
The Awe and Wonder at the Top of the World The is facing incredible pressures. As goes the Arctic, so goes the planet. There is no single Arctic treaty, so it is up to our global community to save this vital part of the Earth. TABLE OF CONTENTS Where is the Arctic? Where is the Arctic? ...... 3

The Arctic Ocean ...... 4

As Goes the Arctic, So Goes the Planet ...... 6

The Arctic Challenge ...... 8

Arctic ...... 10

Industrial Threats ...... 12 CIA World Factbook Take Action ...... 14 The answer depends on who you ask. Some define the Arctic as References ...... 15 the areas above the , but this includes areas in Scan- dinavia with a decidedly “un-Arctic” climate while excluding some more “Arctic-like” areas such as parts of southern and Hudson Bay.

Many scientists define the Arctic as the area in the northern hemi- sphere where the average temperature does not rise above 10° C (50° F) for any month of the year. The red line on the map above delineates this area, and it is what we mean by the term Arctic in this publication.

2 www.ProtectTheArctic.org 3 Arctic Marine Ecosystems Arctic Peoples Some of the world’s most extraordinary animals call The Arctic Ocean The Arctic is home to vibrant communities of indigenous peoples who have lived in harmony the Arctic home, in- The Arctic is one of the most beautiful and forbidding places on Earth, where cluding more than with their surroundings since time immemorial. temperatures regularly plunge well below zero and the time between sunset and 25 species of marine sunrise is sometimes measured in mo nths rather than hours. Yet despite these About four million peo- ple live in the Arctic. mammals, dozens difficult conditions a variety of people and animals have adapted to thrive at the top Indigenous peoples in- of species of birds of the world. clude the (Alaska, and hundreds of dif- Canada, Greenland, Rus- ferent fishes. Many sia), Saami (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Rus- of these animals are sia), Athabascan Indians endangered, and all A lone floats on Arctic sea ice (Alaska, Canada), Aleut (Alaska, Russia), and doz- of them are facing unprecedented challenges as the ens of distinct indigenous Arctic environment undergoes rapid changes. peoples in north Russia.

Marine mammals migrate to and from the Arctic, with some The cultural richness and living permanently in the . Bowhead and beluga traditional knowledge and wisdom of these peoples Caleb Pungowiyi, Oceana Senior Advisor whales swim underneath a ceiling of ice, searching for their and Rural Liaison, educates the public on next breathing hole. Polar bears patrol the ice on a quest for is an incredibly valuable impacts in the Arctic. food, while seals and swim gracefully through the part of the shared tapestry water. of human experience.

Birds flock to the Arctic from all seven continents in the sum- mer, when twenty-four hours of day- light spawn a short-lived but explosive growth of food.

Fish make up the heart of the Arctic marine food web. Forage species such as Arctic cod and capelin are espe- cially important to other animals of the Arctic. Fish are also a staple of Spectacled Eider, USFWS the diet of many Arctic peoples. Courtesy of Caleb Pungowiyi

Courtesy of Chris Krenz Caleb Pungowiyi fishing on the ice in Hotham Inlet, an arm of Kotzebue Sound on the northwest coast of Alaska Whale bone arch and in Barrow, Alaska.

4 www.ProtectTheArctic.org 5 As Goes the Arctic, So Goes the Planet The Arctic Ice Pack is the Trigger for CATASTROPHIC What Happens in the Climate Change Arctic Affects All of Us

The Arctic ice pack is the trigger for catastroph- CO Climate change ic climate change. As sea ice declines, climate 2 increases and change accelerates, and we must act quickly to protect the Arctic and address climate change. If accelerates BLM we fail to act we will see dramatic impacts in the Arctic that will cascade around the world.

More greenhouse gases Warmer Catastrophic climate change Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, (Methane, CO ) released will likely redraw the map of NOAA 2 temperatures the world. Coastal communi- ties in the Netherlands, U.S., south Asia and China will end up under water. Conversely, droughts in inland China, Aus- tralia and the American mid- More forest and and southwest will cause a major shift in populations and fires communities.

More permafrost More Arctic Climate change means that mosqui- thaws in the Arctic toes are able to move from the tropics sea ice loss toward the poles, bringing West Nile virus, dengue fever, malaria and other dis- Accelerates sea ice loss eases along with them. Diseases which and thus climate change had been previously eliminated or unseen in temperate cli- mates are already appearing or re-appearing in places like More heat from the American south and new areas of Europe. More CO2 and black the sun is absorbed carbon directly Climate change also can affect what we eat. Soybean, wheat and corn prices have all more than doubled recently in part NASA More Arctic shipping, oil and into the Arctic White sea ice reflects the sun’s energy, while darker due to climate change. Continuing drought and changes to ocean water absorbs more energy and heat, like a gas, and other industrial traditional farming areas will lead to future shortages and black shirt on a sunny day. Less ice means more wa- ter, which means more of the sun’s heat is absorbed. activities in the Arctic increasing food prices. 6 7 THE ARCTIC CHALLENGE

The Arctic is at the most dramatic of crossroads. The pressures of climate change and industrialization create a “bottleneck” for survival in the Arctic Ocean. The more pressure we put on the Arctic, the narrower the bottleneck becomes, but if we reduce or remove those pressures we still can widen the possibility for survival. The choice is ours.

Arctic Peoples and Animals We Can and Must Act Now Are Already under Stress While the Arctic may be hovering on the The Arctic is already experiencing sig- edge of disaster, it also presents us all nificant impacts from global climate with the unique opportunity to use the change. It is warming extremely rapidly lessons we have learned about ecosys- Pollution — at twice the rate of the rest of the Climate Change tem management and ocean conserva- planet. tion. We can decide today to protect, rather than recklessly exploit, one of the One of the most dramatic effects of global 050 warming in the Arctic is receding sea ice. 2 planet’s last frontiers and chart a new Warmer temperatures and changes to wind course for how we live on the Earth. patterns have resulted in a shrinking ice pack, which is an important Arctic habitat. We must act now to ensure that we do not industrialize the Arctic at a rate that is too The reduction in sea ice not only makes much, too fast and too soon. Adding new in- the lives of northern peoples and marine dustrial threats on the already-stressed Arctic mammals more difficult, but also opens could be catastrophic. the Arctic Ocean to the possibility of unprecedented industrialization. The expan- 2008 To best protect Arctic marine ecosystems and sion of high-risk activities such as large- preserve opportunities for the subsistence scale industrial fishing, shipping, and oil and way of life of Arctic peoples we must address gas exploration and development would add Shipping all of the threats together – climate change, in- additional pressures on the already-stressed dustrial fishing, shipping, pollution, and oil and communities, animals and ecosystems of the Oil and Gas gas exploration and development. far north. Industrial Fishing

8 www.ProtectTheArctic.org 9 Climate Change and Arctic Sea Ice Going, Going . . . . Gone?

Russia Russia Russia

Greenland Greenland Greenland

Alaska Alaska Alaska September September September 1979 Canada 1997 Canada 2007 Canada

Climate change is causing a dramatic loss of sea ice in the Arctic. 2007 was the lowest year on record, and some scientists now predict the Arctic could be ice-free in the summer by as early as 2013.

Sea Ice Is Important to Arctic Peoples...... and to ALL OF US Arctic communities rely on sea ice for hunting and fishing ar- The Arctic impacts every continent and climate on the eas and other subsistence activities necessary for survival. planet as changes in the Arctic cascade around the As sea ice is lost and ice conditions become more unpredict- globe, affecting worldwide natural systems. able, those activities become more difficult. The Arctic is raising a huge red flag about climate Arctic peoples are telling us an important story about how we change, and the dramatic impacts that may be coming are living on this planet, and we need to listen and change our to our own backyards if we don’t act soon. own ways before it’s too late. Choices we make every day which

increase CO2 in the atmosphere – whether it’s driving our cars As all of us have a stake in the health of the planet, we or not driving home important policies that address climate all have a stake in the health of the Arctic. change – impact the daily lives of people in the Arctic. Courtesy of Susan Murray Courtesy of Caleb Pungowiyi

10 www.ProtectTheArctic.org 11 Industrial Threats to the Arctic Ocean Too Much, Too Fast, Too Soon Oil and Gas Activities

Oil and gas activities pose significant threats to Arctic ecosystems and to the people who depend Shipping on them. Receding sea ice will open new shipping lanes Oil and gas activities are incredibly dangerous. across the Arctic, increasing the danger of a ship- Placing wells, pipelines, and vessels in the remote ping accident or disastrous fuel spill in the far Arctic creates a substantial risk of a catastrophic north. The remoteness and shifting ice of the Arc- oil spill, and there is no proven method to clean up tic not only make shipping incredibly challenging, an oil spill in the icy conditions often found in the Alaska Sea Grant but also make any efforts to respond to shipping Arctic. In addition, seismic activity, drilling and accidents equally daunting. Pollution vessel traffic would bring rock-concert level noise to some parts of the otherwise quiet Arctic Ocean. Industrial Fishing Increased Arctic shipping would bring about an Pollution of the air, water and soil is a worldwide Noise can severely impact whales and other increase in the amount of black carbon, CO2 and crisis that affects billions of people. Global air and marine life, damaging eardrums and driving them Large-scale industrial fishing has adversely af- other pollution pumped directly into the Arctic, water currents bring a dangerous amount of the away from feeding areas and migratory routes. fected much of the world’s ocean ecosystems. further stressing the ecosystem. world’s pollutants to the Arctic. The high Arctic has some of the last few ocean We must limit any offshore expansion of oil and areas that are still relatively pristine. Before vessel traffic expands into the Arctic As a result, the Arctic holds a disproportionate gas activities in the Arctic unless or until a stra- Ocean, there must be effective contingency plan- amount of the world’s fouler poisons, including DDT tegic plan is developed that ensures that such Yet large-scale industrial fisheries are burgeoning ning, shipping standards, regulations, enforce- and other Persistent Organic Pollutants (or POPs), activities can be conducted – and accidents con- in the sub-Arctic seas. Already there is evidence ment, pre-positioning of equipment, and response and other contaminants such as mercury and lead. trolled – without adversely impacting ecosystems of northward migration of fish stocks and the capabilities in place. This must include adequate This has profound impacts on Arctic communities or the subsistence way of life. fleets in these seas. Sea ice recession will open funding for such activities. and the marine food web. new fragile areas in the Arctic. It is essential that robust international agreements To best protect the Arctic from this potential to reduce and eliminate pollution and POPs be es- threat we must stop the northward expansion of tablished around the globe. We also must continu- bottom trawling; ban all fishing for forage species ally research the ongoing accumulation of POPs in – the heart of the food web – in the Arctic; ensure the Arctic and the effects on local peoples and ani- that any expansion of large-scale industrial fishing mals. Finally, there must be a substantial effort to in the Arctic does not threaten the ecosystem or educate the public, corporations and policymakers subsistence way of life; and develop international on the impacts of pollution on the Arctic and ways agreements to responsibly manage fishing in the they can help to reduce pollution locally, nationally Arctic Ocean. and internationally.

USFWS 12 13 Acknowledgements Thank you Jim Ayers, Susan Murray, Caleb Pungowiyi, Chris Krenz, Michael LeVine, Jon Warrenchuk, Cheryl TAKE ACTION Eldemar, Cayleigh Allen, Sarah Winter and Mike Hirshfield for excellent guidance and reviews. Special thanks to Tyler Gress, Jeff Short, Sally Murray, Maria Krenz and Terri Begley-Allen for sharing your time, talents and ideas Think Globally, Start Locally on this publication. Authored by Jamie Karnik, designed by Jamie Karnik and Tyler Gress. References What Can We Do? ACIA. 2004. Impacts of a Warming Arctic: Arctic Climate Impact Assessment. Cambridge Leslie, H. M., and K. L. McLeod. 2007. Confronting the challenges of implementing marine University Press. ecosystem-based management. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 5:540-548. Communities, Businesses, ACIA. 2005. Arctic Climate Impact Assessment. Cambridge University Press. Lindsay, R. W., and J. Zhang. 2005. The thinning of Arctic sea ice, 1988-2003: have we passed a What Can I Do? 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