation Tneoday, .M arch 5 / X I • K it 11- ; C K 1) H O () K K F F 1 • F . K tor 4110. 18 months tVi pay. for inspe'Ticin 1 hour hefiire w inter of tigb.llng , n tyfe e.istern .-<1 r i - e t . s w ill be rectified only by cancellation f r o n t _ / Blackout Test f*t the charge made for aervice w anted to take rbargo of .fTi -e - Kitchen Onttit l on.sists of — .5 f'clegatc King iD . Hawaii i: A 1 l o L s t d i n e 4' . i n f r a c t P Set I tility Catu- the scheduled »»lc .splendid I'xplar.atm n of the gen Saturday March 14 r e n d e r e d . Must know shorth.and Tober 'Hie I'l.ntia, t for ga.sollhe fo r the *aTaaTee#TaeT#a - * ^ All advertlsem eots niu%i conform net Inshc.s—silverware Bengal era! a'rategy which shovdd go a Father and Son banquet, Em a n­ 1 c o s t m 2 SY NtA m vict. i n c t m s k ; u j s a t O f f 2 1 lla.-eball M fg. Co C p r i u n n s ('.Iftirn fir tl ( inung year was given again to in style, copy and typography with —All thl,-. foi $16.5. As a long way toward alleviating a uel Lutheran church. Jops' W orld W ar Prizes raguiAtlons enforced by the pubiisn* the Boland Oil f'om pary. Tliere Dance. American IJthuanlan s|iei u\l iiuldci m*nt during our H RICIIM A.N great deal of niisunderstaraling. “This i.s used in case of mliltralinis attacks in the rear!” •ra and thuy reserve the right to A tt a r k t t R 4 >im lsvtl were three bids received, but one Citizens CTub basketball team. N o 4v Boses Against U. S. •dH. reTl>e or reject any cop- con- belnuary Sale, a $25 0 ' 1* riini (’icrm .m la­ Country Club. C l i O S l N G H 0 UR 5I— Clamhed aos Sheridan Hotel Ic'im p.anied hy a certified check of Ertday, .April 10 T ^ H E Japanese, m inor "allies " of with any (niuhasc of 5300 or gi neial situation, and it .should do ra stsi - B^ti. 2 * T* Til* -(u'l FLI.VNY BUSINESS ba published same day m ust be $ . j 00 . The other tw o bids, one from Military whist, Manchester the Allied Nations in 44’ o r l d more. Tins offer p. eitively expire* I onslderable goorl, especially man an<] .'\ir F u m ^ . received by 12 o'clock noon Satur­ the suecessful bidder and the other Green P. T. A 44'ar [, took hom e as pnzc.s m any d a y s 10: 30. I-Cl ruury 2.8th. 1942 Free storage am ong those people w ho have lack- Ha«i.^>an atta cks veaterfl.iv at vari I Y .r/yjn o'i^ point.s on the cT>'**n irn*'t ifioni the Howard Oil Com pany, Friday. April 17 of the islands frpm which they I iinlil .wanterl on this outfit. Phone .1 un.In standing of Its scope. I T«l«phoiM Tour W ant Ads | did imt have the certified check as Annual M asonic Ball at the .Ma­ operate against the A B C D pow ­ -VK I HIJR A. I r V . rile f'-r Iree Cri'.irtc.ay Auto. uo ild have iiked to have had him hiijli;! snul t !:»v tor bank-s were rinsed yesterday sonic Tem ple. ers in the Pacific today. \V.\SH TUBBS Ada are accepted over the tele- No oidii'atlon diS\iiss the (piesfion of .I.ap.aiii'se N ip h t r u I’n;? plan*’*." She Can't Face It BY ROY CRANB pbone at the CHAFIGJ l RATK guen eva- luition on the w est cuast. liie.R In Seva^jtopoi. th*' ; .an l tin- heeks could not be eerti- The stam p above, issued by the above as a conveneince to adver- KNOFLA Huitonpd Jumper hfk l hru'**' m t '»■ i'• '.' i I ’ t - ! ' - . fii- ’ Tl'.e .qele tm en w'aived this M arianas Island.* under Germ an tlaera. bat the C A b H R ATk^S will be ALBIRTS 1911 th,; f. iia l'y wa.s not within^.the \ WHSff I* VUnON*, L IS K A f "N ] m n n iq n r* rr.>' ■. tt‘'i i|..i-i i f ' eontraci and after Sprinjifielcl A r<’ dom ination in 1900. pictures K a i­ f l E i m H T ! accepted as FULL PAYM ENT if For erii'.ry ■ ",|| I : I'.is i.;i s agi; / r a COME, WE AAB TO EXECUTC 1 I r>aid at the buslnees office on or be­ ■'/Mr for'r ]»rrrit.iu< ser W ilhelm 's yacht, “Hoheazol- O p e n 44c 1 i S 't. Eves. .'I iPii- C iD, yTcxasi, 1j hbs^ing on both the How ard and THE V 0 » O f a m AMERICAN fore the seventh day follow ing the It) (ir.-tF‘ ' IV t-t H’l’AP- ' i; ;ie awarded the rnn- lern.” The islands, with the ex­ llrei Ineerilon f.f #arh ad otherw ise . . 11" u. ol the .8 - -.i.t< ^ Fo i eigii L e a d iIII" S co iTi’ INSURANCE »ai collect­ .L i;LI-;crRIc -.vaslicr. 1-i.d i I... 1 'iii.: T. ti I y d h c presi- j I r 1.1 t tn ti-." Biil.and co m p a n y w h ich t S ed. No rtAp nfc.blUty for errors m ,\sk Vour Neichbor! .1 .iiTi I.)i!i- aril hairs, '.v.alnut .1 nt ncol.' a i i'Tnpri/fl‘ :isi\ e and .-^fiatiioa.*?! of I..IKU I.:':cM . ; m ') V. - i q rirter nf a f.'nt less a gal- possessions until U . S. forces elim ­ telephoned. ad« w ill be assum ed and u . t a l b e d 73 l'hi'l[is L o ll Tel. I oiirai'i'ous .si,it.'iii/nt a,; p, fp,, m iles beio.’v l/cnin.:» < i • .sr\cr'il |i o "--'n the bid .subm itted by the New Haven, Feb 24. J ’ , inated Spanish colonial pow er in - . 1 ♦heir accuracy cannot be guaran­ transport tn-ni i 4Vilh only ab• t ■ M i’- i l-ollee Increase to play. Fete Kelly, sandv-hairr,I i n 1899. Index of C'laM tifiiations I U S A L E 10 PIECE dining high e I '.ii.ii'iii as to ou" r . i i ! r 'T c K . t ' 'M. u. : .ISC o: $ 6,000 askeil by Spraigfield ace. just about clinch­ During the first W orld W ar K r t h t ...... A 1 . i n ■ o n ' . . ..41si> kitehrdi cabinet. C i . r i . ' i /.. icitain triumph ? a . ; ; : * ' , - t ' v i ! 1‘"i .-\ ci ■ f ' t . h j i e departm ent w as explain- ed the Am erican Hockey league Japan captured the unfortified Kngagenienia ...... ^ I wer*' Hr Irucd t- h i\< f ■•< n kn<- k - •scoring honors during the j>a,'t M a r r i a g e s ...... t Telephone 'J-O.'rO throb;.. t|-rnii!;h It, t e l by (■■imnu.s.uonirs Rogers and islands as her share of the Pacifle D e a t h s ...... D , < p p 4'-.ii I-iililii' I tte ra n re rd out of utiofi m f-i.i' t; I AHi-n. wlin were pre.-’ent They week with a live g'lal. iml four cam paign. Later they were m an­ O H R K.v r.' hosjutal Card of Thanks ...... E : i-nl: S.M .K J a u F c ' .4 r-.ii I V. form er post- lig h tin g Ih ro u ::’.) \i :*l'-r(i,iy g.ive 'he .same explanation ns told a.sslst outburst that hroughi his dated to Japan at the peace-table In M cm o ria rij ...... * ...... f .j -t' in's ! r con- Special Tow n i.e,..-. ad . n-.asti'i g. i.ria! M ;- Uoo.scvelt'.s in Till' Herald yesterda\. They t o t a l t o 6.5 p o i n t . * settlem ents. T.#ost and Found ...... i vi'niem r' o' I atlcnt and Announcem ntts ...... 2 > a^iis>. ^ il e|e;ll public lltterl. roiptiire \Ulac<* 4>f I’aiitno I .’so I •I'.-i iited a -.vritten sta te m e n t Kelly, consequently, lea.!.* today Preferring floating naval bases R caroh able. Phone Keith s. 41.59. Ne\\ Yorlt, Ji -1 f- \ . s . by the comfortable m argin of H P e r s o n a l s ...... I M c ( * l i i m Xi'cc .inc of thl m ost powerful he , e t . 1 • i.r w hich had been sign­ of auxiliary vessels rather than Aatoaiohtlew has evi r m.". ic. I am .sure Tr will tp n p." n.i\r rajiture-i lllr \i!- e d l y t h 9, three oom m issioners, points w ith I>Mi Tnidel of 44' a s h - established fortifications, Japan Autom oDlea for S a I i . . ; FOR SALE LEASO.N’ABLK. m- 4 have a whoieso-;-.e elti-ct on dhi.s l.'ifje t*i F.’ i N u f * 14 nulu : n.'M h Ington as the rival L*-' i M u r M x a n v Autom Abtlfe ff'T Ej'M.inge .... i | .s'llaled .'hdi' enam e.l gas range, .M ill an.svveiing a f.'W 'questions operated from M arianas outpost* ^^3 Aut.n \rr4 s^ch a numiKF i-f later and voted to recom m end the D eM arco of Provldencef*irall w ith Pacific Fleet w iped out a force of Auto School! ...... 7-A . s ^ r o 4' t t h e A x i s fresh plarr.s r»n the ALLEY OOP Ride Him. Cuu Imv BY V.T. HAMLIN Autos— J*hlp h' Truck ...... I : of Ihr Toaii f M am hi ster j in , - I'a .se 53 p o i n t s . these floating bases at the M ar­ front,' the Bnti.^h ratlin s h i .1 i . $ - Autos— For I!.:#- ...... > w i l l he'd I'll M ndav. .March ' (Tiairm an \'an Niiys (D -Indt of I 4V . a n t 10 r<*hf« .\n H our Trudel, Cunningham and De­ shall Islands, 1500 miles from c l a y Garages —Set - rnire U ■Jr.-]. U M J. It h I.’’, r M . . I w Miichincrv and Tools j- the Senate Jufi.cK.ry Com m ittee A peti'lon w as pre.senled to the M arco once occupied Kelly's lofty Guafli, likewise m andated after LIKE IT / OOP'S M OT T h i s A i N T J u s t t h w a y ^fotor•'^ c le «— V" ... H The president gave a very reason­ Th e B B C ' Lrt)afl<’a-st has h ra '’-! hv position, the form er for srversl I D PLAN NED TO t e s t -P i L C r r tVanted A i*n- • » -• :: T:r:‘.' - nr th- H u :h S' tv M-! fPill t. tioard signed hy 26 employes of 1918. \ SH AR ED / W A S H ED UP V ET.' |ACVUAl.N'r YO U R SELF with the able and conservative re.sume of CBS. weeks early in the tam palgti. HIM// l o o k . H E ' S C l 'MB- TH IS THING,.. B U T ri'LL D O nnri l*rofesel«»nol t hi ft 'linV. Il'.t ]'■ 11 the bie'nvay departm ent in which I n 1030 Japan announced a N O W / T h a t i m h e r e I now Clctnic crawler .Model H und World wide contliUhn.s and our Pete Beasone of P ittsburgh leads J I N ' U P t h ' l i m e RlIsInrsK 1 v'.-.rj* Cl 1 M Ti. . il th T > u n - w i l l a request nf 10 cents an hour in­ “com m ercial” air service would T O T H ' / re*d . . .. I i A ri( ' t fit th** .''^♦‘lo c ln v n ’.'i !n yo u t ot [ learn all the advantages a Cletrac place in the 4V o r l d 4\ ' a r . the penally group, the result of (.‘ rue? 'n * 14 Fear Building crease in their pay W'as asked. start between Yokoham a ’Snd Sal- CR 1T T E R . S / F lo rifi— .S'u'«»r »• il \\ Sired, from McKe*» can give you. Let us explain how C h a i r m a n 4Valsh (D-Moas) of They pointed out in the letter that 82 m inutes In the cooler and a m is­ pan, m ost im portant of the M ari­ N E C K . ' X KuPFral P red • K Stiert ('?.mpri(ld Rnad. i-asllv you can m ake It youra for the Senate Naval Affairs Com m it­ several had taken em ploym ent in c o n d u c t . anas group. y m —V. ; J-v' To sr< if the Tow n will I^ good'. Dnbliii Tractor Com pany, tee: TTie pre.sident covered the W ill Split .Apart “Moths!” I n i u r a t ...... i h I ProVidoncfj Hoad. V’ lilinianlic. situation that exists at the pres­ WlU;trr> — -i t . . . . 11 ' p* Scl- ttincn.s h'lyout ■»i i —Tnir’ ;• .-r “ r 7' ( i! .tn I’. icu Str» ct fr-'iii P i t I i t ent lim e about ns fully as could Embroider Prayer for Child TOONEKVILLE FOLKS P u M lr P,iv;(ei;i 5* t • s r - v r t ...... J' S lrcit 'I'Uthcrlv -aboul h 22 f e r - t . i be expected. TTie building at 21 .M aple street BY FONTAINE FOX w h i c h 1s fK-nipied on the ground PaUrtnii-— pAp' r r.^ , . 41 3- ! To if the T m ’a m w U! I Fnmk and True Pletnrti rrof'.-fM .''al ><*r\ .es . i r ------t?p* th<' S^'loctm rr.'.x la vo n t <;f i Senator Overton (D-Lai A floor hv a tavern on the w est side r . , . * Is In dange.r of being spli* b y over­ Tallf.-r’T'K — 4* : ? • " i * I t — r . . « ^^'•ill:•l^ K '.I'l tioTn port**!- S tirc l frank anil true picture of the gen­ o o r o l p a w i s b e g i n n i n g t o s h o w e r v o u s y m p t o m s loading a store on the east side P P N S T o i l e t < j O f ' . s _i ;,.J > . • •. - a a p - I ' • * '. n u r 1 eral situation with reference to f T a n ’ e d — r I • ' 8* ' i . e AUCTION The store w hich was form erly is'- « . . . i t t ' . T o -401 \f t h e w i l l the glohsl war in which we are i:«lnr I t i l l t ciipied as a m ark'd is iM ing u.vd • ‘ \ ^h' tm* n - l*'voMt rONKiHT AT 6:.30 ^ r u u r * * % ■ , ■ • • 8 f . engaged, and especially of what as a storehouse for plum bing m a­ l’n> m F iri^' t . e « I ' Hoa'J. ft om Oran-lvicw we Am ericans have to do to w-fn P a n - " ; * K . . , j . - A AT REIDS’ terials. including 27.5- gallon tanka w*f.Trt— COW. *Hi >T wtA me T M »cc o • n r, ofr. — r ^ • : tl S'r- 't * U ’ R oa -1 t h e w a r . "■tP Tn :f the Ti'wn wiH Al CTIONTORIl .M and heavy water pipe. \ V a r • f <3 — 1 • ■ • « 3 • f' .Senator Ball (R -.M inni: A g r e a t TTic store ha.s started to sink I >n an>- ■ a i a • MV • I tov-rPs l:ivn\ii of B O L T O N , 4 O N . N . and iqspirlng speech. I was m ost and there Is n split in the walls FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Maybe He Won't Choose Ti BY MERRILL BLOSSER Ftunfl* — M < n • M T m ; * ' ! ! : ".1 1 t'^-m Wixi-lUan'J , line M odem Fomrahinf* H n n ; r i " 4* ''!'(■ r- i • i interested in the w ay the presi­ that divide.* It from the tavern. ■ : t ■ r :* ■!. ; c k P o a -1 for Hom e or Cottage. M ' • h e i ' ' b • dent laid out the strategy. TTie upper part .of the building is A . . I To u It the Town will; Y'... llrlfi nnft *811 t i R 1 1 O f « • Senator M urray (D-M ont): It occupied as flats and they too are M A Y O R . F V 0E C E 4A O N T LIKE H e l p — r 1 ti.'-- S* l» I tiio rPs la;.-oi.l of \ & T u b b b g u e s s e s ! S e e lu . STAK T W OltKIN' O N y o u --- HE3 PLANNING TC) ' •1 'lB)HERT M. REID SONS w as the m ost effective speech the show ing signs of being weakened. H elp W a r ’*'i — .NJri ► : r o n . G i con itoaiJ to ] .Auclloneera IF YOU CAN FIND O UT I T . F « B C K ! I F I F I N D iiuM FOR. O FFC E AOAIN. i * t l * 8n .■%n i V ' ! ’ - 4 president ever' m ade. It Is receiv­ Today m en were at w ork trying to A\‘ K M anrhrM cr. Coitn. WHO M t HEDGES |S ! O U T a n y t h i n g ,/— ------___ you KNOW / H e l p M 7> o A - l U ing widespread com m endation and brace up the biiilding. Agent* ^ • n!e A-.rt’:rn Korifl, ir‘'m Avon*la!" In this hour of danger. Tax Experts H ere A n SWEKS. l.lte atfirk— ret« K o a -1* rly and .«nuth»*rlv to H A N G u p ' \ r k f r i e * Avi.ndaii Ko.vl DO VOl ILWE .ADEQLATE ^'og•— H ’'.x— I’-if ...... T o Assist Y ou ' t.ive S*'. '*h — \ ‘e es ...... To if the Town wnU INSURANCE? S131 Dnieper River I ’ n u l i r x 1 r ;1 j i ' 8 a rifjip t]'!*' Sellerri:pn's lav''-it" of Wan*#*. .j,? e» _ t . n A \ 'irvu i ii‘ K< la.i Se« f r » » r n W ■ W ith Jum pers fitting Into every H ie Internal Revenue office for F t i r H'l’ith* fp. MrklNNLV BROTHERS Point Seized Artlcltft ► ■ ' Cj, ^ ^ Bnd ea''irrly to | wardrobe as the indispensable this district ha.s tw o dopiity col­ UfH -lhriiii;* . H.»ard — K «!»cr‘■ ...... Aruiuul M eeting, loi q u i r e s 3 5-8 y a r d s 36- i n c h m a ­ sai,l. "captured three Germ an B,, y Mrs. -Anne Cabot for a child to read—is done in tan expenditiiri (rood residential ItKation. u n t i l 4:30 every H o ttla — ileita u ra n * * ...... luring till- im iir.i t e r i a l ; 2 3-8 y a r d s 54-Inch. Blouse. tanks, four guns, eight mine­ G i v e the child in the household, xhe little boy is embroidered ir W «m #(| — KK'm a— Board ...... year, und.-i the dirertion o| tt.i 2 1-8 y a r d s 36-inch m aterial. throwers. nine m arhjne-gtins. 60 his very own little prayer beautl-; blue and the litUe girl figure 1» Haal Raiafe Far Heat Seli-itm i'n. t Apaitm ania. FI i m Tenen.oia || the nuiirtenani c F o r this attractive pattern, send case* of m ines and tw o field w ire­ fully embroidered a.s a picture done In pink. Entire panel mees- Hnainaa* L^cattor* for Bent .. and support of ih< P . I ' l I l . ' p a r t Six-Room Sinfflc House. l.V In coin, your nam e, a.ldress, less stations. Th e enem y lost m ore Last Nigh 1*8 Fights panel. Hang It over his bed and urea 13 by 11 inches, K o u tta F o r R a n t ...... lliellt ol the To w n This house is n*)t new. hut pattern num bers and size to The than too officers and m en killed.” he will enjoy it for many years— To obtain transfer pattern (oi Hakur*>aa Foi Rent ...... Dated at M anchester ham mer Home* For Rent ...... ■i .n n e rt - in Kuod condition. Modern Manchester Evening Herald. To­ Coincident w ith this activity— and no doubt keep it always, to the “Now I Lay Me I^w n Tc > n t . t h i s r d d a y o f Bv The Associated Press W a n *»4 to I'leM ...... 23 1 i i r u n r y , , improvement.s. Price $4250 day’s Pattern Service, 106 7t h developed on the 24th anniversary pass on to his own children! Sleep” panel. (Pattern No. 51791 Heal Caiata Far %m\m 1942. avenue. N ew York, N. Y. of the form ation of the Red A rm y 'Loiii.sville, Ky.— M ike Raffa. The most inexperienced needle-■ directions for transferring to ma Av^riinatu llulM lnc foe SaU ^ David Cham he- ,. for quick sale. Fort Knoi^ featherweight, out­ Htratn«aa rroiH itty for S a U . .<« Select new patterns for home It was announced that more woman can embroider this panel | terial, color chart. Illustrations ui F 4r< i» an# Land for Salt S. Kaynioi'd Sm ith. dre.ssm aking In our Fashion Jook, t h , a n 14.000 Germans had b e e n pointed Cleveland Brow n, Cincin­ as the stitches are very simple.: all stitches uted. send 10 cents ir 1 Hauaaa fvr Aala ...... Harold R. .Sym inglur., a complete catalog of advance k i l l e d in r e c e n t savage fighting in n a t i 110). The beauty Is achieved by the i coin, your name ^nd ^address an* . ^ ^ t a f a r 9« l a ...... S. G. Bowers, s t y l e s . All sizes represented from w h i c h t h e Russians captured nu- Chicago—Leo Rodak. 136,. Clil- the pattern num ber to Anne Ca­ nat^r* Fk a ^rta far 9a l a ...... Stuart J. Wasley cago, outpointed Matt Daugherty, lovely colorings of the graceful f a r 9a l e ...... Lawrence A. Converse, ' 1 t o 62. meroua points on the approaches design. Clouda are blue and white, bot, The Manchester Evenlnf R. H. Burnham . Real Entatentate and Insurance Pattern 15c, Pattern Book 15c, of a large aouthwestern city. (This 138 1-2, MUwaukee'(lO). kia ia r HichaiiR a •••• 1 a r a H e r a l d , 106 Seventh Avenue. New (A s m ‘ S a t n t a ...... * Baltimore—Claudio Vlllar, 210, atara are golden yellow, leavea , H m ;) Harold M. Reed. 7S3i3 ^ Mala Street One Pattern and Pattern Book m a y have been Kharkov, industrial green and the tullpe ara In pink i Torit O ty. Bnekw e 1 cent poatag< B<>ahd of Sele-- tnien o t the T o w n ordered together 25c. Enclose Ic center 400 miles below Moscow, j Spain, knatked out Buddy W alk­ Telepi/an 664« • 7144 and iftoe. Tlie U ttark^^-a o aai«r tep a * ^. 8« . t t a f n • of M ancherter. Conn postage (or eadi pattern. Maaaive barragea wera Igid down er, m , Columbuo, O., (10). Wy^' TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1942 V) t i a Z Z0C8TEEK iHtutr^pBtrr iEoftiins Hrntlb Average Daily Circulation For the Month of January, 1943 The Weather Miss Lorraine Delaney of 22 Members of Center . Hose Com­ Tho’ Brotherhood of the Con­ Rev. J. J. Sharkey of St. Luke's Forecaat of C. S. Weather Bureau Lenten services will be held to­ Laurine. daughter of Mr. and church. South Glastonhury will Hawthorne street who has been Emerffency Doctors Mrs. C. Arthur Hoagliind.of Step­ pany No. 2. are requested to meet cordia [..iitheran church will hold 7 30 and avcr.v Wedne.v its regular buslne.-i.s meeting this preach at the Lenten service to­ suffering from an Infected foot, 7,088 day evening fhroligh Lent at St. hen .street, accompanied her mottle at the headquarters at 7:1.1 this has been admitted to the Memorial Little rhangp In temperature to­ About Town evening, and from there will pro­ evening at the church. morrow evening at 7:30 at St. Member of the Audit Physicians of the Manchester John's Polish National church. er and uncle, Evan oh a Mary's Episcopal church. hospital. night. three weeks' vacation trip through ceed in a body \o the W'atk^s Bu^m u of Ctrculatlona iEupttitm Medical association who wlU Prlsdlla Ann Prentice,Vyoung Florida., P'lineral Home to pay a final tri-. Tliere will b^'an all-day sewing respond to emergency calls to­ The W. B. A. Red Cross session tomorrow at Center church Manchester— A City o f Village Charm dnuchter o t Sergreent end Mre. Jo- morrow -atternoon. are: Dr. hiite to August .«ilmonscn. one of •eph Prentice, of 612 Middle turn­ Aid class will meet this evening the old-time liremrn of the com­ house for War Relief 24 HOUR SERVICE Robert Keeney and Dr. Arthur with Mr.s. Ethel Cowles of 72 Hud­ The Married Couplc.s club will pike eeet, U Improving rapidly el pany. R ange and VOL. LXL, NO. 125 (ClaseUled AdvertiilBa On Page U ) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 23. 1942 (FOURTEEN PAGES) the Mencheater Memorial hospital,, B. Moran. son .street. The Guard team will enjoy a supper and poverty social PRICE THREE CENTS .Ht the Second Concregal lonal following an appendectomy. have a rehearsal Thursday evening t at 7:3i)iat the Y. M. C. A. ihiirch torhorrow evening at 6:30. The Manchester Chapter of the Fuel O ii CITY The regular communication of I American Reil Cross will hold its S EFFECTIVE 8t. Bfidget'a church women will Manchester Lodge of Ma.sons will meet to eew for the Red Cross this .V daughter was bom on .Sunday Mt. and Mrs. William Rublnow annual meeting tomorrow after­ In Memory of Wake Island Defenders be held In the Temple at 7:30 to­ at the Hartford ho.spital. to Mr. WELDON’S OWN .evening at 7;30. and again tomo^ of East Center street, who have noon at four o'clock in Center The 1 53 Parnell Place night. The Entered Apprentice ile- and .Mr.s. Joseph Roginkii. of 226 1 row afternoon at 1:30. Y*™ to> been .spending a part of their win­ ‘hurch hoiisi'. This will be an Ini- NEW FORMULA 1 Donald Fitzgerald, Australian Bombers ree will be conferred libers Sink Three Woodbridge .street. afghan squares la atlll needed and ter vacation in Miami and othei portant meeting and evi iy persi^ TOOTH PASTE W. G. Glenney donatlona may be brought to the parts of Florida, are now in St who has joined the Red Cros.sXs las I.,ewie of the Board of Linne Lfalge No. 72 Knight.s of Petersburg. eligible to atteml / Little Bit Goes Further 1 PHONE j PnJI meeting. Assessi is a patient in the Hart- Co. with an eye Infection. Pvi.hias will hold their regular ------:------— Get \ Tube Today Coal, Lumber, Masons' Supplies, ford meeting tomorrow night at Orange The regular meeting of Ander At Our Pharmacy! Paint hall. The meeting will open at 336 No. Main St. Tel. 4148 Raid Rabaul, Timor; aon-Shea Auxiliary. V.F.W., will Clerk of of A.ase.asors, Big Jap Transports; eight o'clock, and the Ftank of be held this>vening at 8 o'clock Neal Cheney ^en off duty for due to illness. Esquire will he conferred on a class at the V.F.W. Home. Officers are the past two w of candidates. requested to w'ear uniforms os sev eral candidates will be initiated. Johnson Brothers tods install- ed three new fluorescent in Get 30 Jap Planes The Emblem Club will hold the Town Clerk's office. BEFORE YOl: BLV .\.NY Claim ‘Mortal Blow’ public card party at the Elks home in Rockville tomorrow evening at The Sunday School cabinet of KIND OF INSl R ANCE 8 o'clock. the Church of the Nazarene will (’ AM, 6t>:n American Volunteer and Attack Follows Observa­ Ja|>aiiP!4P Assert 6 8 Al­ meet tonight in a business session Part of Goiirpiitration (HENEY Moving Units America Told Mary Bushnell Cheney auxiliary. at the home of Mis.s Gertrude K. BBN.IAM1N Royal Air Force Fliers tion of I.,arge Japa­ lied Warplanes Baseil Possibly Mussing for Wil.son in Vernon It is requested 9.1.3 Hale RIdg. U. S. W. V., will have a social that all who have cars and Strike One of Heav­ nese Naval Forces in On Java Deslroyeil; Expertpd Direct .As­ meeting tomorrow evening at 8 desiring transportation will please At Singapore Doubting Is o'clock at the Y. M. C. A. meet at the churrh no later than ix: iest Blows at Nippon­ Vicinity of Dili, Cap­ Nifqmiiese Navy Offi- sault on Java: Japa­ 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting will con­ ALICE COfMCXN ese in Burma Today; ital of Portuguese eial Says United Na­ Officer David Galligan of the po­ tinue as usual Wednesday at 7:3U (Known tJueen^Alice) TOMORROW NIGHT Seen Murder German Trap nese Planes Gonccn- lice department will return to at the Church of the Nazarene .SPIIUTIIAL MEDniM Carry Out Effective Portion; Report Nip­ tions Have .More Than tralc .Altuck.s on duty tomorrow following .several Choir rehearsal will follow this .Si'venth Daughter of a Severttb Son ST. JAMES’S SUHOOU HAI.I, — I’ ARK STREET weeks absence due to illness. service, with Mrs. Florence E. Rom With a Veil. Sweeps Over Enemy Japs Controlled Both ponese Transports in 1 ,0 00 Planes in S4>iith- Davies ff arns \ation Island .Airdromes for ■Wood, directing. Readings Dally, Including Sunday Erwin L. Haye.s, of 5 Ford 9 A. .M, to 9 P. .11. Or By .\ppoint- Positions on Sittang. Air and See About Harbor Are Burning. Mesl Paeifie .Area. Not lo Regard Russia Sixth .Successive Day. atreet. was arrested early this Mrs. Fred Vincent and Mr. and mriiC In the Service of the Peo­ morning at Main and Maple Mrs. Louis Walker and daughter. ple for 30 Years. Rangoon, Burma. Feb. 25. Island; Only Merchant Canberra, Australia, Feb. Tokjo (From Japanese ff'ith Contempt and streets on an intoxication charge. HaiuioenK, Ja\a. Pel). '25.— Dorothy of East Fairhaven, .Massa­ 169 Churrh Street. Hartford, Conn. — (/P) — American volunteer I Shipping Left in Port. i 25.— (/P)— Australian bomli- Hroadcasl.s), Feb. 25.—(/P)— ' Doubt and Suspicion. chusetts, were week-end guests of Phone 6-0097 IN !f^i—Three; large Japanese Mrs. Annie Walker and family of group fliers and R.A.F. pilots I ers, striking at an encroach- Imperial hcaci(|uarters as­ I transports, part of a concen­ 91 Birch street. struck one of their heaviest ^ London. Feb. 25—lA’i-i-Any at­ ' ing rim of Japanese lodg- serted toda\' Japanese air New York, F«*b. 2T» -F A tration po.^.sihly mas.sinjr for Store Closes at Noon PRIZES blows at Jajianese air tempt t(. withdraw British troops ! merits in islands 100 to 500 raiders had delivered a "mor­ warning that Aimiun noli the ex|)ected direct as.<kng Boston, provincial commander for playing Starts \t 8:00 P. M. "On the southern front there The raidei.s scored bomb ROASTING FURNITURE AND MUSIC has been no contact with the ene­ good re.sults were obtaim.l dii .\llied planes also raided an air­ New England, and Mrs. Hoffman, anti-aircraft sites and .-i :indid': :t bits on a light rriiiser and two drome near I’alembang. Japanese- also Major and Mrs. Harold Zeal- 763 Main SI. Tel. ,i680 A* *le**** my. Our troops on the Sittang riv­ Bill as Selfish niei chant ships, a eommiiiiiqiic (Eirl’s Sla>Ti' CHICKENS er are reorganizing after heavy positions, but did not mention am • o< riipied city in .southern Sumatra, ley of Hartford will be guests at ships being bombed. said. and srts Sunk or Oaniaged Dorset Fancy Cheeses and jtouthern shore of New Guinea, less ; day and confe.saed, ( ’oronor A I broken up oy anti-airi. raft fire, a street and Miss Virginia Curran YOU PAY FOR Mandalay. Burma, Feb. 25—..H ter protesting ths' a pending bill Italians ( Jaim Comdr. Itarii rashi'o of the Brodie announced, that he ki.ssed eomtiination packages. of Walker street spent the holldav —A new Japanese push into the than 400 miles from Cape York, Ami Kill 1 2.00 0 Men Naval Press Sertlon acknowledged I communique .said, and losses were ' represented "selfish interests" at bombed yesterday, a large force of ! pretty Dorothy Broz, his 16-year- small. week-end In New York City. They B y ou r " M e te re d CO**’* Shan states of northeastern Bur­ In Staraya Riissa See- before the Central Cooperative ' old companion, anti then shot her were registered at the Hotel Com­ ma was anticipated here today, as a time the very existence of the Australian bombers again attack­ Britisli Patrol Connell that 26 Japanese trans­ ' .Nearly all the bombs dropped Sale on No. 2 Cans York Deliveries" country w,vs at stake. ed . Japanese-occupied Rahaul in to ileath while they nat in the modore. Fuol O il British troops to the south fought tor IDIow Feiiiiigrad: port.. had been .sunk or dami'.ged in I downtown I'alace theater. I In the water, It said. State a delaying action from "good posi­ The chief executive, in a letter New Britain to the east where the Southwest Pacific Of 16 dam­ I read at the opening of the Senate The youth, riarentc McDonald, ' Burns Omnis Of Gasoline The Junior Chamber of Com­ tions" along the west bank of the buildings, aircraft. searchlights Territory Is Fllleretl Unit Repiilsed aged he said, six alrea4g have 18C8.sion. said that a proposal to a railroad employe wa.** aeized on The .same aircraft attacked an merce meeting which was sched­ Sittang river, last natural barrier and anti-aircraft guns were blast­ been rep.iired and pul hack in ser- TOMATOES restrict snie.s of government-hold ed and fires were caused. One Au.s- With Dead (Germans. information supplied bv the vic- airdrome near Batavia and burned uled for March 3, will be postponed \ before the Rangoon railway which vu e. j tim s friend. Miss Elaine Mastney. connects with the Burma road. .stock.s of farm commodities would trallan plane was reported lost. .some drums o' gasoline, the com­ until March 10. The reason for do "irreparable damage to the war ForriMl lo Rplrcal Aft­ Tashiro said .la|iHn had expected , 17. a .^nior m t^e Morton High munique reported this change is due to the fact that Rangoon, principal seaport of To the mirthwest. a large Jap­ Moscow. Fell. '2.5.—(J*)—- even heavier losses because the ! school. She tobl authorities that ^ cans 45< Burma and the capital, was scml- ' effort and farmers of the country." anese Naval force was reported in Attacks against .Naval objec- the Manchester blackout will be I Protesting that the original bill Russian troops were credited er Slmrt Bailie: \ io- .-Miles had more than 1.000 planes I DorothV sal 1 Clarence was mordi- tive.s near Soerabaja. 'the United held on March 3. leserted following the completion the vicinity of Dili, capital of the in that area and had 40 lo ,10 sub- ' nately jealous and had sai»l of a compulsory evacuation of all to restrict such sales might add northern Portugue.Sjp portion of Ti­ ofTiciallt loda.v with cru.shinn leiil SamIslorni> l*r<‘- .Nations Heel has*', and upon the Th e weather man says \ $1 .OOO.fiOO.fMK) to living costs. Sen­ niHnne.4 based on .Manila and "If I can t have yatrh dal'- Old Company’s Anthracite.' i vote expected later this afternoon. lincd .Staraya Russa apiicand id Italian hiph it»mm4n4- saul t..pecember. He said repair wiirk on other oil "Was there any conversation be­ You’ll be ready to meet I "My amendment puts the farm OnPvEprson was killed and five imlii ate that tho town it.oelf hitli- The Italians added that the bloc in a bad position if they do orlo lielievod to tie in I'.iinian Biitish uere fnrut'd’ tn retreat fields m northern Borneo al."»o was fore vou shot her^ ■ the hm- was were injured in the at­ progressing .sa l isfactorily , askeil winter’s bitter blasts in I not accept it," Brown said. "All tack on Port Moresby yesterday. hamls. had boon reea)itiired in the after a short battle Says Revispfl Govern­ ' they have been asking for is a Vinli Id sandstoryis prevented Shelling ( ailed Sweem "No," he lepluMl 1 was kiN.*»in^ Flashes ! comfort. 'Details Not Available Soviet cnslauRlit. Hovvevet, a eoiii- Keeping the niotur in your cur in J'OOfl 1 parity price and they will get it munique said only that "the de­ air a< livily over Cirenuua, the Imperial headquarters announc­ her " (Isite Bulletins o( the .P) Wire) ment MiiHt Stand or under my amendment." The communique said details on feat of the Germans took plaie in communique said, but it added ed tisday that a subma­ Young McDonald said he had order is essential but it is likewise very im­ St *(a.bt6 Fall on War Retmlts. ; The pending bill, approved un- damage and - casualties resulting the regi 'll of Staraya Ru-.-.i that the OiTman Air Forc’e shot rine ha'i shelled military objectives k>een going with Dorothy for about Red Army .\dvanelng (town four British fiphlers. Where ■ Koosevrit Gets lattxir .Agreetnrnt (Continued on Page Eight) (CMitinued on Page Eight) Reports from the battlefield tho eombats occurred u a. hot (Continued oi Page Eight) (CV>ntini]e,4’;— .An portant that L. T. WOOD Bulletin! .said the Red Army wa.s advancing ' slated ' agreement on the questions of I.e>ndnn, Feb. 25.— i.Pi—Sir through territory littered with the Malta .\ttarked Afpiln wages and iiiobillzation of Indus­ CO. Stafford Crlppe, lord privy seal bodies of Nazi dead and fields The Italian An Force, continu­ trial man pkmer, worked out b.v G. E. WILLIS & SON, he. In the revamped British cabi­ tovered with abandoned big guns, ing violent attacks on the British the CIO and \nierle«n Federation The Wheels^ Brakes And PHONE 4496 Coal, Lumber, Maaons’ Suppliea, Paint net, told ttie House of Com­ Mystery Surrounds automobiles anda> by leaders would not permit a "businesa sians were pres.sing on in the face ' important military objectives of the two major lalior organlza- • Tires Be Made To Last as usual or plranure aa ueual" of .strong German resistance and were hit and .several enemy planes llons who comprise the new I^lior attitude toward Ihe war from Anti-Aircraft Firing the handicaps of deep snow, sub­ destrfiyed in day and nipht oper­ Back Eneinv Aircraft War Board. Philip Murray, CIO ations against the island THIS IS THE now on. He made this state- zero temperatures and the'nee president, and William (ireen, r. eat as government leader In of any roads The Nazi.s were re- iThe German high (orni..and pn-sideni of the \FI.. said th«‘ said that "in tho harbor of Valletta the House when he rose to G ««. Thliniler Over lx,, T w o P efS O llS portevi throwing In large forces of One Jup Bonilier and statriiieiit of police had lieen reserves to block a thrust which bombs of the heaviesi calibei hit Liv3 In Comfort defend the Churchill cabinet submarine base.s ' i Woman (iiven turned over lo tho chief p.\ecuti\e ^^BRAKE toward the close of a two-day . Angeleti itletropolitan endangered vast areas of defensive On e Fifililer Doxned: in the course of a conference last­ debate on the conduct of the positions Defender-i .’inecess- ing an hour and a half. It was war. I Area Today; Target Is F i l ’e V i c t i l l l S The Army correspondent of the Tiro Large Merchant Prison Term the vcond meeting ot Mr. Koose- This Winter! Kept Military Secrel. ____ Communist party newspaper I’rav- fiil in Pliili|qiines. xell with the group. Just what DOCTOR'' London. Feb. 25.—i/Pt - Cheered da reported that documents seized Ships Damaged Heavily the two big lalHir agencies nuin- by the House of Commons, Leslie Los Angel^eb. 25.-<;P) Manager of Hole! ami in this battle inrluded an order of Bel iin 1 From Germiin Broad- ‘Peltiroal Ponzi’ Is Sen­ aged lo agree on was not dis­ It turns lining to fit the Hore-Belisha. a former war secre­ the day from General Von Brock- | Feb. 2.1 J’ Two large \S'a.'ihiiiKton. Fell. 25.—anese biimliei ami one tighter ly reported as a balloon and an plane. In the Phililipine?'. the de- a foreman's "abusive conduct and " . ' -V trol over Its own supporting air­ persons believed registered at the .4s Bighorn Sheep Enemy obtaining money under false pre­ use of vile and abusive names." craft, instead of the R. A. F. airplane. Some observers claimed tense -, partnient'.s lomniiiniqiie .said, to have seen two planes oyer Long hotel were missing. small group.' of Gen. Douglas The union s|M»kesnian avided that This is a Brake Must Kevtse Colonial Policy '^Prosecutor William A Wai hen- 7.1 more welders were e\|>eeted to Beach. Jack Meadors, the manager, lost Boise. Idaho. Feb 25 .iCi The. by William R McIntyre and the MacArthiii s forceij wi re uniform­ 2— That an immediate "gener­ j his life while fighting the blaze of county has estimated join the strike tonight. ous" gesture be made to India, and lordly golden eagle has been ab­ latter called pfl the hunt ly suci'll in aggre.ssoe local, Drum Lathe Scoffs at 200 Planes Report I which was discovered in the sec- M i^ Carr obtained $1,000,000 in that the British colonial policy be Army Intelligence, although un­ solved of blame aa the princijial For two year.s the Wil.llife Serv­ operations. action.s a.s sharp encounters oei 'ir- COAL I ond floor linen room around 3 a. m. predator of the rapidly-,liminish- ice has been surveying big game red all along the line in Bataan. ■ j Norvvegian Freighter Torpedoed revised. It is used to turn down scored and j| IQUIPMINT 1 communicative, scoffed at reports The other victim was tentatively Sentmee Birthday Preex’iit S—That the government take ing band of American bighorn pop;ilation.s i.i Idaho in an •effort County Judge Daniel J. Bren­ Text i>f ( niiiiniiiiiqiie W.ashlngton. Feb. 25.— 'P — Thi Instead of spending; an uncomfortable Winter in a house that never is quite of civilian observers that as many identified as Mrs. Ben Eddy of to dctermin • the causes of their warped drums and thereby put the 1 SPECIALS 1 drastic steps to obtain a maximum as 2(X) planes were over the area. Harrisburg, Pa. sheep. nan pronounced sentence on the Tho text of the communique. I Navy announced today that tin Instead, .said John J. Boyle, state deterioration adequately heated, w hy not turn over a new leaf and heat your home with o t production and a minimum of There were no reports of bomb­ woman's 66th biithday. He declar­ No. 123 of the WHi, ba.scl m re­ I Norwegian freighter Blink bar brake drum in perfect shape. ' civilian consumption. Suffers Broken Back director of wildlife conservation, Sur\e> Ikiglee 21-lnch o e 1-Gallon M Small O f t ing, but several Instances of dam­ ed that contHHutive tei'ms of two ports receiveil here i:)i to 9'30 a. ' been torpedoed by an enemy sutv hi-quality Lehisrh Valtey coal! You’ll Ret all of the comfort you missed Hore-Beliaha, war secretary In In a jump from the third floor poaching by nian mainly is respon­ That survey. Boyle s.aid, was ab­ Brooders v m o % / 0 aged property from anti-aircraft to three years at hard labor be m . e.w.t.: marine off the Atlantic coast. X* Feeders .... Walerers ... qJwLe the Chamberlain government at Eddy, husband of the dead woman, sible for destruction o f ’the herds solved the Tiajeatie ea.'iie.s some "1. Philippine Theater: WE HAVE FACTORY TRAINED in the past besides a real sai ings that will come in handy. Why not order shells. .served on each of .our charges ahd details of the torpedoing wert the outset of the war, declared th'kt suffered a broken back and other of the nimble-footed animals which of which mea.sure six feet from "Then were sharp eiuouiiters • made available. The announce MECHANICS TO OPERATE coal today! Inadequacy of air aupport for the A garage door was ripped off In Injuries. His condition was critical roam craggy mountain heights. wnng tip to ’ Up of nlame. that similar .sentfnees, to run con­ between our patrols and the enemy a Los Angeles residential district ment said merely, "the Blink, i THESE MACHINES Army and Navy had been a con­ at a hospital here. Branded Enemy Of Game Observers have watched the currently. be served on each of all along the line in Bataan. Small and fragments shattered windows the others. Norwegian freighter, haa b«»n tor stant factor in British reverses. Police officers said the hotel Five years ago Idaho Game De­ animals at ad .seasons of the year.' elements of our troops were uni­ pedoed b> an enemy subnupne ot Another, he asserted, was under­ and tore into a' bed wher« a few books were destroyed but it was partment officials br.andcd the he .said, "and ■ have^seen eagles in Mrs. Carr will be registered at formly successful in aggressive lo­ momenta before Miss Blanche state's prison, Trenton, but trans­ the .Atlantic roast, the ^ PHONE 5145 estimating the enemy. believed that around 30 guests golden caUlc. one of the most ma­ close proximity to mountain sheep, cal actions. pnrtmrnt today announreid.” Sedgwick and her niece, had been ferred shortly to tTlinton reforma­ Lack Types lli^nlred were registered last night. jestic of as 'Public Enemy but have never come upon a single "2. Netherlands Indies: • • • He told the Houae that Britain sleeping. No. 1 of the stale's wild game. instance where the young were tory because the prison keeps no "A formation of nine Japanese DON WILLIS CHECKERBOARD FEED STORE was presumed to' have reached A Santa Monica bomb squad was Game Warden Amos Eckert en­ carried off. female prisoners. bombers, protected by 14 fight­ .Markets .At .A Glame parity with Germany in plane pro­ dispatched to remove an unexplod- Treasury Balance gaged experienced marksmen to "This is true ah's! of tlie young The defendant made no com­ ing planes, was intercepted over New A'ork, Feh, 25-H'41— e<) anti-aircraft shell in a driveway ment. She smiled faintly on the Java by seven American Army P- 10 APEL PLACE MANCHESTER duction, but that “neither the go into the .meuntain fastn'esses of of deer and rr.ountain goat." Mlorks— Easy, Dougtno Alrewf Army nor the Navy has the types there. Washington, Feb. 25—(A>)— The central Idaho to shoot down the The birds are found in virtually way out of the courtroom, under tO pursuit planes and turned back. moves against trend. The Manchester Lumber & Fuel Co. escort of a matron. ' Our planes shot down one enemy required. Wailing air raid sirens at 2:25 position of the Treasury Feb. 23: soaring birds. every part of Idaho and are num­ GARAGE A delegation of women from bombier and one fighter. Four oth­ I Bonds— Lower, soms rwUs rests "The Navy," be said, "lacks- m. (p. w. t.) awakened most CENTER STREET a KeceipU, $44,581,474.95; ex- The Audubon society, other erous in the iraccessible reaches 1 taat. TEL. 808.> land-haipd torpedo . bombers... of the nietropolitan area's three pentUtuiea, $183,318,524.93; net agencies and score* of Individuals of the Salmon river watershed the Roseville Methodiat church. er enemy bombers and two Tight- tit MAIN STREET CottiMi — Lower,> balance, $2,388,110,857.30; customs , protested. Shortly thereafter Eck- where the mountain sheep are* lo­ ^hMiae mm* k*e*J M«big. m i^crt was replaced aa game t^urdenl cated. ^Coatinued o« Pag* Tea) (CMtiaoed om Page Te*j