Fish Price Monitoring in Kandal, Prey Veng and Takeo Provinces of Cambodia
Fish Price Monitoring in Kandal, Prey Veng and Takeo Provinces of Cambodia by 1 1 2 Ker Naret , Sem Viryak and Don Griffiths 1. Fishery Officer, Department of Fisheries, and Counterpart of the MRC/DoF/Danida Fisheries Project in Cambodia 2. Chief Technical Advisor, MRC - Rural Extension for Aquaculture Development Project ABSTRACT Fish marketing data are vital for any aquaculture development project because it influences potential supply, demand and distribution channels of fish. The Rural Extension for Aquaculture Development (READ) Cambodian Sub-Component monitored fish prices eight times per month throughout 1999, in representative markets in Kandal, Prey Veng and Takeo provinces in Cambodia. A total of 90 fish dealers (30 per province) were also interviewed. Results showed that River Catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus), Snakeheads (Channa spp.) and Walking Catfish (Clarias spp.) were the major cultured fish by weight in all markets on sampling days. The quantities of cultured fish traded in Prey Veng markets was less than for Kandal and Takeo markets. In Kandal 38% of fish traded was cultured. Snakeheads (Channa spp.), Goonch (Bagarius bagarius), Climbing Perch (Anabas testudineus), Catfish (Mystus spp. and Clarias spp.), Silver Barb (Barbodes gonionotus) and Riel (Henicorhynchus spp.) were the major wild fish species found in each province. Wild fish prices were generally highest from June to August and lowest from December to February. Mackerel (Scomber spp.) was the only marine fish species in the markets of each province. There were greater quantities of Mackerel in Kandal and Takeo than in Prey Veng province, and Mackerel was available year round in Kandal market. The main fish supply channels were through Saang district in Kandal province; Angkor Borei, Bourei Cholsar and Kaoh Andaet districts in Takeo province, and Kampong Leav district in Prey Veng province.
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