
Study: Luke

Part 5: The Last Week of ’ Life Luke 19:28—22:6 Sunday through Wednesday

Discussion Starter: (5—10 minutes)

 When was the last time you became extremely angry? What happened? What did you do?

 Is there ever a time when Christians have the right to be enraged?

Chapters 19b—22a: The Arrival Major Themes:

Watch “Luke Ch 19-23” - This is located on  There is no middle ground reftonchurch.org/community-groups  Jesus is taking His nations back

 Matters of the Heart PRAY that God will give us understanding  Salvation as we read His Word.  Faith

READ:  The Kingdom of God Luke 19:28-44 aloud together  “Son of Man”

 “Authority”

1 SUNDAY—READ Luke 19:28-44 then discuss...

 As Jesus approaches the city of , He weeps. Why was He upset?

 Jesus prophesies judgement against Jerusalem (41-44). What was His reason for their punishment?

 Judgement did not come to Jerusalem until 70AD—almost 40 years after Jesus prophesied. What does this say about God’s patience and justice?

MONDAY—READ Luke 19:45-48 then discuss...

 Jesus entered the city but didn’t stay long because it was evening. He went back the next day, Monday, and began overturning merchant tables (:12-19). Why was Jesus upset with “those who were selling” (Luke 19:45)? Read :7 and :11.

 Considering what we’ve learned so far in our Luke study, why would the teachers of the law want to kill Jesus? Why did they refrain from doing so?

2 TUESDAY—READ :1—21:38 then discuss...

 (20:1-8) Why wouldn’t Jesus tell the religious leaders what authority He is under? Do you think the religious leaders lied when they answered Jesus’ question (v.7)? Why?

 (20:9-19) How does the owner of the vineyard parallel the religious leaders?

 (20:20-26) Caesar was said to be a “god” in Jesus’ day. This is why the “spies” questioned whether or not they should pay taxes to Caesar. Jesus’ answer was astonishing to the spies! What exactly was it that Jesus was saying they needed to give God? (Hint—this is not about tithing)

 Bonus Question: Compare Luke 20:20-26 with Mark 12:13-17 and Matthew 22:15-22. Matthew, Mark and Luke are all explaining the same historical event. What detail does Luke explain clearly that the others only seem to give us a good hint? In light of the biblical supernatural worldview, what seems to be going on here behind the scenes?

3  (20:27-40) Just for fun—How will we be like ? What do you think about the fact that there will be no marriage in “the age to come”? If there won’t be marriage in “the age to come,” then why is marriage so important here on Earth? Why does Luke keep referring to “the age to come” rather than just saying “heaven”? Is there a difference in meaning between “the age to come” and “heaven”? (yes, there is)

 (20:41-44) Jesus is making the point that the “son” of is not just a literal, physical son (like Solomon). Rather, the son of David, the Messiah, was to be physically of David’s lineage and also God Himself! What does this imply about Jesus?

 (20:45-47) These verses are yet another warning about the teachers of the law. What is it about these teachers that Jesus condemns? What modern day examples of this have you seen?

 (21:5-38) Jesus talks about the destruction of the Temple (70AD) and (possibly) signs of the end times. Browse the passage again and highlight the word “you.” What in this passage, if anything, is about you?

WEDNESDAY—READ :1-6 and discuss...

 Traditionally, we’re not entirely sure what happened on Wednesday, but some scholars suggest that plotted Jesus’ arrest on this day. What details does Matthew 26:6-16 and Mark 14:3-11 include that give us a better understanding as to why Judas betrayed Jesus? What additional detail does Luke give us for why Judas betrayed Jesus? What supernatural worldview implications is Luke emphasizing? What implications does this supernatural worldview hold for us today?