NATONATOreview contents Published under the authority of the Secretary General, this magazine is intended to contribute to a constructive discussion of Atlantic issues. Articles, therefore, do not necessarily represent FOCUS ON NATO official opinion or policy of member 4 governments or NATO. Alliance news in brief. EDITOR: Christopher Bennett ASSISTANT EDITOR: Vicki Nielsen PRODUCTION ASSISTANT: Felicity Breeze LAYOUT: NATO Graphics Studio © Nick Sidle — Allied Mouse and Heartstone Publisher:Director of Information and Press NATO, 1110 Brussels, Belgium THE PEACEKEEPING CHALLENGE Printed in Belgium by Editions Européennes 6 © NATO Peacekeeping past and present
[email protected] [email protected] Espen Barth Eide examines the Articles may be reproduced, after permission has evolution of peacekeeping since the ON THE COVER been obtained from the editor, provided mention Cold War. is made of NATO Review and signed articles are NATO peacekeeper welcomes reproduced with the author’s name. returning Kosovo Albanian NATO Review is published periodically in English, refugee home. as well as in Czech, Danish (NATO Nyt), Dutch (NAVO Kroniek), French (Revue de l’OTAN), German (NATO Brief), Greek (Deltio NATO), Hungarian (NATO Tükor), Italian (Rivista della NATO), Norwegian (NATO Nytt), Polish (Przeglad NATO), Portuguese (Noticias da OTAN), Spanish (Revista de la OTAN) and Turkish (NATO Dergisi). One issue a year is published in Icelandic (NATO DEBATE Fréttir) and issues are also published in Russian and Ukrainian on an occasional basis.