Han Services; Nonprofit Organizations;
OP 4. DOCUMENTRESUME ED -214 728s -RC'013.273 AUTHOR ,Gore,,Jane S.; And Others 1 T ITLE The Message Transferred. A Record of Data Feedback Procedures to Interested Agency Clienteles andCounty CitizenglAs Part of the-Human Service Agencies' Collaboration in the Delivery of Services, and Amenities to Rural Citiieni in Clinton County, New . - York. :INSTITUTION State Univ. of New York, r;lattsbUrgh. Coll. at Plattsbnrgh. SPONS AGENCY De9 partment of Agriculture,- Washington, D.C. PUB DATE 7 ,NOTE 256p.; In collaboration with the Council of Community Services in Plattsburgh and Clinton ConntyiNew, York. EDRS'PRJCE MF01/PC11 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Agency Cooperation; *Delivery Systems; *Feedback; *Han Services; Nonprofit Organizations;. , *Organizational. Communication; Outreach tPrograms; t Private Agencies; Public Agencies; Rural Areas; *Rural Population; Transportation; Workshops IDENXJFIERS *New. York (Clinton County) / . 4- ABSTRACT 2 A 1977 study in' Clinton County, New York, investigated'collaimration'among human service.a4encies in the- . delivery of services jaed amenities:tb rural citizens. A major assumption was that itencies Working together would be more effective - in Meeting local needs. -ThiAti,pdblic, private, and non7profit agencies`were chosen-based oratheir. suppOsed interest inn a.rural transportation netwok.The,hfghest ranking administrator plus 1 or 2 other professionals or b6ard members from each agency made up the sample (n=57). 4nterviewe -were held with the sample regarding themselves andtheir agencies anda questionnaire was, mailed to them ..,requestingviews,ofeachof the oiher°29 agencies in terms of agency o interaction'AGuttman Scale construction primicIed characteristics of agencies hiVing.high,ihteraotion scones. Over 70 people attended a day7long workshop which communicated: results and planned for future inter- agency collaboration activities% Since, participating agencies ianted additional feedback,,28 individnal agency sessions Of 1 1/2 to 2 houps were conducted ingthe fall of.
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