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Moving Trucking ■‘•V % SATURDAY, APRIL 15,1981 PAGE -nVELVB / AVKRAOB DAILT CfRCCLATION ^mtrlirfrtpr Eonthts Itm ilii for the oseath at March,. USi THE WEATHER Forecast ot O. 8. Weathsr Butea. oaktd to.jjMst at the Emonual Lu­ theran church tomorrow afternoon 6,234 HLE 326 TAX UENS "Boze Hertzlingrer” “A REAL TREAT ALWAYS” af tho AndH ABOUT TOWN ZONE EXCEPTIONS at 8 o’clock. It la expected that REV. K .E MATTSON Showers tonight and Tnrridsj. many wUl accompany the club to / A Nlfht At tho Bweoa ef Ctrcutgttnns ■ Tfce Stimp CollectOTi' Club of ON LOCAL PROPERTY Tolland for the coneerL MANCHESTER / slowly rising temperature. Manrhestrr will itieet Monday at ARE ASKED BY^IX Tonight at 7:30 o'clock over Sta­ TO PREACH HERE HOTEL SHERIDAN A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM 8 p. m. 8t the Hotel Sheridan. tion W n c , the Fall, River Men's — 7 ^ Glee dub will preaedt a half hour DINE AND DANCE V O L , L V I I I „ NO . 168 (Uaaalfled Advertiatra <>• Fag* It ) Lieutenant. Richard Arnold, U. 8. Represents 136.000 ' Coveraire MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY. ,\PRIL 17. 1939 (TWELVE PAGES) On Unpaid OhHgations Of rrogrom ovar the Taakee Network. Bvcfy Than. And Satnrdgy Night PRICE THREE CENT^ . Amiv Air Corps, stationed at Lang­ hibiic Hearing Before Ap­ This has been a weekly feature for New Jersey .Qergynan Be­ ley Field, Va.. I* vlsltlnr his par­ Ijist Year’s, List. the post seven weeks under the Tony 0*Briirht and HI* ents, Mr. and Mi>i. Richard Arnold sponsorship of the New Englan 1 Of East Center .street. Hotel Sheridan Orchestra Tornado Kills Se>en, Lays Villasrc Waste A total pf-20 tax Hens, filed at !i peals Board Dated April Federation of Men's Oles dubs. ing Considered As . New Thess programs wlU conttnus each FOOD AND DUNKS Ne Onver Chorgsl Mrs. licry \V. Tierney, cleik in, I p. m yesterday with the Town PARTY AFFILIATION a A CLASS BY THEMSELVES! the office of the Municipal Water 20 To Consider Requests Saturday evening at the seme time Pastor Of EmameL No MMiIrimb CkftFgot Department since It was taken over I Clerk, amounted to somewhat less until May 18 when a mess concert RUSSIA PROMISES AID from Cheney Brothers in 1933. will I than 130.000 in unpaid taxes it was of 1000 votcea comprising 30 glee leave the employ of the town tfxlay < said today at the office of Tax Col- cliibe Including the Beethoven, wtU Rix Applications for exceptions to present a concert et Woolaey Hell, A large ettendence la expected to­ FOUND NOT CAUSE ' lector .Samuel Nel.ion Jr. The Hens The first n'sldcntlul etriictuic , have been placed against local { present zoned usagp will be present- New Haven. morrow at tba Entonuel Lutheran 'ation poured within the new , estate on which taxes Inl"' as of: .Or I ed to the Zrtntng Board of Appeals church for the two services at which sectional pl.vwood fraraea, , ttibcr 1, 1937, remain Unpaid. Aj(: et tla meeting Thursday, April 20. Rev. Karl E. Mattson e t East TO ANTI-AGGRESSION transit .nilaed batcher plant cording lo. law.. taxes which should It was announced today. The petl- Health and Wealth FOR DEPORTATION Orange, N. J,, wlU preach. Rev. Efleecrele, uwa constructed this weelthave been paid by A pry 1.1.Iti3k tlooe win be presented at a public Manchester !by George Fish, general contractor.must be covered by Hens posted hearing to be held In the municipal Mattson Is being conslderad as a joQ Tanner street. Previously only against the taxed property within building at 8 p.' m. All persona candidate for the local pastorate to WP.% WORHMA.VS BROKEN commercial structural builders have a year from due date of taxes, .“ev- interested In the eppllcetlona, either D at^B ook succeed Rev. K. B.,.Erickson, who Supreme Court Orders Dis- ' LEG MENDED WITH .N'AU. i used the new type of form material to uphold them or to object to them leavss here May 1 to become comp­ BLOC IF WAR COMES erRi last minute payments were j and the made ready concrete mix. may appear and be heard at the Toolght troller of Auguatana (totlegs and PORK STORE WUson, N. C. April 17—(A P I made by property owners yesterday in order to save their holdings from public hearing. Legion cabaret done* at Rainbow Theological Seminary at Roca ---------------- 20 FLORENCE STREET ---------------- charge From Custody Of —B. A. Harrell, a city employe, BROADCAHTB BLAMED I The Private ,Diity Nuraes' asSo- The following ore the questions to dance boll, Bolton. Island, ni. paused and cocked on ear when FOR THREE 8UICID1 datlon *111 hold a food aale Tuesday the Hening ptwesa. British Officials Assured S#> Art llevls come before the Appeals Board: Alao, Nutmeg ForesL T. C. L., At Twa Services he heard someone say a WPA HITLER TO GIVE morning from 9 o'clock on at the Last year a smaller number oi I Rev. Mattson will preach In both Strecker; Douglas Ghrea' Application of F. F. Buahnell for formal spring frolic at Hilltop workman on a sewer project had London. April 17.—( A P I - J. W. Hale Company’s store Hens, 310, was placed, but the vaUie permloslon to tmlld on addition to the English and Rsr^lsh language broken a leg. of the p r o p e r t y so obligated h roin gridiron glory t<» a gna sta­ Houm. Distributor of Lenhardt’s home-madl Three perauna have committed Tie! UnioD WiH Send War- tion love nflalr by the way of a the Small Animal Hospital at 578 Next Week at the morning service tomorrow at Oath Of Office Today. "Bring him along am) 1 11 rush I Miss Nellie WaIckowskI of this amounted to approximately $40,000, 10:45 o'clock. He will also speak at REPLY TO PLEA oulcldp In London within five diploma from .Nevada Tech may not lyoodbridge street la a rural sone. him to th« hospital at bnce," he I town, who la assistant operating or some 84.000 more than la oot-l April 17.—Lecture on “Travtls In a Luther League fellowship service Bologrna and Wurst—Specializingr in days, after listening to British .ippear to laj a allCccn^ftll career but AppIlcsUoa ot, Frank L. Pheipe called. broadcasts of toe Europeoa sit­ And Other Matiri- supaTWlsor at Middlesex hospital. standing this year. In 19,37 the high ; for piermloelon to conetruct a one- Ulster" and Irish tea party at Sol­ In the evening at 7 o'clock. He U i A 1 Middletown, underwent a major op- total of 4.16 hens were filed. |Hozi- >t* rtzllnger Is willing to throw vation Army citadel; benefit Wellington. April 17 — (A P )— The reply caused him to blink. uation, according to verdicts at away hK, all-American Inspirations family dwelling on a forty foot lot preoldept of the. New Jersey District home-dressed Pork, Veal and Poultry. •That’s all right. We nailed It b e f o r™ o n s coroners' Inquests. ' leration Wc^esday at that hospital It Is expected tnst some of the on Phelps Rood, In a residence A Scout Troop 40. Luther LOegue and last year was -The Supreme court today ordered Help Defend Pokad Her condition Is reported as good. and even hjs life to rescue Gabby April 18-19.—"Petrified ForeaL" together and the fellow says he'll One coroner romlnentrd: taxes secureit last night by Hens will Mhple from the ilesert and Duke aone. aastatant In the department of the discharge from custody of Jo­ finish the day." be paid before summer, thus further by Community Players at Whlton ChrilUanIty at Upoala College. “New* is nut always happily .Mnntee If sHe'wonId let him. Art Application of Harold Mott for seph O. Strecker of Hot Springs It was a wooden leg. I Mrs. Edward J. Mur|)hy 1« cbalr- reducing the present delln(|uency, move a garage et 73 Memorial auditorium. Volunteer workers of-the Ideal Se* the Difference -r- THEN — Taste ihe Difference! Somnioiis Reichstag For Ses- expreaaed over toe wtreleoa. P ^ If Biker msD of the committee from 8t. Uavls after prevlthts roles In "R<sim April 19-20 —SUU D. U, V. C W. Ark., whom the Labor Department whlrh is eonsidered small ss com­ HervIre " and one act plays gets an Phelps Road, In a residence A sone church will conduct a bouae-to-house pie with nervous dlepoalUons M ^ t ’s Women’s Guild which Is pared with the $660„000 to come to a location leas than three feet convention at Masonic Temple. canvas to raise fundi In the Upsala sought to deport on the ground that are liable to be tremendotuUy Mductlng a card party Monday opportunity to portray a new type Menaced from taxs* last year. ^ (.hararter, which really slijla him In from the property line. April 21.—All-Veterans' Night at College endowment fund campaign he was sn alien Communist. son April 28 To DeliTer affected by I f eWniag at 8;lh In the parish hall. Application of Amy Carlson for V. F. W. Home et Manchester tomorrow afternoon, and wlU report Justice Robert* delivered th e Prtsss will be awarded the *1nner.< The present taxes sre being paid till' part of Riize HerlxflOger, In at a faster rate than last year. It "The Pelrffied Forest" which the permission to construct a four car Green. reaiitts at the evening.service. opinion which held that the Labor TRUCK STRIKE refreshments served.
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