Notes and gleanings

Objekttyp: Group

Zeitschrift: The Swiss observer : the journal of the Federation of Swiss Societies in the UK

Band (Jahr): - (1923)

Heft 111

PDF erstellt am: 06.10.2021

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Ein Dienst der ETH-Bibliothek ETH Zürich, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, Schweiz, 736 THE SWISS OBSERVER. JULY 21, 1923. so. Vor Jahren warin sie gute Freunde, hatten 7VOP£5 AMD GLEAM/MG5. neutrality and inviolability has little of a dann einen Wortwechsel, worüber weiss ich nicht, foreign policy to consider. That doss not mean that By " Kyburg." she has no interest in international affairs. The effect seither treffen sie sich jeden Tag, sehen aber ein- of the Ruhr occupation—an effect uniformly adverse— ander nie an. Dort ist der eine." Ich Hess an- Young Swiss—England. on public opinion has been striking. But it remains halten, sprach ein paar Worte mit meinem Lands- true none the less that the main function of the German- A very well-informed arid, what is perhaps more, Swiss, the French-Swiss and the small Italian- mann, einem Berner, dem ich mich als Baslerbeppi relatively a very well-intentioned member of the Swiss Colony Swiss elements is to work together (with, of course, vorstellte und den es zu freuen schien, zu hören, told me the other day, when we were discussing numerous cross-divisions! on internal affairs instead of dass ich mein Baslerdütsch noch nicht external. vergessen mv recent paragraphs in the ,5.0. on this subject: pulling apart over hatte. Auch mit meinem zweiten Landsmann, It is curious that in spite of that the public " You know, the majority of our compatriots in stirred to-day is einem Graubündner, sprach ich später kurze Zeit. question on which feelings are most London are much too apathetic. Once they have one of foreign relations. It would be too long a Auf die Frage des Kutschers, was wohl die zwei " got a billet they do not care what happens to others business to explain here the affair of the zones." Landsleute entzweit hatte, erwiderte ich: "Die is enough to that on certain Western frontiers and cannot expect them to take trouble It say Schweiz ist ein kleines hat aber 22 you any of Switzerland France has, under various old agree- zwar Land, in such matters." Now, I know it is hot. I know Kantone, die Zeiten beinahe souveräne Länder ments, kept her Customs houses some distance within vor that to take trouble on behalf of others is an un- her political frontier, the French territory between this waren. Es hat vier Sprachen, zwei Hauptreligionen grateful task, unless you value the feeling of having Customs-line and the political frontier becoming thus und mehrere Sekten und zwei Dutzend Regierungen. a free-trade area for Switzerland. During the war clone something unselfish for once in a while, but Es gibt in der Schweiz hohe Berge, tiefe Seen und everything, of course, was tightened up, and the I really do hope that my friend was unduly pessi- border. reissende Flüsse. Das alles begünstigt die Eut- French pushed their douanes on to the Swiss mistic. Now then, Swiss, do get a move on, some- There they now claim the right to keep them, and der des Einzelwesens und führt wicklung Eigenart how, somewhere Don't let that important an agreement with the Swiss Government to that effect schliesslich und Zanksucht. very concluded. But here the raised its voice, zur Unerträglichkeit question to sleep again is ex- was public Worüber die beiden im australischen Busch sich go Agitate It which under a constitution that includes both initiative tremelv important for the future of commercial and referendum it do gezankt haben, ist nicht von can very effectively. Angered Belang." Switzerland that Swiss should be allowed by the Ruhr occupation, which affected Switzerland Im Verlauf des halben das ich young Jahrhunderts, to come over to England and stay here for a couple directly, the Swiss people rejected the zone agreement im Ausland zugebracht, sind mir noch andere Bei- by a referendum vote of five to one, and deadlock on of years. Restrictions must be abolished If the spiele von Schweizer Streitsucht zu Ohren gekom- the question now prevails. matter is properly explained by the Swiss to the of its men. Die für diesen seltsamen In point fact. Switzerland, despite large richtige Erklärung British Government, I am quite sure that the latter Franco-Swiss population, is at present definitely anti- Zug findet man in Oechslis Schweizergeschichte. will make the necessary concession. John Bull has French. The German part of the population has, of (C. C. 5., Ztcw/zwewcw/Ä, //« itself the Ruhr, and never refused to help when help was possible and course, expressed freely regarding * * * the French-Swiss Catholics are, as the result of the especially when it could be proved to him that it to take much the line. Basler Ferienkolonie in England. — Wie früher in Pope's letter, disposed same would be beneficial also to his own interests: That is the more natural in that the effects of the den Jahren 1909-10 und 1913-10, Schüler der Kant. Now then, AfgvYtrfe / Ruhr occupation have come as the climax of a series Handelsschule Basel (Ob.-Realschule), unter der * * * of economic strains under which Switzerland is labour- Führung von Herrn Jos. Meyer, verliessen am 16. ing. She is. as everyone knows, largely dependent Switzerland and German Films. the Basel, einen schon Ferien- on her tourist industry. Since the war practically Juli um lange geplanten CVwewza (5th July):—- whole of her Austrian, her Russian and her German in Der Continental- aufenthalt England anzutreten. The Swiss themselves are at last up in arms clientèle has vanished. In addition, the fact that her Express Dover-London brachte die Partie am fol- against the persistent efforts of the German producers exchange stood till a few months ago above par, and genden Tage nach der Victoria-Station. Während to misrepresent the history of other countries on the till two years or so ago very much above par, auto- has the and other and des zehntägigen Aufenthalts in der Weltstadt wird screen. What roused the wrath of little re- matically kept British foreigners away public is a film of '' William Tell," made in Germany, would have done so even without the further fact that Gelegenheit geboten zur Besichtigung der wich- the producer not even taking the trouble to cross the the low exchanges in Italy and France were attracting tigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten. Es seien davon er- Swiss frontier in order to secure the correct historical tourists to resorts in those countries rather than in wähnt: die königliche Münze, die Docks, Bank backgrounds for his scenes. Switzerland. * ' ' due von Tower Bridge, das Windsor Schlqss, The Revue Suisse de Cinema says it is high On top of that came the export of capital to England, make a firm stand such methods. alarm as Socialist notably the at- der sowie time to against If proposed measures, ein Warenhaus, Zoologische Garten, ver- France and England have allowed Germany to give tempted capital levy of las't year. As a result of one schiedene Museen und Kirchen. untrue representations of their respective histories in factor and another the Swiss franc, which not so long- Während die Schüler in London in der Zentrale several films, there is no reason, says our irascible ago stood at 21 to the £, is to-day nearer 27 than 26 des C.V.J.M. wohnen werden, steht für die letzten contemporary, why Switzerland should put up with a and falling steadily, while unemployment has reached similar indignity. a level for which there are few precedents. Politically 14 sie Meere ' ' Tage, die in Hastings am zubringen " It must never be forgotten," the Revue adds, the result is to cement a coalition of all other parties werden, eine öffentliche Schule mit Küche zu ihrer " that a film goes from one continent to another, (which fall broadly into the two categories of Catho- Verfügung. Am Meeresstrande können sie sich von bearing with it in its travels its living images, which lies and Radicals! against the Socialists, whose stock, stands den Londoner Strapazen ausruhen und das Bade- penetrate the mind of all who see them, and leave after their devastating capital levy defeat, tern- impressions behind them. Never let us forget, at rate much at a discount. 10. sie lasting porarily any very leben gemessen. Am August werden dann in fact, that such films are weapons." But, speaking generally, there is no reason why Flastings verlassen müssen und am 11. August alle The Germans have always used the films for Switzerland's position should trouble her patriots un- the of Winter- wohlbehalten und körperlich und geistig neuge- propaganda and have been mo're clever than others duly. Her staple industries, machinery stärkt in ihre liebe Vaterstadt zurückkehren; thur and Zurich, the embroideries of St. Gall, the in that direction. At the beginning' of the war chocolate of Vevey and elsewhere, the watchmaking /Vrtjö'ewtv/ Ze/fewy. films were shewn in Swiss cinema theatres, and of Geneva and Neuchâtel, the milk and cheese of " Our Soldiers on the March " showed Gm«««' every rural district, the wines of Vaud and — ' And all these are sound enough, and if Europe as a whole /'/cW Crrej's our "pacifically penetrated" should and Switzerland, all is ever regain peace stability, compatriots shouted Hurrah It certainly ncces- fear of attack absent, and markets and sources of raw EUROPEAN & GENERAL sary to keep a sharp watch against such mal-prac- material open, should acquire again the prosperity she ticcs. I think that the N.S.FI. keeps, or used to has for a brief period lost. do remember heard keep, its weather eye lifting for such manœuvres. I not having ever our EXPRESS CO., Ltd. * * * Ariwf/o««/? expressed with such felicity in so Switzerland and her Future. few words before, and I could wish that the MANCHESTER, LONDON, W. 1. LIVERPOOL, ZLH/l' A'Taw (9th July)': — sentence quoted could be printed in large letters, and a in the 32, Brazennose St. |5, Poland Street. South Castle St. "The Other Voice," by FI. Wilson Harris — framed hung in prominent position each Cantonal as well The following merits being reprinted in full, Council room of Council, as of the National Council and the States Council Oldest Swiss Forwarding Agency in England I think, and I am sure many of my readers will be thankful for being able to read this really for the ever-present benefit of all our Councillors! * * * charming and withal very informative article. I A Veteran Alpine Guide. Household Removals at inclusive Prices should like to emphasize one happy sentence which so clearly shows us our duty as Nw/vv: — Some little while ago I printed some matter in Lift Vans. connected with the tragedy of 1865. our own The main function of the German Swiss, the The article be of interest to French Swiss and the small Italian Swiss following will many and Private Effects relatively of elder readers. The Ofoerzw (8th July): — Luggage elements is to of my work together (with, course, There recently passed in the mountain village collected, and shipped and from all countries away, packed to numerous cross-divisions) on internal affairs, in- of , canton Valais, Switzerland, a notable figure. stead of pulling apart over external. Peter Taugwalder the younger, the last survivor of Most Englishmen know quite a lot about Switzer- the never-to-be-forgotten first ascent of that .grand BEST GOODS SERVICE BETWEEN the 14, 1865. land. Many of us, for example, know it has the rock pyramid, Matterhorn, on July distinction of containing Mont Blanc—which it has not. Born in the well-known village 6,000 feet up by the it is from the banks of the Visp, " Peter," a familiar figure to so SWITZERLAND & ENGLAND Many more know separated Italy by his crest of the Alps—which it is not. An eminent diplo- many climbers, lived and died in the village of his " " is turned the last mat, speaking at the opening ceremony of' the Lau- birth, and with passing page in the book of that tragic adventure which ended the Average Transit for Petite Vitesse (Frachtgut) : sanne Conference, knew it had never been invaded— which it has. most daring enterprise in the history of Alpine climbing- " For some time previous to 1865." writes -the Rev. 7—8 days To knowledge so comprehensive it perhaps ' LONDON-BASLE may Chambers's be a of C. A. Wilberforce Robins, in Journal,' 4—5 legitimate to add few coping-stones more " BASLE-LONDON „ immediate information. There is. after all, some ad- various attempts had been made to find a way up in writing about a from inside it, and the Matterhorn. This noble peak was always con- Managing Directors : H. Siegmund & Erh. Schneider-Hall. vantage country be inaccessible, and humar, as I happen to be inside Switzerland at the moment,, sidered by the natives to no 60 * had its summit. At last the a word on it may not be out of place. It is worth being ever set foot on while. I in We to know day arrived when, nearly sixty years ago, the intrepid think, any case. ought more had of Switzerland than we do, for there is at root a real Englishman. Edward Whymper, who probably to than other climber M/5CELLA(VE01/5 AD VEE 77SEMEATS affinity between the Swiss nation and our own. Word- his credit more first ascents any worth's— of his day, succeeded in reaching the summit, accoir. panied by Charles Hudson, Hadow, Lord Francis 3 :—Per 2/6 : 5/- voices there, is of the Not exceeding lines insertion. three insertions. Two are one sea, Douglas, and guides Michel Croz and Peter Taugwalder, Postage extra on replies addressed c/o «Sw/.s-.s O&seriw, One of the mountains, each a mighty voice, father and son. The ascent was accomplished by the linked together two great crusades for liberty, -each as Eastern face; and when the party stood on the top YOUNG LADY gives LESSONS IN ENGLISH, resolute as the other. And though it is Switzerland's and unfurled their little flag of victory, they saw the conversation, dictation, etc.—Olive Nicholls, Torrington misfortune that, being essentially pacific, she occupies Italian party, which had left Breuil to climb the moun- House. 56, Torrington Square. W.C. 1. nothing of that place in the public eye reserved for tain on the south-west side, coming up, some 1000 ft. nations who win battles or lose them, her national per- below them. The Italian party, on seeing what they ENGLISHMAN in Swiss family is willing to snare sonalitv, so to put it, well deserves a little quiet study. knew were the victors on the top. fled quickly down his room with gentleman (bath room same floor! ; In reality the astonishing thing about Switzerland the mountain, only to return some days later and good opportunity for English conversation : board if is that it should possess a national personality at all. complete the ascent on the south-west side. required; terms moderate.—1. Westmoreland Rd., W.2. Trilingualism illustrates what I mean. When you are " Whymper's party left the summit for the descent menacingly assured that— in the following order: Michel Cro.z. the famous Cha- GRAFTON HOUSE, The Yale. Acton. W.3.—Over- * E pericloso di sporgersi— monix guide, led the way, followed by poor Hadow, looking Park ; main road ; within 40 minutes of City : C'est dangereux de se pencher en dehors— Hudson, and Douglas, Taugwalder senior, Taugwalder easy access ; limited number of guests received ; break- Nicht hinauszulehnen— junior, and Whymper at the end of the rope. On fast, late dinner, full week-ends; from 35s. per week. that represents no triplicated passion for Safety First, reaching the ' shoulder.' not far from the top, probably but simply an official regulation whereby the three the most dangerous spot, Michel Croz turned com- FRENCH BILLIARD TABLE for Sale; all accès- languages of the country must all stand on the same pletely round towards Hadow to give him assistance, sories and ivory balls.—Apply, 14, Cambridge Street, level in public notices. So that Switzerland is not and to place his feet on the safest ground. I am W. 1. merely a confederation of 22 different cantons, but an describing it as best I can from my knowledge of the agglomeration of at least three different peoples. And mountain and Whymper's own narrative to me when ENGLISH CLERGYMAN receives Young Swiss; out of that national personality has unmistakably been he spoke of his dread that day of any undue strain family life ; home comforts : English lessons if required ; fused. on what he feared was a, weak rope, though his own near park and museums; moderate terms.—Rev. C. The differences, no doubt, matter less than they portion of it would have stood any strain put on it. Merk, 5, Roland Gardens, South Kensington. S.W. 7. might in view of the fact that owing to her unique Whilst turning round to continue his way, Croz was July 21, 1923. THE SWISS OBSERVER. 737

suddenly hurled forward by Hadow, who had slipped, a distinction like this at the age of fourteen the Dr. PAUL LANG'S LECTURES. and and in a moment of time these two, with Hudson London Colony may confidently look forward to Douglas, were in the act of falling. Whymper and their laurel-crowned at a the two Taugwalders at once realised what had hap- having own representative Dr. Paul Lang has concluded his series of three • 77> FA/eraZ in the coming Here is a hint pened, and clung desperately to the ground where they years. lectures on " Contemporary Swiss Literature " at stood. They had heard Croz's exclamation when for the foundation of another Swiss poor yet Society, the University of London (London University Col- Hadow upset him. and in a moment the awful jerk, of to wit, The London Swiss Rifle Club. the rope shook them violently. It broke in two pièces lege). They were attended by an international just half-way between Douglas and Taugwalder senior. * * * audience, and on the platform the University Autho- For several seconds—and what awful beats of tinfe !— I hear that the Swiss Choral Society has lost rities were well represented. The Swiss Minister said could their dear comrades Whymper they see its conductor, Mr. W. Meyrowitz, who is now en- the their backs at a fearful speed, their hands kindly accepted invitation of the University sliding on gaged in a similar with the O'Hara stretched in frantic endeavour to clutch at capacity Opera to take the Chair. Fie introduced the lecturer out a any- his the achieved thing to save their own lives. So their companions of Company. Under direction choir with some appropriate words on the difficulty notable which induced very a few moments before saw them, one by one, disappear some successes, probably of our country in voicing itself, because of its lack from view, to pass from abyss to abyss on to the great Mr. to the Rodolphe Gaillard step into gap. Mr. bf a national language, instead of which we Matterhorn glacier, 4,000 feet below. Five days later Gaillard's and should express the bodies of Michel Croz. Hadow and Hudson name personality go a long ourselves in three or even four languages. mangled the were recovered and brought to Zermatt. where they way towards strengthening choir, which recently This makes it quite natural abroad to think of of Francis lost a few vocalists to from were buried. The body Douglas was not owing their departure Rousseau as a Frenchman and of Holbein as a and of him has been found. recovered, no trace ever London. German, to mention two * * * * * examples only. Through Spitteler, of whom Dr. Lang would speak The Zurich Musical Festival. Our compatriot, Mr. A. Maeder, has just signed cspe- cially, the world at last had become conscious that D. C. Parker 77zr a contract with the Moss combine. During the in ZWZj' TWpçra/t// (July 7): there is such a thing as .4/7 a»r/ Lz'ftfrff/wze is the next eight to ten months he will in the I suppose there no more suitable place on appear with a Z/7/Zy //f/Z/owaZ r/zarar/ar. map of Europe for musical travellers to meet, hear provinces in a Julian Willie-Tate production, and musical performances and exchange ideas than the town is billed to commence in Birmingham on the 6th In the first lecture, "CarZ N/v'/ZaZa/y zAe 7?£>za'zw of Zurich. Being an important railway centre, it might of August. He is, of assisted by his charm- o/ Z//c GreaZ ZqAu," Carl Spitteler, the Swiss poet be said to stretch out its arms in welcoming gesture. course, of Nobel-prize fame, was chiselled before us as a It is easily got at and is a delightful spot toi livo in. ing featherweight partner, Miss Muriel Marise. But; not centent with its fame as a university town, gigantic figure, which in its mighty greatness re- is minds of the heroes it evidently determined to offer tempting baits to FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL NEWS one mythological whom the pilgrims who love the art of music—a legitimate am- poet has created in his masterly epic. bition, surely, for a community among whose forefathers FROM SWITZERLAND. no other than Richard Wagner so long sojourned. In the second lecture, "77/e Co«7e«z^ozazy £z'/e- This the third International Musical summer saw The Caisse Hypothécaire du Canton de Berne raZz/rc a/ 6Wwa«-.sy5ea£/«y 5rw'Z.£erZ«/z our pastimes Credit Suisse... 501 072 075 a r;w//g Swiss, who onlv starts his way, and who has up till now found no exponents in our colony; Union de Banques Suisses.. 5011 527 527 alreadv to his knowledge of Comparative Literature all the same the traditional skill in this essentially Fabrique Chimique ci-dev. Sandoz 1000 3125 3200 is the branch Société l'Industrie Chimique 1000 2085 2100 adding of ZD/gZZx/z Literature (see: Swiss exercise seems to be. a characte- pour hereditary C. F. Bally S.A 1000 1030 1040 JFVs.ïév/ ////rZ Z.eZ>e«, Juni, 1923, "Englische Dichtung ristic of tire rising generation, even if born abroad. Fabrique de Machines Oerlikon... 500 070 680 der Gegenwart," Paul Lang.). — Switzerland can At the Homefiekl School a shooting competition Entreprises Sulzer 1000 645 630 proudly look forward to his future achievements, was held last Tuesday, and Master Teddy Barbezut S.A. Brown Boveri (new) 500 325 330 Nestlé & 200 177 and already there are serious promises for literary made no less than consecutive Anglo-Swiss Cond. Mk. Co. 177 seven bulls—a feat Choc. Suisses Peter-Cailler-Kohler 100 109 110 creations with a National Mission from his own which is in the annals unique of this school. With Comp, de Navig'n sur le Lac Léman 500 492 492 pen. A. PI. R.