Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1956-08-09
owan Serving the State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City ~-t-a-b-lls~he--d~j-n-I-~----~F~iv-e~Cc-n~u--a~Co~p-y--------~--~~----------~~----------------~M~e~~~r~o~f~A~s=~~w~t=ed~P~r=e~--~A~P~Le=ascd==:;~W~ir-e--ao-d~P~h-o~to~Se-r-v-lc-r------------------------------~~~------------~Io=w=a~C~il=y,~Io=w=a~,~TMh=u=rsd~a:y~,~A:u:g=US:t~9~,~I~~~ 562 Get Degree$ 'af Summer Comm.enc,ement- . , ,. of , • . I Ie :-":on o~ml 'ty " I indep~dence l Iowa Regents O,ppose AMajor Goal, 'StuBent Building Fee Speaker Says DES MOINES 1.4'1 - A student building Cee suggested Cor support oC Prof. Robert S. Michaelsen, dl· SUI and other state coUege building programs~as opposcd by memo r clor of the SUI School of Re bers oC \he Board of Regent.s Wednesday in appearances before the Iowa Taxation Study Committee. ligion. addressed 600 pectators / The committee is studying methods oC financing thc proposed $55 mil· and 562 graduates In Commence· lion building program Cor SUI, ment exercise in the SUI Field· Iowa State College and Iowa State hOuse W~nes~ay night. Suez Matter Teachers College over a to·year Speaking on "Freedom and Con· , period, No decisions were reached, . Cormlj.Y," Dr. Michaelsen urged Some time ago, a subcommittee graduates to resist "drifting with of the tax study group had sug· Of Life, Death gested, for discussion, that a nat thc current." We need to excrcise building fcc oC $90 a year bc charg· that God·gi\,('/1 frcedom which also ed against studel1ts to pay for h IPI' to make u more human; we Says Eden needed new buildings anticipllted BASS PLAYERS in the SUI O,.cMst,.o ....t ond i1willt tholr tum whll.
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