New Secretary of Fair Ass'n Finnish Relief Driye Launched in State
VOLUME 44 EAST JORDAN, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1940 NUMBER 1 New Secretary Home Economics Leaders Finnish Relief Driye Canners Win Three January Meeting Will Meet For East Jordan P..-TV A. Third Lesson on Jan. 9 of Fair Ass'n Launched In State and Lose One Next Thursday Night The third lesson in our present CHARLEVOIX COUNTY FAIR DI H. P. PORTER LOCAL CHAIRMAN. home economics project, Home Man TAKE, MANCELONA, NORTHPORT The East Jordan P.-T. A; will hold Bennett — Rogers RECTORS ELECT L. O. ISA- agement, will be given on Tuesday, MONEY CAN BE LEFT AT I AND BOYNE CITY. ELLS its January meeting Thursday even Hazel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. MAN, ELLSWORTH, SECY •lanuary; 9th, in the Boyne City Li , STATE BANK ing, January 11, at 8 p. m. in room WORTH WINNER Dan Bennett, and George Rogers, son brary ,beginning at 10:00. It is ex 14 of the High School. pected that a full attendance of lead of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Rogers, were Directqrs of the Charlevoix County The speakers of the evening are ers arom the thirteen, communities Ray E. Routsala, vice chairman of Coach Alex Sinclair's Red & White united .in marriage Sunday evening, Fair Association met at the City Mr. LaBerg, head of the Farm Se will be present. the Lansing chapter of the Finnish Can»ers won three games while Ios- Dec. 31, at the close of the regular Building, East Jordan, Thursday curity Division with headquarters at Relief Fund, Inc., spent New Year's «j one, the past week and a half.
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