The Ecologist Vol 23 No 2 March/April 1993 C * £3 (US $6) My Enemy's Enemies A "Model" Indian Coal Mine Women Evade WID Diversity's Decline •The Great Snail Disaster ISSN D5L1-3131 03 > The Flag of Convenience Multinationals and Maastricht i "770261H313003 Subscribe to Bioscience The biologist's monthly magazine "Editorial standards are excellent, guaranteeing that the papers can be understood by all biologists. As I have traveled worldwide, I hear Bioscience strongly praised by all biologists!" —David Pimentel, Department of Entomology, Cornell University "Bioscience brings to biological scientists the important issues of Whence Bat Fii#»t? the day that affect future directions of research."—Paul Stumpf, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of California at Davis Join AIBS and start your subscription today! 1993 Rates (per year): Individual @ $49.50 Name Family @ $68.50 Address Sustaining @ $73.00 Emeritus @ $31.50 Charge my: Mastercard _ VISA _ Exp. (These include $30.25 per year for Bioscience) Acct. # Student @ $27.50 Signature (This includes $17.00 per year for Bioscience) Please make check payable to AIBS. Remit US dollars only. Mail to: AIBS, P.O. Box 27417, Central Station, Washington, DC 20077-0038. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES The Ecologist is published by Ecosystems Ltd. Editorial Office: Agriculture House, Bath Road, Sturminster Newton, Dorset, DT10 1DU, United Kingdom Tel: (0258) 73476 Fax: (0258) 73748 E-Mail
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