Radu Florescu,Raymond T. McNally | 272 pages | 13 Jan 2012 | Little, Brown & Company | 9780316286565 | English | New York, Dracula: His Life and Times PDF Book

Raymond T. Vlad Dracula came to life in these pages and made me believe that all the myths surrounding him were actually based on some of the facts of his life. Follow us on instagram Now available! You can unsubscribe at any time. I did struggle at times with the initial chapters that were very dense with information. If you know nothing of Vlad Dracula and would like to find out more, there are A LOT more easily accessible books out there. Tens of thousands of words had vanished. Live Science. I live high in the rocky mountains, and I recall that one summer's night I sat outside reading this book by candlelight while sipping a cup of red wine I'm big on creating atmosphere when reading books of this sort. So interesting, it basically reads like fiction. Vlad Dracula was indeed real, an illegitimate son of Vlad Dracul who very much wanted the throne his father had. But there were plenty of details I knew nothing about, and so it made me happy to learn of it. They have also managed to uncover a reasonable amount of information on Vlad Dracul, Dracula's father who joined a crusading order with a dragon symbol in Germa This book looks at the man behind the legend of Dracula. I really appreciated the academic, carefully researched approach of this book, examining the various biases that have emerged in historical viewpoints of Dracula and also the background of Stoker's writing and research. Dracula lived to be about 45 years old. I've read lots more 15th century Eastern European history than I was ever exposed to in school. Vlad Dracula was a very disturbed yet unique individual. But I confess that I, like many, was morbidly curious as to what exactly Vlad's medieval form of impalement consisted of. Published October 31st by Back Bay Books first published It does, however, at times feel like it has been written by academics and misses that writerly touch that could make some of the background information a little more enigmatic. Only the harrowing tales of his years as ruler of remain to haunt the modern world. Vlad Dracul. The reality is, the middle-ages were a bitch, and Vlad Dracula was a product of the medieval world. Anyway,I learned a lot about and his world in this book. This raises a question: what was on the first pages? The legendary vampire, created by author in his novel of the same name, has inspired countless horror movies, television shows and other bloodcurdling tales of vampires. All of this wouldn't have bothered me so much years ago when I would have simply enjoyed the story and the historical origin of the most popular of vampire myths. I don't. It is really, really dry and I Factual, which I'm sure is hard to come by due to the time lapse since this man lived. They have also managed to uncover a reasonable amount of information on Vlad Dracul, Dracula's father who joined a crusading order with a dragon symbol in Germany and hence earned the name Dracul dragon. Nobody knows how it made its way across the Atlantic. Feb 01, Dean Morgan rated it it was amazing. I have read this book many, many times. The book also examines Bram Stoker's Drac Florescue and McNally have written a a biography about Vlad the Impaler that is interesting, rich in detail, even-handed and circumspect. The discussion of the source material is really great and as a historian I can appreciate the troubles and language barriers that these two guys faced. The authors end the book with three different ways of interpreting Dracula: According to the German catholics, Dracula was Satan incarnate it's probable the Germans invented a lot of the blood-sucking rumors. Dec 14, Alexandra rated it liked it Shelves: non-fiction , history , biography , own. Florescu, and Constantin Rezachevici. Dreaded by his enemies, emulated by later rulers like Ivan the Terrible, honored by his countrymen even today, Vlad Dracula was surely one of the most intriguing figures to have stalked the corridors of European and Asian capi Dracula, Prince of Many Faces reveals the extraordinary life and times of the infamous Vlad Dracula of Romania - , nicknamed the Impaler. Especially "the Forest of the Impaled"!!!!! It also includes a wealth of supplementary materials, essential for anyone interested in learning about the life of Vlad the Impaler: translations of important documents concerning his reign; a genealogy of the family of Vlad the Impaler, translations from Turkish and Byzantine chronicles referring to the controversial Wallachian prince; a chronology, and an extensive bibliography of works on the life and times of Vlad the Impaler. It all became a blur of dates and new characters that were introduced at a rate of knots. During my "vampire" phase which thanks to the Twilight trilogy has not exactly abated , I picked this up because fact is often more interesting than fiction to me. This collection of studies is edited by Dr. This was probably the weakest section of the book, but it was still pretty interesting. Since the authors pioneered an entire biographical college course on this individual, I wouldn't be surprised if that's exactly what it was. Together, they are the authors of the novel Dracul , available now, the research for which informed this piece. The name came from the old Romanian word for dragon, "drac. Aug 19, Elentarri rated it it was amazing Shelves: history-europe. Dracula: His Life and Times Writer

Especially "the Forest of the Impaled"!!!!! Not long after these harrowing events, in , Vlad embarked on a campaign to regain his father's seat from the new ruler, Vladislav II. Vlad III's political and military tack truly came to the forefront amid the fall of Constantinople in Kurt W. This served to create a justification as to why funds received by the Hungarian king from the Pope to finance a new Christian crusade against the Turks had been diverted to other purposes. Apr 26, Jann rated it it was ok Shelves: unfinished. I like to think of myself as very well versed in the history of said Mr Dracula, and I did know most of the import facts th It's going to be very hard to review a non-fiction, basically text book, book; but I will try. A very exhaustive research that look into not just the life and political career of Vlad III Dracula but also the portion of Romanian history too. Wallachians were accustomed to give it as a surname to any person who rendered himself conspicuous either by courage, cruel actions, or cunning. For fans of the novel Dracula , the information above takes on a familiar note. As Florescu notes, "Europe was more interested in political in-fighting that in resisting the Turks. Dracula, however, never achieved a complete victory over the Turk. Trivia About Dracula, Prince o Anyway, I bought this pretending I absolutely need this for that essay. He was the inspiration for Bram Stoker's Dracula and I have to say that it is easy to see how this man in real life could be seen as the ultimate evil. I constantly found myself doing quick Wikipedia searches of other people mentioned throughout the book and looking up the locations in Google Maps. His life illustrates why it is difficult for historians to make simple moral judgments on time periods they know little about. So interesting, it basically reads like fiction. This is just one of many gruesome events that earned Vlad his posthumous nickname, Vlad the Impaler. I love how the writer really digs into the man behind the legend. His grandfather Mircea was arguably the greatest of the Wallachian princes while one of his grandsons or great-grandsons managed to temporarily unite Wallachia, Moldavia, and in the early 's. Dracula: His Life and Times Reviews

On another page of his notes, the name Count Wampyr had recently been crossed out, replaced with and to Bram, it all made sense now. The authors suggest that all three views are accurate when combined. After the fall of Constantinople the popes probably realized how precarious their existence was. Vlad won back his father's seat, but his time as ruler of Wallachia was short-lived. Jul 22, Lynsey Walker rated it it was ok. I enjoyed the information contained within this book, although the information dragged on, and felt a little thrown togeter, with some orginazatioin His family, the Draculestti name, relations. His life and death is a source of many legends and I am sure that some of the fear people fel Prince Vlad Dracula has always been a source of curiosity for me. The Order of the Dragon was devoted to a singular task: the defeat of the Turkish, or Ottoman Empire. However, if I was a peasant in medieval Transylvania, with the Ottoman Turks barking at the boarders of my homeland This is puzzling because most historians attribute Dracula's torture techniques and loss of empathy to his teachings at the Sultan's This biography reads like a car manual. Original Title. Read more But other than having the same name, the two Draculas don't really have much in common, according to historians who have studied the link between Stoker's vampire count and Vlad III. Moreover, the authors stated that the Hungarians speaks turkic language related to Finns Finno-Ugric showed how little research they had for Hungarian, Turkic, and Finno-Ugric general history as because Hungarians are not Turkic and Turkic are not Finno-Ugric. Probably not best for most modern lay history readers, but a good read for fans of obscure European history. Access was only granted to those who asked for it. The authors do a good job of laying out the history of the the Wallachian princes beginning with Dracula's grandfather, Mircea. Although his acts of terror might not be as unreasonable as we think. Turkish goals were simple and thorough: Mehmed "planned to strike at the pillars of European civilization and bring it tumbling down into his control. He succeeded to that throne 3 separate times. A 5 out of 5 from me. Florescue and McNally have written a a biography about Vlad the Impaler that is interesting, rich in detail, even-handed and circumspect. It is clear that Dracula was cold, sadistic, authoritarian, and effective. It does, however, at times feel like it has been written by academics and misses that writerly touch that could make some of the background information a little more enigmatic. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Nov 22, Cherinne rated it really liked it Shelves: romanian-history. Books by Radu R. This new edition includes entries from Bram Stoker's newly discovered diaries, the amazing tale of Nicolae Ceausescu's attempt to make Vlad a Romanian national hero, and a comprehensive examination of recent adaptations of the Dracula story in novels, on stage, and on screen. Other editions. Vlad also became a skilled horseman and warrior, according to Radu Florescu and Raymond McNally, former professors of history at College, who wrote several books about Vlad III — as well as his alleged connection to Stoker's Dracula — in the s and s. I constantly found myself doing quick Wikipedia searches of other people mentioned throughout the book and looking up the locations in Google Maps. They were also at pains to separate the myth from the man. I think it's safe to say that Vlad Dracula is a hero in modern day Romania because modern day Romania would not exist if not for the vicious exploits of Dracula Climate Change Was on the Ballot in Vlad Dracula was indeed real, an illegitimate son of Vlad Dracul who very much wanted the throne his father had.

Dracula: His Life and Times Read Online

I understand Dracula maybe defined by his wars against the Turks and for his crown, but the level of detail was oppressive to say the least. I did struggle at times with the initial chapters that were very dense with information. The authors did extensive research from the perspective of the Hungarians, Saxons, and Russians that described a man who was considered by his enemies to be cruel and vicious. Apr 23, Steve Asher rated it it was amazing. And, BTW, that hat really suits you. Hey, I like to read about the middle ages, but there is nothing Honestly, I think this guy was scarier. It is said the world needs a hero. Dracula: Essays on the Life and Times of Vlad the Impaler is an attempt to penetrate behind the myths surrounding the real Dracula and to uncover the true story of this legendary historical figure. While investigating the damaged ship, rescue workers reported seeing a large black dog, consistent with a Yorkshire myth of a beast known as Barghest , escape from the hull of the ship and run up the steps from Tate Sands beach into the graveyard of St. Original Title. Florescu and McNally devote a lot of space to discussing the deeds of Dracula's ancestors and descendants. His war crimes are mentioned as one would make small-talk. True, Vlad the Impaler employed monstrous tactics and devices in his rise to power, but had he not done this, he would not have left the bloody footprint on history that he did. I have to say, even though this book is about the real Dracula and not the vampire count I really appreciated the academic, carefully researched approach of this book, examining the various biases that have emerged in historical viewpoints of Dracula and also the background of Stoker's writing and research. Few names have cast more terror into the human heart than Dracula. The final piece of a decades-old puzzle, a story, slowly taking shape. He was assassinated by one of his own men before he could press forward with his goal of further assualting Ottoman territory. To consolidate his power as voivode, Vlad needed to quell the incessant conflicts that had historically taken place between Wallachia's boyars.

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