Series: Stories by ​ Message: 10 Minas ​ Main Scripture: Luke 19:11-27 - Page 1040 in your seat MESSAGE: STORIES BY JESUS - 10 MINAS // 6.30.19 ​ SPEAKER: Kevin Borges The ______is Paramount in this Parable GETTING STARTED 1. Who is the most responsible person you know? What are the qualities you see? 2. Which word best describes you - Saver, Spender, Investor? Why? Mark 14:24-25 3. Is there anything in this week’s message that caught your attention, challenged you Matthew 13:44-46 or confused you? :20-21 DIGGING DEEPER Matthew 6:9-15 1. Why do you think Jesus told this parable (vs. 11)? What do you assume the people were thinking? 2. Discuss the differences of “Kingdom of God” from Matt. 13:44-46, Mark 14:25, Luke

17:20-21, and :18-27, and any other passages you can find this phrase. 3. How can you bring the Kingdom of God to your life? 4. Discuss what Jesus is teaching us about the “Minas”, what we do with His directions, assignments, or instructions as His church? 5. Discuss what the “Minas” for every believer (servants) might be. Imagine Jesus is saying to you the words he said in vs. 13, “ Put this ____ to work until I come back.” How do you react to that? 6. Read :31-46. Will Jesus ever come back to reign on His throne? How can believers respond to Jesus’ words in this passage so that they are able to This Parable Focuses on ______. multiply their “minas”/”assignments” received from the King? 7. According to Matthew 25:37-40, Matthew 28:18-20, and Acts 1:8, what “minas” or

instructions did Jesus specifically give believers to be stewards of and invest in? 8. Which one do you do well? Be honest. Which one will you work on? Be honest.


1. How can you be a better steward of the “Minas” we learned of, which God has already given you? 2. Where, this week, will you step out in obedience and carry out the Kingdom of God in your world? 3. How can people be praying for you this week?

RightNow Media Resources (see bulletin for sign up instructions) ​ ● “” (Session 10) - R.C. Sproul ● “Living Generously” (10 Sessions) - The Re-Imagine Group “Kingdom Come” (10 Sessions) - J.D. Greear ● ​ ​ ​ Video messages available online at

​NOTES The Point - ______




Matthew 25:31-40 ______





______Key: Kingdom of God, The King