MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1942 ?AGB rOURTEES Mmtrliratrr Ennitwa HfraUit Average Daily Circulation The Weather For the Month of January, 1943 -T^Sr The Herald’* cooking . school In-^ Shea 1* a member of The Herald Forecaat of C. 8. Weatker Boreau we are- well aware ha* been touch­ staff, and hi* wife 1* the former A dress rehearsal of the Red Mr*. James J. Dusk and daugh­ ed by what Dr.' Iw-slle Weather- (Couple Celebrates structor before she left town Fri­ ter Betty Jane, of 553 East Center Miss Viola Horvath of Terrace Cross entertainment which em­ Faith Needed head calls "the transforming day afternoon. Last year. Miss .Continued moderately cold thin street, are registered at the Hotel avfenue. East Hartford. 7 ,0 8 8 About To^vn ployees of t ^ Independent and friendship" of Clirist. Bean presented th^m with a set afternoon 'and tonight; tnrreaiiing Pennsylvania,*New York, for a few First Anniversarv Member of the Audit Ellis Cloak coXpanies will present "The gateway through which of silver tea spoons at the time of wind* near roaxt. Bnrean of Circulation* \ in High school V j'- f'ri'lay eve­ days. ' Most of All we enter this expeiicme." said their wedding. Motion pictures were shown in Wllllun RoberUon, of Philadel­ ning. wii; be heldXthis evening at Mr. Ward, "is not by any partic­ A large number of close friends Manchestei ~A City of Village Charm phia, who conducted services at eight o'clock at the studio of Mrs. Miantonomoh Tribe No. 58. Im-| the afterhoon by Gerald Demeusy. BEFORE YOU B^iY ANY proved Order of Red Men. will ■ ular method, not by the proce.ss ot and relatives gathered yesterday Gospel hall, 115 Center street, last Rolda Martin. 324 C i^ e r street, One of the films included pictures KIND OF fNSlTRANCE hold its regular meeting in Tinker I Rrv. W . Ralph W anl. Jr. | Intellect and will alone, hut bv to celebrates the first wedding an­ week will continue each evening rear, instead of tom orroVnight as taken on the couple's honeymoon CAI.L 66.37 VOL. LXL, NO. 124 (CtaBalSed Adverttalng On Page It ) MANCHESTER, CONN., Tl^ESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1942 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CEN’TS hall tonight at'eight o'clock sharp. ] the humlile acceptnnee of the gift niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Danny IhU week at 7.4S except Saturday. originally soieduled. Tnb, ticket PrearliPH First of Hi« God has given us in Jesus Christ. " m Washington, D. C. Members are asked to make a .spe Shea of ,382 Hartford Road. One BENJAMIN CHENEY With the aid of a chart, entitled conimittee reports a .splenolti ad­ In the evening worship Mr. of the features of the affair was A chicken dinner was served at i lal effort to be on lime. LciitPii Serinoiis. MS Main St. Hale Bldg. “ShadowB of Christ," and'old tes­ vance sale of tickets. The progfnim Ward preached on "Helps to Bet­ a cake which had been presented, noon, and a buffet lunch followed tament events, he will show their US expected to continue from e i ^ an enjoyable afternoon. Danny Group E of Center church worn- j ter Habits of Prayer. " riie Hi- to the couple by Miss Ruth Bean, Importance iu reference to Chn.st. to ten o'clock Friday evening, and Prearhing the first in a scries of ■n of s^hichMr.- Kay Warren is League were led in a discussion The general public will be welcome dancing w'H fcliow to niu.sic by leader will have a pot luck supper I>’nlen sermons on "Vital Reli­ by the pastor on Boy 'and Girl to attend these meetings. Mr. lon y Obrigm's orche.'tra. toiiioriow even.ng at ti 30 in tlie | gious Living." Ke\'A . R.alpii Friendships, and the Epwortli Robertson was formerly of Grange­ Kobhitis room of C'ciitor f'liurch Iwagup were leil in a meeting on mouth, on Firth of Forth. Scot­ .\ babv girl. Beverly Grace'e^vas Want: .Jr . pastor of t^ie South Hou.se. the life of George Washington by land. born Saturday at St. Francis h.>s- Methodist ihiirih, said W'sterdav Ni^son Richmond. NATIONAL Destroyer, Stores Ship Pound to Pieces; pital to Mi*, Mrs. Robert F. ..St. - M a i^ f’ t's Cirile. Daughters morning "the most"* impres.sive Hose CX>mpany No. 2 of the Man­ Thayer, formerly of this town but of I.«abella. vidrl have a members' contribution the Chri'islimi chitrch chester Fire department will meet now residing on t'apitol avenue, .s«'K ih1 tom.iri^v , evening at H world IS men this evening at headquarter.s for Hartford Th.-v aUao have a'Ujrce- has to set before the year-old son icichartl Robert. Mr. o'clock in the K hhome There and wonien. young ami old. whi.se .Viithorized Dealer apecial session, Foren.an Fred will be card gained T■fhe degree Sankey stated this morning that Thayer is the son of M r. and Mrs hvi'.s manifOHl a clear and radiant David F. Tha.er of this town team will meet .Suiid.iy at three ; he wished as many of the members e clink 'for a reliea^ga' in -St | lehgiOMs faith' The distinguish­ as possible attend iliie to the fai t "ORPERS SEW and SAVE .laiiie.s'.s hall. Tho.se undWe to at- | ing n.iaik of the I'hiistian is not that special anangements will Mrs. B- T. Savory and daughft:, ^ CONNECTICUT Approach Zero-Hour in Battle for Java lend .should notify the iKgerit at his clothing, .some .-pec ml ensignia have to be made for .servu e.s of Marilyn, of '22 Green Road aie the' meeting tomorrow evening. j hut a distiiu't religious personali­ • the department. The meetini; is spending -10 days visiting in fTii- cago. ty " The tir.st cenliii y reports scheduled for 7 30 sharp. Mrs; Charles Crockett and Mrs. "Now when they saw the boldness Everett Kci'h « ho aie iii i hargV of Peter ami .lohn. ami perceived bKE Jap Teiilarles Reach for Java oi rard and oihei games for the Week that they were unlearned and ig­ Mothers' •( bib social lhis ^yening norant men. they marvelled, and L. T. WOOD CO. at the ■\' .M C letpiest all, who they took knowledge of them that Fresh Aerial Blows Lower I’rite On Fre.sh 189 Officers, Men iVLABIVOJTpX can cnnveni.'ntly do .so to bring they had been with Jesus " Toilav 51 Bissell Street their own .lards. we admire no less gpeatly those Phone 4496 T'^MUKDCN. GREEN PEAS 2 qts. 25c persons in our mid.st whose life For National Defense Spinach Campbell Couni iT K of C , will- C , Rnntaine present rings to all members 'in Escarolc ^'am s the service and to tho.se who later By Japs Reported; Hale's Fabric Department Has Hundreds of Pieces of the Ne\vo.s( Spring: Reported as Lost; IceberR or Sweet Potatoes enter the service There are now 'OK VO Bo.ston Lettuce Cranberries .six members of the roum il ih the and Summer Fabrics! Peppers Turnips j service and two more are due to leave within a day or two At the HALE'S SELF SERVE Buy Defensp CHUNGKING Tomafftes Circen .Beans 1 meeting of the roiincil to be held The OriRinal In New EnJiland! Celery Cauliflower Stamps and Bunds Land Near Koepang tonight the order will be placed Planes Seeking Sub [ for eight rings and others wllj be INDIA ^ ^ ^ W u N M IN G Crisp New ^ . ___ purchased as the nien leave Eai h AND HEALTH MARKET CALCUTTA' BEETS OR CARROTS, 2 bchs. 17c ling will carry the K. of C. em­ Japanese Glaims Oeeii- Defenders .4re Urgetl by | Slirfare \ essels .Also \ 4‘j*sH«* Suffer Disaster blem. Jap Planes Admits Navy pation of Airdrome 10 Governor - General to; Huiil Craft Whieli In Roariii;: («ale Off Slit fOR ALL LAUNDRY Packed in each box of SANOOOI I • TUESDAY SPECIALS Miles Southeast of Fare Foe with ‘Faith .Shelled Oil Refinery Roeky Fast Coast of AND HOUSEHOLD PURPOSES these Granules you will Raid Papua; ■ANOKOK Using Some ' I ---------------------------- 7 , Gapital of Diiteli Porr -And Iron Will' in cqAM* Near Fllwiiod, (^lif.; New foiiii(||aii(l: Cum- find a larKe retfular bar WARNING Doiihle Green Stamps Given ^ illi tioii of Timor; As­ Battle; No New Offi­ Damage Slight aud Cocoa-Butter Soap. Drop Bombs Aged Shells mamler of Destroyer eiTinwit ■rfM; “Iff Cm I R*«". M t e l sert Heavy Damage cial' Word on Siima- No ('asualties Reported lawatkkarilctal. Irak* aiarkakwWilM t**ti| Gash Stiles .\11 DavTiiestlav ft rnixtiin .\iiioiig Dead; * BUY .) (; r \ n h -e s Inflieted on United Some Buildings Dam­ tra and Bali; Raids .-\s 2 .3 Rounds Fired Ordnance Bureau Chief Stores .Ship Skip­ W ITH .5 BARS ,SOAP No. 2 fa n Burt OIney Stales Fleet Units. .Aimed at Bandoeng. By Japanese U-Boat. per Reported Safe. aged, But No Vital Add.H 'Mere .ige Is ,\o FOR .«1.10 C.riteriou of Effective- Tender Sweet Peas Tok.vo (From Japanese, Points Hit; J\o Esti- Batavia. N.E.I., Feb. 21.— ! \N'a.'ihii)Ktoii, Feh.. 24.—?(/P) Wa.-<hinJrt(>n. Feh, 24.— (/P) ^ BATAVIA NIW-’ . CUINCAk ' Hershey’s Broadcasts), Fel). 21.— </P)— ^late of Casualties.-|(^)— Urged by the goveriKir- I— The War Department an-| uess of Ammuuitiou. — .A United States destroyer /NO.'AN Japanese forces which landed general of the Dutch East In­ I noil need toda.v that .-^rm' and a Naval stoie.s .ship have HERSHEY5 Cocoa-Butter Soap ' 16c can 6 cans 89c LOMBOK^ near Koepang, capital of the Canberra.
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