C C o m m u n i t y o r r e c t i o n s JOURNAL Volume XXIII, No. 2 JUL—SEPT 2020 The Official Quarterly Publication of Parole and Probation Administration - Central Office http://probation.gov.ph
[email protected] /ProbationOfficialPH PPA Commemorates 44th Anniversary Inside this issue: The DOJ Agencies Building at NIA Road corner East Ave., Diliman, QC PPA commemorates 1 44th anniversary PCS celebrates 2 120th anniversary imple yet significant activities marked the 44th weeklong anniversary celebra- Message from the 3 S tion of the Parole and Probation (PPA) from July 18-24, 2020 due to various OIC-Administrator restrictions and the new alternative working arrangement being implemented in PPA joins the 2020 the various government offices. virtual FOI-FRO 4 hangout The low-key celebration of the agency’s anniversary was in compliance with the health protocols being implemented by the government as part of its response to PPA QMS Internal combat further spread of COVID-19. Audit Team conducts 5 audit This year’s anniversary theme of “PPA @44: Resilience Amidst the Pandemic” Shifting HR practices reflected the strategy and direction the agency is adopting to sustain its goal to in the time of COVID- 6 rehabilitate its client even under the “new normal”. 19 The different activities done during the anniversary celebration by all regions Feature: Commit- 7 ment in Adversity included thanksgiving mass, virtual seminars or webinar, viewing of documen- taries regarding health protocols on COVID-19, slogan/poster making, online Shout out 8 information drive, free drug testing for clients, tree planting, clean-up drive and conduct of PCR/rapid test for office personnel.