UC Berkeley PaleoBios

Title Revised large biostratigraphy and biochronology of the Barstow Formation (Middle Miocene), California

Permalink https://escholarship.org/uc/item/5sv1h5gp

Journal PaleoBios, 29(2)

ISSN 0031-0298

Author Pagnac, Darrin

Publication Date 2009-11-05

DOI 10.5070/P9292021802

Peer reviewed

eScholarship.org Powered by the California Digital Library University of California PaleoBios 29(2):48-59, November 5, 2009 © 2009 University of California Museum of Paleontology Revised large mammal biostratigraphy and biochronology of the Barstow Formation (Middle Miocene), California

DARRIN PAGNAC Museum of Geology, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, 501 East Saint Joseph Street, Rapid City, SD 57701; [email protected]

A new biostratigraphic zonation for the middle Miocene Barstow Formation based on the mammalian megafauna is presented. Four biostratigraphic zones are outlined, two containing fossil assemblages of early Barstovian (Ba1) age, and two with late Barstovian (Ba2) assemblages. Recommendations are made for defining and characterizing the Barstovian North American Land Mammal Age (NALMA). The Ba1 biochron is defined based on the first occurrence of Plithocyon, and the base of the Ba2 biochron is revised based on the first appearance of the antilocapridRamoceros . The ursid Plithocyon remains a valid defining taxon for the base of the Barstovian NALMA. The use of both gom- photheriid and mammutid proboscideans to define the base of the Ba1 or Ba2 is abandoned due to the diachrony of first appearances across North America. The Ba1 biochron is additionally characterized based on the first appear- ance of the equid Scaphohippus. The base of the Ba2 biochron is revised based on the first appearance ofRamoceros. The Ba2 can also be characterized by the first appearance of the borophagine canidProtepicyon and the anchitherine equid Megahippus.

INTRODUCTION of the Barstow Formation (Woodburne and Tedford 1982, The Barstow Formation, with significant outcrops located Tedford et al. 1987, Woodburne et al. 1990, Tedford et al. within the Mud Hills region of the Mojave Desert (Fig. 2004), the Third or “Green Hills” Division, the Second Divi- 1) approximately ten miles north of the town of Barstow, sion, and the First Division (Fig. 2). These zones are in real- San Bernardino County, California, is renowned for its ity lithologic subdivisions developed by field crews from the mammalian fossils. The Wood Committee on Stratigraphic Frick Laboratory (see abbreviations). Because these lithologic subdivisions coincidentally contain relatively discrete fossil Nomenclature (Wood et al. 1941) designated the fossil as- assemblages, subsequent researchers (Frick 1937, Schultz semblage from the “fossiliferous tuff member” of the Bar- and Falkenbach 1940, 1941, 1947, 1949) utilized these Frick stow Formation as the type assemblage for the Barstovian Lab lithologic subdivisions to denote relative stratigraphic North American Land Mammal Age. Subsequent workers relationships of fossil assemblages. As such, no formal bio- (Tedford et al. 1987, Tedford et al. 2004) defined an early stratigraphic zonation based on established protocol has (Ba1) and late (Ba2) subdivision of the Barstovian NALMA. been presented for the mammalian megafauna of the Barstow The Barstovian NALMA is recognized as encompassing a Formation, although Lindsay (1972) proposed a fourfold geochronologic time span from approximately 16.0–12.5 biostratigraphic zonation based on mammalian microfossils Ma (Tedford et al. 2004). (Fig. 2). Herein I present a revised biostratigraphy for the A revised systematic treatment of the megafaunal con- mammalian megafauna of the Barstow Formation as exposed stituents (here defined as small mustelid or larger) has been in the Mud Hills (Figs. 2–3) and a revised biochronology for accomplished by Pagnac (2005a, 2005b, 2006). Prior to the Barstovian NALMA. The paper concludes with a brief these works, the mammalian megafauna from the Barstow consideration of the boundary between the Barstovian and Formation had not been subjected to a comprehensive de- Clarendonian NALMAs. scription and review since that presented by Merriam (1919). In this study, revisions to the biostratigraphy of the Barstow History of Study Formation, based on these systematic reviews, are presented. The development of the modern lithostratigraphic sub- These revisions include only the Barstovian taxa from the Bar- divisions of the Barstow Formation is a complicated story stow Formation, excluding the earlier Hemingfordian taxa. that involves both lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic In the type area (Mud Hills), the Barstovian fauna occurs interpretations. For a comprehensive and detailed review of from the stratigraphic level of Steepside Quarry to several interpretations prior to 1980, see Woodburne and Tedford localities (e.g., RV 6126, UCMP V6447) which occur near (1982), Woodburne et al. (1990) and Pagnac (2005a). the stratigraphic level of the Lapilli Tuff (approximately 120 The modern lithostratigraphic subdivisions of the Bar- meters above the Hemicyon Tuff), or within the upper half stow Formation (Fig. 2) were developed by Woodburne and of the middle member and the upper member of the Barstow Tedford (1982), Tedford et al. (1987) and Woodburne et al. Formation (Figs. 1–3). (1990). The basal member, the Owl Conglomerate (Fig. 2), To date, three informal “faunal zones” have been recog- consists of at least 200 m of granitic conglomerates. These nized within the “Barstovian portion” (as outlined above) basal conglomerate layers grade laterally into the granitic 49 PALEOBIOS, VOL. 29, NUMBER 2, NOVEMBER 2009 breccia of the Pickhandle Formation (Ingersoll et al. 1996). approximately 570 m of fluvial conglomerates, sandstones and The base of the Owl Conglomerate is demarcated by the clays. The top of the middle member is marked by the promi- Red Tuff. The top of the Owl Conglomerate is marked by nent Skyline Tuff, a 1–2 m thick detrital, ash-fall tuff bed. the Rak Tuff. The unnamed upper member (which begins with the Atop the Owl Conglomerate is the unnamed middle Skyline Tuff) consists of about 270 m of lacustrine clays and member (which begins with the Rak Tuff) which comprises mudstones, with limited occurrence of sandstone facies. The

HEMICYON RODENT CARNIVORE QUARRY HILL HELLGATE COMPOSITE RV 6126, UCMP V6447 CANYON BASIN BASIN BASIN SECTION UCMP V65140 m ft UCMP V6448, RV 6127, UCMP V6447, UCMP V6448, LAPILLI TUFF RV 6126 6128, 6129 RV 6127, 6128, RV 5201 LINDSAY 5 6129 Robbins Q, Hidden Hollow Q, HEMICYON Robbins, Hidden Hollow Leader Q UCMP V2301, TUFF Easter Leader UCMP V2301, V3849, RV 5201 UCMP V3849 3000 New Hope 900 4 Easter Q, UCMP V65147, V1399, V1400, RV 5101 RV 5101, Dip Slip HEMICYONTUFF Hemicyon Stratum, UCMP V65147, Hemicyon Stratum, RV 6607 UCMP V1399, HIATUS RV 6607 UCMP V1400 RAINBOW LOOP Mayday, New Hope Q DATED New Year 800 3 Dip Slip Q UCMP Vz65134 SKYLINE TUFF Mayday Q, New Year Q, UCMP V65134 TUFF 2500 2 Skyline, Starlight, Starlight Q, RV 6131 Sunder Ridge, RV 6131 Hailstone Skyline Q, Sunder Ridge Q, 700 Hailstone Valley View Valley View Q

OREODONT 2000 STEEPSIDE Saucer Butte 600 Saucer Butte Q TUFF QUARRY BASIN Turbin Q Turbin Sandstone, RV 4701 500 Sandstone Q, RV 4701 Oreodont Q Rak Deep Deep Q, Rak Q 1500 1 Steepside Steepside Q


M U D H I L L S Barstow Syncline 300 1000

Fossil Bed Road

Road RAK Irwin TUFF 200

Fort 500


N RED TUFF Old CA-58 0 0

Barstow 15 58 15 40 0 3 miles Scale Figure 1. Stratigraphic sections from the Barstow Formation in the Mud Hills, CA, region (for specific geographic locations of sec- tions refer to Woodburne et al. 1990 and MacFadden et al. 1990). Stratigraphic locations of vertebrate localities are also indicated. Numbers in composite section correspond to the following tuff beds: 1—Oreodont Tuff, 2—Skyline Tuff, 3—Dated Tuff, 4—Hemi- cyon Tuff, 5—Lapilli Tuff. Insert illustrates geographic location of Mud Hills region and Barstow Syncline area of the Mojave Desert where significant deposits of the Barstow Formation crop out. PAGNAC—BIOSTRATIGRAPHY, BIOCHRONOLOGY REVISIONS IN THE BARSTOW FM. 50 upper member is capped unconformably by Quaternary al- Wood et al. (1941) designated the fauna from the “fos- luvium. Each of the three members shares an interfingering siliferous tuff member” of the Barstow Formation (equivalent relationship with a western fanglomerate facies of distinct to the unnamed upper member of Woodburne et al. 1990) lithology (Steinen 1966, Woodburne et al. 1990) that has as the type assemblage for the Barstovian North American never been recognized as a formal lithostratigraphic unit. Land Mammal Age. The fossils from the “fossiliferous tuff Frick field crews recognized five distinct lithostratigraphic member” of Merriam (1919) were considered equivalent to intervals within the Barstow Formation (Fig. 2): the Fifth the assemblage from the First Division of the Frick Labora- or Red Division, the Fourth or Rak Division, the Third tory, thus limiting the original definition of the Barstovian to or Green Hills Division, the Second Division and the First that zone. At this point, lithostratigraphy and biochronology Division (Barstow Fauna of Woodburne et al.1990). Frick became inter-mixed, resulting in a confusing characterization field crews recognized relatively distinct fossil assemblages of the type Barstovian assemblage. The Frick zones were es- associated with each of these divisions, although these data sentially lithostratigraphic units that coincidentally contained were never formally published. Subsequent researchers (Frick distinct fossil assemblages. Thus, the original definition of 1937, Schultz and Falkenbach 1940, 1941, 1947, 1949) the Barstovian NALMA was based on fossil occurrences utilized these lithostratigraphic divisions to indicate the restricted to lithostratigraphic zones rather than a desired relative stratigraphic relationships of mammalian taxa as no biostratigraphic zonation. formal biostratigraphic zonation was available. As a result, A revised biostratigraphic zonation is needed to provide these lithostratigraphic divisions have been used continuously a suitable basis for recognition of Barstovian NALMA aged to describe discrete faunal assemblages within the Barstow assemblages. Lindsay (1972) developed a number of bio- Formation (Tedford 1966, Woodburne and Tedford 1982, stratigraphic zones within the upper member of the Barstow Tedford et al. 1987, Woodburne et al. 1990, Tedford et al. Formation based on microfossils (Fig. 2). Although Lindsay 2004). Tedford (1966) compiled the stratigraphic ranges of recognized four distinct biostratigraphic zones, three were fossil taxa from Frick Laboratory data and presented them limited to the upper member of the Barstow Formation. in a brief report. Tedford’s report is the only published Additionally, the microfauna from the lower portions of the megafaunal biostratigraphic data available from the Barstow Barstow Formation, particularly the middle member, has Formation. not been adequately sampled to provide a basis for detailed biostratigraphy. It is for these reasons that the revised zona- tion presented here is limited to the macrofauna. Ma Lithostratigraphy Frick Divisions Rodent Zones Biostrat. NALMA

Copemys Abbreviations in text Local top, russelli 13 Barstow Fm. AZ AMNH—American Museum of Natural History, New Lapilli Tuff 13.4 +- 0.2 Ma M. mckennai/ York, NY; F:AM—Frick American Collection. Copemys FIRST M. necatus The late Childs Frick (Frick Laboratory) conducted extensive longidens Ba2 14 Hemicyon Tuff 14.0 vertebrate collection programs throughout the United States. +- 0.09 Ma DIVISION IZ AZ

UPPER MEMBER Upon his death in 1966, his collection of fossil vertebrates R. brevicornis/ Pseudadjidauma M. mckennai was donated to the American Museum, where they are cur- IZ BARSTOVIAN Dated Tuff 14.8 stirtoni AZ +- 0.06 Ma rently housed. FOD—First occurrence datum (temporal) as Skyline Tuff SECOND 15 Cupidimus A. asthenostylus/ R. brevicornis defined by Aubry (1997);HO —Highest occurrence (strati- Valley View 15.3 DIVISION IZ + lindsayi - 0.03 Ma Ba1 graphic) as defined by Aubry (1997); IZ—Interval Zone; GREEN HILLS P. barstowensis/ A. asthenostylus LACM—Los Angeles County Museum, Los Angeles, CA; AZ IZ Oreodont Tuff 15.8 DIVISION +- 0.06 Ma 16 LO—Lowest occurrence (stratigraphic) as defined by Aubry RAK (1995); LOD—Last occurrence datum (temporal) as defined MIDDLE MEMBER Rak Tuff 16.56 DIVISION +- 0.34 Ma by Aubry (1997); Ma—Mega-annum, or a point in the geo- RED DIVISION chronologic timescale; m.y.—million years, or an interval in 17 the temporal timescale; NALMA—North American Land Mammal Age; RAM—Raymond Alf Museum, Claremont,

HEMINGFORDIAN CA; RV—University of California, Riverside, CA, fossil lo- 19 cality. SBCM—San Bernardino County Museum, Redlands, Red Tuff 19.3 OWL CONGLOMERATE OWL +- 0.02 Ma CA; UCMP—University of California Museum of Paleontol- ogy, Berkeley, CA; UCR—University of California, Riverside Figure 2. Lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic subdivisions of the Barstow Formation. Triangles represent stratigraphic position (vertebrate paleontology collections now housed at UCMP) and Ar40/Ar39 ages of tuff beds (Woodburne et al. 1990, Wood- Unless otherwise stated, the term Barstow Formation burne 1996). Rodent assemblage zones after Lindsay 1972. Mac- refers only to the outcrops of that formation in the Mud rofossil biostratigraphy from this paper. Hills, San Bernardino County, California. 51 PALEOBIOS, VOL. 29, NUMBER 2, NOVEMBER 2009

MATERIALS AND METHODS definition included faunal assemblages from the unnamed The data used in this study were obtained from surveying middle member of the Barstow Formation, or the Green the fossil mammal collections at a number of institutions. The Hills Division and Second Division Faunas of Frick (Fig. 2), bulk of the data were collected from the F:AM collections at corresponding to a time frame of approximately 16–12 m.y. AMNH. Significant amounts of data were also collected from Tedford et al. (2004) made additional revisions to the specimens at UCMP. The remaining data were compiled from Barstovian NALMA and incorporated additional geochro- specimens at LACM, SBCM, UCR, and RAM. nologic, magnetostratigraphic, and taxonomic data in their The stratigraphic ranges of each of the taxa were tabulated refinements. The base of the Barstovian NALMA was defined based on occurrences recorded from several localities. The on the first appearance of the ursidPlithocyon and the mam- occurrences were gathered from published references and mutid proboscidean Zygolophodon. The Barstovian NALMA documentation of specimens within collections (many of the extends to the first appearance of the gelocid Pseudoceras, key specimens utilized in defining biohorizons are listed in defines the base of the Clarendonian NALMA, and encom- Appendix I). Localities were located in the field and correlated passes a time span of approximately 16–12.5 m.y. to the nearest previously published lithostratigraphic section Tedford et al. (2004) divided the Barstovian NALMA into (Fig. 1). See Woodburne et al. 1990 and MacFadden et al. two biochrons, the early Barstovian (Ba1) and late Barstovian 1990 for details as to the exact geographic location of each (Ba2). The Ba1 was defined as above, by the first appearance section in Figure 1. A composite section was produced and of Plithocyon and Zygolophodon. The Ba1 was also character- each locality was placed based on its relative position to key ized by a number of first and last appearances of taxa. Due to marker beds (Fig. 1). The composite section was arranged the highly provincial nature of Barstovian faunal assemblages, within a geochronologic framework based on radioisotopic Tedford and his coauthors made regional characterizations dates from previously published results (Woodburne et al. for the Ba1 interval, such as the first appearance of the bo- 1990, MacFadden et al. 1990, Lourens et al. 2004) (Fig. 3). rophagine canids Cynarctus in the midcontinent, and that The new megafaunal biostratigraphic zonation for the middle of and Protepicyon in the west. and upper members of the Barstow Formation is illustrated The cricetid rodent genus Copemys was used to define in Figures 2 and 3. Figure 3 shows the stratigraphic ranges the base of the Barstovian NALMA (Tedford et al. 1987, of megafaunal taxa from the Barstow Formation. Lindsay 1995) based on a LO at Steepside Quarry (Lindsay The stratigraphic ranges illustrated in Figure 3 are from 1972). Further collection efforts in the lower portion of the the Barstow Formation only; their lateral extent is considered unnamed middle member of the Barstow Formation (the Rak local. Thus, the term lowest occurrence (LO) and highest Division of Frick) have yielded specimens of Copemys from occurrence (HO) are used to describe their local stratigraphic stratigraphic levels below that of Steepside Quarry (Lindsay ranges. By utilizing geochronologic data acquired from sev- 1995), a portion of the Barstow Formation which contains eral tuff beds (Woodburne et al 1990, Berggren et al. 1995, a Hemingfordian faunal assemblage. As a result, Tedford et Woodburne 1996, Lourens et al. 2004, Tedford et al. 2004) al. (2004) chose to abandon Copemys as a defining taxon for these ranges have been plotted along a geochronologic time the base of the Barstovian interval. scale on the left of the stratigraphic ranges in Figure 3. Tedford et al. (2004) define the base of the Ba2 with the Salvador (1994) defines an “Interval Zone” as, “… a body first appearance of gomphotheriid proboscideans, the erina- of fossiliferous strata between two specified biostratigraphic ceids Lanthanotherium and Untermannerix, the ochotonids horizons (biohorizons). Such a zone is not itself necessarily Hesperolagomys and Russellagus, the zapodid Megasminthus, the range zone of a taxon or concurrence of taxa; it is defined the mustelid Pliogale and the amphicyonid Pseudocyon. Ted- and identified only on the basis of its bounding biohorizons.” ford et al. (2004) again comment on the provincial nature The interval zones presented herein are consistently defined of Barstovian assemblages and identify each defining taxa at their base on the lowest stratigraphic occurrence (LO) of as endemic to the midcontinent or the west. In this work, each defining taxon. Tedford et al. (2004) also extensively characterize the Ba2 interval with first and last appearances of numerous taxa, BACKGROUND TO BIOCHRONOLOGY again specifying a geographic province for each. OF THE BARSTOVIAN NALMA Due to the diachronous nature of the first appearance of Tedford et al. (1987) expanded on the original Wood proboscideans in North America, the use of Zygolophodon Committee definition of the Barstovian NALMA, which until and of Proboscidea in general, the designation of a defining then had only included the fauna from the “fossiliferous tuff taxon for the base of the Barstovian interval is abandoned. member” of the Barstow Formation (essentially equivalent to Proboscideans appear as early as 16.5 Ma. in the Great Basin the Frick First Division fauna in Fig. 2). Through integration (Prothero et al. 2008a) and as late as 14.5 Ma. in the Great of contemporary taxonomic and geochronologic informa- Plains (Prothero et al. 2008b). The earliest appearance of tion, Tedford et al. (1987) defined the base of the Barsto- proboscideans in the Massacre Lake local fauna in Nevada vian NALMA at the first appearance of the ursid Plithocyon predates the Hemingfordian/Barstovian boundary, whereas (=Hemicyon) and the cricetid rodent Copemys. This new their appearance in the Great Plains is significantly later scale at left. section(from Composite locations.Geochronologic Figurethe diagram). 1)shows represent of lithostratigraphic atspecificlocalities (indicated occurrence quarry the left to BarstowFigure ranges ofthe ofmammalianmegafaunal constituents lines represent 3.Biostratigraphic Solidvertical lines Formation. known ranges. Horizontal stratigraphic 13.0 16.0 14.0 15.0

Ma Oreodont Tuff Oreodont Skyline Tuff HemicyonTuff DatedTuff Lapilli Tuff Turbin Q Saucer ButteQ Sandstone Q,RV 4701 Valley View Q Oreodont Q RV 6131 Starlight Q, Steepside Q RV 6126, UCMP 6447 UCMP V6448, RV 6127,6128,6129 Deep Q,RakQ UCMP V65134 Mayday Q,New Year Q, Dip SlipQ Hailstone Quarry Skyline Q,SunderRidge New HopeQ Hemicyon Stratum,RV 6607 Leader Q Robbins Q,HiddenHollow UCMP V2301, V3849,RV 5201 V1399, V1400,RV 5101 Easter Q,UCMP V65147,

Osbornodon fricki acridens Euoplocyon brachygnathus Pliocyon medius Amphicyon ingens Brachycrus laticeps Paramiolabis minutus Rakomeryx raki Dromomeryx jorakinus Merriamoceros coronatus Tomarctus hippophaga Paramiolabis singularis Michenia mudhillsensis Acritohippus stylodontus Hesperhys sp. Archaeohippus mourningi Cynorca occidentale Miolabis fissidens Cynarctus galushai Tomarctus brevirostris Aelurodon asthenostylus Paratomarctus temererius Protepicyon raki Scaphohippus intermontanus Ramoceros brevicornis Ischyrocyon gidleyi Miomustela sp. Megahippus mckennai Mediochoerus mohavensis Cosoryx furcatus Gomphotherium sp. Zygolophodon sp. Paracynarctus kelloggi Microtomarctus conferta Bassariscus antiquus Plithocyon barstowensis Brachypsalis pachycephalus Plionictis ogygia Pseudaelurus intrepidus Hypohippus affinis Scaphohippus sumani Aphelops sp. Dyseohyus fricki Protolabis barstowensis Aepycamelus alexandrae Paracosoryx alticornis Merycodus necatus P. barstowensis/A. asthenostylus IZ A. asthenostylus/ M. mckennai/M. necatus IZ R. brevicornis

IZ R. brevicornis/

M. mckennai IZ

FM. BARSTOW THE IN REVISIONS BIOCHRONOLOGY PAGNAC—BIOSTRATIGRAPHY, 52 53 PALEOBIOS, VOL. 29, NUMBER 2, NOVEMBER 2009 than the base of the Barstovian. As such, Proboscidea has interval zone contains the following lowest local strati- no utility as a defining taxon for the base of the Barstovian graphic occurrences of taxa: —Cynarctoides acridens, NALMA. Tedford et al. (2004) defined the base of the Ba2 Paracynarctus kelloggi, Microtomarctus conferta, Tomarctus biochron based on the first appearance of the proboscidean hippophaga; Procyonidae—Probassariscus antiquus; Ur- Gomphotherium. The lowest stratigraphic occurrence of Gom- sidae—Plithocyon barstowensis; Amphicyonidae—Amphicyon photherium in the Barstow Formation is at the level of New ingens; Mustelidae—Plionictis ogygia; Felidae—Pseudaelurus Year Quarry (just below the Dated Tuff). As Proboscidea interpidus; Equidae—Hypohippus affinis, Acritohippus stylo- is no longer a valid defining taxon for the base of the Ba2 dontus, Scaphohippus sumani; Tayassuidae—Dyseohyus fricki; due to the diachrony of first appearances (Prothero et al. Dromomerycidae—Rakomeryx raki; Antilocapridae—Mer- 2008a, b), the use of Gomphotheriidae as a defining taxon riamoceros coronatus. is abandoned as well. This IZ contains the following highest local stratigraphic occurrences of these taxa: Canidae—Osbornodon fricki , REVISED BIOCHRONOLOGY OF THE Cynarctoides acridens, Euoplocyon brachygnathus; Amphicy- BARSTOVIAN NALMA onidae—Pliocyon medius; Merycoidodontidae—Brachycrus New definition of the Barstovian NALMA laticeps; Camelidae—Paramiolabis singularis; Dromom- Definition—The beginning of the Barstovian NALMA is erycidae—Rakomeryx raki; Antilocapridae—Merriamoceros defined based on the first appearance of the hemicyonine coronatus. ursid Plithocyon (Tedford et al. 2004). No other taxa can Stratigraphic interval—The P. barstowensis/A. asthenosty- serve as useful first appearance taxa to define the base of the lus IZ encompasses the stratigraphic interval of the Barstow Barstovian NALMA due to the current state of taxonomy Formation from Steepside Quarry (approximately thirty-five and biostratigraphy. meters below the Oreodont Tuff) to Valley View Quarry (about 100 meters below the Skyline Tuff) (Figs. 1, 3). New definition and characterization of Ba1 Geochronologic age—The P. barstowensis/A. asthenostylus Definition—As stated above, the base of the Ba1 biochron IZ is bracketed by two geochronologic dates. The earliest is defined by the first appearance of Plithocyon. is from the Oreodont Tuff, with a geochronologic age of Characterization—Tedford et al. (2004) characterize 15.88±0.06 Ma. The latest is from the Valley View Tuff, the Ba1 biochron by the following first appearance taxa: dated to 15.27±0.03 Ma (Woodburne 1996). As such an ap- Canidae—Cynarctus, Paratomarctus, Aelurodon, Carpocyon; proximate age for this IZ can be estimated from 16–15.2 m.y. Mustelidae—Martes; Procyonidae—Probassariscus, Arctona- Correlation to other North American sequences—The P. sua; Equidae—Calippus, Hipparion; Tayassuidae—Dyseohyus, barstowensis/A. asthenostylus IZ contains a fossil assemblage Prosthenops; Camelidae—Procamelus, Rakomylus; Antilo- equivalent to that of the Mascall Formation of Oregon and capridae—Ramoceros, Cosoryx; Mylagaulidae—Umbogaulus, the Lower Snake Creek “Fauna” (Olcott Formation) of Ne- Pterogaulus, Ceratogaulus, Hesperogaulus; Castoridae—Mono- braska. These biochronologic correlations are based on the saulax; Heteromyidae—Perognathus, Peridiomys, Mojavemys. shared occurrence of several key taxa, including Euoplocyon The “protohippine” equid Scaphohippus is added (this study). brachygnathus, Cynarctoides acridens, Tomarctus hippopha- Tedford et al. (2004) characterize the Ba1 biochron by the gus, Acritohippus, Dromomeryx and Scaphohippus sumani following last appearances of taxa: Canidae— (Downs 1956, Tedford et al. 2004, Curasco et al. 2005, (Osbornodon), Cynarctoides, Euoplocyon; Amphicyonidae— Pagnac 2005a, 2006). Pliocyon, Amphicyon; Equidae—Desmatippus, Parahippus; Tayassuidae—Cynorca; Merycoidodontidae—Brachycrus, Aelurodon asthenostylus/Ramoceros brevicornis Merychyus; Camelidae—Stenomylinae (Rakomylus), Paramio- Interval Zone labis; Moschidae—Problastomeryx; Dromomerycidae—Sub- Definition—Interval between the LO of Aelurodon asthe- dromomeryx, Rakomeryx; Antilocapridae—Merriamoceros; nostylus Henshaw 1942 to the LO of Ramoceros brevicornis Mylagaulidae—Promylagaulinae (Galbreathia). Frick 1937 (Fig. 3). In the type area at the Barstow Syncline, the Ba1 biochron Characterization—The A. asthenostylus/R. brevicornis In- is represented by two biozones: the Plithocyon barstowensis/ terval Zone contains the following lowest local stratigraphic Aelurodon asthenostylus Interval Zone, and the Aelurodon occurrences of taxa: Canidae—Cynarctus galushai, Tomarctus asthenostylus/Ramoceros brevicornis Interval Zone. brevirostris, Aelurodon asthenostylus; Tayassuidae—Cynorca occidentale. This IZ also contains the following highest local Plithocyon barstowensis/Aelurodon asthenostylus stratigraphic occurrences of these taxa: Canidae—Tomarctus Interval Zone hippophaga; Camelidae—Michenia mudhillsensis; Tayassui- Definition—Interval from the LO of Plithocyon barstowensis dae—Cynorca occidentale. Frick 1926 to the LO of Aelurodon asthenostylus Henshaw Stratigraphic interval—The stratigraphic range of this 1942 (Figs. 2–3). IZ corresponds to approximately the lower two-thirds of Characterization—The P. barstowensis/A. asthenostylus the Frick Second Division unit (Woodburne et al. 1990). It PAGNAC—BIOSTRATIGRAPHY, BIOCHRONOLOGY REVISIONS IN THE BARSTOW FM. 54 extends from the stratigraphic level of Valley View Quarry In the type area, the Ba2 biochron is represented by two (about 100 meters below the Skyline Tuff) to Skyline Quarry biozones, the Ramoceros brevicornis/Megahippus mckennai (about 1 meter below the Skyline Tuff) (Figs. 1, 3). Interval Zone and the Megahippus mckennai/Merycodus Geochronologic age—The base of this IZ corresponds to necatus Interval Zone. the stratigraphic level of Valley View Quarry. The age can be determined based on the close proximity of Valley View Ramoceros brevicornis/Megahippus mckennai Quarry to the Valley View Tuff, with a radioisotopic date of Interval Zone 15.27±0.03 Ma (Woodburne 1996). Thus, the base of the Definition—Interval between the LO of Ramoceros brevi- A. asthenostylus/I. gidleyi IZ corresponds to a radioisotopic cornis Frick 1937 to the LO of Megahippus mckennai Tedford date of approximately 15.2 Ma, as it occurs slightly above and Alf 1962 (Fig. 3). the Valley View Tuff. The top of this IZ corresponds to the Characterization—The R. brevicornis/M. mckennai IZ stratigraphic level of Skyline Quarry, near the Skyline Tuff. contains the following lowest local stratigraphic occur- Accurate geochronologic dates cannot be obtained from rences of these taxa: Canidae—Paratomarctus temerarious, the Skyline Tuff, but based on close proximity to the Dated Protepicyon raki; Amphicyonidae—Ischyrocyon gidleyi; Equi- Tuff, with an age of 14.8±0.06 Ma, the top of this zone is dae—Archaeohippus mourningi, Scaphohippus intermontanus; estimated at an age of 15.0 m.y. Camelidae- Miolabis fissidens; Antilocapridae—Ramoceros Correlation to other North American sequences—The A. brevicornis. This IZ also contains the highest local stratigraph- asthenostylus/R. brevicornis IZ contains a fossil assemblage ic occurrences of the following taxa: Camelidae—Miolabis with two notable taxa. The first is the tayassuid Cynorca fissidens; Equidae—Archaeohippus mourningi, Acritohippus occidentale. Occurrences of C. occidentale are limited to as- stylodontus; Tayassuidae—Hesperhys sp. semblages such as that of the Temblor Formation of central Stratigraphic interval—This IZ corresponds to about the California (Woodburne 1969) and the Caliente Formation upper one-third of the Frick Second Division unit. It extends (James 1963) of southern California. The second is the oc- from the stratigraphic level of Skyline Quarry (about 1 meter currence of the “pliohippine” equid, Acritohippus stylodontus. below the Skyline Tuff, to the level of New Year Quarry) to A. stylodontus is most commonly found in faunal assemblages about 20 meters above the Skyline Tuff (Figs. 1, 3). such as that of the Bopesta Formation (Quinn 1987, Kelly Geochronologic age—The R. brevicornis/M. mckennai IZ 1998) and the Punchbowl Formation (Reynolds 1991), both begins at the level of Skyline Quarry, with an estimated age from southern California. Additionally, this biozone contains of approximately 15.0 m.y. The top of this IZ is defined at the notable lack of any taxa defining or characterizing the the stratigraphic level of New Year Quarry, stratigraphically Ba2 biochron, such as Megahippus mckennai, or Ramoceros just below the Dated Tuff, with a geochronologic age of brevicornis (see comments below). 14.8±0.06 Ma. Correlation to other North American sequences—The faunal New definition and characterization of the Ba2 assemblage from the R. brevicornis/M. mckennai IZ is dif- Definition—The base of the Ba2 biochron is revised in ficult to correlate with other North American assemblages. this study based on the first appearance of the antilocaprid It represents a very narrow stratigraphic interval and corre- Ramoceros. Tedford et al. (2004) additionally define the base sponds to a very short time period, and also represents a no- of the Ba2 biochron based on the first appearance of the table gap in preservation of the Barstovian record elsewhere. following taxa: Erinaceidae—Lanthanotherium, Unterman- Based on the occurrence of Ramoceros, this IZ correlates nerix; Mustelidae—Pliogale; Amphicyonidae—Pseudocyon; to the lowermost portions of the Pojoaque Member of the Ochotonidae—Hesperolagomys, Russellagus; Zapodidae— Tesuque Formation of New Mexico (Frick 1937). Based on Megasminthus. the occurrence of the borophagine canid Protepicyon, this IZ Characterization—Tedford et al. (2004) characterize the correlates to portions of the Zia Formation in New Mexico Ba2 biochron on the first appearances of these taxa: Cani- (Wang et al. 1999). The shared occurrence of Miolabis fis- dae—Cynarctus saxatilis, Aelurodon ferox; Ursidae—Ursavus sidens indicates that this IZ likely correlates to the lower- pawniensis; Amphicyonidae—Ischyrocyon; Equidae—Pliohippus most portions of the Pawnee Creek Formation in Colorado mirabilis, Pseudhipparion, Neohipparion coloradense, Cor- (Carrasco et al. 2005). mohipparion; Merycoidodontidae—Ustatochoerus medius; Moschidae—Longirostromeryx; Dromomerycidae—Procra- Megahippus mckennai/Merycodus necatus nioceras; Leporidae—Leporinae (Alilepus, Promotolagus); Interval Zone Mylagaulidae—Mylagaulus; Castoridae—Eucastor; Geomy- Definition—Interval between the LO of Megahippus mck- idae—Lignimus; Eomyidae—Leptodontomys; Cricetidae—Tro- ennai Tedford and Alf 1962, and the HO Merycodus necatus gomys. Tedford et al. (2004) utilized two characteristic first Leidy 1854 (Fig. 3). appearance taxa for the Ba1 biochron, the borophagine canid Characterization—The M. mckennai/M. necatus IZ is Protepicyon and the anchitherine equid Megahippus, that in characterized by the lowest local stratigraphic occurrence this study characterize the Ba2. of the following taxa: Equidae—Megahippus mckennai; 55 PALEOBIOS, VOL. 29, NUMBER 2, NOVEMBER 2009

Merycoidodontidae—Mediochoerus mojavensis; Antilocapri- the mastodon Zygolophodon. Although the Proboscidea no dae—Cosoryx furcatus; Proboscidea—Gomphotherium sp., longer has utility as a defining taxon,Plithocyon continues to Zygolophodon sp. The M. mckennai/M. necatus IZ extends to be a valid taxon for recognizing the base of the Barstovian the uppermost deposits and localities in the Barstow Forma- interval with a LO at Steepside Quarry. Thus, the beginning tion. Thus, all megafaunal taxa with ranges within this zone of the Barstovian NALMA corresponds to the base of the P. have a HO within this zone (Fig. 3). barstowensis/A. asthenostylus Interval Zone. Stratigraphic Interval—This IZ corresponds to the Frick Four taxa are useful in recognizing the local Ba1 interval: First Division unit or the Barstow faunal unit of Woodburne the borophagine canid Euoplocyon brachygnathus, the anti- et al. (1990). It extends from the level of New Year Quarry locaprid Merriamoceros coronatus, the oreodont Brachycrus (about 20 meters above the Skyline Tuff) to the stratigraphic laticeps, and the “pliohippine” equid Acritohippus stylodontus. level of several quarries (RV 6126, UCMP V6447) near the These taxa are all characterized by a LOD in the Ba1 interval. level of the Lapilli Tuff. The borophagine canid Aelurodon shows excellent prom- Geochronologic age—The M. mckennai/M. necatus IZ is ise as a defining taxon for the Barstovian NALMA, with a demarcated at its base by the Dated Tuff with a geochrono- continent-wide FOD at this time. However, the LO of Ae- logic age of 14.8±0.06 Ma. The Lapilli Tuff occurs very near lurodon in the Barstow Formation is at Valley View Quarry, the uppermost exposures of the Barstow Formation, and has much higher stratigraphically than Steepside Quarry (and been radioisotopically dated to 13.4±0.2 Ma. at an estimated geochronologic age of approximately 15.2 Correlation to other North American sequences—Based on Ma). Once earlier occurrences of Aelurodon can be positively the shared occurrence of Megahippus and Cosoryx, the M. identified in the Barstow Formation, this genus will serve as mckennai/M. necatus IZ correlates to portions of the Po- a very useful defining taxon. joaque Member of the Tesuque Formation in New Mexico Tedford et al. (2004) define the base of the late Barstovian and the Pawnee Creek Formation in Colorado (Carrasco et (Ba2) biochron with the first appearance of gomphotheriid al. 2005). Based on the shared occurrence of Paratomarctus proboscideans. The lowest occurrence of Gomphotherium in temerarious and Ramoceros, this IZ likely correlates to the the Barstow Formation is near the level of New Year Quarry, Crookston Bridge Member of the Valentine formation in just below the Dated Tuff (14.8 Ma). As stated above, Pro- Nebraska (Wang et al. 1999, Carrasco et al. 2005). boscidea is no longer a valid taxon for defining the base of Remarks—Further subdivision of the M. mckennai/M. the Ba1 or Ba2 interval. Instead, I utilize the antilocaprid necatus IZ was attempted. Figure 3 shows a significant Ramoceros brevicornis to define the base of the Ba2 interval. loss of taxa near the level of the Hemicyon Tuff, dated to Current definitions of the Barstovian NALMA divide it 14.0±0.1 Ma (Woodburne et al. 1990, Woodburne 1996). into an early (Ba1) and late (Ba2) interval (Tedford et al. Ultimately, further subdivision of the upper member of the 2004). This twofold temporal delineation was the highest Barstow Formation was not possible because the loss of so resolution available based on earlier taxonomy. Outdated many megafaunal taxa is likely an artifact of collection prac- megafaunal systematics coupled with the continued usage of tices. There are few megafossil localities above the level of Frick lithologic divisions to distinguish “faunas” has limited the Hemicyon Tuff, and almost none in the uppermost levels the division of the type Barstovian assemblage to two biochro- of the Barstow Formation. Most localities above this level nologic intervals. At the time, the only biostratigraphic data are UCMP localities collected for microvertebrate fossils by available were the preliminary ranges published by Tedford Everett Lindsay. The loss of many megafaunal taxa is likely (1966) which allowed for only two biochronologic subdivi- due to a lack of adequate sampling for large mammals at the sions. The new biostratigraphy proposed in this study allows uppermost portions of the Barstow Formation. for up to four biochronologic subdivisions of the Barstovian Aside from the loss of taxa near the Hemicyon Tuff, NALMA, potentially a doubling of the temporal resolution the M. mckennai/M. necatus Interval Zone exhibits stasis and correlative utility (each of these four biostratigraphic in taxonomic composition. This is in sharp contrast to zones could be converted to a biochronologic subdivision). the high degree of taxonomic change reported by Lindsay However, the NALMA system is designed to have utility (1972). Lindsay was able to subdivide the upper member on a continent-wide scale, and further subdivision of the of the Barstow Formation into three microfossil zones (Fig. Barstovian at this time would be premature. The revised 2). The disparity between taxonomic compositions presents biostratigraphy and biochronology of the Barstow Forma- an interesting problem that warrants further investigation. tion and type Barstovian assemblage must now be compared Due to a wealth of new microvertebrate data collected since with other correlative units to ascertain if a four-fold subdi- Lindsay’s work in the 1970s, an updated analysis is warranted vision of the Barstovian interval will be applicable to other so that comparisons with the megafossil data are possible. assemblages of equivalent age. Additionally, systematic and biostratigraphic updates to the microfauna are imperative DISCUSSION before further subdivisions of the Barstovian can be applied. Tedford et al. (2004) define the base of the Barstovian The Barstow Formation in the Mud Hills does not rep- interval by the first appearance of the ursid Plithocyon and resent the entire time span encompassed by the Barstovian PAGNAC—BIOSTRATIGRAPHY, BIOCHRONOLOGY REVISIONS IN THE BARSTOW FM. 56

NALMA. The uppermost megafaunal localities are near tatochoerus major (=Ustatochoerus cf. profectus) corresponds the stratigraphic level of the Lapilli Tuff (13.4±0.02 Ma). to a geochronologic age of about 12.5 Ma. Woodburne sug- As such, the base of the Clarendonian NALMA, currently gested utilizing P. furlongi as a defining taxon for the base defined with the first appearance of Pseudoceras (Tedford of the Clarendonian. Tedford et al. (2004) recommended et al. 2004) at ca 12.4 Ma, is not recorded. While outlying utilizing the oreodont Ustatochoerus major as a potential exposures of the Barstow Formation, such as those in the defining taxon for the base of the Clarendonian NALMA. West Cronese Basin, may record this boundary, stratigraphic With regard to the Barstow Formation, comparison with correlations with the type area are tentative at best. Extensive the basal units of the Dove Spring Formation reveals an ap- collections from this basin are lacking. proximately one-million-year gap between the uppermost The Clarendonian NALMA was originally defined based exposures of the Barstow Formation and the lowermost on the Clarendon local fauna from the Texas Panhandle exposures of the Dove Spring Formation. At the type area in (Wood et al. 1941). Tedford et al. (2004) defined the base the Mud Hills, the last one m.y. of the Barstovian NALMA, of the Cl1 biochron within the Clarendonian NALMA on and hence the Barstovian/Clarendonian boundary, are not the first appearance of the gelocid Pseudoceras. The Cl1 recorded. As such, the Megahippus mckennai/Merycodus ne- biochron is characterized by Tedford et al. (2004) by the catus Interval Zone may not be the last potential megafaunal first appearance of the beavers Eucastor planus and E. di- zone for the Barstovian. This stratigraphic and temporal gap viderus; the gomphotheriid proboscideans Eubelodon and will need to be filled by examining outlying exposures of the Megabelodon; the borophagine canids Cynarctus voorhiesi, Barstow Formation (and searching for new occurrences of Aelurodon stirtoni, and Paratomarctus euthos; the equids Plio- Paracosoryx furlongi and/or Ustatochoerus major) coupled hippus permix, Cormohipparion occidentale, Pseudhipparion with biochronologic correlation with assemblages such as retrosum, Protohippus supremus, and Megahippus matthewi; that from the Dove Spring Formation. the oreodont Ustatochoerus major; and the dromomerycid Cranioceras. Tedford et al. (2004) estimated an age for the LITERATURE CITED base of the Cl1 biochron at 12.4 Ma. Aubry, M.P. 1995. From chronology to stratigraphy: Interpreting The Dove Spring Formation, at the southern end of the the stratigraphic record. Pp. 213–274 in W.A. Berggren, D.V. 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America Bulletin 104:644–658. Highest occurrences Wood, H.E., R.W. Chaney, J. Clark, E.H. Colbert, G.L. Jepsen, Osbornodon fricki: F:AM 67066 (Wang 1994), Oreodont J.B.J. Reeside, and C. Stock. 1941. Nomenclature and correla- Quarry tion of the North American Continental Tertiary. Bulletin of the Cynarctoides acridens: F:AM 27539 (Wang et al. 1999), Geological Society of America 52:1–48. Sandstone Quarry Woodburne, M.O. 1969. Systematics, biogeography, and evolution Euoplocyon brachygnathus: Six specimens (Wang et al. of Cynorca and Dyseohyus (Tayassuidae). Bulletin of the American 1999), Steepside Quarry Museum of Natural History 141. Pliocyon medius: F:AM 27503 (F:AM collections), Camp Woodburne, M.O. 1996. Precision and resolution in mammalian Quarry chronostratigraphy: principles, practices, examples. Journal of Brachycrus laticeps: F:AM 42379 (F:AM collections), Vertebrate Paleontology 16:531–555. Deep Quarry Woodburne, M.O. 2006. Mammal Ages. Stratigraphy 3(4):229–261. Paramiolabis singularis: F:AM 23649 (F:AM collections), Woodburne, M.O., and R.H. Tedford. 1982. Litho- and biostratig- Sandstone Quarry raphy of the Barstow Formation, Mojave Desert, California. Pp. Rakomeryx raki: F:AM 31329 (Frick 1937), Oreodont 65–76. Geologic Excursions in the California Desert: Geological Quarry Society of America, Cordilleran Section 78th Annual Meeting, Merriamoceros coronatus: Thirteen F:AM specimens (Frick Anaheim, California, Volume and Guidebook. 1937), Steepside Quarry Woodburne, M.O., R.H. Tedford, and C.C. Swisher. 1990. Lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy, and geochronology of the Aelurodon asthenostylus/Ramoceros brevicornis Barstow Formation, Mojave Desert, southern California. Geo- Interval Zone logical Society of America Bulletin 102:459–477. Lowest occurrences Cynarctus galushai: F:AM 27542 (Wang et al. 1999), APPENDIX I Valley View Quarry Tomarctus brevirostris: Seven F:AM specimens (Wang et Plithocyon barstowensis/Aelurodon asthenostylus al. 1999), Valley View Quarry Interval Zone Aelurodon asthenostylus: Five F:AM specimens—F:AM Lowest occurrences 27538, 27544, 31100, 67976, 67986, Valley View Quarry Cynarctoides acridens: F:AM 27539 (Wang et al. 1999), Cynorca occidentale: F:AM 73660 (Woodburne 1969), Sandstone Quarry Valley View Quarry Paracynarcus kelloggi: Six F:AM specimens (Wang et al. 1999), Steepside Quarry Highest occurrences Microtomarctus conferta: Five F:AM specimens (Wang et Tomarctus hippophagus: F:AM 61213 (Wang et al. 1999), al. 1999), Steepside Quarry Sunder Ridge Quarry Tomarctus hippophaga: Forty-seven F:AM specimens Michenia mudhillsensis: F:AM 62257 (Pagnac 2005b), (Wang et al. 1999), Steepside Quarry Saucer Butte Quarry Bassariscus antiquus: F:AM 27497 (F:AM collections), Cynorca occidentale: F:AM 73660 (Woodburne 1969), Steepside Quarry Valley View Quarry Amphicyon ingens: F:AM 50070 (F:AM collections), Ramoceros brevicornis/Megahippus mckennai Steepside Quarry Interval Zone Plithocyon (=Hemicyon) barstowensis: F:AM 50062, 50063 (F:AM collections), Steepside Quarry Lowest occurrences Plionictis ogygia: F:AM 50130 (F:AM collections), Steep- Ramoceros brevicornis: F:AM 31348 (Frick 1937), Skyline side Quarry Quarry Pseudaelurus interpidus: Two cranial specimens (Rothwell Ischyrocyon gidleyi: F:AM 50089 (Hunt 1998; F:AM col- 2003), Steepside Quarry lections), Hailstone Quarry Acritohippus (=Atavahippus) stylodontus: F:AM 142489 Protepicyon raki: F:AM 31103 (Wang et al. 1999), Skyline (F:AM collections), Steepside Quarry Quarry Scaphohippus sumani: Abundant dental material (UC Archaeohippus mourningi: UCR 11294 (UCR collections), RV 6121 (stratigraphically equivalent to Starlight Quarry) Riverside collections), RV 4701 Scaphohippus intermontanus: AMNH 140702 (Pagnac Dyseohyus fricki: F:AM 73670 (Woodburne 1969), Steep- 2006), Skyline Quarry side Quarry Miolabis fissidens: F:AM 27305 (F:AM collection), Falken- Rakomeryx raki: F:AM 31353 (large collection of cranial bach Horse Quarry (immediately below Skyline Tuff) material, Frick 1937), Steepside Quarry Merriamoceros coronatus: Thirteen F:AM specimens (Frick Highest occurrences 1937), Steepside Quarry Miolabis fissidens: F:AM 27305 (F:AM collection), Falken- 59 PALEOBIOS, VOL. 29, NUMBER 2, NOVEMBER 2009 bach Horse Quarry (immediately below Skyline Tuff) 1962), UCR V3696 Archaeohippus mourningi: UCMP 19840 (Merriam 1913), Mediochoerus mojavensis: F:AM 34464 (Schultz and UCMP V2058 Falkenbach 1941 (= Ustatochoerus medius mojavensis)), Acritohippus stylodontus: F:AM 142498 (F:AM collec- Hemicyon Quarry tions); New Year Quarry Cosoryx furcatus: Five horncore specimens (Frick 1937), New Year Quarry Megahippus mckennai/Merycodus necatus Gomphotherium sp.: F:AM 20850 (F:AM collections), Interval Zone Hemicyon Quarry Lowest occurrences Zygolophodon sp.: F:AM 126896 (F:AM collections), ap- Megahippus mckennai: RAM 6500 (Tedford and Alf proximate stratigraphic level of New Year Quarry